We're Playing Anti-Chess?! 4 Player Chess with Alexandra Botez, GothamChess, and Qiyu Zhou

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I need a little bit more information here guys  yeah I don't understand free-for-all at all I   tried to read a guide on it and I felt like a  pogchamp participant whoa there's sub pogchamp   participants out there who can definitely beat  your ass boy boy I wasn't even insulting them I   was just saying I felt like a beginner that's  all I was saying okay too far levy too far why can I not move my pond I can't move many of  my pieces this is anti chess oh oh oh we have   to capture stuff so the more oh is losers chest  right you give them your ear in sake my king but   just taking the Kami I win the game Oh does it  weigh down with their two versions of this you   can capture the king or not oh you can capture  the king okay wait funny so first lose all piece   of it but what does it mean for all the things  that I like coming up on the side right I do   the points matter or not yeah yeah the more  pieces of yours that get taken the better   your doing yes levies doing the boss okay yes  I mean I did say I was yes okay what is going   on I did say I would be the world's champion of  this format I just you know thought that they   would warn us before they did it but content is  better if use and throw it into you know at all   right so those are you confused anti chests  as a type of chests where you know normally   introduced by the way it's just give away you  just have everything away till you have nothing   on the board wait but there's nothing I can  capture here I'm just trying to find a move   I'm so confused what can i play oh I have one  capture exactly so you always have to put that   one capture yeah okay um okay I'm gonna go here  and so the strategy like first of all there's   actual like opening theory yeah I was a kid wait  why do you guys know this yeah I've seen well   that's because we have the proper na education  we don't have some like weird like EU education okay as long as you apologize for your mistakes  you okay but that's actually true I think like   joking aside like I think like like an EU I've  seen like a lot less Blitz and a lot less like   variance yeah it's very very serious quite serious  I would say yeah but you do try to lose um game   ends after one player loses all their pieces  yeah it's right I like Levy who just loses the   rest of us have actually actually try to lose true  clearly you're gonna win lovey just so you know I   I was making fun of myself that I would win but I  am winning you gotta lose the king as well right   like the king doesn't matter at all I don't have  a king so that's good observations ghosts wait I   took your king okay I got a plus three from that  so that's fine Wow it's fine mmm wait the Kings   only worth three points so that does that mean I  should start telling everybody though the king is   only worth three points I don't think it matters  though cuz you can just capture period like if   the King was worth like fifteen or something that  would be different but right hasn't everyone what   kind of loss or King already well he Carl you  and I are I'm sold with my King unfortunately   but you want a very loyal over here yeah I'm  trying to give it away I'm offering my rook   to Alex instead oh right I'm trying to find like  the best way to lose all my P oh oh but alexandra   has 200 this is good she's got to take one of my  pieces next so I'm just gonna play a random move   okay love you sounds good buddy what if I take he  carves piece instead though oh that's very you you   pissed her off levy no she just played the best  move that was fair play oh I think every piece   is just worth three points I don't think which  when you take okay this one Alexandra I think   has to take but maybe I'm stupid probably the  second okay this is really unfortunate indeed   indeed okay we're all yo it's a four-way tie can  we just pause here it's twelve twenty second one   seven all for a moment that was so cool I love  you better like distract something here because   otherwise she was gonna like Alexander is gonna  win the game oh yeah when he karu really I have   to take everything of Alex's I'm the lowest  rated chess player here let's all let's all   focus on someone else do my best I didn't even  know this was like a variant on chess calm yeah   she you really got that rook in there and it's  gonna take everything well this is what you know   this is this is why the rook on the second ring is  so strong said this is not the right time to use   that principle yeah I'm actually confused oh yes  so the more pieces you lose yeah okay the points   yeah I'm dancing okay I just gotta move I can't  figure out I left myself with too many pawns which   is always the problem right and right yes yeah  yeah wait you guys hopefully antitrust before   of course who hasn't played