Episode 2 Storage Wars Unboxing $30,000 unit Antiques Comics Lanters

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alright hey guys Cassey here with bargainer sister and I've got my partner in crime Tatiana and my other partner in crime Renee what's up guys again I'm out here busting it out with you now make up whoo why nobody's I'm totally dedicated it's freezing cold I got an earring nobody cuz every side you look beautiful there's a few people that make stupid comments my daughter in common so guys the reason we do these videos is to inspire you guys and show that if you have like a low income job or you want to do this you can do this too we share stuff these boxes we never look through some of them maybe a little bit I kind of know a little bit what's of these two just cuz I put them on a table but nothing close so we do this stuff to inspire you guys it's not for us it's not for money we're already in an international TV show it doesn't really promote the business that much it's really hoping we'll make a difference in somebody's life and everybody's beautiful because we were made in God's creation okay super so anyway um somebody made a comment we're never gonna sell that vase for 59.99 so we did the video two days ago the vase just sold like literally five minute ago lady bought it all so you guys throw a wrench nothing I wasn't planning on doing another video cuz I put this thing up there if it gets a thousand likes and I figured I'll take a week or two so it got a thousand likes in less than 36 hours were like a 1200 likes - kissing talking - funny voice like the robot takes over why because she's acting what are we gonna do now she claps then she snaps she talks in a funny voice so guys okay so somebody said our intro is way too long so we're gonna show stuff but really quick to notes same deal you guys smash that like button as soon as we get a thousand likes we'll work on the next video which will come up within 24 hours and then also for comic book guys those commies we found last time I found a second suitcase full of comics we didn't reveal it on the camera because they were just losing we found the truck and I had to take him home but what I did do I bagged and boarded I took a video I'm gonna put it at the end and then the video into comics we found in the very first video we also showed us bagged and boarded and so coming from guys just at the end of the video you guys get to see all this where all that sentence time looking at boxes so this time we're not gonna prices we're just kind of gonna show so I saw this box this is a really cool this is gonna be a money-making box Deitz old ones and when you get these railroad lanterns when this wrinkle class much much better color is always better yeah so red ones obviously need every stopping not an old one and then what do you want to do on these lamps you actually want to see if they're from certain so this one's a stone from the city of San Diego yeah traffic card number forty deeds a lot of times these will have like a railroad name are more like a four letters which will stand for a railroad our city of New York that's funny number 59 steel up could you imagine back down that's just how you signal hope they stop don't lift just one dunno I think this is a brash ships what is this super-heavy so it's missing the clasp up front people just Molly there's like 20 pounds yeah that's priceless ship they all have the clasp loss so what we do these have do little research but minimum we always get 50 bucks for these ones we clean these and here's the price what this actually looks like oh no it says Made in England so that's probably little ships one again with the ripple class but clear so that's a cool little box so we're just gonna put them over there we'll get fresh ones but this makes one of them in a worst-case scenario 300 books but a lot of these I get a hundred hundred fifty this is gonna be good one also let me say something else really you know somebody said Mason jaws and I've worth 20 books go check out eBay Lots they bring ten fifteen bucks then if somebody's left a common if to have the number thirteen on them they're super rare because the bootleggers were destroying because that they thought 13 is on unlucky it's on the bottom I looked at the longest and we have we one that was from the turn of the century like 1890s to 1900 the rest seems to be like 1900 to 1920 now we're not in Idaho we're not in Kentucky that's not that many mason jars in California from the turn of the century so yes we do get 20 bucks all day long in our store and some of them maybe even more I haven't researched your logos yet [Music] that's more diverse okay we're not gonna get into politics with any money that is funny so check this out world--well one picture obviously we're going soldier a frame is really cool and then this is just sheet music that's really nice so I know a little bit what's in this box without luck to hit before yeah uh this is 1936 calendar 1936 our deck of pre-cool blown up your whole book there's a book you can read 1902 copy of the Sears catalog I like looking at those that's me yeah actually you can find some old stuff that sometimes if you're looking for something a shop old-school in ternary ya know you have to send them some money in the mail and you have to send them and then maybe like a month or two months later you got whatever you ordered that's mommy's jacket it's situation right now the jacket situation so check out this book right here this is soft feels like a pillow yeah put your face close to no no what do you mean mean it's an education as a photon but it looks to be empty empty empty empty I'm damned tea okay empty but still cool yeah stuff like this is that was funny I have to do a recent little research that the latch is really interesting but you know so how old books were latched but