MAKING HIKARU CURSE?? l 4player chess ft. GM Hikaru Nakamura, WGM Qiyu Zhou and IM Levy Rozman

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[Music] so at least I'm not waiting and yeah we it's a lot less time right yeah yeah oh it's for thought you got four second increment okay oh right mmm it's like a classical game we we obviously have not played classical games in a very long time why can I not move my pawn the heck I can't move any of my pieces this is anti chess oh oh so the more this is losers chess right who are you right take my king wait but taking that que me I win the game Oh does it wait I don't know but there's new versions of this is this all where you can capture the king or not oh you can't capture the king okay wait so funny so first lose all piece of it but what is it what does it mean for all the things that I like coming up on the side right I do the points matter or not yeah yeah the more pieces of yours that get taken the better you're doing yes little Levy's doing the BOTS okay yes I mean I did say I was yes okay what is going on I did say I would be the world champion of this format I just you know thought that they would warn us before they did it but content is better if use and throw it into you know a toy right so those are you confused anti chests as a type of chest where you know normally I dress the more I just give away just give away just give everything away till you have nothing on the board wait but there's nothing I can capture here I'm just trying to find a move I'm so confused what can i play oh I have one capture exactly so you always have to put that one capture yeah okay um okay I'm gonna go and so the strategy like first of all there's actual like opening theory yeah wait why do you guys know this yeah I've seen well that's because we have the proper na education we don't have some like weird like EU education oh okay as long as you apologize for your mistakes you okay well that's actually true I think like joking aside like I think like like an EU I've seen like a lot less Blitz and a lot less like variance yeah it's very very serious quite serious I would say yeah but you do try to lose um game ends after one player loses all their pieces yeah it's right I like Levy who just loses the rest of us have actually actually try to lose true not so clearly you're gonna win lucky to see you know III was making fun of myself that I would win but I am winning you gonna lose the king as well right like the king doesn't matter at all I don't have a king so that's good observations based wait I took your king okay I got a +3 from that so that's fine Wow it's fine wait the Kings only worth three points so that does that mean I should start telling everybody no the Kings all they worth three points I don't think it matters though cuz you can just capture period like if the King was worth like fifteen or something that would be different but right hasn't everyone like kind of lost their King already no Carl you and I I'm sold with my King unfortunately yeah I'm trying to give it away I'm offering my rook to Alex instead all right I'm trying to find like the best way to lose all my P oh oh but alexandra has 200 this is good she's got to take one of my pieces next so I'm just gonna play a random move what if I take C Corey's piece instead though oh that's very you you pissed her off levy no she just played the best move that was fair play oh I think every pieces just works three points I don't think it matters which when you take okay this one Alexandra I think has to take but maybe I'm stupid probably the second one okay this is really unfortunate indeed indeed okay we're all yo it's a four-way tie can we just pause here it's 200 somebody said it was 27 all for a moment that was so cool okay lovie you better like distract something here because otherwise she's gonna like Alexander's gonna win the game oh yeah a car really i hasn't take everything about Alex I'm the lowest rated chess player here let's all let's all focus on someone else yeah I'm gonna do my best I didn't even know this was like a variant on chess calm yeah she you really got that rook in there and it's gonna take everything no this is this is why the rook on the second ring is so strong said this is not the right time to use that principle yeah I'm actually confused oh yes so the more pieces you lose yeah okay the points yeah okay I just gotta move I can't figure out I left myself with too many pawns which is always the problem right and inside right mm-hmm yeah yeah wait you guys have played antitrust before who has any education loving me make Alexander to take something yours so that she doesn't win the game here I'm not gonna witty car you always say that and then you win every time let me don't listen to him yes I'm feeling very attacked here yeah all right I think I lost in this lifetime I need to go back be reborn into the na education system I'm taking this way too seriously oh sorry what wait why can't I what can I take something oh my god imagine i'm poisson for Blair oh now my work is coming up okay yes so she can't take anything so this is a yes oh my god I just cannot I need to like lose all our pieces but I just cannot okay we'll take this one too no no I'm not I'm not oh you're gonna oh yeah well he Carl's gonna play the right move then she's gonna have a choice oh that was meta alright well well now let's see you should take my knight because otherwise Alexander's gonna lose all the pieces so but no but you can take my bishop oh no I'm making it even between Levy and akaru so it's very stressful you're you're all you're winning but I'm not quite you know what I mean not I mean you're fine you're absolutely fine I like this we should this one's fun cuz at least yeah I don't know you lose all your pieces and it you win so the person who's the best of blundering is gonna win basically yeah nice to meet you my name is Alexander I [Laughter] can take this guy I like to leave I need to try okay let's not go that far okay why can uh no Alexandra's got a problem here cuz she's gonna end up promoting isn't she ya know mm-hmm yeah cousin cuz you have to take her you have to take her rogue she's gonna take I'm gonna push to she pushes one oh my next move I'll push one and then she promotes we're assuming it's the eighth-ranked I assume it is but I don't know yeah it's rangas here though okay let me go here sorry and then on my next