climbing with Alex Honnold **Insane experience**

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so Alex Honnold probably is the only climber that  needs no introduction making a video with him   has been on the on my list ever since i started  this channel and um the original plan was to go   and uh just meet him close to las vegas where he  lives and make a bouldering video but the night   before i got a message from him and uh he asked me  if i wanted to go soloing instead and i was   very hesitant at first but after a lot of back and  forth i decided to at least go and check it out   so um that's what we did i was actually afraid  of reaching out to you because i thought you   would think that my videos were silly and you  didn't want to be in no i didn't know i thought   i texted you a few months ago so because i watched  one of your videos and i was like this is awesome   i know it's really cool so after that that's  when i was like oh next time i go to the u.s   i'm going to reach out to him yeah i didn't know  about this until yesterday so it's kind of like   just mentally preparing yourself for it because i  was thinking we were going like sport climbing or   bulging or something totally and then all of a  sudden you sent me like a text message of this   like 200 meter blank looking wall you know i  was like man you always go to gyms with people   and you can always go sport clown with people  but this is something that yeah that is   certain i don't want to say unique to me but very  few people will take you on an adventure like this   and i was like this is this would be cool  yeah yeah i mean soloing with alexander   hold up we're gonna cut across this way the  thing is so we're here in vegas and the gyms   are not amazing they're pretty scrappy and  especially because you do so much gym content   i was like oh i feel bad taking you to a mediocre  gym really the main thing is that i feel like if   you're coming to a beautiful place like this you  may as well experience the beautiful place yeah   and i think what really makes red rock special is  being able to scramble in the mountains so we're   going to do a little scrambling in the mountains  we'll see how it goes and i've climbed this route   a lot and some of my friends have climbed it  yeah and i just feel very confident that of all   the things you could do here you'll feel good on  this not to say that you'll feel great but if you   feel bad on this you'd feel worse on everything  else okay so it's like you know we're taking you   to the best possible thing to solo okay and if if  this isn't the one for you then you know what you   probably shouldn't be showing you okay yeah yeah  exactly yeah because the thing is the last time we   climbed together you soloed an 8a like yeah  but that was like a 12 meter high i know i know   but it shows that you're physically  capable of that and it shows that   you have the psychological ability if you try  i don't know we'll see it might be really scary   but we'll just go up and see i might end up down  climbing the whole thing you know yeah but then   that's fine too because the thing is we can hike  to the summit and either way we will have gotten   to this really cool summit red rock you'll see  all the walls you'll have a nice experience so that's the wall right yeah so that's the beginning   of the brownstone wall and where we're going is a  little further right but we're going to go up this   canyon and around to the right it's the one of the  multi pitches that's the most like gym climbing   oh that's nice and it's very very well  trafficked like people climb it all the   time so you know the holds are solid because  like big guys are pulling on it all the time   okay there's uh the third pitch of it so about  100 meters off the ground there's a section   that if you if you're not impressed i'll give  you double your money back it's like it's it's   insane so these are the shoes that i'm gonna use  they're like super soft but uh i mean i didn't   know that i was gonna solo on this trip  so that's why i didn't bring anything stiffer but   you think it'll be all right they will definitely  be fine okay so who do you normally climb with   here yeah well actually most of the climbing i  do in red rock i do by myself probably because   it's mostly easy moderate like easy soloing  i don't have that many go-to partners anymore   like a lot of my old friends and partners that  i used to do things in yosemite with have now   either passed or retired or you know like have kids  moved away and i'm just getting older you know   it's like i'm just slightly out of touch  with and probably people are intimidated   uh to reach out to you like uh it's like  a really hot girl you know at school yeah that's probably part of it in the same way  that i was always afraid to talk to Tommy and then   when i finally did for years i had friends  telling me like you should call me Tommy i   was like impossible he's too good and then i  finally climbed to tommy and i was like this   is so great this is the route that we're going to  climb the one behind us yep right now there's some   people climbing it yeah you can see two parties  on the wall right now what do you think their   reaction will be though when we climb past them  oh it depends in general i think that the less   experienced somebody is when you pass them the  more dramatic it all feels because definitely   if you pass somebody who's never climbed  before they're like oh my god you're gonna ...   