I AM GOD, YOUR PERSONAL GOD | Isaiah 43:3-13 | Pr Randy Skeete (EP 1 of 9)

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[Music] i will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and earth you will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forevermore god is good and all the time but okay well if you brought a bible with you i much prefer you use a bible rather than a phone because we are in church not in an apple store or t-mobile store but we're in a church you must look like we're in a church if you have a bible bring it the next time if you don't god has forgiven you and so will i the second faith i ask is that you pray for me while i'm speaking and all i want you to say is lord put your words in that man's mouth that request is based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 which says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth here is what jesus said about the words of god the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life that's what the bible jesus said about his word he did not say that about mine so my words cannot save you the words of god will save you and so you ask god to give me his words and by so doing you protect your own mind because if you pray that prayer it's god's will he will answer and what i say will be only what is beneficial for you in every department of your lives and the second the third favor i ask is that you think as you listen isaiah 118 come now let us reason together it's astonishing to consider that the god of heaven and earth is willing to reason with us says come now let us that's god and you let's reason i listen to you says god and you listen to me let's come to some agreement let's reason together in order to reason you've got to use this tremendous gift from god the intellect the mind separates us from the animal kingdom let's borrow heads and pray our father in heaven we've come to worship you today god in spirit and in truth we thank you father for freedom of worship in this country it's a precious possession help us to do all we can for the gospel while it lasts because it will not always be there we thank you for your sons and daughters who love you and who love your word and have come to hear the word and to fellowship one with another if we have sinned against you father forgive us that's why there's calvary to provide forgiveness grant to me your spirit de god possess my mind possess my apparatus of speech let me be hidden and let jesus christ be seen let something i say reach every listening heart i pray if others are on their way bring them safely to god thank you for loving us we love you and we offer this prayer in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen our subject for this evening a personal god what did i say genesis 1 reading verse 1. now you shouldn't have to look say for me genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth now let's read that again microscopically in the beginning god did what created what the heaven and the earth the question may be asked how did he do that we go to verse three and god said let there be light and there was light we learn immediately that god is an intelligent being god is not energy because energy does not speak god is not an essence god is not a vapor god is not energy god is an intelligent personality god said and here's a personality with a word that is powerful and god said let there be light and there was light you look at verse six it's the same thing and god said let there be a firmament verse nine and god said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place look at verse 11 and god said let the earth bring forth grass verse 14 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven so we are introduced to a god who speaks so god is not a tree he's not a rock he's not an animal they don't speak an intelligent being possesses the first the faculty of speech that's why we were made in god's image the animals were not so we serve an intelligent god he speaks let's go to uh john 5. john chapter 5 we'll read verse 37 our subject a personal god john 5 37 when you found you'd say amen now if you have my version the kgf you may read aloud if you have a different version don't read it loud because we'll have a little confusion and all things should be done decently and in order so if you have my version the king james version you may feel free to read aloud john 5 37 what does that say and the father also which have sent me have borne witness of me keep reading ye have what neither heard his voice come on no at any time nor seen his shape now what we discovered in genesis 1 christ mentioned in math john 5 god has a voice well we know that from genesis 1. but christ says you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape god the father has a shape he has a form and we can come to some fairly tantalizing conclusions about god's form because we were made in his image are you with me we were made in god's image in the book patriarchs and prophets page 45 paragraph 2 ella white writes man was to bear god's image both in outward resemblance and in character now moses said to god in exodus 33 show me thy glory and god told me verse 20 they can no man see my face and live god has a face in exodus 33 in verse 23 after god told moses i'll put you in the cleft of the rock and he said in verse 33 23 i will take away my hand and thou shall see my back parts but my face shall not be seen so in verse 23 of exodus 33 we have three things mentioned about god he has a face he has a hand he has a back part as opposed to his friend what am i trying to tell you god is a personal being when you pray don't pray to a doctrine don't pray to a teaching don't pray to an idea pray to a person when you're in difficulty and in trouble talk to a person god is a person are you with me go to micah chapter 7. micah 7 we'll read verse 18 micah 7 one of those minor