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what's up family man i hope y'all are doing absolutely incredible and i hope you're experiencing god's best listen to me if you're going to experience your best life you got to live according to the creator's blueprint and that's just that's why we decided in the middle of i think i started doing this during lent and i just never stopped because i realized that we're in an age in an era where people are still hungry to learn more about how to do life god's way and that means diving into god's word and we're so excited so privileged that you see us as a source of trusted spiritual nourishment man to do that and to teach god's word to you every single wednesday now uh for the past several weeks now we've been sharing with you some change classics i mean we've been sharing with you messages that are unreleased they are nowhere on any other digital platform because i want to i i want to share something with you watch this i want to share something with you when it comes to god's word you don't get it when you hear it you get it when you apply it the people say i know what that means that no no you don't get it when you're here you get it when you apply it so sometimes man we we we just we want to be prayerful about man is there a word we want to re-release the people to help them apply it in this season of their life and so i'm excited about tonight i was actually supposed to be back live teaching a bible study uh tonight but um we are actually my wife and i are in new york city but well brooklyn new york one of the pastors on our team jovita shepherd lost her mother you you see if you watch us if you watch our change worship services you see her leading and she's been a part of our spiritual family for years and so my wife and i are in new york city right now uh celebrating her home her mother's home going and supporting her and i know you understand that but we're not leaving you without a word and i think it's a right now word i don't even think it's coincidental that you're going to be receiving this message i think it has some prophetic implications the message is called it's time for a change take care god bless matthew chapter number 13 beginning at verse 1. today i want to encourage us also today is today marks an event that really shook and brought our nation to its knees the attack in new york and well in different parts of the east coast on 9-1-1 and today my encouragement to us as a church is to really embrace our role and responsibility as intercessors and to pray not exclusively but specifically for those who are looking at the pictures of loved ones that they lost 15 years ago today a mother's son did not come back home a wife's husband did not come back home someone's friend and family member did not come back home some first responders lost their life and or health because of their response and i want to encourage us let's pray for them today and pray that the god of all comfort will bring comfort to them amen matthew 13 are you all ready okay i hope so i'm ready the bible says the same day jesus went out of the house and he sat by the lake such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it while all the other people stood on the shore then he said to them many things in parables saying the farmer went out to sow his seed and as he was scattering the seed some fell them on the path the birds came and ate it up some fell on rocky places where it did not have much soil it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow but when the sun came up the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root and other seed fell among thorns which grew up and choked the plants steel of the seed fell on good soil where it produced the crop 100 60 or 30 times what was sown whoever has ears let them hear i like for us to make to to state an affirmation today we're going to say with our mouth what our heart has believed to be true our mouth doesn't make it true the word makes it true but we believe it with a heart so we're going to say this with our mouth and we're going to say this to stubborn situations and immovable obstacles let's declare this it's the topic of today's teaching it's time for a change come on i believe you can say that with more conviction and enthusiasm to some things that act as if they don't want to move in your life come on say it it's time for a change if you're ready to receive god's word clap your hands in the house this afternoon [Music] church allow me to use this introduction as an opportunity to remind you of a truth that actually warrants regular repeating the scriptures are clear that jesus is a change specialist a change specialist i'm simply suggesting that one of the areas of his expertise is to enable and to empower individuals to adjust what had previously been unadjustable and to change what has been previously unchangeable i want you to catch this because even if we examine many of the miracles in the new testament we will see that one of the messages that we can gather from the miracles is jesus's ability to change circumstances and to shift issues that were previously unalterable prior to his intervention if those if if those of you who are in this sacred space will allow me to turn this space into a courtroom i'll call to the witness stand a man in john 5 who dealt with an undisclosed ailment for 38 years for 38 years he wrestled with an issue that could not be moved that that he was unable to