I'm Too Smart For This | BounceBack SZN Part. 3 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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just want to welcome you to change church thank you so much for worshiping with us today we're believing that god's doing great things in our church and through our church and we believe god's doing great things in and through your life man we're excited to be here today and i'm excited about this opportunity to share god's word we are in week three of a series of sermons from the subject bounce back season and uh i want to read a few verses of scripture found in the good news about jesus uh in the book of john according to john john chapter two beginning at verse number one and this is what it says it says on the third day a wedding took place at cana in galilee and jesus mother was there and jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding when the wine was gone jesus's mother said to him i have no more wine woman he said why do you involve me jesus replied my hour's not yet come his mother said to the servants do whatever he tells you and nearby stood six stone water jugs the kind used by the jews for ceremonial washing each holding from 20 to 30 gallons jesus said to the servants fill the jaws with water so they filled each of them to the brim then he told them now draw out some and take it to the mass of the banquet they did so and the master of the banquet tested tasted the water that had been turned into wine he didn't recognize where it come from though the servants who had drawn the water knew then he called the bridegroom aside i want to pause there and i want to talk from this subject part 3 in this bounce back series here it is family i'm too smart for this yeah i'm i'm too smart too smart for this family we're in week three of this series of sermons from the series subject bounce back season and we began this series on resurrection easter sunday for a reason and this reason is captured in a sticky statement i gave in the first sermon in this series which is this the resurrection is an indication of god's ability to orchestrate unusual recoveries that the resurrection is an indication of god's ability to orchestrate unusual recoveries divine intervention will produce unusual outcomes outcomes where people who are on looking and observing will have to look at where you were and where you are now and say that's unusual people who will observe your activity from the outside and see watch this see where you should have been and where you ended up and end up testifying and declaring that's unusual the resurrection is an indication of god's ability to orchestrate unusual recoveries and i i not only want to highlight the fact that god orchestrates unusual recoveries but i also in this sermon want to explore how god orchestrates those unusual recoveries i want to shift us from simply observing and knowing the acts of god to us exploring the ways of god and in week one we said that some recovery requires divine intervention we need god we too we also introduce you to another kingdom key and that is we not only need god we need grief in our time together today this text introduces us to another essential element for divine recovery and that is genius listen to me sometimes the answer to the issue that's ailing you is in you did you hear what i just said i said sometimes the answer to the issue that is ailing you is in you don't miss this in other words there are some situations that don't require divine intervention they require the utilization of previously made divine deposits some situations don't require divine intervention some situations require the utilization of previously made divine deposits there are some things that god deposited in us in the past that he knew we would not need unto the future but sometimes it takes an issue to expose you to what's been in you that you didn't know was there until you were placed into a situation that put a demand on it i'm telling you there is a you that's in you you hadn't met yet and god will arrange and orchestrate a season where you have no choice but to reach in you and pull out something you didn't know was there because some situations don't require divine intervention they require the utilization of previously made deposits and when we don't recognize this we adopt a posture that says god do something and god's observing our circumstances and saying i already did god fix this i already did he says i already did when i made provision watch this for the problem before you experience the problem in other words i gave you the staff before you ran into the red sea it just took the red sea for me to show you how to use in this season what i gave you in another and i want to tell somebody there's some there's some there's some new things that god's getting ready to do with some old things i'm going to say that one more time that god doesn't have to give you something new to do something new he says i'm getting ready to show you how to utilize what you've been under utilizing i'm getting ready to show you that the thing you've been looking over is the thing that's getting ready to lift you out of this circumstance and lift you out of this situation because some situations don't require divine intervention they require the utilization of previously made deposits and i want you to hear me there's not a red sea you don't have a staff for did you hear what i just said i said there is not a red sea that you don't have a staff for god gave you the staff because he knew the red sea was coming and this is your season [Applause] to learn how to use what he already gave here y'all are y'all hearing what i'm saying see some people only thought the staff could be used to help you walk [Applause] and to really sheep that's the only way some people saw it used but god wanted moses to know that just because that's the only way you've seen it used doesn't mean that's the only way it can be used i want to introduce you to a new way to use an old thing that same thing that they use for sheep i can turn it into a snake that same thing that they use for sheep i can use it to part a red sea because some situations don't require divine intervention some situations require the utilization of previously made divine deposits and some of you some of us are in a season where we are like god what are you gonna do and he's like use your genius this is he says why aren't you getting me out he says your genius is about to get you out see i want you to catch this family i want you to catch this you may be thinking i want you to catch this but you may be thinking what is pastor dares talking about when he says genius here