Adam Ruins Everything - The Best Ruins (Mashup) | truTV

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of course so what is much medical care as possible what could be the downside Oh there are a ton for starters how about the fact that this place rips off folks like you every day whatever I know the hospital is expensive but it is worth it if I get the best treatment no it isn't American health care is not the best in the world but despite that we spend more per person annually on health care than any other developed nation and a big part of the reason for that is that American hospitals overcharge patients massively this neck brace is worth $20 but the hospital charged him a hundred and 50 for this IV bag costs less than a buck but she was charged a hundred and thirty seven dollars these are real prices folks called up wildly inflated health care costs this sounds like the work of politicians to me with an Obamacare Trump aid McConnell meds what did you do I'm not a politician I'm just a boring white guy what does this keep happening sorry Rachel but this time it's not the politicians fault the problem starts with something called the charge master the charge master is a secret document full of insane prices that hospitals used to charge us whatever they want let's go on a trip through the history of medical billing Wow I'd rather not [Music] a hundred years ago hospital pricing was pretty simple we take the cost of providing care and add a little on top to make a profit one amputation costs us five bucks so we'll charge you 650 but after the rise of insurance companies hospital billing got complicated in part because these gigantic corporations demanded gigantic discounts we send you thousands of patients every day so we want half off all your praises we can't afford that so to please these powerful insurance companies hospitals cooked up a plan I've got it we'll make up a really high fake price and then give you a discount off of that hey as long as I get to tell my boss we got a cheaper and in less than a century health care prices went from reasonable to nonsensical let's make one Tylenol 37 dollars three stitches $2,200 oh here's a pitch what if we made rectal exam 69 nah that's too silly even for me [Music] these crazily inflated prices are kept in the hospital's chargemaster it's actually a computer file but the book is more dramatic seven dollars for single out goes wow this is ridiculous and true well I li pay my premiums if they want to rip off my insurance company with their fake prices what do I care if you ever lose insurance you'll care because here's the really evil part if you don't have insurance you actually get charged these fake prices but see heart x-rays that'll be thirty three thousand dollars I can't afford that no problem we'll just garnish your wages wait they actually charge people without insurance fake prices yeah this is terrible well thankfully I have insurance so the charge master doesn't affect me unfortunately it does even if you're in short you can get billed charge master prices if you go out of network and anything can be out of network at the hospital you go through the equipment used to treat you even the doctors you see arrows specialists out of network I'm very expensive hospitals make a ton of money overcharging out-of-network patients it's a real cash cow and we all get milked worse every hospital has its own charge master a treatment that cost seven thousand at one hospital could cost a hundred grand down bro and you can't comparison shop when you're dying we're taught smooth you want moneybags medical or st. Vincent's discount sick house moneybags it is Plus since your insurance company faces inflated costs that can trickle down to you in the form of higher premiums Oh surprisingly painless way to get the bill how do they get away with this simple the health care industry spends more on lobbying than the oil and defense industries combined thanks doc I'll take care you're real nice say does this sister look normal Oh God so how can I stop it what do I do honestly nothing we need to go to the hospital so they have no incentive to change how they do business and politicians have spent decades arguing over how to pay the bill instead of asking why the bill is so high until they do we're stuck with this system God what if I get fired and lose my insurance I would be ruined [Music] well then if I'm gonna get ripped off I might as well score some antibiotics I want to be done with this cold and those miracle drugs are worth whatever they cost even if it means the end of modern medicine you're the worst person I have ever met and I work in finance Horace well take it from me dating sucks that's why I bit the bullet and paid for this dating site they use science to match you with the guy worth your time yes sites like eHarmony and chemistry com certainly love to advertise that their methods are scientific at eHarmony we use the scientific system to help you find someone who's looking for someone like you but their claims to be scientific are straight-up baloney where'd you get baloney oh I brought it from home I guess it wasn't on the menu but it's not baloney didn't you listen to the ad they have algorithms and formulas and the old guy seems super Sayan see yes he certainly does seem that way I'm dr. Neil Clark Warren and don't I look like some kind of well-meaning loved grandpa yes yes you do I trust you love grandpa dr. Warren found an eHarmony after working as a marriage counselor and self-help author that's how I came up with our super scientific system the problem is he's not a scientist we looked and we couldn't find a single scientific article written by dr. Warren on relationships compatibility or marriage plug in a peer-reviewed journal didn't have time to busy getting my cheeks dimples and there has never been a single independent peer-reviewed study testing Harmony's algorithm well let's get those fairs reviewing they would love to but they can't because a harmony keeps their exact algorithm a secret if it's scientific why can't we study it sorry bud just trust me we're a for-profit company but we're number one in most marriages most enduring marriages the Better Business Bureau told you those claims were misleading and to stop saying them the fact is without peer review any claims made about harmonies secret algorithm are unverifiable unscientific baloney that's salami sorry I ate all the Bologna well I guess I'll just use other sites like match or OkCupid Oh in the interest of full disclosure the production company that makes this show is a corporate sibling imagine OkCupid and OkCupid is so public about their algorithm their founder actually wrote on their company blog OkCupid doesn't really know what it's doing neither does any other website in other words they're winging it early video games like Krong were totally unisex you're just a dot in fact the game was marketed to the entire family what about pac-man he was a boy true but the game was so popular with women that when it came time for a sequel the developers gave it a female main character miss pac-man uh yeah I'm spooky not mrs. MS she was a modern eighties career woman I have an MBA in eating