whereas if you pass you know veteran old-school  climbers there's like oh cool have a good time   yeah but no i definitely have past people who  freak out and then and then some people who are   just totally like oh yeah i have a good day like  totally relaxed don't people get angry sometimes   not angry but i've had a couple people be like  you can't pass and you're kind of like what am   i going to do like hang below you the whole rest  of the day you're like obviously i'm gonna pass so what's the strategy are you gonna climb first  and then i follow you normally if you don't feel   comfortable i don't want to go right below you  just yeah if you fall off and i want to ... but   being just to the side is is fine it's better  for the person who feels less comfortable to go   at their own pace on their own terms right you  know like i don't want to be pushing you to do   anything you should just like do anything you feel  good about if you don't feel good spend as long as   you want yeah you know it's like it's all about  what you feel comfortable with it's really up to   you i mean it is solar yeah it's like it's it's on  you but you just think like if those random people   can climb it how hard can it be right that's the  spirit yeah yeah are they Norway's best climber   no like get up there and show them i think i would  feel so much more comfortable if i already tried   it once with a with a rope yeah that's the  thing you know i don't know what i'm going   to like i don't i have no idea how this is going  to feel you know i mean there's so many times   in climbing when you go with a partner you  trust your partner you just relax and just   go with the flow and it'll all be fine that's what  i feel like i'm doing here yeah yeah exactly you   just go with the flow yeah see what happens yeah  right i just remember watching you solar 8a and   i was like that looked very easy yeah you know  i was scared but yeah yeah and also that didn't   there was no potential of ..... there oh there  definitely is if you fall 12 meters on your head   you're definitely gonna ... maybe yeah i do think  it looks a little bit intimidating especially   where they are now it looks a little bit steeper  and i can also see the person is like going   like up and down a little bit he's not kind of  hesitant and they have a rope i think definitely   i'm a little bit intimidated by the exposure when  it feels like it's straight down like a 150 meters   it feels more real even though it's totally  irrational you know i think the important   thing for solaring something like this is not to  think about whether it's going to get easier or   harder or think about what's to come or what  you've already done it's just like one move   at a time be like this move is easy this move  is easy this move is easy not think about the   like 150 meters below or the like how far  you have to go to the top yeah it's like   i know that every single move on this route  is very easy for you so as long as you can   just think of it as one move at a time like  there aren't any moves where you have to like   jump sideways to something i mean like it's  all over i hope not yeah well it's just like   it's not gym climbing you know this is all  very stable like three points of contact this is how you coach somebody into free so long  let's just hope we don't kill magnus yeah i just   i think i think you can do it and i think if you  do it'll be a life experience and you'll be like   that is amazing yeah and of all the things that  you could do in red rock like i think this is one   that will feel good yeah you know i mean like it's  not crack climbing there's nothing weird about it   it's like yeah i just don't want to ... you know  no that's the main thing of course i don't want to   see you guys i just uh yeah i don't think this is  your day though yeah i don't think so either but   even if there's like a five percent chance there's  definitely not a five percent chance i give you   less than one oh my gosh did you grab this hold  and then i think there's another little part up   there that's kind of like this it's kind of the  whitish part okay yeah try going up to basically   where i was and then climb back down like  slowly and gently this is like free solar camp   yeah i think with the big soft shoes that actually  feel nice just like pasting it against yeah things   like that like kind of volumes yeah you're doing  great you already feel comfortable smearing on   things so it's like that's kind of the most  important thing norway's best climbers freestyling   