I Smell Smoke | House Fire Part 1 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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we don't need nobody [Music] something's on my heart it's this series that i want to spend a few weeks talking to you about and it's called house fire and that's what i believe god wants to do he wants to set your house on fire and um there's a scripture i want to use to leap into our lesson today it's matthew chapter 3 verse number 11. and i want you to hear the words of matthew as he records what a gentleman named john the baptist says in verse 11 of chapter three of the book of matthew it says i baptize you with water for repentance but after me comes one who's more powerful than i whose sandals i am not worthy to carry he will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire so i want to i want to talk from this subject in our time together the subject is simple the subject is this i smell smoke somebody put that in the chat really quick say i smell i smell smoke i smell spoke family sever several years ago i was i started having tension and pain in my lower back and as a part of a comprehensive physical i was taking that year i went and saw an exercise physiologist i shared with her some of the discomfort and inconvenience i was experiencing they took some of the necessary steps there at the center that i was visiting to ensure that there was no real damage no damage to the spine no discs and things of that particular nature and after their assessment uh they caught me back in to inform me of what they had observed and the conclusions that i've come to and so she shared with me this booklet that was filled with uh therapeutic exercises that i was to do on my own as i observed and read what she presented to me i saw that a lot of the exercises were core exercises exercises for the ab area now i'm very analytical i'm inquisitive sometimes to a fault so i asked her a question i said excuse me i'm looking at these exercises and it seems as if all of these exercises are targeting my abs my abs aren't hurting my back is hurting why is it that you giving me exercises for my abs when my problem is my back and she said to me mr daniels the reason i've given you exercises for your core not just your abs is because your back is hurting because your core is weak i'm going to say that one more time she said your back is hurting because your core is weak so if you want to eliminate or alleviate the pain in your back you must be willing to go through the process of strengthening your core here's the lesson family that we all can learn from my experience sometimes things are hurting in one area because we're weak in another the area that's hurting is not always the area that's broken sometimes the area that's hurting is just a symptomatic expression of something else that's broken in another area in other words it's possible that we can be hurting emotionally and our emotions not be the issue hurting relationally and our relationships not always be the issue hurting professionally and our profession not necessarily being the issue watch why because there are some things that can be hurting in one area because we are weak in another area therefore if you can strengthen what's been weakened you can fix what's been broken and this is the lesson i've learned from this family who what your core is to your body your spirituality is to your life what your car is to your body your spirituality is to your life and there are some areas where we're hurting relationally some areas where we're hurting emotionally some areas where we're hurting professionally not because those areas are broken but because our core is weak and the enemy the adversary the evil one he's after your core you think he's after your money he's after your core and you think he's just after your relationships he's after your core and you think he's after your profession but he's after your call and even when he deals with those external existential things he's always used utilizing that as an entry point to get to internal things that's what we see with job he messed with job's resources but he didn't want that and he messed with joel's relationships but he didn't want that he messed with job's assets but he didn't want that what did he want he wanted job's core because him and god had had a discussion regarding job and satan had said to god if you let me mess with these external existential things what's going to happen is he's going to watch this curse you to your face his core is because it's going to become weak because the enemy knows that res watch this that resources can get you a core and relationships can get to a core and a profession can't get you a call but if your core is strong am i making sense and the enemy the enemy family wants us to live our life chasing the pain in our back as opposed to addressing the weakness of our core and we need to be honest this is not a judgment this is an observation christianity in america has a core problem weak weak weak defecting from the faith whenever there are semblances of adversity week week core week week course going away from god's way because god's way doesn't seem to be going my way it's it's a weak core the inability to endure the inconveniences that come with being a follower of jesus it is a weak core and the enemy watch this the enemy knows the power of this and so he attempts to do with us like he did with a man named samson he wants to take our strength weaken our core by getting us to live with missed placed priorities that's what delilah represent a man who had his priorities out of place see when you just look at the relationship you minimize the lesson you can learn am i making sense but when you look at what it represents you can see its relevance for all of us in every season because that represents misplaced priorities what i want over and above what god wants am i making sense here see when i saw this exercise physiologist it wasn't that i wasn't working out my god yes sir did you know that i just said yeah it wasn't that wasn't working out i was working out but i was working out everything but the thing that could actually fix what was broken on me ah yeah