ghosts Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka and not only was much of the audience female many of the developers were too among the stars of early game design were Ataris Carol Shaw centipede creator Donna Bailey and Roberta Williams an adventure game pioneer and company co-founder whose King's Quest series was a massive hit among gamers of all stripes who seems like everything's great can i play my game now nope because all of that changed thanks to the video game crash of 1983 greedy publishers started flooding the market with shoddy games like I want my mommy lost luggage and et for the Atari 2600 which has been called one of the worst games of all time yeah I'll play anything and even I know that to turn most adults stopped playing games entirely and the video game market cratered so when it came time to market the original Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo devised a plan instead of selling it in the electronics section they sold it in the toy aisle but by then the toy aisle was completely separated into pink and blue boy and girl Nintendo had to choose a side they went with boy and then they marketed to those boys relentlessly what's he'd like to play the Nintendo Entertainment System lay with power other brands soon followed suit [Music] and kept marketing to them as they grew up it's not the size of your howitzer it's what you do with it we got this pole in a 360 stalefish I know you like that all about the control you are so totally wet coming with me and after decades of this kind of advertising what's up yes we now think of video games as being the exclusive domain of the male sex okay those ads are weird but boy just like video games more than girls do sorry Jake that's a straight up myth more adult women play video games than teenage boys you that's just counting stupid phone games so games are games Jake all that means is that mainstream consoles like ps4 and Xbox one are refusing to serve a huge untapped market market we're talking millions of women who would love to play more games but are being pushed away from the Hobby by weird old-fashioned marketing that publishers are sticking with seemingly out of sheer force of habit because I'm mad at you I like games I've always liked this it's just sometimes I feel like they don't love me back you act like I'm not supposed to play them or something just because you listen to all these stupid ads Jake video games are the greatest new art form of the century they can do anything saying they're for just one gender is ridiculous yeah it's like saying movies are just for girls or books are just for dads stupid when we think about video games in such a limited way it makes the game's worse it loses the industry money and its really mean to your sister wait who burnout in about three minutes yeah I've seen this before [Music] oh my god mrs. so cool more like so corporate is this a music video or a Hulk Oh commercial dad stop a real artist wouldn't sell out like this they'd be all about the music actually what all artists are still making music that is not how they make their money anymore nowadays if you want to earn a living as a musician you pretty much have no choice but to sell out cut Lisa baby if you're gonna add another band member you have to tell me taken five oh great that'll give me time to explain guy get playback back when people were buying physical CDs there was a ton of money to be made for the labels and for the artists but the rise of streaming services like Spotify Pandora and Apple music have changed the industry in 2017 music sales revenue was just 60 percent of what it was in 1999 I'm super convenient but I do not pay well every time one of their songs is played on Spotify artists only earn around one tenth of one cent cool that'll cover my rent for the next three seconds see Jordan this is why I support our local record store streaming is killing the music industry actually that's not true at all streaming may be screwing the artists but the labels have figured out how to make Bank off of it when early internet services offered illegally downloaded music everyone took a hint but then the labels started cutting contracts licensing their entire catalogs for streaming and streaming is now their biggest source of revenue while their profits aren't quite back to what they were in the 90s they're bouncing back at a rate of 1 billion dollars per year the only problem artists are not getting a fair cut of those deals even Beyonce one of the biggest musicians in the world only makes 10 percent of her money off of music sales yeah but she tours all the time that's how a real artist makes their living by getting out in front of the fans actually unless you're as huge as Beyonce it's pretty much impossible to make any money off a touring either the top 40 live acts can make up to 80 percent of their income from touring but everyone below the top 40 is lucky if their tours even break even the tour was a huge success now after we recoup all the production travel and crew expenses you owe the label 20 grand what since it's so hard to make money off of record sales or touring now many mid-level artists these days can only earn a living by taking endorsement deals or appearance fees you guys look great not just a few small adjustments Jessie J has deals with vitamin water drink pitbull endorses sheets energy strips say ah and tons of artists get paid just to show up at events and not too much dancing you need to save your energy for Justin Bieber's cousin's yacht christening this is embarrassing how can these artists even stand to look at themselves in the mirror maybe it's cuz they trying to eat oh I'm not stealing these the director of that I could happen this is open mike eagle he's an indie hip hop artist comedian and one of my closest friends thanks for coming through fam Adam I barely know you I'm gonna keep it real with you guys though a lot of fans want their favorite artists to be authentic when it comes to making money as a musician it's almost impossible without these endorsement deals and licensing opportunities and truthfully only the most popular artists get offered these things in the first place most endorsement opportunities go to more established celebrities even when they barely make music anymore in 2017 the highest-paid musician was Diddy thanks to his 8 figure deal with Ciroc vodka but he hadn't made an album in over seven years like Mo Money OS albums right Mike sure dude the reality of working as a musician today is this it took me nearly ten years to make the same yearly salary as a musician as I did as a teacher I don't know if I'd be able to make music professionally and eat without additional streams of income it all goes into building my brand it helps me be able to make a living in a perfect world artists would be paid fairly for making their art but unfortunately that's just not the way the music industry works Oh shoo late for an audition your boy is gonna be the face of Hulk go pizzas go but that's bull music shouldn't be so commercial dad what are you doing okay designer pops are trying to cultivate more of a mid-90s vibe and trashing the set is so early 70s your entire shows built around the