My Dentist Disasters

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hey real quick we've got a new H plush on pre-order it's bigger than my head see and everything else in the store is on sale to make room for some amazing new stuff coming down the pipeline click the link below to go check it out hey bud I know the dentist's office can be a little scary but don't worry you're in good hands let me help you into that seat and then after I'm done I'll let you pick a toy from the toy chest okay does this hurt no what about this uh a little uh-huh and this ow how about this and a little bit of that and this help Mom help what about this huh does that hurt how about some of this does that hurt does this hurt he did such a good job look at that smile oh what a pretty smile good job sweetheart I'll get you a treat on the way home don't forget to floss that way next time won't hurt as bad hi I'm Bryson and like many people I have a mouthful of teeth and with that comes some dental related trauma to put it lightly these pearly whites didn't come without a little suffering let's start at the beginning little Bryson was irresponsible and had gotten a few cavities from eating too much Halloween candy and mom took me to the dentist to get the effected baby teeth removed the numbing shot hurt pretty bad at first but then I couldn't feel a thing huh I guess that's why they call it a numbing shot okay bye don't e anything for 3 hours or you'll bite your tongue on the drive home I was fascinated with the numb sensation in my mouth wiggling my tongue around and stuff then little old me thought it would be fun to bite my tongue lightly it was so weird to not feel anything the numbing shot had made me Invincible as many of you know I was a very late bloomer all the other kids got bigger and stronger and I just didn't this also caused me to lose my baby teeth very late at 12 years old I still had several baby teeth then one day my mom took me to an orthodontist and he gave her his spiel about how acting early can help a lot and blah blah blah she was sold and they glued some braces on me while I still had baby teeth why are you putting braces on them they're just going to fall out I guess lying to my mom taking her money and causing me a ton of physical pain without even fixing anything was worth getting paid that dude was definitely lying through his teeth regardless I wasn't old enough to unlock Free Will so it wasn't up to me so I was resigned to 2 years of braces scraping into my lips food getting stuck in them all the time and terrible pain every time the rubber bands got changed ow oh and by the way you can't eat popcorn for 2 years but that wasn't even the worst of it it during this time the orthodontist decided that I needed even more metal in my mouth and introduced my mom to the pallet expander the purpose of the pallet expander was not to introduce you to a wider variety of flavors but to widen your back teeth so they have more room to work with to make your smile nice and straight the process begins with the orthodontist gently and lovingly jamming rubber bands in between your teeth and letting them slowly push your teeth apart giving you a piercing headache and ruthless insomnia then he uses the space creat by the rubber bands to jam this diabolical metal Contraption around your teeth and then every week it gets cranked three times to push your teeth further apart and cause horrible pain I hated this thing so much it hurt all the time it crowded my mouth it hurt when my tongue touched it and food would get stuck in between the expander and the roof of my mouth braces already ruined the joy of food I don't need more crevices for food to get stuck not to mention how annoying it is for your tongue to know exactly where the food is stuck but then you reach in and your finger can't find it the food is stuck right there where it's right here I can't find it this phenomenon is known as the tongue finger disconnect and I hate it eventually two painful years had passed they took all the metal out of my mouth and I felt like my shackles were broken I was free and I could finally eat popcorn again in fact one day I was eating popcor popcorn I only had one baby tooth left and the adult tooth was coming in under it making it Loose I sat there eating popcorn and I accidentally chewed on an unpopped kernel the baby tooth had broken in half between the adult tooth and the kernel but I couldn't let that calcium go to waste M so good and tasty I finally had all my adult teeth and my dental troubles were over or so I thought a year later my family moved I thought I was in the clear until mom took me to another orthodontist yeah it doesn't look like the first set of braces really did anything I mean only an idiot would put braces on baby teeth yeah I would recommend getting new braces now now that the adult teeth are [Music] in that's what I was saying why did we even put the first set of braces on basically I was going to have to have braces on for four years because the first braces didn't actually do anything Bryson I think we should do it I want you to have a pretty smile I think you should do it too Bryson I'll make a lot of money if you do guys my smile is fine well let's look at the x-rays you have a pretty pronounced overbite that causes a lot of problems later in life you should be grateful that your mom wants to pay to fix your teeth you kind of have like a a Bart Simpson lip going on and we would want to get that fixed this guy literally body shamed me into getting braces Again by comparing me to a cartoon character but I am a cartoon character so why am I even wearing these I can just draw myself with perfect [Laughter] teeth and to correct my Bart Simpson lip I had to not only get another pallet expander but also rubber bands to pull my lower jaw forward so how was your week bud I hate you so two more horrendous years of pain ensued cranking my teeth apart wearing rubber bands and getting food stuck in my teeth all over again it couldn't come fast enough but the day finally came I was completely free H yeah I'm noticing that these teeth are rather small what we could do is remove them and move all these teeth for to fill its place at this moment pure malice and rage boiled up inside me I refused to be imprisoned again shut up shut up what I already had them on for 4 years I'm done I won't let you body shame me into giving you more of my mom's money so you can torture me for another 2 years so we ran out and two of my teeth are a little smaller than they should be oh no what a nightmare I'd much rather keep them as is than do this I was finally safe the orthodontist couldn't hurt me anymore I had a nice smile and I never had to go back to the orthodontist again but then my mom got braces and a pallet expander cuz she wasn't happy with her smile I guess the body shaming worked and soon after getting them she said I was not sympathetic enough to you guys when you wore these these hurt did you think I was lying of course they hurt but now we both have great smiles I guess pain really is beauty it takes a lot of work to look this good but at least it's over now hey by the way I just scheduled your wisdom teeth removal surgery wisdom teeth why do they call them wisdom teeth those teeth are obviously stupid idiots cuz they're going the wrong freaking way the sigil structures useless body parts are so stupid and some of them actually hurt you your appendix can blow up and kill you for no reason your Wis some teeth Sprout out of nowhere and ruin your other straight teeth and don't even get me started on the tailbone these things have no purpose that's just bad character design basically these dumb teeth were dooming me to another appointment with pain I sat in the chair and I wanted to try and resist the sleep medication but it went more like this okay this medication is going to make you a little sleepy I can resist this easily and you're done oh what it seriously just felt [Applause] like then my face swelled up and I lived on the couch for 2 weeks off mashed potatoes applesauce and ice cream so it wasn't all bad and that was my dental Journey it definitely hurt and there were some questionable decisions made but at least that orthodontist can afford a pool in his backyard now all in all I'm actually grateful to have nice teeth and I'm very lucky that my mom loved me enough to fix these Chompers because my bite attack does way more damage D now don't forget to check out the merch store for these sweet deals and the new H plush it's the biggest H plush yet so go check it out and keep an eye out for some amazing new stuff we have coming down the pipeline very soon and a huge thanks to my amazing team as always you guys rock seriously I love you guys so much they seriously make the videos look so amazing and I love them the dentist and orthodontist aren't super fun but I am really glad to have straight teeth I certainly paid a price for these pearly whites and so my mom like and share this video if you or someone you know has teeth do you ever think about how your teeth are the only part of your skeleton that isn't hiding underneath skin and fat and muscles and veins and connective tissue thanks for watching bye
Channel: Haminations
Views: 7,956,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haminations, Animation, Comedy, Funny, Storytime
Id: eBWh_9bGNcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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