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what's up family man i'm excited about tonight come on in this room i want you to do it the way we do it here on wednesday night drop some fire in that chat we coming in hot put that fire there man i'm really excited about our wednesday night teachings and our bible study um this month we're doing a summer rewind revival and so listen we're just doing this a few weeks because i felt like and i i really felt like it was important to repurpose some content that's not out there some classics it's not in the youtube and digital space that i really believe can add some value to you in in this arena and regarding this subject of purpose so i'm going to be back in a few weeks sitting right in that chair opening that bible teaching live but i feel like this content needs to be repurposed i need to be refreshed refueled and replenished and so i want you to be blessed by this midweek manner this message that we're about to share with you it's called i'm too anointed to be idol you got to get up get out and do something [Music] all right enjoy the message god bless first peter chapter number four verse number eight um there's been an unusually quiet ambiance in all of our services today but this is the 12 o'clock service that that kind of sounded like one of the other services i said but this is the 12 o'clock service okay there we there we go and so we uh we want to make sure we're alive and enthusiastic about god's word amen [Music] first peter chapter 4 verse 8 peter says above all love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins offer hospitality to one another without grumbling and each of you should use whatever gift you have received each of you should use whatever gift you've received to serve others as faithful stewards of god's grace in his ver in its various forms this is the reading of god's word i want you to shake somebody's hand around you and tell them i'm too anointed to be idle yeah i'm you're too anointed to be idle you've got to do something amen ladies and gentlemen this particular passage penned by mark uh peter's assistant peter's spiritual son provides us i think with some important perspective on the subject matter we have spent the last several weeks attempting to unpack the subject matter i'm referring to is purpose let the church shout purpose we've defined purpose church as the reason for the creation or the existence of a thing it is the reason for the creation or the existence of a thing meaning just because something exists does not mean it's accomplishing its purpose because purpose is not existence purpose is the reason for the creation or the existence of a thing one more time somebody shout purpose and you sir you ma'am are not here by accident your sovereign savior jesus has strategically placed you on this planet not just to suck up air but he has placed you on this planet because there is great purpose for your life somebody say purpose come on say it again say purpose yes sir yes ma'am there is not something you have to do there is some there are some things you have to do you are not here for a reason you are here for some reasons you've got some books to write some businesses to start some some non-profits to organize some ministries to launch some seminars to teach some people to coach some people to counsel some people to encourage some nephews to raise some ministries to step into some callings to fulfill you are here for a reason and the adversary your enemy is upset he is unnerved he is perturbed he's disturbed because you're getting ready to walk into the very thing god placed you on this planet to accomplish somebody shout purpose what i'm attempting to articulate is this your purpose is comprehensive it is the equivalent of a pie and your willingness and your ability to faithfully carry out the roles god calls you to in each slice of that pie will determine whether or not you effectively and efficiently accomplish your purpose there are some things you've got to do personally there are some things you've got to do relationally last week we taught you there's some things you've got to do vocationally and on today i want to share with you there's some things you got to do spiritually did you hear what i just said i said there are some things that you have to do spiritually your family your friends your employer or your employees should not be the only ones who benefit from the awesomeness of your existence you are too special to be that stingy the world needs a piece of you you aren't talking to me there are others who need a piece of you and it's more than your family it's more than your friends it's more than your clients the kingdom thank you for the seven amens i got needs a piece of you meaning that you not only have an assignment attached to the world you have an assignment attached to the kingdom you have not been gifted with your personality you have not been wired with your resilience you you have not been blessed with your awesome and amazing insight just so that everybody else can benefit from how awesome you are except god god is saying i am the inaugurator of your awesomeness and i should be come on and talk to me i should also be a beneficiary of your awesomeness everybody else shouldn't be blessed by you but me [Music] [Applause] and so god says to you what uncle sam says to us i want you and i'm simply suggesting that every individual needs to acquire an understanding not just of what i'm supposed to do in the world not just what i'm supposed to do with my career not just what i'm supposed to do in my relationships but what am i supposed to do for god i'm always asking god to do something for me what does he need me to do for him somebody shout purpose it this is often a slice of the purpose pie that is neglected because we tend to think that god's role in our life is to bless all the other slices so god bless my relationships bless my job bless my resources bless me personally but you exist to bless me i don't exist to bless you and what god is attempting i believe to get us to understand those of us who are part of this christian community those of you who are watching us online is listen i don't want to be watch this i never said seek me only i just say it seek me first and if i'm the one that has blessed you and given you this week i want you to at least take a part of the week and be able to point to something this week and say i did this for god i i used my time for the one who gave me some time