If my bridge breaks, the video ends. Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to polybridge 3 we are currently onto a new world in the campaign and I thought this time we do something a little bit different if we head into this one the vaulty Towers we've got lots of lots of levels that require jumps and things and trimming those to the lowest cost isn't the most fun so this time we're going to be playing poly Bridge 3 but if the bridge fails the video ends so essentially rather than going for the lowest cost I'm going to be going like a true engineer for the safest Bridge possible I want to try and complete all of these without the bridge feeling and ideally under budget as well so here we are first hurdle we've got 18 Grand to play with and it looks like we've got a buggy over here that's going very fast 14 meters a second oh man the trouble is I just realized like I don't actually know how fast it's gonna go I can't just press play because then it will fall to his Doom oh my goodness how high is this level yeah we've only got six bits of road so I guess let's shove them in to start with I mean maybe like that I feel like I could actually go too high maybe I'll bring that down a little bit there's no other anchor points over here so we can't really build anything over there so I guess let's use steel steel is going to be our friend in this so something like that I probably probably need to support that a bit more and I'm sort of thinking as well just a bit of a bit of safety firstness let's do cable over to there so that should not fail up but we have gone over budget okay what if we do what if we do rope instead and slightly lower it okay we're on the budget let's see what this level's like oh my goodness it's so tall and oh no wow so our jump needs to go slightly higher which is going to raise the costs a bit yeah we're over budget already am I have I gone too safe with this perhaps but let's see how this new Jump does perfect oh not quite perfect so slightly higher again so this jump beautiful oh man what is going on so we need to jump higher without what okay well I guess we gotta add another road which is sort of scary both in terms of cost and in terms of this bridge breaking I could probably delete that bit but we're still massively over budget so I guess replaced that with a wooden muscle still very much over budget oh my God I gotta trim some of this okay maybe we can replace some of these inner pieces with wood like that maybe oh yes oh yeah oh yes we did it we did it oh man with ten thousandth in the world bottom 10 but I perhaps want to look at the lowest stress leaderboard instead for these ones you don't care about the budget just the stress I'm still on the bottom 38 okay not not great there anyway if I was looking after budget this is how I should have done it oh man it's just a really really small wooden jump hey look how smooth that jump is it's tidy quite cool that some people did cable stayed like I did and some people started the jump earlier nice anyway of course we've got some RC propaganda on these love to see that oh look at that it's like tight roping tight roped RC propaganda what does that say Phil Billow wait no advertising yourself you're meant to be advertising me but yeah with that completed we go on to the next level we've got 70 grand to do this new heights so oh man this oh this is gonna test my engineering skills remember I can't have anything on this bridge break uh so what I'm thinking is it worth trying to do an arch because arches are slightly Stronger Yeah I think I'm gonna go try and do my road like that I could do tension as well but I feel like I can probably get away with trusting this so whilst I do that you guys probably want a montage [Music] engineering all night long and I grew strong fixing all that was wrong and now I'm back again I've got my calculations and I will not be ignored I will build it very strongly from the ground until the skies as long as I can calculate I might just stay alive right okay so this is what I've come up with it costs 69 Grand nice and essentially I've tried to strengthen all the pieces that take the force like diagonally down to these anchor points because basically as the force comes down here we've put a trust in that has these diagonal pieces so that force it can't read down anymore it goes along the metal so these bits around the outside these over the top they should be the bits that are stressed the most so I guess we press play and then we hope that I've done something right it's 23 stressed it's up to 69 stress nice and that is actually nice because we made it it didn't fail it didn't fail when did it go up to 69.34 oh look at that we're in the top four percent of the stress leaderboards all right I do actually just want to watch this like with the stress on just so we can see like all the bits that went stressed were those the very end trust pieces let's just have a look I'm wondering I don't really have the budget to change all those but if you watch as as the weight comes across this let's just turn the speed down can you see their diagonals that take the force down to the Anchor points they're the ones going red because they are getting crushed as this truck drives across and down the bottom wow that's considering that steel that went pretty orange there but yeah same on this side as it drives across the weight as it comes along it's coming down into the anchors making those bits stressed but cool that's another level complete if we look on the school I mean the one percent how did Tyler do he was 40 meanwhile I'm 11 000. this is one I'd probably like to come back to and like try and do these cheap options we got the banana Bridge somehow that works for just 18 Grand we have an arch bridge by smudgefield this one which uses the steel in like in the parts that are going to be most stressed and oh that's interesting going down like that I would not expect that to be like a good bridge and the slightest if I'm honest I guess it does use