idea that if you present someone with better information you can change their mind but the surprising truth is disproving the misconception can actually strengthen a person's belief in that misconception it's called the backfire effect the more you prove someone wrong the more they think they're right that can't be true I changed people's minds every day you just proved my point I present to do with information that goes against your thinking and you just dug right into your beliefs one study found they want people concerned about side effects of the flu shot were informed it was safe they actually became less willing to get it but that's our logical how is it possible because when you try to change someone's mind the other person often feels attacked being proven wrong actually activates the same area of the brain as real physical pain worldstar stay with me Katie a right hook I'll hurt you by her right facts will to being proven wrong hurts so much it often causes a fight-or-flight response you need to hear this what am i reacting like this I love learning new things you're protecting your identity it's called I get any protective cognition listen drew Carey all you adults always tell us the same thing wheats gonna kill us it's a gateway drug vine isn't funny oh no for most people wheat is essentially harmless okay no way Jose look I know this stuff is a little overboard but you can't tell kids weed isn't bad of course I can it's true and we've known it for decades counting deaths from the substance alone alcohol kills eighty eight thousand people a year tobacco kills four hundred and eighty thousand and marijuana pills absolutely no one according to curriculum marijuana can get you hooked on harder substances it's a gateway drug yeah educators have been saying that for years but it's not true most people who try and Arowana don't even get to new smoking marijuana this dude knows what's up now that doesn't mean that it's perfectly safe dude I thought you were cool oh I wish if you're under 25 smoking weed can lead to memory problems and poor cognitive functioning but if you're an adult and your brain is finished developing it's really your choice at a wrong way also not in a school sorry I usually only smoke at parties and I'm rarely invited to them I wonder why the truth is if you know the risks and you use it in moderation weed is no big deal and in fact humans have been using it for millennia humans started growing cannabis as a crop over 8,000 years ago this crop will feed out a family for a year and this crop will make movies way funnier in 440 BC E rather this wrote about the ancient tradition of cannabis steam baths fellow-citizens as a wise man once told me deep life and in America for many years marijuana was available in over-the-counter medications step right up and try professor hawk or eum's rejuvenating tincture now with the Arab hashish for most of America's history weed was legal no one cared about it wait so what changed I mean there must be some reason abandoned oh there is and it's real weird enter Harry Anslinger Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and a staunch prohibitionists our funding has been cut they'll shut me down if I don't find a new chemical to demonize let's see what are people scared of for no good reason AHA Mexicans and Mexican smoke marijuana that's it hey racists mom marijuana makes Mexicans thirst for white blood spread the word Esslinger used that racism to fuel a propaganda campaign against the drug testifying before congress marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity criminality and death soon the marijuana causes violence meme was everywhere from newspapers to movies just a young boy under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an act too subtle political cartoons Nazi propaganda what does that even mean why would he just say the words Nazi propaganda honestly no idea but it worked in 1937 Congress banned marijuana and later with Anslinger's help they passed the first mandatory minimum sentencing laws which made it so that your first time getting caught with this could put you away from two to ten years thank you the true irony is the government knew Anslinger's claims were false scientists proved marijuana wasn't connected of violence or insanity in the 40s and in 1973 a bipartisan Commission recommended Nixon decriminalize it but Nixon being Nixon mr. president literally everyone agrees marijuana is safe out get out I have zero chill the war on drugs begins now I don't understand if he knew safe why would he be so tough on it well why don't you ask Nixon say John Ehrlichman he said in 1994 we knew he couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin and then criminalizing both heavily we could disrupt those communities we could arrest their leaders raid their homes break up their meetings and vilify them night after night on the evening news did we know we were lying about the drugs of course we did that's a real quote yeah that's a real quote Nixon started the war on drugs to bully his political enemies and minorities his own aide admitted it he we've have been teaching this to children at least it's better now right you wish despite laws being loosened in a few states mandatory minimums are still in effect all across the country and marijuana still accounts for nearly half of all drug arrests and despite the fact that white and black people smoked it basically the same rate black people are four times as likely to be arrested for marijuana look we know for a fact that weed isn't dangerous but we're still following racist old laws and throwing countless people of color in prison for no reason listen up everything this bark boy told you is wrong and will kill you well we actually have fact-checkers barf boy before you barf everywhere drugs aren't cool Dare says so oh the DARE program that was a massive failure that may eventually increase drug use I told you he was a barf Boy hey Vinessa 35k a year not bad huh Megan whoo 70 good going Bob six figures very impressive haha and Charles six dollars you only make six dollars a year asking for a raise is mean stop this right now madam you can't discuss salaries openly like this why not because it's illegal no it definitely isn't the right to share your salary is protected by the National Labor Relations Act employees have the right to engage it man is comments boring you get the idea and being public with your salary actually benefits you so without further ado no I mean even if it's legal it makes me really uncomfortable exactly Americans have an enormous taboo against talking about money most people would rather discuss their sex lives than their salaries so anyway that's where I enjoy fingers during intercourse Oh fascinating say how much money do you make Oh God but all that taboo does is take power away from the employee and give it to the company what if people know how much money I make they'll resent me I mean they'll know that I'm filthy stinking middle-class no they won't they'll resent the company look here's what you think will happen if you share your salary I make eighty five thousand a year you dick it you should make less money and here's what would actually