book I'll do this I think I don't know I don't know I think I know like but come on I should win like I'm the only person with my King left I mean I deserve to win for respecting respect through the roof yes principals yeah [Music] go say nothing oh never mind I mess up yes now I go here so Alexandre can't win huh yeah so now she's the catcher and she has to capture again right exactly yeah okay okay okay you're right it's unfortunate she's only got a pawn left this is so funny okay she like gets tilma if you can no longer push her pawn come on cheer do me a solid and block my pawn just one time don't do it she winning man we need to [Music] but who just to promote this just to promoting that she has to come down and capture a bunch of stuff and you know pieces I'm not gonna capture your se Caro she didn't even under promote she probably thought she had Auto Queen on oh oh blunder this is fantastic thank you to you Oh No Oh bah oh yeah what would you think you had there oh I did she did she you gave her the other pawns I forgot you I've been waiting for you to help Caro soaping Wow what okay losers chess what's wrong wow that's that's like that's like one of the craziest things I've ever heard no that really is like if someone's never played in sideshow yeah variance just variance in general Alex introduced me to play blitz literally Alex was the one who introduced me to you online blitz I mean I mean okay variants are not necessary for improvement but okay these four player chess is a very big headache I have to tell you I am too old for this and frankly I do not get enough sleep so okay Peter hey dude you know what's like the the best is when someone says I do Peter like Oh better than Peter and like Oh does Peter like oh I mean that is like this is free for all I'm not anti chess nobody is informing me where the DM z-- that say like wait this is you know free brah not I enjoy chess hikaru if I go here oh I know never mind I'm not will not collab will just I just went yeah I want to carry over the goodbyes yeah I think that what you wanted to do that wasn't really nasty it's like really nasty okay yeah I need to start reading the free-for-all and titles and stuff I just you know I need a little bit more information here guys yeah I don't understand free-for-all at all I tried to read a guide on it and I felt like a pogchamp participant whoa there's sub pogchamp participants out there who can definitely beat your ass boy boy I wasn't even insulting them I was just saying I felt like a beginner that's all I was saying okay too far levy too far I can feel the tension we're all so quiet now we're taking this too seriously people who tried too much people are trying some friendly game here just a friendly game for for friends hanging out that's not the demo I guy I'm not sure who wrote the memo for you but loveed yeah just do that and then just do do that yeah and you see yeah you see it yeah I don't see it but it's okay okay I'm gonna focus on my own pieces oh you levy why don't you take the push-up is checkmate wasn't timely requesting everybody stop checkmating tonight there's a night oh never mind sorry I'm stupid lucky forget what I thought it was checkmate I don't look who's this lever you are talking about but I mean it's okay for players dresses like this this game for like very stupid people to just keep themselves entertained I don't really participate but it's gay anyway Caro so thanks for inviting me anyway though [Laughter] [Music] that's so good sorry that was a really good idea impersonation I'm sorry who I was I don't know surely I I don't want to drop him by name maybe he'll appear might appear on your stream guys today I have I have to confess today I was ended on Twitter by any giri chu if you take levees night he can't take back both of the pieces and it's a trade a but you take back with the check that's true that's true hmm all right I feel like I feel like I'm gonna lose this game anyways because I just always get checkmate at some house so I'll help you out here there you go see he didn't take your piece oh that's so nice that is so nice didn't you help levy or you got all under control wait no no I need I need I need I need mental help but I just the way I approach free-for-all is like I move pieces to squares and I just wait for the game to be over and sometimes good things happen and sometimes bad things happen and that's it you know there's not I can't control the outcome true I feel like that's a really bad move I mean it's a trade in the worst case yes yes yes why does he karma have two queens again some very funny things why am I getting checkmated for the fifth time I don't even think we play five games but I literally feel like we've checkmated five times all right Cara hi Cara I'm just gonna do this and let's just like request let's just I mean I'm Jackee Cara doesn't have to but you know if he let's see who he chooses we ready now omen.oh he chose to save that was the right play all right so it's what you gonna live here okay I appreciate that please don't check make me just I can't I can't really do that cuz I I have to focus on someone else let me think I do me with my two rooks my two dogs gonna do lots of damage I wasn't gonna take your queen if that's what you were concerned about Yolo it's good to see you I hope you're doing well yeah I don't have a lot of pieces left I took a risk and it did not pay off that was not nice if you love me that was really not nice I played a good move oh you're Queens oh you're Queens are oh I got a queen I think it's one it's the wrong queen though yeah it's the one point one has a big one on it so I levy finally wins a queen is worth the value of a pond but let me you have 14 points you're in second place actually it's pretty solid I be second place is like my home in four-player you know I just I know it used to be for last place but it's fine did I did I even get last place in the factory or some we did it yes yeah you good you know I didn't yeah but I got second this time so now second place is your home new new home lucky you you planning on ever taking he car was Queen or not I'm not losing five four one let Hikaru take me it's gonna be a waste of a tempo for him right no that's that's kind of smart actually it's not smart products Andrew looks I know what you wanted you to do oh man wait yo did you just miss that yes did you straight-up miss a rook down those swings