Randy Skeete 12 June 2020 Friday night service

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now he's a self-supporting international evangelists with emphasis on Africa and Southeast Asia he's originally from Barbados but has lived most of his life here in the United States of America he lives in Ann Arbor Michigan and he's the husband of one wife now I invite you to join me in a word of Prayer close your eyes please father in heaven we thank you again for this opportunity to gather in your house we thank you for your manservant that you have sent here this evening father we ask you to clean him cleanse him from all unrighteousness take from him any self-doubt that he may be able to be used by you this evening and wherever he may be father actually to melt all those who were under the sound of his voice this day whether here present at this church or on the internet melt our hearts father like butter that we may be able to hear and absorb your word we thank you again Father for just being with us during these times we actually to encourage us and strengthen us and help us to to gather the gems from your Holy Word we thank you again in Jesus name I pray amen make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the Lord he is God it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless his name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations good evening everyone good evening everyone nice to see you thank you very much for taking time to come into the house of God I also welcome those who are connecting via the internet whether it's Facebook or whatever it is we thank God for the technology that allows a surface to be held in a physical building and yet be streamed all over the world so we welcome you and we know God will bless you as verily as he blesses us who are assemble in this house of worship I hope that you have been managing well with this well-known word now called lockdown we are emerging from our lockdown over in Michigan where I'm from and I think by tomorrow or the end of this week the Lord now would have been almost completely lifted but I was telling a friend of mine the Lord does not allow any experience in the lives of his people without having a good reason for it and you and I have to identify what that good reason is for us that God has allowed this thing we know as people of the book people of prophecy people who focus on endtime events that trials will become hotter and hotter as we come closer to the end of time and it could be that this trial which we have gone through and are going through is merely a preparation for greater trouble to come but God has given us the assurance that the trouble sometimes to come will not last long as intensity goes up duration shortens let me say that differently well the same way as intensity goes up duration shorties let me explain it this way you can run a marathon but not at the speed of a hundred and yard - a hundred meter dash you can run quickly for a short time not for a long time and so as we know that intense trials will come we have the assurance from God that they will not last long Loa says the last event shall be few and rapid and for the elects sake those days shall be cut short so I hope you're ordering your lives in such a way that it is obvious to God and to you and to those around you that you indeed are anticipating the end of this world as we know it some people like to comfort themselves by saying we have been hearing that since 1844 well that's probably true which means it is even closer now than it was then keep in mind that Jesus said that in such an hour as ye think not unexpectedly Christ will come is there anyone with us tonight who is not a seventh-day Adventist makes your hand anyone who's not a seventh-day Adventist may I see your hair alright if there's anyone connecting via the internet and you are not a seventh-day Adventist welcome we are particularly delighted to have you it is an honor and we believe the Lord will bless you abundantly as he blesses the rest of us we're always delighted to have guests and very grateful to brother Li and his lovely wife for being the one through whom the invitation come I have not met your pastor so I don't know if he's sitting watching me but if he isn't wherever he is made a lot bless him and I thank him again also for allowing me to occupy this sacred desk I got an invitation to speak online from someone in Guyana and the person who said it's a privilege to invite a man like you and I'm just a lip that's what the person said to me I said well please get the permission of your pastor because whether physically or electronically I'll be entering his field and I want to do that with his permission and so he spoke to the pastor I said fine I wrote back and said everything is fine and so past radula am i right wherever he is may the Lord bless him and doubly bless his children I was subject for this evening thinking of you what did I say thinking of you before I go any further I want you to pray for me while I'm speaking all I wanted to say is Lord put your words in that man's mouth this is very serious because Jesus says of his words the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and their life he does not say that about my words and so I want to speak God's words God told Moses now therefore go and I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say when he sent him to speak to Pharaoh and that's what I want God to do for me so this request that you pray for me is based on Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth now the Lord has divine my mouth that's earthly and the Lord said unto me behold I that's divine have put my words that's divine in thy mouth that's earthly and so we have God demonstrating his desire that divinity would cooperate or humanity would cooperate with divinity work together in the proclamation of the gospel and even on the other side when sin is done away with we shall still cooperate with divinity and so I ask God to put his words in my mouth one wrong word can turn someone off and the devil knows that and so he tries to get into the head to mouth this throat you know the the soft palate of the speaker and caused him to stumble over word if you pray I will be protected the second favor I ask is that you think as you listen you may say well why ask us to think you be is how many people sit in churches