Independence Day (1996) - re:View

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I looked for the trope they described on tvtropes, and the closest I could find was the "Eureka Moment", which is more in relation to the reaction than to the inspirational silly comment that precedes it.

I think the Eureka Moment and what they're describing should be separated as tropes, as Eureka Moments can come from lots of things. When it comes to naming this trope, it is usually followed up by the comment "You're a genius!", which I personally think is as good a name for it as any. Or maybe "Unintentional Genius".

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/ImNorwegian 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

I'm surprised to see Mike so negative on this, this movie is unashamed about how schlocky it is.

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/MikeoftheEast 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

Those hack fucks. Thinking they can give us content when they specifically said they were giving us different content.Those frauds.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/ThePondererTK 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

Jay seemed to miss a bunch of obvious shit that Mike had to call him out on. He probably just wasn't paying attention. Either way, I enjoy hearing their serious opinions on films with less jokes and bits.

Also was funny how Mike lumped Chicago and Philadelphia in with Tampa as "lesser" cities.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/HologramChicken 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies


He's honestly really close. There's usually an engineer there during the SETI timeslots, but they're just ensuring the pre-scheduled programs run right. The actual scientists get this gigantic data store, do a touch of clean-up, and shuffle it off to SETI@Home and similar projects.

There's a few diehards, of course. We've got a whole movie dedicated to them, and the most accurate portrayal of what happens next (admittedly, super duper compressed in time, though).

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/SilentDis 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

Enjoyed watching this, although I disagree a bit. Independence Day is really stupid. And indeed it was a "watershed movie in a bad way", but the schlock factor is so strong, so potent. That part with the dog jumping into the little hole in the wall to avoid being obliterated by the giant wall of fire is fucking hilarious. Even though the characters are shit at least the cast had charisma. Will Smith and the schlocky one-liners, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, I can even applaud the "efforts" of Randy Quaid.

Now imagine the cast of, say, Godzilla 2014. Bryan Cranston is great, but as soon as he dies (pretty early on), the thing becomes unwatchable. That movie, and many, many others suffer from what Mike and/or Jay have described as the casting of "actor man... with a face". Particularly in big dumbshit action movies. I can certainly understand resentment toward Independence Day since it lowered the bar script-wise from the likes of Jurassic Park, but if a non-Simpleton can enjoy Godzilla 2014 or motherfucking Thor 2, then a non-simpleton can enjoy Independence Day.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/BLTsfallapart 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

I guess these fellows will be ready and raring to watch ID: Resurgence, soon.


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/GGGilman87 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

