The Ultimate Gift | ROMANCE MOVIE | Drama | Full Length | Free Movie

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are we on hello [Music] thank you yes [Music] sir [Music] he's gone contact family members various corporate boards and business interests yes sir sarah i am so sorry for your loss am i speaking with theophilus hamilton of birmingham sir yes sir this is he dave's art stevens you can call me red i need a lawyer for a few business ideas i have a few still in the dream stage [Music] the bible assures us that precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints i wonder who the old man negotiated with for the rain well it's a sure bet he's laughing watching us get soaked yeah well now it's his turn there's not a person here whose life in some way has not been touched by howard red stevens red often quoted mountain lottery saying that every happening great or small is a parable by which god speaks to us and the art of life is to get the message may the message even though dad moved his corporate offices from texas many years ago for tax reasons he always said he wanted to be buried under texas soil [Music] is that yeah mom for what good morning before we start i'd like to say how much red meant to me personally as you know we started out as business partners and we ended up as friends i am deeply grieved by his passing yes well that's very nice now may we proceed red's will is in his own words still every bit is legal in banks and so my eldest son bill i leave my company panhandle oil and gas currently worth 600 million dollars however bill since you had zero interest in my company while i was alive i don't imagine that will change much after my death therefore the board will maintain control excuse me but my client would like to explore all of his options your client has no more options one of those instructions mr hamilton skipped over is rad's desire that each of you vacate after receiving your portion of the estate as in leave the room she can't talk to me like that we'll do something you can go now mr stevens what we should really go all right fine i have never been so humiliated did you see that old man talking to me that way and you guys just sat there and said absolutely nothing that's it a cow farm a 10 000 acre cow farm well what's that worth anyway ruth come on come here what exactly do we get a place for you to take your mistress come on let me explain i want to see everything full disclosure let's go good day mr stevens a long way from over jack you said it was a slam dunk jack widow of my late son jay howard stevens i am truly sorry for the events of the past please know that jay's death represents the greatest tragedy i have ever experienced i leave you control of my myers park estate where you now reside and i manage trust for expenses as long as you live since your choice of male companionship is vast and varied a deed and title for the house will remain under the control of my trustees good day mr hamilton good day it's amazing just how far the fruit can fall from the tree and still roll a great distance nice of you to show up you're in time for nothing let's go jason how do you know my name it's my business to know everyone named in your grandfather's will well let's cut the bs because i know what he left me nothing walk away you never know where jason so what's in the box your inheritance have a seat does the box or the seal appear to have been tampered with in any way no then therefore witnessed this day uh breaking the seal or fixed in my presence by red himself miss hastings yes sir are we on yes we are well then if you're watching this i i must be dead that's a strange concept how was my funeral well attended i hope it rained hamilton miss hastings i hope you're having a better day than i am if you've just been with my family i doubt it jason i've made a lot of mistakes with our family but you're the one i think i hurt the most the only way i could make it up to you is to not give you anything i knew it what i mean by that is that i'm not giving you anything just yet so sit back down there i've been thinking about this for a long time how can i give you something and not have it ruin you like your uncles and aunts and even some of their kids so so i want to give you a gift a series of gifts leading up to well i won't call it the ultimate gift now you fail in any way it's over you get nothing and everything you do must be to mr hamilton's satisfaction you might want to make friends with him sooner than later this is a voice-activated conversation it allows two-way communication between our office and you and you can also replay red's messages on it if you need to sir oh good there's a flight to houston tomorrow at 7 00 am as in morning 7 a.m yes that's 7 a.m for what you haven't told them to accept why do i have to go you find out when you get there this is whacked you might want to rethink that what could he possibly give me that he hasn't already taken away huh screw him screw both of you how was your day i'm not sure what do you mean into his little power trip i got to go pick it up where texas yeah you know what i'm not going well are you at least curious what if it's gold he ruined my life my best revenge is to just ignore him besides i couldn't trust fun worst case scenario i'll live off my mom i don't need his money yeah but one can always use some extra walking around money not if i have to sell my soul but if you