and do not think and I wasn't said you may have heard it on my sermons if people would think they would not attend some of the churches they attend if they would just stop and think they would not date some of the people they date if people would stop and think they would not drink the things they drink and eat some of the things they eat they just would not do it but we do not think but the Bible says in Isaiah 1:18 come now let us reason together and here is God giving us a beautiful example of reasoning Jeremiah 12 verse 5 if thou has run with the footmen and they have wearied thee how then canst thou contend with the horses God is saying use your common sense if you cannot keep up with a man how do you intend to keep up with a horse and so he calls upon us think so I ask you tonight to think as you listening pray for me as you listen and of course as my friend brother Lee told me many will be using these gadgets but if you don't need it make sure it's turned off let me make sure mine is and but if you need it you don't need the sound to read the text that is on there by the way always like I said this is a form this is a Bible even if it old then you are on here this is a phone man this is a Bible I was listening to it well the dear faith extra speaking and it's all the congregation if you have a Bible turn this off and just renew your acquaintance with a physical Bible I was quite shocked because I thought I was the only one making that complaint so I was happy to get some qualified and distinguished support when I heard him speak like that all right are you well you take about two seconds before you answer me perhaps that's the culture I don't know but there are you well how are the children are they well good thank God for that and I ask you that very sincerely thank God for that always world with me and my family or my family and me all right what's our subject I heard one wrong one right response what's the subject thinking of you let's pray father in heaven thanks for life despite the trials troubles and tribulations day God we're grateful to be alive we thank you Father for the reopening of houses of worship we're grateful technology that allows services to be held on zoom and Facebook and whatever else but father just meeting like this just cannot be replaced so we thank you I ask you to God if we've offended you forgive us father that's why Christ died and rose that's why Calvary exists for forgiveness with the forgiveness day God give us power to resist that which caused us to sin they got in heaven bless this church family bless the pastor bless those watching via the internet day God a particular blessing on all those following with us now who were not seven day Adventists touch their lives they got in such a way that they will want to fellowship with us again I humble myself before you their father and I ask you to use me I offer no resistance they God use me as a musician uses an instrument if any member of the household of faith has contracted a coffin 19 virus I am asking you in the name of Jesus be merciful they God touch that person and grant that person recovery from that disease please and protect those on the front line as we like to say doctors nurses the EMT workers all of them did God protect them I pray but I pray particularly from members of the household of faith but also for the larger group because he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good here this humble pray God take all the glory father and lavish your blessings upon us in Jesus name we pray amen in second Timothy chapter 1 verse 9 2nd Timothy 1 verse 9 that clock on the wall says 7:15 I'll try to be done by 8 I think that's not too excessive nobody said anything all right eight o'clock should be fine what book did I say 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 9 when you found it can say mmm all right do we have it who has done what at verse 9 of 2nd Timothy chapter 1 who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace finish the verse for me which was given us we're in Christ Jesus when before the world began think who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works and the words they refer to good works not since good works but remember or our righteousness finish it for me a filthy rags and so the verse says who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus when before the world began what's our subject thinking of you well how do you connect that with this verse God was thinking of us before the world began that's a general statement let me narrow it but the lis God was thinking of you before the world began which given us in Christ Jesus before the world began mr. Ephesians chapter 1 let's reverse for subject thinking of you and I read from the King James Version of the Bible Ephesians 1 reading from verse 4 well let's read from three of Ephesians one very beautiful epistle blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings we're in heavenly places come on finish it in Christ yes Jesus now verse 4 according as he hath chosen us in him when before the foundation of the world God arranged that we can come to him through Jesus Christ but finish the verse that what we should be holy and without in him without holy and without blemish in Christ this was God's arrangement in other words God has always desired that you and I will live a life of victory over sin as he have chosen us in him before the foundation of the world their shoe that we should be holy and without blame before him in love God's desire long before we were made is that we would live sinless lives because God was thinking of you let us go of first Peter chapter one will read from force 18 our subject thinking of you 1st Peter 1 reading from verse 18 towards the back of the Bible you should run into first Peter you have it now before I go any further I'll pray again father continue to control me 100% I pray with my permission in Jesus name Amen for as much as you know that he were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your father's but with the precious blood of as of a lamb without blemish and without spot now read the next verse carefully who verily was foreordained when before the foundation of the world God arrayed that if something went wrong Christ would die we sacrifice without blemish and without spot arranged before the foundation of the world Ephesians 