Funny that mike goes on about how the movies for idiots and then only a few minutes later he has to explain the movie to jay.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/SirFritz 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies
the stupidest aliens in the universe attacked the stupidest humans on earth in Independence Day on this episode of review why are you pointing to oh I thought we were doing a thing no I point well J it's time to talk about the 1996 hit film Independence Day and we're talking about Independence Day today on this episode of review because Independence Day resurgence will be coming out soon is that the title resurgence I always want to say like a resurrection or regurgitation Gurjit ation that's more appropriate yeah people love this movie the original Independence Day people loved it not even like I can see like people younger than us like that you know we're like 10 11 years old when it came out but there's people our age people whose opinions I respect that will defend this movie and I've never understood it whenever we talk about Independence Day just in random half of the bag episodes we'll bring it up and how much it sucks there's always those comments the [ __ ] you don't like Independence Day people let not only this do they like it but they get like defensive about it the movie ushered in a new era of big dumb blockbusters it was it was a watershed film in a bad way in a bad way there is the Spielberg Ian Lucas movies in the 70s and 80s the big popcorn summer movies jaws you know et but Independence Day kind of like it was kind of like scream where it changed the genre like the fourth screen came out there horror genre was essentially dead yeah but Independence Day was like boom big summer of that movie disaster porn we're talking about the world here we're talking about blowing up the White House that image in this movie is like the most iconic thing in the last few decades of big blockbusters yeah but the movie also ushered in an era of dumb scriptwriting well that's that's the thing is like i was rewatching it cuz I don't I don't watch this movie very often because I don't like it but every watches for this and I was thinking we often talk about you know structure and character arcs and all that stuff the structure is there so what is the difference between this and and a good a movie that works when it has all those elements the key word here J is dumb the movie is dumb yes the movie is is made for simpletons well the story yeah I think it's the you take like a general structure you take your character arcs take all that stuff and and a good movie will flush them out or sometimes it makes a movie seem more intelligent than it is because you know there's a lot of older like big blockbuster movies that are elevated by all the details by fleshing out the characters by flushing out the story and this is movie that has all those story structure elements and then that's it it's like that's the base and you build on top of that and this movie didn't do that it's all just those base elements you know the characters don't feel three-dimensional or real it feels like a film version of like Saturday morning kids show cartoon because you have characters that are so one-dimensional it's so unrealistic and there's a lot of moments in there that are what I call the dumb people cheer moments hog the dog the dog defining moment yeah and okay it may not it may not advertise itself as a dark serious doomsday apocalypse end of the world aliens destroy the planet kind of movie it's not parading itself around is that we may not like it but it's not pretending to be something it's not the defense I hear a lot is like oh it's just like one of those old-timey sci-fi movies but that's always from people that have never watched those movies it's the weirdest thing people always say oh it's just like a corny old timey movie it's like the only reason those movies are corney's because they're old this is like a contemporary movie that's as kind of dumb and simple as those yeah well it's from director Roland Emmerich we're going to talk about Roland Emmerich well I think this was him thinking he's going I think he still thinks he's the next Spielberg or there's there's all those elements just dumbed down yeah there's a Spielberg Ian way of putting a movie together a way of shooting it it's the scripts and and I don't know how much he hasn't involved in the stories because all of his movies have all these same hallmarks so either he's picking scripts that that he likes or he's giving his input into all these terrible terrible cliches and and ideas that end up in all of his movies he made 2012 the day I want to say they keep wanting to say the Day the Earth Stood Still the day after tomorrow and there's a lot of these big-budget disaster movies and they all have the same beats and all the same kind of character moments and all this but you know this movie is terrible right off the bat because it's got the hitch over hit the audience over the head with a hammer kind of stuff where the opening scene it's so terrible it's a it's like okay here there's here's the moon and a shadow comes over the moon aliens are coming by great then cuts the SETI the search for extraterrestrial intelligence there's a there's a place a group called SETI and they sit there and they have tons of computers and they I think it's a volunteer thing to be to be honest I'm not exactly sure who would volunteer for that people that like doing this they sift through billions of billions of hours of data and they look for patterns yeah and so there's a guy in the cut zoom he's playing golf and it's the end of the world as we know it his planes playing bite REM yeah and he's playing golf here's here's here's your shot he's playing golf he's bored not much happens it's Eddie he get it he's playing golf in reality the room would be empty and once a week somebody would come in and kind of look at a computer and leave