Inception explained by an idiot

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welcome to inception and my attempt at explaining a movie i barely understand myself so shall we begin movie starts with leonardo dicaprio washing up on a beach you see some kids and then gets taken up to an old japanese dude and he spins leo's toy like i've seen this thing before hmm spinny thing oh then we cut two young japanese dude the same guy came his name cyto and leo's name is cobb he and him along with joseph gordon love you are trying to sell saito on the idea of training his mind to defend itself in the event someone would try to break into one of his dreams and steal some information but he ain't interested now before we move forward i might explain some [ __ ] about dreaming and leonardo dicaprio but for streaming this movie is all about okay multiplayer dreaming one dude has a dream and they all jump in there and do whatever and there are many rules to multiply dreaming and dreaming in general but all you really gotta know is two things okay how you wake up there's only two ways either a kick which is that falling sensation you get when you're stepping off an unexpectedly high curb or when you like uh fall i guess [Music] second way is you die you die in a dream you also wake up like compending now i want to leo he's the best at this whole co-op dreaming shindig and going into dreams and stealing secret stuff because you're more vulnerable in a dream and more susceptible to i know subconscious [ __ ] whatever you get it he also can't go back to america to see his kitties because his wife killed herself and cobalt thinks that he killed her and they want to rest his ass what is cobalt you might ask i don't [ __ ] know probably a big bad company but might as well be a [ __ ] yo-yo card beats me and lastly because of his dead wife my guy has issues you feel me now back to movies saito says no leo sees his wife maul because he's in a dream and she'd be like let me suck your dick and be like no bunk no honey then does some spy stuff then steal some files from saito safe because he's not here to help him he seems to steal from him and maul writes him out to saito that he's healed to steal some information and that they were in a dream so he's [ __ ] whole then cobb shoots joseph aka arthur to wake him up and runs around a bit while they shoot him and the dream collapses to read the secret information that secret file then outside the dream of fourth do dominic the [ __ ] gives cobb a kick to wake him up psycho wakes up too and they fight him then be like ha we got the info but you left some [ __ ] out didn't you what is it i know i was dreaming dumb ass that's why i let you get anything in the first place i was testing you testing us for what don't matter now because you failed [ __ ] suck my tiny asian [ __ ] then inside to realize that he is once again dreaming so there were in a dream inside a dream amazing they all wake up on a train except for saito they leave them asleep for a bit and skedaddle later on donatello was doing some rally check with his spinning thing that he called totem you see he spins the thing and if it doesn't stop spinning that means he's in a dream he shoots himself if it stops spinning he won't shoot himself and he's in reality everyone who does his streaming stuff has to have their own reality check totem thing okay so you don't specifically have to have the spinning top which might i say is a horrible totem to choose because think about it what if one time he gives his extra spin okay mad rotation i'm talking he babe lays that [ __ ] so hard it's about to tear a hole to the fabric of time and he's not in a dream it might take a really long time for it to stop spinning at which point he will think he's in a dream and he'll [ __ ] kill himself and then you know what happens then bro huh what happens then [ __ ] [ __ ] told him so thingy fall he no kill sad phone call with kids happen arthur comes in like a santos girl they go up to a helicopter hello chapter what i mean in the word they go up to helicopter to find saito in it with dominic the snitcho saito then offers them a job although he just said that he was assessing them in that dream and they failed so what gives jackie chan anyway the job is inception which means planting an idea in someone's head through their dreams and [ __ ] which arthur says is impossible but leonardo the coin on the cabrio says now it's possible but [ __ ] you anime champ what if i can get you back to america to see your kids i have reconsidered okay so some more dream rules about how inception and uh what's up extraction works is you go to sleep make an empty dream place have someone else go to sleep and enter your dream and have their subconscious fill your dream with a bunch of [ __ ] and for that you're gonna need an architect to build dream levels because it's used in real places the dreamer might recognize them realize he's dreaming and wake up which screws everything up a chemist to supply the good good you know i'm saying the stuff that'll keep you under and asleep all that time and especially for inception gonna need a con artist thief forger type dude alright so cobb goes to alfred his dad who's a professor in paris to get one of his students to build dreams for him because if he knows the layout mom might show up because he has issues