now now this is the reason we're not as responsive and as enthusiastic it's because we often get temporary states of amnesia where we forget how blessed we are to see another week yeah but but if i were to call if i would have turned this sanctuary into a courtroom i'd call a man by the name of job to the witness stand and job would get on the witness stand and he'd tell you you'll bless somebody sitting all up in church everything may not be cool calm and copacetic but job will tell you you'll bless somebody and the reason he tell you you'll bless somebody because job knows of a conversation that satan and god had about him the scripture teaches that satan approaches god and god ask satan where have you been and satan says i've been all up and down trenton willemboro i've been in burlington i've been all over seeking to find somebody's life to upset and disrupt and god says to satan have you considered my servant job and he says yes i considered him but i couldn't get to him because you had a hedge of protection around him [Applause] now how did satan know that god had a hedge of protection around job unless satan tried to get to job but couldn't get to him because the hedge wouldn't let him through which means job was living his life danger was all around him and job was oblivious to the danger because god blocked it and didn't even tell him and there are certain things god blocks in your life and doesn't even tell you about and this is why the old church used to say i want to thank him for protecting me from danger seeing and unseen that's why you got to praise him all the time cause you got to praise him for the stuff you know about and you got to praise him for the stuff you didn't know about praise him for the things you saw and praise him for the things you didn't see [Applause] he says if you knew who who was plotting against you you would be praising me if you knew what they tried to do but wasn't able to get off the ground because i shut it down you you would be praising me if you knew what the enemy was attempting to do to you all week long but i was warring in the spirit for you and didn't even allow some things to come into manifestation in the natural you'll be up on your feet giving me praise if you knew what i had protected you from yeah it's huh [Applause] this is now is it now if i did all that for you and you didn't deserve it cause some stuff okay let me go to this side let me no okay you call me i'm saying right cause cause some stuff he protected us from we had coming the bible calls it mercy mercy mercy can be encapsulated with this in this phrase it is when god does not give me what i do deserve now contrast mercy with grace in grace he gives me what i don't deserve but in mercy he doesn't give me what i do deserve there are certain things you sowed that you didn't reap like you should have reaped cause god shut it down i want somebody to pause and just praise him right there all the perfect people are quiet but the rest of us who have made some mistakes and made some wrong turns that should have cost us more than it cost us and god let you keep what you should have lost [Applause] mercy so he said he said you don't deserve it so so in response to that god says you're asking me to do all this for you what are you going to do for the one who's done everything for you are you going to pursue what i want for you as passionately as you pursue what you want for yourself because when i ignore this area spiritually when i when i ignore this and just go after my dreams and just go after my relationships i am ignoring a very significant part of my purpose i'm ignoring actually the only part of my purpose that's going to have eternal implications what you do spiritually is the only thing that will matter eternally what you do financially will not matter eternally what you do relationally won't matter eternally because no one that you're in relationship with is going to live eternally not on earth only this too old school for you what you do i love my only what you do for christ will last i love this crowd because y'all don't know any of those statements i'll say that they'd be like huh i love it huh what who is joel who's that i know him we're knowing a very significant part of our purpose so the question when he try to answer is okay pastor what does this look like what do i need to do and peter offers us some insight into this particular issue now as peter's addressing this audience mark is actually writing it's peter's words peter's addressing this audience i want you to catch this i want you to get it it's extremely important because peter's instruction is grounded in this whole issue of identity he spends a significant part of this chapter of this of this letter talking to the people about who they are he starts telling him you're a royal priesthood you're a holy nation you're a chosen generation because he knows i cannot really address your behavior until i address how you see yourself because your behavior whether you know it or not is going to be consistent with how you see you so if you have a low view view of you your behavior is going to reflect that and so what peter does instead of starting with behavior he starts with identity and says let me tell you who you are because if you ever get that i won't have to talk to you as much about what you should do because you don't have to tell a dog to bark you don't have to tell a lion to roar because their behavior is consistent with their nature are y'all following me here and so peter's attempting to attempting to address this and so he starts talking to him about identity and then as he gets to this particular part of the letter he says now that you know who you are this is the way you should function as a consequence of that he says in verse number eight and this is the first thing that every christian who wants to take the spiritual slice of their purpose pi seriously should do is this he says above all watch this preach to each other often [Applause] he says above all above all sing on the choir loudly no that's not what it says above all pray in the spirit frequently no above all dance in the aisles feverishly no above all and there's nothing wrong with any of those things but notice peter's words he says above all don't you miss this love deeply god almighty y'all better catch this he says because in verse 10 we're going to talk about using your gifts he says but before i talk to you about using your gifts i got to talk to you about walking