had to at least try to get as much out of him as you can i mean my gosh what if you actually had to get a job sometimes [Music] police escort excuse me sir um can i see your boarding pass again thank you yeah see this is um i'm sorry this is for coach that's impossible no uh it's uh 32b we'll thanks a lot um we can't change it it's a q fair you can't you can't upgrade so can we do you have any idea who i am i know exactly who you are you're the guy in c32p here we go [Music] jason stevens hello jason so what is this one of those things that martha had to wear or what i see here at the houston airport um you got a problem you don't look like you worked a day in your life great the amazing question look i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing because no one's been hey hey i'm gus i'm your ride get in [Music] crazy [Music] man just loved hard work right mind if i smoke it's free country can you stop at the next convenience store convenience store we've been on my property for the last 30 minutes or so now seeing as how your red's grandson's you'll stay in the main house with us no one ain't much little lady just wanted a modest place dinner's in an hour breakfast at 5. gus aren't you forgetting something i don't think so shoot the gift so this is how crazy i'm [Music] crazy [Music] i'm crazy crazy [Music] you'd love me hey city boy breakfast is over don't you have uh some kind of gizmo to wake you up good morning what is your problem and i started out together wildcat and oil was down in louisiana made some money we each bought cattle spread because there's a hedge against they all run around because they really made it unless you own your own little piece of texas right right uh just from there eight feet from the center what lunch will be sent around about 11. well how far am i supposed to go don't worry you'll run out of posts before you run out of texas i wish i had a dollar for every fence post i've ever said matter of fact i do [Music] come on [Music] oh hey what do you think [Music] come on man so i'm dying to know what did you get uh it's complicated but it involves land building materials and slave labor they're giving you a shopping mall not exactly so it must be the land right they're giving that to you uh land's got a lot to do with it yeah you don't sound too sure well whatever it is i get to survive this geriatric cowboy until he gives it to me or when i get back or when i'm finished finish what you know what let me get back to you okay jason so that's it [Music] ugh [Music] you might like to dance [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] well it may be the devil and it may be [Music] let's go i'm not done work's never done on a ranch [Music] [Music] crazy you know you do any work like you just did you can do anything now aren't you forgetting something i don't think so shoot the gift i came here to pick up a gift remember that was the gift i do manual labor for a month and you're trying to tell me it was a favor to me the gift of work wow congratulations look hamilton just tell me what my total inheritance is i'm over this where are you going where is he going can you tell him to come back please mr hamilton mr hamilton hey mr hamilton sir please i think it's only fair that i know the amount of money that we're dealing with here don't you i mean i've been gone for a month just tell me what do i have to do what is it red said a series of gifts but let me add a personal note i too think this is a waste of time but it will end shortly because you are going to fail i expect you to fail and to fail miserably now if you do want to continue make an appointment with miss hastings okay mr hamilton i've been acting like a [ __ ] about this whole thing and i'm sorry and now i i see exactly what you and red have in store for me and i think it's exceedingly beneficial so what's the next gift you'll know [Music] howdy [Music] well you don't begin to live until you lost everything heck i've lost everything three or four times it's the perfect place to start now for most of your adult life you have been the life of the party and an easy touch for a lot of weak hangers on now let's see who your real friends are i was at your funeral and there wasn't a single person there who wasn't on your payroll or didn't have something to gain from your death what exactly is he asking me to do don't you come back at the end of the month with one true friend thank you [Music] and how are the lobster tails ah that's fine thanks the lady was enjoying the monteche and sir margot i hope it met your expectations that's terrific thank you we don't get uh too many requests for the 78 it's a bit too pricey for some of our patrons i'll just leave this with you now caitlyn where do you see our relationship what are you asking me jason stevens just thinking how long have we been going out an appropriate amount of time long enough see my thoughts exactly i was thinking that maybe it's time to take us more seriously yes but there's something i want to ask you first jason if you're talking about a prenup isn't that sort of passe well see i'm in i was thinking excuse me sir the charge card company declined the charge that's impossible i don't have a credit limit just run it through again it's always our practice to run it through again but they declined okay so i was thinking um well maybe it'd be a good time for me to move in with you uh you move in with me why i have