so alfred introduces him to ariadne micro tits and he tells her that he has an illegal job for her and she's like sick i love crying then he gives her a test tells her designer amazing two minutes that takes him one minute to solve she keeps failing at it but then she gives him a good one he'd be like that's what i like no it isn't and here's why first of all first two minutes she made were too easy seriously i saw them in less than two seconds and i'm an idiot second of all he peaked leonardo piquillo no peeking third of all why did you draw on the hard cover of the notebook how's he gonna dramatically rip out pages now with dumbhole and fourth of all this maze is either way too easy to solve or impossible because you've got two options option a the starters here and the end is here underneath his hand or vice versa in which case the solution will be to just go all the way around except if it's blocked here then there is no solution or option b where you start from the middle and exit is here in which case there is no solution because it's all [ __ ] blocked so that's more like it my ass you're both retards and a baboons fecal matter is probably smarter than both of you combined anyway he explains to her some dreams rules and [ __ ] and then he tells her they're in the dream right now she explodes and they wake up then go again for five minutes which is enough because that translates to one hour in dream time so they dream again and he tells her that it's her dream so she creates a place but he's the subject or whatever so all these people are like npcs and projections of his subconscious and the more you [ __ ] with the world the more they'll notice that something's wrong the more hostile they will be towards the person that's [ __ ] with this world which is her it feels muffled so she folds the dream in half and creates a place for memory which is a big no-no then maul comes out of nowhere and [ __ ] kills the [ __ ] and she wakes up like what the [ __ ] was that aight that's it i'm head out and leo but like don't worry she'll be back because it's just too good to pass up on it's like minecraft on stairway to [ __ ] architects red green baby then he goes to mumbasa to get himself a thief forger dude which is tom hardy he tells him what's up with the job he's in but he also tells him that he needs to lose his tail before they proceed with this conversation because a dude from kobo been following him and then they'll meet back here because it's the last place they'd suspect really you don't think kobo will be watching the dude who came here to meet because if they're not they're idiots and they're not watching him so there it is anyway leo tries to lose them in a chase where they have incredible potato aim and he tries to squeeze through his crack lengthwise for so long it's actually painful to watch then cyrus shows up to save him because i need to protect my investments fair enough but do you have to do yourself because this is kind of dangerous can't you just hire someone to do it for you mister i'm so witch i'm gonna buy an entire [ __ ] airline hey pick up tom go find a chemist that'll cook them up some real strong cause they're going in no one inch puncher here baby nah they're going in three layers deep which is highly unstable according to leo and yusuf has just the thing for that meanwhile back in france ariadne comes back to arthur and he teaches her some cool dream tips and tricks to confuse the projections and prolong the dream and you know all that [ __ ] like for example the infinite staircase now on to the plan who they're going to incept why they're going to accept him and all that crap focus up cyto's main competitor in the field of waifu pillows or whatever business he's in is an old geezer who's on his deathbed and is going to leave his empire to his son robert and saito wants to put the idea into bob's head to [ __ ] nuke his dad's company now his relationship with his dad is pissy to say the least but is very good with mr dingo which is his dad's right hand man and the plan is to go three dream levels deeper time slows down the deeper they go and on the first level tom is going to personate mr dingo and tell bob some [ __ ] that will hopefully lead bob to make his own projection of mr dingo on level two that will tell him some other [ __ ] and on level three um he will have a wet dream of mr dingo i don't know dog okay you think i know what i'm doing here i'm a [ __ ] dumbass why even watching this [ __ ] so saito somehow gets tom close enough to mr dingo to study him and get more data and arya makes her own custom totem which is a chess piece instead of just stealing it from any chess set like any normal human being [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] anyway cobb doesn't want to see any of the levels arya made and she'd be like why and he'd be like shut up and she'd be like is it because if you know that mom knows shut up i said come on then she'd be like do the others know and he'd be like nah how at least arthur must know he's seen slash heard enough of maul to know that she's the reason he can't design levels anymore anyway later on she breaks into one of his secret dream sessions and finds out that he has kept memories of maul in his dreams and he keeps revisiting them so his issues run deep man i'm talking deep okay [ __ ] homie gotta watch