Magnus Carlsen Stream | Blitz Chess | 19 April 2021

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okay people i think i am live now um so what we're gonna be doing today uh is that i'm gonna play against both teams of uh the challengers tour uh there's a team kramnik and there's a team poger and it's the competition is basically between them so i'm i'm obviously gonna try and win my games but the competition is to see whose team will get the most points but i will not focus on that obviously i will try and play some good three-minute games and uh see if i can um see if i can provide some uh entertainment uh as well uh and my first opponent is the woman gm shoe from china i think if i remember correctly she's about 20 400 obviously the rating here on the side is uh represented by the fact that i uh by that she hasn't played played a lot of blitz here um anyway uh i won't keep her waiting any longer and uh let's go and now i did the old trick where she made her her first move and then oh i wait game was originally supposed to start at uh at eight sharp um and now i i waited for for her to to make a move okay so um i waited to make make a move till to she was gone evidently so i will read my let my uh clock run a little bit to to make it a bit more more fair um i am after all here to teach the kids some some chess lessons not to not to hustle them if i if i can afford not to so i'll be going for uh for a night or fair against the youth which uh seems like a uh questionable strategy to to say the least but there you go um the e6 uh yeah she's thinking a bit here there are usually have the trace between g4 bishop e2 and uh and f3 okay so she just goes for a more um standard screening in type of position which i guess is reasonable um uh king h1 i'm not too sure about i think you should go a4 there and sort of force um forest knight c6 yeah she's 24 400. okay a3 then i'm getting easy development bishop b7 bishop f3 knight d7 and i'm i should be fine next i'm thinking of moves like rooks look rook cia to know so bishop c5 knight b6 to c4 is also an option g for um then i would go knight c5 so as long as she's not in time to do that then i'm uh i have some positional advantage and queen 2 is really really inviting knight b6 i don't see any reason not to go for it knight c4 guess i'm just gonna keep developing rook ft8 perhaps intending d5 and knight e4 at some point may work tactically uh but in general it's it's hard for her to find active ideas here um yeah b3 clearly is the plan so i think it's time for me to strike in the center so we get a sort of a turbocharged charge french for me here where um i already have had knights in e4 and c4 and that um clearly it gives me a pretty pretty serious head start c3 i guess is the best chance but uh uh yeah b3 i think i'll just go knight a5 i can take first as well maybe that's even more precise don't know what is more precise anyway let's be a little bit more flexible and go knight a5 rook b1 i can take on d4 or even knight b3 the point is after bishop d4 cd4 this one is attacked right at the end [Music] and that by the way is the first arrow i've ever drawn it's a milestone okay knight b3 should be winning on time here regardless but i'm going to try and finish in style e3 opening up for uh for uh for this bishop towards the king uh and now oh that was a bit too much it's my first error was good the thick second and third not so much rook 82 is the only chance here uh but i think my opponent she's uh probably clearly better at classical than um [Music] than them blitz and in the end this was fairly comfortable for me okay so let's now see if i can can open this new window successfully i think i actually could that's amazing and uh my next so by the way i'm gonna be alternating which team that i play uh so shu was from from team polgar and now we have prague um who's going to be playing the next the next championship event i think he's only 15 30 youngest gm of all time and the winner of the first uh challengers event that was i think a couple of weeks ago so he's obviously gonna be a very strong opponent and he goes for the london wow that was unexpected what should i do let let me go for my old old favorite that one the system that oh seriously i actually run i've actually run into this in some banter blitz before so annoying okay whatever it's not it's not that this line is absolutely great for white it's just that i was hoping to play a more classical game but you can't you can't uh always get what you want uh what should i do a6 preparing b5 maybe trying to stay flexible maybe d5 is a move i guess i can take it d5 97 i guess e4 you can go e4 now as well yeah whatever we're trying to trying to play a complicated game here but i have a feeling uh considering the strength of my opponent in this particular game that i may may eventually regret it or i may not you know [Music] anyway what i'm doing here is somewhat artificial but if i can get moves like knight g6 and b4 i should be fine and a3 feels a little bit soft to me now we'll go b4 next to develop my bishop with tempo and if de6 there's always f a6 e5 is not on the cards because in knight d5 and if knight d2 i will probably castle and uh look to the future with uh at least com some confidence so bishop c4 was probably clever now if bishop c3 queen c3 knight e4 there is there's queen g7 then i can give a check on g5 also ed5 is possible ed5 bishop t5 queen g5 doesn't quite seem to work okay i guess i'll just castle if fe 6 fe 6 bishop b6 maybe i can sack the queen could be but i think i'll just go king h8 and with my lead in development um it seems fine with threats of knight e4 as well so quite logically he doesn't go for it uh but obviously i need to speed up okay we'll go h5 i think if e5 know t4 is fine um but i'm a little bit worried that my attack on the queen sightis no not really getting going queen e4 i think oh i just plundered oh oh oh huge huge dammit factor here bishop f3 d7 it's nothing cd6 then knight e5 if rook b8 ed6 seems to win if d5 there's bishop d5 i guess i have to go for it we could he could have just taken back on d6 okay now maybe i have some chances here now worst case i'll try and flag him in a dirty way i'm teaching the kids about chess not manners the more you think buddy the happier i am especially when you come up with a line that gives me a decent position this is gonna it's gonna go down to the wire this one obviously right now there's there isn't a lot of time to that was an ideal to have to drop the knife back but uh right now it comes down to hustle okay there's a fork push buff two i think we'll threaten mate because why not oh that's why not dammit playing really sluggishly here okay let's go for this pawn you can't think you can't be thinking bishop c3 it was was there okay we'll change and then flag why was that move not oh okay he was too slow he played very well but he was too slow i don't know i felt like there was a at some point there was a glitch there ah okay um not a good game not a good game just uh embarrassing to be honest i was uh outplayed then i was better then i blundered and and yeah then i had to dirty flag him but what can you do um okay so now we have uh zhang abdul malik from kazakhstan uh she's uh women's or girls junior world champion a few years ago uh and uh i think she's rated uh well well above well about 2 400 at least i think almost 2500 in in classical so she's evidently a strong player and i get my first white game so i'm going to go for e4 and see what she does because i'm not really sure what her reporter is and um yeah we're back to back to team polgar uh and it's not a theme that all of the girls are going for be to be for team poga and all of all of the guys are going to be for for team kramnik that's not how it's constituted i think there's a there's a mix it just happens to be that way for the first couple of games and we have a pretty uh traditional closed rue lopez she has gone for bishop b7 which is a bit surprising um which line should i choose here i don't know let's go for this one and then knight c3 next maybe this was wasn't very good b4 knight d5 there's knight a5 b492 maybe oh there's knight a5 immediately as well okay then she doesn't give me a lot of choice because um i could take on i could take on um on b5 and win a pawn but i don't think it would be worth it with my scuffed pawn structure um let's go c3 i think b3 is a reasonable option here giving up uh giving up a pawn for some and this i think i'm fairly happy to give up the bishop and just play on the fact that hopefully my bishop is going to be strong and once once she tries to do something about that well first of all i can't win a pawn with queen b4 i think d4 maybe even stronger so she if she takes i take back there's d5 but then knight c6 looks looks looks very promising for me um maybe there's rook fc8 because i was thinking rook ac8 and then e d maybe that would be strong i think now after a5 i don't think she should be concerned with b4 i have a lot of good options here like rook d1 e5 um also e d probably forcing i'll still ed5 knight f5 it's not so clear i'll go e5 seems uh seems very logical we'll go h3 i guess bring the knight around take an e7 now she could take with the knight i didn't need to give her that opportunity but i