Feed The Fire | House Fire Part. 3 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up family darris daniels here listen if you are watching this for the first time welcome to our youtube channel our tribe at least is growing in a tremendous way and i hope what you're about to watch adds value to your life and if you are a repeat watcher thank you so much for your support and for doing the one thing that we always ask you to do and that is if this message adds value to your life it's the only thing we ask you to do would you just share it with somebody else man that is it we hope you enjoy these messages we really believe that bread is best served when it comes fresh out of the oven so we invite you to join us as we stream any of our worship gatherings on sunday at our church change church life change.org that information is on the screen right now but i hope you're about to be blessed i hope you are at least with this series um that we're in called house fire and you're about to hear a message that we talk called feed the fire all right enjoy the message see you soon yeah we're excited man about what god is gonna do and how he's gonna speak to us um part three of this series called house fire i wanna read i wanna go we were in the book of john last week i want to go back to the book of john john chapter number 12. beginning at verse 1 we're going to read several verses it reads like this it says six days before the passover jesus came to bethany where lazarus lived whom jesus had raised from the dead there a dinner was given in jesus honor martha served while lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him then mary took a pint of pure nard and expensive perfume she poured it on jesus feet wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume but one of his disciples judas iscariot who's later to betray him objected why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor it was a year's worth of wages he didn't say this because he cared about the poor he said this because he was a thief a keeper of the money bag and he used to help himself to what was in it leave her alone jesus replied she didn't have to defend herself when you do what's right jesus will defend you it was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial you will always have the poor among you but you will not always have me i want to tag a title to this text and i want to talk from this subject in our time together feed the fire feed the fire if you're ready for part three of house fires put watch this now i want you to spell this the way i want you to spell this i want you to put you better preach in the chat now this is but not better better b-e-t-t-a you better preach put that in the chat clap your hands in the studio everybody shout out to all of our team right here um feed the fire well family listen i i want to i want to start this sermon by introducing an axiom that is the essence of what i'm going to attempt to articulate in our time together today here it is jesus did not just come to seek and save the lost he came don't miss this to save the life that was lost say that one more time jesus didn't just come to seek and save let me frame it this way lost lives he also came to seek watch this and to save the life that was lost what do i mean by that there is a life that is consistent with what we call god's creative intent what's that it's life lived the way he intended that when he created this first human species adam adam that he had a way life was supposed to be lived in mind and as a consequence of adam's activity in the garden all of the created order was upset and overturned and it operates inconsistent in a way that's inconsistent with god's intent and god loves us so much he never lets you settle watch this he never he never sits idly by and allows you to settle for a life that is inferior and inconsistent with his intention and did you hear what i just said he will never sit idly by and let you settle he will send signs smoke signals he will intervene he will send messages to try to realign you with his best and with his place of potential for you and he did the same thing he said i can't let them stay the way that they are i need to send jesus and the role and the responsibility of jesus the second person of the trinity is not just to save lost lives but to save the kind of life that's been lost the zoe life the god kind of life the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but i've come jesus says that you may have life and have it more abundantly and family there i believe there's something we need to wrap our heads around if we're really going to rest in this revelation that possessing this kind of life that i'm talking about requires more than faith it requires more than focus you know what possessing this kind of life requires it requires fire it does and when i say fire this is what i mean a vibrant passionate intimate relationship with god that results in a contagious counter-cultural and commemorative life a vibrant passionate intimate relationship with god that makes you contagious that when people get around you they catch what's on you it makes you counter cultural it makes you allergic to average you start looking at what's normal and you say what's normal for them is not normal for me you start operating according to a principle that i taught a couple of years ago in a series i did called water walkers and water walkers was based on something called the principle of exception what's that what happens with them does not dictate and determine what happens with me i'ma say that one more time that what happens with them does not dictate and determine what happens with me it doesn't mean i'm better than it just means i'm different from it means i can't look at what happens with everybody else and try to come to some conclusion