1:4 that we he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world why that we should be holy and without blame before him in love God was thinking of you I'm not reading symbolic texts what am i reading come on what's the opposite of symbolic when you study the Bible literally there is a Seine with which we are all familiar too good to be true we must not apply that to salvation there is no description of salvation that can make it too good to be true there is no language that can capture the goodness of God's plan of salvation let me say it one more time at the risk of being tedious God was thinking of you before the world was made in his thinking he arranged that Christ would die in his thinking he arranged that through Christ you and I would be without blame with a fault live sinless lives he arranged that through Christ we would have eternal life all of this God was thinking it is all part of the everlasting covenant that he and his son came up with now let's look at something else that God had in mind before you and I were made go with me to Matthew 25 let's read from verse 31 Matthew 25 reading from verse 31 our subject thinking of you I hope our friends on the internet are following closely as we are here at the air this is called the Roanoke Roanoke sevlie Adventist Church I'm just informing our online congregation that this is where we are physically located it is the source from which this message is coming what book did I say what chapter 25 reading for what first 31 I'll pray again father suppress my carnal nature God very seriously in Jesus name I pray amen when the Son of man shall come in his glory on all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory stop Jesus Christ does not now sit on the throne of his glory he sits on the throne of grace let us therefore come boldly we're under the throne of grace Hebrews 4:16 that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need after Christ comes there is no more need for grace unfallen angels don't know what it is to experience grace grace is for sinners when returns the throne of grace will be replaced by the throne of glory right now Christ occupies the throne of glory when he comes back he will sit on this right now Christ occupies the throne of grace you should have corrected me we're all in this together when he comes back he will sit on the floor love come on glory Matthew 25:31 when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit on the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left then you shall became say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you you finish verse 34 from the foundation of the world from before the foundation of the world come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation why our subject thinking of you God thought an array to his mind that we would have homes in the new world you all have lovely homes I'm staying in one we thank God for homes can you say Amen a lot of homeless people we thank God for homes by the way the number one resident of your home should be the Holy Spirit somebody say Amen and the Angels mm-hmm there should be there more permanently than you are God has arranged or he had arranged before the foundation of the world we would have homes in the new world come but let's look at the verse microscopically come he blessed of my father this is Christ's sake come that's an invitation Matthew 11:28 come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden revelation 12:17 and the spirit and the bride say come when God calls a man or a woman he calls a man or a woman two blessings to Grace in this dispensation two deliverance from sin and to the expectation that is certain and firm of a better life to come the king will say come that's Christ ye blessed of my father what is the source of the blessing them or who is the source of the blessing the father of course it is mediated through Jesus Christ since sin every blessing from God has come through Jesus Christ thank you for that amen isolated but I appreciate it listen again since sin every blessing from God however macroscopic or microscopic has come through Jesus Christ that's why I write writes Calvary is stamped on every loaf of bread it is reflected in every water spring you cannot take a breath without Calvary and so Jesus says come ye blessed of my father but who are the blessed of the father who qualify for a place in God's kingdom let the Bible answer revelation 22 first 14 now you should say that verse without looking when I became an ad from this many years ago before any of you were born this was considered an Adventist text there were certain text we had to learn they were considered Adventist X revelation 22:14 revelation 22:12 revelation 12:17 revelation 14:6 through 12 Isaiah 8:20 John 14 one two three were considered Adventist well there's no such thing as an Adventist X but they were considered you have to know his tastes revelation 22:14 was one read it with me blessed are they that do His commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through the gates into the city now I'll read it you listen microscopically blessed are they that do His commandments it ii less reason because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake why was adam evicted disobedience what does the Bible say wherefore as by one man's obedience and by one man's disobedience now and so Jesus says as the king come ye blessed of my father based on what I just said what word could you substitute for blessed come ye I heard it but it was uncertain unhesitating Conneaut obedience sister god bless you for having the mind of a genius call me blessed of my father come here obediently what is revelation 22:14 say blessed are they that do His commandments all the blessings of God our condition of obedience for his word psalm 119 verse 1 blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord blessed the blessed so I want verse 1 blessed is the man that fear if God that didn't like too quickly in his commandments so when the King says come ye blessed of my father those who've obeyed God come inherit what does that mean to inherit you've got to be a what an heir that's a legal privilege I'm talking to myself nobody's listening to be an heir must have a legal basis you know LOI writes in I believe it's testimonies volume 1 page 341 paragraph 1 fallen man is Satan's lawful captive