prophets that most preachers don't ever preach from so it takes a little while to find micah do you have micah 7 verse 18. when if god is amen read with me who is a god like unto thee that does what that pardon is iniquity and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage keep reading he retaineth not his anger forever keep everything he delighteth in mercy now what do we learn about god in that verse here's what i can't hear you he pardons energy tends to pardon you a vapor can't parse on you electricity doesn't pardon you he pardons that's a moral act what else do you learn about god from that verse when he delights so we have two things god can experience and express delight and one of the things he delights in is being merciful let me say it again god expresses delight and one of the objects upon which it expresses the light or one of the reasons he delights is in showing mercy the verse also says god gets angry god is a personal intelligent being so is also the holy ghost and the sun when we know about the sun let's look at god a little more closely go to hebrews 1. hebrews 1 we'll read verse 3 our subject a personal god hebrews 1 reading verse 3. do you have that read with me who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person god is a person he has a personality now i need to stress this because for many people god is a distant idea he's a distant concept and even if we think he's a personality he is a distant and far removed personality god is not far removed let me show you one of the greatest desires that exists in the heart of god exodus 19 let's read from verse 4. this is god speaking to moses exodus 19 we'll read from verse 4 the israelites have been out of egypt for a few weeks the third month by the way and god calls moses up to the mountain and here is what god tells moses exodus 19 reading from verse 4. if you found it say amen read with me you have seen what i did unto the egyptians and how i bear you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself stop when the israelites were in egypt were they abraham's descendants yes or no yes so did they have a special connection with god because of that yes but listen again to verse four you have seen what i did unto the egyptians and how i bear you on eagle's wings finish the verse and brought you unto myself what is god saying god wanted the relationship so intimate and so close he does not want anyone else nearby and so he removed them when you go on a date with your girlfriend you don't want her little brother there are you with me am i right am i wrong that's the way it works in the u.s how does it work in australia you want a kangaroo with you no just you and your girlfriend are you following me and so god is saying no just me and the israelites let me get them out of egypt brought you unto myself god is a god of intimacy yes you're abraham's people so you're special to me but you're not close enough by virtue of your being in egypt i am removing you so that you and i can have a relationship without anyone else hanging around [Music] brought you unto myself verse 5 read with me now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant next verse then stop what does that introduce if you do that then that what does that mean to you it's a process it's a step by step if you do this then comes that it's an action and consequence is a cause and effect if he obey my voice indeed not anybody else's voice mine and keep my covenant then he shall be what a peculiar treasure unto me read the next few words do you have do you have a bible with you okay do you have a phone with the bible on it read the next few words then you shall be what a peculiar come on treasure unto me keep reading above people stop let me ask you this is god closer to some people than he is to others you're taking too long to answer yes he just said that he shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above tell me is god closer to some than he is to others yes was christ closer to peter james and john yes speak with confidence even when you're wrong are you with me so when i ask you to talk to me talk to me we're a spiritual family i won't make fun of you and don't do the same to me now so god says a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words we thou shall speak unto the children of israel god wanted to be close to the israelites the remarkable thing about god's sense of intimacy is that he desires to be close to us more than we desire to be close to him here's a sinless god chasing sinners to be close to them here's a sinless god chasing a prostitute down the streets of melbourne i want to get close to you and she's running here's god a sinless god chasing an alcoholic through the back streets of melbourne wait wait wait i'm not chasing you to arrest you i want to get close to you here's god chasing a drug addict hold up i want to hang out with you god believes in closeness intimacy with us let me be a little astonishing god's closeness with us what he desires is a closeness the angels don't enjoy with him let me modify my phraseology god wants to be closer to us than he is to angels go to leviticus 20. what's our subject a personal god leviticus 20 let's read verse 26. of course i realize it may not be a culture to read out loud when the preacher asks you to and i'll keep asking until i lose my voice read with me if you have the king james version leviticus what chapter did i say 20 what verse 26 are you there read with me what does this say and ye shall be what holy unto me stop why keep reading for i the lord am holy stop is electricity holy is energy holy is a vapor holy holiness is a moral characteristic god is a moral being he believes in righteousness which is right doing that's morality god is a moral being the gods of the greeks and the romans were immoral they were immoral they have sex with each other fornication adultery murder intrigue