regarding what god wants to do with me that when he does something with me he wants to do something that breaks a rule he wants to do something that's abnormal he wants to do something that defies the odds he wants to do something that confounds and confuses the observers and onlookers that thought my life would end up some way and god flipped it another way i want somebody that believes that it's getting ready to go another way to tell your future i'm on my way put that yeah i want you to i want you to say it like you believe it i want you to type it with an attitude when you type that in the chat i want you to make a ugly face i want you to make a spiritual stank face and tell your future i'm on my way because when you tell your future i'm on my way you telling your past i'm out of here yeah you making an announcement that you're getting ready to make an exit because i was not built for the boat i was not wired and constructed and designed to be average i'm a rule breaker i'm an anomaly i'm a deviation i am an exception counter-cultural that's what i am and when you're counter-cultural you are commemorative it means that that you leave a mark on this earth yeah that when you leave when you're left you're not just grieved you're missed did you hear what i just said it means that when you leave this place you aren't just grieved you missed because you made a mark yeah the that theologian that championed for righteousness and justice the the spiritual giant john wesley was once asked what was the secret to his success let me contemporize and danielize that statement john wesley what's your sauce what what is it that that made you so commemorative he said these words he said i set myself on fire and the world came to watch me burn did you hear what i just said he said i set myself on fire and the world came to watch me burn family this is god's preferred state for the believer i think the way we see this sometimes is this is some abnormal experience for the believer or it's a seasonal experience for the believer when i'm reading scripture and it seems to me this is god's preferred state that this is god's normal one of the reasons i believe this case is because there's he speaks to a man named john john is exiled in an island like the the rikers island of that day an island called patmos and as john is isolated it's in isolation that he gets the book of revelations so he starts writing and god starts speaking to him about several churches seven churches that represent seven states of churches and there's this church called the church of laodicea and this is what john says to that church he says the to the angel of the church of laodicea write these words the faithful and true witness the rule of god's creation i know your deeds that you are neither hot or cold i wish you were one or the other my god so because you are lukewarm neither hot or cold i'm about to spit you out of my mouth god says i'm allergic to apathy he says it makes me nauseous you whip me oh you're not he said i'd rather you be hot or cold because this is god's preferred state for his believers and i want to share something with you because i think this is incredibly important because when we teach here at change church when we leave worship here at change church when we do groups here at change church when we do events here at change church we're always thinking about three types of people that jesus reveals is the object of his ministry in luke 15. we're looking for the first we're thinking about the person that doesn't know god that's watching this for the first time that's not our event for the first time that's walking through our doors for the first time that's in our group for the first time we're thinking about the person we're thinking about the wife who's been trying for years to get her husband to come to church or to watch church and when he watches for the first time or comes for the first time we want to have an experience that he can find value in we don't want her to work that hard to get him to come to church and then we do something silly that we call spiritual that runs them off [Music] she's been trying years to get him to come the mom's been trying years to get her son to come he's seen too much experienced too much saw christian charlatans he's been turned off and then all of a sudden he's a season in his life where he's right to at least give it a chance and god holds us responsible to create environments that consider that person so whenever i'm speaking i'm speaking i'm speaking i want i want to speak in a language that that person can understand that even if i'm talking primarily to christians i want to use language that he or she understands so if they so that they know what christians supposed to be like so if they run into christians that are not like that they understand that that's not christianity right because some people are confusing christians with christianity and they want nothing to do with christianity because of their experience with christians right now remember change church the word the lord gave us last week was he's enlarging our tents so we got to open our arms it means that we got to start thinking about more than the experience i want to have in church oh pastor i need her i need a little bit more i need a little bit more of that sauce i need you i need to scream a little bit more and i need you to tune up a little bit more and not realizing and recognizing that when the the son or the daughter or the husband or the wife or the friend or the co-worker comes to church for the first time god says you think about them sister because people think about the person that doesn't doesn't know god the unbeliever i'm thinking about the baby believer yeah the person that just got here is like you're telling me to pray i don't know how teach me