lawful prey there is a legal basis I'm not discussing legalism legalism is the attempt to save yourself by your good works words that are like filthy rags you present them to God as a reason to admit you this God's kingdom sin and righteousness have a legal basis Jesus Christ had to die why because the law finished my words because the law was one broken take away law you take away legality come ye blessed of my father inherit what is revelation 22:14 say blessed are they that do His commandments on the basis of that you will have a right the right to the Tree of Life has a legal basis the barring of Adam from The Tree of Life had a legal basis I'm not preaching legalism but in the middle of the gospel is the law of God that's why president truth is the commandment the faith of Jesus and the commandments of God you are an heir to what Christ will inherit and Christ will get all this coming to him when you and I are there with him the father thought of all of them and so Matthew 25:34 says come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world we are inheriting a kingdom what does that mean inherit the kingdom do angels inherit a kingdom no the other Bible says about the saved and there shall be no night there for the Lord God give them life and they shall reign come on forever and ever a person who reigns as a person who has a kingdom we shall call rule with Christ they shall reign forever and ever even in a thousand years the Millennium we also were in revelation 22 verse 6 blessed are the dead blessed are they which they part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of cry son of God and shall reign with him a thousand years the reign begins in heaven continues on the earth call me blessed of my father the father blesses the obedient then what does he do to the disobedient you have to reason well let's go to the other group we just looked at a sheep let's go to the goat verse 41 of Matthew 25 our subject thinking of you let me pray again they God restrain my curve I pray help me to take my time that truth may be expressed simply in Jesus name I pray amen verse 41 Matthew 25 then shall he say also to them on his left hand what does he say what's the first word depart what's the first word to the Sheep come the first word to the shape come was the first way to the loss depart from me ye cursed the sheep are blessed of the father we can fill in the blank eCourse of the father mm-hmm into everlasting fire finish that verse for me prepared for the devil and his angels now do you see the word prepared in verse 34 yes pre-arranged listen to me carefully pre-arranged altars prearranged Christ who died through him we could conquer sin we have a place in a new world our place will be exalted we shall reign we shall inherit pre-arranged what's our subject thinking of you look at verse 41 now depart from me cursed into everlasting fire finish the verse prepared come on for the devil when God was thinking we're back and he came up with hell who was not in his mind humans uh I'm talking to myself nobody's listening well came up with hell who was not in his mind humans when he came up with heaven and inheritance on a person in your aura who were in his mind humans so when it came to heaven God was what saw something think of you when it came to hell he was not who was he thinking of that yes now if you choose to live like the devil and his Eve you have gone contrary to what God had in mind I said the blessing those who obey what's the curse Galatians 3 verse 10 go there with me please our subject figure view Galatians 3 verse 10 on a mighty epistles of the Apostle Paul all is to be studied in connection with what of the Epistle what an epistle should be study with Galatians to understand a good bit about righteousness by faith and the whole Bible yes but there's another book of Paul that goes right along with Galatians when studying righteousness by faith what's that epistle Romans well you knew you just modest I understand all right Galatians 3 verse 10 do you have it if you have it say mmm for as many as are of the boundless and we're trying to identify the curse are you with me we identified the blessing it's because of obedience here's the curse for as many as are of the works of the law are under their curse why for his written cursed is every one that continueth not what does continuous not mean give me one word this obey all things that are written in the book of the law to do them the curse is for disobedience the blessing is for obedience now depart from me ye cursed who pronounces that curse the father go to verse 13 of Galatians 3 Christ have redeemed us from the curse of the law being what made accursed he was made a curse my home the father it is because of that you and I can enter the kingdom the curse is removed from us and put on Jesus are you with me for those not accept Christ the curse stays on them and so the K says to the group in verse 41 depart from me cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels let me express it differently verse 34 says come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom in other words enjoy the rights you have to this kingdom Christ will restore our rights Adam lost his rights by disobedience the rights are restored by obedience through faith in Christ let me pause a little bit because I know what the carnal nature hates the word obey so ever the preacher says obedience something happened some static and the heavily satellite can't get the message through listen carefully this world was cursed revelation through revelation Genesis 3:17 because Adam sinned Adam's sin was disobedient God said don't do that and Adam did exactly what God said don't do it is very simple without the Hebrew the Greek the Aramaic and Spanish and French it is very very simple because of disobedience he lost the right to this way of life through obedience in Christ we are given our right to that tree of life so through Christ we will have a right to heaven if that's clear say Amen but let me say it again through Christ in Christ we will reclaim the rights Adam a loss we will have a right to enter Heaven not as I said through Christ now those in verse 41 they will have a right to hell through disobedience they will have a right which God never arranged for them are you following me god never arranged for anyone to go to hell never so they will give themselves