they were immoral why because they were made in the image of the romans and the greeks i lost you are you with me the romans and the greeks made them so they made their gods in their image adulterers fornicated thieves liars murderers but god made us in his image asking us to be like him which is holy righteous pure sinless and ye shall be holy unto me for i the lord am holy keep reading that verse for me and have done what severed you come on from other nations come on that ye should be mine here again we have god stressing i want you to be mine but there's a condition you must allow me to cut you off from other nations other people now recite john 3 16 for me stop god loves the whole world but he's not close to the whole world go to john 17. john 17. this is the prayer of christ and after that prayer in john 18 he's in the garden of gethsemane almost the final words of a dying man john 17 listen to verse 9 read it for me i pray for them stop who is them the disciples keep reading i pray not for the world stop now does god love the whole world did jesus come to die for the whole world was he praying for the whole world then no i pray for them i pray not for the world but for them which that has given me for their thigh jesus said in this critical hour my focus is on my disciples i pray for them i pray for gateway i don't pray for that rock band i pray for god's commandment keeping people god wants a relationship with you that is intimate personal and one-on-one before it is god in the group it has to be god an individual by the look on your face you're asking me explain go to genesis 2 before we go let's pray father in heaven i shouldn't speak long without seeking more grace if in this short period i've said anything i shouldn't have forgive me now lords tighten your grip on my tongue on my mind on my mouth on me let me be an unresisting instrument in your hand i pray in jesus name amen genesis 2 verse 7. you shouldn't have to look not for that verse okay you're looking so look okay have you found it say it for me and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul a question for you whom did god make in genesis 2 7. whom did god make in genesis 2 7. adam and eve does the verse say that no in genesis 2 7 god only made adam not eve i need to stress that as i try to explain why god is a personal god he did not make eve in genesis 2 7. let's look at a chronology uh let's well it's not really a chronology it's a chronology yes but if you you're not careful you may think that what you read in verse 8 occurs right where it is it actually occurred in verse 11 of chapter one when god made all the trees he made a garden everything was prepared for adam but versus simply means god had planted a garden eastward in eden you understand and there he put the man now verse 9 and out of the ground may the lord god to grow every tree that's pleasant to the sight and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil verse 15 and the lord god took the man and put him into the garden of eden to address it and to keep it so we have adam made here's where you work verse 16 17 and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat he gives adam's restrictions which he had to pass and of course his wife verse 18 and the lord god said it is not good that man should be alone i will make him and help meet for him so clearly the woman had not been made verse 19 and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air and brought them unto adam to see what he would call them the woman does not exist and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof when god made adam eve did not exist now we go to verse 21 and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man now the woman is made adam was made in seven she was made in 21-22 if that's the case we're talking about a personal god listen to me carefully when adam opened his eyes whom did he see god who else did he see not what else whom else did he see nobody else he saw his creator are you following me will say yes or no all right which means that adam and god we don't know how long they had some time what's the next word together before what before eve came along by the way have time with god first before boyfriend comes along is my microphone working have some time with god first before girlfriend comes along because that time with god will give you the proper perspective from which to judge the fitness of that girlfriend or that boyfriend adam opened his eyes he saw his creator they had some form of relationship then god brought eve into the picture let's look at eve's creation verse 21 you read the form if you have verse 21 and you have my king james version what does it say and the lord god did what caused the deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept stop when jesus was told that lazarus was dead what did he say he sleepeth now many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake daniel 12 2 in the bible sleep symbolizes what death now reason with me what does the bible say god did to adam he put him to sleep there some adjective missing a deep sleep so adam was practically what dead dead now if you read the end of verse 22 what does this say and brought her so adam was not right on the spot are you with me he was somewhere enjoying his death and god had to bring eve to him the same way verse 19 god brought the cattle to adam all the animals now so god puts adam to sleep he's dead he's out of the picture because adam has nothing to do with eve's creation and eve had nothing to do with adam's creation that's adam and god even god so eve opens her eyes and she sees god that's personal start with me says god let's establish a relationship when that's established it becomes a safe environment in which to bring someone else then he took her to adam my brothers and sisters god is first a personal god then a social god we are not saved as families