an any education  levy me make Alexander to take something yours   so that she doesn't win the game here I'm not  gonna win the key car you always say that and   then you win every time levy don't listen to  him yes I'm feeling very attacked here yeah all right I think I lost in this lifetime I need  to go back be reborn into the na education system   I'm taking this way too seriously I'm sorry what  wait why can't I what can I imagine I'll pass on   for Blair oh [ __ ] now my rock is coming out  okay yes so she can't take anything so this   is a yes Oh oh my god I just cannot I need to  like lose all my pieces but I just you know I   okay we'll take this one too no no I'm not I'm  not oh you and I well he Cara's gonna play the   right move then she's gonna have a choice oh  that was meta all right well now let's see you   should take my knight because otherwise  Alexandra's gonna lose all her pieces so   but no but you could take my bishop oh no  I'm making it even between Levy and akaru this is very stressful you're you're all you're  winning but I'm not quite you know what I mean   not anyway you're fine you're absolutely fine I  like this we should this one's fun cuz you know   you lose all your pieces and it you win so the  first thing is the best of blundering is gonna   win basically yeah nice to meet you my name  is Alexandra I can think this guy I like to   leave it you can try okay let's not go that  far okay I'll relax a little bit why can umm   no Alexandra's got a problem here cuz she's  gonna end up promoting isn't she yeah mmhmm   yeah cousin cuz you have to take her you have  to take her rogue she's gonna take I'm gonna   push to she pushes one oh I next move I'll push  one and then she promotes hey we're assuming   it's the eighth-ranked toom it is but I don't  know yeah it's rangas here though okay let me   go here sorry none of my next move all do this  I think I don't know I don't know I think I know   like but come on I should win like I'm the only  person with my King left I mean I I deserve to   win for respecting respecting the rules chess  principles yes don't say nothing oh nevermind   I messed up yes now I go here so Alexandre can't  win oh yeah so now she's the catcher and she has   to capture again right exactly yeah yeah okay  okay okay you're right it's unfortunate she's   only got a pawn left this is so funny okay she  like gets Dilma if you can no longer push your   pawn come on cheer do me a solid and block my  pawn just one time don't do it she winning man   we need to yeah we're not here to promote this  just to promoting that she has to come down and   capture a bunch of stuff and you know whose pieces  I'm not gonna capture yours Hikaru do I actually she didn't even under promote she brought  Oh Queen on oh [ __ ] oh you blundered this   is fantastic thank you to you Oh No Oh bah  oh yeah what would you think you had there   oh I did she you gave her the other  pawn there I've been waiting for you   to help Caro soaping Wow what okay Wow look  at her legs what is 648 oh god what is that I think they they at the end of this  player like true rating skills like   mine 648 alex is still winning they  display our resting heart rate her side did we actually tie three like three people or  was always a no I think we did let me see yeah   yeah because wait did we yeah cuz levy you had  three plants also coupons it at night but the   pods are where everything's worth three right  so like everything's worth three points so it's   three three three yeah so we did tie yeah because  it's just like knights and pawns are worth three   in this one so yeah yeah it's okay Hikaru we  know that your your level is a bit beyond thirty   nine points oh yeah yeah I used to love anti  chess though when I was younger I played all   the time so okay one like this one five FFA I'm  really scared what format this is about to be   bug house for player chess but you never played  this growing up I've never played this I'm sorry   I only played 90 minutes plus 30 seconds it was 30  moves after 40 boosts that's the only time format   I played until I was 17 that's things about your  childhood you okay looks like just free for us   yeah oh that's that's like that's like one of the  craziest things I've ever heard that really it's   like it's like someone's never played in sideshows  are just like very just variants in general Alex   introduced me to play blades literally Alex  was the one who introduced me to online blades   I mean I mean okay variants are not necessary for  improvement but okay these four player chess is a   very big headache I have to tell you I am too old  for this and frankly I do not get enough sleep so okay Peter I dude you know what's like the  the best is when someone says I do Peter   like Oh better than Peter like oh does Peter  like I mean that is like the biggest this is   free for all and not anti chess yeah it's just  right what are