happen I make $85,000 a year you [ __ ] I should make more money bosses like Benny love it when you keep your salary a secret because it tilts pay negotiations in their favor it's a concept called information asymmetry if you don't know what the going rate is for your salary it's easier for the company to rip you off I can only offer you $100 a day I guess that's what everyone here makes and this perpetuates the pay gap for instance african-american women make 64 cents for every dollar the average white guy makes can only offer you $64 a day I guess that's what everybody here makes the bottom line is if you don't have all the information you could get scammed big time we can only offer you six dollars a year I guess that's what everyone here makes buddy how do you survive I live here discussing your salary with your co-workers is your right as an employee when you let these guys stop you from doing it you push your own wages down which means you're spending more years of your life slaving away in a job that doesn't pay you what you're really worth you're right all of this is a waste of time all these people are wasted and it's not even five o'clock it's a joke stop trying to lighten the mood with your fantastic boss humor this is all your fault my name is Shana Monroe and I make $30,000 a year my name is Becca Neeson and I make 40,000 a year my name is Charles wicket I make six dollars a year tonight demand a raise please I want to raise two [Applause] [Music] share your salaries of the world negotiate for better wages you can achieve informational symmetry for knowledge is everybody loved me don't do it Betty I bruise easily here's the problem with canned food drives first you should know that one in seven Americans rely on food pantries to help feed their families exactly hunger is a real problem yes but canned food drives are a terrible solution you know the first thing the food pantry does with our old cans they throw half of them out we tend to use food drives to clean out our cabinets which means we only donate the food that's so old and gross even we won't eat it loose candy corn pouring out cans as though they were the Navy's personal shopper do the poor like original or bold and spicy original they're not fancy okay but they're still chipping in free food yeah my lady free somebody has to pay to haul all of this stuff to a warehouse and someone has a sort and throughout all the expired cans and plus canned food is high in sodium which causes high blood pressure well that's an exaggeration your heart would literally explode great work Tony but it is true that nearly half the food we donate doesn't meet basic nutritional standards okay so what kind of food do pantries need I don't know what do you eat me oh well mmm I really like fruits and veggies I eat a lot of salads oh and I try to eat lean meats you know chicken and and turkey and stuff like that and I just love a loaf of fresh crusty bread exactly but you can't donate any of those foods because they're all perishable geneviève which tell Emily why can't food drive suck can't food drives don't suck but they're not the most efficient way to give oh you run a food bank don't you yeah I do the truth is the best way to help a food bank is to donate money because we buy food on a wholesale level and we work with farmers so we can take the dollar that you might spend on a single can of beans and turn it into exponentially more food I got a delivery here for $1 worth food I mean comically large amount food all right health class what's in the lesson plan tomorrow teach I'm teaching them about herpes Oh about how herpes isn't a big deal and people don't really need to worry about it what know about how herpes is super serious and very dangerous herpes isn't dangerous most of the time it's not even noticeable oh no you don't buddy cuz I actually know what I'm talking about this time I even made a video about it to teach my students oh cool let's watch it yeah let's I know this is a trap but I'm very confident hey kids DJ Murph here I'm gonna use this to apply to film school who totally should and I'm here to talk to you about herpes sexually transmitted disease Wow herpes that sounds scary I'm a teen it is just asker P the terrifying genital herpes virus four out of five people who carry me don't know they have it I caused an eruption of red sores around your genitals and I'm incurable great special effects George Lucas is a big influence on my work wow it sounds like herpes is terrible me and my BAE better not be having sexual intercourse I wouldn't say that but I would wrap it [Music] per piece Derby's herpes go get a you can't Jordan a pill one in six Americans carry puppies in these scare tactics are full of crap it's getting good it's time for you two to learn what herpes is really like ready to show him her piece I'm really not so bad buddies why did you just give us herpes for real yep you're welcome what just gave us a serious disease no I didn't I gave you herpes let's break it down oh okay starting from the top eruptions of sores that scaremongering let's call them what they are little red bumps sounds gross yeah except you're already covered with little red bumps mosquito bites ingrown hairs pimples to be human is to be covered in little red bumps yo it's true I do have back knee yo you've got conover secondly the reason 4 out of 5 carriers don't know they have it is because they either have no symptoms or their symptoms are so mild they never notice and nearly everyone has it if you include oral herpes worldwide nearly 90% of the global population carries some strain of herpes and that means if you don't have it you're the weird one your your your your you're the weird one oh stop it stop it I don't play basketball no I straight-up don't believe you you're not a doctor neither are you you're a gym teacher this is a doctor guys this is dr. Jennifer Liang a board-certified obgyn hey guys thank god this guy just gave us herpes what's gonna happen to us probably not a lot most people don't even develop symptoms some people might have a mild rash around the mouth or genital region maybe some red or white bumps the truth is if you're not immunocompromised or in the late stages of pregnancy you really don't have to worry about it most sexually active adults are gonna be exposed to herpes at some point in their life it's really not a big deal that's what I tell my patients thanks Jennifer sorry guys I'll just be a few I don't want to scare any children with these Sasquatch legs yep people definitely get judgey about women's leg hair but the fascinating thing about Shaving is almost no one did it regularly at home until about a hundred years ago Emily this isn't sort of purge oh no no don't worry me and Adam do this all the time before the safety razor was invented in the early 1900's shaving with a straight razor was a dangerous chore so most men either went to a barber or didn't shave at all do it completely but all that changed when a man named King champ Gillette's invented the first disposable razor blade here my good man buy one of my safe disposable razors shaving your beard will be such a breeze he'll do it every day barely cut myself at all the razors