now that may hit your culture very hard but it's biblical we are not saved as families we are safe how as individuals because god is a one to one god first so just because your family are adventists does not secure your salvation have you made adam then god made eve in making if adam was not around one to one with adam one to one with eve then god brought them together god is a personal god now let's go to chapter three of the book of genesis our subject a personal god let's read verse 9 read with me read verse 9 of genesis 3 and the lord god called unto adam and said unto him what where are thou stop was there anyone else in the garden who eve whom does god call adam first does he speak to eve yes in verse 13 but he speaks to adam first or individually adam said i heard thy voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself and he said who told me that i was naked hast thou eaten of the tree whereof i commanded you that i should not eat and the man said the woman whom thou gave is to be with me she gave me of the tree and i did it now verse 13 and the lord god said unto the woman this is a one-to-one accounting for behavior it is not a family examination again it may cause you some concussion because of your exposure to family values which we which are all fine don't misunderstand me but the judgment is not an examination of families it is an examination of individuals because god is an individual god now let me say quickly god invented the family are you with me but he starts with the individual and so he talks to adam what have you done when he was done with adam he turned to eve when he was done with eve he turned to the serpent then he gave eve her punishment verse 16 give adam his because of what he eve did punished according to what she did and her position adam was punished according to what he did and his position individual let me show you the individuality of god from a different standpoint let's go to mark 14 let's read verse 50. mark 14 verse 50. what time is it 40 already all right does anyone have 8 35 no okay all right what book did i say mark what chapter 14 what verse 50. it's a short verse read it for me and don't disappoint me read it what does it say they all forsook him and fled who is all the disciples they left jesus fine go to uh mark 15 read verse 34 mark 15 34. you have that what does that say and at the ninth hour jesus cried loud voice uh-huh what did he say l-i-l-i lama sabachthani which is being interpreted my god my god why hast thou forsaken me now let's look at those two incidents who ran and left him in the garden so who was with jesus physically nobody to support nobody now he's on the cross what does the father do what does the father do forsake him for a while he turns away the father didn't leave the cross he was there the son couldn't see him but a father turned away from all that sin because christ was a sinner on the cross let me say that differently he never sinned but he was treated light he took our sins now the father turned away from that and jesus felt the turning away so he cried out why because he and the father had never been separated before so what do we have the disciples have left him they took off running now the father has turned away now keeping this in mind listen to hebrew don't go there just listen hebrews 1 3 who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins disciples gone the father turned away now let me ask you this reason with me if the father turned away what did the holy spirit do come on reason you turned away if the father turned away and the holy ghost turned away you tell me what did the angels do they turned away then who was with christ emotionally by himself and first says when he had by himself his mother father ceased to love him the father could not look on that sin and the holy ghost can't go contrary to the father here's christ by himself and he makes a personal choice to do what stay on that cross abandoned strong word by the apostles the disciples abandoned by the father strong word again abandoned by the holy ghost abandoned by the angels he's on that cross by himself and he makes a personal decision the father turned away the angel's gone the holy ghost gone the disciples gone let me go too no i'll stay tell me why he stayed come on why did he say love come on for whom for ice cream love for whom love for you he loved the world and love for his father because his father did what sent him to die we serve a personal god as personal as the person sitting next to you we serve a personal holy ghost go to acts 13 quickly my time is flying by on eagle's wings acts 13 but i'll finish by nine we come back tomorrow what book did i say acts what chapter 13 reading from verse one acts 13 from verse one do you have my version read with me now there was come on the church that was at antioch certain prophets and teachers as barnabas and simeon that was called niger and lucious of cyrene and manian which had been brought up with herod the tetrarch and saul how many people there five name them barnabas simeone that was called this year lucious of cyrene manian brother with herod tetra and saul now herod is not he wasn't there he's just some explanatory note about mania so herod is not in the group all right five now listen to verse two as they were minister to the lord and fasting now you read for me the holy ghost come on said stop what did we learn about god in genesis 1 he speaks what did we learn about the holy ghost he speaks the holy ghost said what did he say separate me barnabas come on read and saul for the work come on where unto i have i call them now the holy ghost is intelligent because he looks at five men and he decides the two best suited for the work electricity doesn't do that i'll vape it now the holy ghost is a mystery we know that but we know enough about him to realize we're dealing with an intelligent personality he