you know it should bring in the 30 40 bucks I'm gonna do a little research make sure it's nothing wherever that I don't think there's nothing super special calendar of winners that's cool 615 recipes actually early cookbooks you want to check people people like buying that we can cook no I'm a better eating oh here this is German vassman about Herta last man involved hurt which means what do we hear in the woods mm-hmm if the Sun price should be handling a little bit better but Cornelia like a finger I know I'm just it's a habit no date on it mentioned grunts four months yeah I mentioned Yannick bribing in the bear that's cool one at a time young lady calm down check this out the story of carnation milk connection you don't want to read that cool that's like boring well how do you know you haven't you've rented my favorite story title the endings good you can always tell by the title yeah like I'm really picky with my books if I don't like how the pages field I won't write it if I don't like how the text looks I won't read it and like if I think it's too long I won't raise future people I can tell everything on a title if the cover book is like ill if you have to look at it then you know the sketch book that a bunch thank you Washington Irvine cool now check this out feel this this is hard bond letter says album good knocks huh buckles air locks watches not just sir check out the old pictures dress at this book will bring at least two three hundred and evening like this so some of these are famous people did you pass guys dustin nope somebody no it's not the book i'm pretty sure there's a Civil War soldier doesn't just hammock walls is just like totally rip one but look in here that's that looks like a tintype [Music] pictures are cool you've like eighteen hundred's now this guy's definitely like yeah he probably read the story of carnation milk and i need a secret okay that's it so that's really cool I'll put this on the bottom that's this will on eBay bring a minimum of two hundred and sometimes these books go crazy Oh guys no religion no I meant what language she said what versions yeah so yes so Teddy Anna made a very good point ask you question what language is it exactly what language is it it's so English Bibles always are bringing out more money we have a really old Dutch Bible but it's a lot less money if it was English to be these five times the money and I was this one like 79 so I don't support it here this is 1935 well Rogers Bertillon Will Rogers Wiley Post kilt Wiley Post aviator Hanako he does lead army to invade in two months or Ethiopia Navy ships to deport again yes this is about four years before exactly it's August or September just about right before years before San Diego established 1881 1935 so this is about four years before the war fines world war ii sat time so anyway check this out these are all records I just pulled from the Contra courthouse no I'm gonna tell you know with we're gonna work on this too so we'll be a separate video it's all vinyl Holy Bible old a New Testament that's English what year no meets us write down well new it's turn-of-the-century still it yeah it's not a 1700 by the way see you Dave right here with 18 1892 that's still pretty good for a big Bible like this was like 2014 yeah that's old well we have a Bible at home that's what these have these nice new Illustrated yeah it's not inspirations in here [Applause] beautiful oh I know this story there's a lot of illustrations in here you seem come every few pages so that's cool but we're trying to get lots of stuff fast so let's turn this Bacchus puts it away really quick 1892 Bible on the condition is really rough but I've just been gotta be least a couple hundred dollars this is oh that's the thing that you do with your fire that was just one 1892 okay Terry does a body good in your service survivor you doing immunity old mixing feel how heavy guys compared to yesterday right here shots Germany old wall clocks looks almost like a ship's clock oh yeah but I don't think of this but it's cool shot some more look that one up bet jets at least 200 bucks polishing pulley oh yeah a Saudi is like you know online that's oh that's on your ship right they use them on ships but they also use them on barns anything would wait but this actually doesn't look like one for my ship so this is probably fifty to a hundred bucks I'm smart yeah they actually did a lot less than I thought they they used to be a lot more this is stand coca-cola bottle no return so this is an old one this is probably 1940s or older look that's stupid you're the one who touched it oh yes actually see you know down a day she's like oh I had a hard day like what's the hard day I gave a wrong answer in history class no what happened was the word class and he's like what was before it was like okay so it's BC quick story he's like before Christ then I was like ad it was like oh wait and like everybody started laughing at me in class it was just like mm-hmm I told her she can always quit school and come stop so check this time this is beautiful what does this thing on here now it's a national thank you that's the keys up here which is really cool but an office kind of stuff right w forty-two wd-40 does it looks complete not banged up it's just like 1940s although anything doesn't it's nice five snails come yeah right 1920s to nineteen nineteen twenties they're more if those bubble looks but probably 1940s I probably got close to heart bucks for this may be doable that's a nice little box by the way somebody made a comment of the video that thirty thousand dollars we've taken we paid way too much obviously didn't pay attention we got videos with the Indian was behind pick up any box we got videos with the Indian aboard a house which of course basically these are just some of the boxes we'll probably ten times as much of it so you