were relatively cheap but you'd have to keep Reeb eyeing new blades refills cost extra and you'll need a new one every few weeks for the rest of your life but wait there's more there is oh yeah Gillette's real scam wasn't getting people hooked on his replacement products it was convincing women that they had to shave too for the first time in history and that story being super messed up up until 1920 most women didn't shave at all it was so unheard of that when a teen girl cut her leg shaving it made national news but all that changed when old king camp Gillette in the shaping industry started thinking about how to expand to the disposable razor business of course women the other half of the population but since most women don't have beards the shaving industry had to convince women that they even hired body air that needed shaving so they whipped up some manipulative advertising first ads falsely claimed that in Europe being hairless was all the rage shaving your underarms is the height of sophistication in Frankland and spain sugar then they pushed the explicit message that women should be ashamed of their armpit hair but why would women's magazines let advertisers say this junk to win it because that was the whole point Thanks this is Rebecca hurt sig the author of plucked a history of hair removal Beck's the reason that these magazines didn't have any scruples about shaming women into shaving in those days was because that was pretty much the whole point of the industry getting women to buy things millions of women around the globe trusted these magazines for advice especially as more and more young women were moving into cities and living their lives cut off from their families and publishers exploited that trust selling it off to advertisers so that they could try to convince women that if only they bought their products all their problems would be solved the awful truth about restaurants is that often the food you order isn't the food you get especially when it comes to seafood I will have the salmon yeah I love salmon oh what color do you like it the color that it naturally is in that case here it is Oh nearly all farmed salmon actually starts out a sickly gray color I just need a change in the ocean wild salmon turned pink because they eat krill but farmed salmon are fed kibble made of chicken fat soybeans and ground-up feathers my diet is ruining my complexion but I just can't stop manufacturers then dye the fish pink to make it more appetizing to unwitting consumers I love it the funny thing is salmon would actually be a lot cheaper if it weren't dyed but we just got a half pink fish [Music] yuck well I'll order wild salmon from now on actually even when the menu says wild salmon a lot of the time you're getting farmed salmon and you just don't know it fine tuna oh don't even get me started on tuna I said don't even get me started on tuna what's wrong with tuna it's what I ordered I have to know chances are it wasn't tuna the mislabelling of fish is rampant in the restaurant industry a study by Oceana found that 59% of the tuna they genetically tested from grocery stores and restaurants wasn't tuna at all in sushi restaurants the number was 74% Oh God what is it is it little bugs oh no there's other kinds of fish usually a snake mackerel called escolar well whatever so long as it tastes good oh yeah escolar tastes great and you'll be fine for a few hours but the flesh of escolar contains waxy deposits that are not easy to digest this is so good I feel so not good ah you'll probably need this yeah we got it work your magic Macey just have to enhance and it haunts in haunts o to enhanced D haunts the print matches it couldn't possibly be anyone else first of all enhance isn't a thing digital photos have a limited resolution you can't just yell at a computer to get more detail and secondly there is no scientific proof that fingerprints are unique enough Conover everyone knows no two fingerprints are alike like snowflakes Oh funny you should say that in the 1980s a researcher actually found two snowflakes that had precisely the same battery jingle door clicks keep it to fingerprints okay of course save that for the Christmas episode the no two fingerprints are alike cliche isn't science it's just something one guy said in 1892 my name is Sir Francis Colton I postulate the chances of two specific individuals having the same fingerprint is very teeny tiny oh it sounds very respectable I also invented eugenics oh god get him out of here today Galton's hunch is common wisdom and everyone assumes that fingerprint evidence is infallible but it's not take the case of Brandon Mayfield he was arrested for the Madrid train bombings after the world's top fingerprint experts swore that he was a perfect match for a print found at the scene but it wasn't me I'm gonna turn it from Oregon I've never even been to Spain oh you should go it's lovely but because they believe that fingerprints told no lies the FBI arrested Mayfield and held him for weeks by the way I'm not the real Brandon I'm an actor Hey Oh God society is gonna crumble people will eat each other we're gonna have to celebrate two Christmases calm down divorce isn't scary in fact it's a good thing are you serious dude half of all marriages end in divorce oh yeah that's what everyone says but it's not actually true oh hey a dance circle luckily calculated divorce rates in the u.s. have never exceeded 41 percent and after peaking in the late 70s and early 80s since then the divorce rate has actually gone down so what divorce is still awful why do you think that because it means a happy marriage is over no it means a bad marriage is over and before access to divorce improved in the 70s people were trapped in those awful relationships in the old days to get a divorce you often needed both spouses present my husband is trying to kill me and where is this husband knife shopping no dice he also needed to establish fault so if you wanted a boring old amicable divorce you were forced to lie to a judge who was cruel or inhumane to whom damn it was me I attacked him with scissors ah yes dice divorce horse do your thing and this is particularly bad for women because in many states domestic violence wasn't considered grounds for divorce so they could become trapped in abusive marriages but all that changed in 1969 thanks to Ronald Reagan as Governor of California I introduced no-fault divorce a revolutionary innovation that made it far easier for folks to separate mr. Gorbachev tear down this marriage the concept soon spread to other states and by some estimates reduced cases of female suicide by 20% that's why divorce rates rose in the 70s not because society was crumbling but because divorce was finally available to the people who really need to stop BAM it sweeper sick sick sick screaming for you live from the reef den today we're going old-school with a classic cruncher three blood populace Roger it's time for lunch dad get out wait what is this are you playing violent video games again you're gonna wind up on the six o'clock news don't worry dad the idea that video games cause violent crime is a total ban that is disgusting they're trying to brainwash you into thinking that