in love because the reason your gift isn't effective is not because you're not gifted let me go back to this side he says the reason your gift isn't working is because you're not operating in love so people love your gift but they can't stand you so they rather stay away from your gift but you're not talking to me yeah because i'll let you lead me if i know you love me i'll let you teach me if i know you love me i'll listen to you correct me if i know you love me but your gift has to be wrapped in love the bible says you can't even the bible says the truth won't even be effective if you don't speak it in love you're not talking to me and everybody wants to use their gifts without working on their character not realizing your gift is not what's in the way your gift is not what is stopping god from using you to the best of your ability he says your character is in the way people love your gift but they don't want you let me go [Applause] preach daniel spirit preach this is this is a consistent theme all throughout the new testament this is not just peter's perspective it's paul's perspective if you read first corinthians chapter 12. first corinthians chapter 12 is a chapter where paul talks about something called spiritual gifts in first corinthians 12 1 he begins the conversation by saying with them i don't want you to be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts he's saying you can't afford not to know this you might not know when jesus is coming back we don't you don't need to know that he says but what you do need to know is how spiritual gifts work what they are how they work and he lists a whole bunch of gifts prophecy working on miracles words of wisdom words of knowledge but he lists all those gifts and then he shifts over to chapter 13 and he says i know you got all that he says but let me show you a more excellent way he says let me show you something that works better than a gift he says this he says if i speak in the tongues of men and angels and have not love hit the uh uh hit the um you know what up the symbols yeah no he said if you don't keep going if you don't have love that's what your tongue sounds like to god [Applause] noise are y'all following me because paul here he starts articulating he says listen i can have faith to move mountains he says i can i can get my body to be burned i can take all my resources and give them to the poor he says but if i don't have love it profits me nothing so i can give something away others profit from it but i don't profit from it because i didn't do it in love because what paul is doing he is trying to get the corinthians to see that love is evidence of spiritual maturity not your gifts not your ability to use the gift this is why in first corinthians three he calls the the corinthian church carnal he says you got all these gifts you're charismatic and you've got gifts he says but you're so carnal i gotta give you a milk diet he says i can't even give you meat because you don't even have the spiritual capacity to comprehend meaty spiritual truths but you have a word i know thank you i got one am i making sense y'all because this is why paul ends this chapter by saying uh in chapter 13 by saying my old saints gonna get this when i was a child come on when i was a child i spoke as a child come on i understood as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things you want to know how you're growing when you're able to love when you couldn't love before because it takes more holy power to love the unlovable than it does to speak in a tongue don't tell me if you can speak in a tongue tell me can you speak to somebody you didn't used to speak to i said i don't see how much power you have if you can speak in a tongue i see how much power you have when you can speak to somebody you rather not speak to that's when you've got power somebody shall power that's what i need i need power i need power i need power to hold my peace when i want to turn up i need i need power to keep my hands to myself when i want to lay hands on the sick and not let them recover i need power not to say something when i just want to go all the way off i need i need power power power power power power power power power power power power not power for church power for life power power power not power for sunday i need power on monday you're not talking to me i need most of my help tomorrow night right now somebody shall power power power power power power all right now watch what paul says here are y'all ready for this paul says love deeply okay it's about to get quiet then he says why because love covers not condones but covers a multitude of sins he says when you love it is an unconquerable benevolence it is a commitment agape to do what is always in the best interest of another person regardless of what they do to you so when the bible talks about loving your enemies it's talking about a type of love that supersedes feelings it's not talking about feel for your enemies what you feel for your friends the bible's not commanding you to feel because you can't control feelings so it's not saying feel about your enemies what you feel about your spouse that's not what he's saying what he's saying is make a commitment to do for others what jesus did for you and that's always give them your best even when they're at their worst it is always saying i will not allow how low you are to determine how low i go just bump somebody say the air is better up here the asp yeah i've been down there and i don't like it down there you can live down there cause you condition the function at low levels the air is better up here i can breathe and i like it better above all the fray [Applause] so this is what he's saying and this is key and this is this is this is i think one of the areas probably one of the dominant areas particularly in in in the western world where christianity wrestles wrestles with grace greatly and is one of the reasons god's church corporately as a whole christianity as a whole is not as effective in the west as it could be it's because this reason because we don't get this scripture we don't get watch this that love only exposes the issues of others for the purpose of edifying them it does not expose others issues simply to make conversation with someone who has nothing to do with it right so when somebody else's failure makes up the majority of the content of your conversation that is evidence that there is some type of deficiency in somebody's life because if all i do with my