my wardrobes at your penthouse it's just for a change of scenery besides i'm remodeling my place i remodel who's your designer i know everyone is i should have said i'm beginning to remodel i only really started with the demolition i'm sorry sir your bank is on the line they'd really like to speak with you i must insist look guys i'm having a little bit of a setback it's nothing that can't be fixed all right sweetie i'm switching accounts right now and i'm temporarily out of money is there a way you could pay for this jason you're um you're asking me to pay the bill [Music] you owe me what yo dude i'm rolling over what do you mean i can't i have been there for you countless times you owe me that's it bottom line who was the one who loaned you 10 grand last year you know i can come up with a better excuse when i was 12 years old all i need is a place to sleep i don't get what the problem is dude you can let me stand tonight one night hello sorry can i help you [Music] jason um oh what a surprise mom you're never gonna believe this i'm afraid i can't let you in i'm having a bit of a situation i need some help i need to borrow some money of course you do everyone needs money didn't your grandfather leave you anything what are you talking about he hated me jason he did not he didn't come around much but uh i was thought it was because of me it doesn't matter do you have any extra spending cash i would love to help you but i can't you can't they told me specifically that you would be coming around for money and that i was not to give you anything but i'm your son mom that's what you're supposed to do if i violate their instructions i am out everything everything so for the sake of the greater good i must insist that you leave i'm not gonna upset the whole apple cart just because you're facing a few challenges i'm sorry i just cannot help you thanks [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] so hey man you you're on my pitch i'm a [ __ ] beat it assemble no would have sufficed fine no no what no you cannot sit on this bench this is not your bench this is a city bench ghost it on another bench but it's my bench you know i've got just as much right to it as anybody it's a free country you know see that's where you're wrong name one thing in this country that's for free you need money for everything without money you're nothing look at you no money no food no family no friends nothing besides i'm sitting on this bench now this is my bench okay i'll flip your board i have a fine thanks well aren't you gonna chase him for it beat it kid i've been watching you you're not a real bummer he saw you at a funeral quite the entrance what were you doing my mother and i come here for lunch every day except right now she doesn't know where i am whatever emily emily you must really be having a bad life come on right now i was just having a pleasant conversation with this joke leave us alone please dear don't be ridiculous sorry to disturb you come on that's okay i'm not the one who's disturbed some friends you are thanks a lot poser you know what i've said about talking to strangers hey wait wait wait wait wait wait okay this is going to sound really really strange but i'm just going to come out and say it i'll make a deal with you i need a friend but only for a little while and uh in return i don't know i'll take you both to disney world excuse me i need a friend explain yourself it's complicated no it's not it's pathetic come on just because i told you he's not a real one okay oh dude come on [Music] yo she doesn't even like shot enough to [Music] you've done me problem baby and you'll be sorry thank you miss hastings bringing you stephen's foul looks like our boy's not even going to make it through round two sir doesn't he have until the end of today well from what i hear he could have another month and still get the same result yes sir so what do you think is this a good spot yeah perfect you can see everything under the perfect tree hey hey get that back so you need to step back i'm sorry you need to step back okay get back get back i've got nine on one all dialed in all i have to do is press send come on get back out hey hey leave him alone [Music] yeah my bench so you have a bet with the dead guy mm-hmm cool emily be polite wait how can you have a bet with a deceased person that's the part that's complicated so you come up with a friend what do you get if we go along with this emily no it's okay i don't know something about an ultimate gift or something because you're not sure what that is yeah never sums it up so what do we get if we agree to do this we need money how much are you willing to pay emily i i'm sorry you're gonna have to excuse my daughter sometimes he tends to be a little outspoken i can't promise you anything now that's better but what if we really did become friends emily it's not polite so you're jason's friend yes i am true friend absolutely pinky promise so how long have you known mr stevens we go way back we're like this now where do i sign and he hasn't promised you any compensation for this friendship look at him does he look like he has anything to offer so uh you expect this friendship to continue i plan on knowing jason for the rest of my life sure just a minute pal you owe me emily wait they go back a long way don't they there was a time when mr hamilton was quite ill and needed a kidney transplant your grandfather went out of his way to help