think regardless i'm i'm better here i probably haven't made the most of my chances knight h4 looks suspicious to me put the knight in the center and i can meet queen g5 with queen g3 i think this this was uh this was at the very least an inaccuracy we have a possible line here queen g5 queen g3 takes takes takes takes knight f5 takes takes king a2 and i should be better in the recanting let's see if that happens i think she has to take now otherwise e6 just falls maybe rook f8 first okay and this exact line happened wow oh that was a bad premium because she could have gotten rook but now i think i'm at the very least much better i'm probably winning rook d6 rook d7 then rook f7 and e7 and i just win because she has no counter play and i'm just running to to e8 and then f8 there you go all those all those arrows and uh it actually happens in the game um okay i feel like that was uh was was the best uh best game so far she played very well up to some point but yeah i think knight h4 was was bad since i got to to centralize in such a good way okay now is this right yeah i think this is right now we have leon messi yeah this is the new uh or the latest iteration of chess24 uh we have uh gm leon luke mandonka from india another very strong young player i don't think he's quite as good as uh as prague but uh certainly very talented as well and he's from from team kramnik so we're just gonna get it going and uh vary the openings obviously oh c6 he does the weird move order for for the slav the only worry about this one is that bishop f4 is possible but i'm sure he has something prepared here and here the trick is knight e4 queen c2 if queen d4 there's e3 so apparently this is the way that people play and wish i knew how to play against it but i don't e3 there's bishop f5 how does that work bishop d3 uh d4 s c dc4 bishop e4 bishop b4 net queen e4 queen b2 he wins the rook but i may trap his queen it probably doesn't work okay let's go f3 first i should know these lines but unfortunately i don't unfortunately the idiots in the back are not here today so if there are any problems with the stream quality that's them that's the issue okay interesting queen a5 so i guess i'll go knight d2 and he'll probably exchange or maybe it will go back um thinking that knight d2 is uh is a concession who knows yeah let's have some fun castle queenside this probably isn't very good but then again where's the fun in playing good moves oh 97 i'm not convinced about probably should take on d5 actually yeah i think i'll do that i was thinking if if uh e4 then fd4 fe4 e5 um but now if d4 fe for e5 i get the c4 square for my bishop and that should give me some extra opportunities now i think we'll just develop if he wants to go d4 fe4 take on d4 be my guest i'm fine with that but i think he would just lose way too much time with development oh yeah i see the mods are are working now is there always so much spam or is it just that i'm usually not paying attention to chat i think there probably is anyway now i think he has to develop with with uh g6 uh but his position feels um feels a bit fishy i think i'll just go e5 actually i don't think i can break through in the center and e5 as soon as i can sort of get the king away from the file this will just give me a positional edge and he's spending way too much time here okay now i think i'll go f4 f5 if it castled there that would have been pretty much suicide due to um due to uh to f5 uh sorry h4 h5 okay so he has found an idea here which is a little bit annoying in that he wants to go he wants to go for e6 after after um i'm of the rook but i don't think there's anything i can do about it so i'll just play positionally if i give a check are there any tricks i think there probably are yeah let's try probably should just go king f8 yeah i was hoping for a knight d7 and i had some sick tricks there but now you should just run the king and after i spent that much time i'll probably probably have to flag another game here hopefully i will be winning a position by the time that i hopefully get to fly game queen of three this i think improved my position quite a bit uh okay this was a bit unfortunate he exchanges i will go bishop b4 restricting his pieces queen of three let's get that bishop in there win a pawn oh he just okay i'll trade that's fine bishop goes away we'll just trade that king c5 next oh he's fighting well fighting really well i guess the all the young dudes do that but now he's got no chance i got way too much time here i don't have auto queen that's unfortunate oh well that's fine um okay so i spoke about or maybe actually i think prague was the fourth youngest gm of all time and cinderella is the third youngest but now i'm playing gukesh from india who i think was the second youngest gm and he's still only i think 15 and obviously extremely talented as well so i'm expecting another tough game here yeah no more of this london stuff i'm going to give him a bengal gambit because why not wouldn't generally recommend this gambit though it has the unfortunate side effect of losing a pawn but it's fine oh that's a problem with castling that's the problem with castling yeah okay but you can play another way you can play with bishop f5 i think uh yeah i think this is considered to be decent bishop g4 he's playing fast at least but i think forcing f3 and e4 is a pretty big big win for me so now i have ideas of uh of um knight b4 bishop a6 and also knight d7 and he's weak in both of these diagonals now a3 i think i'm just gonna jump in still and why did i jump in because i'm a that's why okay we'll go back okay that was really dumb i was really really done but it's fine though i still have some typical banker gambit pressure uh with a solid structure and a couple of uh half open lines now i went bishop a6 and rook b8 bishop f1 huh i think i'll grab that one we'll give it a check this is starting to look pretty promising for me i think bishop f1 was was not good probably needed to do something a little bit more circumspect there um okay let's take on c3 i think i'm happy to play an ending here takes an a6 take and then take an a3 winning the pawn back with i think some initiative bc3 immediately i don't want to take an e2 and bring his king closer to the center and i think i'll just keep the keep the queen son and i think with the structure that we have um he's uh his king is gonna be less safe than than mine but yeah anyway he decides to not to trade queens i think in both cases he was he was worse uh but i think trading may have been the lesser evil since it feels like now i'm pretty much just invading probably needs this one but i at least have knight g4 but also knight d3 looks good queen c3 gradually bringing my troops closer and eventually i should start picking up some material king h3 seems natural to escape but i think i'll just start grabbing now fred if he takes i have rookie too and i'm also threatening knight f4 now winning the queen now i got queen c2 it's only tries maybe f5 but i got 95 covering everything the other knight can go to e 8 and then to f6 so it should be very safe e5 i'll just grab and i think his position is absolutely hopeless here f5 i can take an e3 but let's just grab as much as possible right i like this game apart from that knight before knight f6 uh nonsense i think uh it's pretty instructive and really the the most you can hope for in a in a banker gambit game where you just break through on that on the on the queen side and then you win because your king is uh is safer and your pawn structure is more solid uh okay so next game we have is lei tingje from uh from china she's one of the strongest female players in the world from from team chronic and she's gone d4 and uh i will just uh see if i can get the same sort of um uh model game there obviously i cannot since since she went for knight f3 there declining the the banker gambit which is obviously a bit sad which line should i go for here let's go e6 okay she goes for g3 i don't know what line to play here so i'll just play something bishop e4 bishop b2 i'll go bishop c5 and push b7 i used to play play this line back in the old days i had it against aruna and for instance the problem is i don't think the line is very good like in general white is a little bit better but it's not that much and i'm trying to get some sort of solid hedgehog type of position and after rook c1 i think i can set it up my knight only problem is my knight is on c6 should ideally um be on d7 since it's a little bit more flexible there but i think we'll get around to it eventually a6 now this is the hedgehog structure with these four characterized by these four spines so anytime you try to go past them you will be stung by the hedgehog okay she goes for exchanges which is very uh very sensible but now i think i have a relatively easy game um she's still probably slightly better but my my next moves are fairly easy um don't know yet if um knight f6 bishop d6 that works okay we'll go h6 then not worried about sax what she goes uh bishop d3 i will go knight f6 now we'll aim for either b5 or d5 if b5 there's knight a5 then i can go queen a8 seems reasonable she's playing very fast though which is uh very sensible yeah c6 was probably a good move i sort of underestimated that yeah and then sorry c5 and then c6 