life is talk about yours i don't have one now don't say it for anybody in this church but say it so that somebody on the other side of town can hear you say get a life get a life get a life get a life because if you were as busy as i am somebody will have to let you know what's going on because you're so tunnel focused on what god is doing in your own life and so this is what happens when people who are known in culture have issues those issues become public it can be athletes it can be stars it can be co-workers the voices that scream the loudest in condemnation and judgment are christian voices did you see that outfit she had on on the stage did you see your outfit in 89 [Applause] oh so you never wore a bat you never wore a ratchet outfit you never wore anything ratchet and and then we're confused as to why they want nothing to do with our faith jesus says in john chapter 13 he says by this shall all men know you're my disciples by your love your love that that is the way people should be able to identify that we follow jesus by our love not condoning the behavior but loving the person so i i don't want to know what ministry you serve in i don't want to know how good you preach i don't want to know how good you teach i want to know are you loving deeply because if you're not loving deeply sooner or later we're not going to want to hear you preach if you're not loving deeply sooner or later we're not going to want to hear you sing if you're not loving deeply sooner or later we'll say we can do without your service i'd rather do it myself [Applause] are you loving deeply because if you aren't you may be missing purpose number two are you all right you all all right number two is in verse nine i'll say number one love deeply number two practice hospitality practice hospitality verse nine says offer hospitality to one another without grumbling okay give me romans chapter number 12 verse number three paul picks up on this all of these are consistent themes throughout the new testament these are not isolated pieces of instruction watch this paul says share with the lord's people who are in need and then watch what he says practice hospitality do you see that everybody say practice okay he did not say feel cause some of us are waiting on a spirit of niceness to overtake us in the morning that i'm just gonna wake up and god's gonna breathe nice on me paul says you gotta practice it are you getting it paul says you got to be intentional that you have to you have to take the initiative you have to exert effort to be hospitable even when you don't feel hospitable because it's hard for me to receive for for someone to receive your gift if you aren't nice if you aren't welcoming oh my goodness does this make sense okay are you all ready are y'all ready for this are you sure you're ready for this are you sure you're ready for this he says now practice hospitality this is tough now and he says do it without grumbling that's first peter 4 9 right without grumbling which meaning which means this there's going to be some hospitality you have to extend that's going to be so inconvenient that it's going to make you want to grumble which means that you're going to be you're going to have to be hospitable to people you don't want to be hospitable too because it's easy to be nice to people that you don't mind being nice to it's hard i'm just feeling all the love right here this realness it it's hot okay y'all it's it's harder i can go all throughout scripture and show you this it's harder to have judas at your table and you still let him eat knowing what he's going to do after the meal is over [Applause] see y'all missed it jesus let judas eat let's be honest i'm not letting you eat oh you about to do that to me and you go sit at my table and put your uh uh hospitality because see we're about to jump to verse 10 but when i start talking about purpose and spirituality everybody wants to go to verse 10 not realizing what gets in the way is verses 8 and 9. do you have love are you hospitable are you sometimes do you only just fool with certain people i don't fool with you i don't fool with them you do know at some point you okay let me put it this way you do know you don't get to pick who you need now that's what you think you think now you can choose who you receive help from but you don't pick who god taps to help you [Music] and god might just have somebody to help you that you don't like [Applause] did you hear me yeah so so so i got to be careful because i don't want to be like joseph brothers and assume because of where joseph is in one season i'm never going to need him cause y'all do remember joseph brothers put him in a pit because they didn't think he was going to amount to anything then some years pass god blesses him elevates him a famine hits the land they need some food and the person in charge of food is the same dude they put in the pit because just cause you don't think you need me now does not mean you won't need me later and so that's why people have to be careful how they treat you in this season because they might run into a deficit in another season and you might not have everything but the thing they need might be the thing you have [Applause] practice hospitality are you hospitable how do you treat people who can do nothing for you do you s y'all not how do you treat people that that can do nothing for you or do you more readily return the phone calls of people who you feel like are more significant because you don't know who you might need gosh is this good teaching y'all okay so if i want to accomplish my purpose spiritually i gotta love deeply because if i don't my gifts won't work i've got to practice hospitality because if i don't my gift won't work and number three when i do that that's when i can use my gifts now i'm gonna the sunday after easter i'm gonna unpack this whole concept and this notion of spiritual gifts a little more i'm gonna wrap up but the text says each of you should use whatever gift you've received to faithfully serve others now watch this first thing peter says is each of you which means nobody's exempt he didn't say those of you who are less busy than others each of you should use don't just sit on it but use now watch what he says whatever gift he does that because in the corinthian church well paul talks about this in the corinthian church there was this issue of of classism and competitiveness where people felt like my gift is not as significant as others and so paul has to use this