explain this to me when we're ready to shout they like no no okay thank god we celebrate i still got to know how to do this when i leave i need this explained to me not just preached at me so i'm thinking about that person in our groups we thinking about that as we lead worship we're thinking about that as i teach and preach we're thinking about that at our events we're thinking about that and we're also thinking about the mature christian the person that needs to be fed to continue to grow and so as you think about house fire there are some of you who are listening you're not on fire okay there are some of you that your fire is flickering and then the others of you you on fire and you're trying to figure out how to maintain it no matter what category you're in here's the axiom i want you to apprehend it doesn't matter how strong a fire is or how long a fire's been burning it is the nature of a fire to go out it doesn't matter what category you're in i want you to remember this that it does not matter how strong a fire is or how long a fire has been burning it is the nature of a fire to go out fires go out therefore there's a skill i gotta learn if i'm gonna experience life the way that god intended i must be committed to living a life that feeds the fire because it's the nature of the fire to go out and so some of us are in lent season and we're fasting and we're focused and we're feeding and we're locked into this series we're worshiping we're leaning into god in unusual ways and you feel the fire i want to tell you it'll go out if you don't feed it sometimes we have these amazing authentic encounters with god where we're touched by god or changed by god or spoken to by god and it sets us on fire i want to tell you it'll go out because it doesn't matter how strong the fire is or how long the fire's been burning it is the nature of the fire of a fire to go out so it means i must develop the skill of feeding the fire i gotta feed the flames you got to use some kerosene you got to use some gas you got to throw some logs you've got to constantly and consistently feed that fire and so when a person says my fire is gone my question is how have you been feeding it am i making sense family all right and and so i want to really spend the remainder of this series with the exception of one sermon i'm going to teach called fire extinguishers i want to spend the remainder of this sermon teaching you what to throw on the fire because the nature of the fire is to go out so i don't want us to confuse fire with enthusiasm some people think because church is hype it's on fire no you're just hype fire may produce enthusiasm but fire should not be confused with enthusiasm glory to god did you hear what i said and i believe i'm talking to some people who realize i need to be more than enthusiastic i need to be on fire because when adversity comes to my way comes my way i need more than enthusiasm to overcome adversity i need to be planted i need to be rooted i need to be fortified i need to be strong i need that palm tree anointing where i bend but i don't break the bible says the righteous are like a palm tree glory to god they've been but they don't break we need more than enthusiasm we need fire how do i feed it in this text here in john chapter number 12 gives us a skill that we need to feed the fire this story here in chapter 12 it exposes us to an individual who's on fire however her activity in chapter 12 can only be understood watch this contextually by what's happening in chapter number 11. y'all got to get this because this i taught what i'm getting ready to teach you about chapter 12 i taught this years in our church ever since we started our church this used to be one of the core values of our church i've taught this i've taught this i've taught this the lord spoke to me about this when we planted our church i've taught this i've taught this i've taught this but i realized this year in preparation for this series i've been trying to teach people how to do what's in chapter 12. technique and theology i've been trying to teach them to do what she did in chapter 12 without without realizing and recognizing that i can't teach them to do what she did in chapter 12 until i teach them to tap into their chapter 11. okay because it's only when you tap into your chapter 11 that you can do what i teach you in the chapter 12. and the reason we got to cheerlead and pump and prime and help pep rallies in worship services the reason that people miss worship and just slide in for the word is because they keep forgetting they chapter 11. yes but but but but when you connect with pastor darius what do you mean you see in chapter 12 uh this woman named mary does something but she only does what she does in chapter 12 because of what happened in chapter number 11. in chapter 12 she washes jesus feet with her hair but she does that because of what happened in chapter 11. in chapter 11 she had a brother named lazarus who got sick and the bible says that he was deathly ill jesus was not in the town that they resided in he wasn't in bethany so the bible says they sent word to him lord the one that you love is sick and this is interesting and they expected jesus to stop what he was doing and come immediately the bible says he intentionally delayed his coming and then it was today it took him two days to get to where he was to where they were so that when he got to where they were lazarus had been dead four days so when he gets there mary is upset with him because she had an expectation that her relationship with him would cause him to move quicker come on god we got a relationship and i know if you're gonna make anybody wait you're not going to make me wait look i need you to show up and i need to show up on time i need you to show up watch this in a preventive manner because it's not that