How To Think Like A Chess Master

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whether you've been playing chess for 10 days or  10 years at some point you've probably wondered   how do i actually improve at the game what are the  necessary steps that i need to take to get better   and i understand it's a complicated question  and it's a mix of things there's no easy answer   in this video i'm sharing seven games with you  that i played on stream against my viewers against   varying skill levels i want you to pay attention  to how my knowledge of the opening will transition   into the middle game plans and a lot of what i  verbalize is noticing what my opponent wants and   picking up on weaknesses some of the games do make  it into the end game that's not really a skill set   that you can naturally practice but you'll still  notice how i coordinate my pieces and the like so   enjoy the games there's timestamps in the video  player for you to jump around the thumbnail where   i'm going like this that's the final game  if you want to just jump right over there   and before we kick things off 60 percent or  so of my viewers aren't actually subscribed   so if you enjoy the videos scroll down hit  the subscribe button it's free it's great   and uh i really appreciate it alright i'll  see you in the next video all right let's   keep rolling this is a three minute game so  we'll go a little bit faster let's play d4 bishop f4 is my preferred second move we'll  see whether he commits to a king's indian   okay he plays c6 that's kind  of a strange move let's go e3   okay d5 kind of a sloth setup  that was good game very nice game is he gonna go bishop f5 what's he gonna  do okay please bishop f5 so against this   uh there's a few ways uh c3 is very good   very good and like i said queen b3 thanks sharky  for the three sub gifts against this bishop f5   london set up so far we have a completely  symmetrical position if you notice that complete symmetry now i will show you a cool thing  here to break the symmetry let's go knight t2 i am   completely happy with this trade because of  this knight to h4 this is very critical his   bishop cannot escape he has not played the move  h6 yet so this bishop is going to get trapped   with my knight use this if you're a london  player and they play completely symmetrical   now you go for the second bishop so now we take  and we're just going to keep developing maybe   bishop b2 maybe but i think there should no reason  not to put the bishop on a more active square be careful i'm playing a ym yeah playing a  ym um he's doing the same plan back to me   it's very rude i'm gonna play bishop g5 and  hopefully he gets really confused and forgets   that this pawn is guarded by the bishop my bishop  is pretty safe here i didn't want him to take if i   went back that didn't work because he had the pin  oh yeah that's very yeah i just saw that about um i just saw that about gordon hayward we're  we're big fans of gordon hayward here   uh that move doesn't have a threat i'm constantly  you know making sure i'm safe i should castle i'm   not gonna castle into the open h file i'm actually  gonna castle queenside away from all of this not a huge scary thing to worry  about i can trade the queens or i   can just ignore it and continue i think  breaking in the center here is good good move very good move but now luckily i  can drop back that was the uh that was the   idea that pushing my pawn here opens up  i'm opening the center because this king   is stuck on the other side well now i mean  now i have a million options uh i can take   i can move just a piece i'm gonna  play a controlling move playing g3 which negates his control of the f4 square and now  his knight is kind of stranded on the side of the   board it's a high it's a high level move now i'm  not going to take anything and i'm going to push   hitting his bishop and his knight  has no escape his knight is just   completely stranded here forever  completely completely stranded not sure when i'm continuing the speed run uh  but but soon at this point i mean once you've   completely locked down the board like this  uh you've got to play where you are or you're   stronger and i'm pr oh but that's a good move i  think he's trying to go pawn up to g5 so i'm going   to make sure he cannot do that and i couldn't  play h4 because this would have been taken now if   he goes g5 i'm gonna take his horse for free that  that that's tough bishop e2 like i hope this shows   you guys like how to think he's trying to break  out on that side so i'm just not letting him move   and as long as i completely lock down the  right side of the board i should play on   the left side of the board because he can't  transfer his pieces over place actually i was   going to play that move too i was going to play  king b1 and try to create something over here thanks guys i appreciate it now maybe rook g1   so the point now is to play the move h4 so this  has a guard and then i can move my bishop away   and then his knight literally can never leave  the side of the board unless he sacrifices   ouch and he's breaking on the other side so  he's good he's actually doing the right thing   uh do i take i want him to take me so how do  i how do i do that how do i make him take me maybe we sidestep with the  queen to try to play night here he shuts that down okay i want to break  out and to break out i should move my now trade