away to you am I am I supposed to help you here or way no you asked 23 no I'm in a third place so no no no no okay I can't do that I feel like I've been checkmated a few too many times I don't even know what I'm supposed to do look move I think I'm cutting off her king in the future all right I'm trying to be useful I hung a rook never mind I did not even see that well part of my plan I just wanted to feed Alexandra thank you Dad don't forget about your time Lobby it's not a problem I get five second bonus so um oh yeah baby what oh oh I can't do that oh my god I'm blind there was an extra day you thought there was an extra square in the diagonal that's so funny oh my time okay I'm just trying to survive here sorry Alex lets you try to checkmate me he car is coming for your okay um well I'm not trying to jack meet you okay I'm very friendly I'm your friendly red neighbor okay it sounded a bit Soviet there but that's not why I am just trying to redistribute all of my games to you okay okay okay okay okay I'm Billy to you alright guy review threatening her something I could take a rook on K 1 oh you want me to take something averse okay yeah wait didn't she just say she's your neighbor I was trying to help you to you yeah what the what was that that was like some cynical my god oh holy smokes shame I guess he car wins again am i right three points gonna be kind of hard for me to win how much is a checkmate worth twenty I think around twenty I don't know all right so I'm gonna go forward Oh might want to take that Queen actually Alaska solid stone uh Troy druga bottoms a bralette were you Figaro unbelievable I mean just I don't know I saw someone in the chest they speak Russians wait you just Russian no I don't speaker why are we not playing on the same team unless your your red neighbor over here is looking for an allegiance my king and oh my god I am in a check sorry nothing to apologize for Alex Peters ass Wow maybe you guys could help me instead of I will I've gotta prevent Queen over tune shape nine oh wait okay Alex at least I will give levy a check okay so one of you should not let Nemo get the full points by taking my roach oh I like to take on a l5 sulphide yeah okay I mean I'm just helping you to you and have you been letting heat car beat up beat me up and take my roof so I'm really like the the sub in this relationship but whatever at this point you have to get the win here it's gay here are you Carly has eight points only he didn't see them 81 wait no there was no me one no no I can't push the pause where you try you know what calm down one time yeah but now now we just checked me to Gotham so oh okay so like okay alright you help me take down you car ooh and then I can be second all right what's the plan here though that day for Chester checkmate thank you oh but this other Queen it's okay three of us okay okay okay you just go for it for his king can you do it or no I have to braid my entire Queen over this will be really hard at least I'm protecting that look you have my cool and it's gonna try that's checkmate no okay well she's gonna win Iowa team that are rou he god she's gonna win let me come home fourth place situation once again create the pawns okay he is taking these pawns like hungry hungry hippo the king is running and now two queens are attacking the king okey Cara's King is so safe how is she gonna win this I'm not I'm literally gonna lose all of her pieces because that is your number one skill and now all the pieces are collapsing and it is over oh oh my goodness I cannot watch this everybody eat so much of power champs no this is too much for me I'm very sorry I need to take a break for a song oh my god okay I tried there I'm tried yeah you almost got there I just you had too many pieces on the board Blaire chess can you win by resigning see that strategy I would this is free fall I'm sorry my my you education did not set me up for this it's true true actually what what is he you education like can you tell us I like chess wise all right no like I mean what did you learn in school like my sink finish I wasn't even trolling I'm like seared like what why does every I'm just wondering why everybody makes fun of it that's all I think a education not all are we we're just thinking about um your education it's fine oh oh man wait Alexandre you want what do you count ukyo your na right yeah yeah I went to school in Canada in the u.s. oh well yeah I'm fine thank you he carbs for that handicap we we all thank you yeah we really appreciate it this is teams by the way so you guys don't you should call that happy sorry excuse me it's teams so we should be that we're back on the same team again all right levy sorry Carla so you got I need to go first for you to hit her with like an auxiliary thread right that's what I'm looking for yeah I'm just gonna promote this work okay um so you're just stay safe because they're trying to gang up on you so maybe some piece of metal teams its teams I mean of course that's the whole point yeah ganging up on me yeah exactly come on do it love you or not it's your call uh no but we don't have a second threat right I do oh so well I think that's not I don't think it's worth that much okay okay alright hey let's slip let's do okay let's just stay let's stay flexible okay just move the night okay I'm gonna be aware she's trying to make a queen by the way what gave that away was it my three pawn moves in a row he Carl I'm not I'm just I'm just trying to look out for my teammates last time I brought out the Queen I lost it in like two moves I've never bring out my Queen again I don't know how do you even control that square you don't have it's only worth one I guess although maybe we should try to hit Alexandra Alexandra see you I think he car was onto my plan I don't know I couldn't go like fear for example I'm just getting you just keep pushing I think I know but if I do that that is supporting your I mean I got too creative with this random opening or I can just go for broke what no you know I'm just you can also okay you can also sneak in like something like this and then I'll do like that you guys please stop just so we get some counter okay okay I support it yeah be careful be okay yeah yeah nice how do I make my position a little bit more safe King up one square oh okay thanks slappy King this was not this was not King um how about what are we thinking about this well how does that look