he didn't show up he just didn't show up in prevention so when jesus gets there that's what mary says to him she's upset she says if you would have been here my brother wouldn't have died you could have prevented this watch this now watch this what mary didn't know is that although jesus was aware of the situation he had a different interpretation because god don't miss this doesn't interpret our experiences the way we do we like this is killing me he like this is molding you you like you making me wait he's like i'm making you patient he says you allow me to be subject we might say you allow me to be subjected to this vitriol and these attacks and these insults and he's like i'm teaching you meekness i'm teaching you how to handle power you have that you don't always have to use i'm teaching you how to have the capacity to body them but have the power to not have this internal fortitude and power to refuse to do so [Music] i'm teaching you i'm teaching you to say if i wanted to i could call for legions of angels but i know i could put in the call but i'm not going to put in the call just to prove to you i need to put it in because i know who i am i know who i am if you don't oh god that's good that we can be having the same experiences that have different interpretations so this is what happens bible says in john chapter 11 verse 4 when jesus heard about what was going on with lazarus he said this sickness will not end in death notice for god's glory but if you you read the story we know lazarus died so did jesus make a statement that wasn't true no we misinterpreted his statement he didn't say lazarus wouldn't go through death he said this won't end in death so if you're going through it it's not the end gosh did you hear what i just said yeah if you're going through it he's not the end it's not the end he didn't say it wouldn't go through death he said it wouldn't end in death in other words in others this exposes another way god uses us that we don't talk about change family i've been teaching us this for years and i've got to keep reiterating it as long as god gives me the ability to do so it's one thing for god to use our gifts it's another thing for god to use our life and when he's using your life you got to go through some go through and the bible says when jesus gets to bethany and they tell him lazarus died john chapter 11 verse 35 contains two words it says jesus wept now why would you weep if you know you're about to perform a resurrection he's modeling something for us he's exposing the fact that just because there's going to be a favorable outcome doesn't need does it mean there isn't the need for grief that i can know it's gonna be all right and grieve it happened at the same time did you hear what i just said yeah that i can know okay it's gonna work out for my good but while i'm in the middle of this jesus models healthy grief because why because if not lazarus will be resurrected but you won't almighty god did you hear what i just said yes yeah that that dead thing will come back to life but something that was dead and you won't so he's modeling healthy grief what's died that you felt like he was too spiritually strong to grieve over jesus wept did you hear what i said yeah it's possible to say we broke up and i don't want to get back together but i still need to grieve it's possible to say i transitioned from that city and i'm not going back there but i spent so much of my life there part of my heart is still there and i know this is god for me but i still need the grief [Music] that i'm changing career paths and i believe this is in my best interest yet at the same time i i don't want to go back but i still need to grief jesus well lazarus had passed away and jesus knew he's going to perform a resurrection but he still wept and then he tells the omniscient god in human form who knows everything who knows the end from the beginning ask them a question show me where you laid him i'm getting ready to jump off this stage and go preaching somebody living room right here already he said show me where you lady i know where he is i want to know do you i know where you bury that thing i want to know do you he's omniscient so he knows what lazarus is he said but i want you to show me where you laid him because i want to know if you in touch with your pain do you know you show me show me where it's hurting show me what the real issue is and jesus walks up to the tomb and says these words lazarus come forth don't mess with me i've heard old preachers say i've heard all preachers tell this story oh pontificators and proclaimers of the gospel like dr evie hill i've i've heard all preachers say that there was a reason that jesus was incredibly strategic and specific when he says lazarus come forth he says that you got to put lazarus in front of it because the word of god is so potent and so powerful if he would have said come forth everything in there will everything in there would have got up and started walking around because why because everything has ears we might not see that we might not see their ears but everything has ears and god knows how to get through to anything he knows how to get through to a well i don't know where the whale's eels are but it's got ears because when it needed to spit jonah up god knew how to get through to and i don't know who i'm preaching to you may not know how to get through to it but i want you to know god knows how to get through to it and to get through to them and he said lazarus come forth and the bible says lazarus comes out of that grave and then jesus he comes out of grave and then jesus says i love the new king james rendering of this it says when he comes out whoa new king james says that jesus tells those that are there loose him and let him go he's alive but he not loose he's wrapped up in grave