change and then one day the sovereign savior from nazareth strolled into that pool called bethesda and asked him the quintessential question do you want to be made whole his reply gave him access to a miracle that changed him in 38 seconds that he could not change in 38 years because jesus is a change specialist there's another witness that wants to testify we don't know her name but we know her story we see it in mark chapter number five she's a woman that wrestled with an issue of blood for 12 years and she pursued help and healing from a plethora of sources she went to doctor after doctor and the issue would not be changed but all of a sudden she heard that jesus of nazareth was passing by and she said to herself if i could but touch the hymn of his garment i shall be made whole and in 12 seconds something changed that couldn't change in 12 years because jesus is a changed specialist there's another witness who wants to testify his name is bartimaeus we see a story in mark chapter 10. he has been blind since birth but he hears that jesus is on his way out of jericho it's very clear he didn't catch jesus on the way into jericho but he caught jesus on the way out sometimes you think you've missed an opportunity but you got to realize that if i miss it on the front end god will bring it back to me [Music] on the back end yeah and so he's blind so he can't see jesus passing by but he heard that jesus was passing by so he cried out jesus son of david have mercy on me i want you to catch this his eyes didn't work but his ears did so instead of complaining about what didn't work he used what did work and he said jesus son of david have mercy on me jesus's disciples his entourage said to the blind man who was a beggar they said to him be quiet hold your peace but the text says he got louder and said jesus son of david have mercy on me there's a powerful lesson in his resilience you cannot allow people who cannot change your predicament to dictate your behavior don't tell me how to praise them if you can't fix what i'm facing don't tell me how to praise them if you can't move the mountain that's in my path don't tell me how to pray if you can't fix what i need fixing they the disciple said be quiet he cried louder jesus stood still they said be quiet he cried louder jesus stood still they said be quiet he cried louder jesus stood still they said be quiet he cried louder jesus stood still they said be quiet he cried louder jesus sits still the quality of your life is going to be determined by who you choose not to listen to i'm so glad that there are people i didn't listen to i'm i'm so glad that there are voices that i did not allow to guide my path they said be quiet jesus he cried louder jesus stood still yes indeed we often talk about what happens when god moves but can i pause for a minute and challenge us to explore what happens when he stands still [Applause] there are times when i want them to move and then there are times where i want them to stand still is there anybody at the 12 o'clock service that wants him to stand still in your home to stand still in your heart to stand still in your mind don't move until you turn everything that's right side up upside down and everything that's upside down right side up don't move until my heart is all the way fixed don't move until my mind is all the way regulated don't move until the mountain is all the way moved jesus is a chain specialist god is the uncaused cause the cause that's not caused by anything he's the uncaused cause that can cause all things anything to change and if he can do it for a man who had an unchangeable condition for 38 years if he can do it for a woman who had an unchangeable condition for 12 years if he can do it for a man who had an unchangeable condition since birth what makes you think that he cannot do it for you in you and through you if jesus is a chain specialist and you believe it give him a praise right here [Applause] he's a he's a change specialist but but when i use the word change i want you to be crystal clear on what i'm attempting to articulate i don't want you to make inaccurate assumptions about what i mean when i talk about change when i say change i'm not referring to mere improvement when i when i when i say change i'm not referring to mere adjustments or alterations when when i say change i i don't mean modification because a modification is simply an adjustment or an alteration that that's not what i'm referring to because you can have modifications without relationship with god if all you settle for is a modification then you are under utilizing and unappreciating the totality of what is available to you through jesus christ if you just simply settle for modification then you are settling for less than god's best for your life jesus based on my understanding of his mission did not simply come just to give me a modification he didn't live die experience a resurrection and an ascension just to give me modification come on talk back to me no jesus is clear in john 10 10 he came to give me more than that he said the thief comes but to steal kill and destroy but i've come that you may have life and have that more abundantly that does not sound like a modification to me jesus wants to give me more than a modification jesus wants to give me a metamorphosis what's the difference pastor well a modification is simply an alteration or an adjustment but a metamorphosis is a complete change in form in structure and in substance it