i i missed missed c6 while i was busy yapping now i'll probably have to sack a pawn here since i would be very passive otherwise i need the d5 square for the night now this could be a difficult game it already is a difficult game but it could be even more difficult but at least i got her thinking a little bit on this one so bishop t4 i'm not sure about now we've got knight t5 oh she's still got knight cc a a5 and the knight b7 okay we'll go rook c7 then rook c8 try to pick up the pawn that way our bishop c5 yeah that's a good move oh my bishop d6 as well i'm missing everything now okay this is massive trouble we'll have to hustle we'll seriously have to hustle this one but i have hopes now there could be problems on the diagonal for her of three there's knight e3 king h3 yeah that's sensible we're bringing the bishop around okay let's no i missed knight of three i was thinking rook c1 okay i still have it though i was i was i actually saw it in the other line but i missed it here but i think this is still winning uh gf queen queen g2 and there will be mates otherwise h5 is threatening mate um but yeah that was a it was a little bit fortunate but that's what i learned early about beating beating very strong players that they generally don't give up if there are tricks they will find them and i think for all of my poor play in this game my resourcefulness was very was very strong but i have to say she played well she played very fast and outplayed me up to a certain point c5 c6 was very strong and i only hustled a bit better at the end okay i think now we have perhaps the biggest test of them all we have nihal sarin from team kramnik uh for those who who play play a lot or watch a lot of chess online i'm sure you know nihal uh he's uh one of the strongest and uh he's one of the strongest blitz and bull players uh in the world as well as being well over 2600 in classical and i think he's only 16 or 17 years old so this is going to be a tough challenge but i think i'm afraid i will go e4 in this game and uh either he's not ready or he's doing the old gambit of uh waiting a little waiting a little and then then making his first move no abdul sator is not he's not playing so there are there are a lot of uh strong grandmasters but i think niall is the strongest so i think i'm going to go for another sort of closed closed not and available so i call this closed while others like after castles um castles or um castles knight e4 and so on the game would be sort of more more open and this is a little bit of a weird way to play as white but i think it's been pretty popular recently um we're trying to develop a little bit more actively with c4 and knight c3 and uh what should i do after knight d7 i don't know let's go bish p3 knight d4 i think i'll take i think i'll take and take on d7 otherwise my bishop could be really poor and here i was hoping i just missed cb2 how can i miss that it's like the easiest move anybody's ever missed in the history of missing moves i would say that not only verges of on being embarrassing that is actually embarrassing but never mind we'll try and save it please there are some scenarios here where my knight could be stronger than his bishop which is kind of hemmed in by this pawn on d4 so this could be fine but like objectively only in terms of saving saving the game to to win from this position would be would be a tough ask even in blitz but i'll try of course and uh you're spending oh boy i missed this as well okay now i'm probably just losing okay this has been a really an embarrassing game if i'm not losing here there's pretty much no skill involved in that that's just luck because i hadn't seen any of this just pure disgusting luck bish b5 i guess rook d1 rook c8 maybe looks suspicious to say the least yeah he's he's ambitious he's not gonna go for the draw that easily yeah rook b1 the problem was queen h2 and then d3 i think that that was just losing on the spot and yeah i was really worried about um rick c8 i'm probably just losing now queen b3 there's rook c3 nothing to be done there do i have anything else than queen d7 probably not i think anything wins there rook c3 or yeah rook c3 queen g4 is maybe not so clear maybe rook c2 is the cleanest queen g3 is a decisive threat can i do anything at all here i don't think i can 23 and queen h2 are threats king f1 queen of three let's come over okay i have to try to hustle him every day um hustling i'm not gonna be successful here i think let's hope he's gonna be slow today but it doesn't seem very likely oh he gave up a pawn trying to be as annoying as possible tricky move okay let's let's see him try and oh rook case e7 is not even uh still my trick there okay oh and then i pre-moved myself out of it okay good game good game yo uh but that was ugh a pure embarrassment on my side like you there is losing and then there's and then there's this games where you don't even get going but still uh full credit to niall he played he played he played a perfect game uh okay so next game another indian uh vaisali from um yeah from india as i said uh i think she's uh rated about 2400 and i believe she's the sister of uh prague uh who i played earlier today and uh she is competing for team kramnik obviously team pogard took the lead now that niall won so i'm not rooting for any team but i'll try and make that the only only loss so that um [Music] so that they win anyway enough talk let's play uh gonna go i think for the most double-edged line of the nimso here where i get these very ugly uh past uh sorry double pawns but i do get some i do get the bishop pair and some potential initiative in the center but it generally isn't very good farther than blitz and perhaps rapid um d6 is sensible usually you want to set up a blockade with the knights of some sort castles i'm not 100 sure about because you do allow a potentially annoying pin here but it probably isn't bad but i wouldn't have allowed it e5 now i think i'm just going to close the shop and i'll take on take on g6 oh sorry on f6 why not knight g3 there's f5 let's go king queen d2 first maybe king h7 knight g3 maybe there's no reason not to go g4 okay it may be a bit blocking but it looks good positionally i'm thinking now the queen side is going to be fairly closed since it's hard to to break there anywhere and it feels like i have an advantage on the king side and thus i should be better obviously in considering the close nature of the position winning the game isn't going to be easy so she goes for b5 which seems a bit overzealous to me um sort of a hyper accelerated banker gambit but i think it's a bit too much i should probably take it on b5 there okay now we'll go knight h5 first we check not to allow the knight to get here and then i'll take i'll happily accept the pawn sack and yeah yeah d5 was just too much um now after c4 uh sorry basics i will just fortify my position with c4 if takes cb5 i got two strong passers and while her king is pretty safe so it's so is mine uh f5 i don't think this works but um desperate times desperate measures so i i can i can see where she's coming from here she's at least trying to trying to open up a little bit make my my task a little bit more tricky and push basics yeah this is very sensible should definitely chose the best chance here so i'll go c4 i'm opening up for queen b2 but my king can hide on g3 so i don't mind that and if ricky hates i will oppose on the e file [Music] h5 i'm not worried about i think i'll just bring the rook in if hg i can't go fg but i can also consider other more forcing moves now after rook e8 i could have played f6 on the last move but i think here also here f6 is strong i have a mating threat with uh queen f5 and then queen h5 and h4 i can hide but i think i can also just take it and i'm usually not one for style points but let's uh let's play for the gallery one for once queen of two i'll just go king h5 it's not necessary but few things in in life are necessary but we still we still do them okay now she resigned because she was threatening mate there with king g6 with a discovered check but now after the discovery check i just take the rook and otherwise i got queen of five in the near the queen g5 queen g7 um or queen h5 first and then back okay uh good game um i think it was instructive in several ways uh probably most of all from from um from the the the fact that from the way that she created a counter play there she actually chose to give up upon and then two more pawns just to get some open files and especially in faster games if you have a cramped position that can be the way to to play and even though i managed to navigate here um another time it might have been very successful okay um so now i'm playing against uh sarah khadem um i think she's uh very strong i am with um with uh at least one probably two gm norms and uh several medals in uh world rapid and blitz championships for for women and i'll try and go for oh she goes for knight f3 no no bank again but this time i'll try and insist uh this is this this system isn't great though so if she knows what she's doing it's probably gonna be considerably better here yeah this this is i think the best line that she's gone for so she's giving up the bishop pair but she has gained a lot of influence in the center and a very solid position um