Sandra defend against all this actually isn't her diagonal wide open find it yeah yeah I agree I don't cuz yeah you're sitting you're hitting everything here okay but everything is protected here so why are we so excited mm-hmm I'm gonna wait for the admin and chef to tell me if that was a good move or not you get admin to your chat tell you I'm joking okay well I don't know you honey love you I'm gonna do this I'm gonna nail her there okay okay oh wait um okay I all right what should I do um I can try annoying hikaru a little bit or know how helpful you'll be yes please a noisy car or or or levy uh okay I'm gonna do something I'll do something something okay well I'll take it I think he's gonna queen I think levees gonna go for a queen trade cuz he's afraid of me okay hello I know whatever you want love you just have to move quicker though yeah yeah quicker no worries Harry Potter listen okay Oh ba ba wait I have to be very careful here wait Alexandra goes next okay ah wait now we're safe wait wait wait wait I wait if I do this and then she moves and then you could do that it shut or no it's not checkmate but I saw you you've got reinforcements yeah yeah you have missed to lobby you can also do this or that I don't I don't know oh yeah yeah you're right but she's gonna go here so I have to capture this yeah to you you have to do this okay I feel like it's better for me to do this okay yeah do what you need to do okay oh you take that then I take this because she still has to yes she's still responding to that threat your pieces are too close to give them any checks I guess yeah Oh Oh like there's nothing really I can do I can slowly bear happies it up it's gonna be so late oh look at this lovey oh yeah oh my god yeah yeah this is very good right yeah I mean I'm how many a minute soon yeah I don't take this guy mm-hmm and in that I can reinforce it somehow I would think okay I'm gonna I mean basically any any move mates Alexandra because you can you can also okay yes so she's saving herself but are you so sure that it does allow me if I play oh no no she goes nuts well dude you can even oh you could have even done that yeah but I could have also done this too it's the same thing yeah yeah yes yeah exactly so you just move the move the piece and then yeah okay I don't even know like here I'm just setting up more threats was that you and the main one good I don't know I don't see me um I mean I'm just trying to bring all my pieces out now but it's already a little late yeah I know they and you know at this point I'm just gonna lose almost no matter what I do yeah well how many makes in one Dubai oh right yeah oh my god okay that is rough that is really really rough okay sorry so are we entering the next World Championship for for player or what's going on I assume so yeah I think okay sure we're like we're unstoppable they keep it real is just straight one all right yeah I think you know Alexandra's pre moving man that's pretty crazy I'm just friendly Canadian you're just a friendly neighborhood neighbor or whatever yeah that's pretty move it was kind of weird I'm not gonna lie Wow alexandra has strats look at this she castled her King and defendant made with the knight who taught you this oh stop it stop it you literally have a strap I see it the night night on e 8 never made up what's what did you get coaching and bullet my goodness all I play is bullet leve all I play shall we say the same about you Cara though welke Carly Carly why are we not focusing on the biggest fish here this is not a good stretch thanks Alexandra even in this format doesn't matter it was my queen every game okay yeah you can never escape I can escape it so so stop being intimidated by me I mean I blender my queen like every if I get Leviosa but it is I hate this I can't even trash-talking only last one move when the trash-talking doesn't get you very far sorry levy okey car I think you can like me in case you needed to know that oh thanks for it's almost yeah I could have taken the pawn and made Chuck meat you're right love you my bad thanks for letting me escape akaru I appreciate it oppa now I'm gonna know now levees in trouble right to levy now I'm sorry levy that I apologize in advance it's okay for me the board only moves in one way for you guys it's like four different directions they're all ganging up on levy now nice times not Nemo's like completely lost okay speak for yourself I don't know I think you're made it on the next move not are you oh oh not quite ah I just met her to lose first okay now she's made it on the next move now she's made it on the next movie no no no yo up up top oh you can't even see I'm not even oh my god that was disgusting okay but now we go for Alexandrine then going for Alexandra chilly car last time I'm done oh I feel personally attack oh but I oh there's no increment on this nope oh okay okay so Alec I'm gonna win on time see she's got she's got practicing yeah yeah one solo again yeah oh okay pre-move lords over here you're the pre-move lord I don't know I don't know what you're saying mmm I just tried to take a move illegal type you don't even know what's going on anymore I literally thought my route could go like diagonal or something just reminder the rules of chess to apply why is this so intense I know we were having fun hell no fun in it a long time ago reframing every one of these wins on our fridge or I don't know I don't Mike's Ridge is very back already yes yes I meant like with grocery list Jesus publish anything yeah that's what I know how does it look Sandra have 56 seconds I don't know man I can't play chess I just click things and I hope it works okay I'm just gonna start like wait wait it's not the eighth-ranked for the Queen here what uh I think it's relief to get further right looks like a move out it was not a movie Thank You lovey that was not a mine not a move what can I take nothing backwards night move eke are just really enjoys checkmating me every damn time I swear to God if I have to go through this again I swear I can't take this anymore alright so you don't forget I did this to you help me I it's one check just too slow I'm just slowing down he Carter that's all I think we all need a little bit more oh my god oh my god keep forgetting us no no okay levy you gonna do something oh yeah I gotta do something yeah I I got it I got a coach it's like the last player on the bench you know yo good like everyone's