right that's probably what really happens at study no one's monitoring SETI 24 hours a day waiting for a red light to start flashing when when a weird alien signal comes in Nicholas Turner Turner Turner and he's like he falls down and he drops and grabs the phone well we've got an alien signal it without even analyzing it cause the guy in his room and he's like what board really in real life you're talking six to nine weeks of analyzing the data before you even begin to make any conclusions now I'm not an expert by any means so Mike you have to put these things in a dramatic movie you have to put a new dramatic exciting exciting and you have to spell it out yes and I think that's the key is spelling it out everything this movie is so spot-on and it looks like cartoon kids show the first half an hour is is designed for cool shots and trailer shots oh sure and and the build-up role and Emeric likes to build up the text on the bottom of the screen we're in this part of the world we're in this part of the world and then there's those moments what some picks up the phone and the you know it's like hey I'm at a party hold on a minute say that again just I have another character getting woke up in bed woken up in bed he likes that that people are being alarmed by something that's impending right so there's all those scenes bla bla bla bla bla bla here comes the alien ships they should be entering our atmosphere within the next 25 minutes this phenomenon tapping gonna I don't know I'm talking on the phone the phenomenon is happening all over the world a little blah blah oh that's great and then this great shot when one of the ships is coming out from like the the fog you see like a bridge in the four guys of New York I think you see it coming out from yeah my fear yeah the people it's a nice looking shot that's all you are all the praise you have yeah I think the all that lead-up but you're talking about there's yeah it's all all little storylines and all the places are going are sort of connected because they're all related to the alien invasion except for the Randy Quaid stuff it just kind of cuts to him and you know like why what who is this what does he have to do with anything I thought that was a little Jerry's the most important Kirk he turns out to be the most important character but the way he's introduced is a little like what we're we know what business I was actually thinking of while I watched this the the most brilliant sequence in the whole film is is the Will Smith waking up in bed and thinking everything's an earthquake scene I think the whole movie should have just started that way yeah Will Smith wakes up in bed because it's like it was it's so wonderful it's so visual and perfectly done he was I was an earthquake it's not even a four-point-oh Ani go back to bed goes back to bed he looks at he goes to the bathroom he's peeing he looks out his window there's people like scrambling and putting their stuff in the cars like all the neighbors are gone on vacation or moving out of the neighborhood and then he thinks there's an earthquake so it cuts the TV and there's like like this big shape covering the entire LA area and he's like the talking about the quake at TV yeah that's great he goes out to get the paper and then they never reveal what he's looking at and everyone's just staring and then it cut to him and they got Spielberg and push in shot as he as he got boom then then go to the White House so then everything's great up until the big moment the big moment the turning point for me is the introduction of Harry Connick jr. and the NASA letter that's the moment yeah when the film goes downhill why that moment well one because that's when it becomes it becomes garbage it becomes uh they Will Smith can't just be a fighter pilot he's got to be a guy who also wants to become a NASA astronaut oh my god will he ever become a NASA yeah but I get them I get the idea that that's paid off with him going into outer space but it's ham-fisted characterization a point of stupidity sure well and like he flies in outer space that doesn't change the fact that he's still not in NASA why I don't know it's it's he gets to go into space that's been his his just dream I'm not arguing that it's not dumb I just like it like that's the it's like was there any way like he has his one little thing and then he has the exact payoff for that thing Will Smith has his NASA thing then he gets to go into outer space it's not so much an arc as just kind of a line yeah I am NOT arguing that it's a quality character arc it's it's like the same thing bill Coleman his president also fighter pilot yeah and he's gonna fight a flood his plane at the end it's corny yes groaning is a good description for it corny and stupid and if you like corny and stupid it's a great movie my favorite line is the guy in SETI when he says this is the real thing a communication from the aliens and then he looks right at the camera that's what we're doing here it's the real thing a radio signal from another world did you notice a lot of the like when they're trying to establish character traits so many with each character everything was like repeated it happened twice like the Harvey Fierstein character at one point is like I got to call my mother well I better call my I got a call with my lawyer or whatever oh my god I gotta call my brother I better call my housekeeper I gotta call my lawyer so he has to I got a call moments Jeff Goldblum has to recycling moments which that doesn't pay off at all the opening idea how long it takes for those cops to decompose but there's like two instances of him like we have to recycle Jeff Goldblum was a MIT graduate something like that Judd Hirsch is complaining out of many thinks he installs cable television they does something by the way did you did you get that Judd Hirsch is supposed to be really really Jewish did you get that okay yeah so tell me something are you so smart how come you spend eight