you doing Oh nobody is a for me   me where the DM z-- that say like wait this  is you know free bra not anti chess Hikaru   if I go here oh I know never mind I'm not  what will not collab we'll just I just check   me hurry and like three I just just went yeah  I want to carry over the goodbyes yeah I like   so yeah I think that what you wanted to do that  would've been really nasty like really nasty okay yeah I need to start reading the free-for-all  and titles and stuff I just you know I need a   little bit more information here guys  yeah I don't understand free-for-all   at all I tried to read a guide on it and  I felt like a pogchamp participant whoa   there's sub pogchamp participants out there  who can definitely beat your ass boy boy I wasn't even insulting them I was just  saying I felt like a beginner that's   all I was saying okay too far levy too far I can feel the tension we're all so quiet  now we're digging this too seriously people who tried too much people are trying  too much and we game here just a friendly game   for for friends hanging out that's not the  memo I got I'm not sure who wrote the memo   for you okay love easy I just do that and then  just do do that yeah and you see it yeah yeah   I don't see it but it's okay okay I'm gonna  focus on my own pieces [ __ ] you love you   why don't you take with the pick up his check  me wasn't it Oh everybody stop chatting late   there's a night oh nevermind sorry I'm stupid  love you forget what I thought it was checkmate   I don't know who is this lever you are talking  about the duh I mean yes again for players jess   is like this this game for like very stupid  people to just keep themselves entertained   I don't really debate but it's gay anyway  karo so thanks for inviting me anyway though that's so good sorry that was a really good  idea Sh impersonation I'm sorry who I was I   don't know I just wasn't it that was I'm  not surely I I don't want to drop him by   name maybe he'll appear might appear on  your stream guys today I have I have to   confess today I was ended on Twitter by  any Giri Q if you think levees night he   can't take back both of the pieces and  it's okay but that's true that's true alright I feel like I feel like I'm gonna  lose this game anyways because I just always   get checkmated somehow so I'll help you out here  Alan there you go see he didn't take your piece   oh that's so nice that is so nice do you gonna  help lovey or you you got it all under control   wait this no no I I need I need I need mental help  I just the way I approach free-for-all is like I   move pieces to squares and I just wait for the  game to be over and sometimes good things happen   and sometimes bad things happen and that's it you  know there's not I can't control the outcome true   I feel like that's a really bad move I mean it's a  trade in the worst case right yes yes why does he   cargo have to Queens again some very funny things  going why am I getting checkmated for the fifth   time I don't even think we play five games but  it literally feels like we've waited five times   alright I'll try to help tu carro aqui Cara I'm  just gonna do this and let's just like request   let's just I mean I'm I'm Jackie Cara doesn't have  to but you know if he let's see who he chooses we ready no omen oh-hoh owes to save that was the  right play all right so so choose gonna live here   okay I appreciate that please don't check make me  I can't I can't really do that because I I have to   focus on someone else well I think I do know know  me with my two rooks my two dogs gonna do lots of   damage III wasn't gonna take your queen if that's  what you were concerned about oh I should taking   your pawn - those mistake yeah I don't have a  lot of pieces left I took a risk and it did not   pay off that was not nice if you loved it that was  really not nice I played a good move oh yeah wins   Oh your Queens are oh I got a queen I think it's  one it's the wrong queen though yeah it's the 1.1   another one it has a big one on it let me finally  wins the queen is worth the value of a pond well let me you have fourteen points you're in  second place actually it's pretty solid I beat   second place is like my home in four-player you  know I just I know it used to be for last place   but it's fine did I did I don't get last place  in the first time we did it yes yeah are you   good you did oh I didn't yeah but I got second  this time so now second place is your home new   new home love you you planning on ever taking  he car was Queen or or not I'm not losing five   four one I'll let he Caro take me it's gonna be  a waste of a tempo for him like right now that's   that's kind of smart actually it's not smart for  Alexandra looks I know what she wanted you to do oh man wait did you just miss that I do yeah just  straight-up miss a rook down those weights are   way too am I am I supposed to help you here or  way no your window 