clothes still yeah he's alive but he's not loose he's resurrected but he's not loose watch this and jesus said now i got you up but y'all got to get them loose yeah i got them up but y'all got to get them loose now here's my question are the friends that are in your circle wrapping you or unwrapping it [Music] watch this jesus said i raise you but they either wrapping you or unwrapping you in grave clothes because the grave clothes what you're wearing lazarus is an indication of where you came from and if that's all y'all got in common they not unwrapping you they rapping you just say i raise you y'all losers he performs this miracle and then leaves then in preparation for passover he comes back to bethany y'all better come get me and miss mary in chapter 12 say come to this house you better not come to this house martha walking around here like she forgot lazarus reclining at the table with you eating crackers and juice like he forgot come on they just in here the bible say martha's working come on and what's the text say it says the lazarus is reclining at the table with him oh but not mary they smiling they laughing mary focus mary mad she mad that the devil tried to take her brother it didn't work but she's still mad and while everybody else is just laughing and eating and giggling she walking in with this box and people are like what's what's mary what's mary doing everybody talking she ain't talking to nobody because she ain't come she did she didn't she's not there for them she's not there for them she there for him and the bible says she takes this box breaks it open and there's this pure nar this expensive ointment and it says she does two things she takes the ointment and she puts it on jesus's feet but then she takes her hair and she begins to wash his feet with a hair now watch this the giving of the perfume is interesting because you have somebody who's supposed to be a follower of jesus i'm not going to bother this but except for a little bit it's it's somebody on his team who's been sitting under his teacher who's been on boats with him lord i don't even have time to talk about this they they've been on boats with him took walks with him and they they watching what the woman is doing and says hmm we could have taken that and sold it and given it to the poor but the text says he really say that because he's concerned about the poor judas was jesus's treasurer that's the text so that what does that do so i'm not saying jesus was rich jesus wasn't rich but how does this unend the poverty theology you assign to jesus it's poverty and this is that there's canosis that there's this emptying of himself he's emptying himself of divinity philippians two canoes he's emptying himself of divinity and so he's poor in that sense but he ate you don't have a treasure if you don't have the other one yeah come on now historically there were wealthy people that were supporting this ministry so i'm not saying he was voluntarily false but this whole idea that not eating starving is a virtue that jesus is poor in the sense that he left heaven for earth but that the text says yeah he under the money with a miracle with two fish and five loads of bread they ask jesus do you want us to go to town and buy oh some people are upset right now here it is because the only people that are upset about people giving are people who aren't i never seen a giver criticize givers it's always god robbers because when judas when judas is stealing from jesus he's robbing god will a man rob god he's a god robber and it's only a god robber that criticizes the generous now this applies so uh y'all following me here this is interesting because what's this when she gives the perfume the perfume is valuable so the giving of the perfume is an expression of value worth worth ship [Music] it's worth ship she's saying i value you more than this [Music] now i'm just use this to smell good i value you more than this i'm going to express worth watch this so she gives her but then she takes her hair now to us if you're watching this in america in our contemporary context we don't really get the implications of this but in other cultures and contexts they get the symbolic meaning of a woman's hair yeah paul writing to believers in corinth recognizes that that the nuances of that cultural context and he says to church of course he says i know the glory of a woman as i have correct so when she uses her hair to wash her feet she's giving him her glory she's giving him glory what's this woman doing this is worshiping am i making sense she's worshiping this is a metaphor for worship this is a log you throw on your fire but i want you to see this worship means to express worth this is what i saw with this passage i'd never seen before worth watch this worship means to express worth so worship is only a response to what you value so i've been spending 15 years teaching people how to worship yes when i should have been spending time teaching you who to value because i'm trying to help people worship who don't value god more than perfume [Music] oh did you hear what i said see just because you use something don't mean you value it because some people use you and they don't value you because if they you if they value you they wouldn't use you somebody come get me because i feel like preach i said if they if they valued you they wouldn't use you i've been spending time trying to get people to do what she did in chapter 12. when they have not come to terms with that chapter 11. i think every time she looked at lazarus sitting at that table she said oh you were you worth this this time you just gave me back with my brother hey i don't care about this perfume am i making sense see this is what i've learned oh my goodness everybody worships i didn't get this i get it now everybody worships everybody's a worshiper