Farm Auction 1944 Ford Flathead V8 truck! Abandoned for 47 years! Will it run?!? Stuck rusty engine!

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hey there boys and girls the youtube world today we're gonna see if we can't get another ford flathead running well it's not really another one because we failed epically at the last one this one before i bought it i checked the dipstick it's got oil on it so that's where it should be so odds are it can't have that much water in it let's check her out so it's your standard i guess 4674 jailbar maybe it's a 42 you can't really believe what's on the internet maybe it's 41. got the regular hood hinge here the grille's actually a lot better than this one it's got the cyclops light last registered in 73 i don't know if that was a nixon year or not but she's got a 62 behind her 33 f plates so it's uh redfield spin county i don't know it's from the big city of zell it was famous at one time you can see by the writing on the door other cyclops on the roof tires all hell the tires don't have flat spots on them so they all roll real good that's a plus it was parked against a row of trees up to here so i haven't really got a good look at this side cap corner looks shot passenger door looks real good though door opens got some pure maple syrup that'll be good oh it kind of had some box sides on it but they they didn't come home with me because they kind of fell off omaha standard maybe it is a 42 because that is a really strange steering wheel it seems really utility-like not what i'm used to seeing yeah could have told me that was gonna be gone that's oh that's the hood prop rod that makes sense we're gonna need that a lot of distilled water i feel like all these water jugs are part of the reason that this thing was parked probably had a huge crack in the block awesome no fancy fuel filler neck back of the cabs and a little hooy there pretty good one up there rose got your typical dents in it mice nested above the visor so that's rotten pretty nice dash in it door's good over here what's going on there so your knee didn't rub against it i'm guessing he swapped the one off that side onto this side because why would this sadly broke when you slam the door that rattles up there all the glasses in it how about that way nicer cab than the other one swanky hood release a few whiskey dents in the doors you must have had a radio in there at one time store and i'll jank up on the hinges ah she's been i don't know that hasn't been flexed on either there but a little rotten in the bottom cab corner is better over here a couple janks up there look at this bed floor that was she was stout that's a lot of boards it's like a whole bowling alley oh custom seat cover spare leaf spring i don't know why you have that she's got a pto chelsea style keys in it so good to go 50 000 miles it's og really odds that works oh my gosh they just don't build them like they used to probably the first time that window's gone down in 50 years almost a guy one time told me that this square diamond plate it's it's rare well that's great doesn't make it valuable he thought it was valuable so if anybody wants some square diamond plate boy have i got a deal for you where's the radio well a tow mirror just on one side i don't see that radio i don't know what that switch is that must have been for the nos right there hit that slingshot engaged oh better grab our hood prop rod sure enough that's why that stick was in the cab you can see the springs and hinges aren't what they should be oil bath air cleaners all greasy i did pull the plugs out spray some zeppelin down the holes that'll for sure make it run so it's got to go now right i mean that's that's what i read on the interwebs i did also put a pipe wrench on the crankshaft up here on the pulley and pried on that that's not really helping it's got an aftermarket coil on it usually they got a bakelite ford congloma crap box bolted on right here with two bolts but a little adapter bracket got this guy it's missing the aouga horn oh boy we'll bump that stick the fan shroud's little little chewy radiator hoses are my favorite flexi hoses they're garbage at least we don't have to worry about sucking up any bad gas because fuel line already rotted off she must have been an oil burner had a little blow by because it's real greasy under here but check this out oil yep and at the real dinosaur stuff it's in the safe driving range you can tell that because it says it oh she's real drippy though not the good viscosity hopefully that's just because they ran synthetic back then we'll just pretend like that's okay coolant [Music] oh it's rusty so i'm sure all those water jugs inside had nothing to do with that doesn't have the rebuild tag on the block so she's probably never been punched out it does have the crab style distributor so fallout fails we get that in a 94 carburetor oh it's got a custom return spring set up on there i think you just need to hook that around the belt and it tugs on it real good oh never mind that's for the choke so she don't walk up on you as you're going down the road [Applause] battery box is kind of rotted out flexing a bit i took a good battery out of a crappy car that i have parked for the winter watch this i mean it wants it like you could see that moving can't you we're gonna make this one run though i'm gonna do the finger snap thing and then ta-dah the cab is gonna be gone i'm gonna snap my finger and we're gonna have a flathead sitting here holding the wide open i can't snap my left finger so