Can 3 Guys Beat A Blindfolded Chess Master?

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boys you guys i hope have been enjoying bros versus pros the newest series i've added to this channel and we did a little match against uh what's his name gotham chess levy where we didn't have a queen and you know it went so so but that was merely the appetizer to the main course that is this video we played against an international master of chess all three of us at the same time while he was blindfolded he had his girlfriend next to him read out every single move we made and he could not see any of the boards and i want you to keep in mind he played us all at the same time watch to see how we did i'm sure we take at least one down we got it right by the way boys hey make sure to subscribe to the youtube channel about 30 percent of the people who watch my videos aren't even subscribed and that's a really high number so maybe you can break it down [Music] and make sure to subscribe to the youtube channel i really appreciate it you guys ready yeah i am i'm ready yeah i'm in live chats what's our safe word yeah uh if we say if we say hawkeye you blunder one piece all right so let's see if they if they type hawkeye and discord uh you have to plunder one piece yeah yeah totally all right i'm ready so he can't hear us i imagine yeah he defined it's all three of us against him blindfolded look let me tell you this is a i am near gm i think he was like one win away one normal way or whatever so you just got to play tight play nice and tight but nice and tight he knows the boards for nice and tight how would this help okay okay here's the idea then he's having lucy i think it's his girlfriend read out the moves let's just pick tiles that sound similar that she might find out okay whatever there's another idea okay c b and then spam your bishop back and forth so he has to keep reading a bunch of random moves [Music] so fast yeah yeah yeah moving really quickly yeah that's a good idea ludwig d4 d5 stanz bishop c4 okay very interesting bishop's opinion knight f6 so king's night chad i want you to know i'm going to win this one this is a guaranteed win i have a okay a unique strategy i've yet to deploy wait i have a unique strategy you want me to you know want to try it yeah i wonder what's your question tell me about it what is it hold up i'm going to show you guys the strategy i want to keep as many pieces of life as possible let's get the coach in here come on all right bad news i tried to add gm heads to the call he did not answer so we do not have that as an option anymore do you taste d4 that was ludwig's last one yeah okay so let's go bishop g4 let's pin the knight to the queen he did hit me with that thing where he pins my knight which i hate i'm putting pressure on making a tense situation yeah i think pressure could be good it makes diamonds i've heard call me the pressure cooker in chess no one who does does that wow you're in everybody big in argentina is the [ __ ] is wrong with this man uh let's take on d4 against him too are saying you just it just called me garbage for that last move oh no he said my move was bad sad someone in chad said he's terrible at endgames only 22 instead of 2400 so yeah that's our strap boys okay so right now he's double attacking this but the queen's also attacking this piece which allows him to get the rook if not clearing this piece so i can't simply defend with the bishop because then he'll just take here huh i'm very lost already atrial goes a4 wow this this this dude's really doing nothing man is just straight up doing nothing uh short castle in this game he's saying man is straight up doing nothing yeah i'm not doing anything because i'm waiting for him to make himself to make a mistake yeah that happens often with twenty four hundred twenty five hundred yellow players i just move it around and then he blunders his queen it's classic wow ludwig hasn't moved in so [ __ ] long is that his strategy to just stall me out i like have to think for a second oh my god i completely forgot the position there so let's play queen b6 he played knight d2 though right knight d2 yes so let's play queen b6 takes d4 pawn for free i'm stressed i'm stressed to death i'll tell you what i'm not i've got him right where i want him actually yeah where's that beneath the heel of my boot ludwig that's earnest one night stands goes bishop takes c knight takes knight takes bishop dan says king e1 rooks on the corner bishop b3a2 c2 c3 f3 f2 h3 he's [ __ ] fighting apparently he just told me i'm [ __ ] and when we have even material and he's blindfolded what's crazy is that he's switching boards in his mind yeah yeah that is crazy i also didn't even see this piece that's so dumb it is crazy that he's doing that you guys are even i'm down yeah i'm even i'm sorry i'm selling a little two pawns yeah me too i'm imagining he's doing the best right now let's make ludwig think he did something good let's castle short shortside castle he's gonna take my pawn thinking i [ __ ] up and i'm gonna go and beat his ass ah [ __ ] stanz goes rook d1 rook d1 blunder because we can take take the rook and then knight b2 check picks up king bishop on c4 oh you're right knight b2 he did he forked me he forked me hard and he described how he was going to do it beforehand stanz goes h4 oh beautiful i have rook d8 king e4 f5 mate wow rook d8 check rook d a check rook d a check against stance he's going to bring his king forward okay and i'm gonna mate