everybody just doesn't worship god i'm coming for you i'm coming no offense but i'm coming this is my assignment now this is my lane right some people are the wild preacher i'm the owl preacher that's my lane every man worship you say men not worship but that's not true every man i know worship you just worship what you value you just value the team more than god you just value football more than god and that'll mean you're a bad person but your words don't determine your value your actions do that's what determines what you value so that's why you would take your shirt off in the freezing cold and spray paint your team's letters on your chest and pay to cheer on the team and will sit stoically in church i love you but it's just you just value that more than god that's why you would get up early in the morning before dawn to go fishing but won't pray you will sit in a stand to deer hunt don't read the bible you know how to take a gun apart and put it back together you you got magazines on it and it doesn't mean that you shouldn't do those things i'm just telling you everybody worship because worship is a response to what you value sisters i'm not even going to go there i just leave it be i think you get you get i think i think you you get you get the picture worship is a response to what we value 100 i'm done i'm done you see learning to value god more than anything else and express that value is what helps you catch on fire if you not regain your fire if you've lost it and grow your fire if you have it this is a spiritual discipline that many believers only exercise once a week in church there are no logs being thrown on their fire a part of your quiet time the time with god that you spend every day should involve some worship there's no way you're going to have fire without that you can't cheat this process because authentic encounters only happen in worship watch this but these are let me see what james mcdonald says james mcdonald says this a real encounter with god changes everything it magnifies god and puts me and my sin and my ego and my burdens in their rightful place however the church today watch this as a weekly experience with a manner he says in the church today a weekly experience with the manifest glory of god is the greatest lack we face the laws are not found because god's glory is not revealed in the church children wonder because it is because church is pathetically predictable and but hardly authentically god marriage is flounder because of the unchecked arrogance in our hearts that is not cut down by the pride withering presence of the almighty god church was never meant to be the place where we serve god to the exclusion of meeting with him in exodus 33 16 moses says is it not in your going with us that we are distinct from all peoples of the earth he says my presence with you is what distinguishes you it's worship that's the log you have to throw on the fire what is that it's value it's not feeling it's value it's always staying connected to your chapter 11. what's the key to worship staying connected to your chapter 11 because your chapter 11 is what constantly reminds you of what matters most i don't have time to deal with this but when jesus teaches us about worship there's an exchange that john foye has with a woman at a well where he teaches us about worship and he says this he says all right worship is not a place that's a posture because this lady was arguing about whether or not they should worship at mount gerism or jerusalem and jesus said god's a spirit he says the times come where you're not going to worship here or there is this because god's a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth you can be at the right place but have the wrong posture and not worship so what but god's a spirit there that worship must worship in spirit and in truth now i'm going to pause right here because i just came at me this is my assignment y'all i'm just trying to be faithful to it and i want to speak into this area here this is a this is a huge deficit in the worship culture in many churches and now i'm not saying churches but in contemporary christianity there's a huge deficit there's worship in spirit but it's no truth because truth isn't coming from the worshipers [Music] so i'm listening and i'm hearing all these exhortations from leaders and no bibles coming out of them i'm like y'all screaming i don't hear no word there's no word it's in spirit but not in truth it's what paul talked to the church at rome about when he says you have a zeal for god but it's not according to knowledge you have a zeal that's not undergirded by knowledge and so there are things that worship leaders might be saying or songs that worship leaders might be singing that that's not even true so they're singing to a god and they have people singing to a god they created instead of the god that created us god says i'ma meet you in spirit and in truth you might have hype church with spirit but you get glory when there's spirit and truth [Music] now this this isn't the case at our church i don't see this a lot in other churches and i'm not critiquing this i'm just telling you how off our theology has been in this here in the churches i grew up in when the preacher got ready to preach musicians didn't even listen they get up they went to the back ate a sandwich or something and then came back in when it was hooping time no truth no bible no word you do know for any relationship to work you got to do some stuff that you don't always like to do you got to do it regularly you got to listen well you don't feel like listening am i making sense and so when a person says my fire's going out my question is are you feeding the fire with worship that's tied to truth when i learn a truth about god that's seen in this the scriptures are the scriptures are like