out all right just try something man I'm trying my best I think I'm just gonna flag uh Nemo I'm just gonna check mirror okay that works for your own sake oh wait I'm not being checkmating it anymore yeah because I got you a key card wait love you what are you doing that whole game by the way how you ended up like so going we're at five okay let me know what you want to change you all right um I think we just have to attack somebody so preferably levy right because he's the weakest link yeah exactly next thing I'm gonna check and just survive all right you said blunders out here okay I'm gonna take this yes dude right it's just like losing like five moves what is even going on okay that's yeah that's good yeah that was good good nice thank you take it's by Edna you can get it oh wait what are you doing tonight he Karthik are you are you wait a sec wait a sec wait a sec though I'm waiting I'm with ya cause Alexandra has the bishop no no I will be okay I think yeah well be fine I'll be fine because he can't track you with this Queen go here go here go here okay all right that's good that's good I think just take her bishop but yeah yeah I just take it just a down all right you probably have to bring out more pieces now like the Queen for example yep yep I agree okay I need to be very careful I'm just gonna like develop a Nolan yeah I'll probably push this this and then this just to get the night out right oh my god my queen okay um I should make up like that but it's fine it's fine I'll really cover up my King here and then I'm gonna start bringing prisoners here I can tell what does that do I'm gonna take this yeah and all the Tigers queen next move I think you have to bring a rock over there do you got this - yeah you can't do it yeah just cover up your King Lobby just cover it up and and then all them then yeah just cover it up and I'm going to check meows and ER if she tries to go after you okay okay big brother - love is one who's the weakest here so I have to yeah one of the two and you're not as good as you is so oh you're actually defending for once oh how did your rose like a rose it's the same session just protect yourself yeah I'm trying to find a move that like doesn't do okay I don't know I'm just gonna go like here so okay I'm just going to like finally get my night out I think I'll probably do this like like levy just make sure that she can't attack you cuz I'm gonna attack botas like I'm just attacking her with every move what about what about this it's fine just make sure that that like just focus on to you because I'll distract bow ties over here on the other side I'm gonna take like ice if we get rid of his pieces then I assume that we'll be able to yeah he has less pieces that would be something yes okay do I just go I guess I just like cover I just stay safe I'm Sol you can do because there's no way there's no exam that can attack you cuz I'm really like she's in really bad shape here okay okay or actually than I can do no I think that's the best way to get in yeah are Aggie that should be fine what's this okay we're not worried about that so lobby beat be care be very careful here I have some moves like this that can actually get us some well I mean but I'm winning here so just don't get shocked mated and don't flag Oh we were hoping you would flag what about something like that that looks kind of cool but I don't know if it does yeah let's try it at this point okay okay okay I'm just gonna worry I think levy she has to move her King cuz she's in check next move so you can do something whatever you oh I think of running away may have been better than taking the bishop I'm not sure it's fine I'm gonna bring my rook out this way let's let's target this guy it's like I think these yours okay but I can't really I guess I'll go here do you have you don't have way to no that's the wrong diagonal levy that doesn't attack on the dark squares no this one this one look way now a levy strain you can take oh yeah I don't have anything scarier yeah okay then I guess we just have to go for that okay yeah yeah take it okay well all right I'm still going for this nice I play like she or something let's just protect yourself that's all oh you should probably take a stroke oh I know next move will be mine turn okay I guess you just have to try right oh but then he can take my queen then I can okay I should be fine so yeah you're right you're right actually well yeah she'll be okay it should be okay oh it's not quite because then at least you can just move just make sure to you doesn't Chuck meet you because I'm Chuck meeting Alexandra so somebody's getting chucked me out here you just doesn't make sure that's not you pogchamp oh my god wait if i can levy oh but you can move his king um yeah yeah we won this is easy alexei just has no pieces you know Alex can you can move your rook next move and they still won't be checkmated so should be oh yeah I have no pieces oh I like cannot do me oh wow yeah so are you got you're gonna made her quick you got a made her quick I got four pieces left she's getting checkmate in like five moves oh my god okay am i early I think yeah yeah oh you're right you're right you're right you're right yeah oh it's just a poor shuck me right yeah yeah all right hopefully you know no like right here okay wait what what is going on just moved lovey wait what is going on okay mate I could have swore there was like there was a lag there like I had to move that one through again yeah yeah yeah we got like three moves to play and it was me this is so rough this is honestly really rough I I'm really scared to do la queen pawn open so I mean I'm just gonna go here like I don't know what he wants for me dude yellow Queen open I don't understand this yeah he Cora can we do the same exact thing yeah we can yes you would have thought that like after all that trash talk that she wouldn't do the exact same thing I'm like even you take with that can you take with the Queen again no okay yeah this is the this is the best so I um I learned I guess it's a little aggressive on my part but I guess I just go are we like gonna win this like within if I don't know this seems really bad for ya I think we should be doing really well but I'm if Alexandra's good so she's gonna find some way to mix things out so but they're so far behind in development right like they're just too far behind there's no development hikaru wait wait what yeah