is a complete change in form structure and in substance you got to catch this it is what happens when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly you gotta catch this modification simply makes you a better caterpillar that's what tradition that's what legalism that is what some expressions of religion do for you they simply make you a better caterpillar but if i'm reading my bible correctly y'all aren't talking to me i used to be baptist i need to hear you paul says if any man be in christ he is a new creation [Applause] behold all things have passed away and behold all things have become new modification says become a better caterpillar a metamorphosis allows you to become a butterfly [Applause] did you hear what i just said and a butterfly can go places that a caterpillar cannot go there are certain things that are over a caterpillar that are under a butterfly are you catching this there are certain things you can fly over when you get your wings there are certain things that are over you that can end up under you if you get your wings and the only way you get your wings is to allow god to put you in a cocoon and to take you through the process where you shift from a caterpillar to a butterfly i want to know is there anybody here who wants your wings that you don't want to settle for the gospel of moralism you want a complete transformation and a renovation of your heart i i i don't want to read a butterfly bible and live a caterpillar life i don't i don't i don't want to i don't want to read things like the possibility of peace that transcends my own understanding i don't want to read about that and in my life have caterpillar experiences right better caterpillar meaning that my life is simply a moral improvement from everybody else's in the world that the only difference between me and people who don't have christ is that i'm more moral see that's not the gospel that's moralism yeah are you hearing what i'm saying and it is really it is really it is really i think an under appreciation it is it is it is an under utilization of all that is available to us through jesus christ i want to know is there anyone in the place that wants it all [Applause] i want wings on my mind i want my mind to fly higher i want wings on my heart i want my heart to fly higher i want wings on my life i want my life to fly higher i don't want to be a faster caterpillar i want to be a butterfly i feel like having a little church in here today excuse me i've been on sabbatical a whole month i feel like i'm ready to have a conniption on the stage today would you give somebody a high five and say i'm getting ready to get my wings and i'm getting ready to fly away from everybody that does not want to go to the next chapter of god's story for their life there are some things that have been over me i'm ready to get under me i'm ready for my wings [Music] i want to experience the reality of what the bible calls sanctification yeah i'm using the word metamorphosis to describe the theological and biblical term sanctification the process by which the holy spirit focuses on my heart and renovates it to the degree that the rest of my life reflects the renovation of my heart not simple habit-breaking not modification but a metamorphosis i i need i need change but let's let's explore the tension in this teaching let's address the unaddressed elephant in the room there's a question that i think needs to be addressed and that is if jesus is the change specialist if i am in relationship with him why haven't some areas of my life changed now again what the gospel does what some religions do is teach you to have face lifts what the gospel challenges you to do is to have a heart transplant and to really have the courage not to ignore inconsistencies between what the bible says you can experience and what you're really having it gives you the courage to look at gaps and say there's a gap between what the bible says and what's happening to me and i want to feel it right yeah so a facelift simply acts as if the gap doesn't exist oh no i got piece that passes i'll understand i have it all time i have it all day everyday hashtag piece that passes all understanding and that may be the case for a few of you but is that is not the case for the majority of us for the majority of we have of us we have seasons and cycles of peace that passes all understanding we have seasons and cycles of joy unspeakable and full of glory but that is not what watchmen knee calls the normal christian life that would not be our normative experience we would say more often than not we're trying to wrestle with worry instead of just parlaying in peace does that make sense so so why why pasadeeris the answer to why why because i want to check if wanting to change was enough we would have changed by now because many of us have tried to we have made promises to others and to ourselves that we have been unable to keep if pursuing change was enough we would have changed by all now this is why right information is so important because everything that sounds right isn't right everything that sounds good isn't sound because some people in culture will tell you if you just try hard enough right they write books and we buy the books if you just try hard enough and they do webinars and tell you if you just try hard enough everything will change now if that was true we would have changed now and so when people make statements like that to me is a revelation you're not living that