him find a donor you could even say i think that mr hamilton's alive today because of red stevens um in the basement of this building there's a small apartment for custodian it isn't being used right now perhaps you'd like to take a look at it thank you jason you have no concept whatsoever the value of money money has always been available to you like the air you breathe i'll take let's uh review some highlights from your recent past at 25 000 per night suite in paris with a personal chef whom you tipped heavily toward the bordeaux region and chauffeured hot air balloons that was amazing a week of hellish geek and san maris a small fleet of exotic cars the latest in everything including women but the past is the past and i figure you've probably had a pretty tough month well it's about time thank you very much and if i ever see you two again it will be too soon well seeing how you've never held one of those before let me explain what it is that's a paycheck it's for what you earned at gus's ranch of course the irs wrap is the first i hate those guys in your pocket every step of the way you start out in business and then you have to make a payroll and just when you think you're going to make stevens this is the gift of money please yeah yeah sorry look at me i'm carrying on about death and taxes even after i'm dead but you have to take that money and as much as you need it yourself spend it on someone experiencing a real problem what can they teach you put yourself in their shoes would you like us to cast it for you please i think we know you well enough that we won't need any id how will you know how i spent it we'll know [Music] hey oh i didn't take anything nope nope [Music] oh [Music] [Music] naturally a young blonde woman what are you doing here you sorry yeah did you talk to her so what's wrong with her it depends on what on who you really are maybe i can help you emily has leukemia we thought she was in remission after a bone marrow transplant but a couple of weeks ago her body started to reject the transplant i'm sorry uh hey well you've got any money right oh so that's it you won your bet with your rich grandfather and back off the streets congratulations what is it now i do have to give away some money you're getting less mysterious by the minute i bet you're gonna get to the end of your game collect your cash and just ride off into the sense i don't know maybe but alexi if i can help you why won't you just let me because no rich kid is gonna use me or my daughter to play a game your check was for 1500. tell hamilton i'm good for it just pay that bill [Music] your other hundred and fish play our life should be lived not avoiding problems but welcoming them as challenges that will strengthen us so that we can be victorious the future so now that i've given you the gift of work and friends and the value of money let's discover the gift of family now this is a tough one but see if it's even remotely possible to get something positive out of our family see if they truly know how to count their blessings if my doctors are remotely accurate this assignment might even fall on thanksgiving how appropriate he's joking right hey where's the girl who emily she's with god oh there's my best friend listen about the other day so now you know all about me no more mysteries i'm really sorry shut up don't be pathetic i wonder if he takes advance orders for what for my place you know there what do you think it's going to be like butterflies lots of butterflies did you know god paints every color on a butterfly with his fingers i didn't know you thought about stuff like that i think about time there's something basically unfair about a person dying i even hate the idea [Music] you know i um i don't know much about god jesus but i can promise you that those arms are meant for you [Music] what's gonna happen to my mom really donate her you know did i mention i believe that if you kissed her do you think your mom and i okay it's official you are the slowest person i have ever met you two were made for each other i knew that back in the park in the park i look like a bum let's not be delusional you were of um so what do you do for thanksgiving mrs drummond i want to send emily's charts and blood work off to a specialist see whether or not she's a candidate for another transplant oh will that give her a better chance than chemo unfortunately chemotherapy isn't going to be enough i'm sorry thank you laughs [Music] so when i found out i was pregnant he was getting ready to leave for college and uh didn't want anything to get in his way and emily she's she's the best decision i ever made so apparently someone came by and covered my background was it you thank you so i have a question for you and i hope i'm not being too out of line here but i was wondering if you'd like to join me for thanksgiving oh um thanks that's nice for you to ask but i can't um obviously emily needs me here so but thanks well it's too bad because you're missing out on a splendid example of a way too wealthy american dysfunctional thing it's oh you know i have the strangest feeling i might have enjoyed it what are you thinking about nothing thinking about jason yeah he's weird isn't he he's a good weird no he uh invited me over to thanksgiving with his family oh really yeah of course i told him whatever loser i think you should go absolutely not i wouldn't dream of missing thanksgiving with you so why'd you decide