and then mm-hmm-hmm I agree I like it wait how is that a good move what I mean listen yeah yeah you know you're right you're right exactly yeah GG gg huh huh oh my god when teamwork triumphs toxicity air five boom how many games was that not seven Jesus I'm too far to help with this I am I am quitting for a play chess I this is this is the end there's nothing I can do I have no checks on he cards King which is honestly what I should just be going for it's okay it's fine don't worry about it I take my six and floss again no I know that it would be fun I think we're crashing the server because we bought so many people I still think this is fine like I've just been playing this stop well she should develop tonight from the bishop that's a bad developing move is it because they I'm not sure they even told me that you're bad developing moves here so do I like move this guy just be careful because I I don't know what they're doing it doesn't make any sense to me I'm really confused oh my god I came to have a good time instead I'm being attacked okay well oh okay Oh Yukari I feel like we have a win all right but I don't see oh you mean on Alexandra yeah oh that wasn't the best wait what I think you could have just attacked my queen and I would yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got much more material here he gets like it's actually I think it really it's better this way because everything's gonna collapse oh I think I think I don't know so as long as I don't get attacked we're good this is some big brain place I don't know why I brought my queen out so early I don't even know how to help you it's like no you are you get you guys know like that's there is a meta that's just why I've been doing it do you want to introduce the meta to us just bring the Queen out early okay so I just think the rook yeah yeah yeah I did that and guess what happened guess what happened but look you're developing to this letter beloved you see what's happening here I'm just gonna be really sweet yeah well qu I'm gonna lose soon unless like we can somehow bring so your pieces over and you think I'm just gonna cover up and then he throw it so at some moment this is gonna be sorry because you lose a tempo right agreed agreed yeah yeah of course yeah yeah yeah yeah all right that's a good move well isn't this just losing no but there tonight to block oh yes you're right wait is it is it losing yeah it is because there's this no no but it's my move next and I thought this was made but it wasn't it's fine there's not much I can do you just take this back just just yeah just take make sure you're okay cuz I think it's only if Chi you can line up a double attack okay somehow that we're gonna lose because Alexandra is so distracted with my attack that that I think this should be winning she no no nothing at all [Music] just pray pray here yeah that's kind of what I've been doing for the last at least I managed to move seven right sure yeah yeah we did you're right it's an improvement exactly we worked on I shouldn't tell you Mike we not so really that's what I'm saying I'm getting so confused when people like bring your queen out early like it hasn't helped it works sometimes but we both have to bring our queen early to go for some weight and people usually know that your car that's a lot of arrows I feel like I should just play a random move like near my king or something yeah just make sure you're safe so I think I mean we accept yeah just me just make sure you're safe can I very safe here uh it's kind of hard okay Oh played this it's like so it's a little little bit wait lemme can I do this cuz you go next oh yeah yeah yeah yeah GG wait she doesn't ever check either on me we have absolutely no checks on either yeah from your size so we're at a loss uh well at least it's movie dude that we are we are a pretty solid all or world champions oh oh my god he can't believe you played that move guys can I tell you something funny no so I I've been informed that if you start with red and yellow you have a plus 2.5 advantage oh yeah that's not as exactly applied to us this is a good stratify I think bet you this is better than before anything was better than before is fair okay so I shouldn't trade I love you do we have tricks here like something like this and this or something like so you want me to throw in like this in between I don't know I can also develop or get my queen out yeah I mean whatever you want to do I just I think that's my next move pretty much regardless okay all right why he's gonna take here though no he won't because of this oh okay got it you'll how about here got it good just do what you do I mean alexander's think she's being clever but it doesn't really matter okay Alex being clever is very very important yeah I'm like fascinated Hikaru only knows what she's talking about like I don't understand it's like she she like says nothing and he just knows I know that's crazy really good friends I guess to deal with this right wait you might take what about what about if you push this wait what if you push this oh but then you just take the bed but what if I take a night and then on your movie yeah okay okay okay let's do it let's do it okay why not we'll try that what please that at least I can also take care maybe yeah we have like a smothered mate okay can I just go here hey what's happening are you getting no I'm completely fine I'm little confused as to what's going on I kept saying we made bad moves yeah I know I don't like you any cars confused um so cheer does this work and I go urban oh yeah that's true okay let's do it let's try at least yeah let's try it it's worth the try more no I feel like I should be bringing what do you have to check me you have to check me to queue here he car was afraid did you see here that you owe a little bit afraid hmm okay if I take the fish oh wait I'm getting check maybe I'm gonna throw in why are you getting yeah you can do this and then I'll do this I don't know as much but I Lucy Carter okay wait yeah well I mean I suppose of my queen on hh1 it's fine right no I don't think it's fine okay nine seconds nine seconds I'm not sure honestly okay it's fine I just next to take the Queen yeah okay oh no that's check and made if I take there no it's not what are you talking about so yeah you gotta move away eat seven or whatever that so yeah I think it's Bishop you have to yes wait to let love user oh Barry yeah