I'm Short!!!

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[Music] hello everyone I've seen some comments asking about my age so here you go I am a 16 year old boy but Bryson you sound much younger and I know okay I know so yeah I don't just sound young I look young too I'm 5 foot 3 currently and I'm very skinny I'd literally look like I'm 12 it's kind of frustrating sometimes but I've come to accept it I'm just a late bloomer turns out my mom and dad and at least one of my older brothers were also late bloomers and they turned out fine so whatever however I do have some funny stories about it so here we go I am old enough to drive but I can't get my license to him 17 because my mom doesn't want to pay for my car insurance which means whenever I am driving someone will definitely say oh wow you old enough to drive that thing and to that I say freaking race me scrub I'll elect you but of course I don't say that I just try and hold back the tears as I Drive off one time I was getting some fast food and literally every person working there took turns at the window talking to me about how young I lurked they could not believe that I was old enough to drive I laughed at their comments but I almost died inside pretty much whenever I tell anyone my age literally every single time the other person will point out that I'm sure as if they're making a discovery like I've discovered something Bryson is short let's talk about that here's a tip if you're one of those people that thinks it's important to tell someone something they already know that just save your breath because I promise you they know and they know that everybody else knows you don't gotta point it out as if you're helping them or something the only thing to accomplish when telling someone they're short is just making them mad this is one kid that can't leave me alone about it literally every time he sees me he says I'm hwayeong grrrrrr than you but I'm still taller than you and I really want to say back to him yeah I am sure right now but guess what I can grow up but you'll be ugly forever as do people see it as an accomplishment or something my parents genes happen to combine in a way in which the height of my body is higher than yours I mean it's not like they work to become taller they just happen to have a taller body than I do that is not in any way a valid form of measuring your worth just cuz you're taller than me doesn't mean you're better than me no and this applies to other things too I'm older than you therefore I'm better than you oh wow you're older than this baby well he's gonna grow up to cure cancer while you're sitting in your basement playing video games you frickin millennial people should measure their worth by their skills and things they've worked for it you're taller than me whatever I could beat you in a nerf war though or how about chess or trampoline flips or math tests or rock sculpture or funny voices or just generally being handsome boom anywho the doctor says I'll be around six feet tall eventually just later than most people my dad was like five seven when he graduated high school but now he's six - plus since he looked super young all growing up it's paying off now because he still looks way younger than he actually is so I guess it all works out in the end at least that's what I tell myself seriously though even though it kind of sucks being so short and small now I know it's only temporary so if you're short - then whatever if people think they're better than you just because they're taller than you and that just means they don't have anything else to measure their self-worth with okay I'll see you guys later okay important thing don't click away don't get used to this upload schedule I know this video came out really soon compared to my usual schedule but that's just because I had a long weekend and I had some extra free time so I spent literally all of it on this video I had to work really hard but it was worth it just stay tuned for the next one oh and thank you guys so much for 1000 subscribers I was so happy when we broke that mile marker 1 million here we come
Channel: Haminations
Views: 4,602,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haminations, short
Id: 1KkyN622MYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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