to come my daughter banished me oh so i have you by decree knowing emily by design mission accomplished two completely opposite people who wouldn't have had a chance without me destined to make each other miserable you okay jason don't tell me you've never been on a bus before [Music] brace yourself jason seriously i'm willing to bet that they are perfectly normal people oh yeah how much [Music] please [Music] this is nice thank you you know i have a fur i'm doing informal auditing just the financials of the publicly held side there's still several hundred million floating around and you know i'm better than i most of those companies were privately held maybe we should check into some of his favorite charities they do have to report lodge contributions that's a great idea you know daddy always was a sucker for a begging hand unfortunately what sort of business does your family come from alexia um healthcare oh how wonderful well we have a wing in the hospital downtown a couple of ways i think oh is it a couple of hospitals i always forget my daughter is receiving great care thanks to your father great sector healthcare a little flat to third quarter but boys to rock it okay i'd like to propose a toast yes to each other for suffering through a year of great adjustment excuse me does anyone else seem to notice it smells a little like cow hide in here and how are those thin stocks of yours doing jack what's wrong with little investment in alcohol tobacco and firearms over the stench of oil and what's wrong with oil thank you very much my money's just as green in manhattan as anywhere else so who does get the rest of the estate sarah i don't know anything about that well you were the last one in there no i wasn't well that's just ridiculous darling when we left you were the only one there well jason was also there ah jake so enlighten us jason you certainly could not have been the one that received the bulk of red's estate or are you is that why you insisted we get together for thanksgiving so you could reveal your newly enhanced trust fund to us it's thanksgiving i was hoping maybe we could all go around the table and each say something that we're most thankful for [Laughter] are you on crack this again well here's the thanks we don't have to put up with dad's endless litany of cliche quotes this is wisdom here here who is that i think he works down at the video store well jason will tell you all you need to know about this man this dearly departed i mean he more than anyone here has a bone to pick with the late great red stevens jason i can only imagine what you've just been through i can never get them to be thankful for anything oh my god let me see hey hey what's all i have for you it's between him and me it's none of your business it has everything to do with us it's our money so he's making you work for your inheritance not anymore because i don't think i could ever win at this one alexia let's go jason wait wait don't just tell them what they want to hear i don't have to tell them anything jason you're going to hear from my attorney monday morning yeah did uh shut up jack you're all pathetic wait jason slow down i put up with that for years i was a part of that what happened to your dad he's dead what else do you want to know how'd he die the only person he really knows just took it to his grave jason there's something i always want you to remember okay when i met you you were a homeless person and you made friends with my daughter we shared peanut butter jelly sandwiches all this without me knowing anything about your background yeah well the problem is that's me back there yeah but you can walk away from all that you already have i appreciate what you're saying but money changes things it gets you stuff it's a it's a way to live life worry-free money takes away the worry yeah i saw what money can do and your worries or whatever you want to call them they're not life or death jason i'm sorry but getting my inheritance is a matter of life or death and i know when i say that i sound like i'm being a stevens and being a stevens is all about money but it's not it's more so i'll pay you back as soon as possible what uh the money i owe you the 1600. happy thanksgiving [Music] so marietta ruby from the time i met her in the seventh grade that was my sweetheart she didn't make it easy though took me all the way to eighth grade to catch up with her she's beautiful yeah she passed away shortly after we were married i'm really sorry the greatest gift she gave me was the will to move on to overcome you know i may have met someone myself then cherish her and become the man she deserves have a seat now as i said i had a feeling you were gonna stop by that university you attended what was it rated number three number three party school in the country do you truly know how to learn uh jason any process worth going through will get tougher before it gets easier that's what makes learning a gift even if pain is your teacher no there's no way anywhere but there i know what he's trying to do and it's not gonna work he can take his millions to his grave i don't care what he's trying to do is for your benefit not your destruction you know hamilton you sound just like him but guess what you're not him i don't know son i do have one on his kidneys he's been out there for hours yep he's got some big decisions to make do you think he'll come in or go home he doesn't have a home you're