let's trade now and let's play b3  targeting this okay he's just lost the pawn   there take take this knight is just not involved  in the game check we can also take and take don't take he's not going to take but if he doesn't take the  knight is going to get out   the night's final move oh it's  not getting out he's threatening   yeah that that was rough   too much pressure yeah but also just the night  was just okay bishop d5 is a discovered check   now i glue in this bit oh i blundered i blundered  myself at the very end his low time he could have   done the same thing to me it's a blunder and then  he goes rook b8 and oh my goodness wait a minute   am i losing in the final position i actually  might straight up be losing in the final position oh that's an incredible plot twist the engine doesn't think it's that lost  because of how strong my past pawn is but wow   oh my god yeah i mean i just didn't expect   at the very end i didn't expect him to play  like uh i just to move frankly i i don't know   i thought that he was just gonna like lose on  time so i just played c4 and then bishop d4 okay   okay but otherwise hopefully that was that was  instructive this game let's go for e4 i played   d4 i played the london last game let's go e4 play  a close sicilian knight c3 g3 bishop g2 this is   one way to play the sicilian you set up  a fiance uh you play like h3 for example   h3 is to prevent the bishop from ever coming  here and also to springboard your pawns forward   like queen d2 and i'll castle i'll castle this way should i castle or should i already begin  an attack let's let's begin with bishop h6   wow he he doesn't know if i'm going to  castle that way what's he doing why is he   what's this should i take now let's let's  keep the tension there for a second don't   rush f4 that disconnects the queen that's  just a free pawn so that was strange probably better to take with this dude now  i'll take and kind of the well now now i'm   going to change everything on him i'm castle  short i'll castle short i delayed a long time uh i delayed castling a long time but uh now if he actually plays rook b8 or something  i'll play b3 castle short not long well i feel   like the lines have opened up here you know if i  castle long the sacrifice of the b-pawn leads to   some very nasty stuff so i think i'll just play  b3 not letting him take my pawn and i'll go short   uh i i you know okay so see i'm i'm just gonna  i'm just gonna castle out of all this nonsense i'll castle out of all this nonsense pawn takes pawn takes we  good leaving all that behind   now the big question is do i take or do i  push pushing is only good if it actually   gets you anything in the future i think i'll  take just to have an open rook here the attack   isn't perfect if i move my rook up he can take  and then i can't take back because this is weak   it's not like a perfect attack can i go here it  looks nice but again it's it's not even i mean i'm not creating a concrete threat yet yeah  he just like stops that let's go rook up   i'm not gonna take what the a pawn will take  with the c pawn normally if he took took and   weakened this so i'm gonna take with the c  pawn to just to get here as fast as possible   that's a little too passive yeah that's just  i mean that was his position was good there   was no need he had to kind of that's chess  i mean at some point you're gonna make the   wrong move he should have kicked out  my queen is what he should have done because my queen is the biggest nuisance he  should have played the move h6 he still can   play the move h6 so i probably shouldn't  even say that out loud uh how about this so unnecessary let's not do it rook f6 rook  f6 queen e5 is what i wanted but again no need   as long as he doesn't kick me out the move  g4 opens the gate for my knight to get in   he still and now he can't even play this move  because i have knight f5 and he can't take oh can my queen get into his position here   let's start with knight f5  let's see where he puts his king again he can't take my queen my queen's  hanging but he can't take it is he's in check i didn't take the night with queen f6 it  was protected i don't like to lose material i was thinking to go here and then i realized  that i'm kind of an idiot and that's not checkmate   so queen h6 just loses a piece so i think at  this point with two hanging pieces i have to   trade the queen because if i just move my  queen he takes my knight i have to take   unfortunately i did not want to make this  trade i liked my queen let's go knight h6   hit this maybe going back was slightly  better oh f6 there he had to push f6   now he's losing the pawn f6 would have been  protected by the knight no no guys queen g7   what are we talking about what are we talking  about so an interesting game here interesting thus far relatively you know now we're making the  transition from kind of attacking middle game to   end game this time we'll take with the pawn  there it's it's tough to tell which one   is better i think ab is better because  now i have a passer this is a weakness   but he can't actually go after it yet  question is do i go here or here or   do i do neither and just push my pawns  to try to get my bishop into the game   i'm gonna go rookie seven because i just feel like  the more pawns i win the better the endgame is queen g7 was not made either queen g7 was also not checkmate now we take king is always safe like