because if you had tried what you're teaching me you would know that didn't work [Music] so you're great at articulating something that you obviously have not mastered because if you had actually put into practice which you're telling me to practice you would know that's not sound if you had actually taken the plank out of your eye as jesus said before you tried to assess the splinter in mind you would see that that's not true it sounds good and it sells book and it draws books and it draws us in but it's not true because many of us have tried to change we've read books on change we've heard sermons on change you got my sermon series u-turn not you turn but why oh you turn you got that see and we prayed and we fasted for change and we know what it's like to experience change for a season a season and then fall right back in to the cycle we've seen change happen instantaneously in some areas but then we know what it's like to struggle for years and decades with one other specific area am i talking to anybody in the room today that's honest enough to say there are some things i've been trying to change i just i can't i want to and i'm praying and i do all the stuff they told me to do in church and it still hadn't happened and i want to know why there is an answer the answer's in the text it's in matthew 13. in matthew 13 jesus is having a critical conversation where he proclaims a parable that that contains profound principles for those of us who really want to experience a metamorphosis it's so powerful jesus the master teacher i love it i call it the homiletic of jesus he taught in parables he was never shallow but he was always simple he was always simple he put the cookies on the shelf where everybody could get them because your maturity and your deepness is not revealed in your articulation it's revealed in your execution you're not deep because you can talk it you deep when you can live it you're not my god yeah you're not deep because you can talk it you're deep when you can live it you you're deep when you want to speak and you've got to hold your tongue you deep when you've got the power to throw when you got the power to kill goliath but you tolerate saul throwing spears at you you you so jesus has this conversation he's talking about he gives his parents he says now his sower sow seeds and and this is the essence of the parable he gives four types of soil he says you got pavement soil i'm contemporizing the text he says you got soil with rocks you got soil with weeds and you got good soil it says you take the same seed and you put it on all different soils and you'll get different results so if one soil got fruit some 30 some 60 some 100 fold then it can't be the seed i want you to see it right it can't be deceived so it means that no matter what i read no matter what sermons i hear it is the condition of the soil not just the quality of the seed that determines whether or not my life will bear fruit that is consistent with what's being sewn into it so i can watch webinars and television shows and read books and read articles and my life still not reflect what i what i am reading if my soil is not conducive for the seed i want you to see what happens because in first part of matthew 13 jesus articulates the parable in the latter part of matthew 13 jesus explains what he means he tells us that i talk to you about a farmer and seed but i'm not really talking to you about farmer and seed he says i'm talking to you about the human heart and he says the four types of soil are metaphors for the four types of heart watch this or the four types of places you can have in one heart pastor do you have a good heart it depends on what side you touch let me go over here let me find let me find out you're not talking to me yet because there are some areas of your heart that are good soil and there are other areas of your heart that's pavement and there are other areas of your heart that are weeds the bible says the weeds are worries and so there are some areas of your heart where you don't worry but when it comes to your children it's just weeds all over there's just weeds and wheat and no matter how many messages you hear the weeds just choke out the word now some areas you don't wear it all but when it comes to your job when it comes to school when it comes to your future just weeds just worry worry worry worry worry see it doesn't matter how long what i try how much i read how many sermons i hear how much i lay on the altar until the condition of the soul of my heart is conducive for the seed of the word i want to experience change see there's all types of soil he talks about the weeds right the weeds and he says that's worries worry warts just worry and i'm not going to deal with that but the weed whacker is faith the only antidote to worry is faith many of us are waiting for life to become independent of obstacles to address our worry that's never going to happen jesus said in this world you'll have tribulation it may not always be this but it's going to be something right right to us to everything there's a season we hope no one you love gets sick but someone you love may get sick so the antidote to worry is faith that's what kills worry faith that's how you deal with the weeds but he talks about something else he talks about the rocky soil i'm gonna park there and wrap it up here everybody say rocks he talks about the rocks this is what he says he says the rocky soil is the soil that receives the word with