tension underneath so it sort of makes sense anyway we have all sorts of different designs like arches that start under and go over you've got a tension bridge that goes up hill for some reason it's got a little jump at the end we have huge Arch Bridges big cable stayed bridges and people that just love trusting it up oh God I love that and of course we got lots of RC propaganda like the Nifty sponsored solution Nifty coming to a cable State bridge near you anyway next level is called Flying leaps and in here oh yeah yeah it looks like we've got we can only build within this light area there is what is that they're like anchor joints that are like flying they got little fans on so yeah we can dangle stuff from there but oh no we've only got wood and road to play with there's no cable or anything how much do these guys weigh 1.5 polygrams okay that's sort of okay they don't weigh too much but uh looks like I can't really get away with a wall brace on this one so let's try and curve this up as much as we can perhaps like there maybe that's a bit too high maybe I can get away with that depends how fast they're gonna go but I think for safety I'll try and get a little wool brace underneath as best I can because that essentially means you've only got to support like from here like to the right like that stuff but I will I will add some under supports anyway I'll add that over there as well I'm gonna make these trusses nice and big so they're nice and strong then I guess we just gotta use a wooden rape like that now what I'm worried about there's still a lot of budget left and not a lot of bridge is this going to be strong enough surely it is surely or is it worth trying to I might try and under trust this just so we're definitely making use of that wall brace okay 11 Grand I'm quite worried about this one I don't want to add too many pieces though because then it's just gonna weigh more so let's see if this works and then do they oh they don't make their job no okay so I guess that's why there's more budget because we need to add a little bit extra Road I think we'll do that then we'll just trust there trust underneath as well and then is that fine yes no okay the second one made it not the first so probably just need to extend that a little bit how is that I should have paid attention to stress 60 man that first guy if he does not want to make the jump come on you can do this you can do this I don't know why it's in slow motion it's got really dramatic suddenly what a landing yes he landed on his front wheel but it's okay he landed and sorry to the second guy nice so we're on the bottom 49 for stress and for Budget we're in the bottom 18 it doesn't make for good reading I mean perhaps should I be trying to go for like the top 50 at least for Budget I mean looking at this it doesn't like anything's too stressed apart from the cable so could we get away with removing all of those this could be the end of the video doing this yes okay we still made it we saved a lot of money there are in the top 24 okay I think that's good I think we're good to move on first a cheeky look in The Gallery at the cheapest Solutions yeah it's all about using the least amount of wood as possible and the the wooden cable dangling down oh wow surprising some people had to use like actual muscles to get the Rope to work that's quite scary because I just went straight up with a rope and thought it'd be fine yeah we do still have some RC propaganda though so thanks for that yeah not sure not sure why there's like a happy face your smile is like on the wonk smile should go like horizontal not vertical anyway we are on to Skipper oh my goodness what are they oh they're Telegraph poles okay so oh we've only got 10 bits of Road oh dear and it's Landing a jump as well I mean I guess if we watch this we can see where do we land like if this lands like on that side of the road it's gonna completely annihilate oh this is dangerous I don't actually like this level so if we're at the road probably has to do something like that I can't really test the next bit until I get this to not break question is can I use these Telegraph poles as a wool brace uh oh that'll be a note that will be a no not ideal okay well I'll do a truss over the top in Wood like that and then I'll just steal it all up and if I add like that very soon that bracing I'm so scared about this one I might just for now add trusses underneath because if this one's like super secure then I can like perhaps narrow it down make the other ones smaller so I guess for now let's play this and see oh yes it's strong enough it was strong enough okay so next up it's tweaking I think I'll leave the stress on we can see how it land oh it actually lands like almost perfectly I could perhaps tweak this end to go slightly lower just so it drives a bit more on there yeah okay that's good because it's got some serious speed there next up any parts I could possibly make wood it's gonna be risky but I need the budget to build my next one so I'm thinking if I just swap these middle pieces with wood they're likely to be the least stressed so let's hit play and hope nothing breaks okay we're good we're good that means I've got like yeah 11 Grand 200 to build the next hang on how much does that cost oh 16 Grand that's not ideal so for this next one we sort of I mean as we're on there I feel like it would be a lot a lot safer to try and just do a ramp like that perhaps because that's quite a smooth on and I mean the fact that works I feel like this should this should be fine so big trusses over this side again unfortunately that is most of our budget oh oh no do I risk that or do I I think I risk I think we just gotta try it with steel around the edge first let's just see if we actually make it so here we go ready ready jump yes okay it makes it it makes it that's good next up we try and work out where we can save some cash I'm not gonna lie this one I feel like we can probably just do wood all the way around there then we're under budget