analogy of the human body to help people understand that everybody plays a part in god's plan and he says the body of christ is like a human body you got eyes ears fingers toes but each part is dependent on another part the heart's dependent on the brain and the brain's dependent on the heart am i making sense y'all and so he's communicating that to them because one of the one of the one of the largest inhibitors to people using their god-given gifts is feelings of insignificance i don't have anything to offer that matters what can i do that makes a difference i don't sing what can i do i don't preach what can i do i don't teach what can i do and that's why peter says you should use whatever gift you've received to serve others as faithful stewards of god's grace in its various forms peter's encouraging them to walk in their god-given and god-ordained uniqueness this principle is personified all throughout scripture but i think one particular person is a picturesque portrait of and his name is david the bible says he was getting ready to fight a giant named goliath and saul tried to put his armor on david and give david his sword because that's the way we fight we fight with swords and we fight with armor but david realized that's not the gift god gave me and so he took off what culture tried to put on him you missed it culture says this is the way we do it this is the way we start the business this is the way we start the church this is the way you get out there this is the way you network this is the way your fruitful but david said i know that's the way culture does it but that's not the way god has gifted me so david went down to the brook and he found five small smooth stones and he put one of those stones in a slingshot and he walked up to goliath and he said you come at me with a sword and a spear but i come at you in the name of the living god and this rock might not look like much to you but if you let me work my rock i'ma knock this giant down and what you have may not look like much to you but if you work that rock like god gave you the rock you're working with you're you're i said if you work your rock like god gave you the rock you're working with your giant has to come down and i want to know is there anybody in kingdom church this afternoon that's bold enough to say i don't have what others have but i'm gonna use what god gave me and when i use what god has given me the giant has got to come down somebody shout in the house of god this afternoon father all over this house [Music] we pray that your holy spirit would arrest attitudes of insignificance and low self-esteem of unworthiness attitudes that feel like that they gotta do it the way everybody else has done it i pray that you give us a breaker anointing an anointing that breaks out the box an anointing that cannot be categorized an anointing that does not fit in any category give us a kingdom anointing and anointing that is not this or that and anointing that is this and that do it in the house jesus that we will be who you've called us to be and do what you call us to do help us to walk boldly to walk courageously and we thank you for it in jesus name somebody shout one more time and give god your best praise i'm coming out of this box i'm coming out of this box i'm coming out of this box i may not do it like you do it but if you let me do it my way my giant has got to come down i'm coming out of this pot somebody shout in the house i'm out come out come out come out come out come out come out wherever you are come out come out wherever you are i'm going to do it my way if you let me do it my way goliath will fall jesus jesus jesus jesus there's more than one way to knock goliath down [Music] i said there's more than one way [Music] to knock goliath down you see i can't i can't teach like everybody else teach [Music] i'm not always in the clouds i i joke i laugh i enjoy what i do i i see the text the way i see it and i communicated the way i communicated my god where would i be if i stayed in my box and you may not do it the way others do it but jesus said my sheep know my voice another one they will not follow you haven't found your following cause you ain't found your voice [Music] you missed it my sheep know my voice and another they will not follow you only get your following when you stay in your voice cause you're following is listening for your voice they're waiting on your uniqueness they're waiting on something new and refreshing and out of out of the box in extraordinary and i want to know are you courageous enough are you bold enough to step out of the box to step out of the boat and to walk on water and to do what god is calling you to do just want to be used by you what's up everybody listen i hope that just encourage you you're too anointed to be idle you got work to do and i want you to get to work man listen i just hope you're encouraged by that you've been blessed by this message listen this message has blessed and it's blessing you i want you to bless the thing that's blessing you and so this lord third is coming up on the screen and giving you an opportunity to respond with generosity to say all right this is adding value to me i want to value it i want to sow back into the field that i'm harvesting from and um i hope this is adding value and i hope um it's helping you uh become the version of yourself that god's intended for you to be i really do and i hope it's pushing you into purpose and i want to thank you for sewing into this into this feeling and this ministry and all that god's doing through this teaching platform and so we love you so much that lord thirst on the screen listen uh i i'm excited about this we just got just a couple more weeks of this and i'm going to be back live teaching um in in a couple of weeks actually i think when i come back i'm going to do a teaching from philippians it's going to be called unbothered somebody just drop that in the chat unbother your principles for peace from philippians and uh we're going to unlock god's word in just a couple of weeks together but i want to make sure you get all that you're supposed to get in this subject of purpose and uh i just believe god's going to use it in an incredible way man i love you can't wait to see you god
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 55,158
Rating: 4.947289 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: ogEIsELdokQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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