years in MIT to become a cable repairman yeah all I'm saying is they got people who handle these things David they want HBO they'll call you he's so let's talk about Jeff Goldblum and you're complaining he's eco man yes and that pays off in the fact that at the end he's very very upset the bill Poland decides to use a nuclear weapon i snooped a bastard after the world is utterly destroyed so he rides around on a bike because he doesn't have a driver's license because cars emit carbon monoxide poisoning which causes global warming and then he he loves to recycle and he yells at Harvey Fierstein to to recycle his Fanta soda you guys saved the earth right save the earth and maybe it's funny because he literally saves the earth but he doesn't save he doesn't save the earth or stop the aliens via an ecological solution he does it be a computer solution that's what I thought it was so weird and re watching it why they were setting that up so strong at the beginning he does get shit-faced and starts smashing things when he realizes Bill Pullman is going to drop a nuke on the alien ships yes unlike a rational person who says use the nuke we've resorted every option possible to us use the nuke they destroyed all of our major cities that they somehow knew where our major cities J you can argue that they can tell that there were major population centers via space okay so we got an alien ship that's one-fifth the size of the moon that's the mothership and then when it comes near the earth of twenty or so discs like ships which are also really big start landing on earth and our introduction of the Jeff Goldblum character is he's playing chess with his father oh yes and he says checkmate and this this my friend J is how we know this films made for dummies yeah because Jeff Goldblum and we're supposed to think this is smart yeah Jeff goals like chess even though it's not because we're not playing well no but what they're doing is they're positioning their pieces and they're ready for a checkmate yeah okay here's the thing when you play chess you have the exact same pieces on either side and you're completely equal yeah and you don't position all of your pieces at once you make one move and your opponent then makes a counter move and then you go back and forth but then you can't dolly anonymous goes checkmate and the audience goes oh that means disaster up checkmate that means bad does he does he say later game over or something else or something similar time's up time's up so yeah time's up when the counter runs out yeah that's right that's so this is checkmate and then times are the literal times up because the time was up yeah that's not really any kind of reference and anything do you even need to explain how dumb that is the whole countdown on the on the laptop well no we can explain how dumb it is that the aliens are using our own sets to communicate with what I mean well that yeah and then like their their countdown is in earth time well he no no Jeff Goldblum printed out a binary sheet of note ones and zeros and any notice the pattern was getting smaller so in his computer language he figure transcoded that into a literal clock is that is is it established that he did that yeah that it slid his literal clock yeah it's not there alien transmission he's like this pattern is degrading at this rate yeah here's my here's my interpretation of this rate and this is when it elect I miss remembering that then cut that a no no that part is totally smart trust I could okay cross take your word or you just rewatched intercepted the code because the aliens were using our satellites yeah our satellites that are so important to them one happens to smash into the mothership and explode I don't you mean that but anyway they're using our satellites because they don't have their own technology and now they have their they have no way of talking to each other secretly they have they have interstellar travel and ships that are larger than cities but they can't they can't talk to each other if these are satellites which conveniently allows Jeff Goldblum to you know write figure out how a way to upload a virus so it's setting up something in a dumb way to be used later in a dumb way in a dumb way well Mike what is speaking of the aliens what is their goal well it's nebulous no space pun intended I don't know how they figure this out but they know that the aliens are going around looking for resources but we know because brent Spiner just says so they're not all that dissimilar from us breathes oxygen comparable tolerances to he cold probably why they're interested in our planet yeah cuz he's a scientist but they make absolutely no effort to collect resources no they just blow everything up until they stop blowing everything up to wait a few days to decide to blow up more stuff no no here's what they do first there's their here's the aliens brilliant plan okay they're brilliant these aliens they take their their ships and they position them over all the major cities on the planet right which is fine they can figure out which ones are the major ones monitoring our communications looking at the planet Earth at night and seeing which population centers have the most electrical grids sure fine with that and then they position all their pee is just like chess you move all your pieces all over the board all at once and then you make a big move yeah with all of your pieces at once and they exterminate cities and then even though they presumably have faster than light travel their ships have to slowly move to other major cities which is why they had to wait yeah you're looking at is waiting but really they're moving and there's a part where both problems like they just took out Chicago and Philadelphia Tampa and you know lesser cities and and so that's the waiting part they don't they don't notice that Air Force Ones flying away and in dupe they don't care about that they're just slowly exterminating the planet they're there they're