we're gonna have to insert the sound duff dog finally decided to show up give a little help look at all the access we got here the front end set off to the side didn't want to show you guys how i did it so that i heard anybody's feelings you could see the pipe wrench that i had on the front there trying to turn it so that got me nowhere i guess give her some more squirrel piss mark that belt see if it actually turns which it hasn't been now i guess we can get it front pulley so we can refund that nut maybe great [Applause] what do you guys think inch and a half nope inch and three days i do have an inch and 7 16 but three-eighths [Music] fits just right except for it's at the wrong angle really here's the old meat and potatoes but i'm sure the nuts just going to tighten right like i said nuts just going to tighten ah for cheese and rice what if we get the distributor cap out of the way does that gain us in your own up top to put a pipe wrench the reason i took the front clip off is because there's with the radiator and the fan show and everything there's just no good way to get at this thing what if we take the fan the generator off yeah i'm talking good idea duff she's stuck so i'm thinking here is if we find the cylinder that's got both valves closed there might be two at any given time when we take a spark plug or something threaded like that don't huff at me and tell me what to do and we put a grease zerk into said spark plug and put it in that hole and we pump it up with grease put all kinds of pressure like 3 000 ish psi by the grease gun we can get that piston to move down and all the other of them to move wherever they got to go boom flathead loose runs great so i think that's we're gonna wrap off here tonight i'm gonna try to figure out how to get this grease zerk into a spark plug hole so we can apply grease to that to get it to turn over so look at this concocted glamory of garbage that we found a snap-on 14-millimeter compression tester spark plug adapter thingymabobber a milton 3 8 air hose female coupler and then a 3 8 down to whatever adapter that is 3 8 down to quarter inch 8th inch whatever see what happens no way this works something's going to leak something's going to shoot across the shop floor duffy's already hiding pbr we need a nickname for pbr's so good tight okay now you guys watch hopefully that ratchet moves breaker bar tomato to model i feel like these air hose ends are not designed to hold up to this kind of pressure this is where i guess the rich guys would use their electric grease gun but we're peasant four up here i do have several tubes of grease because rt he gave me a whole bunch of them whole case of them that'll probably last me three lifetimes well all else fails we'll get one cylinder really well lubricated oh for five sixers is grease going duff did you check to make sure that both the valves are closing this cylinder oh this is getting ridiculous well i guess when the grease starts running out the exhaust manifold for the intake manifold over there now i think we're all this here's the shaffer's synthetic blend high pressure grease should do the trick i hope starting to wonder about my life decisions oh boy we're getting pressure now it's angry i'm not going to stand behind it you tell that air coupler is not wobbling around like it was so let's get some tension on it just start turning already there's got to be some gosh dang pressure in there pookie says it's a life-changing experience once you decide to carry a fame marker on all the time i haven't done such a thing but we're gonna paint marker that up see the turns our crappy grease circus push a little grease off the top i can hear something making noise but that takes a lot of grease to displace an entire cylinder all the way down and obviously this is only going to work well the valves are closed would be a lot easier in overhead where you could just unhook the rocker arms then you do it on whatever cylinder you want it oh what would you look at that it's pushing the grease out between the head and the head gasket or the head and the block so that's telling you how much pressure i got in there right now oh did it go i think the mark moved did you guys see it is the camera on i think it's turning duff well here's how much i got the crank to turn that was straight up and down before and now it's about a half a degree turn clockwise progress you can see the grease coming out around the head gasket there in there so yeah there's some pressure in there let's keep getting after it see what happens maybe it'll keep turning maybe it won't it must tear it all apart i think that's what's gonna end up happening but there is a ton of pressure in that cylinder literally at least 2 000 pounds with the pressure that thing's not budging all right i told you guys i was gonna get this thing running or die trying so let's blast this thing apart see what we got the 59ab has got studs holding heads on just like your six-point slow power joke the aba the later ones actually have bolts going through there the crappy part about these 59 avs is when you get all these nuts off which usually isn't an issue you cannot get the head to come off the studs i'm about to show you that maybe this grease will just push it right off [Music] [Music] put your comments down below on how to get these heads off i want to see what you guys got maybe we'll try it out on the next one [Music] holy buckets i would have never taken bets that that head would come off in about 15 minutes got all the bolts out got in there with