i said we're  gonna try to win as many pawns as possible so he's   gonna try to flag me because uh it's a 3-0 game  so no bonus time but just push just push just push   why didn't he stop my pawn low time  i guess but you ha you have to bring   the king or something to stop this pawn you  just can't stop my pawn now he might go here   yeah you'll mate at some point i think i made  it and i had some probably some faster mate   queen e3 queen e6 was made in two so that's  pretty funny check here is maten2 okay thanks   p mark for the five gifted subs let's keep it  going play three more games and that'll be that   d4 against d4 i'll maybe i'll show  you guys how to play a dutch defense   or d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 normal normal normal okay  queen's gambit queens gambit declined i feel   like a lot of people they they don't know how to  play queens game but declined i'll play knight   f6 i'll teach you guys how to play qgd i'll put  my bishop on b4 though not e7 passive i'll play   ragozan style with bishop a bit more aggressive  to to to b4 no he blunders immediately oh no   you can punish this already because if  you you know if you castle that's fine but   you shouldn't be blocking a pin with a  queen now i can immediately start attacking   he's not losing but i'll show you how to punish  this very quickly this early kind of you know   queen c2 would have been much better than this is  not as powerful but since i'm winning a tempo here   okay he's not threatening to take right um now  the best thing is is to play some sort of c5 here   to just destroy the center as fast as possible  because now you they're responding to your threats   so now that c5 is on the board queen a5 is the  idea to stockpile more pressure on this knight next he has to go to either this or this otherwise  he's just completely busted but 92 stops his own   development because he blocks in his bishop thank  you for the thousand bits very much appreciated and like i said i'm we're not  winning we're not winning but   it's just it's unpleasant for white because  now white is constantly reacting to us um so let's let's let's take one time let's take one time he cannot take with the  knight because his knight is guarding his   knight right now so he has to take with the pawn  no choice and then what that does is it just cuts   away the option of him taking me in the future  i know his response after this and now knight c6 okay hmm this is very good defense by him   very good defense by him so i think i'm going to  basically get as best as i can get here and take   his bishop why is that the best well now i'm the  only guy with a dark squared bishop on the board and that looks like a free pawn so this is kind of  teaching how to how to just push the issue that's   not actually a threat a3 because of the pin i'll  just castle and again his development has been   stunted here totally stunted so this combo of okay  now now it is a threat so i should move my bishop   a moment ago i said i was the only guy with a  dark square bishop on the board so i shouldn't   trade on c3 absolutely no need to help him  develop in the next few years i'll play e5   get my bishop out we'll be big chilling knight used to guard the pawn let's not  forget that he can take and that actually   prevents me from going nightbeat knight  b3 which is right now my biggest threat so what is my best move i can't let him  castle i need to pounce now let's give a check he cannot castle out of a check and if he  tries to block with the queen he will forget   the queen is defending that square and we will  hit him with the fork so he has to block on e2 oh just as yeah it's continuity basically  what he visualized was that after   this this this he's fine but he forgot that he forgot that the queen was  serving the purpose of defense   and he didn't look for a check for me that's all  you got to do you you avoid mistakes like that   i'll play b5 i mean it's it's not the right move  technically because you can take with the bishop   but i'm trying to open up the b file to get into  b2 that's the fastest way also bishop c5 here   the stockpile but with the king in the center  and you're up a queen you can give away oh my god yes he could yes oh my god i almost  pre-moved that oh my god that would have been   terrible i did not mean to do that okay rook  b8 jesus so scary almost pre-moved that move   did not intend to do that at all a6 he should  have blocked on e2 yes uh and that that would   have helped a lot anyway what i was saying is when  you're up a queen and their king is in the middle   like this sacrificing a pawn to win momentum  on them to open your rook open your bishop   uh this is already devastating because now  i take with check he goes back his knight is   hanging if he moves forward i get my second rook  and it's just mate in the center of the board uh is that mate i just go for this and this he can't  stop that wait that's crazy i can take his knight   but queen f6 is made just made king g1 queen f2  king e1 queen f2 here wow yeah it's just mate   so don't always take the material wait a second  i know queen squeezy three you win the game the   queen f6 a little bit faster a little bit faster  okay pawn masseur let's go this is a 3-2 game he plays e4 i can go e5 uh i'll go kara  khan thank you for sub gifting him d5 greetings from vienna hi to vienna as well  de4 i'll play knight f6 this is a