gladness it receives it with joy amen pastor preach metamorphosis hashtag metamorphosis grind till i sleep metamorphosis all day every day metamorphosis it's my time right it receives it with joy but it cannot bear fruit because it has no route because there are rocks in the soil that keep the roots from going deep enough because you have to go deep before you go high you have to go low before you go high rocks and this is the challenge men don't say pastor i don't have rocks in my heart this is the thing some rocks are underneath the saw and the only way you see the rock is if you're willing to dig it up for some rocks you got to do digging pastor what's the rock what are rocks rocks are hard places and everyone has hard places in their heart those hard places are the result number one of injuries emotional injuries you don't get betrayed and not get hurt [Applause] just because see y'all hear me years ago years ago i was playing little league had to be gosh years ago i just got a revelation of how long ago that was i said gosh it was that long ago i was about to say the years until i no don't worry about it just literally that's all so literally i broke my wrist i'm telling you i broke my wrist and the only way i knew it was broke was because it was literally out of place i was hurt but i wasn't hurting i'm telling you i had no pain see just because you aren't hurting doesn't mean you weren't hurt if someone betrayed your trust that hurt if you gave yourself unreservedly to someone and they took advantage of your vulnerability that hurt if you had expectations to achieve something and you worked for it and you prayed for it and you positioned yourself for it only to see that door close in your face that hurt and that produce a heart injury and how you handle that hurt determines whether or not there's good soil or rocks and if there is a rock there it won't receive the word see because if you've dealt with chronic and consistent disappointment i can sow all types of seed regarding hope that you'll never receive because you've been disappointed so much i don't even want to hear about that let me wrap this up watch this injuries right iniquity are leaning when i say iniquity this the word iniquity means cricketness it means our propensities our proclivities our idiosyncrasies we don't pick our strengths i've taught you this when you're born you don't pick the gifts you have you can develop them but you don't pick them you don't pick whether or not you can sing or not right you don't pick that all right you don't pick your weaknesses either you act on them but you don't pick them iniquity we all have different ways that we lean what does that mean it means that we have areas where watch this iniquity doesn't cause us to fall but it makes us easy it makes it easy for us to fall in that area right because there are some people in this room anger is not an issue for you you really got to push your buttons right others of you we just you just we just blow and then because that's the way you lean right and if you've been struggling with something for a long time you lose hope in your ability to ever overcome that leaning if you've been trying to win and lose and losing it does something to your heart and your ability to believe that i can actually ever overcome this and it can cause people to actually tap out and to surrender to something that is not god's will but it is so strong you feel like it's got to be right heart so you can hear teaching but then there's another i'm over time there's another in the heart and this is this is the biggest rock and it's a rock called not it not an injury not iniquity it's a rock called an idol it's a pastor get out of here that we go with idols idols aren't in our heart they're in our homes idols are in temples idaho's in shrines they they aren't in our hearts that's not what ezekiel says in ezekiel chapter 14 verse 2 god tells ezekiel the prophet he says this is what i want you to say to israel he says these men have set up idols in their hearts and place wicked stumbling blocks before me he says they set up idols in their hearts see when i say idolatry we think of these primitive people who are bowing down to statues and who are worshiping other individuals who who they deem to be deities but but that's not the essence of idolatry at all dr tim keller president pastor of redeemer presbyterian church in new york says this he says an idol is anything that is more important than god that absorbs your heart and imagination more than god and anything you seek to give you what only god can give this is that something that's more important that you treat as more important than god man if i choose between god and you or god and it or god and them i pick them or it anything that absorbs your heart and your imagination is just i mean it's just it draws you in it's just oh i just when i think about uh when i think about that it's just it does something to me and it's always on my heart and always in my mind more than god or anything that i seek to give me what only god can give make me feel pretty make me feel handsome make me feel strong make me feel important because whatever you get that from you'll put first if somebody make you come here 12 o'clock say amen to me if if somebody makes you feel that way you'll put them in front of yourself somebody make you feel that it'll make you lose your rational mind your logic and your rationale goes out the door this is truth today i wish somebody