yeah yeah i was working out areas that were optically impressive [Music] so i was optically impressive but functionally fragile because the areas that really helped me the most with functional movement is my legs and my core but those were the areas that i worked out the least because they aren't optically impressive and what if i told you the same thing that i was doing in the gym is the same thing that some people do with their spirituality their investment is in their optics so they're optically impressive but functionally fragile how's your i see the purse how's your core i see the car bro how's your core i see the outfit but how's the core no no no how is it how is it you will spend the hour at the spa but not in the word see i'm not judging i'm just saying i'm saying that it's easy for a believer to live with misplaced priorities and then be surprised that my back is hurting [Music] of course you two in the relationship don't get along your cores are weak and so you are hypersensitive and you are irritable and you are not self-aware and you are not humble and you will not apologize of course you're not getting along but the house is nice though i mean and the pics on ig they y'all that's cute but after you take them off after you take the clothes off and you have to sit and be with each other is it optically impressive but functionally fragile the car is weak but this is the season where god it i believe is helping us reset our priorities whoo i heard that i said this i believe is a season where god is prompting us to reset our priorities he says you stop chasing the back pain stop chasing the leg pain stop chasing the shoulder pain and work on that core because when you get better spiritually everything gets better no it doesn't fix everything but it fixes you and when you get fixed it helps you handle what's broken in a way that doesn't break you hallelujah i'm telling you breaking season is over yeah i don't know whether or not some things are gonna get broken i can't say things aren't gonna get broken but i'm telling you broken things don't have to break you breaking season is over you may bend but you won't break and you may cry but you won't break and you may want to feel like you're going to give up but there's going to be something on the inside of you that's going to remind you of this word breaking season is over because god's trying to strengthen i want you to catch this and there's a word a metaphor that the bible uses to describe those whose core is strong those who have a vibrant healthy intimate spiritual relationship with god the word is fire the the the word is fire don't mess with me now fire the imagery of fire metaphor for the holy spirit we see that consistent pattern in scripture on the day of pentecost in the book of acts the bible uses the metaphor of fire to describe the descent of the spirit in the old testament we see an example of the presence of god being manifest to lead israel in their exodus out of egypt the bible says he led them as a cloud by day but a pillar of fire by night because fire all throughout scripture has been used as a metaphor for the presence of god where is the fire see this is the heart of what this genius named john is talking about in matthew chapter number three yeah we get to eavesdrop on a conversation that that's had by a man that jesus says is the greatest man to be born among women now this is jesus's statement about john john says there's no greater man born among women than john the baptist why would jesus make such an amazing and unique compliment about a man like this there are tons of reasons but i believe john is a powerful picture of what it actually means to live the purpose-driven life see he's an excellent example of what it means to understand your assignment accept your assignment and then own your assignment understand it accept it and then own it understand it accept it and then own it understand it accept it and then own it understand it accept it and then own it you see understanding your assignment is an important accomplishment the understanding itself isn't the work but understanding yourself understanding your assignment is evidence of the work that's been done it means you've done the spiritual work of cultivating a relationship with god where you are aware of the reason for your existence and that awareness only comes from a sixth sense [Music] did you hear what i said i said understanding your assignment itself that's not the work understanding your assignment is the result of the work see some people are trying to understand as opposed to doing the things that give you understanding and that means cultivating the kind of relationship with god where you're operating with a sixth sense and so it's your sixth sense not your five senses it's your sixth sense that gives you access to what the bible calls the mind of god eyes have not seen ears have not heard your heart has not conceived what god has in store for those that love him but god has revealed it to them by his spirit success yeah on under understand it understand it yeah my six is evidence of the spiritual work that i've done in cultivating a healthy relationship with god and also as evidence of the emotional work that i've done to actually hear god without what i'm hearing being impacted by the filter of my own emotional needs did you just hear what i said okay so understanding your assignment is not just the result of the of doing the spiritual work or cultivating a relationship with god where you live with a sixth sense but it is also the result of the emotional work well i'm actually able to hear what god's saying without having to put it through the filter of my own emotional ambition and my own emotional desires and my need to be needed watch this because god needs to heal my heart so my heart is healthy enough watch this to be okay with what i'm hearing not going my way did you hear what i just said i said oh my and this is why why why this is on me today and this is why the adversary i think has aggressively attempted to use your past to pervert your heart see aya see everything i hear this the things that happen in that relationship were not about that relationship it was