says now i don't want lucius i don't want simeon i don't want uh manean i want barnabas and saul notice the order barnabas and saul later on in saul and barnes you see because after a while paul took the ascendancy but at this early stage paul is still green the holy ghost is barnabas and saul and that's deliberate because barnes was the leader deliberate the holy ghost read verse 3 come on verse 3 when they had faster than pray then lay their hands on them they did what sent them away now verse 3 says they send them away but verse 4 explains what that means read verse 4 saw their being sent forth by it was the holy ghost that told the other disciples send them away they were sent by the holy ghost now we read in verse 2 separate me barnabas and saul for the work where unto i have called them read luke 4 18. those were the only men the holy ghost gave a commission to read luke 4 18 listen to jesus christ luke 4 18. luke was a medical doctor by the way so for those of you studying medicine and dentistry and nursing that's no reason not to serve god effectively do you have luke 14 read with me listen to jesus what is he saying the spirit of the lord god is upon me keep reading for he hath what anointed me to do what praise the gospel to the poor stop the spirit of god anointed christ and directed christ on the earth now christ is the creator he was the one who said let there be light and the father tells us that in hebrews 1 10 where the father says to the son thou lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thy hands that's what the father said to the son the father identifies the son as the creator now the holy ghost directs the son only a divine being can direct a divine being did i lose you you didn't say yes or no are you with me only a divine being can direct a divine being gabriel can't tell the father what to do so the fact that the holy ghost could tell christ the creator what to do the holy ghost himself must be defined i'm telling you we have a personal father we have a personal holy ghost do we know everything about them no we know a little more about jesus let's go to luke 24 quickly what time is it sister i ask with great trepidation what time is it what 4 45 all right not too bad luke 24 let's read from verse 36 we're coming to the end of a personal god we looked at the father took a glimpse at the spirit now the son who took our flesh luke 24 verse 36 when you found that say amen read with me and as they thus speak jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them peace be unto you but they were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said unto them you've stopped reading why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your heart keep reading behold my what hands come on and my feet that it is i myself stop is this before the resurrection or after after what is jesus saying well let's finish behold my hands and feet as i myself handle me and see finish that verse for a spirit come on hath not flesh and as you see me have now jesus says the spirit doesn't have flesh and bones but i have them now he's god and man at the same time he's proving that he's what he said handle me i'm physical i am three-dimensional am i right doctor now oh doctor um don't tell me shadow huh blood vessels are three-dimensional things right or wrong jesus says i have flesh and bones as you see me have yet he was still god we have a creator and a savior who has flesh and bones now go to uh matthew 28 and see how much it costs god to save us matthew 28 let's read from verse 1 our subject a personal god we have 10 minutes left matthew 28 reading from verse 1 28 of matthew verse 1. have you found it read with me in the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week came mary magdalene and the other mary to see the sepulcher and behold there was what a great earthquake for the angel of the lord descended from heaven and rolled away from the stone the stone from the door and sat upon it verse three his countenance was like and his raymond white has and for fear of him the keepers did and became as dead men read verse 5. and the angel answered and said unto whom he said what fear not ye come on for i know whom you see who's that jesus ah which was crucified now read the next verse he is not here now i want you to stop you're all intelligent do some thinking with me favor number three listen now there are three things about god three qualities he has a divine being is three qualities he is omnipotent he is omniscient he is omnipresent all right i told you let's look at the cost of salvation listen to the angel he is not what here he's somewhere else can you say that of an omnipresent person come on talk to me so christ has laid aside what his omnipresence he cannot be every i didn't say he lost it i said he laid it aside that's your savior part of the cost of your salvation is a personal decision to lay aside one of the qualities of divinity omnipresence the angel said he is not here he's somewhere else now you can't say that about the holy ghost you can't say where's the holy ghost where he's in malaysia convicting someone of sin when he's done he'll pop up in indonesia no he's all he's all over the place at the same time how that happens we don't know but christ can't do that because he is locked in human flesh willingly he cannot be everywhere at the same time even though he is still god now having said that he's in human flesh he can't be everywhere john 14 1-3 don't turn to it say it it's not written on my face just say let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you you know christ likes to tell you what you need to know if sunday were the sabbath i would have told you if i wanted a man to have two wives if i wanted you to eat pork if it were not so come on i would have told you i go to prepare a place for your question for you are angels powerful beings one angel came down matthew 