probably want to do your research before you commenting and it was another comment which was even dumber and like you know what by the way we got so much good comments in so much love and we appreciate that but the dumb ones always make me laugh so one person said I don't see thirty bucks worth an hour lost justice a public service announcement if you watch the last video and just add nothing you didn't see thirty dollars worth total especially with the two phones and stuff but let's just say you didn't see thirty dollars worth do not ever ever ever never under any circumstances go to this business get a job preferably something long-term you know I'm so but do not ever go to this business you will not make it if you couldn't see thirty bucks anyway that's my public service announcement anybody else I watches its video things we don't show thirty bucks don't go into this business is not meant for you don't forget if this video gets a thousand likes we'll do another one so check out this guy I had him before little beanie their copyright in 1949 I usually put like twenty bucks apiece on these we have Chucky and then we have a little beanie we're beaming and then we also had a sloppy oh we do I have a really old slappy though Oh check this out man fortunate plastic god you're doing plastic I don't know it's Hong Kong either what's us bisque joke Japan Savings Bank so these are like the 1980s right 15 bucks here it is oh it's not that guy from Eric does not know how a movie marriage Clint Eastwood no maverick the movie the poker player or dr. Dolittle let's go that's 20 bucks dendi's that's just marionette the Pinocchio that's pretty cool you know one of my English Mike Mikey my English puts you at the private school yeah you know what is it with kids you know we take care of them the whole time as soon as they turned like 14 they think we're idiots and wonder how we ever made it through life well did you start you out early yeah these will sell for like a doctor doing it all a couple of Navy little statues of do ten bucks apiece and else that's okay I'm just separating a boxes so I know which ones we went through you never know until we unpack it but we have a vinegar bottle an oil bottle crystal thanks oh so yeah we're gonna have a lot of carnival class coming a lot of boxes of label carnival class so that's easy 20 bucks that looks like something from Beauty and the Beast that's exactly what it's gonna fun this is breaking everything commemorate the Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee I'm gonna look it up if not as five books these these are what Royal Copenhagen or that royal couple hundies used to be expensive not a worthless but lucky to get five bucks nobody selectmen mommy does right now that's pretty about 20 30 bucks dead at 20 30 bucks it's a little more simple this is nice crystal cut and that's another 20 bucks to is pretty okay we'll take these two uh separate these it's about coming out because of this [Music] all right yes so this is all like an old western decorations of people love buying this ten bucks copper fish and Saudis you want to look sometimes if they're rare make us they can actually get pretty expensive and the easiest way to check these I always look on eBay and if this brings 40 50 bucks on ebay that's just where we throw it are nobody's gonna pay it in a store but in the store you know we'll clean it up or get 10 15 bucks what is it used for take bacon yeah just like cake molds or decorations a so I mean it's a cake mold but they're making for decorations you see you flower this red flower chrome wheels ten bucks five bucks five to ten bucks I'm saying you'd I'm gonna put these aside over there no that's so that's full fish you hang your fish on there [Music] what's it like old colleague press for like a lot of garlic commercial stuff especially on postal scale right 10 20 bucks Weston reporting Minneapolis New York three four four nine nine nine that phrase heart-shaped design it's sealed yeah but it's like ten times the size but this thing right here will probably 40 50 bucks people love cast-iron we have a lot of to do you get your identity by the way that wasn't out of former child abuse well you are a child so I'll see good job you know most of these collective planes usually put like five bucks color tags but this one's better gone in the wind but no box or ten bucks very well that's cool price tag on it put it right next to my face this doesn't look right Halloween mask there's more place to here some broken wing actually no I got some really good forget we have this presidential opportunity we have presidential duck plate which is going to eBay for like 200 apiece and I got like a set of 12 that really expensive yeah I got seen it must be so why would you want those those ugly or the presidential ships I think so just whole box looks like brand-new Indian merchandise Native American yeah it's all artwork they have 35 bucks on these we'll do these for like 10 bucks apiece [Music] well actually know what they are they say oh it's just a bottom I don't think this signed I mean I've just signed over here 19 1977 RC Gorman so we'll double check these make sure there's nothing special but other than that please all right how many men's that we filming 24 I'm trying to give like a good 30 40 minutes contents that it can be able to weaken important Evelyn points set us way so they collected all of Native American stuff be Hollow and paint it that's cool how's it good $49.99 [Music] 10 bucks apiece 10 bucks 10 bucks come on show me the money that was a great dipper I knew something could come get it first with us for 10 bucks oh yeah so we need to be careful no it's a metal tag so you know what we have a lot of use Indian blankets and I haven't seen any Navajo style blankets but these are like in a mid range this is actually one a nicest one