that right but God never gives it to us which means listen carefully to what I have to say while we will have a right to enter Heaven through Christ no human being has a god-given right to go to hell you don't belong when God was thinking of you hell was not in his mind in his mind was come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom listen to him again you have no right to go to hell not given by God God has a right prepared for you to go to heaven to be saved that right is ours by faith in Christ now let me say it again that right is ours by faith in Christ now it is legally ours now when we give our lives to Christ it is us it is ours legally when it comes we will have it practically it was right right now we don't have access to the Tree of Life as if fruit we have it through the word loi says the Word of God is our sanctification and righteousness because it is spiritual food to study it is to eat the leaves of the tree of life I said are to quickly let me say it again evangelism is 138th paragraph four what did I say all right all right you sound like the Tower of Babel let's try that again what book did I say what page what paragraph four very good the the Word of God is our sanctification and redemption because it is spiritual food now listen carefully to study it is to eat the leaves of the tree of life how was Adams life preserved on his probationary time by eating of the leaves of the tree of life before probation closes and before we enter that Kingdom how is the life of God mediated to us through the word you look at me do I need medication I don't take medication listen to me carefully maybe it's too good to be true the very life that Adam enjoyed by eating of the fruit of the tree of life is given to us through the Word of God studied and come on tell me obeyed so that right which we will have to enter the kingdom as we anticipate physically entering the kingdom we are spiritually part of the kingdom of God through obedience to his word through the indwelling power of the life of Jesus Christ that right is ours legally we don't yet express it practically because we're not yet in that new land when the devil tempted Christ in Luke's version in Matthew it is turn stones to bread jump off the temple all the kingdoms of the world in Luke's version it's turn stones to bread all the kings of the world then jump off the temple slightly different in temptation to the devil to all Jesus all these kingdoms will I give you for it is mine for this is delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will I give it that's what he says in Luke 4 6 this is delivered unto me now when Adam was put in charge of the world li says God crown him king of Eden King when he sinned he practically turned over the Dominion to Satan are you following me so to a certain degree Satan was right when he said this is delivered unto me God Himself Christ called Satan the prince of this world Paul called him the god of this world now because of the death of Christ the world is Christ again legally are you following me but he has to come to get rid of a squatter are you with me now you're not with me how can I say that differently the devil is squatting if that's clear say Amen Christ is coming back to get rid of a squatter who has no blood ah god bless you he has no legal rights because of Calvary's cross because of that same cross you and I have a legal right here's where it is the devil has no legal right but he has the world practically we have all the legalized we don't yet have the new world practically are you following me so when Jesus comes to operationalise what was in God's mind before the foundation of the world he will grant us full expression of our legal right which we won through him we will actually go to the tree and eat we'll walk on that ground we'll be surrounded by perfection practically there right now we're there by faith Satan is practically on the earth crisis cunning to get rid of him and those who chose Satan's way let me say it again in defense of God and His righteousness God long time ago was thinking of you when I say that I said literally sometimes we too often make the Bible a general public which it is when you read John 3:16 you want to say it for God so loved Randi ski for God so loved weather that's how you should read it you see if I confess my sins he's faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me Philippians 4:13 Randy can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth so what I say God was thinking of you I mean individually yes as a group yes but individually first I love to stress the individual side because when God made Adam and Eve he did not make them together he made them separately at different times God made Adam Genesis 2:7 made a whole the garden Genesis 2:8 pointed out the fruit trees Genesis 2:9 Genesis 2:15 gave Adam his work two sixteen seventeen told him don't eat of that tree and he of course had to pass it on to eat which is not yet made verse 18 the Lord will give him an help meet for him first my team dominion of all the animals then 21 to 23 he made Eve so God deals with Adam for a while pointing out all his responsibilities then he breathed brings Eve into the picture they were made separately when Eve was made Adam was put not into just asleep what kind of sleep almost as he was dead because God deals with her individually first then brings her to him and he to her into her God thinking before the foundation of the world was thinking of you so when temptations come our way your way my way we reflect you know God chose me in Christ from the foundation of the world that I should be holy and without blame before him in love he had that in mind for me as I faced this temptation crisis coming back the sheep and the goats he's not coming to decide who's a sheep who's ago that's being decided now by us what does the Bible said you wronged me thirty first nineteen I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you come on tell me life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life choose it in their steps to Christ page 47 paragraph 2 analyzer ayats desires for goodness and holiness are right as far as they go but if you stop here you will avail nothing many way be lost while hoping and desiring to be Christians they do not come to the point of yielding the will to God or Christ they do not now choose