not sure if she played it the right way though with the 92 in castling i think she should have gone for a4 earlier on because in this case even though i gave up the the c4 square my bishop that is unopposed on the long diagonal is pretty strong and thus i should have a decent game knight d4 is a good move though what should i do can go bish basics um intending to trade off one of those pesky knights i think i'll do that roxy rook c1 looks obvious knight d7 they're still knight c6 so i don't think i can do that so we'll probably jump off the knight and d4 and then go knight d7 i don't think i have much i mean i could make rating moves like rookie 8 but i don't think they they give me anything so i'll just trade and go 97 and i do have slightly annoying pin here and my knight can find potentially some good squares especially c5 i think i should be doing fine if queen before i think i'll go rook b8 and then take an e4 so i don't think queen bee queen d2 was very accurate i think now i'm slightly better queen a3 maybe knight e4 there's uh b4 it's queen a3 knight b3 this is interesting i think this is the best move also i got after queen a3 i got rook b3 and then queen b8 maybe that was better activating as many pieces as possible now that her queen can go to c2 or d4 something like that i don't think rook b3 is any good so i got to take on a4 or e4 i think i'll go i'll go for the pawn on e4 it seems um seems more ambitious now i think wait a sec it's a little bit tricky knight c5 i wanted to do but i'm worried about knight e5 let me fish p2 it's a 95 c5 knight e5 bishop e2 knight c6 i'm not really sure if that's yeah that's probably just bad for me so i can take an e5 there but then we're going to exchange a few too many pieces for my liking so i think i'll just go to f6 instead she can take an a7 which is bothersome but i didn't see anything better yeah attacks rick p2 yeah she did she played those very well no i'm not better not better at all okay let's trade the queens then i'll try and blockade the pawns later on the pawn later on okay queen d4 is sensible go rook b4 set up a pin queen d3 i think i'll go queen a7 locating that way rook c3 i don't like that move for her seems artificial rook c5 now now i'm taking taking over okay she's threatening rook a3 actually she's probably isn't okay i have to play faster rk3 rook c4 hoping that works what am i doing i thought rook c3 and i win dammit that was an awful calculation error i mean hmm hmm oh even this works does it though or is she just panicking no this doesn't work rookie what what rugby won rook b1 king g7 and i win rookie one queen eight and i win but she didn't need to do that i mean she could have just what could she do attack on c5 she could take an f7 maybe or queen of three i take on d5 i think that worked for me hmm yeah that was lucky i'm uh blundering some uh some tactics also she could have tried to flag me there okay so now i'm up against yali sokolovsky from israel from team kramnik and funny thing is i don't know who that is i feel like i should know who that is but i actually don't know he's probably a very strong young talented player i don't know who that is probably a lot less stronger than this blitz rating anyway let's get the games started go for the sicilian this time and yeah everybody in bullet plays bishop g5 there against me and i pre-move some like knight c6 or a6 and uh i lose but fortunately my opponent here is a little bit more classy uh yeah i do read chat sometimes i'm just too busy blundering most of the time if you'll forgive me for that um okay okay yeah uh 15 year old 2400 that makes a lot of sense apparently i should know i guess i should know who that is is seller benched or is that bait it goes for a bit of a strange line here usually you just go f3 uh he's benched wow okay so here it's it's a little bit of a weird hybrid with uh queen queen d3 and also f3 and b3 but it's it's fine is uh trent playing and what about what about rafinha is rafinha playing that's what i want to know so that's both that's both uh oh raphinus injured it's a shame okay never mind we'll get back to the game he's gone for a very um active choice here with uh with pushing all his pawns on the queen side and frankly i think his position is uh probably pretty good here but i'll try and confuse him and don't spoil the game by the way i wanna i wanna watch it afterwards okay um i got bishop e4 then ba6 um i don't know should be good for me i also could go ab5 immediately but this one is probably better nice bait okay we'll take on b5 bishop b5 now d5 i think he's uh he's going to be in a lot of trouble here bishop a3 is threatened winning the queen and here i think i'll give a check or bishop e4 now knight c5 is threatened with knight b3 to come it's looking pretty scary for him uh yeah bishop d3 i think i'll just go knight t5 and uh it's starting to look not only starting but it already looks lost from bishop c2 it's the only move i think queen i5 just wins pretty cleanly bishop c3 followed by queen a2 is the threat and don't think there's anything you can do about it yeah a4 only try the thing is he i don't know what his next move here so it's here so i can do pretty much anything guess rp8 no need to [Music] um no need to complicate things we'll wake up and choose violence i guess yeah i think so bishop c3 knight b3 yeah queen i4 even after queen b3 there's queen a4 and i'm at the very least winning winning a lot of material and by the way mods please uh ban anybody who starts spoiling the result of the leeds liverpool game there are two mods i'm just saying on principle there shouldn't be too many um and now i'm playing i am polina schwallowa i think she's going to be a gm pretty soon um and i think she also won the junior girls world championship a couple years ago if i'm not mistaken anyway let's try a move i haven't played so far today which is one c4 and g3 sort of uh neo catalan line yeah she goes everybody seems to go for this line what should i do quincy two maybe b6 usually black with c5 right it's a bit strange so d4 dc4 transposes into a completely acceptable line so maybe i'll try and take first i guess now knight d5 maybe there's just as much for white at all i don't know to be honest okay i'm gonna just try and grab a foothold in the center while i can i'm trying to figure out if d5 is playable after c5 probably isn't d5 ed ed queen d5 knight h4 queen d7 rook d1 queen c8 knight f5 looks very strong now looks very strong indeed so earlier when i said i don't think it's playable i meant it's not playable for black obviously so i'm gonna go for this um i'm gonna i'm gonna do a podcast later in norwegian unfortunately about the super super league so you'll hear my thoughts then okay queen d5 looks reasonable there's some sound rook d1 uh q8 knight f5 rook e8 i guess is the only only transfer it may not lose immediately and if it doesn't lose immediately it may even be good for black um but it looks i don't know just looks very very strange maybe this is just modern chess and i miss the boat like you calculate and if it works then it works okay let's try 97 rookie 7. don't see any tactics there i have to play so we're going to go for something very very violent and if knight uh gh96 i think she probably has to take though don't know what else to suggest i can't say that i necessarily see a win there uh q7 probably she's spending a lot of time now so possibly we will enter flagsville later on okay interesting obviously i don't have time to think but i'm gonna think a little bit still takes okay we'll take oh queen of five rook f8 maybe yeah now i officially have to speed up okay we're just gonna until enter hassle mode then knight knight c6 queen f5 rook d7 is a threat and also queen of six okay rook d1 let's go let's go knight a6 looks wrong i think now she has too few pieces in defense i could be wrong hoping for rook d8 okay now there's mates i probably have some quicker mate there oh boy oh boy that that was what you call a mess a total mess but you know that's the way it is sometimes it's strange to me that there wasn't any anything decisive there if there wasn't maybe i just missed it okay um so now we have from team kramnik jonas biara the youngest scandinavian grandmaster at this point um and a very talented talented young player who i actually played an exhibition match with him a few years ago and i won both games but only after after a series fight so this this won't be be easy for sure okay now don't know if he always plays the sicilian but now that he gave me a second chance to go for e4 i'm gonna i'm gonna do it what should i do here guess i should play something positional against the youth although pierre is a good positional player but uh castles castles is not the most played move but i'm sure he has ideas because beat is generally well versed theoretically the idea here is to cast it along so while the line is positional does have some sting and then i'll take 95 i'll pretty much force the trade since i was threatening 97 and then queen d6 now here queen c4 i think i saw even trick played like this once i think i did i may very well not have and this probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense does it um the idea must be to go like queen b3 and then knight c4 i would guess