focused on the big picture just like Ed Wood right the [ __ ] this movie reminds me of a bit yes oh yeah so they're there they're there to exterminate the population before stealing the resources I guess do they want that Fanta they want this is they could hurt the steel or Fanta they came to earth to seal all of our empty plastic bottles they should be a good thing John should let them they just needed to talk to Jeff Goldblum we're good we are our plastic bottle you want our carbon monoxide Oh Jeff Goldblum sounds a little like Jimmy Stewart okay so Jay what are resources and I guess water they want our water water yeah that's good um trees I don't know sure they want our volcanoes suck up a whole volcano that what they needed to do it took fuels their ships is to convert their ship into a giant robotic spaceship made suck she's gone from suck whoa I mean space balls made more sense yeah we're not just doing this for money we're doing it for a shitload of money why do they need to kill us to steal our resources that's also a very good question because they could just Park one of their gigantic ships with giant resource stealing prongs that come down into our atmosphere and start sucking up our oceans yeah and then we come out what what's that big thing oh my god it's sucking up our oceans all the fighter jets on earth attack it Oh our shields are up yeah bye you know the movies folly is that it establishes this very overwhelming undefeatable force that doesn't know what it's what it wants right that we don't know what it wants we talked about the design of the aliens and how lame it is Sir they're just HR Giger ripoffs that's that's my biggest problem with like the script is like bare-bones what you need for this type of movie the designs of like the ships and the aliens and everything is incredibly uncreate 'iv it's just the round disk the classic round disk show the aliens are ripoffs of of geegaws designs actually and we don't know what the aliens want well it's the whole thing is just just a flat line it is it is very boring and corny and flat line I would have preferred the classic Roswell Flying Saucer look well they kind of doesn't it like splits open and there's like a smaller it's sort of that it has a vague round shape to it or disk shape to it but they didn't they didn't go all the way yeah because they look it's kind of cool to the top thing and it's kind of all this you know that's got to be different in them right because I think if they want saucer that everyone would have complained that it was too corny but for me that would have been awesome flying saucers in the hands of a smarter filmmaker you could do something interesting with that yeah but they went like they didn't go cool enough and they didn't go corny enough with the alien design where they went sort of in the middle and it is blah yes blah right to me that doesn't matter at all I don't care what they look like you know as long as they don't look like the aliens at the end of the explorers I would have preferred that in the interim after destroying the first set of major cities not just American world cities they're the humans set off a counter-attack which is Harry Connick jr. and Will Smith Will Smith's best friend listen miss best friend I guess they're best friends there's a there's a quick gay panic scene that's insulting in pointless when he proposes to little Smith he finds his ring oh yeah I'm he's like what's this is a wedding ring and he's on his knees and that's a guy coming I don't deal with gays hahaha and then um and then they have their military briefing as a general tells them you know we're gonna go fight these gigantic ships that destroyed the entire country and then a Harry Connick jr. makes jokes that says hold me hold me hey pay attention something you want to add to this briefing captain Hillier no sir just a little anxious to get up there Whoopie teas ass that's all I got it right here and that's when dummies laughing with you well it's a world threatening issue you want it to be as light and whacky as possible you don't want your humor to stem from just naturally from the characters and the way they interact you have to throw in dumb jokes yeah yeah this is from the book of Michael Bay yes so the the fighter jets attack and they realize they have shields and then they they have a little shootout and then even though they have shields up and they're impervious to the fighters the aliens send out their own little fighters so that it could be like Star Wars Oh through but there's a reason logically in the movie why they do that right no it's so that the movie could be closer to Star Wars okay there's even there's even lines like the one guy can't pull up nine three five girl Detroit complete failure in the stairs yeah which is what happens to Porkins ah I'm all right round it up for Porkins and then there's an Asian pilot who says there's too many of them there's too many of them which is exactly what happens in Return of the Jedi yeah uh I don't know if you'd call it homage or well it was weird later in the movie when Jeff Goldblum when they're flying out of the ship at the end he's like must go faster like they're referencing Jurassic Park which came out like three years earlier must go faster must go faster yeah I thought that was odd well it's a to soon moment it's wrong something brand new is roland emmerich saying he's the new Spielberg Lucas yeah well we can I guess we can skip over the exciting subplot of Will Smith stripper girlfriend driving a dump truck around and finding the first lady cheering me to bring her back to the hospital to die of horrible internal wounds which is disappointing because that's Mary McDonald she's a solid actress she's good in this movie she goes from being the first lady to the president in Battlestar Galactica okay just like another current politician it's going to go from being the first lady to the President and that's Donald Trump there's a lot of terms for