about your heart yeah it was about the damage see you think you got out but you left something there you you you no no i'm i'm not talking about leaving clothes and i'm not talking about leaving things the health that your heart had before the relationship you left there you got out you got out but you left some health there and what god what i believe god is trying to get us to see is when we watch this get out but we leave the health in we have allowed the adversary to accomplish his agenda but i believe i got some people that are watching today and that are ready to receive this revelation some people that believe that i that god is getting ready to heal me from the inside out you see this this this this the emotional part even more than spiritual part i feel like is the greatest barrier to clarity when you get healthier you get clearer just it's not just how much you pray is how healthy is your heart because the health of the heart is the filter that you're going to put what god says through did you hear what i'm saying the problem is not that i don't trust what he's saying the problem is you can't trust what you interpreted [Music] did you hear what i'm saying see don't confuse your confidence in god's voice with your confidence in your ear trust his voice don't trust your ear jeremiah says the heart is deceitful who can know it but john understood his assignment he accepted it see you don't pick your purpose you discover it and then you gotta submit see when you're the cross is a metaphor for submission and when your core is weak you can't carry your cross [Music] the cross requires a strong core hallelujah it takes a strong core to say i could do but i won't do because i'm not called to it takes a strong core to listen to people tell you what you could do what you should do where you could be and where you should be and look at them and say no i got the understanding part right and now i also got the acceptance part right you are right on what i could do it's on me and it's in me but i'm right about what i'm supposed to do hallelujah and so i'm carrying the cross that's been assigned to me because i accept my assignment and the only way you can accept your assignment is to believe that god hallelujah will never shortchange you regarding what he has for you see you see did you hear what i just said yes some people say you should do this and you should do that no no when i carry my cross i'm still gonna get what that would give me hallelujah without stepping outside of what's for me i want somebody to put this why y'all got me preaching this morning i want somebody to put in the chat i won't miss nothing no no no no i know that's bad english but it's good theologies i won't miss nothing i won't miss a thing i'm going to carry the cross god's assigned to me and i'm going to get everything he's got for me i remember early in ministry i was having a conversation with this person i'm not calling the name my own name dropping also having conversations with this person i was talking about some different things that he looked at me he said you won't miss i'm nothing to tell you i don't care what what anybody says disgust purpose is a purpose even isn't picked it's discovered you submit to it the cross represents submission of how you use your gifts who you use your gifts on and the restrictions you're willing to live with in life john understood it he accepted it and then he owned it once he accepted it he said this is mine see here it is many people in the kingdom are in possession of stolen property you got somebody else's purpose you're looking at what's going on with them we're looking at what's going on with them we're looking at what's happening with them and we are in possession of stolen property but john owned his he said i know i'm different i'm out here dressing crazy i don't dress like the other priests but i am one did you hear what i just said yeah i'm not wearing their garments but i am one and i'm not doing ministry where they're doing it yeah they're doing it in the temple my father did it in the temple come on his dad did it he said i'm not do i'm out here in a while and i'm not eating the shoe bread that's in the temple that's not my diet i'm eating locusts and wild hunting why because i owned my assignment watch this he didn't get caught up in comparison he owned his assignment looked at jesus and said he got the increase and our decrease he owned it when his disciples saw the popularity shifting when john's disciples saw the popularity shifting from him to jesus they complained to john and john said a man can only receive what's been given to him from heaven that if the momentum is in his direction it's because god is swinging the pendulum of momentum in his direction and i can't mark i can't out market god's momentum y'all i'm getting ready to run i can't out market god's momentum i can't outpost god's momentum there's no strategy that is a substitute for god's momentum he said what god has for him is him and what god has for me is me then he says he owned his assignment and he makes a distinction between jesus and him he says now i baptize you with water but there's one coming that's mightier than i and he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire did you hear me john says jesus is in possession of something i'm not in possession and i'm so confident in who i am i'm able to acknowledge the point at which i'm unable to help you okay i want to make sure you heard what i just said yeah he says i'm so secure and who i am i'm able to acknowledge the point at which i need to transition you to another gift [Music] hey because you need something more than what i'm giving you i'm gonna baptize you with water but he will baptize you with fire fire a vibrant intimate relationship with god here's what's interesting john tells his audience they need to be baptized with it in other words just because you're in the faith doesn't mean you're on fire yeah yeah you we need what john wesley calls my pneumatology is a bit wesley and so we need what john wesley calls the second blessing yes indeed there's only one holy spirit but john wesley says the second blessing is a progressive experience that you have with