in general with this pod structure my prospects in the end game are decent so i think trades are good for me but i'm not loving my position here at all yeah i've actually played this pretty poorly um don't know what i should even do here pg4 knight d5 knight c5 25 rp8 she evidently knew this line better than i did hmm oh well it's the usual try and hustle him plan a is obviously out to play him but hustling him is obviously a very decent plan b so i'm not complaining that much rp8 and i'll try and go f4 if ef4 rook f4 bishop f6 i'm gonna do what the outsider did against me and just chop that bishop and live with the consequences so i'll take knight f3 have to challenge that bishop and i'm hope i'm hoping that eventually there's a bit of things i'm not too sure about since i get knight d4 and i'm getting all my my moves for tempo now i know i think i'm doing fairly well queen d4 rick did okay i guess i'll just take with the rook and if you could go rook e8 and then d8 then rookie five he would actually track my queen um but fortunately for me you i'll i'll be able to make a move every second time it's generally how chess works now i think i'm just going to trade off uh into an ending where i should be somewhat better with the bishop against knight and uh a nice majority on the on the king side i'll go a4 and then i'll i'll create a passport pretty soon i think so a4 i guess and then we'll get we'll get running as quickly as possible push back three f5 rook d1 i had to play faster though maintaining ap and then rook d5 maybe uh yeah i changed plans now i'm gonna try and see if i'm slightly better in this rook ending instead which i may or may not be can you do two next if i can get king d3 striking e3 i think i'm better also here yes this one which is a bit annoying but i oh he still has rookie five i missed that he didn't see it fortunately we'll go g4 then now i'm winning yeah i needed to see rookie five but then he would have had great drawing chances and i would have had to to um flags with him but now i was just hopeless since he has he has a little to none no counter play rook d4 and then i'll just start pushing my pawns don't even care just pushing pawns push push some more king d4 push check win another pawn king up easy peasy now we can even okay good stuff um once again very solid game from my my opponent just one mistake there otherwise it was equal okay so we have from valada muchin uh who i think is one of the youngest players here like 13 or 14. um from from team polgar where he currently leading one to zero um [Music] and he's played he's seriously disrespecting me here by playing d3 either either that or his mouth slip but i think he's just disrespecting me and he needs to be punished like you can't play d3 on move one and expect to get away with it so is he gonna admit this mistake and play no he's just gonna play he's just gonna play i um it puts a tempo up let me tell you the pirates isn't that great even the temple up maybe now knight g5 and c4 is decent not sure i should have allowed that but never mind and yeah young players are usually a little less dogmatic than they get when they get older so he uh he obviously goes for it doesn't like stick to some pre-thought program with um with c3 and so on but it surprises me that did he didn't go for c4 because this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me so now he's just spent time messing around he still has a decent position should go e4 in one of the next moves and he still still has a decent version of the pits but it could have been better e4 amigo d4 i'm not convinced cd knight b4 d34 zhang d3 is hanging yeah why not i think i'm winning upon b5 dc once upon for sure and yeah cd knight before i don't think he can he can save everything so he does the sensible thing and just castles or is that the sensible thing maybe now can take on d4 first maybe it wasn't that sensible and i still haven't castled which generally is not a great thing but it does mean i have a little a little more um a little more flexibility now i can either castle kingside or queenside depending on the circumstances so um so yeah um yeah he like a true caveman he just goes e5 and that's what i was thinking i was thinking maybe in this case i might want to to castle queenside later on question mark maybe i don't know oh castle queen oh castle kingside uh knight g5 looks like the most obvious move our bishop a3 will obviously just fortify this one and valadar seriously need to needs to speed up or he's gonna he's gonna have no chance but i think i'm a fair fairly solid two pawns up and i have some strong strong pieces as well so should be able to win this game without doing anything too dirty knight h2 threatening no not even threatening knights um knight f6 actually we'll go bishop e7 though over protecting the d5 square i guess we'll keep on over protecting this time e5 uh he's gonna go bishop h3 i'll just drop back with the queen probably to e8 it's a little bit more flexible knight h6 obviously doesn't work i just take and i'm protecting on f5 um queen g6 now uh okay you got this one i think i'll just take an e4 now rook f7 d3 is a huge threat which he didn't really respond to because he had bishop f5 which i'd missed uh that is fine i'll just go queen d6 and then g6 and then rook f2 a little bit shorter this okay scuffed arrows queen d4 centralizing galvanizing rook d3 i have queen e4 and he won on another he lost some time yeah but obviously the position is more than winning at this point okay so we have olia badelka from belarus um uh strong i am i think 2400 plus and uh believes she's still a junior question mark anyway let's go e5 for once i mainly been playing sicilian but oh okay okay somebody had to somebody had to somebody had to okay props and she is playing for team kramnik and i desperately need to win and she did she goes ahead and does this okay never mind never mind we'll just play no castling chess i'm sure yeah she plays for cream team kramnik who's the proponent of the no no i'm not going to repeat moves just once now i'm going to punish you i'm going to give you a free draw like who's going to watch that yeah so now she has to play she has to play solidly push b4 c5 maybe i'm just gonna play f6 i guess bishop please push b6 develop normally not care too much about the non-castling non-casting thing maybe i could do something more violent but like if i can't castle myself it's uh it's sort of more more difficult to um to um to to to mate quickly um but i gotta give her props uh she has the one chance to play against me and she goes ahead and bone clouds so it's both very silly and a little bit legendary at the same time i think would be a fair a fair assessment h4 maybe i'll just go run the other way just for fun king d7 and then king c8 i'm just artificially castling queenside you normally don't do that i think vlad and vichy are playing a non no castling chess match later this year if i'm not mistaken i think it's pretty difficult to play because you gotta it's a little bit like playing playing fish random chess 916 that if you just have a mindset that you tried to make it a normal chess game as soon as possible uh you're probably going to lose because you you aren't flexible enough to adjust to the new circumstances because it's it truth be told it's very different from from normal normal chess especially some of some of the positions and it's it's very interesting training i think in general now we'll go e for next um and i certainly find it very difficult to play to to play fisher uh not enough to [Music] lose as poorly as i did to to wesley even though he's strong at the format little tactic here um but still yeah it's it's hard to play and non-castling chess i can imagine is even it's even tougher go knight e5 ideas of e3 after after c4 uh okay let's go queen c6 try and be solid little trap bishop e5 there was queen b5 rook a1 and rooksy rook oh way too many hours now way too many hours um as i said i just drew my first arrow ever earlier today so i'm um not used to this e3 i think queen queen f3 oh this wasn't so great because she has the trump in the ending here okay this i think just loses okay four keeping it simple we'll go and take another pawn and she's playing fast but i think at this point to no avail our ideas like queen h5 and then f4 winning the arrows are going astray the arrows are absolutely wild at this point i'm not a good marksman um okay so again from team polgard this is vincent kemmer um definitely one of the strongest players here i played him in classical before and struggled a lot to beat him in the grand cru classic in um 20 2019 and considering that vincent is only 16 17 years old uh he has improved since then he has the uh the amazing peter lecko as a trainer as well which certainly helps you get educated in the ways of of chess so without any further ado let's get the game going and uh knight c3 i'm gonna go for the same word weird names online that i had earlier today against uh white charlie and f3 vincent is generally um very well versed theoretically but unless you had an emergency session with lego earlier today i'm not sure he would know this line and uh and uh and uh what was i going to say yeah it's not a line most people play but it's fine okay he's positional he's gone