oh [ __ ] no hands yeah oh damn damn he's  got no hands is that the handhold when   you standing like this yeah something like  that just you know be careful up there yeah   this was exactly my plan the thing  i was like Magnus is a really good   climber he'll be fine if he can just  get past the scariness it'll be fine   we'll see what happens it's very exciting you know  if it was easier it would be a piece of cake it   was a little bit harder i would not do it at all  exactly this is right in the middle of the sweets   dude yeah you know i was like you climbed i know  this will be fine yeah i'm going like back and   forth in my head oh i think we should at least  do the first pitch together and like see yeah   of course yeah but the thing is if you get to there then you have that amazing black stuff above   and you're like well you may as well do the really  good ones because they're so good and also i want   to say by the way that i don't recommend anyone  else trying this don't try this at home this is   not something that i want to start doing but i  feel like it's going to be it's like such a cool   experience you know being here with Alex i feel  like at least i have to try you know hi Magnus   i'm terrified that's okay yeah we're just  gonna climb this little tiny mountain and   you look up there and there's random people  who have never climbed before their way up   there so how hard can it be well that's the  thing we're climbing without any ropes so   no god has you on top rope god has been on top  yeah yeah you're in his hands with the capital age good thing I have been training with a baby like  it's like precious cargo on the side   because the backpack sort of like forces it in the  way more yeah okay Magnus is starting some other   folks just showed up to rock on good times we're  all gonna party up here together don't worry it's   all safer than it looks these guys are like what  the [ __ ] no you you went past us in Squamish   before when it was wet out oh yeah which uh on  which route uh it was on your birthday weekend   yeah cool that's a long time ago yeah that  was yeah that was that's seven years ago oh   man well the whole covet experience doesn't count  oh yeah okay so it's only five years ago exactly okay how are we feeling magnus we're  feeling good up and you've made it here   but the next part it looks pretty steep let it  in relax i'm also watching you with the camera   does that make it more scary or less scary so far  less scary actually yeah okay cool so just seeing   how casual you are makes you a little bit better  look i'm actually holding on now because the   the whole holding the camera steady thing  i was like this is actually throwing me   off balance in a weird way yeah but i'm  just standing on the side of a cliff so   so how are we going to do this are you  going to go i know i think you should do   a couple more moves across this thing and  then i'll just go up higher you again okay yeah magnus looking comfortable composed oh yeah  a really nice shot with a rainbow wall behind you   yeah yeah you look very very handsome thank  you yeah you know okay i'm going to stop the   commentary behind the camera oh  yeah that's a lot i think yes this is Magnus Midtbø freestyling honestly  making it look really nice just trying to be   very careful you know yeah no aren't  we all i'm i'm hanging on i can't even   show the camera what i'm holding on to  because the camera strap is wrapped around me   i'm all tangled up but i am  standing on some good footholds   you know i didn't tell my girlfriend what i was  doing today when i told her that i was freestyling   with you she would be terrified we'll just send  her a picture of him later she'll be psyched   do you think she'll be impressed i think she  will be impressed but also slightly terrified and   i think from now on whenever i say that i'm going  to the u.s or doing something she'll be like sure   but you're not freestyling right it's not it's not  going to the u.s anytime you come with me she'll   be like wait what are you doing just tell her you  were at the titty bar yeah titty bars in vegas   that's a good idea from our friends at the base  just tell her you're at the strip club all night okay okay how are you feeling so far i feel calm  and collected so that's nice i just didn't know   how i would react kind of yeah yeah exactly i  mean that's the thing with the unknown is the   unknown is always scary i think this next little  part above might be one of the only other sort of   hard parts for you just because we go through this  white section and it's like a little bit steep but   realistically it'll be just like what you just  did okay so we'll see how it feels yeah cool right here magnus is going to come over and  climb this crack and i just asked if he stole   norway's best climber and he doesn't compete  anymore so i guess he's technically not then he   said that he's on sighted 8c+ which is crazy  because that's harder than I climb basically   i've climbed like a couple 8c+ but to on