the holy spirit you receive upon regeneration so he comes on the inside of you to regenerate you and make you born again but then he wants to baptize you in power the bible calls it being filled with the holy spirit did you hear what i just said family here it is fire ladies and gentlemen fire is often imagery used to describe or to depict revival don't miss this uh what believers call revival god calls spiritual health i'm going to say that one more time family what believers call revival god calls spiritual health he says this should be normal he says i want to baptize you with with fire watch this i saw this i'm getting ready to get out of here he says i will baptize you he didn't say y'all and i started thinking about this and i'm going to toss out a thought maybe quarantining has exposed something we need to pay attention to maybe it has exposed that some of us thought we were on fire because we were around fire but now we realize that you in your own house the church was on fire but your house not [Music] did you hear what i said because if you were on fire fire would follow you wherever you go so if your house is not on fire maybe you were not on fire maybe you thought you were on fire because in the church you were around so much heat maybe hey maybe we were living off other people's heat so we come to church and we felt warm and we thought we were on fire when your neighbor was and now that you now that we're in our own houses and we've been quarantined now we feel something different and we think something's wrong not realizing that god's trying to show us that maybe something's been wrong all along but you had a co-dependency on your neighbor's heat did you hear what i just said and i believe god's calling this to our attention because he's trying to get us the sea i want your house on fire and if your house is on fire whenever you get back together in that church building they're gonna have to call the fire department hey and i believe part of the reason we have to cheerlead and pump and prime and push and press when it comes to corporate worship gatherings is because everybody's coming in dry waiting on the heat from somebody else on their row to get down to their section but when you bring your fire with you it'll be like david when he said i'm gonna enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name our house is not on fire the church has been but i came to tell somebody i want to make this prophetic announcement and i want i want you to know i smell smoke [Laughter] i said i want to make this prophetic announcement today i want somebody to hear me with all of your heart i want you to know i smell smoke and wherever there's smoke there's fire there's something that's getting ready to be set ablaze in your house god i believe during this lint season is about to set you on fire maybe you were on fire and your fire went out god is about to strike the match and set you on fire again did you hear what i just said and i don't know if you know this but you need the fire because people without fire living fragile lives doesn't matter how strong we think we are emotionally if you aren't on fire spiritually your emotions are fragile all right i don't care how strong our relationships are if we aren't on fire spiritually they're fragile i don't care how strong we think our personality is if we aren't spiritually on fire it's fragile because there are certain things that can run up on you when you not on fire and get to you but when something is up on fire if something is on fire if something runs up in it they ain't running out the same way cause fire consumes some things and there are some things that come at you that won't be able to get to you if you're on fire because the fire will consume it we need fire not a church fire a house fire and if you want it i want to i want to give you three things you'll need to catch fire okay here it is number one the first thing you need to catch fire is fire here's the problem you need you need fire which represents god's spirit and this is why i'm not playing this month now this is lent so this is i mean i want to help everybody but i'm leaning into believers here all right okay the enemies tricked us into getting exposed to the fire all right i'm not i'm not hating i'm just stating this is why it's so easy for christians to skip worship the devil wants you to miss praise and worship because that's when the fire falls he wants you to miss the prayer call it's like you know you and we need to hear the word the word is important but you're working out you're just not working your core optically impressive look at all my notes optically impressive but functionally fragile because the core is weak you cannot implement what's being taught with a weak core you can't do it can you come on no no i'm not judging i'm challenging you just like a trainer in the gym would get in your grill and challenge you i'm not judging i'm challenging you i'm saying you got all the notes how's that work it's not working is it you can't do it can you you can't do it consistently can you you can't do it regularly can you because the only way you can do it is if you've got a strong core you can take good notes if you're a quick typer but you're going to live a good life if your core is strong and this this is cultural this is the way our culture has invaded our christianity our focus is way more on our optics than our core way more way more we need fire so it means i've got to take seriously the two spaces and places that the fire is going to fall that's in prayer and in worship you need fire see you need more than just words about god you need god we need come on we need more than a word from god or a word about god we need god we need to walk with god we set an alarm not to miss a flight and i'm not saying you have to do this early in the morning if you're not a morning person but we set an alarm not to miss a flight we don't take the investment in our core that's serious so of course we're emotionally fragile of course if one bad thing happens it ruins your whole day of course what do you what do we expect optically impressive but functionally fragile of course of course we can't forgive our