h6 before um before castling well he's not gonna castle clearly after the move h6 then i would just go g4 g5 but yeah it's uh it's a sign of a classical player what should i do now knight g3 probably just develop i think he's still publishing castle kingside because the pawn even without g5 a g4 g5 um there um there still will be problem problems based on on the fact that his um what's it saying forgot how to speak it's a bit worrying shouldn't happen for another eight years or so uh okay let's i don't want to go d5 dc dc takes bishop e2 bring the knight around is that an option now let's try it just to do something a little bit different it looks extremely extremely uh anti-positional but i think there is there is some some point to it since i will get the knight to to e3 and probably and then d5 but yeah probably not very convincing king f2 rook d1 this wasn't very strong this is probably pretty pretty weak king b7 now yeah i just messed this up why did i even go rook d1 yeah this is bad and i don't have time either okay it's even worse i gotta go f4 now try and create some kind of play with my with my bishops but this has been uh typical typical vincent game he plays very classically very positionally and [Music] he's made me look like a fool so far there's no two ways about it push page five don't know what i'm doing but just putting pieces on squares that's about it a4 but now now you can create a passport later on let's go h4 maybe g4 which b2 now bishop f3 probably will play h5 but then i have bishop t5 so maybe that's not ideal for him he wants bishop c2 probably uh all right we'll push g4 try and cement this as a weakness but i'm getting seriously short of time here okay i'm not sure this does much for him next i want okay i'll go h5 because what else right knight f7 now yeah okay two i have to try and at least bother him a little bit push b2 next attack f6 my position is pretty much lost oh she maneuvers very nicely i'm not quite done yet uh this one i'm not too sure about now he blundered no he didn't actually i have to flag him flag's will coming okay it takes takes let's go let's go let's go back oh three-fold a three-fold wow what can you do i mean that was a good result for me and it was a good result for team pogba as well so maybe it was just being a team player there uh because he uh secured them one and a half a half a half lead uh okay [Music] uh let's go for yip chess let's hope she doesn't have the yips today uh karissa yep i am i think she's still a junior as well from the from the united states of america um let's get it going yeah vincent is too classical he's he's not enough of a hustler not enough of a hustler to to pull that off but his jazz understanding as you could see from that game is is sublime uh let's go c3 this time a little bit more classical it's becoming a theme theme tournament in closed race and here one of the points of this line is that you can get to c2 in one go so you don't get black give black time for knight a5 and then c5 if the bishop was here on b3 i played this as uh as um black and white a bunch myself it's very interesting because there are so many um positional plans for for both sides i'm gonna turn the light up a little bit i'm getting blinded [Music] uh a4 maybe before i go if uh e5 okay this is an old favorite of mine as well the old pinning the the the knight and then bring the knight to e3 generally isn't great but i do get some active pieces so it's not too bad queen d7 she's playing very decently so far uh probably 98 is reasonable now bring the knight to to e6 later on i had some similar game against brazon back in 2006 and then at some point i just went berserk and went g4 g5 i won the game but truth be told it was pretty unclear along the way and it wasn't obvious that i should have i'm 97 little less sure about because i'm not sure where the knight is going from there i would have preferred to see knight the eighth and then uh 96 there i guess this one is reasonable but still the knight on on um e7 feels a bit funky i think i'll go queen c2 i'm not worried about g5 so that's a pretty big weakening of our position now after a knight of four um i think i will go bishop bishop to g3 d5 doesn't feel entirely right to me i don't think she's ready for this and besides when she takes an e4 i think the position is gonna only gonna open up for my pieces i think i'll go h3 for the moment intending knight g4 now once again the knight in e7 is i think very much in the way both from defending e5 and also now the queen doesn't protect f7 and this means that there are many tactical lines that could potentially work for me now i think knight g5 should be necessary knight g4 should be fairly strong i don't see a comfortable way to deal with to deal with the threat on on e5 if um you have queen d6 i didn't actually consider that move but i think d4 must be strong ed4 there's e5 and if d4 i got bishop f7 and then knight e5 and also 95 immediately should win so i think i i should be winning now um yeah 95 this should probably be the this is probably the cleanest stamp bishop e5 du5 wins a piece and otherwise also a 95 obviously wins knight ed5 i just go bishop f4 and then take an f7 and here this is carnage as well knight f7 with the nasty discovery and now here i'll just take on uh take on b5 then rook rook a7 evolving all my my guys in to the play and then later i can take an e4 95 and um a bunch of material up for the winning position yeah uh i think like the only conceptual mistake she made there in that game was 97 i think it's fairly instructive actually uh that in itself moving the knight it's reasonable both preparing potential d5 and also um also a potential c5 but probably she should have spent two moves rather than one to put it on a on a pair of square okay um whom do we have now we have uh we have uh oh is it opening yeah we have uh kunai mohammed zara from team pogar uh thinks she's uh um [Music] yeah pretty pretty decent i am from from azerbaijan and uh think the first board of azerbaijan's women women's team and i think she she is still a junior or close to it and as far as i know a pretty aggressive player let's play an old banter blitz favorite of mine the the old scandinavian and yeah don't pay too much attention to the ratings in general a lot of them are provisional and they don't make any it can make any sense yeah h3 i guess is a reasonable move i see i've seen some people play that guess i should go bishop f5 to develop and knight d7 and i'm not sure i like castling king's side there it feels a little bit too soft so now i get easy development and then yeah she's probably slightly better but i have what i wanted from the opening which is a very solid and playable position guess i'll go rookie e8 and then rook d8 later on maybe but in general she has a slight space advantage but i don't think she can use it for for much meanwhile my position is very solid bishop f4 i can go queen b4 so i'm not really worried about my queen here i also don't really think any knight f7 and g4 is gonna work um obviously i could be eating eating my words later you always have to prepare for that possibility i think i'll trade for now don't love the bishop coming to e5 but i think it's safe make some mayor for the king um queen f5 maybe rook d7 next move to make room for the queen on d8 like a little mini plan here then bishop d6 challenging challenge challenging the bishop seems reasonable also potentially rook d8 and again i don't think she has any tactics here with bishop b6 so i think she's uh there are maybe there are some tactics here like queen d8 d5 and knight d5 95 cd5 bishop a4 with uh winning the exchange so even in apparently very dry positions there are sometimes tactics now i will go bishop g6 and i think that's in general not undesirable and their ideas of bishop h5 potentially forcing potentially forcing g4 obviously now um now that she's gone rook d two that's not an issue anymore okay let's go queen di to continue with uh with the plan that bishop d6 if bishop d's f6 i'm pretty happy to trade him play an ending guess oh this is a tricky move order uh the thing is i would love to go bishop d3 and then take an e5 but bishop b5 uh d5 bishop d3 i guess ef6 is an issue and if bishop d3 she can take on f6 and force an equal ending okay so she did play this well okay she took immediately so i could have spared myself that whole that whole speech okay let's simplify the game oh she doesn't even trade okay it's interesting i'm not sure it's good i think my position is very solid here and the knight on d6 and itself is uh not gonna not gonna do any damage i have to play faster okay let's see if let's bring the knight to b5 not c4 comes logical in c5 okay she trades now fe3 yeah fe3 is probably good she's playing this well she's playing this really well b6 okay time is becoming a serious issue here as well c5 let's try and bring the knight around okay let's instead go for f6 b4 i'll take this looks reasonable bringing the knight to d4 but obviously time is more than a serious issue at this point okay i'll have to hustle her not taking a draw even though i'm low on time with uh no advantage can i to b4 let's go take take take take the rook she's collapsing i'm collapsing a bit as well okay let's go let's go let's go yeah there we