video games are safe nope you're the one who's been brainwashed for as long as video games have existed they've said the american parents into a frenzy of fear in 1976 the National Safety Council panicked over the arcade game deathrace calling these tame little pixels six six six and in the 90s politicians had a full-scale freak out about a little game called Mortal Kombat Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman claimed it taught kids to quote enjoy inflicting the most gruesome forms of cruelty but despite these repeated parades of pearl clutch and panic there's still no actual evidence linking video games to violent crime moral outrage unnecessary I don't know I'm still not convinced well let's look at the fans as video game sales in America have spiked violent crime has actually gone down and other countries where games are popular have even lower rates of violent crime soda ya'know America gianni mota gamers forget Oh King Juno Saturday McHugh judoka boys Kanaya and despite the lazy media narrative connecting mass shootings to video games multiple studies including an analysis by the Secret Service have found that school shooters actually consume significantly lower amounts of violent media and video games than their peers so you're saying video games don't have any effect on our kids at all not even that game fork knife where you kill people with pickaxes it's called fort night dad pickaxe is a harvesting tool well some studies do show that violent video games can cause a temporary increase in aggressive thoughts and behavior but those studies are pretty flimsy because they didn't measure anything the average person would actually consider aggression one study just measured whether or not people who played video games were more likely to feed their opponents of hot sauce hmm and even if these studies had tested real-world acts of aggression the change in behavior they measured was tiny just two percent on average other studies have shown a similar effect in racing games and even realized sports that does reach out whenever I beat him at ping pong that's cuz you play dirty Henry oh I see it now guys meet video game researcher and level 30 Demon Slayer dr. Patrick Marquis sup Reaper 666 hope you don't mind I already defeated that final boss blaming video games for real-world violence really took off after the Columbine shooting and it was an understandable mistake because we all desperately wanted some reason why someone would commit such a horrific act of violence but today we know video games actually aren't what's to blame and yet politicians across the political spectrum still scapegoat video games as recently as the 2018 parkland tragedy the President of the United States was saying things like I'm hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts and reporters parrot this lazy narrative right back after the Newtown school shooting it was widely reported that the gunman played video games but what they left out was at his favorite game the one he play up to ten hours a day was Dance Dance Revolution the fact is is just easier to blame video games than to tackle societal problems that actually impact rates of violence things like educational and employment disparities stigma against seeking mental health treatment and especially in the case of shootings and access to guns instead we're wasting time and tax dollars on even more research to try to prove a link between violence and video games that just doesn't exist that's right I'm a video game researcher and even I think this is a waste of time and that's why I'm taking a break to beat the next level Oh May under water see you guys the truth is scapegoating and banning violent video games doesn't protect kids it just distracts us from figuring out what we really need to do to keep people safe yeah you're right Henry you can play that gut game with supervision okay dad you just gotta narrate everything for the stream hmm let's see what we got did you just shove that gun up his oh god juice commercials would have you believe that every sip comes right from the tree right orange juice is totally natural look there's a straw right in the orange it's like I'm drinking straight from the free man you really are gullible yeah even not from concentrate orange juice is just as processed as any other mass-market food orange juice has an extremely short shelf life so to stop it from spoiling manufacturers extract all the oxygen from the juice [Applause] but that process also removes all the orange flavor it just tastes like sweet right so manufacturers artificially jam it back in by using flavor packs no that can't it's not the taste that you know is Tropicana Florida's natural or Minute Maid was actually designed in the same lab that makes perfume for Calvin Klein and Dior Oh citrusy the trick is since the flavor packs are technically made of orange byproducts they don't have to right artificially flavored on the label but they are well if it's all oranges who cares yeah flavor packs aren't bad for you they're just super interesting well great what's bad for you about orange juice is the sugar what sugar out of a strong reaction you didn't know this oh J is loaded with it an 8 ounce glass of Tropicana contains 22 grams of sugar that's almost as much as a Pepsi which makes sense since Tropicana is owned by Pepsi ok you can't ruin cars the car like represents freedom mmm how can they represent freedom when you have no choice in where you buy them why is it that if you want a new car you have to go to one of these awful dealerships doesn't that suck yes I hate angling i hate driving from one dealership to the next dealership i hate dealing with this guy hey so why do we buy cars this way like why does every dealership only sell one brand of car what if every business worked like that welcome to Peterman Clancey serving all your Tom Clancy needs ID like The Hunt for Red October oh okay well I can offer you a 10 chapter package for $20 a month for 36 months and would you like to add page strengthening why can't you just go to a car store and buy whatever brand of car you want for a fixed price Toyota Camrys sedans aisle 6 right next to the Accords and why can't you buy a car online hmm never mind his cheaper on Amazon Add to Cart why isn't that how we buy cars because that would be crazy I mean can you imagine such a world oh boy man this guy he sure is funny oh that would be great why can't I do that oh because these guys got a law passed to stop you oh no no no no no please please don't talk about this dealerships aren't owned by the carmaker's they're separate businesses and since the 30s dealership associations have pressured every state into passing franchise laws that give them a virtual monopoly over new car sales that is a beautiful anti-competitive law senator we are gonna make so much money off of this these laws actually make it illegal to sell new cars unless you're a car dealership and if you want to become a dealer too bad it's also illegal to open a new dealership in another dealers territory it's not actually that illegal but you get the idea and the law also makes it nearly impossible for car makers to shut down dealerships even when they