classical   kara khan so i'm gonna like i said i'm gonna take  you through my full thought process of this game   he plays bishop d3 which defends the e4 knight  and that hangs this actually the bishop stops   allowing the queen to guard but this is a gambit  and he's 1700 so he actually does know this gambit   it's a gambit where he gives away the pawn but  he wants me to lose moments uh in the opening   trying to develop my pieces and the thing is  i don't actually know what the best move is   so i'm already kind of scared instinct tells  me this but what if i just go all the way back i'm going to take with my g pawn i have a video  on the rosman french i like the structure a lot   because when white castles i can open up my  rook file and now i'm going to castle long   so my first thing that i'll do is i'll i'll play  bishop g4 which pins the knights of the queen   then i'll play queen c7 knight d7 and i'll  go long rather than opening up my king   this is not the rubinstein no this is the  technically this structure is the braunstein   larsen now i don't know the opening anymore by  the way so i have left the opening every chess   player leaves the opening of their understanding  and now i told you my plan it looks like he's   trying to castle queen side two by the way with  bishop e3 so that's kind of well what if i don't   let that happen what if i give a check so first of  all he can't castle period because he's in check but what if i ah that yeah okay that's a  smart move bishop to d2 now i have to move   my queen what if i hang out over here what if  i loiter i don't see a loitering sign anywhere   i should teach you guys good principles  let's just bring the queen back i wanted to basically make sure that  when his rook moved i could take on a2   but i don't want to teach you guys to  leave your queen out over there in the open   that's a good move he's threatening to take  because of the pin but luckily i have just a   very natural knight d7 and long castle is coming  oh also also i could have maybe gone for bishop h6   the cover just not now i mean i'm trying to finish  my development that's exactly what i'm going to do   okay we're pawn up pawn up weird structure uh  constantly visualizing ways to attack his king   kind of seeing how the pieces interact i have no  pawns in the middle of the board so i'm definitely   trying to do that at some point in the future work  in my niko place queen to e3 that attacks that   that is defendable by playing king to  b8 chess is a simple game sometimes if you're playing for the first time beating the  1200 engine is okay it's not okay to practice   against the engine uh people disagree with  me about this thank you for the twitch prime   people disagree with me about this but uh i think  playing the engine is actually not a good idea to   practice you should play people because people  play like people and engines play like engines   engines are programmed at a certain moment to do  something completely ridiculous like completely   outside the realm of you know normal play and  that's when you're supposed to to beat them bishop   f6 i take that two different ways no need oh you  mean me taking i want to bring my bishop back like   this i think i think i want to trade to improve  my pawn structure to stop having isolated pawns yeah uh i engines play ridiculous chess even even  the lowest rated humans at least play some normal   looking openings normal looking not always normal  openings but normal looking openings so that's why   i don't recommend playing against the computers  uh e6 is a very tough position very tough very   unpleasant he's got a lot of pressure for this  one pawn that i won in the opening if he takes   this it's defended so i'm not too concerned  i can just attack his queen or even just play   solid to make sure my pawn here has a guard if  he takes okay whatever my structure has improved nice so now i've improved my structure uh his  bishop is very annoying i want to get rid of it   and i can guarantee i get rid of  it by playing the move knight b6   because now i'm attacking this  bishop and i can play knight d5   hitting both the queen and the bishop and now i  am guaranteed to get one of the bishops at least capturing of the f-pawn oh i didn't take with the  f-pawn because this pawn you gotta think my pawn's   moving what is it guarding now don't just think  oh double pawn's bad i saw this in a youtube video   you got to think more practically oh my pawn is  weak i'm going to lose a pawn queen f4 is bad   because even though this works he can take my  knight with the bishop guarding his queen and i   lose the guard of my queen it is much better in  this position to play the move knight takes f4   which picks up a pawn i don't have that  tactical nuance queen f4 and then you know   if i play queen takes it's like removing the  you know stool from under me when i'm trying   to fix something up there just and i fall so  knight takes f4 and that would have been bad no it was not to open the file it was to keep  my structure together and not lose my e6 pawn   rook d5 would also work yes because queen f3 very now rook d5 is a   cool move yeah that guy gets bonus  points for finding that bishop h6   when where why how who it's here two more one  more game guys by the way for for today so now i'm up two pawns now that you're up two pawns  you look to simplify so i'm i'm looking at rook   takes and rook