a small chisel that fell on the floor once i got the big chisel in there and pry bar and just kind of worked her back and forth nothing came right off there's a little bit of a ridge nothing too crazy in the cylinders you can see all that grease that i had in that cylinder just trying to push it down with and you could see it was leaking past the head gasket into that cylinder yeah everything looks pretty respectable up here a little bit of rust was kind of creeping into that cylinder so i'm guessing we're going to find a whole lot of ugliness on the other side absolutely guarantee this side is more difficult i didn't think that other side would go that easy [Music] well this side came off surprisingly well but i think we found our issue that's water and that's that's just a lot of rust so oh god this i think if a guy was gonna do anything with this thing you'd have to put two sleeves in it more than likely or unless it's a standard bore you can maybe get away with punching these out oh even that one's got a bunch of crap in it oh how does the water get in these things that's got to be the intake and it's cracked open and i suppose the somehow water gets into that oil bath fills up that cylinder of the water sweet i don't know what we're gonna do here those two cylinders at a minimum are gonna really smoke but we quitting yet let's see what we can get so i guess i blew those cylinders out that's just penetrating oil in there now but they are chewy chewbacca gross i wonder if we should dingleball them before i start smacking on them with a wood block i mean it's really not going to hurt them the way they are i guess or the piston so let's just start wailing away you always want to use a wood block because that doesn't damage the crusty piston that's in there that you're not worried about at all and you want to start with a cylinder that's not either or that's not all the way down so this that one might be all the way down so we're gonna go with this one let's give it some heat can't hurt just heating up around the edge of the piston where the rings meet the cylinder wall [Music] yeah i'm probably supposed to use some other type of oil i know that uh cylinder actually looks really good after doing that [Music] mm-hmm it turned i did not see the piston move i wonder if it just sheared off that pin on the crankshaft i'll be gosh dang she's actually moving this piston isn't moving though maybe she's coming all the way up i did notice this thing has a factory relieved block i told you guys i wasn't going to quit on you you still got a long ways to go don't worry guys screaming about i'm screwing up the front crank fully oh yeah feels real good ah easy peasy lemon squeezy i feel like that valiant effort right there deserves a blue ribbon wow maybe i should have kept going on that other one i think i'm going to turn this over to that cylinder and it's always the bottom we're going to ream that one out a few more times we're going to do that with all ones that are really scarred up probably wouldn't hurt to do them all but we're just going to do the new ones because that's what i do ugly ones so this is my area of expertise on flatheads because everyone that i've ever owned has been sitting a while usually i try to buy them loose this one was supposed to be loose it's not it is now but there's always a valve usually two or three that are stuck on these things so right here this valve is stuck so i turn that crank over until this valve is open because never at any given point should two valves be open you don't want compression going into the intake or suction coming from the exhaust so turn that over and this is our exhaust valve is open so now we should be able to tap on the intake and usually it's always the intake because water runs down gets your intake valve stuck and you want to just hit her in the center there you go you hear it snap shut and then i think so these these outside two valves are exhaust and then these inside two share that same exhaust port so these two are intake and these two are intake so i think this intake was sticking so turn it over now as we start coming up the exhaust so before i turn the camera on i sprayed a little bit of zeppum down inside that exhaust valve or the intake valve see how that just snapped right shut and then we'll keep doing that sometimes you got to get heat involved see that one's stuck again usually it doesn't take much really i should have a straw in there but you know how those straws go they disappear right away sometimes you gotta just keep tapping away at it be persistent take your time it's not stuck very bad it just needs some special attention [Music] and you can do this through the intake or sometimes you can usually see the both the valves through the spark plug hole but it's hard to hit it in the center so you always tap it on the edge which i do it a lot i don't like to do it try to hit it in the center and it's hard to do through the spark plug hole good looks like every cylinder the valves are both opening and closing let's go to the other side you can already tell both are open on that cylinder that was one of the pretty ugly ones and then like i said the center two will line up with that exhaust part so it's this one which has a bunch of crud behind it see if we can blow some of that out of there wow for as ugly as this side was they're already working there's some crud kind of behind those valves so i might try to clean that out a little bit better you can already see we're getting oil pressure nice part is it's