suck which means they end up getting passed from father to son like family dynasties this top financing great job son push those little seats okay since they have no competition and no oversight car dealers are free to force you to haggle and treat you like crap so it's a lane law let's change it that'll be tough twenty percent of state sales tax revenue comes from car dealerships which means Craig's and his buddies pretty much run the show and all these middlemen do is cost you money I knew it it's estimated that if car manufacturers could sell to consumers directly every car would be eighteen hundred dollars cheaper that'll be eighteen hundred dollars to replace these guys yeah but because of dealer franchise laws you can't avoid them if you want a new car you have no choice but it's the only way to get around I need a car yeah so does everyone isn't it kind of weird that a product marketed as the epitome of freedom is totally mandatory hell your government-issued ID is a driver's license [Music] we is that formula no tell me you're breastfeeding well I tried but he kind of was having a hard time latching at the hospital in the nurse says it was okay if I supplement some formula is toxic you have to breastfeed oh no way I hate when people breastfeed in public do that at home nobody wants to see that um excuse me and help me tell them which one is very well no no way am I getting in the middle of this you you're gonna tell mom where and when she can feed her baby get a life breastfeeding is normal natural and great preach sister and you how dare you judge how a mom feeds her kid formula isn't just healthy and safe it's a literal lifesaver Emily let me show you know it's from a primary source before formula the only way to feed your baby was to breastfeed and forget about getting anything else done because breastfeeding takes 35 hours a week what that's like a full-time job and the worst thing is if you couldn't breastfeed there weren't any other good options might eat til tapped looks like it's bread soaked in water for you little spud this is a real thing people did babies grow up malnourished or died if their mom's couldn't breastfeed it's horrible then in 1865 this friggin albert einstein named Eustace von Liebig invented baby formula ma'am your baby said no longer dine on duck food instead even dine on science formula allows women to leave the house or join the workforce but most importantly it's saved babies lives no doubt right here becomes or meal isn't scary it's a modern miracle okay but isn't a formula just a bunch of chemicals well yeah Emily it is because literally everything is a bunch of chemicals breast milk is also chemicals the question is whether those chemicals are nutritionally different and the answer is no meat professor and lactation expert Courtney young hi Emily hi Patty's right formula is a safe and nutritionally complete alternative to breast milk for things like IQ asthma allergies eczema once you account for income and education there's almost no difference between breastfeeding and formula feeding the evidence that breastfeeding makes a difference is just inconclusive oh yeah I formula-fed Murph I breastfed his brother derf and they're both idiots Oh mom bocce ball at me the fact is formula feeding is a completely safe and nutritious alternative to breastfeeding if you want or need to feed your baby formula do it with confidence Wow thank you thanks professor yo what about places where they don't have access to clean water good question hairball mixing contaminated water with formula can be harmful but if you use clean water and sterilize bottles it's a completely safe and nutritious option not so fast I read mommy bombs like for fun and they say that breastfeeding actually makes your baby love you more because it releases a bonding chemical called oxytocin oh oh can I leave this one go ahead oxytocin is a hormone that gets released when you do things like hug or cuddle that's why the media loves to call it the love hormone but that same hormone is also released when you do things like fire a gun or watch porn according to a comprehensive review from 2008 there is no convincing support for a connection between breastfeeding and the quality of the mother infant relationship breastfeeding is a great way to bond with your baby but it's not the only one and the fact is not all women can do it 15 percent of moms can't breastfeed not to mention the parents who foster and adopt so the next time someone tries to guilt-trip you or any other parent about how they feed their baby you tell them they can eat my feet thanks patty prepare to be dazzled ladies this house just came on the market dan yeah the energy in here I can feel it this is our home and outdoor space is always in demand this place is a great investment crap competition [Music] hi No oh hello are you looking for a place to live yes but come to think of it I probably shouldn't buy and neither should you fact is a lot of people who shop for homes would actually be better off renting what are you talking about I just got a promotion and Jen's sound healing practice just got a customer yes his name is Wolfram right buying a house is what you do it's the American dream yes for almost a century Americans have been taught that home ownership is the ultimate middle class ideal isn't it yes freedom stability and no one will know I'm a queer but the fact is for millions of us this is a dream that's not worth chasing please buying a home gives you freedom no it doesn't when you rent you can move whenever you want but after you buy you're sort of stuck mmm a job that pays more money in Hawaii sorry I'm just really tied down right now it's even been shown that higher rates of homeownership lead to higher unemployment for exactly this reason you're forgetting that owning a home makes financial sense I am sick of paying rent to some landlord instead you'll be paying a mortgage to some bank how is that any difference well let's see I send you a bill once a month I kick you out if you don't pay and ah I don't fix anything that's the difference you're gonna need this when your heater explodes and I'm gonna use your can considering i own it for the next 30 years often fine doesn't give you any more stability than renting you just pay in a different jerk and for the first few years you're not even building equity you're just paying off interest [Music] friends family we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between Emily and mer sure we won't have any interruptions don't worry man it's my distinct honor to unite Emily and MuRF in the most holy of tradition I object nearly all wedding traditions are nothing but pointless and expensive displays of wealth Adam we don't have time for this um actually we do i budgeted it into the schedule no not this time okay my engagement was one thing but I've been dreaming about this day my whole life my friends are here my very traditional family is here you're making us proud son of course we would have preferred a Catholic priest but this is tradition Adam the dress the ceremony the cake it all symbolizes true love nope those traditions represent one thing money in fact this entire ceremony has been