28 there was an earthquake one one angel killed a hundred and eighty-five thousand of sennacherib's armies nakarib's army the assyrians 185 000 in one night one angel could an angel have prepared the home for us yes listen to jesus i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you where unto myself but think with me is jesus with us now yes or no yes but what do you mean is he with us personally does he have flesh and bones yes or no yes he said that is christ with us on a flesh and bones level yes or no no how is he with us through the urgency of the holy spirit he is not with us on a personal flesh and bones level as we are with one another but he wants that and so he tells the disciples i will come again i do what where unto myself he is not satisfied with dwelling with us through the holy ghost now we're grateful for that but that's not close enough i want to represent myself so i'm coming for you no need for the holy ghost to represent me god bless the holy ghost don't misunderstand me the bible says you blaspheme the holy ghost there's no forgiveness so i'm accusing my words carefully don't mess with the holy ghost are you with me but christ wants to be with us personally if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself my brothers and sisters we serve a god who is dying to be close to us a friend of mine lost her mother in kenya precious precious friend and i sent her texts trying to console the best i can jesus had a mother an earthly mother right or wrong mary when christ went back to heaven did he take some people with him yes or no yes did he take his mother no no i don't understand that i have to ask him when i see him but he didn't take his mother which means that christ stayed up in heaven and watched his mother grow old all the angels knew you see that old woman that's the that's the mother of god he watched his mother perhaps fall and break her hip did isaac go blind was isaac blind yes do things happen to god's people yes did god dislocate the hip of jacob and he limped for the rest of his life yes things happened to god's people she might have fallen broken her hip and jesus looks down and watches his mother with a stick and he sees it then she dies all the angels know the mother of the creator has died and i told my friend jesus understand what it means to have your mother die he can sympathize with you even more than your husband he is feeling what you're feeling in desire of ages page 8 23 paragraph 4 eli says christ feels the wars of every sufferer she says if you have a fever christ burns up with a fever did you know what i said if you have a fever because of christ's humanity he feels the fever [Music] that's personal what's our subject a personal god god wants a personal relationship with you the church comes second now you didn't hear what i just said let me say again you and christ first the church comes second in acts chapter 9 what happened to saul on the way to damascus tell me quickly quicker than that come on what happened to saul he met christ was he converted on that road to damascus yes then christ sent him to the church he and christ had to get it together first then christ sent him to the church in damascus god is not a doctrine god is not a theory god is not a proposition tell me what god is a person a personality an intelligent being who desires a relationship with you at what level the personal level do you have that relationship with christ the father do you have it don't answer me you can leave this room with it it's not difficult you simply give your life to christ you ask me how do i do that you just say it how was the universe made he said it but you've got to say it not from your mouth and your soft palate you've got to say it from where your heart let me ask you now and answer me with courage how many of you desire a close relationship with jesus christ make your hand keep your hands up when you raise your hands were you serious yes or no stand up with me while i pray you pray in your heart just recommit your life to christ and mean it that's all you need to do recommit your life to christ when peter was drowning what did he say lord save me that's it the public and what did he say god be merciful to me a sinner that was it christ said he went down to his house justified while i pray you seem to say father come dwell within me be close to me as bad eyes closed father in heaven we thank you thank god for your undying love this restless desire you have to be close to us the only place in the universe where people sinned you desire a closeness with us please god open our eyes that we may appreciate and understand the honor it is to have god of heaven and earth the possessor of heaven and earth desire our relationship with us closer than that which he has with the angels please god as we in our hearts as we quietly pray and we surrender our lives to you anew or maybe for the first time accept that surrender we're doing the best we can father now take it and draw us to your bosom as jesus said that where i am there you may be also draws to your bosom they god wrap your arms around us and keep us in your bosom let's leave this place with the assurance i serve a personal god who would have died for me if i were the only human being on earth bless those with questions and uncertainty and doubt remove that doubt through the stubborn display of your love let us sleep tonight with the consciousness that the god of heaven and earth is watching over us because we are his lovers give us a safe night's rest post an angel on every bed bring us back tomorrow day god to listen to your life-changing word again i pray for my heart in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 52,351
Rating: 4.8029118 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: 3v-iIxCo5zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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