enemies yeah right that's a supernatural of course you can't i can't forgive of course of course not we need fire all right number two i'm done number two we need fire number two we need friction some fire is only created when there's friction and it's uncomfortable when things are rubbing together but it's some friction that causes some people to catch on fire see david the man after god's own heart that defeated goliath he needed friction you know what he said it was good for me he said i can't speak for anybody else but the way my life is set up the way my tendencies are set up he said it was good for me that i was afflicted that i might learn your statures he said i i don't know why i'm worried this way but the way i part he said i need a little friction and god had to allow some friction to set you on fire and sometimes when you're trying to pray people out of friction you're praying them out of the context that god's trying to use to give them fire yeah be discerning about what you pray for [Music] sometimes it's like no no no god let that keep rubbing on them because this light and momentary affliction is working a far more exceeding way in glory yeah this this light affliction is just it's just for a moment this friction this trial is just for a moment but the fire that's going to come on them as a result of this are you all ready for this number three we need fire we need friction last but not least we need fuel i don't know if it's gas i don't know if it's kerosene but we need fuel now watch this so here's the question everybody believer's gotta ask themselves this what's being poured on me now i'm not judging i think this is okay i don't think there's anything wrong with it but some of us need to be more discerning on sundays because you're going from stream to stream to stream and everything that's been poured on you is not fuel [Music] some stuff is water some stuff is kool-aid it's sweet it's cute you love oh that's cute it's sweet but it's putting your fire out to keep the fire perfected you've got to know what to put on it and believers have to be way more discerning about who and what you allow to pour into you [Music] you cannot expect to stay on fire and just listen to anybody i'm a pastor and i don't just listen to anybody who shall listen to pastor i'm not telling you to listen to you decide who but i'm telling you if you're gonna stay on fire you have to know what's being poured on you who's pouring into you and do they set you on fire because when we get better spiritually everything gets better it doesn't fix everything but it fixes us so that when we deal with what's broken what's broken doesn't break us i smell smoke [Music] last year was a rough year but i smell smoke last year i hear this was a year of friction it was a year of friction but god's using it to set you on fire and i want to pray that for you because [Music] the church has been on fire but god wants to start a house fire and i believe it it's it starts today this this this lent season god's going to help you and so this isn't magic guys this is intimacy requires intentionality that we follow the faith steps we get the result i want to pray for us i want to pray that fire fall down [Music] yeah i know that you're alive you came to fix my broken life i sing to glorify your holy name jesus christ father i thank you and i pray right now for house fires to break out all over the world that when people are watching this that they feel and they sense the presence and the power of god meeting them where they are i pray for those who've not yet had what john wesley calls the second blessing this immers this infilling experience with you i i pray for that in the name of jesus god i just i thank you that those that are lukewarm hallelujah are being set on fire i i pray that those that are cold they're being set on fire i pray for renewed passion and fervor and zeal like never before lord i pray for in our houses not just in our churches but i pray for this in our houses in jesus name may this be the beginning of house fires and may the fire on this altar never go out we pray that fire would fall down from the hearts of your people because we are your house you don't dwell in buildings you dwell in us so set this house came on fire in jesus name amen family listen i hope this message just i don't know i hope it encouraged i hope it challenged you um i i i just felt like honor i felt like a trainer in the gym saying like give me one more and so i hope you felt that i believe we're going to grow from this message i smell smoke it's the first message in a series uh called house fire i believe god wants to set your life your heart your house on fire and this is my one request that i have each time we place a video here on youtube if it helps you in any way would you please the only thing we ask share it with someone else we want to help as many people as possible and we can only do that with people like you who share it so thank you for doing that in advance thank you for praying for us we need it uh god's doing some great things we need your prayers and thank you for your support so many of you support financially there are many of you who just you have local churches but you just feel drawn and called to the teaching ministry and the resource producing ministry that god's given us uh outside of our local church there's james ministries and you give to that regularly and so thank you so much for for doing that and uh man we love and honor you for that and for all of you who are part of our change church family we thank god for you you know on-demand videos are great but there's nothing like catching it live we stream our services every sunday live change church life change.org we're actually streaming right here from youtube uh nine and eleven thirty and listen it's all day long three five you name it we just so um we're really excited about all the guys doing glad to have you as a part of our family take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 79,575
Rating: 4.9335508 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: 8Lxw0v1jFNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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