right he hates you i know then why are you here i have to leave the country for a while i'm reluctant to go because of what i'm leaving behind what are you leaving behind then you have to go you get out of here you screw up big time you know i have to eat a proper hospital turkey for thanksgiving you better be back like christmas [Music] i [Music] uh [Music] you've been down here you put your name on everything welcome welcome jason stevens oh so good to meet you i'm bella hi may i be the first to show you inside the library your grandfather built yeah sure for all the books oh you joke with the people it's not like that in the great library villagers wait for books you bring them new books they are waiting for you to pick up old books exchange library see so basically i'm in a third world country at a backwards library with no books and the books that are here i can't even read great this i found when i was cleaning his desk was i heard of red's passing i thought maybe you would like to keep when you sent this to him he proudly showed it to all of us then the tragedy he broke his heart dear grandpa how's ecuador i miss you and dad so much you know my birthday's coming up i was thinking instead of giving me gifts this year could you take me on one of your trips i promise i won't cause any trouble i just want to see you and dad again soon right back please love jason [Music] hold on [Music] you look just like your father i was here the night he died it happened up on that mountain didn't it take me there you cannot go it's not the province of the drug lords you don't understand i'll pay you well someday i understand perfectly but senor i only have one life you're just bargaining now aren't you send your stephens you do not want to pay the price you would take no one who goes there returns yes [Music] mr jason [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] is he says we are here to celebrate you and those who keep the j stephens library alive no you must be mistaken my grandfather was very generous everything's named after him no it is the jay stephens memorial library [Applause] to my father [Applause] hello [Applause] uh [Music] get out of the funny without me how'd you know i'd go you're already steven's are you nuts i thought you said you couldn't take me my purpose in coming to you was a promise i made to send you a red that you could learn the truth he had one desire and one desire alone to ask your forgiveness [Music] he said one day he would come only then you could learn the truth [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he had learned of a village in the next valley that had a plague and needed medical supplies but he never understood why red forbid him to go there was no plague there was no village what that wanted to introduce your father to the oil business but your father was restless bored no he snuck away he ran away and took a plane he had no business taking no this is what red wanted to protect you from till now there can't be no blame for what happened here the penalty for your father's impulsiveness unfortunately was alive is [Music] americano hey foreign yes [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] it was the best of times it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness can't you find him we think that he went searching for the crash site which is in lawless territory sorry crash site where his father died nor hate thy life but what thou lifts live well however long or short may the heavens permit tell me about my father in many ways he was very similar to you restless viberious angry i think red saw something in him that he didn't see in his other sons a fire the same fire he sees in you [Music] i still don't forgive you hey amiga [ __ ] are you here [Music] oh god does anyone understand what i'm [Music] saying [Music] fellaini [Music] my death so [Music] so [Music] ah save yourself not on your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my hey what are you doing here [Music] i was scared to death where's that mom uh she's resting she'll see you tomorrow you guys have a good christmas we didn't have one how could we you know what i'm gonna have a fantastic one next year i promise we won't have it next year [Music] they tell you where you need to you go to leave [Music] empty conversations [Music] the events of that day playing my mind over and over and over again i'm so sorry if your father hadn't died while working for me please give me a chance to explain ever since that day my life has been filled with grief [Music] it is apparent that you will never forgive me i do not blame you for this it's also something i cannot do for myself i loved your father so much a parent should never have a child perceive them in death it is the most painful experience imaginable uh that's enough for the day john welcome back stranger hey wow an airport gift shop gift how thoughtful does it come with needles yeah you can kiss me even though you're a guy i missed you too whatever let's cut to the chase you really blew with us this christmas uh i was unavoidably detained okay yeah i want christmas i want to ride yours oh i i got like a week or two left with this other thing but um let me make a call and say jason okay that works for me excuse me sir it's jason on line two oh will you all excuse me i have to take this call go ahead jason mr hamilton love one way or another this is over either i was in south america