I can't see us being in the top like 50 though if that's what I'm now aiming for that worked well so for lowest stress we're in the top one percent 66th in the world however it has come at a cost because I'm in the bottom nine percent of the budget so I sort of feel like we need to we need to try and trim this first oh it's not good like what pieces Stay Green I mean actually maybe the top trust I'm gonna gamble I'm gonna say I'm gonna make this top truss all wood yes yes okay we did that and then gonna watch this second jump because I feel like yeah this trust can come like so much further down then we have saved a lot of money suddenly I was doing this bottom 27 of the budget okay do I need this top trust oh that is a gamble I might leave that one I feel like this one I can probably lose like that though that will become a hint no I need that I need that for stability oh this one though I could I could get rid of all of that or I could swap the bottom with wood let's just watch one more time the stress in slow motion I mean the bottom goes quite yellow so I'm a bit reluctant to change that forward let's just try that and see what happens all right come on then come on then yes oh I made it I made it yes oh it worked I can't believe it worked oh we're still on the bottom 45 I need to save more money okay five percent surely I can just lower these I don't think this truss on top is actually doing anything structural so if we do that yeah it worked fine oh we've still got a few percent to shave off okay what if I replace that me now that one doesn't reach okay we'll just try that I've just replaced one bit with wood it worked fine but I've still I've got another percent to go till I'm in the top half okay I feel like that piece is likely to be the least stressed there's no landing on that side it's just the jump so it worked oh we're still already top 49 okay what if we raise these up then because that's going to be a lot cheaper we're under 20 grand now please don't break oh I didn't break it went very orange that was worrying but we did it we're in the top 47 so we can go have a look in The Gallery at the cheapest Solutions what is that oh look it actually rotate I mean it breaks it breaks so it doesn't really count is this a version that doesn't break yeah oh man wait oh the take up here I'm breaking early thank you so we got this 7940 it's just I mean it's basically what I built but jump on the right to get rid of all that road and then pretty much just make it all out of wood so it's cheap wait there's actually there's only one page of solutions for Unbreaking only what anyway the top Solutions of course have RC propaganda in them this is the Nifty sponsored one we've also got all very nice font there on the RC propaganda love to see that this one oh they've gone they've gone like three different bridges on this this one is very trusty but it was done by Pikachu then what is that looks like a Diglett and a hard hat anyway the next level is called Risky Business yeah I think they know what I'm trying to do in these levels it is risky oh was that oh there's a crane there's a crate look at the Creed that's so cool anyway what have we got to do we've got a oh we have a forklift truck it has boxes on the front that's quite cool so I guess it can't like lean too far forwards but we do need to get under that plane so what I'm thinking we go with a wait the plane is gone by the time I build this right let me just have a look yeah okay plane goes early yes that's good let's push that filled with Road oh and then what's the most sensible way of doing this I can't build where that plane's gonna be and I don't have very poor cable so I can't do suspension okay so what I'm thinking obviously War Grace play it safe although oh man they they put that in so I can't wall brace very easily I could wall brace from down there I feel like that's worth that's worth doing just to ensure we definitely have a wool brace tent under here we do that and that I mean honestly that's risky I feel like it could work yeah over this side let's do similar things we've got wool brace got trust under that we've got that sorted might be worth adding another piece like that or is it worth it might be worth instead going over the top that's definitely going to be stronger let's play it safe let's make this side secure as well okay that's good then it's just how to rebuild this I mean I'm sort of thinking I could probably just do that and that the fact I'm so cheap has made me it's made me question whether what I've built already is strong enough I might just I'll move that over there that over there really make these trusses big let's just make sure we're 100 sure how strong this bridge is first I'm I'm happy with adding a factor of safety and even though it's more expensive we don't really care about the cost at this stage is this middle bit gonna be strong enough so let's have a thing as the forklift truck comes on the weight's gonna come down it should be split over that way and then diagonally down into that anchor and as it moves over to here that is a hinge so that's potentially gonna give us some movement so it could be worth doing that just so this can't move then the entire bridge is sturdy it's not going anywhere oh no I'm quite worried I'm quite worried under there oh no oh no I should have strengthened some of these a bit more with steel it has made it it has made it oh that was terrifying right for cost we're in the bottom 28 I gotta get in the top 50 remember what are we for stress looking at this we're on the top 25 not too bad but not good either really considering I used most of my budget so things I can probably get away with changing to wood would be that vertical piece then maybe like those I am worried though those a lot of orange a lot of Orange let's try that we're gonna watch with the stress on and see what happens down here did I make a mistake oh they're flashing red I know that worked that worked how close to the top 50 are we in the bottom 35 