Get Out Of Your Way | BounceBack SZN Part. 4 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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people well it's the final message in our bounce back season series and so i want to read uh some scripture today found in the gospel of luke chapter number 22 verse number 54. i don't typically read a lot of scripture at the beginning of my lesson but i want to make sure we kind of wrap our head around um the context of this text here in the gospel of luke luke 22 54 says then seizing him they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest peter watch this now watch this peter followed at a distance and when there had when some had kindled there a fire in the midst of the courtyard and sat down together peter sat down with them a servant girl saw him seated there in the fire light and she looked closely at him and said this man was with him but he denied it woman i don't know him a little later someone else saw him and said you're also one of them he said man i'm not then an hour later another asserted certainly this fellow was with him for he is galilean and peter replied man i don't know what you're talking about and just as he was speaking the rooster crowed then the lord turned straight at peter then peter remembered the word that the lord had spoken to him before the rooster crows today you will disown me three times and he went outside and wept bitterly i want to stop right there i want to tag a title of this text i want to talk from this subject the final lesson in the bounce back series bounce back season series here it is get out of your way get out of your way there's a reality that every human will have to wrestle with and win over if they're going to reach their redemptive potential if a person is going to experience life as god intended they will have to wrestle with and win over an emotion called regret regret family is a sense of sadness and disappointment over a season or a circumstance where you were the primary contributor to your own calamity don't miss this family it's when if someone were to be arrested for a crime that was that was inflicted upon us the person we would have to point out to the police would be ourselves it's when we were the perpetrator and the accomplice to the mishap of managing a season or missing an opportunity to the degree that we want to be mad at something or someone but we realize the only person i can be mad at is me regret an emotional response to a revelation that i just got in my own way and if anybody is going to reach their redemptive potential they have to wrestle with and learn to win over regret because regret family listen to me it's what's called amoral is not moral is not immoral the morality of regret is dictated and determined by what you do with it how it's used it's not good or bad holy or unholy the morality of regret is based on whose hands it's in and how they use it and god wants to use it for our education he wants us to learn from it heal from it and move on the enemy wants to use it to cause our stagnation to revel in it keep revisiting it and stay stuck the enemy come here wants to use regret in a way that it mutates and evolves into another emotion called guilt and then guilt becomes a glue that keeps you stuck to seasons god has moved on from i want somebody to talk back to me now as i said the enemy wants us to mismanage regret so that mr so that mismanaged regret mutates into guilt then guilt becomes a glue that keeps you stuck in a season god's moved on from you are punishing yourself for a crime that god has expunged from your record and the adversary understands that you cannot be the you you need to be in your future if you are still punishing yourself for the you you used to be in your past and i'm coming to somebody today that's watching this message and i want to tell you that this is your prison break this is your day where god's about to break you out of the jail that you've been serving a life sentence in because you've been stuck to a version of yourself that god has evolved you out off you see i mean i'm prayerful but but when i was praying for the service this morning i pray unique with a unique kind of fervency from me over the message because as i started revisiting what i was going to share today i began to i began to think about what paul told talked to the church at ephesus about which was principalities he says we wrestle not against flesh and blood right and it mentions principalities and i also started thinking about what paul told timothy about which was something called doctrines of devils which produces principalities social norms trends that you see in regions in people groups and in family structures and i pray uniquely over this because i felt like this message is a bit different because this message family is an act of spiritual warfare this is deliverance okay come come here am i making sense i said we i think when we think about deliverance we think about exorcisms and when we think about deliverance we think about habits being broken when we think about deliverance we think about yolks and fetters being destroyed as opposed to mindsets being altered because something sometimes the only thing that has you stuck is not the enemy it's the enemy and if you can get out here you can get out anywhere if you can get out here you can get out in your relationship if you can get out here you can get out professionally people are often unable to bounce back and recover because they have a mindset a thinking pattern that chronically causes them to revisit what you can't revise one more time it's a thinking pattern that causes people to keep revisiting what they cannot revise so instead of using the revelation of regret as motivation to create a new future the enemy uses the reality of regret to keep them turning their wheels in the past and they live with verbiage that is the equivalent of should have would have could have as opposed to the language of faith which says god still can boy if i was in a church i tell i said instead of the language of faith that says god still can and i'm coming to somebody's living room somebody's phone somebody's television to tell you he still can yeah i know what you did but he still can and i know what didn't happen but he still can and i know how old you are right now but act sarah can he still do it in a whole season god still can the regret mutates into an emotion called guilt that becomes a glue that gets you stuck to a season god's moved on from grieving old