way too long or i missed the deadline or whatever but what i'm about to do is way more important and i know you have no reason whatsoever to trust me but i need to borrow my grandfather's jet and i need it now i want to take alexia and emily to gus's ranch for a late christmas jason do you know what you're doing look i have no control what uh mr hamilton was saying was that he'll be sending along red's next gift on your conversation you have your bags packed within the hour and uh he will have the jet fueled and ready to go thank you this means so much to me and hamilton i promise i'm gonna take back all those nasty thoughts about you being the grinch thanks again merry christmas hey gus what is this snow in texas all right hector hit it merry christmas yes this is emily hi emily welcome alexia hi alexi i know and there he is i'll get your bags i see why you chose this place i wish i could take the credit emily center which was to go horseback riding with you [Music] emily she's terrified of horses i'm the one who loves horses oh jason's so beautiful thank you thank you [Music] gonna be okay sweetie alexia there's something i need to do what friendly and now for me and gus how about that when i achieved my dreams it was like going home to a place i'd never been before you don't know that feeling do you the first few gifts i've given you have been practical show up do this do that and then the gifts started needing you to provide input they needed intuition still your average person is too weighted down jason you need to be free you're free to dream you need to come up with a dream then act on it jason is the time for you to dream you thinking about butterflies oh jason i'm looking at the stars you know i set this whole thing up because i thought you wanted to go horseback riding not your mom yeah real horses are smelling and sweaty so sweetie what's your dream if you could dream of anything anything what would your dream be my dream my dream was a perfect day and i'm just finishing it my dream is to be with people i love i love each other they love me [Music] what about you jason what's your dream i don't know for as long as i can remember all i wanted to do was have fun now i don't have a clue it's okay guys are close [Music] okay you have to know this even if you don't have a dream of your own you gave me mine that counts for something of course [Music] look at her isn't she beautiful i mean except for her choice in lipstick but you have to admit even if you got nothing else out of the deal for her you'd still be a huge winner don't blow it you're likely to do it merry christmas jason [Music] merry christmas up until now i've only existed i've um i've drifted through life day to day thinking that that was enough and honestly i don't know if i have my own dream but i do know i can help others fulfill theirs i know it jason will you excuse us for a few minutes we've deliberated and evaluated whether or not your answer conforms with the expressed desires of red stevens and we find that your answer does therefore we're releasing an amount allocated for you at this time that is uh 100 million dollars to do with whatever you please all of us here at the farm want to congratulate you jason for sticking it out putting up with some very harsh conditions and prevailing congratulations steven [Applause] so that's it yes i i i think so no don't get me wrong it's not the amount it's uh it's just i don't know i was expecting a different feeling or something i think that's because now you are a different person and uh i know we won't cast that check for you [Laughter] okay so he is the best architect in town that's great tell me i want a meeting with him first thing monday morning and how much is that i want to tour that property as soon as possible that's amazing we'll have a meeting at the bank of let's say what a month well that would [Music] yeah they're going to be plenty of cars okay thank you i like the remodel huh where have you been in and out of prison good to hear no visible tattoos i missed you what's this it's nothing that's a nice round number somehow i don't think you'll be having any more credit card problems will you still owe me a dinner how could i ever forget i think i still remember my way around [Music] jason where'd you go shall i keep the limo running mr stevens maybe not mr hamilton miss hastings i'm so happy you came jason what's going on have a seat please i insist thank you all for joining me today may i direct your attention to ooh it's called emily's home it's for a dozen or more families experiencing extraordinary health challenges now over here will be the homes they're part of the same complex yet individual dwellings families are going to be able to live together while they face their problems now obviously there's going to be plenty of parking over here is going to be a state-of-the-art employment center catering to parents single or married who need to earn some sort of income while their child undergoes treatment now at this state-of-the-art hospital excuse me it's missing oh yeah a church a worship center okay how much is this gonna cost if you look at the prospectus in front of you page five the total initial outlay will be 350 million dollars your part will be to underwrite the financing and a loan guarantee of 250 million i'm going to be putting up the first hundred million of my own money mr stevens this is all well and fine we did business