sight  8c+ you're like geez louise that's really   hard a while back though oh my goodness no way is  there a crack here yeah yeah it's a finger crack   no it'll feel fine because you just walk  your feet up there's still jugs on the side   you don't have to climb the crack Pete  Whitaker is going to be so proud of you   but no think of this as a down pulling  pockets don't think of it as a crack   because you see it constricts in places yeah so  just make big moves between the constructions this is kind of scary though yeah yeah   it's okay just build your feet like  take your time find the good pockets yeah nice see like just yeah to see like that edge  it's still a good edge yeah like it's great   i don't trust it yeah but  you can that's like bomber nice his minus bit mode notice  how to freaking crack climb you see there's a big face hold out  to the right that you might like also   a big ear thing no the one down down below  that this yes i'm gonna get your fingers into   and then you see the big feet up here where my  feet are yeah i'm gonna move out of your way   here in a second here i'll kill the video magnus  is getting slightly stressed but he's doing great no no these okay i'm recording again okay  this is magnus about to do   one of the hardest parts see how it's slightly  steeper but there's this incredible jug yeah so stick stick to the big holes  going straight up a little further   and then you'll step over when you need to it's  funny i'm looking at magnus through the lens or   through the viewfinder but realistically i need to  look around the camera so i can actually see what   you're climbing is nothing amazing yes and then  grab that one out to the right it's incredible yeah that's a freaking hold huh that's nice though   these are my feet his magnus chilling on big jugs  and then make a big move up to this next uh hold   straight up there like come up to the left of me  and i'll have to get out of your way in a second   okay i'm climbing while still  no i'm not oh wait oh yeah yeah Magnus okay i think that  was maybe the hardest high up   yeah we're getting there yeah this part just  raise your feet and then make like big moves   in between the good holds don't think of it as  jamming as much as just like moving between edges for anybody watching this later i apologize the  camera moves so much but i would love to see you   freestyle 5.9 while holding a camera more stable  like for all the haters on youtube you try doing   this something tells me they're not going to be a  lot of haters who are like i could do that better   i don't think there's going to be a lot of haters  yeah people are going to be like just people   saying it's stupid yeah yeah of course i think  more people say this is stupid in Europe than   i don't know actually in general freestyling  is sort of a weirdly polarizing thing where   a lot of people say it's stupid but  the thing is it is really fun sometimes   same thing like raise the feet and  kind of like big moves on good holds really nice nice gentle movements okay i try  to keep like three points on it yeah all times   exactly you want to stay stable and  balanced with like three points on i'm   almost a little bit right now i've got no points  on look i took my other hand hanging out i'm   actually a little bit worried about you yeah i'm  gonna turn off the camera here and keep climbing   we're about to get into the really really good  black rock yeah it's not that i need longer arms   a wider lens i don't really know but it's just  not that easy to film freestyling by yourself   i thought the crack bit was a little  bit scarier to be honest yeah cool   but uh but you did great and yeah and you know  honestly i didn't remember that was on the route   at all yeah but uh do you need to pop your  shoes off at all how do you feel yeah i think   yeah so let's pop them off right here is the  perfect place so how many pitches have we done   now we just did two to here and then there two  above and then i think they're two more to the   top from there i think it's six total then notice  the Magnus is still holding on and relax relaxed   yeah relaxed yeah i know so i'm really happy that  i did this thank you for oh wait wait wait because you're doing great it looks beautiful and  the next two pitches are the are the part   of the route that's most classic iconic it's  beautiful i mean what a nice route what a nice day   really nice day oh you look can you see the  stratosphere and like the strip you see all the   buildings like that's the strip and the casinos  in Las Vegas down there isn't it crazy that you   could you know i mean you can see these casinos  right over there and it feels like we're in the   middle of nowhere we're in like wilderness it  feels pretty intense two completely different   worlds i feel yeah it's like the airport is right  there yeah you know and yet we're like up in the   middle of nowhere having a full-on experience  yeah it's pretty cool this is why i love Vegas   and honestly this is one of the things i love  