trading again uh another free pawn  then i'm pinning myself a little bit but as long   as this is protected i should be fine what if  i take first and then take then this is weak   in fact if i take now that's weak  in general hmm i see he wants to   is it worth it million dollar question is it  worth it is it worth it g3 is a pretty tricky move hmm his queen getting in there is very  unpleasant actually i don't like that at all you know what i'm gonna play the ultra i'm  gonna play the ultra strange but practical move   just guard the pawn i have two seconds  bonus guys so don't worry well now i   can just move my knight back see he attacks  me but his pawn can't go backwards okay now   he's going all in i see the speed picking up he's  going all in he's trying to take this he's trying   to take this oh no my knight oh no oh there was  backrank mate g5 now i have to protect my knight that's actually a great move i have  to give him some respect for this move   let's go queen b6 oh we're about a flag  oh that was so close that was so close   oh i'm so happy he played  this move check oh no my rook his queen would be hanging okay he didn't fall  for it his work gets here i have to guard this f6   he can't take he comes back no threat rook d6 i'm  just gonna guard my pawn i can also play rogue g1   king c7 he's gonna go here good move he's really  good i have to tell you this guy is a fantastic   chess player like now he's gonna get my pawn  so mean but i get knight d3 hitting b2 and c5   he's gonna move back i think yeah yeah yeah  yeah okay knight c5 now my king can escape   nice is king and pawns here i'm gonna i'm gonna  feast what i'm gonna do he's gonna guard this and   miss this oh never mind i can't catch this guy  with anything check king stops guarding check   king's gonna move over rook  comes and it's a fork again look how he's so sharp like he found that move  now i have to take this pawn guarding my knight   okay now we have too many puns we simply   have too many pawns i'm guarding  my last pawn we're four pawns up   he should ah that's very tricky mr trickster that  was a good game from a very dashing looking man   that was a good game that was a good game nothing  else to say i mean that was a good game he came up   with nice ideas and i had to fight him off it was  a good game and for the last game i'll play love   charon sing let's play e4 and see  what he's got for me kara khan let's uh what should we play against kara khan   let's show you a fun variation knight  c3 d5 queenie ii um we need to queen e2 that's a good move so the idea here is that  if he puts his knight i'll just attack it   with my pawn now his knight has to move again he's counter-attacking me okay i take his  horse he takes and i take then he will check me   so let's go dc3 a lot of people say why not  be c3 you're supposed to take to the center   because these pawns can capture outward  since you'll keep your structure together   and you open up your pieces that's why this  question gets asked a million times why on this   way like in the spanish you take like this this  is why uh what's the best square for my bishop probably f4 right but f4 he has some e5 stuff  i'm gonna go here i'm gonna go g3 logic is   that bishop is going to be better here my queen's  already in the way so no need to move my queen my   opponent says hi man very rude very rude by my  opponent to say hello that's a joke i'm joking   hi just don't speak over the board that's not  good okay bishop what does he want this move   bishop is very happy on g2 behind behind the pawn   uh i'm gonna go bishop here so i can castle  because if i play bishop e3 i can't castle   can't castle through a check so bishop d2 a  little bit castling he's playing very well   so far actually he has the same structure that i  had last game do you guys realize that same exact   structure knight f3 i know i'm pinning myself  but he can't really do this and uh next move i'm   just gonna attack his bishop it's the same exact  structure i had last game with g takes f6 and this   c6 so okay well he's trying to do that but he just  hung a pawn that pawn used to guard another pawn   and uh now i can castle probably it's the  best although h3 here is still very strong   h3 is very good if bishop here then  this but then he gets bishop g6 actually   actually that pawn looks nice but i'm not  so sure i want it looks nice but i'm not   sure i want it you know like a rolex  get a lot better cheap stuff than that what's going on right now i'm just playing  a few games against uh viewers and talking   about my thought process in chess that's all  this is actually the last game i do have to   go unfortunately deep thought here but he  he doesn't have a big decision i mean it's   either move back or okay he decides  to take uh i'll take with the bishop queen a5 lost i don't really know what that means but oh yeah thank you i'm glad you're  enjoying i'll go here to attack his queen   but i mean in reality i could have  just castled remember that if the   king is the remaining defender of the  piece in front of it you can't castle   because if he had castled i would have just  taken so i could have just went long castle   and now i will go long castle defending my b2  pawn and we see the problem his king cannot be   the primary defender of first of all james harden  and second of all uh the two pieces in front of it   this is going to be very very bad this