him with my f1 and he will be the first to lose four straight games stanz when king e4 pawn to f5 you mate onto a five mate e5 pawn guarded by the knight on c4 gg right gg gg oh he got me yeah that was it don't move king forward he got me wait wait standing you died yeah i'm dead dead of [ __ ] oh my lord okay uh yeah yeah brother happens so the good news is now because he did this it's blocking the attack which means i'm allowed to do this move because i can protect this piece and this piece okay ludwig goes knight f1 oh that's a good move he's just going defensive oh wait no that's a terrible move never mind oh wow that's actually such a bad move okay i have um night night uh fd4 so here i oh wow interesting interesting move wow that's interesting so he's double attacking defended zero times so i can't get that defense i can remove it and then add a defender but then he just replaces so i think what i need to do is if i take refill pin to the queen take take or if he oh no because he'll take with check wow see in ludwig's position the second his knight moved away to f1 the bishop on f3 lost the guard so i can play knight d4 hitting his queen and his bishop and if he takes my knight i take with the knight hitting his queen and his bishop when i take his bishop it's check i take his rook and he gives me 100 subs maybe not follow me on twitter that's what ludwig's gonna do i'm kind of [ __ ] here a trek has to bring his king now atrialk you play king of two king f2 wow he's actually he's not he's not about he's not bad at all annoying actually he said you were a little annoying in a good way [Laughter] [ __ ] yeah baby he's the international master i'm [ __ ] bringing the heat he wants me to roll over and die and i won't do it this man went king d3 atrial right right so now now we're gonna make him pay okay um we're going to play uh bishop oh no no no we're gonna set a trap we're gonna play rook c3 check and he's gonna think he can push the rook up one square he's gonna think he can take my pawn he's gonna be like ah this guy missed the pawn but then rook eight c4 is made tell me if he takes my pawn he's gonna get so hyped exqueef me let me think i don't know why he did that this feels like a free pawn how could this be bad if i take this he brings the other rook down and i am checkmated touche touche levy the real question is is a lot of okay he still hasn't moved dad how's ludwig doing he's he's all right listen listen they don't money doesn't buy you happiness but he's good he's he's our emini subs he's got chat like 20k he's all right he's eating maybe too much that was a terrible move zzmax2234 why are you giving advice in a content blindfolded game against an international master you [ __ ] ah i found it rocate if if rook a2 rook d3 king e1 rook e3 king d2 rookie 2 is made so he has to play king f2 and then since rook is on e2 f takes e5 boom defending the e5 square from his bishop taking what has led skywalker our time to see it feels like eight minutes 19. oh it's oh my god it's a very long game very very long game do you still remember that position well he's getting [ __ ] is what i remember i see atriox goes king e1 yeah of course it's the only move i stumped him this is an international master and he's stumped he doesn't he doesn't stop my attack i'm drawing this [ __ ] game dude blindfolded or not i'm drawing it okay so how about pin takes check move takes uh my queen will be here takes take back take and that seems fine i lose the threat okay let's go for it all right ludwig goes queen c3 all that thinking to slide the queen one square over knight takes f3 check for guys takes f3 check oh he's gonna lose everything man ludwig moved king right so here i can take this to the end game but for making me sit there like a monkey i will play d5 to d4 and fork ludwig's bishop on e3 and his queen on c3 okay i will not beat him in the end game i will take his soul okay this was unexpected i should open this i should just get this active i lose there's a pawn for that but i take a pawn for that i lose a pawn but i take a pawn lose a pawn but i take a pawn i like that atrial goes bishop takes e5 yes that's what i wanted thank you um rook uh e3 check i needed that i didn't see that was the trap he can't take my pawn so i checked him and now i have this rook e3 check he can't block with the rook because my bishop on a6 okay now it's easy message to him oh we were in a good spot oh yeah true hold up hey trucks are the jet spamming hawkeye hawkeye hawkeye i'm feeling quite [ __ ] let me tell you this attack worked out brilliantly for him this guy is quite good at chess i'm gonna offer him a draw i offer to draw we'll see how we'll see if he takes it would you like to accept a draw from matriarch no um just ignore it let him just sit there in suspense i said hey lucy i think he missed my draw quest do you mind letting him know hopefully that works let's do this queen's overloaded right now protecting both these pieces so if they take with queen i get one and if they take with the pawn even better ludwig goes rook takes e6 okay um very tricky uh queen queen queen takes e6 oh wait they're defending each other [ __ ] um this is where the big dog oh that's a misclick that was a mouse slip that was a mouse i wanted to put it up here that was a mouse slip he's declined my draw again one more try error oh really now you're blocking me is this robin hood now you just shut down trades we don't go your way you have a third opportunity to accept