hijacked by a greedy industry looking to make a buck but this is the way weddings have always been wrong again American weddings were once informal Affairs held in homes or at community events like barn raisings or corn husking bees I hereby pronounce you man and wife you may now eat [Music] nice to try Adam but that's not a real wedding she's not even wearing white she's no yellow it means I'm not rich back then white fabric was almost impossible to clean so a white dress was only meant to be worn once poor folks can't afford that we got to make our dresses last Brown don't show the dirts it wasn't an eye of Queen Victoria were a white dress to my wedding that other brides began to copy me to show off their wealth but even then it was strictly for the well-to-do think she's so good at her more than one dress even white wedding cakes were all about bragging white sugar back then was so expensive it was basically edible bling my friend well Emily's wearing a white dress and we're not rich nope but you're making it rain like you are and all because of bridal magazines meet Vicky Howard she's the author of Brides incorporated and an expert in wedding commercialization weddings used to be simple Affairs but then bridal magazines encouraged Brides to marry like the wealthy and created a wedding industry of unrelated products like silverware gifts for the home and even early wedding gowns and they did all this when Americans were at their poorest it was the birth of an entire industry and now the cost of weddings keeps skyrocketing give me that listen people want the finest on their big day and that comes at a price so like we're cheating people no that's exactly what you're doing the wedding industry systematically overcharges young couples just because they can one study found that a majority of flower shops photographers oh and cake shops do Ramsey charged more for a wedding than they did for a birthday party of the same size it's called the wedding tax basically anything Ashley here book for you is a ripoff um I have to go accountant mason jars or something that's insane how can they get away with this well this culture of spending is now so pervasive if you don't do it your family will be pissed Merck where are the floral centerpieces you can't have a wedding without floral centerpieces mom they were two grand extra you're breaking your mother's heart tell Ashley to put it on the discover well maybe going through this whole expensive ordeal together I'll make us stronger as a couple researchers at Emory University found that the more you spend on your wedding you're actually more likely to end in divorce how do you know that this was my bachelorette party oh yeah that was fun buddy has a point I mean no one we paid to help plan this wedding gives two craps if we stay together or not that is not true I care very deeply about Emily and Smurf the Discover card was declined should I use the annex main column earth it's your special day don't go nuts at your own wedding even though he's okay oh yeah that's just a stinking walk no not today Conover because guess what buddy I just figured out your a little lesson oh well tell me I love to learn mmm a century of advertising has distracted us from what's really important it's not about the money or the gifts or the thread-count of the table runners it's about love all this it's just about you and me declaring our eternal undying love for each other that's what weddings used to be about and that's what I want our wedding to be about too because I love you Emily and I always will oh babe I love you too so Adam you want to take back that objection oh gosh I wish I could but science says your feelings are almost certain to change want me to tell you about it please do all right people this is gonna be a while so let's just start the dinner course and we will finish the ceremony later okay here's a challenge I want you to believe what I'm about to tell you not just hear it not just understand it but believe it it's the fact that you already know to be true but have never been able to fully accept and it's this you are going to die you the person listening to me right now are going to die it's difficult even to imagine isn't it take a moment and try to picture what it's like to not exist you can't do it you're imagining darkness black but there'll be no black there will be no color because there will be no you to perceive it and your mind recoils from that idea it's simply unable to conceive of its own non-existence and so it concludes that it's impossible that you'll live forever but you won't all things end all motion slows all heat becomes cold life is an eddy in that current of entropy a brief chemical reaction that lights up the darkness and then it's fuel spent dissipates back to nothing just like you will your body is a marvelous and intricate machine built out of millions of interconnected fragile systems and as you age each begins to slowly but surely deteriorate and breakdown when one fails a doctor may be able to repair it but at some point there will be too many interlocking failures to proceed and like a cascade of dominoes your joints your eyes your heart your lungs your memory your entire body will fail it will happen and while it's difficult to hear this truth it is essential that you accept it because every second that goes by in which you don't is a second of your precious and finite life that you risk wasting so I'm going to say it once more and this time try as hard as you can to believe me you yes you will die and there is nothing you can do to stop it how is that what too much yeah that's a lot for a first date yeah maybe I shouldn't open with it also what's with the hourglass you just carry that thing around for dramatic effect yeah and I used to boil eggs a little heavy-handed I know oh she's here so I think that Haley might actually maybe for some reason like you so ixnay on the death stuff just ask her if she's like a cat person or a dog person I'm a turtle person just keep it light you don't tell the truth the awful truth oh no no just don't be yourself literally be anyone else but yourself I can do that good luck smile hey there you are sorry I'm late I hate when people are late need to I was the first to arrive at both parties I have attendance joke I can't believe I'm saying this but I think we made holy crow oh I did tell her and we've reached the end of the video which means you we have two options option 1 hit subscribe and never miss another new video from Adam ruins everything ever again option to start reading the comments and weep for Humanity
Channel: truTV
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Keywords: adam ruins everything, ruins everything, truTV, adam ruins, truTv adam ruins everything, adam conover, adam ruins everything truTV, adam conover runis everything, truTV Shows, Truth, watch adam ruins everything, adam ruins everything watch online, adam ruins everything facts, youtube adam ruins everything, trutv episode clips, trutv youtube, true tv, truetv, trutv youtube channel, the new trutv, trutv videos, tru tv
Id: q4pV8cKXKnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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