to serve Him ought to be Christians don't use God says his heaven his hell his life his death here blessings here cursings choose God made Adam without animals permission Adam came into the world open his eyes saw everything around him saw God and God said I'm just creating this scenario which is correct Adam you didn't ask to be made an odyssey here decide if you want to stay in this perfect condition here's the test leave that tree alone that's all leave it alone which is obey me if you do that you'll have eternal life I'll secure you forever you disobey you die now you choose this everyone who goes to heaven will go by choice finish my words everyone who goes to hell come on who go by choice let me ask you tonight what is your choice you must have won what's your choice my choice is heaven through Jesus Christ because God always had that in mind for me he was thinking of me what was in his mind come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation it has always been God's desire that I be saved and for me to go to hell I am disappointing God and frustrating God and cooperating with a devil who doesn't like me you have no god-given right to go to hell I preached this sermon recently and I called it why are you here I imagined a definite look at some people who go to hell why are you here when God made the arrangement for you to be in the kingdom I had not yet fallen I knew about it why are you here considering what God prepared for you a whale I'm glad you've come says the devil but why I hated tonight I want you to think long time ago God decided he wants you in his kingdom and if God wants something and he doesn't get it I believe he suffers a vacancy are you listening to me 2nd Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance but will all come to repentance no there will be vacancies in the heart of God for those who despise his grace we know Christ will carry the marks of the crucifixion am i right yes or no yes well if price can carry the marks throughout eternity the father who suffered with the son will have some empty spaces in his heart for those who chose to go where he never intended for them if you're on the road to hell turn back you may say well you're talking to a church The Devil's most effective agents go to church the people who said crucify him were not the Romans they were the church I'm saying to you if you are on the way to hell turn back conduct this experiment right where you sit examine your life for the past six months look at your choices your actions my thoughts my behavior and then ask yourself father based on a summary of my life for the past six months am I headed this way or that way if you cannot say this way insofar as you can determine you and I need to make a stop recommit ourselves redirect our energies revelation 3:11 here's what he's told to us not just to the Church of Philadelphia behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast come on finish him that no man take thy crown hold it fast what did Paul tell Timothy in first Timothy 6 verse 12 fight the good fight of faith what did the half-brother of Jesus call James what did you say to you and to me in James 4 verse 7 submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil resist these action words but there's a tragic mindset some of us have revealed hello October 30 1888 paragraph 8 that a life right those who take the position that Christ has done at all and that they need not obey his requirements will fail of everlasting life well Christ didn't have he cries did everything let me just sit down and just just slide into heaven no no no no no no no you've got to demonstrate to God that's what you want to fulfill the desire he had for you before the foundation of the world and I ask you one more time choose life choose life the life we live in the new world will simply be a continuation of this life I need to say that differently there's some Christians who believe in Christ comes a curtain comes down in life we start a brand new life no we start with a brand new body I'll get my hair back are you following me but the character is what we take the heaven with him that's why LMI says our first day in heaven is no different from our last day on earth and that could be tonight for somebody somewhere finally for the third or fourth time choose to go to the place God had in mind for you before the world was made before you were born God had a place for you his kingdom he did not have Hell in mind so gone no one has a god-given right to go to hell you were going to a place not prepared for you and you're missing a place specifically prepared for you how many of you would love Jesus to say to you come ye blessed of my father can I see alright ah stand up with me god bless you stand away I believe you let's bow our heads and pray our Father in Heaven we thank you Lord for the simplicity of the gospel it's really ABC to those who read honestly if I've said anything I should not have said forgive me there God I said something the way I should not have said it forgive me I pray that your Holy Spirit of Truth they God will intensify the effort I made so that the truth will be understood by those who take time to reflect on what they heard as we leave let's meditate father so that the enemy does not plot the truth from us like if it fell by the wayside bless those in this building bless those who listen via the internet god help us to remember in all things there from way back God was thinking of us and he still thinking of us and through crises given us our god-given right to the Tree of Life and to enter in through the gates into the city he gave us no rights to go to hell father with each thought we think with each word we speak with each actually we carry out let us demonstrate our desire to hear those words come you blessed of my father as we leave this place let angels escort us to the homes you've given us let the Angels remain with us tonight to watch over us as we sleep wherever your people are they God bless them I pray father watch over them bring us back tomorrow if it is your will to listen to your word again I offer this prayer from my heart in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Roanoke SDA Church
Views: 11,187
Rating: 4.9096045 out of 5
Id: OxU0igfYCLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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