things that happen in movies and I don't know if this one has been coined yet but it's the the dumb offhanded comment that Lou that that makes someone think of a brilliant plan oh yeah do not I mean yeah it's the part where somebody says don't catch a cold or done her says don't catch a cold I think goes wait a minute that's brilliant why do you don't want to catch cold uh so I don't know what that term is it might exist if you know what it is put it in the comments below it's called uh we'll call it a hack screenwriter tip number 107 so Jeff Goldblum gets the idea of uploading a computer virus to the alien ship which he knows how to do hey you know what when he's explaining his plan there's that one guy who's just like how do we know this is gonna work and I'm like yeah I agree with that guy but I also agree with Jeff Goldblum like why the [ __ ] not yeah at that point what else you got to lose like you could say this is like kind of a kinnor darg ument right yeah how is he going to upload a computer virus how do you even know that instantly the alien technology will just shut it down right right but they established in the script that earlier the aliens were using our satellite systems to communicate with each other so they're interlinked they're networked all together by our satellites we're going to use that to upload something back to them sure logically in the script it makes sense you have to accept it it's fine whether or not an earth-based computer virus circa 1996 will somehow magically shut down the mothership or cause their shields to go down who knows which is more unlikely him being able to do that or Will Smith knowing how to fly their ship the alien ship Louis because he is a pilot so he knows how to fly some alien technology you're forgetting a very important detail was that he wanted to be in NASA of course that's why that's in the movie that gives him that edge over other pilots yes I'm surprised I didn't do something that stupid well it was like a character that just plays like flight simulators or video a teenager teenager and then he's the one who has to fly the ship Appiah the president's son instead of that stupid daughter does a president son loves Nintendo yeah there you go and yeah oh god yeah that's so dumb it should have been in there maybe that'll be in the sequel I'll do something like that Jimmy you play video games right it's all about AI hand coordination I'll examine the alien technology and you have to have AI hand coordination level 10 even the best pilots and the Air Force don't have that everyone looks at Jimmy and he's playing his game boy he looks up with the sideways baseball cap that's so bad I can't believe it wasn't in the film yeah yeah so they go they fly up in space and then the mothership takes over and God brings him inside and then he uploads the virus now mind you it's not exciting enough if the virus just shut their power down right you have to have an earth battle it has to all just lower their shields right so that they can still have a space battle or if a spaceship battle yes which is really exciting sequence when it's just endless [ __ ] flying everywhere compared to a modern-day movie I didn't mind that ending because I understood what was happening I guess the president's out there flying he's got his missiles he's like I'm gonna shoot this missile and hit target because the the virus doesn't shut down the the spaceships ability to power up their their their green laser weapon right just shut their shields down so they're they're hanging over the base where the president and all of them top military guys are and they're going to blow that base up so that's the threat we got to stop that and it's going to shoot the laser down so we know what's going to happen we know what they got to do they got shoot a rocket up and hit that president's got the last rocket he misses yeah Randy Quaid has another rocket he comes out of nowhere his rocket malfunctions so I understood what was happening it wasn't just total chaos I guess that's a plus yes that's a good knowing what's going on in the gly max of your film is usually appreciated I'll make a point to reference Star Trek The Next Generation the best of both worlds Captain Picard spend controlled by the Borg he's been retaken back by the Enterprise crew and he says sleep data sleep and then and then stupid Beverly Crusher says he must be exhausted and the day it's like no no [ __ ] he's trying to tell us a course of action put the Borg to sleep via a subcommittee which is very similar to to sending in a virus and then they put all the Borg to sleep they trick them into thinking that's time to regenerate okay but in order to make it exciting for some reason the self-destruct starts happening on the board cube and then it blows up so I can't be hypocritical I understand why they just didn't say the virus turned all the ships off they all just crashed rain I have to concede this notion best of both worlds would not have ended very excitingly if but you could ship just shut off and they went to sleep sure sure but you could reduce the amount of pointless characters you have in your movie and just get rid of Randy Quaid altogether and maybe the president sacrifices himself at the end to streamline it a little bit we don't need all these [ __ ] characters everywhere but the dumb the dumbness comes in the last two hours of the film where where they the two ever wrote the script the first 30 30 pages is this looming threat and then it's like oh god we got to wrap this up he's on this last five pages how do I wrap this up oh my god okay they're going to shoot the space laser down Randy Quaid has to shoot his plane up you have to hit the space laser at the exact moment it hits it's it's full power but we'll adjust our powers up it's laser all the prongs come together and then that's the moment you have to hit it because the presumably what happened was the energy when shot back and blew up the entire inside