it's very I'll be fine because their note photos can't attack me how about we double it we check here okay sure sure that works - yeah oh and then you're gonna check here and take the rook yeah I just take it because I mean I might get checked me yeah cuz because my king is completely safe now so okay I'm just gonna take off us many oh I'm sorry girl I can't seek oh oh I have a nice move if she goes yeah oh wait just yeah though right just do it yeah I'm just gonna try to go Alexandra's opening her Bishop never stop that me go here right yeah yeah as long as there's no Chia let's do oh you might have to use your queen to protect me oh yeah she checks me okay so what no I'm just saying I cannot yeah but at least you can take your knight right away but then you're kind of almost out of pieces okay I like that idea yeah I'm just trying to not be your queen has to be brought out okay let's do that good a good call all right um I'm just going to move my king dr. doesn't even help me about this yeah wait Oh Bailey her pawns cover whoop science doesn't matter um oh my god okay what is she threatening here oh just don't flag I just take something yeah okay yeah that's that's fair what is oh you're checked well doesn't matter my Kings still safe for now all right if you are like able to bring a queen here maybe I don't I don't see any checkmate but not yet okay I'm trying to go further this side yeah okay okay yeah that's good no it's oh I'm just gonna do this yeah I have a lot of judges just don't get Chuck maybe it's okay you just I don't know if your queen Oh actually I can't do that because of this where is so yeah Lobby we just getting up to because she can't check me my king is very safe here that's good that's good yeah um okay well okay this is progress from us yeah yeah is there some is there some move I can make to make her oh sorry so yeah I think it's again I freaked out first matter yeah it's gay I'll just take that next or something okay yeah okay this is looking really rough now check nice nice oh god okay well yeah yeah now there's gonna be checking no matter what ah just the stall okay ah I just stick with a pawn I don't yeah I mean my king safe cos oh my god okay this is just so hard by the way can you capture your own pieces of it or your report I don't think I know if it's me yeah oh I just wasn't sure wait she's only got pawn can't take this I think I'm like I'm don't I don't know which way something is going anymore it's like completely wait but who's who's she's checked me a next move to right we out wait no no no wait wait a sec it's not that easy yeah it's okay guys we made progress that's all that matters not actually check me at love you isn't it I think it is why is it not what's your move I don't bring up her just gonna bring my knight okay alright so she can't escape yeah oh no oh no not me why yes it is how do I move a piece here I'm suppose she can yeah but why did this wagon what no not like this can't you go King up no thing well you know you could have gone King up you're right there was one more square wait here Oh oh I keep thinking of the positive like that that seems to always pan out well but if anyone actually ever gone after I don't feel like you guys don't know yeah we've never done it so we should do it as well you're nothing Garrus yeah not anymore okay yep there you go that wasn't an intimidating move but you know I love it love you I saw that idea actually I saw that idea I thought I thought Alexander was gonna try to do that again you guys had made into you could have played Alexander you could have played Queen takes pawn Joe loved it and she you please Bishop takes pawn and I made it you could have won in two moves ah yes yes yes yes yes we taste the green pot and the weight just so calm I'm waiting for the four player tactics yes oh my god I just had a panic attack literally the worst thing ever but I'm being told no mate okay I don't well maybe maybe not maybe not because the Queen's protected okay yes sorry it's so okay it's a long Chad knows better than us honestly honestly they do like it's it's so funny watching them they're like idiot I'm like I don't even know why I did a bad move so I feel good wait oh yeah Queen out too I like I like either of those okay I'm putting my clean alright aggression let's go and I'll be aggressive - mmhmm yeah let's do this he cookie karu we have some some survivors right right I see it yeah oh my god he's trying to take yeah and walk mm-hmm [Music] yeah once you get this I think they're in some serious trouble but maybe I'm wrong oh shoot forgot I'm it's okay okay that was that was a good move from Alexander I think oh wow know where we're getting them compliments now finally about time oh this is annoying I should have gone for the cheese there I should have played I should know the cheeses are some I got sorry I just I need reinforcements I think he Cara can I hit her with something like this or to define oh yeah it's probably yeah you can't be coming to do this like this yeah I can't I can't again what what what so what what if it's just an even trade for one pump huh wait lovey oh it's not wait what blind I'm blind alright I can carve I'm rubbing off on you I'm gonna take all of his pieces we have to be careful I they might be they might be pretending they're losing - oh I don't know okay you're pretending yes but then the Bishop's gonna take true I think I think it'll be okay okay alright I'm gonna take the pawn here yep nice nice good call without ya but I asked to deal with this double check which is kind of scary yeah but it works I'll just go up yeah can you go no no yeah she goes now okay I'm just gonna play okay eight seconds right only move okay all right um how should I bring out my pieces two for this attack okay what about my Bishop here just take this night maybe yes I like that idea I like the activation idea all right you gotta move love you okay you just I have to yeah oh wait mm-hmm see I think you can do this and I can do this okay should I missed it like the wrong one let me put her in key put her in check somehow no right no but I can maybe defend you I don't know I don't know I had to make him move and yeah all right I'm gonna take the pawn here so yeah that's yes good cause we have to go for you gotta move oh great oh shoot I am yeah no no it's fine I understand I understand um wait here okay here are you sure I can't even catch it's the