about the US is like this sense of wilderness it's   really hard to get this wilderness in Europe in  the same way yeah but cool let's uh let's carry on so just above magnus here is where the rock  transitions from the sort of white sandstone   into the really dark varnish sandstone and this  black rock is incredibly good this is the third   pitch right yeah yeah i think so i mean depends  how you do them i guess but this is basically   the third pitch and it's this is the beginning of  the money this is where you start climbing stuff   that you're like this is insanely cool like look  at this black varnish above you yeah it's really   nice the rock is really hot still yeah maybe  but that's why you have a lot of chalk yeah   you can see my hat in the shadow  see magnus just looking composed cool as a cucumber as you say in english yeah well maybe not totally cool maybe just  like maybe like sunburn kind of stress   yeah definitely sunburn at least yeah yeah i think with basically the whole  rest of the route of all this blackrock   if you take your time and you find the holds  that you want you're always going to be happy   because like there's always something  incredible just like take your time find them yeah okay wait how are we feeling i'm  feeling a little bit more stressed i   feel like now it's like point of no return  you know i don't can't down climb this on   the other hand you're already halfway so  now you can just keep going to the top   yeah looking so cool yeah i'm a little bit more  nervous than i look i think yeah i know always   always but you know but i'm stressed out man yeah  yeah exactly are you doing great yeah here we go this rock feels a little bit slippery yeah  it is very slippery but it's very solid   so it's a bit of a trade-off where it's like more  slick but at least you know that it can't break   and that it's like very secure yeah in some ways the slipperiness just forces you  to be intentional about which parts you grab   you know you have to choose like okay i'm going  to grab this hold instead of just kind of trusting   friction and some of the other parts you can  just like put your foot anywhere and it'll just   should i follow you up no i think you should  follow the chalk i kind of just came over and   i'm an artist over here i'm just  getting the cool shot you know but just holding on to this little  hole we're looking up the wall   look at this nice texture you could be  like a fashion model right now with this   kind of a cool shot oh there's a perfect my  shadow holding the camera looking at magnus   and that part down there was a little bit  intense for me to be honest oh yeah interesting   that's funny i really thought this part would  be like way more relaxed for you because it's   it was just so slippery i didn't know where to go  and i was like kind of in a bad position totally   so yeah it's important not to let that stuff get  get away from you you know like if you get into   a position you don't like like it's easier than  let that like spiral out of control it's like oh   now i'm really scared or you can be like you know  what i'm gonna move back two moves i'm gonna find   a different position i'm gonna go a different  way you know like try to keep it under control   Magnus is relaxed yeah pop your shoes it really  helps having you above me though because then you   know i know it goes and just like talking to me  it really helps yeah i didn't think it would help   i thought it maybe just distract me more no it's  normally better because it just makes it all more   relaxed yeah like i'm here with somebody we're  having a good time it's a chill yeah actually   if i was up here on my own i wouldn't no no yeah  it'd be way too scary yeah no it's totally true   but you know look we have one more long  pitch of black rock and then we get into   the more mixed stuff at the top pretty  sure we just managed to turn on the gopro all right magnus is down there filming with  the gopro so you can get some cool pov footage   i mean this is a nice experience and  everything but i'm never doing this again   a couple of spots down there i felt a little bit  uncomfortable a little stressed at some point i   had like one good foothold and one good handhold  and i was like if either of these break i'm gone   yeah so that's kind of but that was just  for a brief flick but part of that is is uh   getting more comfortable with the rock yeah  because when you really trust this rock   i mean you know there are places here that you  shouldn't trust but this is a route where you can   basically trust all the holds i wonder if i can  actually climb while i film i don't do that please   i'm like i'm trying i'm trying damn it   bam i made one move basically because i'm a  particularly easy spot with really good holds i don't think people have seen me climb like  this on my channel because like i usually i'm   very dynamic and stuff yeah like now i'm so slow  and i chalk even more than usual but you come with   a shirt on that's why you're so slow now i