is where i but here's where i stand ontologically and theologically every body has a degree of genius let me tell you why because if you are a follower of jesus you have been given what what is called in the new testament charismata or pneumaticos these are grace gifts [Applause] abilities that the holy spirit distributes to those who follow jesus so that they can accomplish specific works y'all following me and wherever you are gifted there is an uncommon iq there's a iq that can't be talked that you can't go to school for it's a know-how that you don't know how you got [Applause] so people are wondering how do you know how to do that and you like i don't know how i know how but wherever there is gifting there is an uncommon iq are y'all following me here and the enemy understands this this is why he attacks your self-confidence because you cannot utilize a genius you don't believe in you cannot put to work a genius you don't believe will work and i'm telling you that god wants to introduce you to some previously made divine deposits because it's like sometimes the answer to the issue that's ailing you is in you your g your genius can get you out but sometimes it takes a situation to give you a revelation of your own capability a situation that causes desperation will give you a revelation of your own capability so sometimes god's not showing up because he wants you to he says if i would have came through for you the way you wanted me to come through for you there was some things about you you wouldn't see so when you could turn to no one else [Music] i i stood i stood and observed you agonizing over your issue but i was not moved to react impulsively because i was aware that i had already put what needed to be put on the inside of you to overcome this issue so i watch you learn you [Applause] did you hear what i just said see i'm trying to tell you that spiritual growth is not just a journey of god discovery spiritual growth is also a journey of self-discovery and some of us only realize when god's trying to show us him i'm telling you sometimes he puts you in situations where the wine runs out because he wants to show you you i thank god i feel like pausing for a praise break right here i thank god not just for the times he showed me him i thank god for the times he showed me me how he showed me how strong i was how he showed me how wise i was how he showed me how resilient i was how i could take a licking and keep on ticking [Applause] [Music] guys i'm not just trying to show you me i'm trying to show you i'm trying to use this situation that's got you in a place of desperation to give you revelation about a degree of genius you didn't know you had you don't know you can turn water into wine until it runs out did you hear what i just said i said you don't know you can turn water into wine until it runs out are y'all following me see this this particular passage introduces us to jesus's first public miracle is this first one are y'all here it's this first one now there's some things theologically you gotta understand about jesus christology like his makeup there's some things you gotta understand to really grasp the profundity of this text jesus is not half god half man he's 100 both so he's fully human and fully divine but the two natures don't co-mingle because if the divine touches the human is not fully divine if the human touches the divine is not fully human and if jesus is not fully human in overcoming his temptation he cannot be an example for us because i ain't god so he overcomes every human temptation by the power of the same holy spirit that we have as an example for us to do the same so if jesus is 100 human maybe god wanted to use are y'all ready for this yes this first miracle to introduce jesus to himself he said cause cause if you believe you can turn water to wine then you'll walk up to lazarus too and say lazarus come forth am i making sense here remember now this is last week we talked about john chapter 11. this is john chapter 2 you need john chapter 2 so that you know what you can do in john chapter 11. [Applause] when jesus is walking to lazarus's tomb in john chapter number 11 jesus talks very confidently lazarus is asleep but i'm going to wake him up this this this is his first another 35 miracles recorded now one gospel writer says he jesus performed so many they couldn't be numbered but there are 35 recorded this is the first of 35. he's present at a wedding with his mother don't miss this and his mother presents him with a problem that he feels like doesn't concern him they run out of wine at the wedding his mother informs him and he responds to her by suggesting this he says why do you involve me this is something powerful because i think even this response teaches us something it teaches us the every issue in your assignment watch this your anointing has an audience then jesus said my time has not come this is important now his mother doesn't even respond to what he says she doesn't even say anything to him y'all miss this i want you to see mary's faith in the son of god [Applause] i want you to see mary's faith in the son of god she does not even respond to him she says to the service whatever he tell you to whatever he tells you to do just do it i want to have that kind of confidence in the nature of god she says i don't have to explain it to you i don't have to go back and forth to you i know your nature whatever he tells you to do his mother recognized that the gifting in him could remedy what was wrong with the wind now i'm sure when the angel please don't miss this told mary you're going to give birth to a son who will save people from the sins i'm sure there was no water to wine prophecy i want you to catch this but in her mind she said if you can do that i know you can do this you got the capability to remedy what's wrong with this way now i don't understand what turning water the wine i don't understand how that's spiritually significant in that moment at all i understand the spiritual symbolism i don't understand how the spiritual significant at all but i think instead of focusing on the water becoming wine we should lean in on and focus on the one who actually did it to show you to so so that we can see how his gift worked in ways that we wouldn't normally anticipate i know that gift can heal people i didn't know that gift could do that and what if i told you that your gift can do some things you don't know yet what if i told you it's possible that you have been in your own mind limiting the scope and the circumference of what your gift can actually do what if there's more to it than you've actually seen now watch this but we wouldn't know that jesus