dripping down into that cylinder that could use a little love so you have it how to get a stuck flathead loose and some stuck valves don't worry we're not done yet i don't have a whole lot of hope for this thing but it's gonna run it is gonna run but it's loose it was a pain i think i've ever fought one that's that stuck and like i said this thing's just a core because i'm sure those cylinder walls are all janked up we're gonna get her to run she'll get enough compression just to pop off we're gonna use those old head gaskets because i don't think i got new ones so i popped the head gaskets off what is that critter doing in there oh you can go into the cooling system and i found a few things i thought i'd share with you guys so this is a factory relieved block we can tell that is there's this cutout right here from here to here in between the valves kind of a rare-ish thing i've only ever found one other one and seemed like they were pretty common in trucks or hot rods which we don't have any hot rods around here so let's just say trucks and also it's got std on the top of the piston yeah you don't have to worry about that it's not like that girl you heard about in college that means it's standard so she's never been punched out she's a virgin block so that's good which is weird virgin std anyway so this one would be a good candidate for born out because not only is it factory relieved it's also never been bored before and it's still got the original ford valves you can see the cursive script on the intakes you can never read them on the exhaust i don't know if they ever even had them but you can read it on all the intakes that one's yeah that's the same just not quite cleared off as well over here on this side you can see that piston had all that water in it so she's pitted up pretty good everything cleaned up pretty good over here too but look at this piston something the end of the spark plug or something fell in there she banged around for a while got the edge of the piston pretty good and just beat the snot over the top of the piston i wonder what that now we got to clean all this up yet not really much we can see on there right now let's clean those up and see how they look and the other thing was if you ever get one of these apart make sure you blow out all these coolant ports and try to flush anything out of there you can it'll help these things there's usually a lot of sand castings and stuff in there that would float around everybody talks about flatheads heating and that's part of it there's a lot of other things with the design the two exhaust parts going through the middle he couldn't get out but anything you can do to help him out so yeah i'm really glad i tore into this thing not only do i think it's salvageable now to get it running at least have a good time and make a good video auto it's a dang good block to find it's a 59 a b factory relieved standard bore so yeah it's gonna be a good one probably better hang on to this one we'll see if we can't clean these heads up a little bit before we stick them back on mostly try to clean up the mating surface but we'll also try to clean up the combustion chambers as well got my handy dandy wire wheel long sleeve shirt on to either get caught in there to protect it from all the wires that stick into me and my safety glasses cleaned up pretty good let me see we can knock some big chunks out of there this is the head on the cylinder that was pretty banged up would have been this cylinder i guess i don't see anything too crazy showing what might have happened so maybe the head's been off since then and they just put it back together hard to say i figured since those holes are full of rust let's blow out the passageways in the head see if they're yeah they are [Music] that's just a fraction of it i'm sure there's still more in there you can about imagine if there's that much rust and whatnot in the head how much is going on inside that engine block so anytime you buy a flathead granted this one's probably had a lot of water run over through the years can cause all that rust scaling but i think even from the factory they said that there was a lot of rust and sand casting and other debris that were in these blocks this stays in there and it decreases the cooling capacity of these things so anytime you buy one always just assume that it's full of that stuff and you're gonna need to clean it up i think they're way good now so i got both heads cleaned up took and did a little bodywork here on the head gaskets where i got into them with the chisel see all the debris that came out of this head this one's from the driver's side the passenger side that's a good pounder of beer right there worth of rust 16 ounces of it so now we're gonna take our head gasket in a can now i don't believe in this stuff i just had it laying around so i figured i might as well use it because there's no point in putting new head gaskets in this thing not for what i'm gonna do this is just a temporary permanent fix right here so don't scream at me for using the copper spray gasket head gasket in the can [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can still hear crap rattling around in there oh well [Music] so [Music] should probably grab a 12 volt coil but just get a jumper wire going from positive to the ignition side of our six volt coil here well i assume it's six volt coil but yeah we got all kinds of spark watch this it's not super consistent but i think it'll work for what we got to do don't leave that hooked up for too long or those six