know  yeah things when you climb with a shirt you just   can't really do the hard things yeah it's pretty  exposed from a few i mean kind of but we can both   enter no hands i mean my hand is on only because  i'm holding a camera and leaning back and doing   all kinds of stuff no Magnus' hand is on because  he is fearing for his life yeah i can take em off oh   look at that see look at that you're relaxed i  don't want to take any unnecessary risk you know   but is that really unnecessary risk i mean you're  basically standing here relaxed i do think though   that apart from those like two places that i was  a little bit scared it's it's pretty safe because   when you're at like our level physically i i yeah  yeah it's not like you're getting fatigued it's   not like any of the moves are hard so it's like  you would have to faint or something but that's   the thing i'm afraid of you know just because i'm  not used to this yeah better freak out but if you   faint while driving you'll probably ... too yeah  exactly there's a lot of yeah a lot of times in   life where if you just fall over you'll ... yeah  waiting for the subway yeah exactly that would   be terrible for me it feels like 30 seconds ago  that we were at the bottom yeah totally yeah like   you're fully present the entire time yeah i  mean that's i think that's really the appeal   of freestyling it's like they're not that many  things in life that make you that present yeah   you know it's like meditation or yoga or whatever  else but i probably look pretty stupid right now   by the way you like a little shoot with the  gopro it's fine i mean you're staying all   relaxed on the side of the cliff challenge anyone  else on your channel to look more cool i mean i'm   not going to jinx it but this was a very fun  experience yeah well let's finish the route   let's see what happens here i'm going  to go past again isn't this upper part   like way more chill though yeah i just hope it  continues like this otherwise you might have to   call a rescue you're falling victim to the like  don't think about what's ahead or behind or   anything just yeah each move in front of  you you're like here's another easy move a little bit more of a move where i just was  but okay like crazy to stand up to the next i will say it was definitely the right  call for me to bring uh my climbing shoes to the end of black i'm just a little bit stuck right here yep i think anytime you feel  like you get stuck in a spot   just never force it you know like always  just be patient and like figure it out   because i think it's easy to get a little  panicky and be like oh god and then like   do some crazy move but you just don't want to  commit to something that you don't want to do okay nice nice keep cruising  straight up there but um i had there's a loose hold there was a loose hold back here uh no it's actually actually loose but  it was very loose so i was able to see it all right Magnus is finishing  up the last of this black wall   i'm on the first really nice ledge just  hanging out magnus has about 20 meters   of hard climbing to go or no i guess this  is more like 10 meters of hardcore to go actually i don't know if you  can call this hard climbing but   it's not hard climbing yeah real climbing engaging  climbing there's a pretty constant wind up here   it's pretty cold wind actually where everyone  thinks that vegas is the desert and you know   the casinos but when you're up in the mountains  here there's cold wind a lot of the time   i guess not nearly as cold  as Norway but almost here this better get a lot of views alex well it's  going to be up to how well you edited huh yeah   i'm going to put your future kid through  college with youtube videos you know   that's one thing i've never done is be  a youtuber maybe you should try it maybe   i don't think so i just don't i don't  really like cameras i don't like dealing   oh my goodness it's so nice to be up here yeah  take your shoes off i think so now you have the   giant gopro mark on your forehead yeah yeah it's  like you have a gopro logo like brandon i honestly   don't care about anything at this point just care  about surviving like basically i'll only take   somebody freesyling for the first time if they climb  you know 5.15 or V15 okay you know like basically   if somebody's because the thing is at a certain  level if you're an incredible climber you can   just deal on stuff like this yeah you know i mean  like you can't red point 9a - 9b without like having   the tools to climb this type of easy terrain  comfortably but you did have to convince me   yeah not like that hard no not that hard because  the thing is what i convinced you is just to   come out and check it out because the thing is  if you've gotten to the base and you were like   there was no way then we would have just walked  around we would have had a hike we would have   talked about it i was hesitant to be honest yeah  also you notice that you're still holding on with   one hand even though you're just sitting there  eating