I've seen so far so don't price any without dying here yes my part isn't something else oh this is a little lot of change Bojack isn't that's nice we just put that one dress out well this is really interesting if anybody recognizes pattern doesn't feel super old but it might be 60 70 I don't know we'll check it out that's not really yes so we put that tres we just had a Native American Indian woman dress all leather and then we're going for a lot of money on eBay for like anywhere yeah we put 150 bucks on it which apps they're all real sweet so we'll probably put like 150 on this next letter okay same thing yeah these will fit you looks like a scarecrow this is all Native American way to go and salt two bucks apiece three bucks three bucks so like I said this stuff half of its new half of it ago that's cool they had fifty bucks on it little neighbor mera collectible arrowheads yeah we'll put ten bucks on it this is cool so this is night I forgot what year this was I had this before just was either 1930s or 1920s I've had this before last one without borrows are sold for 50 bucks oh wow that union this is definitely old yeah but it has these winners like I almost thought for a second it was a projector but I was beneath it was like oh you can open this up right here so that's damn flower thing yeah oh it's my sample it could be I mean I don't know we have to find out what it is yeah actually know what this might be a Salesman sample for stuffed into saw the see garden Massachusetts USA it's heavy it feels like it's cast iron this might be a Salesman so if this is a Salesman sample if it's complete say at least two three hundred dollars you know what a little dart is it bills really direct builds character hair line no friends really rough shape but oh so this is marks actually this one is also marks you know 20 bucks apiece or in nap twenty bucks people like this stuff will clean this up we've got 20 bucks with that oh shoot moles and he's a cool at least ten bucks apiece so actually as cool as his peanut see that's how yourself to mix fish that was your hand power well you only do it once the second time you learn it's another trait another 20 bucks so that was a good little box to put our back in it with I know sometimes you see what we don't I'm trying to do once emergency oxygen so we just shown you guys a bunch of stuff fast so we just kind of going through as you see it instead of pricing it but like I said you got stared a thousand likes on that video so we have to do it this is new merchandise do they say pornos issue is probably what they pay whole supposed to have a tendency to write on to wholesale prices on these are back a little cough of things so they have a five dollar price tag on it yeah that's like a whole bunch of different things different buckets different tuxes will do like two or three dollar fees in those but see it doesn't sound like much but at three bucks does at least what right 80 pieces in there that's $240 that's a lot of pretty just the Cape so whenever she throws it says some kind of fight a storyteller I school they have fifty five bucks on these native tones at a Tempe Arizona hand-painted to signed by white better so we'll probably do like $14.99 of these there's one two three so you get a difference in the sound like these will put up ten bucks apiece yeah [Music] you guys can I wrap some stuff I think this is just a box a box yeah coming back ste still puts that but there's stuff in here put it over here place - because cut source keeper Matthew from let's open up this one first do this around it sister yeah that's the whole milk jump up sits on it huh picture on it yeah it's cool 360 bucks and then you know what I'm gonna walk around the store and I'll show a few more pieces that will just put out this new one I need the all japan he's a new five bucks apiece [Applause] Oh broken it's pretty oh there's another one though here oh there's some comics in here I'll take comics all day we just found another box baby we're working on the copy for four hours I bought a box of magazines and I find some rare comics push sales fight a million federal income tax in 1960 yeah but Burgess yes ticket home there's a whole book talking about how it is so yes back then it wasn't the internet no no you had to like learn stuff he's all vintage books which is you know they're your husband yeah classic Illustrated I beat your husband he's in New Orleans either from the 70s it's like 2 to 3 bucks apiece so cool what does this say oh here carnival classes there's a blue bear Boober I want you guys to unwrap this stuff here we'll take turns this one these are Kachinas halls little ones both bottles unfortunately this will bring 20 30 bucks stuff like this um we look them up make sure there's nothing has to bubble class in their depression class so we'll sell these for like 5 10 bucks apiece nice purple class 5 bucks almost everything near your sewer will be a minimum of 5 books be EBC no doughy pork watts cool so yeah probably what we do with a lot of this stuff we'll put color stickers on for $9.99 and if people that have to have it right away they can buy it and then other people just have to wait till it goes in sales 25% of 50% lady a pink amps medicine so lady obtained cameras in the medicine business at one time and this is 14 and a half Alice's cent rate and that's perfect bottle so we'll clean these start these out attempt ups and then they're going sailing things but I sell that stuff pretty good why this is a nice box okay 40 bucks 20 bucks that's nice depression 40 bucks 15 beautiful 40 bucks sorry 40 and how double check some of this stuff I mean I know some of the carnival class being boiled down but it's still I mean it's good these are very detail right here he's 20 so what some of my prices are just estimate I'll get the latest prices but you know when I