is about  to get very very bad in fact probably it's just   losing by force what he did wrong this game  is he broke in the center and lost the pawn   that's what he did oh that's a great move that  is a fantastic move the idea is to go here   unfortunately i think that if i go here and  pin this pawn notice that when the rook comes   here it's defended this negates that and i  have a very bad feeling he's gonna forget   my very bad feeling was correct and now  the pawn no longer defends the queen and uh yeah bishop h5 is um yeah that's that's  kind of the end of the plan queen f7 is now mate   his big mistake was leaving his king in the center  and opening it before uh before he could open it   actually you know what uh one last game a neat are  you down for a game i'll play you as the last game   because you're you're master strength you're 2100  and and i feel like the viewers would enjoy like   a master game you're like 2100 blitz  so i feel like if you're here then   uh you know people people also like to see those  games okay cool let's go i'll play e4 against the   neat i'll show you opening preparation place  car con against the need i'll i'll give him   kind of the the the real i play the advanced  karakani play c5 against this i like to take   the pawn this is the most critical move you  have to try to refute this setup against e6   the best thing uh well there's a3 there's a  combination of a few moves a3 knight f3 bishop d3   this is how i like to play this position now that his bishop is blocked in you  go like this a3 prevents knight before   and in the future you'll hit this you'll  hit this bishop here so let's go castles a6 is b4 now to go bishop b2 assuming he will drop  the bishop all the way back to a7 and i familiar   with the ideas of these positions i think i'm  supposed to put my bishop here and here's why wait isn't that losing and i can't i agree gift him see this is an opening idea i'm  familiar with in these positions   i'm pretty sure that in these positions  if the if the queen isn't covering this i think he had to play knight g6 because now  we have this check and the queen is coming   yeah and he's gonna bring the king forward and  oh my goodness it's about to get really exciting   can i give him a check he's gonna try to  block i think the best move is queen g4 here   oh these are the most fun greek  gifts queen d3 he will block with   the knight there's no way queen d3 is  the right move so maybe it's queen g4 queen g4 looks correct yeah lining up like this also h4h5 if f5 on poissant is the killer that's why the  on-person rule was invented for positions like   this see queen d3 if he took my knight he probably  gets mated somehow in fact literally bishop c1 i   think is made in a few moves but now this is kind  of the follow-up to the greek gift you have to   bring this queen here if you're not following  me on instagram you really should i have a post   about this and literally i think this is one of  the positions this is like the eighth slide real   gotham chess on instagram knight e6 that is a yes  that is right now well 96 actually is not a threat   to take the queen because you're pinned the  threat of knight e6 is to go queen takes g7   yeah he's calculating a way out yes the threat  right now is 96 king moves and not to take the   queen but to go queen takes g7 checkmate knight  e5 is met with bishop takes so 95 sacrifices upon   and i'm not so sure it actually  solves the bigger picture of him   about to get this now 96 he'll take my  queen so i have to take on passant here   and what i think he's trying to do  is go e5 i think that's his idea here oh or that was his idea i thought it was e5 e5 would have counter attacked  me but the problem is that   knight e6 would have happened anyway i  think 96 would have happened actually   hold on a second let's analyze this e5  move i don't think he should have resigned he's winning e5 is winning for black he resigned in a winning position what oh mike wait what on earth  apparently black is winning here whoa then what did i mess up i shouldn't take oh my goodness i shouldn't take oh my goodness i shouldn't take  apparently i'm supposed to go here   stay patient and now black has to play f4  i go back why queen e8 why queen e8 check   king f7 and i can't mate him he runs away and i  can't take his queen with check oh my goodness   that's the point of queen eight because the queen  you run and if and knight d8 isn't a check on the   king the queen's out of the way oh my goodness  that is unbelievable so queen e8 and now white's   best move is to yo what on earth white's best move  here is the move a4 to play rook a3 and rook oh oh my goodness engines are absurd  beings they are absolutely disgusting   if you play knight before here oh my oh oh  my oh my oh my oh my that is unbelie wow that is crazy yeah unbelievable game anyway
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 508,574
Rating: 4.9571481 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess rating climb, sicilian defense, caro kann defense, queens gambit declined, chess lessons for beginners, chess openings for beginners, chess strategy for beginners, beginner chess openings, beginner chess strategy, beginner chess tips, how to get good at chess, chess lessons, how to improve at chess, how to get better at chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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