a snack people ask you questions like how   many climbs do you do and like like what do you  do to train and it's like hard to convey just how   much you how much time you can spend out before  you feel comfortable like this yeah like this   isn't something where you like train in the gym  three or four times and you're like okay i'm ready   this is like you spend your whole life like  playing around in the mountains and scrambling   and like doing weird approaches and getting  lost and figuring stuff out and climbing cliffs   yeah and then eventually you're like you know i  feel pretty comfortable here because it does feel   it's like home sweet home and watching all  the birds soar over there it's pretty cool my shadow hi magnus he's climbing you see this is much easier huh i'm definitely  more relaxed now so you see this is the V1 boulder   problem the face right there yeah all right  Magnus tackling the V1 boulder problem it makes   the climbing you're doing look more extreme by  having a rad wall behind you yeah i'm falling over so what is the next big thing for you alex  my main project for the year is raising   my now two-month-old daughter yeah has that  changed anything the fact that you have a kid   not so far i mean it's changed the way i spend  my time it's changed how much sleep i get yeah   you know i'm a lot more tired yeah but um  but no so far it hasn't changed my climbing   right but uh you know i wouldn't wouldn't be  surprised if it does eventually or something but   but you know we'll see yeah how about this like  for this type of easy scrambling though it's like   i'll just always love doing stuff like this yeah  you know like i mean french i'd love to do this   kind of thing with a kid but wait to wait till  they've had you know 10 or 15 years of experience   yeah and actually on one of my little hiking  missions i broke a hole in a gully and like   tumbled down this gully and so yeah it was a  little like whoa i kind of sprained both my wrists   like falling down this thing isn't that usually  when accidents happen like when you least expect   it but how about freestyle the movie did you  expect it to go to be as big as it was no because   that changed your life right yeah yeah freestyle  i mean well i guess the film freestyle changed   my life in some ways and i'm way more well known  but in other ways i'm like i'm here in red rock   trying to climb things as well as like i'm like  i'm doing all the same stuff yeah like the last   time we climbed together was before freestyle and  i was on a climbing trip trying to climb as well   as i could and now you come to see my house i'm  still climbing as much as i can you know it's like   basically the same thing i remember you talking  about it well you weren't sure if you were gonna   do it or not oh yeah yeah that's funny i wasn't uh  i wasn't sure i was talking about it at that point   you know when people sign up for a marathon or  something then you tell all your friends so that   you're actually gonna do it because otherwise  it's too easy to back down yeah yeah exactly   and there's no backing down so the beauty of  working on the film is that at least then you're   actually pretty committed yeah like okay well my  friends are gonna make fun of me if i go do it   i don't think anyone would make fun of you if you  didn't but you know what i mean yeah yeah i know   it's like it always helps to have some commitment  that was uh more scary than i thought it would be   really yeah wow jesus congrats you didn't  ... there's some points there that i was like   super scared and having Alex next to me  that really helped me like without that   i would never i mean obviously  i would never have tried it yeah   we did an hour and a half on the route that's  not that bad that's not bad yeah i mean well   you know obviously it's not as fast but like  for filming and sitting and talking you're like   it's not crazy as soon as i started i felt like  i i felt like i didn't have i know that i had   a choice but i felt like i had no choice you know  you didn't have a dream no i didn't have a choice   your whole youtube channel would make so much  fun of you if you didn't i know but as you said   during the way like they can't really make fun of  me because i don't think anyone else would have   done the same thing exactly yeah no one's going  to be making fun because everyone's like oh i don't   want to do that no i didn't i i was 100% i mean i  don't want to see you ... either i'm not going to   be like let's go out like let's see if magnus  survives today that would be a terrible day i   go home to my wife and i'm like well i had kind  of a weird day Magnus ... kind of a weird day
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 6,661,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex Honnold, Climbing, Insane, Climb, Bouldering, Magnus, Honnold, Alex, Sports, Outside, Nature, USA, Rock Climbing
Id: Cyya23MPoAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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