volt coils go kapowi pretty sweet i figured out that you got to have the starter solenoid grounded out so i just clamped around to the head there should probably find a coil yeah we'll be fine for now put the cap plug wires back on might have some new plugs around if not we'll clean up the old ones except for the one that i've busted trying to make our grease plug hole cool see if we got sparks at the cylinders you give her some gas it's gonna live three days into this project for a bunch of scrap iron [Music] see what happens first crank in almost 50 years [Applause] and nothing spark got spark maybe you should just need some more hot sauce oh she wants to go i think we gotta hook a fuel supply up eventually so i got my handy dandy marine tank 12 volt pump i've noticed a lot of times that when you're trying to get something running you can't just prime it and run off that it's got to actually have fuel pressure going to the carburetor to keep it running or to play around with it so yeah that's what i've noticed [Music] all right this time things are gonna happen there's our accelerator choke crank i don't know if we're getting fuel into the carburetor oh yeah she's running right by this that's the thing with these electric pumps they got a little bit too much pressure for these old carburetors so it's pushing right by so i think if we go wfo cranker over so wfo is wide friggin open i think the plugs are wet because we got so much fuel in there so i'm keeping it held wide open to try to get more air and not quite as much fuel hopefully that cleans those plugs off she lights off she's really gonna go the starter was kicking out there so i know that it's just about ready to go [Music] the joy of flathead starters yes it wants more gas i can't feel any resistance from this accelerator pump so that's not helping the scenario i don't like that carbs doing us any favors so i think i got a better option than that let's prime that carb up now first start in 48 years try number i don't know let's just call it three third time's a charm [Music] so 48 years sitting runs pretty good uh the hoist works too i don't know if you guys can see that in the video the voice creeped all the way up to right there that's why i had to shut it off because i was afraid it was gonna hit the overhead door track that's friggin awesome i'm gonna crawl underneath tap that linkage try and let the hoist down because the cable stuck i'm gonna do it from underneath so i don't get pinned underneath there die if i do you guys will get to watch it sometime this video might be possible that's the spot no funny noises well we should put a quart or two oil in it just for s's and g's all right now that we got it topped off with the oil the hoist isn't going to raise and go through my ceiling see what happens seemed like it ran pretty well before even kind of idled i really love how low you can get these flatheads dyno it's like a steam engine you can just get them down to a hit and miss type speed [Music] well there you have it knock the heads loose little head gasket in a can clean up the cylinders a little bit of heat a little cleaning put her back together some new plugs different carburetor different fuel system a little bit of oil all in all not too bad a couple cans of brake cleaner a couple of bottles of grease which i don't know if that ever did anything but it could have a can of penetrating oil a little bit of gas carburetor i didn't put anything into the ignition other than that wire there oh i got two battery cables into it so you know i'm probably into this thing for a couple hundred bucks in odds and ends oxygen acetylene head gasket in a can but it's a going to be a really good core i wouldn't probably put it anything that i really cared to use because it's got the factory leaf block standard bore 59ab 2 bolt front cover the only problem is there's a lot of water jugs inside there so i feel like this thing maybe had a heating issue before or maybe the blocks cracked maybe the radiator or something else just had a leak so that's what the water was in there for maybe the guy just like to drink a lot of water stay hydrated guess we'll find out at some point if i ever need to use it well that was a struggle i'm glad i got it going i'm probably never going to forget this i hope i don't ever have to do another one that's this stuck because i got a lot of time invested in this i don't know three nights after work and a half a saturday at dinking around plus i still got to get it all here and stash it away for future use but these things can be saved hope you guys learned something thanks for watching click like right over here because i know you like this video even though it's long check out my other videos subscribe tell your friends remember doesn't matter how you get it done as long as you're having fun yeah i guess that was fun the end part was [Music] you
Channel: Mortske Repair
Views: 294,214
Rating: 4.9206128 out of 5
Keywords: ford flathead, ford flathead v8, flathead v8, flathead v8 sound, ran when parked, will it run, mortske repair, vgg, vise grip garage, vice grip garage, puddins fab shop, waylon wire, junkyard, junkyard digs, stuck engine, stuck engine valve, rusty engine block, rusty engine, hot rod, rat rod truck, rat rod, jailbar ford truck, jailbar ford, jailbar, flathead, flathead engine, flathead rebuild, ford flathead engine, engine rebuild, engine, stuck piston rings, stuck piston
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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