opportunities as if he can't create another did you hear what i just said family grieving old opportunities as if he cannot create another this is the essence of what the prophet joel the minor prophet joel this is essence of what he's talking about in joel 2 when he says god will restore the years he's talking to people who had lost years of harvest and crops he wasn't saying you literally going to those crops that are gone those crops are gone but he's saying what god's about to send in this next harvest season is going to be so massive it's going to be more than the accumulation of all you miss i'm telling you you can miss 10 doors and then this next season god can open one door and that one door be so amazing it makes up for the 10 tindors you miss god still can god still can opportunities god still can miss the windows god still can he creates them i miss the window he creates windows i miss my season he controls them you know what happened with peter when he uh i'm on my head i'm ahead of my test you know what happened when peter when he went fishing he was like and look he's been fishing all night because you in those days supposed to fish that night so the fish couldn't see the net and he caught nothing in the middle of the day jesus said drop your net for a catch he's like this don't make sense you fish at night not during the day but your season is whatever god says it is she said if i say drop the net now it's because i'm getting ready to make the fish bite if i tell you to apply now it's because i'm getting ready to make the fish bite if i tell you to ask now it's because i'm getting ready to make the fish bite if i tell you to go now it's because i'm getting ready to make the fish bite i'm telling you i'm not just speaking this conceptually philosophically i'm speaking this professionally pastorally and experientially that many people are in their own way when it comes to their their divine recovery because they we have not taught you how to wrestle with properly utilize and then win over this emotion called regret how to use it as fuel for your future and if we're going to do this it takes more than strength it takes strategy takes more than will to take skill and if we're going to win over wrestle with and win over regret there's an essential asset we all need in our spiritual toolbox it's the only weapon that works against guilt and it's called grace now please stay with me okay when i say grace i don't know what you mean what you think i mean when i say that i just want to make sure you're clear on what i mean because in my experience many people have had an incomplete compartmentalized understanding of grace are y'all ready for this in my experience people limit the efficacy of grace to forgiveness of sin so when they think grace they think forgiveness but the writer of hebrews introduces us to something different the watch this even the the apostle peter calls god's grace manifold he says the manifold grace of god the multifaceted grace of god grace that shows up in many faces grace that shows up in different ways and one of the ways grace shows up is not just something watch this that cleanses our sin it also shows up as something that cleans our conscience i'm in the book i'm preaching hebrews chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 says how much more then will the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to god cleanse our conscience are you here from acts that lead to death that's what the writer says the writer here is comparing the blood of jesus to the blood of goats and bulls and animals that they sacrifice in the old covenant he says all that did was give you forgiveness all that did was was cleanse your sin he says what jesus does is cleanse your conscience and i'm telling you some people it's not just a sin problem that's been handled that's not in the way you bounce back it's a conscious problem it's not that sometimes a relationship with your child can't be restored it's just your conscience won't let you move on from the parent you used to be it's not that it's not that you can't push the marriage to a place where it is healthy and wholesome and filled and helpful for others and filled with happiness and and bliss it just be it might be that your conscience won't allow you to become the spouse you can be because you're still punishing yourself for the spouse you used to be come here entrepreneurs leaders listen to me maybe maybe what you're leading and what you're serving hasn't evolved into what it could be because you're still punishing yourself for being the leader you used to be sometimes we in the way of our own recovery and if you are struggling with this somebody text me this morning and told me to tell you their story they want you to know they sat in the seat you sat in you sitting in his name was peter peter text me this morning and peter told me to tell you that he said get out your way did you hear what i just said okay somebody's like who who peter uh no peter he didn't really text me it's a guy in the bible he'd been dead two thousand yet love submitted sorry yeah he told me to tell you get out your way see because i i please want you to peter was an apprentice a mentee a disciple of jesus and the nature of his relationship with jesus was unique he was in what some historians call the inner circle now i talk about this in my book relational intelligence how treating everybody right doesn't mean you treat them the same that what you owe people is love you do not owe them intimacy and access and some people feel entitled to an intimacy and access that their character hadn't earned how did you hear it i'm sorry did you hear what i just said yeah they they feel entitled to know things that you're not entitled to know and because jesus come on let's be objective he managed the relationship with the inner circle different than he did the other night when he went to the garden of gethsemane he took peter james and john when he went to the mount of transfiguration he took peter james and john and he didn't give the other nine an explanation as to why they didn't get to go because everybody is not old an explanation regarding what you're going to do with the life god's holding you responsible for i go with who i want to go with i talk to who i want to talk to peter is on the inner circle he saw things others didn't get to see he approached he could approach jesus in ways others couldn't he had unique information peter was close to jesus so peter made promises to jesus when he wasn't