frozen he gotta let go man [ __ ] she bro anyway mall attack they wake up and aria be like this you [ __ ] up and she demands to go into the job with them to keep everyone safe and by the way so the saito but for the reason they get on the same plane bobert's going on and cop spikes his drink then they enter use his stream and start multiplayer dreaming they kidnap up train crashes into leo cause mom be acting up and then people start shooting at them because bob had his subconscious train to fend off dream snatchers i know what to call the professional bob strains subconscious attacks and somehow simultaneously has potato abe and shoot out all the glass except for the windshield and hit cycle i don't know how the windshield did not get shot was being shot out from all angles but whatever also why couldn't they have dreamed up uh i don't know bulletproof glass because you know armored cars exist that's real that won't [ __ ] with the dream around suspicion right or or would it i don't know [ __ ] armored taxis probably exist anyway they get to a safe house and throw bob into a room and start yelling at each other lee reveals that they can't kill cyrus and put him out of his misery because he's actually feeling real world pain right now because the drugs they taken to be in such stable sleep is so good that if they die in a dream they will go to limbo remember that one rule that i told you in the beginning of the video yeah forget about it out the window if you die in a dream you go into limbo and lambo is like a comatose dream state thing they explain it as dream space well what the hell is down there just raw infinite subconscious nothing is down there make of that what you will but i'ma call it a coma [ __ ] you and it's super hard to get out only a cop's been there before and only he got up before and they'll be like what the [ __ ] if we die if we're gonna go limbo [ __ ] this [ __ ] same part of the planet the cop convinces them that the only way to get out of this alive and safe title is to finish the job as fast as possible but i don't think that that's true because even though the deeper you go the less pain cider will feel you're still gonna end up back at level 1 and have to spend 10 real world hours while using special dream sauce wears off so he can wake up which translates to two whole dream weeks at level 1 which you'll be spending running away from bob's dream police at which point title 100 [ __ ] died whatever though they shake up bob and ask about made up safe with a made-up code then they introduced thomas mr dingo who tells him that his dad kept an alternate will in that safe which will split up the company and he'd be like and i want to open it why so i can piss away my inheritance the [ __ ] would i want to do that meanwhile cop tells arya that he and his wife mom tried to explore how many dreamers they could go down and ended up in limbo [ __ ] around built a bunch of [ __ ] spent 50 years there before somehow coming out back to the real world where sheik was convinced that they were still in the dream and that they needed to wake up by killing themselves and he was like the [ __ ] [ __ ] you crazy nine doing that so she killed herself may look like he killed her i know why she went through all the trouble and then just shoot him in the head and kill herself afterwards i guess love or whatever women bruh women am i right so she did that to force his hand to kill himself but he knew he was in the real world and said he fled the country and has been trying to get back ever since end of sword they first popped his pew out some random numbers and bob's dream team calls in on them so they get a move on and tom goes you mustn't be afraid to dream a little bit bigger darling and dreams himself up a big old grenade launcher and kills these two guys in fair point but you still got another dude somewhere else on another rooftop and i asked again how big is too big because technically speaking pressure missile is real an attack helicopter that escorts you around and protects you is also real an army of weaponized furries is technically also possible and you just put bob to sleep right now for the second level so if the projections of his subconscious see [ __ ] up [ __ ] does that still count i have so many questions my god whatever they're on the run now and dream npcs are on their ass they all sleep so now there are two levels deep and basically what happens on this level is leo convinces bob that he is here to protect him from dream snatchers or whatever and that he's dreaming right now so tricking bob into making his subconscious attack itself and stay off cobb and his team a bit i think i don't know bro okay this is really confusing anyway they go into some room and then bob's subconscious protection of mr bingo comes in like i'm the one that kidnapped you i can't let you split up your dad's company because it's been my whole life blah blah blah your dad's hunting you he sucks you're great he lied mo [ __ ] we need to put him to sleep break up this man and see what he's up to find out the truth you win say less baby so they put them to sleep and start dream sharing into tom's dream right now they're on arthur's dream so level two's arthur three but they about to go into mr hardon meanwhile on level one yusuf's still on the run and he flips the van and keeps going somehow and while