the draw from atrium yeah just if he keeps offering them i'll report him for harassment um yeah that uh he what he's you know he's a role model and uh he's demonstrating very poor sports but he went rooks c1 c1 you went to rook c1 why is so passive wait i have an idea this is a move that i developed a while ago and brought me a lot of places in the chess world you have a draw offer from ludwig [Music] i offered a draw imagine knight d2 okay very nice um queen uh takes h3 checkmate queen takes the pawn all the way over there checkmate on age three yep european wait it's a legal move so i have to play it right okay yeah queen h3 oh [ __ ] hop on there okay okay queen h3 then against atrialk he goes kingsville it was atrial who played h3 ah okay well it doesn't matter queen h3 queen h2 against ludwig oh i fused my boards oh that's really funny yeah because position was so similar so queen h3 yeah it's fine [ __ ] i wanted a perfect game that's unfortunate did he [ __ ] up did he [ __ ] up this is how we make our comeback boys let's go [Music] bank bank okay this is unironically winnable if he just accepts my draw i can win this what's he thinking yeah was e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 c5 c3 knight c6 knight f3 thanks takes bishop g4 bishop e2 e6 bishop before takes takes queen b6 92 he never played what are you talking about holy cheating dude all right atrialk goes rook c7 waiting for this move are you waiting for it oh you've been waiting for it well i'm here now and it's coming what are you gonna do about it levy huh you thought you were waiting for it well i knew you were waiting for and i still calculated push d3 stupid d42d3 foolish oh my god i was i was waiting for that move the thing was i was waiting for that move back and that's why i do this goes a5 yeah that's very scary very dangerous very dangerous move fearsome uh so let's play pawn now to d2 against asriak oh yeah because if he takes my pawn bishop b3 is mate i saw that obviously i knew that obviously i knew that if i take the pawn bishop you don't have to say that king c2 so he does stop it but we still have bishop b3 bishop wait why three yeah it should be three why is that a good move i take his bishop oh he promotes if he takes we promote i said it first i said it first chad it's nice god i wish she would just make one blunder okay yo i think there's no move the only move is to take if i move he promotes and i'm dead anyway i have to i have to take do you think if i moved my queen to f5 he would notice because like if i put my queen on f5 it's attacking his piece but maybe he won't notice like that's a kind of weird move like is there a chance he forgets should i try it at least what if i just stall him out for five full minutes and then i make the move he will have likely forgotten you know what we're gonna try it with our strategy we're gonna go for a legendary strategy i'm gonna pull up his stream and i'm gonna gift him ten subs and then track has one pawn he took your bishop queen takes queen queen queen queen queen queen queen queen i have pawn e5 e6 in this game and f3 do you want to promote i want to come out you have a queen you have a queen thank you now we will perform a technique popularized by french current master give to five subs johnson's a man oh ludwig subs in my chat yes how many how many i missed it all right i don't know what how much you could scroll up 10. okay i mean you know that's uh that's the thank you but oh okay all right dude all right money bags um my bad's a little bit no my bad money bags atrial fiber seven figure man but okay that's you know that's all that's that's on me sorry for giving you the money um this man is just relentless who with his okay ludwig is gifting 20. okay all right see that's nice that's you know the case is coming okay if ludwig took me to a club you know to dance uh-huh and then bought me kettle one vodka and didn't buy me grey goose you know what i mean it's it's a little but it's it's vodka vodkas taste very similar money you want to be you can't really age vodkas you distill it so much that there's not much flavor to capture great goose is a marketing scheme we're gonna go for it we're going for it we're going for it i went for the cheese in between the pawns in between the phones nice job it's good ludwig moved queen f5 what queen at five for lodwig why did he play queen f5 but that hangs the queen two different ways [ __ ] he sucked so quick okay he saw it so quick there's no pawn that can take us oh wait a second he did forget an e6 in the ludwig game he did forget let's go yo where's my pawn bro let's go hold up wait he forgot oh my god it worked babe i'm mad shook uh-huh what are you talking about there's no pawn on e6 in the ludwig game hold up hold up hold up you tripping dude i actually bamboozled him i'm looking at him it's working my two eyes why didn't i just take it with the queen why couldn't i j all right take it with a queen but what why didn't i just say that now i look stupid queen yes now i now this is the one moment this is two times in this game that i'm looking dumb too early lost the queen but made him look stupid that's a w that is a w i made him look goofy he is confused wait hey are you ready for the atrium no no no no no no i'm trying to find this [ __ ] pawn all right okay let's move through it e4 cc burn his time c5 bishop f4 takes takes queen b6 all right let's go here now okay okay that's great that's great e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 