under pressure that he couldn't keep when he was under pressure lord i can't wait till we open that church back up cause somebody have to come get me i believe if you don't uh feel what you're preaching you shouldn't preach if your preaching don't convince you it's not gonna convince anybody else so excuse me when i get happy on my own preaching listen to this he made promises when he wasn't under pressure that he couldn't keep when he was when he wasn't under pressure he told jesus jesus i never betray you he said i i ain't going nowhere in luke 22 31 watch jesus said simon satan has asked to sift you as wheat i'm not even going to bother that one text says he desires but the niv translators put he axed that it mean the same thing he had to do with job he had to do with you he acts to send you a sweet he says but i pray for you that your faith not fail and when you have turned back so when you bounce back peter hadn't even had the setback yet and jesus is talking to him about how to handle the setback before he even has a setback y'all better catch this y'all missing this some people just some people are punishing themselves for how you mismanage the setback missing jesus's confidence in you that you'll turn back did you hear what i just said he told peter yeah you turn him back see when you run you're not gonna run along you coming back to me yeah you yeah yeah you're gonna act out of character for a season but i know what's in you and i know you're coming back to me and sometimes you're punishing yourself about the setback not knowing jesus has confidence in you oh they'll turn back that's so good he says when you've turned back strengthen your brother watch what peter says in verse 33 lord i'm ready to go with you to prison and to death that's what peter said because he wasn't under pressure the text we just read says peter did the exact opposite when peter said this jesus said man please he said before that rooster crow three times before that rooster crow you will deny me three times but you're still in my inner circle because i don't summarize the story of your life by one chapter in your story that when i obsess when i assess your life i assess your life holistically and comprehensively now when people assess your life they will write a book on your failures and cliff notes on your success but when god assesses your story god says i'm never going to define your whole book by one chapter in the story because i see you standing flat-footed on the day of pentecost and preaching so that 5 000 people come to the faith i see you being the bishop of the church i see you as a rock even though you're temperamental impulsive watch this and lacking self-awareness see i want you to catch this i don't think peter was lying in verse 33 i think peter was deceived i think he meant it he just didn't know he had not yet become the kind of person that can keep a commitment under pressure imma say that one more time i think he believed he would really go with jesus to prison of death when he said it you know how you get you get hyped you say stuff you get emotionally intoxicated with adrenaline that person you hang out with they go to sleep all the time we bout to stay up all night somebody come get me knocked out adrenaline i think he meant it the reason i think he meant i mean he had proven some degree of commitment because he left his fishing business so there was somebody in there so i think in that moment he meant it so i don't think he was dishonest i think he was deceived he lacked self-awareness to assess whether or not he was a person that could be trusted to keep his word under pressure now i think that's important for us to understand when we're managing our own relationships some people tried to deceive you other people didn't try to deceive you they were just deceived about themselves so when they said there would be something to you they meant it they just hadn't objectively assessed themselves to determine whether or not they were the kind of person that could actually keep their word are you all right everybody's good so god then used this situation with peter as a revelation uh to peter about peter jesus is like i knew this was in you but you didn't now this circumstance expose you to you now we got two options what are you going to do with it you know what peter did initially the bible says he left out you see it he wept bitterly grieving that's regret right i mismanaged this i disappointed jesus i disappointed me he wept bitterly do y'all see that okay if you see it but i see it in the chat here it is here it is what happens after that is peter returns back to the fishing read the text he says i'm going fishing are y'all hearing what i'm saying jesus is falsely accused he's crucified and peter's going fishing because the enemy remember god wants to use regret as your education enemy wants to use the stagnation so we can take peter going fishing as a metaphor for peter going back oh wow because when you mismanage regret that's what it'll do it'll take you back to the boat you stepped out of watch this but what's so dope is as peter goes back to go fishing as peter goes back to go fishing don't miss this the bible says jesus like shows up on the shore so jesus meets peter back close to the boat here's my question is anybody watching honest enough to say he met me on my way back let me let me find somebody that was somebody put preach pastor in the chat here it is has if you're honest has jesus ever interrupted you on your way back some people say i never went back i'm never going back but there were some of us who went back and jesus met you on your way back and at that moment jesus asked peter this question peter you love me he said yeah feed my sheep peter you love me yes feed my sheep peter do you love me yes feed my sheep i want your service to me to be based out of your love for me not your sense of your worth gosh are you hearing what i'm saying he's saying do you love me now use what i gave you then you love me faithfully sir without what i love jesus knew that guilt turns into embarrassment embarrassment turns into shame and shame would shackle people peter to an old season so he says i want your love for me not your sense of worth to get you back to where you need to be and at that moment peter received something that we all have to receive if we're going to bounce back from calamities we contributed to if we're going to win over regret peter actually did more than understand the concept of grace he actually received grace watch this he