would help me preach this thing i i want you to i want you to see this i want you to see it and god warns us against idolatry not because he has an ego issue it's because he does not want us to invest years and energy into putting something in a place that it is only going to fall down from and disappoint us he's he's saying don't treat people like a god because people are great people but they're bad gods don't don't put the relationship before me because as much as they love you they aren't me and they'll never be consistent as i am they'll never be as reliable as i am and they're going to tell you they're going to do something and they might not keep their word but when i tell you i'm gonna do it i'm not a man that i should lie i'm not the son of man that i shall not repent heaven and earth shall pass away before my word does not come to pass if i say i'm bringing you out come hell or how water i'm bringing you out if i say i'm opening the door it doesn't matter how many clothes i will keep my word i feel like preaching right there give somebody a high five and tell them god will y'all sit down [Music] i'm sorry i need to i need to have a revival or something to get this out i don't i can't you know it's sunday morning it's not the same i need to help [Music] hallelujah that's why god says they're going to disappoint you you're going to think you have a rachel but you got leah what does that mean see there's a story about this guy in the old testament named jacob who wanted to get married to a certain um uh daughter of a man named laban and in those days marriages were arranged right and so jacob thought he was marrying this girl named rachel because that was a pretty one right so he's he's at the altar hurry up i do i do i do hurry up right cause he's trying to get to the tent they didn't have houses they had 10 hurry up come on rev hurry up so well he didn't know that he labor had another daughter named leah that he was having a hard time finding a husband for [Applause] so on the wedding day he put rachel's dress on leah put this long veil on so jacob is thinking he's saying i do to rachel but he's really saying i do to leah but he's so ready to get to the tent he didn't look underneath the veil [Applause] didn't hear what i said yeah he thought he was getting something until he woke up the next morning he said oh [Applause] all right let's run it and god says that's what happens when you put things people jobs careers success achievement anything in the place that belongs to me you think you're getting one thing and then one day you wake up and say this is it i worked all my life i neglected my family i neglected my health i didn't enjoy life for this i got to the end of the rainbow and this this is what i got i gave all these years to you and you you just did me like that so the question becomes chris i'm done the question becomes pastor how do i uh how how do i deal with these things in my heart how how do they impact my ability to what does it have to do with my ability to change it has everything to do with your ability to change because whatever that big rock is is something you love more right now then you love your destiny change is not about change everybody say change is not about change the goal of god for you is not change change is the means to the end is not the end the goal is wings because without the wings you can't go where he intends to take him [Music] are you following me so i want you to change so you can have wings because when you get wings i can take you places i could not take you why are you crawling i want to give you wings i want you to catch this you all ready the reason some things have not changed is because you love something more than your future right now and until you admit that you cannot overcome what you won't acknowledge you can't even get saved you can't even overcome sin until you acknowledge your sin in need of a savior some people say pastor no i don't like it i don't i don't like no sometimes we don't like the fruit of it it's like somebody's saying yeah i don't like being lazy right we don't like the fruit of laziness but you like taking naps right you don't like not achieving anything you don't like how lazy this makes you feel about you you don't like how laziness robs you of god's best for your life you you don't like how laziness help makes you bury your potential and put tombstones outside your purpose but there's something about laziness that you like if not it wouldn't become a lifestyle until you're able to identify what you like about what you hate you'll never be able to change what you hate and step into what you like what do you like about it and until you love destiny more you won't change it and if you're waiting for you to stop liking some things you you'll never stop liking it it's so much in this there's so much in this i'm doing a teaching next year i did my series teaching calendar for next year i'm doing teaching at 17 on approval addiction it's a destiny robber nobody admits they like pleasing people everybody like i don't care what nobody say right yeah but you so upset about what everybody's saying if you would acknowledge that you care you could actually grow to the point that you don't but until [Music] makes it like and so i brought that up to say some of some people you like people liking you and i can't say that you'll ever stop liking people liking you but i can say that if you start caring about what god thinks more then that