had this capability if it were not for the problem that was presented to him every miracle he performed was in response to a problem so you can't keep running from what god wants to use to show you you because some of us are hearing the problem introduces you to you you don't know that your slingshot can kill a giant until god introduces you to goliath because sometimes the problem we're intimidated by is the mirror god wants to use to show you you more than a shepherd you're a king [Applause] did you hear what i just said you only know you're a king and not a shepherd by how you respond to goliath and i'm telling you family if we're going to experience bounce-back seasons we've got to realize and recognize that there is a degree of genius that is placed on the inside of us that for many of us is untapped underutilized and undiscovered and god allows certain situations to linger in order for him to reveal to us what he's placed in us that's the answer to the issue that's affecting us what i'm gonna do in this relationship your genius is gonna get you out the economy shifting it i understand what i'm gonna do professionally your genius is gonna figure it out we hit this professional roadblock and i feel like it i don't know what to do your genius is going to get you out that there's creative engineer lord i don't have time this there's so much i was gonna use the proof text this this crit like you you can be able to spin on dirt and put dirt on people's eyes and they can get healed your genius will get you out did you hear what i just said yeah you'll be able to use things that other people look over and step over your genius will will get you out because sometimes the answer to the issue that's healing you is in you you too smart you too smart to let this keep you stuck somebody put in the chat i'm too smart for this too smart to stay stuck here i'm too smart to meander in mediocrity i'm i'm too smart to live a life absent of peace and joy i'm too smart to be this stagnant i'm too smart to settle for a life that's less than god's best i'm underutilizing my genius i want to help you unlock and unleash it i i'm a pragmatist so you know i got to give you some points and i grew up baptist so they got to be alliteration all right so so here here i want to give you three things really quickly i'm gonna give them to you the three things you gotta do you gotta discover listen to me you gotta develop and you gotta discipline it you got to discover it you got to develop it and you got to discipline it you got to discover it develop it so here it is pasadena's let's get practical how do i discover it there are three things i want to tell you need to look for number one you need to look for watch this you where do you have unique awareness look at come on now where do you have where do you have unique sight unique awareness what you see that other people miss are y'all here i said well what do you see that other people see you can walk in some rooms and other people see everything and the two or three things you see that everybody miss why has god giving you those eagle eyes why do you see that why can't you walk in a room and you pick up on people's moods where's their unique awareness why do i see this now watch this when people don't understand that that's part of their genius they allow the enemy to pervert their perception so they become critical of what they've been anointed to remedy god said the only way you ate the only reason you can complain about that is because you see it and the only reason that you see it is because i've given you unique awareness there unique awareness number two watch this where's their unique ability well where do you possess i said earlier uncommon iq where do you have that which is unteachable and unexplainable this is so important are y'all ready for well i'm getting ready to go i'm almost out of time but y'all right okay put you all right if you're all right in the chat put i'm all right okay here it is don't miss this family this requires a biblically balanced view of humility some people miss this because their perspective on humility is not biblically balanced they think that being humble means being ignorant and in denial about your ability when i heard one one leader put this way he says humility watch this excuse me he says arrogance doesn't come from knowing who you are and what you can do he says arrogance comes when you forget who gave it to you but in order to do what you do you got to know what you do watch this everything or much of what we know about jesus he said about himself and he's the ultimate example and expression of what it means to be humble but he was the one that said i'm the way the truth and the light no one comes to the father except by me he's the one that said if you destroy this temple in three days i'll raise it back up again there must be an area in your life where you're able to say this right here is what i do i do this now i can't do that but i do this if you put that in my hand i'm not going to be able to do much with it but if you put this in my hand i'll tell satan's kingdom upside down and i i want to speak to some people here that are functioning with an unbalanced view of humility and i want you to embrace your unique ability this right here is what i do where's your unique awareness where's your unique ability all right here's c where's your unique agitation is what is what one writer calls holy discontent right you know all problems don't bother all people equally that two people can observe the same problem and one go about their business and the other can't sleep at night because sometimes i want you to catch this your assignment is in your agitation did you hear that i know i'm swinging i'm swinging on the devil i i said sometimes your your don't miss this your assignment is in your agitation all of israel's soldiers heard goliath assaulting israel and it didn't bother them but when david got there he said who's this uncircumcised philistine that dares to defy the armies of the living god he says y'all don't hear that he was uniquely agitated because he was assigned to knock that giant down that's good you got to discover that i'm done jerry you got to develop it are y'all ready for this y'all the apostle paul told his mentee timothy neglect not the gift that's in you right first he tells him stir it up which he's really dealing with fear there right he says like so his statement about the spirit of fear contextually is in the same part of his conversation there when he's talking about stir up the gift he says stir up the gift of god that was given to you by laying on the hands of the presbyter for god did not give you the