god's biography i don't know if you've ever read a biography about somebody but it introduces you to details about them and their story that you didn't know like man i didn't i didn't know this about you but it makes me value you more and so for us at least change church this is a log we need to throw in the fireplaces of our own heart daily now you cannot do it daily that's fine but if you want a life that's on fire you gotta understand it's the nature of a fire to go out and god's like do you value me enough to give me five minutes of that right it's not about time y'all it's about value i've got all of these i got so many i got teachings on worship and the different words for worship and the different types of expressions of worship that's all chapter 12 the problem is chapter 11. it does i can teach it i can teach you all of that but it doesn't matter if you don't value him enough to say i'm going to create space in my day to sit with you and to worship watch this not just by singing but to worship also by receiving truth because the text says you will know the truth and the truth is what sets you free the truth of god's word we have people who are i'm so glad for the legacy of my father and i remember my first sermon i wrote my first sermon and he looked over it i was 19 when i preached my first sermon he looked over it and he was like this is all good this is good you say where is this in the bible i was like he said i said well you know what's in there he say where he says he says because if you don't support what you're saying with scripture your speaking is not distinct from any other speakers he says he's a it might be good philosophy but you're a philosopher but as a preacher you're supposed to be a caruso a herald you're the one you don't bring your message you bring another man's message you're speaking on behalf of another you all you are as a preacher is a mailman you deliver the mail you don't create it so we don't want to know just what you think about this what did he say about it because what he says is reliable my father tattooed that in me february 12th we had that conversation 1999. it's a friday he's looking over my notes in my black uh spiral notebook that i wrote my first sermon in put a love for the word of god in my heart then i start dating my wife and she took me to this bible state at her church and i met this guy named henry hankins who i had never in my experience with deception of my father most of the people that i had seen who had been in ministry for a long time they were like bitter and dry and fussing instead of preaching and this was the first man i saw i think when i met him he might have been in his 50s and i think he had been in ministry close to 20 years at that point and the zeal he had for the word of god he just had a zeal and a love for the word of god and i just go over his house sometimes sit at the couch and he'd just open his body and say hey son let me let me show you what i saw and he teach the word and he'd laugh and i saw the fruit of it in his life it put in me a love for the word of god and the truth made me want to worship and the worship made me want truth and the truth made me want to worship and the worship makes me want truth gotta feed that fire now you don't have to but the question isn't whether or not i have to i think the question is why don't i want to lord i worship you and if this pandemic has taught us anything it should have taught us god's really all you got do you understand we have been at the mercy of god well i value you more so worship isn't just then right about who screams the loudest because the person that screams the loudest doesn't always value the most mary didn't even scream but she expressed value so you do it in a way that's consistent with you and your personality and the way you've been wired but worship demands a response of some kind i hope you hear me i want to pray over you today uh there's this song that says they sang it earlier it's called refiner it says i want to be tried by fire purify that's your chapter 11. and when you come out of that it's just it's i don't know i think i've told you all this before when i come on this whatever stage i don't do it every time but periodically regularly i'll say i'm from kill michael mississippi i shouldn't be here but god is my chapter 11. and i want to feed this fire with worship let's do this in your homes if you're driving don't do it but in your homes if you're watching this come on just lift your hands for just a second wherever you are i want you to listen to the worst of this song i want to be tried by fire [Music] so let's pray together father we just thank you for all that you've done i pray that you will seal your word and i pray this benediction and blessing final blessing over your people may you bless them and keep them cause your face of favor to shine upon them may you be gracious to them may you protect them provide for them and above all else grant them peace this is my prayer for your life in jesus name amen we love you we'll see you next week [Music] i hope that message feed the fire throw that log of worship on your fire i hope that added value to your life i hope you're encouraged and uh listen we're gonna be praying for you continue to pray for us thank those of you who financially support and sow into the work that god is doing in and through this ministry those whose heart stuff do that information is coming on the screen right now hey if this added value to your life won't you share it with somebody else we'll see you next time take care god bless
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 54,108
Rating: 4.9284759 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: WJ7iiAcTdoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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