Impractical Jokers S9E3 - Q Punishment "Drive Drive Drive"
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Channel: Wilfredo Binuya
Views: 2,272,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U0WoJqQ3UK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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This is probably the most painful punishment ever. Like, one big bad thing for a short amount of time does not compare in the slightest to consistently bad for fucking hours
It feels so good, to be alive.
Love how he was legitimately loosing it at the end
Out of the 9 seasons that have aired, this is by far my favorite punishment ever, Q is lucky Murr didn’t have him drive all the way back
This is easily one of my favorite punishments. Not solely for how cringe it was but for its originality. This was very well executed.
I can't be the only one that would watch the full unedited version of Q's descent into madness, right? I think they should release the raw footage.
Definitely one of my favorite punishments esp bc Mur and Sal thought of the same thing 😂
This song was stuck in my head for a solid week after this aired
The day after this came out. I needed to drive 7 hours for work. This. Song. Was. Stuck. In. My. Head. It. Was. Bad.