have checkmates okay okay oh well oh well oh well i wasn't very good i was just um a little more hustle as i talked about earlier the scramble was decent not penguin level but very decent but before that she played she played a great game and she was serious better and deserved more than an unceremonious flag to be fair okay now we have the second american in two games in three games and a third american is coming up after this so they're all bunched together and uh this is uh christopher you very young still i think 14 15. and very talented i am i think almost gm strength just needs a few more tournaments when things open up and i'm gonna be again overconfident and play play some risky risky stuff in the opening come on dude go bishop e3 don't play it safe i don't want to see oh okay is this a move it's a move after a6 is this is it really a move here okay we'll go we'll go bishop g7 it's fine okay how about knight c6 seems logical he castles immediately hmm hmm create a five maybe i'm guessing you can go queen b5 then i'll have to take i should be fine with that ending though otherwise i'm gaining a pretty nice tempo attacking his his bishop on g5 yeah so knight p queen v5 queen b5 knight b5 castles don't see the problem there bishop e5 bishop d7 and sorry for repeating myself but don't see the problem and he also he even gives me the the bishop pair which i think is a tad too generous he does have nice centralization here um but i think i think i'm in general slightly better now just um again on account of um of um of the bishop pair and some more pawns in the center than he has [Music] okay that's interesting is it any good my instinct says no so we'll take ed6 i'm sure i don't think this should work at all but i've been wrong before should i take on d4 or should i should i just go now f5 i think i'll take on d4 rookie 7 king d8 and the important thing is here if he takes the bishop then i got knight f5 with a fork what's this what you doing there what you doing there chris this doesn't work at all now king e7 rook d8 i got a piece up everything is pretty pretty good 35 let's run with the king and he fights on which i guess is reasonable but it's a lost cause i'm activating my pieces a bit as well actually activating them a lot let's go here g3 we'll go knight f5 rookie eight okay found a good plan let's go rook a1 to meet c4 with rk2 now let's trade take it okay so he's clearly in hustle mode now which is fair like i try and flag people why shouldn't they try and flag me but don't don't think it's gonna be be very close knight f3 now oh i didn't see that this was hanging that was unfortunate that was actually very unfortunate okay we'll take it here uh knight f1 c5 knight g3 c6 king f6 yeah that works that works just in time just in time people knight f5 and 97 and the pawn ending is winning so promoting to tonight didn't actually help show a little bit of class going a5 first and yeah it's not going to be close here run run queen run run another queen oh he's squinting with check that was extremely unnecessary now it's getting to actually getting to a scramble but he lost some time right before i could meet him so it's fine uh sure yeah he fought well love to see love to see that people are trying to hustle against me it's not only the other way around okay so we got two more games in the competition and by winning this one i've ensured that team pogar is going to win because i got one game against each left and the first one is against um i wonder liang from the united states uh it's already pretty experienced has played in u.s championships and i believe is still a junior and now we have the right scene and i mouselipped i'm cracking this is not disrespect i'm just cracking okay okay i guess we'll go we'll go this way it's just going to play a regular sicilian type of position all right a4 knight c4 i guess there are many goods good uh setups here for black in general but we have a playable position and for blitz this is not bad as they say in blitz playable is viable so e5 e5 de 95 e5 bishop a8 bishop g4 bishop f3 knight f3 knight f3 does he have enough compensation there it's hard to say let's go for it just for fun or not just for fun but partly for fun hoping to get king g2 and then h3 but he clearly has decent compensation here even if he only plays um sort of slowly and positionally here queen oh this is a blunder though isn't it queen d7 because now i got 95 with a little technical trick i get to trade off trade off some pieces i think i can just take yeah i think i'll just take and then queen e2 i don't see any compensation rook f1 queen h4 5 there queen h5 there's h4 yeah you'll have to forgive me people oh i just realized it he has a he has a devilish trick planned so the point is king t2 queen h5 uh is threatening queen h2 may and well not mate but with some destruction and then if h3 has knight e3 opening up against the queen and winning the queen so i can't do that so i have to probably force the bishop away instead and that makes matters considerably more difficult uh 24 there's uh okay i guess i'll go i guess i'll go k2 now this this became pretty complicated f3 and bishop f4 i gave back a pawn but i am consolidating now the only pres problem is i spend a lot of time yapping so i'll need to be pretty quick in order to to convert this game okay rt1 we'll take it i'm not worried about that past pawn i think i will go gobble it up with rook d1 if queen d7 for instance so you should probably trade but that ending should be fairly fairly simple for me so he just gives up the pawn but yeah i don't think he has any has a lot of chances here and i still have half a minute so i should be fine 96 probably the best way to fight okay we'll need to focus here a bit he found the right setup here to be pretty solid [Music] and i'm not finding the right setup i think it's still fine we'll go back i'm catching up on time though so that's the good thing that king king goes over not f3 is possible but he didn't see that now rook d7 it's not possible damn it i blundered threw everything away now i need a herculean effort in order to possibly save this game oh there's not even a perpetual this guy is just straight up out hustling me oh he's giving me a check that's nasty ah so annoying um okay uh i have to say though that after after um um giving up the exchange for probably a bit too little compensation he played he played well and he found a very good way to fight there and uh uh eventually eventually out hustled me in a big way so huge props to to him as you've seen earlier today that's how i win a lot of my games it's only fair that he he does so as well [Music] okay so we have last i think official game of the day against ana music who i think is one of the coaches of the challengers teams and she's also been one of the very best female players of of the last 10 years and um has several world championship titles in in rapid and blitz so let's get going i will continue with the rue lopez there will be a couple of unofficial games after this so the show will not be be stopped immediately but this is the last game of the competition but i think team polgar is already has already one won it so he plays this a bit trickily i'll go h3 i'm waiting for b5 before determining where i go with my my knight because i may want to go to b b3 there later on now i probably have to go to f1 since she did a good um job of uh waiting sufficiently and like usually when d5 comes you would go b4 and then knight to b3 but um obviously here with the knight on f1 such a plan would be more time consuming and then probably uh less successful so i'll go eat a4 instead as i did in one of the other games i need to meet b4 with with a5 now here think knight g3 she can't go d4 at any point she can also exchange on on um on e4 probably take with the knight and then the pawn and play and play a queenless middle game which i think could be slightly better for white at least i'm clinging to the hope so b4 is logical but now she is opening up for a possible possible bishop a4 so it's a little bit double edged okay d4 let's go knight e4 if she trades everything i think i'm fine with that i believe a5 is probably a bigger strength than a weakness in the ending now so normally you would go rook d1 without thinking what could be more natural than that but i do think maybe maybe bishop d1 is more precise because i want to put the bishop on e2 and pressurize a6 and also if i'd gone rook d one there could have followed rook d8 and then if bishop d3 there's bishop c4 and additionally if i trade on d8 it's not so easy to bring the bishop to d3 and if bishop e3 then she could trade on on d1 so i think maybe it's more clever to keep both rooks on the board um now yeah rook d8 i followed my plan i go bishop e2 obviously i don't think i have much here at all uh but the possibilities that something will go wrong i think are slightly higher for for black since um if i lose the a5 pawn that's bad for me but if she loses uh a6 then it's it's a disaster uh so music is a very uh well educated player and she immediately spots a nice positional plan here which is to go knight c82 to d6 and that probably probably equalizes the game more or less but maybe not maybe not completely i still have some ideas like rook b1 and then knight b3 i