not only received jesus's forgiveness he forgave himself so i have another question because i could ask you two questions but i know the answer to the first one and that is has god forgiven i know the answer to that question that's the most important question but there's another question that's also consequential to your progression it determines whether or not you actually move forward and that is have you forgiven yourself you might blow money you're gonna have to forgive yourself you might miss opportunities you you have to forgive yourself you might make more missteps and mishaps you gotta forgive yourself you may you may go through a season where there's unwise parenting practices you got to forgive yourself you may go through a season where you did not properly steward and appreciate and manage the gifts of relationships that god sent to your life and you you took some of those for granted maybe some of those people are no longer on earth maybe they've transitioned on to the next life but you got to forgive yourself whether or not god forgives that determines whether or not you go to heaven whether or not you forgive you that determines whether or not you go forward and today i believe god by his grace through his providence god by his spirit wants to break that grip of guilt off your life and some of us have been wrestling with this so long it is literally a thinking pattern the brain's been wired to think that way and some of us need soup i still believe in this supernatural intervention many you need god to well is there more work to be done yes but you need god to accelerate the work we need to receive grace i got some points but i don't think they matter because i want to pray for you to forgive you to receive this this gift of grace you know i i've had my foot in a lot of different religious traditions and some people really see this differently but i'll share this with you you know i believe grace is an extension not an exemption grace can be abused but it can also be insulted it can be underutilized and when you understand god's given you an extension and another opportunity to get it right you manage that the way jonah managed his when jonah got out of belly that well he didn't sit on the shore and say man i shouldn't have did that i just wasted three days that was so dumb i'm so stupid i spent money to get on that boat i need that money back now right he didn't spend time on the show why he knew this is an extension so the bible says what could have what it should have took him three days he didn't won look at me look at me don't put this in the chat don't waste grace don't waste grace you woke up this morning don't waste grace god's giving you another chance don't waste grace here's the second thing we'll tell you grace requires grit angela look word says grit is passionate and sustained persistence the enemy is the accuser of the brethren so he's constantly going to try to remind you of your past and so that's why ellen hurt says we always need to be re-evangelized with the gospel because the enemy is always going to be trying to remind you of your past he's going to try to remind you of what you did and your response to that is to remind him of what jesus did it takes persistence sometimes it takes time for you to forgive you but when the devil keeps reminding you about what you did you remind him about what jesus did because grace is not a result of grace is a result of god's goodness and and not our own it's unearned y'all get it you don't deserve it but grace is god's delivery system not just for salvation but for his promises he says everything i give you is gonna show up with a truck with grace on the outside of it even when you thought you had a good week grace delivered that the prophet said in your holy estate you'll fill their ex so i want to pray that you forgive you maybe the issue isn't moral maybe it's not sin maybe maybe that was just a season of your life where you were unwise and it hindered your progress i'm praying right now you would no longer be tortured by that that god will set you free from the torment of seasons you can't change the only way to overcome a bad past is to create an amazing future like joseph to give birth to a manasseh and say you have made me forget all the pain in my father's house that i gave birth to something in this season that was so beautiful that it made all the past pain seem minuscule i want to pray for you wherever you are if you're not driving off you i know some of y'all hey you got to get it whenever you get it i understand but if you're not driving would you just take a moment and just trying to con kind of connect with the father and allow him the holy spirit to minister to you like i can give you information of revelation he has to help you with the execution i'm praying right now in this moment that god will set you free from the torment of your past jesus so father i love you and thank you today that your word says that if your son sets us free we are free indeed i pray for that kind of freedom today understand that some of your work is incremental but also know you can accelerate the process you are bail parisim you a lord of breakthrough that when our head hits walls when we find ourselves plateauing we were in fences we cannot get out of you go before us and create a way you bring breakthrough and i pray for that today help us to learn the lessons and to receive our healing and to move on we declare the glory of the latter house shall be better than the glory of the former that the best is yet to come that you're still the god who restores years you're the god who controls seasons they're not controlled by clocks and calendars they're controlled by your word and we just declare we affirm we say verbally what our heart believes to be true it is our season to bounce back and i pray for that for parents i pray for that for marriages i pray for that for finances i pray for that for careers i pray for that for hearts i pray for that for relationships i pray for that for churches i pray for that for companies i pray for that for hospitals i pray for that in jesus name help us to get out of our way it's in your name we pray amen and amen if you're in the studio can you put your hands together come on give a hand clap in the chat
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 73,278
Rating: 4.9499283 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: uh3kDW17RRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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