with your grandfather for many years i'm sorry for interrupting but i didn't phrase this as a question you are going to do this you made this much off my grandfather in a typical year and gentlemen this project has the full resources of the hamilton law firm backing it pro bono as i'm sure you will be too wrap up the details for me william hamilton my pleasure thank you all i appreciate it hey whoa come on come on [Music] uh um wanted me to be there it was so important to him [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] jason alexia as mayor of charlotte it is my extreme honor and privilege to preside over the groundbreaking for emily's home but it is also a sad day in that the namesake and the inspiration for this incredible project is not here with us today but her spirit will always be with us all jason alexia i am so proud of the man you've become thanks a great part to you meet me at my office as soon as possible will you i have one more matter i need to discuss of course i understand you went outside the boundaries of our instructions with one of those gifts what don't what me that i'm talking about i say things will you uh dismiss everyone yes sir over the course of several days this investigator personally witnessed and recorded the subject as he committed various misdemeanor infractions for which he was never cited nevertheless illegal activities did occur panhandling bordering on assault stealing private property resale of stolen items street vending without a permit jaywalking it is the opinion of this investigator that the subject is a reprobate and not capable of completing the twelve gifts laid out in red stevens that's enough miss hastings my pleasure mr hamilton jason if you made it this far he had one final message jason yeah you gave away the 100 million all of it yes well if you're standing here now it means that not only have you succeeded in receiving all of my gifts but have done so beyond the boundaries that i have set i guess that means that i have succeeded as well what i could not accomplish in life i i've done it death as long as you are still alive i will be too i love you son i love you too goodbye jason [Music] [Music] as executor of the estate of red stevens i hereby execute and otherwise assign complete and controlling interest to jason stevens the balance of reds estate including all holdings investment portfolio and offshore interests totaling in excess of 2 billion depending on opaque prices and foreign currency fluctuations of course [Music] i needed a lawyer for a few business ideas i have a few still in the dream stage when would you like to meet me held your heart sir are you sure you wouldn't like to meet first you're at the top of your law class were you not yes sir then you're my lawyer now let's get on with it we got a world to conquer [Music] do you think i'm old with hastings [Music] well i think it's about time i retire from this law firm whatever will you do mr hamilton go to work with jason stevens change the world hi something changed [Music] thank till i felt it in my own heart [Music] so i want to give you a gift a series of gifts leading up to well i won't call it the ultimate gift are you failing any way it's over you get nothing down you do any work like you just did you do anything [Music] now aren't you forgetting something i don't think so shoot the gift gift of work wow congratulations [Music] the charge card company declined the charge that's impossible i don't have a credit limit just run it through again it's always our practice to run it through again but they declined [Music] i need a friend expect this friendship to continue i plan the noon jason for the rest of my [Music] do life truly know how to learn villagers wait for books you bring them new books they are waiting for you to pick up old books exchange library see [Music] thank you and well you don't begin to live until you lost everything i think i've lost everything three or four times it's the perfect place to start something changed what's gonna happen to my mom i really donate her you know [Music] [Music] hello [Music] jason you need to be free you're free to dream you need to come up with a dream then act on it and honestly i don't know if i have my own dream but i do know i can help others fulfill theirs i do have to give away some money you're getting less mysterious you're 100 short tell hamilton i'm good for it just pay that bill so apparently someone came by and covered my background [Music] was it you my dream was a perfect day [Music] i love you son goodbye chase me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] legacy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MEOME - Romance Movies
Views: 371,924
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Keywords: full movies, free movies, movies, free movie on youtube, free movie, free movie on youtube full movie, full movie, romance movies, free full movie, drama movies, movies full, imdb free movies, imdb movies, free drama movies, free drama movie, romance, romantic movies, romance movie, romantic movie, romance drama, best romance movies, romantic film, romantic drama movies, full romantic movie, romantic full movies, the ultimate gift, the ultimate gift full movie, family
Id: ov1UJ1IkgAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 10sec (7030 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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