should have gone rook b1 immediately maybe but i can still protect c c3 so it's fine okay let's bring the king a little bit closer can never hurt if f5 i go king e1 f4 i'm not so sure about it may just uh cement e5 as a as a backwards pawn and c6 i don't like at all i think she she is over protecting the knight on c on b5 uh but she is leaving a pretty glaring weakness on the b6 square which i'm now using to invade i'm psyching the pawn on c3 but i don't care about that since i want to invade now rook d7 i should be winning king f6 there's bishop d8 and here there's a little trick with bishop c7 g uh sorry fg bishop g7 rook g7 and then take an e5 and c3 and then the uh the bishops will decide as i talked about on another stream bishops on adjacent diagonals are very strong because they cover a lot of squares let's just do all of them and this one this this okay sure okay uh so to finish up today uh we will have two games against i think also coaches of the challenges challengers but these are not sort of official games of this particular challenge um but uh they are they are streaming as well i'm sure the links are somewhere to be found again at least this is surya ganguly um very strong ground master 2650 plus and many uh several times successful second of anon in world championship matches and a very strong theoretician so i think i'm going to play something um a bit offbeat here in in the modern php3 okay we'll go a6 oh a4 sure maybe after a4 i can go with knight f6 and transpose to appear type of position i had some something similar against somebody like nidice maybe played something similar one thing i'm sure about is that kangaroo knows what he's doing in the opening so he probably knows this better than i do okay now i'll put the knight on b4 that's one of the idea ideas of going a6 that the knight and then a4 that the knight can sit on b4 without being kicked with uh with a3 um now i guess i'll go e6 try and bring break the center open i'm not sure i love his last two moves he gave me a target to latch on to on d5 and a5 may just be a bit too slow broken a rook on a4 i think is also not not great um i think i'll take the pawn e5 i'll go 98 yeah this looks good bishop d7 now um yeah here i is threatening bishop b6 um i could start calculating lines like rook c8 bishop b6 bishop c3 queen g5 i just want to sack the exchange since then because i think with his backwards development and weirdly developed pieces in general i think i must have great compensation here and if it doesn't take the exchange i'm going to go ruxia the knight c4 so regardless of what it does here i think it doesn't have it easy okay we'll take back obviously and there's there's no really convenient response here of knight f3 he had to deal with bishop c6 queen f3 obviously there was bishop c6 and rook h2 there was at least bishop e5 so he had a difficult choice there uh now after knight c4 i think he may consider yeah that's what i thought he would do just chop that one off and um wow he continues to play very concretely here but i don't like bishop g5 actually i can just go f5 activate the rook and um stuff should start falling here pretty soon i think d6 b2 f3 they're all pretty pretty bad weaknesses i'll go queen b8 attacking both d6 and b2 and also threatening rookie 7 followed by queen h2 i need to know when to let go of the the right click that's where the problems with the um problems with the um the arrows stem from but now i think this is will open up the position and he shouldn't be able to survive for very long here i think take an f3 and just everything is collapsing at this point so surya has the problem that he he's probably he's probably trying to entertain his stream as well here and as you can see in some of my games that particular multitasking can can go both ways um i think rook c3 wins there's queen f4 queen b1 knight c1 h6 looks safe also i can yeah i can just keep it very simple actually just take and take and then take again and you should have next to no chances here unless i blunder mate oh boy um seriously seriously did i just find the only way to blunder this i think i may have i think i may have okay that is that is annoying knight g7 he has bishop f6 okay how's it here as well okay sure try and flag him then problem is i have to keep track of so many possible checks here it's pretty hard oh yes queen c5 damage damn it damn it and he's pretty fast as well oh is he joking is he joking i don't know i don't know is he joking yes he choked that was a nice flank oh boy oh boy uh yeah he should have won that one what can i say this has not been very educational unless you want to learn how to dirty flag then it's been at least somewhat educational okay last game of the day against arthur coogan and davis david martinez uh apparently they're doing a combined spanish stream uh and at least arthur is um is one of the coaches from for uh for the challengers he's a pretty has a very good reputation as uh as a coach for sure uh okay anyway we got d4 let's go last game of the day and we're going to have another banco gambit oh quincy 2. what do you do here i think you take then for some reason is e5 strong here is that way knight f3 no he was just trying to confuse me [Music] it looks a bit weird that he instead of taking the pawn on a6 he's just given taking a b5 and taking an a6 he's just uh yeah it's just chosen not to win the pawn but his argument is that he has quicker development and that he's not have had to give up any pawns on oh sorry um he's not had to give up any um what am i saying he's not giving me an extra open file on the iphone and now i think you can go for instance b3 here yeah i'm way too tired at this point it's probably a good thing that this is the last game i mean i lost my speech a couple of hours ago since then it's been it's been uh it's been a pretty and can hear incoherent rambling and dirty flagging that's been that's been the whole content to be honest um what do i do here bishop g4 bishop g4 there's 92 and i kind of go 97 then 97 he has e5 just annoying me maybe knight b6 just wasn't a good move okay we'll go 98 to c7 instead but i don't love it but at least now i'm preparing in case of e5 to go knight c7 and put pressure on on this one yeah now i think i'll have to go bishop b7 which looks awful into this pawn but at least i'm preventing preventing e5 for the moment and i may have plans of going queen d7 and then f5 breaking everything open so it's not like my position is devoid of ideas even if i'm even if i'm uh what was i saying okay so once a5 driving the knight away and then e5 can i do too much about that probably not i could play a5 myself but then i'll give up the b5 square i think i'll go bishop a6 instead uh okay we'll chop it off it's fine by me f5 still doesn't work let's try and activate this knight then got ideas of c4 and it was a knife before spending too much time this is one gonna be a uh scramble i think eventually let's go knight a8 and then knight c7 i think that was a better square than c8 he's sacking a pawn okay i'll gladly gladly capture your pawn sir knight c7 does have compensation but i don't think i'm worse we'll take it yeah i think he's just doing way too much at this point this doesn't work at all queen f5 protecting everything well now just keep grabbing pawns it's a little bit like my game against goo cash in that sense okay we'll just trade queen g4 and then rook t2 knight t5 and wear three pawns up and see pawn is running so that's okay we'll go h5 i don't want to give him even gonna give him a check okay rook c8 knight c3 to a2 or e2 take it okay he lost some time but obviously um obviously um i was more than enough to win okay people i'm done i had five and a half hours of commentary today and two and a half hours of battery blitz i think some of the games were really of good quality i think a lot of the the young people they played really well uh and some even hustle pretty well um anyway uh so i are any are any of my mods here who's streaming who can i possibly rate because last time i didn't rate and i ended up rating i ended up uh rebooting the stream to uh to raid penguin uh which which in itself was uh was fine um it's just that rebooting the stream to raid is unprofessional to say the least are the chess bra streaming somebody mentioned them uh there are just a bunch of names names here okay now there's just spam spam spam spam okay uh so we're gonna give uh one of our mods i think a lot more than she can handle one of our two mods or maybe there are three okay good luck ellen you
Channel: Spect
Views: 241,875
Rating: 4.8568935 out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen stream, magnus carlsen, gm magnus, gm maguns carlsen stream, magnus carlsen banter blitz, magnus carlsen blitz, magnus carlsen analysis, magnus carlsen bongcloud, magnus carlsen chess, magnus carlsen chess24, magnus carlsen checkmate, magnus carlsen explains, magnus carlsen game, magnus carlsen full game, magnus carlsen stream highlights, magnus carlsen stream chess, magnus banter, magnus carlsen blitz chess, chess carlsen, magnus carlsen live stream
Id: hjv1-14-SuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 59sec (9239 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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