other order anyway yes okay I trust you I just strong no nobody is Queen gun take right no doesn't but then his Knight is here so just just take the pawn I think here what guys we I've just been informed that we've already won ten games in a row this is the eleventh game whatever I'm gonna move my pawn like here and then I can play this okay okay I checked her you can take your Bishop next comeback time baby oh no oh but it's okay I have a check and then when you take the bishop I think so am I gonna lose my queen oh no no I should be fine I'm give up check now nice huh the car is there way I can like I don't know I'll take you just got I know I know no wait I should have a check with my queen and then I won't we need there like wasn't it check me too much before anyway Cara we're not going for the quickest mate we're just going for any mate I'm gonna take this with the coordinates or yeah that's good that's good I it works oh unless I get in check yeah but then you're still good oh oh yes just move your can't oh okay oh wait a sec I've got a check here just okay let's just check me no matter what yeah can you play a Chuck I just did okay wait when you can take that you can take that well I know you're in double check double check Sorry Sorry fine wait wait you isn't that me but if it's I'm in check oh yeah I just go here yeah whatever whatever you can do Oh Chucky miss checkmate in one wow that is a good yeah wait why is it not Chuck oh wait no you're you've got a queen oh we just keep checking him okay wait did they not just lose both their queens they did yeah what defending the warlord baby how did that happen cuz you cuz he's got a good body garden wait what do I do now and then God was watching oh oh my god um just go take this Queen I think but levy is gonna move next oh right right right okay sorry love yeah I know I have to block your queen but I didn't even I don't understand why or when or who can I think I can just get out of here like short counsel yeah well yeah basically you need to checkmate botas and I need to avoid getting checkmate I mean I mean you try not to flag and bring the rook back into your pieces yeah I think so too I want to just move your queen or something don't yeah yeah see it I'll see it I'm here like this Bishop God's finest if he does okay I'm really sorry if this is the blunder I don't really understand any of these taxable positions so let's go here I don't get Chuck okay okay wait you could have taken the mission home wait okay I'm gonna move my knight okay um next move I should probably use microfiche yeah yeah the more pieces you bring in the better I like it nice nice nice nice you have a lot of time to think by the way he car you have a lot of time okay although I'm getting checkmater I think I'm gonna play this next I think here you want yeah yeah then there's Chuck here yeah I think like if I go here he goes there I'm sorry sorry I mean I like Peter we just can't we just need to make sure that King can't escape uh if this case case we have two rugs we should be able to do that ladder thing I'll do this okay I I mean now I'll just check I think oh yeah this way so this can't go here yeah wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on I got this wait oh my gosh lovey oh my gosh you're genius that Queen has taken every everything I know No all right it's okay just just move your Bishop back don't flag the problems we have so little time when we have to figure out oh yeah very good Queen dude I hate that Queen man I'm coming to get checkmate probably love you so you just have to find a way to [Music] take a look yeah yeah yeah definitely Wow not get Chuck man oh my god okay this is just hard um I think you're fine yeah we not really but maybe because you can always check out Sandra right yeah I do do do do they messed up yeah we messed up we did it for the pawn push oh nice wait do I take or not do wait I go here loving you have an in between no because you can shock me right yeah oh yeah yeah yeah if you do this yeah it's my turn before Alexandra's ah Wow checkmate yes happened okay Wow oh my god well this was a fun game oh I can go here right oh no wait wait I could have taken that wait I think I think let me when it's over mm-hmm is this Chuck me no it's not cuz the pawn can take me oh yeah I have to play a move almost flag but that's force mate that's force mate because she takes the pawn and then we made her I needed you out there oh oh no I'm a Chuck you're in Shack okay choke good I'm gonna do group take this pawn I think okay yeah yeah yeah I like it I think yeah then you go like this rook saying maybe maybe we can do something here I don't know I don't know oh I should have taken that yeah yeah it's fine okay it's fine maybe this next move to simplify and win yeah sure sure oh no yeah I know that doesn't work love you but you gotta take girls I could I I can pin like in pin I'm pinning her how does that work love you I'm Chuck me there no I'm not no no I go here now but I'm getting no but I would have been pinned otherwise but she I have this idea if he does that oh wait okay - you ate seconds I don't know what the move is maybe just play this just play this maybe don't here check your clock where I don't see it yeah yeah that's what I just said oh you said the other chapter no no I drew I drew it here and then like reading that yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz if I take the rook they don't yeah I know we talked that we they choked it first I lied to a weed for five at this body [Music] you will try it out to me like it was bad either just two dorks who kick you to a schedule Saturday night going - smile dark IOC key
Channel: BotezLive
Views: 110,188
Rating: 4.9360776 out of 5
Keywords: alexandra botez, andrea botez, game, vs, board, checkmate, grandmaster, attack, win, how to, best game, move, moves, twitch, highlights, hikaru, carlsen, top 10, best chess channel, chess tips, improve chess, funny chess, chess match, chessmaster, botezlive, tactics, chess lesson, lesson, chess battle, twitch clips, livestream fails, funny twitch clips, botez, botez sisters, chess, gmhikaru, top twitch, livestream, best of, top, moments, hikaru nakamura, nakamura, roast, 4 player chess, magnus
Id: w7ZtgAiaBGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 50sec (4370 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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