c5 c3 knight c6 knight f3 takes takes bishop g4 bishop e2 e6 bishop f4 takes takes queen b6 um knight d2 queen d4 bishop e3 queen e5 short castle bishop d6 g3 okay queen f6 a3 a b c d e f g yeah [ __ ] i know that [ __ ] too h i j k oh this is the hard part l m n o p so you think you can flex me too [ __ ] and then the queen and then queen c3 and then take on f3 and then d4 and then take it i don't know those seconds this is too much for me he played rook takes e6 i forgot oh my god he sacked his rook well i mean i didn't that's not a move that like you should remember ever okay i [ __ ] him because of my real sex my rook sack was genius uh okay it was genius i'd like to congratulate you on being the only person to stump me so with your dynamics clip it and ship it i i feel like that's an easier one to finish okay he went king c3 yes of course um we have made in two here um we have made in two by playing uh queen oh queen one no you don't have main ones no let's play queen to you could play queen to god if i am missing where the thing is oh i am missing oh i almost oh my god i almost blew it i think he thought he had a pawn in e5 oh i almost blew it i forgot his bishop took on e5 okay rook c2 it's over looks i almost played queen d4 thank god i did ludwig went king g2 yes very powerful move very logical thank you god i don't have it okay now rook c2 rook c2 all the way down see this i remember what the [ __ ] do i do now yeah i actually just kind of like watching him play queen c4 check and when his king goes to e3 rookie to his mate i'll be taking my time i just like he's so mad that he forgot the rook move i have never felt better about myself for losing a game this [ __ ] badly until i made that man from forgetting one move it's strategic he did get me he did get me i got him baby he threw me off there let's uh go queen f3 right in front of his all up in his face all up in his face cutie cinderella is in the chat what's up cutie donny utah i'm [ __ ] your man harder than you usually [ __ ] him johnny utah gifted five things what man's getting [ __ ] cutie it's it's we good bro borderline infidelity but what it's okay are we good we have subs um yes very good very good very good um okay ludwig ludwig goes doesn't really matter but human h4 if you're wondering as bishop takes g3 that better be a legal move bishop takes pawn takes pawn on g3 yes that was stupid as [ __ ] i'll just take the bishop is hrough just stalling [Laughter] i would like to analyze all my positions levy ludwig just went f takes g3 queen g to mate oh right in front of the king oh mate good job we made it 30 moves boys we've made one on the other board but he's not moving so i guess he survived the longest is that the price yeah what does hatred do he's offering another draw we have 27 minutes to kill you guys want to watch a full episode of batman before we you know what [ __ ] it i'm taking this off it's rookie two mate just pre-move it the game is over there it is let's go let's go i feel like a baby that just came out of the womb oh my god yeah let's go [Laughter] no you you threw your rook and he forgot that you just put away that's got him no you you threw your rookway and then gifted a bunch of subs i know and he forgot it and he was off he mauled it for a moment oh what's up [Music] that i got you good there or what you dude you're rook sack really look my rook sack almost want to hrock his game because you were gonna [ __ ] sack him you're not [ __ ] a queen you were this close i bought him i brought him to the brink of existence right there so i have a question were you not getting my draw requests or was there like an error on her chest what was the was the deal there like you oh my bad i missed all of it yeah i would not check the messages though now that you have your eyesight i i said something totally i regret it i have a question for you yeah um where do you get off [Laughter] me or someone else okay first of all when you said live on stream in front of about 50 000 people i [ __ ] him harder than cutie does what did you mean by that yeah you know what i'm i'm i'm gonna have to talk to my lawyer i can't really respond right yeah uh let me tell you though i am excited for next week on our 3v1 boxing hope you do as well there don't really think the black hole will help you out too much [ __ ] saturday right saturday we're good anyway uh great games it was fun that was awesome let me tell you super fun i've read studies about how chess gets you really hungry i'm i'm starving because i was using so much brain power for that entire time mm-hmm stand you full yeah well you know i understand it's everything in my life it's longer than he entered yeah that was tough that was tough i feel good about my play i i left it all on the board you got to leave it all in the background uh finally that was for compliments yeah that was amazing thanks so much for playing i had a blast yeah that was a lot of fun guys thank you uh who would you say is better between me and aatrock just final parting words to be honest you played both of us um it's really close you had that knight sack that was very creative i i gotta say body of work overall solidity i think it's atrial though you work really hard on your chest you gotta like [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,837,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: -sdJ2JdtlGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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