i was flipping arthur was fighting dream security on a spin cycle but turning into a washing machine was not enough for people on level 3 to feel anything also arthur does a paradox stairs thing to fight off one of the dream guards which i don't think he was supposed to do right because you don't want to alert the subconscious or whatever and revealing how the paradox tears work is gonna like make the dream unstable or something but i guess it's okay because on this level bob knows he's dreaming if so why don't he just dream up the smart pistol from titanfall like just get it over with it bro it's so easy can you not do that why can't he reveal the paradox stairs but he can't do that what are the rules anyway right now they're in snowy level three trying to break into this hospital vault or whatever or bob's supposed to get the idea to [ __ ] his dad's company but before he gets to the vault model shows up and leo hesitates on shooting them all even though he knows she ain't real and she shoots bob he gets stuck in limbo then leo shoots small [ __ ] great job you [ __ ] stain so ariadne gets the brilliant idea to follow bob down into limbo or gave him his own kick down there while tom shocks him with the fibularity bring him back to level three by the way while we're at it let's explain how the [ __ ] they're gonna get back to level one they're gonna use synchronized kicks throughout all the levels to get back there which i don't think they need to synchronize because according to the first scene all you need to do was have a kick in the first level above to get back there and then your gucci but whatever another one yusuf's gonna drive the van off a bridge on level two after he's gonna shoot them all down an elevator shaft because since the van is in free fall that means he's in zero gravity and level two and on level three tom's gonna blow up the hospital and make it fall outside the mountain and make them all fall and this will all happen for some reason at the same time it will be coordinated with music so bingo bongo your mom's a congo so bingo bongo synchronized kick by the way arthur only had two whole ruminants to find a way to drop them in zero gravity because they missed the first kick which was event hitting the railing and he still somehow got them all 69 each other tied them all up put them in an elevator cut the ropes set the charges all in on the two minutes [ __ ] hell we got sonic the hedgehog over here whatever leonardo are now in limbo they find mal who's holding bobert hostage because she wants cobb back and it's revealed that cobb knows inception is possible because he did it first tomorrow by planting the idea in her head that limbo ain't real by spinning her top and by that i mean her totem for once i don't mean anything sexual so he spawned that thing so they could escape it but the idea kept growing like a cancer in her mind and made her think that rally isn't real and kill herself so he's an idiot but they find bob and give him his own kick by getting him off a building he gets back level three opens the ball talks to his dad and somehow interprets i'm disappointed you tried to be like me as i wanted you to be your own man and do your own thing and build your own company because i know you're better than me not as haha dumb [ __ ] you could never be like me because i'm amazing you're a [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] why don't you just [ __ ] leave my company huh why don't you [ __ ] [ __ ] no balls no balls but um whatever maybe i'm the one with that issues back in limbo leo finally let's go if mom tells arya that he's gonna stay behind to find sight oh since he's probably dead right now which milk is true and he's the only one that can make the call that won't get him arrested once they let in america so he [ __ ] needs him he also tells her to jump off the building because all the kicks are happening right now bob finds a windmill that he made as a kid the kicks all happen they all wake up on level 1 bob gets tightly at nuke his dad's empire and tells that to tom who's still posing as dingo on level one so inception worked cobb finds out cyto and limbo they recite poetry to each other then commit sudoku together and this gets them out i guess because even though they're heavily stated right now i think no matter what if you kill yourself in limbo you're going to snap back to reality oh the ghost gave the oh that goes up he choked he saw my body oh my god i gotta stop so they're back on the plane everyone else is awake i guess because the dream juice right now and they all survived bob's dream police saito makes the call they land cobb makes it past customs no problemo and gets back to his kids but before he does he spins the totem and the camera cuts right before we see if it falls or not mindfucking us into questioning whether cobb was dreaming or not told you was a gay-ass stupid totem [ __ ] [ __ ] totem this movie gets 17 corn dogs out of 2.6 hot dogs [Music] you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 2,780,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inception, inception explained, inception recap, inception review, everything wrong with inception, movie recap, recap, spoilers, haha, funny, lol
Id: FRjL6RE60j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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