is the way god brings you to a place where you actually start caring about what they think less [Music] [Applause] because you don't remove idols you replace them in matthew chapter 12 jesus is having a conversation about exorcisms and he says this if somebody experiences an exorcism right he says the house is clean it's ordered put it back in order and unoccupied he says if the spirit comes back and finds it unoccupied he goes back and gets seven spirits more wicked than the first and the state of the man the second time is worse than the state of the first time the house is clean and it's in order but it's unoccupied it's empty they took out a bad habit but they didn't replace it with a good one and for a season that emptiness became their place of vulnerability all that free time gave the devil something to work with all that emptiness gave the devil something to work with you don't remove it you replace it first samuel 5 there's this philistine group who stole the ark of the covenant which is a metaphor for the presence of god they stole it and they put it in their temple and they put the ark of the covenant which is a metaphor for the presence of god they put it before their um their god which was a god called dagon and they put it there and the bible says that they came back in the next morning their god dagon had fallen on his face and they put it back up and they came back the next morning and their god that gun had fallen in on his face and had broken into pieces because no idol can stay in the same space as the presence of god when god shows up the idols fall down you don't have to pull them down you don't have to kick them down if you just let god get access to the unevangelized areas of your heart stuff just starts falling down and starts falling off of you don't you don't you miss this a caterpillar caterpillar gets to the point that when they become a butterfly the cocoon can't hold them anymore and there's some stuff that can still hold you because you hadn't got your wings yet but when you get your wings there's some stuff that has a grip on you that has to let you go you got to replace it you got to replace it with god and it means that you got to live a god first lifestyle you know people say god's first i don't know why i'm on this hashtag thing today hashtag god's first god over everything like you know something can be a proclaimed value but not an actual priority you know we can say god first but whether or not that's actually a priority is going to be revealed in my life and in my schedule it's like people in a relationship saying you first baby you first okay baby you first but i'm the last person you always call i'm the last to know about what's going on in your life i'm the last person you take into considerations when you make decisions so you saying them first but i'm not benefiting from it and you not even y'all miss that and that's what that's what can happen in church we say god's first god first but like really like what does it mean to put them first and i've gone through the scriptures and i see some things in the scripture like if god's if he's really first what does that look like in my life because if it's not showing up in my life i'm not benefiting from it it means three things i'm done i feel your presence father it means that you make a commitment we make a commitment that we're living a god-first lifestyle first of all that i will give god the first day of every week somebody say representation it's a principle of representation that's what i want you what do i mean by that i didn't see it in the garden adam did but adam represented me i didn't die on the cross jesus did but jesus represented me even in the old covenant when they sacrificed animals it represented the sins of the people it's a principle of representation when i give god the first day of the week it represents the whole week he says you give me one day i'm gonna treat it like you gave me the whole week so when you make a decision that every day every first day of the week which is sunday see we christians worship on sunday because that's the day jesus experienced the resurrection my faith is not hinged upon the sabbath the sabbath is saturday but sabbath didn't save me jesus did paul says if there's no resurrection i'm still in my sin are y'all catching this so i experience i experience and i worship on sunday because of what happened on sunday and so i'm i'm committed that the first day of every week belongs to the lord i'll just come to church when i feel like it because when i give him the first the principle is he blesses the rest it doesn't mean my whole week is perfect but it means my week is going to be better than it would have been if i hadn't offered him the first because he's responding to my faith the first is an expression of faith i give god the first part of every week first day of every week number two i give god the first part of every day it means that when i open my eyes the first thing i'm going to do is thank the one who opened them thank you and finally i i keep god first by giving him the first fruit of all my income that if you deserve my day that if you deserve my week you deserve my income everything i have is yours and i'm gonna talk about this in this series because this is an american idol every culture has its own unique set of idols this is an american island that golden calf people will betray family over this god not only uses us giving the first fruits of our income to