spirit of fear timidity right but power love in a sound mind so he tells him to stir it up but then in first timothy four he tells them now don't neglect it you got it but don't be negligent with it develop it refine it invest in it because the difference between good and great is not god's gift it's your investment that's the diff and this is what happens i'm saying this i believe i believe this is this i just since this is timely for some of you i want you to catch this that there is a season where you are in rooms and in spaces or operating with a degree of influence where good is always better but then you hit a space of influence and rooms and spaces where you begin to see now that my good that was better is no longer good enough and what it's going to take to go from good to great is not just god's gift is going to take my investment developing it i think god gave me a gift to community to teach his word i'ma teach i believe god gave me that gift [Music] but each time i stand and speak i want you to know what you're experiencing is 20 years worth of investment you're experiencing somebody who used to memorize a word a week from the dictionary you're experiencing somebody who preached in the woods who preached in the car who preached to 30 people who preached to himself you're experiencing you're experiencing someone who's got in a garage tubs of vcr and cd tapes listening to people and learning communication because i don't want to be negligent so god can give the gift but whether or not it goes from good to great whether or not it hits that genius level that's investment [Music] your greatest pianist you know what they did investment they had gift but they had time one of the greatest nba players in history kobe bryant you you being six feet six that's a gift you don't pick that god does that what you do his investment though [Music] did you but being six six didn't make him great is what he did with being six six and i just i just i don't want to i don't like to use terminology without explaining it but the bible talks about when jesus gives a lot of prayer talks about praying lord deliver us from evil right so when i say i come against something that's what i mean i mean that i want to push back darkness in this area and i want to come against and push back just attitudes of entitlement that are stopping you from making the investment you need to actually reach up you have the potential you think you have you're just not operating in it yet because you haven't made the investment you can be that good you're not that good yet though [Music] see we need to hear more of that you can be that good but you aren't that good yet you just need to make the investment because everybody that you see that is there made the investment develop it it's in you develop it and number three you got to discipline it i was having a conversation with some of my team about this earlier this week this was the first of miracle this is the first of 35 that were recorded by jesus i want y'all to think about how many people he didn't heal now we know he we know he performed more than 35 let's just say for the sake of argument he only performed 35. that's three years that's 36 months so that's less than a miracle a month did you hear he was disciplined do you want to be made whole i got three years i'm not wasting time do you want to be my john five i got three years i must work the works of him that sent me while it is day for when night time comes no man can work i got three years and i got people lined up that want this do you want this or not [Music] i want you to mentor me do you want attention or do you want to learn discipline because if not we will be so overextended with those that are not hungry and are not ready that we won't have the bandwidth for those that are oh my gosh and i'm telling you those that are watching i just believe this there is where there's gifting there's genius now the genius looks different in everybody their degrees of genius but that genius the potential for prodigy like living in some area is in you god is uncommon so he empowers you to do uncommon things i've seen people that are genius like they got the gift of mercy they got mercy gifts so it means that they're just like uniquely compassionate compassionate and they got empathy i've seen people my wife is this way i told y'all this one's up we were on a plane one time and we were sitting in this row and there's this young lady that was sitting my wife was sitting in the middle i was sitting outside the young lady sitting by the window young lady walked in and my wife leaned over me she said something wrong with her i was like oh okay you know right right so i'm apostolic i'm entrepreneurial i'm a teacher i'm and she's like no no no something's wrong with her i said okay okay she just sat there that unique agitation it just bothered her it bothered her that the that the woman was bothered it bothered her that the woman was bothered and she just leaned over she said um she put her hand on her back she said hey i just want to ask is everything okay girl broke down i'm like what in the world and the girl said i just found out my mom passed and i'm going home now to make the [Music] arrangements she just no she just knew what to do that's genius and everybody's got it in some areas and your genius will not only bless others it'll help you bounce back from setbacks did you hear what i said oh my god be so good they can't ignore you be so good that that even if they don't like you they gotta call you father i pray today that you would open our eyes to see divine deposits that you've made in us i pray that you would address even insecurities that keep us from perceiving what you've given us properly i pray for divine confidence in what you've given us father that we could that we can faithfully steward it and i pray that the genius that you put in all of us is unlocked and unleashed into the world for the good of the world but also to help us bounce back from setbacks and we thank you god that you gave us our staff before we got to the red sea and i pray that you will show us how to use it in jesus name amen i want you right where you are if you're able to won't you just pause and just worship right for a moment not for god to show you him but for god to show you you come on just right now wherever you are just pause and just reflect god thank you that you're getting ready to show me me you
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 67,612
Rating: 4.939127 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: 5fUQPZw0SKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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