23 no oh I'm in third place   so no no no no okay I I can't do that I feel  like I've been checkmated a few too many times   I don't even know what I'm supposed to do then  here's the lab Brooke move I think I'm cutting   off her King in the future all right I'm trying  to be useful I hung a rook never mind I did not   even see that that's all part of my plan I  just wanted to feed Alexandra thank you dad   don't forget about your time lovey it's not the  problem I get five second bonus so um oh yeah   baby oh oh I can't do that oh my god I'm blind  there was an extra day you thought there was   an extra square on the diagonal that's so funny  oh my time okay I'm just trying to survive here sorry Alex lets you try to checkmate me he cars  coming for your king um well I'm not trying to   check meet you okay I'm very friendly I'm a  friendly red neighbor okay I sounded a bit   Soviet there but that's not what I was I am  just trying to redistribute all of my gains   to you okay okay okay okay okay I believe you  all right Gaurav you threatened her something   I could take a rook on k1 oh you want me to take  something inverse okay yeah wait didn't she just   say she's your neighbor I'm sorry I was trying  to help you to you yeah what the what was that   that was like some cynical [ __ ] my god oh  he smokes you I guess he car wins again am i   right three points gonna be kind of hard for  me to one how much just a checkmate worth 20   I think around 20 I don't know exactly all  right so I'm gonna go forward oh you might   want to take that Queen actually Anastas Alice  Donna Troy druga bottoms a bralette were you   Figaro unbelievable I mean just I don't know I  saw someone in the shots they speak Russian so   but you just Russian no I don't speak Russian  why are we not playing on the same team unless you're your red neighbor over here is  looking for an allegiance my king and   oh my god I am in a check sorry nothing to  apologize for Alex pitas ass Wow maybe you   guys could help me incident I will I will I've  got to prevent Queen over tune shape 9 oh wait ah Alex at least I will give levy a check  okay so one of you should not let Nemo get   the full points by taking my rose oh I like to  take on ol5 outside yeah okay I mean I'm just   helping you to you and you've been letting  Hikaru beat up beat me up and take my rook   so I'm really like the the sub in this  relationship but whatever at this point you have to get the win here it's gay here our  key car only has eight points wait he doesn't   maybe one wait no there was no me why no I can't  push the pawn this where you try to do that you   know what we just take our o down one time yeah  but but now now we just checked me to Gotham so   oh okay I was gonna fly yeah it's okay all right  you all right help me take down you karo and then   I can be second all right what's the plan here  though help protect my thank you Oh mother Queen   it's okay give us okay okay okay you just go for  it for his king can you do it or no I have to bury   my entire Queen over this would be really hard  at least I'm protecting that look you have White   Queen and it's gonna try that's checkmate No okay  all right well she was gonna win I always knew he   was gonna win levy come forth play situation  once again wait the pawns get that way okay he   is taking these pawns like hungry hungry hippo the  king is running and now two queens are attacking   the king okie quarters King is so safe how is  she gonna win this I'm not I'm literally gonna   lose all of her pieces because that's our number  one skill and now all the pieces are collapsing   and it is over oh oh my goodness I cannot watch  this know everybody you do at your pawn champs   no this is too much for me I'm very sorry I need  to take a break for a second oh my god okay I   tried there I'm tried yeah you almost got there  I just you had too many pieces on the board it   wasn't too much where I also like have to check  me and I got like points before the mate yeah at   least I didn't get checkmated by Hikaru within  twenty twelve moves this time seven moves this   is true this is the way this is a win this is an  absolutely win wait I'm being told by one of the   admins that she you could have claimed the win  what is that whoa oh you mean want this 1v1 yeah   you can claim a win it's basically mathematic  like unless you throw or something which I mean   basically how I did oh you can't just claim  when it's founded there's some people there's   a button that says claim win and she waited what  where's Chloe what I miss the way to gaze akaru you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 421,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, four player chess with hikaru, Hikaru plays 4 player chess, Hikaru and Botez, Hikaru and Alexandra
Id: OCoc8BSy_zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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