bless us but he uses it as a teaching tool to teach us out of exploitation he uses giving to teach us not to let somebody bless your life and you not do nothing back oh this is good he teaches us not to just let and sit and just let somebody be to you what you can't get from anybody else and you figure out what's the least i can do for them because that attitude wrecks every relationship it wrecks a marriage erects parenting it wrecks friendships erects every relationship the attitude of entitlement leads to the activity of exploitation and if you will wrong god he ain't sending you a husband for you to wrong preach prophet i'm trying [Music] if i will wrong god he will not send me employees to wrong if i will wrong god he's not going to give me any more influence to misuse [Music] he's trying to teach me something trying to get nothing from me he's trying to get something to hear my god the enemy's upset i'll tell you he's nervous because he didn't want you to get this revelation he didn't want me to get this revelation because this is not about you this is about the spread of the gospel in the earth because people will read your life before they ever read matthew did you hear what i said they'll read your life before they ever read luke and john and the credibility of the gospel is confirmed when god's people are walking in the reality of it when people see the metamorphosis that's happened to you then they believe that jesus is a chain specialist it's one thing for them to hear it it's another thing for them to see it and your life is not just about your life your life is about the other lives that will be impacted because god has kept some people around who saw you in your words and they got to watch you walking to your best hallelujah he kept some of your enemies around so that they can see the metamorphosis that's about to come to your life somebody giving praise series [Music] [Music] somebody declare this we're done i don't want to be a caterpillar say it please i don't want to be a caterpillar i'm a butterfly god is getting ready to give us some wings i'm telling you i feel this hallelujah hallelujah he's going to confirm his word by moving his hand god is getting ready to give us some wings you may have been crawling for 38 years for 12 years for the whole life but god's getting ready to give you some wigs it's time for a change change is coming to my life everybody right now flip your hands please online lift yours kcla lift yours charlotte lift yours everybody lift them father as our hands are lifted we do this as a prophetic gesture of what we believe you to do in our life we have raised our hands in expectation that you're getting ready to raise us so raise my mind raise my heart raise my thinking raise my joy raise my peace until my cup overflows give me my wings to fly above anxiety stress worry low self-esteem and move me into your best for my life may your holy spirit be the wind beneath our wings and we declare change is happening there's a crack in the cocoon we see it in the spirit there's a crack in the cocoon we're getting ready to break out we're getting ready to break through we're getting ready to break free if you receive it today give him praise one more time change [Applause] well listen it is time for a change i hope you receive that i hope you're encouraged by that i hope you're inspired by that and i'm also excited about the opportunity to hear the testimonies of how this word's bearing fruit into your life man speaking of bearing fruit you know fruit contains seed and a lot of fruit comes from seed and each and every wednesday we create space man for us to sow seed that's a that's an agrarian agrarian agricultural analogy that the apostle paul uses in the book of second corinthians when he tells people he says hey if you so sparingly you reap span with you so bountifully you reap bountifully he was using the analogy of crops and seed to help people understand the way god honors generosity that is undeniable in scripture man it is and and i believe man i believe that our generosity is really evidence of whether or not we believe what god says about how he commits to reward and to bless and to return harvest to those who sow seed man and wednesday night is an opportunity for us to do that some of you are harvesting from this field this is a place of spiritual nourishment for you and you're getting spiritually enhanced hopefully values being added to you spiritually because of what's happening through this ministry and it's addressing this ministry is addressing the worst kind of poverty and that's spiritual poverty that's the worst kind of poverty you can be a billionaire if you're spiritually poor you're going to be miserable i'm telling you and so the lord thirsts coming on the screen now to give you direction on how you can sow seed into this field to say god i value this this is addressing my spiritual properties making me more spiritually rich i'm sowing i'm not buying a blessing but but i'm sowing into my future by sowing into this ministry i just want to say thank you i want to thank you for your support and how god is using you to help us take this ministry around the world
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 55,547
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: qQS7riQD308
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 32sec (3512 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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