say 40 in this will be 25 to 40 and I'm not sure if it's gonna be call a tag or white this is nice ten fifteen it's nice 20 bucks that is really beautiful nice 20 bucks pretty again really nice to sign at least 20 to 30 bucks these are nice you like five bucks apiece maybe even ten we'll see it's any morning more corner one class so let's put Cordy strips on top carefully actually pressure take the tape and enough to do spit out because now our tables full of oxygen Virginia hey guys Renee from Star Wars we just uploaded episode one today so I think we gonna hit those thousand likes was the first three hours we got like over 400 likes already so before this section of you start with Episode two these are some of the boxes beginning right now that we will need to another warehouse as you can see it's hundreds of boxes in here that's all from that thirty thousand dollar deal this is only one of four units this was completely folding the doors so let's head back to the store it's do some board boxing okay guys I will put this at the end of the video we found another suitcase with comics they were all loose I bagged and boarded them really quick so they stay halfway nice this is what we have at the end the desk I will actually also show them once we founded the first video so these all from a second just I had them loose in my corner then when I'm sitting in there that suitcase so you won't get to see the whole reveal but there were no suitcase I think I might actually have some video where we find them in a storage unit I might add it if I find it probably do this quick if you see one that's worth a lot of money go ahead put it in them and Commons but even at worst case scenario keys are like five to $20 comics which in the two suitcases we found well over 200 so that's next $3,000 but big difference if you sell a new so you bag on board and make them look nice you know and I'll show them once we had in the first video but I show better this might be gone up goes up yet but joke the covers are usually nice so now they deceive I should have ever seen in any videos if you have seen one uses a duplicate from the comic book or the house so this is not from the comic book or das this is from to Indian hoarder house which is cool because they kept the comics too unfortunately most of the stuff is like late 67 and 60s and 70s and somewhere if just I have pre sure I have two boxes of comics and I don't know where I put them but I might try to look for them next couple of days maybe do a special video no I'm not making a video I'm just talking to myself it's a new thing I'm trying okay to just and I'm talking to myself yes I'm making a video just adding comic book stuff these are all the comics that we found in the same suitcase don't we actually found a third suitcase that was twice the size of suitcases and we were like hoping it's full of comics - we did a facebook life at a time but it's also a baby stuff but like vintage baby clothes and all in conditioned air oh do well in the store so I'm just showing you sure because I had him in the car and I didn't want him riding around he got a messed up oh my god he talked so much she's talking to herself yeah stick I'm just practicing my communication skills yeah really nothing yeah no that's why I need to practice my creations actually the first box seemed to have a lot more like mystery and monsters and stuff so which already like ghost stories all right you go switch I'll get the first box okay guys so these are the comics we've we're unboxing in episode 1 up to 30,000 dollar deal call it 30,000 all unit some people come and they wanted to see the comic slow or fastest so here they are this was all in the suitcase of episode 1 see you like I like this stuff obviously in a suitcase they were just laying loose we bagged and boarded again if you see something that's really good please do me a favor I'm gonna look all these up anyway so you know some people get mad if people tell me because they think I'm just gonna put them out cheap but if you can point them the app that's always easier so well comics like that and I have two more stacks of these we'll take a quick I'm trying to go fast [Applause] [Applause] there's a cool cover [Applause] [Music] we get the last two stacks last stack you guys saw me get excited over this one well unfortunate condition is not that good be lucky to get like a 3.0 on it the old price still send him to get graded because it's such a key book well I'm not I'm taking a video so werewolf by 913 didn't have to first one thing in this pile so far but I have it in a comic book or a house and it's gonna go to grainy protein so that's a really cool cover those are secrets another cool cover except these are the ones already been done sci-fi stuff like you all know who watch my videos he's a cool too hot rocks I got a bunch of the stuff too okay and so death pile which will fill up this box completely and then that box down there so it's two boxes that came just out of those two suitcases well over 200 comics even at 5 bucks apiece that's a thousand bucks but there's a bunch of books in our 15 20 bucks at up so we'll see make sure that I like
Channel: Bargainhuntersthrift
Views: 78,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carnival glass, vintage carnival glass, depression glass, Storage Wars, Storagewars, Rene Nezhoda, Casey Nezhoda, Mary Padian, Brandi Passante, Storage Wars Full Episode, Pawn Stars Full Episode, a\&e live pd full episode, Buying, Selling, Unboxing, Antiques, Lanterns, Comic Books, Reality Television, Laura Dan Dotson, Dave Hester, Auctions, Storage Units, storage wars 7.5 million dollar locker, storage wars dave hester fight, storage wars best finds compilation, rene nezhoda ebay
Id: cFYkaLScp0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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