of the ship so you have the Randy Quaid incident incident perfectly done that man that man hit his mark and then now we're going to assume that everyone else did all over the entire planet yeah but we don't get we don't have to see all that because America is the most important sure we figured it out we tell the rest of the world how to do it and then they just do it off camera and then the movie ends and a happy note where everyone goes to a lake bed dry lake bed and meets Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum after they come back to earth all our characters are reunited at the end and they're all happy they're all happy the hooker drives the dump truck yeah run why is she a stripper is it just the show like like kind of a lowly job that she because she doesn't really do anything in the whole movie she started I guess she drives the the the first lady around she rescues the the president's wife and then for no reason other than set up for a stupid joke Mary McDonald ask her what she does yeah so what do you do for a living because what the [ __ ] does that matter anymore what do you do for work do you have to be back to work tomorrow did you call in sick I says what did you what do you do oh I'm a dancer I love the ballet no house of a filthy stripper oh I'm so ashamed my comment haha well I'm done we love you love your film there was some mild to moderate controversy around the time the movie came out and I could be wrong about this where they they meaning either the producers or sensors or somebody said we don't want to show the image of the White House just exploding they did it in the trailer but film they have an awkward close-up and then an awkward shot of someone in a holic you see the helicopter like obscuring it a bit in the foreground and that's not what was in the trailer it was just like a flat shot at blowing up someone somewhere someplace sometimes said that's bad that's offensive or disrespectful or something and and it was like a controversy and then they had to re-edit it but Yuri edit and it's still the same thing still the same premise weird it's not the uninterrupted shot of the thing yeah at the White House ha and so I don't know and this is pre 9/11 yeah territory so who knows but I just remember that being a thing and then watching the moving going that was weird that was clunky yeah clunky if only whoever this was it fought harder to have the movie just not get released oh oh saved us decades of headaches can we talk about the film called id4 isn't it what we were talking about Independence Day for well no now with God's id4 to coming out you know they don't call it that Jay they call it Independence Day resurgence it's a it's a it's a : okay so ID 4 : - no no there's no - involved they don't do twos anymore you know they don't do numbers anymore now you could blame the Resident Evil series for that it's just Independence Day resurgence yeah but the fact that this was called ID 4 doesn't make sense there are no if they're not for independence days right I mean they're referencing the date of course but in in 1780 there would have been for independence days but not now I guess it's like DC Comics which is detective comics comics oh sure you say cuz it sounds good they say it sounds good ID for Independence Day and it's really it's really redundant it's just Independence Day or July 4th yeah well roland emmerich wouldn't know that because he's a filthy foreigner i think i do think that the idea of us like now having their technology and twenty years later they come back and we can kind of use their technology against them it's kind of an interesting point to start from as far as the late sequel goes so we're gonna have a bigger ship and we're gonna have I think I saw a TV spot where it was like a bigger alien like there exosuit is bigger so it's just the same movie but everything's bigger and brent Spiner is back even though he died of course of course I guess it wasn't conclusive the guy goes down and like I think touches his neck and I reach extra pulse and then he's like clearly looks like his neck is broken yeah but no one ever said he dies he's just getting back girl data at least he's getting work that's the good thing about all these like late nostalgic sequels all these revival movies is they're all like actors that haven't done anything and forever and now they all get to have a big movie again yeah yeah that's true that's so good for them the Karen Allen effect Karen Allen effect yeah yeah and and we all get to learn something amazing in Independence Day resurgence is that Judd Hirsch is not dead that's the most shocking science-fiction element of all well I guess we'll look forward to watching Independence Day resurgence when it comes out in the in the movie theatres when it comes out on id4 I'm sorry Oh July 4th ID for the ID channel Independence Day July 4th for it is corny and I would like I would enjoy a corny movie about aliens attacking the earth it's called Mars Attacks Tim Burton made it it was fine but this takes itself seriously - seriously - be a silly b-movie and it but not seriously enough to take its threat serious it's a weird and it's threat is poorly written and is there just for the show of it yeah it look at the big spaceships aren't they big look at how much damage they do isn't that amazing wrap it up real quickly can we stop them it's poorly written yeah and it's ham-fisted and it's pandering and dumb and the the the corny element is not charming it's it's it fall it falls into the dumb area and this is that's a matter of opinion of what corny is fun and and bad chair but in this case we're right
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,828,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ID4 Review, re:view, red letter media, Jay and Mike, Independence day, review, Roland Emerich
Id: 4_LJGPph4SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2016
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