okay we've got a lot of money to save I mean if I move that over that way and then would that up that should be okay I can then probably make these trusses a lot smaller I'm not gonna go too small I'll just do like that for now so we'll see how that oh my goodness that's going red oh I don't like this I don't like this at all okay but we made it we made it 25 and a half Grand bottom 44 we're close we are actually close the next thing I'm thinking did did I need those could I get away with just doing like that and that perhaps as long as this bit is steel that's sort of taking the most stress I feel like that's gonna do it have I cocked up the bridge by doing that there's only one way to find out and that is to give it a test come on come on don't bring cake don't break oh that's good it's good I mean actually I'm pretty sure I don't need those middle ones to be still like let's have a look was that stupid was it good that's good surely top 50 now top 43 love to see it okay so the cheapest way of doing this is the oh it made it Chuck the boxes off look oh did everyone do that no only only the cheapest person made it through the boxes off what does this one now that one does as well because then it weighs two polygrams less that's really clever but yeah most people went underneath like I did oh although not everyone did some people went over I honestly did not think you'd be able to go over the plane but lots of people seem to have done that alright so the highest budget one oh look he's got another oh he's bringing over RC yeah and of course it's the Nifty sponsored solution because not only was the forklift truck bearing two boxes of nifty to us parched Engineers he was also bringing the art to the Sea and the E anyway aside from that a little bit more RC propaganda just holding out the way of the plane Pro got destroyed very unusual trust structure on the upper trust there and then all steel solutions that cost a lot of money but anyway we're on to the next level air space infringement oh my God just fly higher honestly what are these guys do how am I meant to get through this by the way we got a helicopter or whatever that is and a space shuttle I'm gonna try and thread the needle so let's unlock these tangents and try and work out how we even go about do it oh my goodness all right gotta make sure we're clear of the blade I'm hoping this can actually get up like a hill that steep let's just push Blues into place and then we gotta try and trust this up so I have a bit of Steel there and over this side I'll come underneath like of that bun steal there then over this side we'll do a truss on top sort of like that but then we probably want to add an extra bit of trust there just so that doesn't move okay so that's in place hopefully that's strong enough I mean it might be worth just adding a little bit more steel under that because that's going to be taking the most weight right and then over this weight we've just gotta go from there up to that point so I think just very slight curve and I've got plenty of room to build my bridge over the top so I think that should be fine we'll just push those into place and what I'm thinking if I do steel like that then hopefully I can just wood everything else in place right so something like that for this Left Bridge yes we have two hinges in which could be dangerous actually I'm not gonna risk not gonna risk it I'm just gonna extend my trust like that so now nothing can move on that side but basically I've just made steel the sort of the straight throughs where the force should go and on this side we have the up a trust in the lower trust fingers crossed let's play this and hope it works so Vehicles all passed oh look at that look at that that was easy so for the stress we're on the top 11 percent without even trying our budget over in the bottom 29 not ideal so watching this with stress on I could probably could probably get rid of those and those are probably the bottom one just for the length and then on this side let's try getting rid of those pieces I feel like this shouldn't move right yeah it's all good it's so good in fact let's replace all of that with wood so here's what we're looking like at the moment we're on 35 Grand which ain't too bad because the only budget is 49. oh we're just so I have the top 50 if I swap of that with some wood like that saved me like 500 quid I'm also thinking do I actually need like all of that I could probably just make these trusses a bit bigger and it would be fine so I think I overestimated how much this weighs only weighs four I can probably replace that with wood as well so let's give this a go did I get cocky or are we good stress pretty low at the moment went up to 63 we're good top 33 I feel like I missed the budgeting aspects of this game am I actually gonna do this make all these smaller just bung that underneath that could be what ruins me it's so much cheaper though right surely that's gonna work yes yes it works it works oh we are good we are actually good right I am shaving this I don't know why I am I just feel like I need to it's been a while so I reckon something like that should work I don't want to shave too much in one go oh man it's actually it's actually fine is it worth replacing these with muscles what does that cost like 1800 quid muscle costs 1500 okay we're doing that we got muscles now can we go all wood yeah I'm bringing this up we've got rid of that Anchor Point we're just making this side nice and cheap by using wall braces it hasn't broken yet okay that worked wooden muscles they worked well we're in the top 12 come on top 10 without the bridge ever breaking I think that will be an achievement bring all of these down a little bit oh no I'm scared I'm scared that's quite orange that's quite orange already [Music] we're on the 25 Grand and we're in the top 10 percent love to see it how did Tyler do he's 115th I bet his Bridge Berkeley I bet his Bridge broke anyway in the gallery the cheapest solution is that oh my goodness what is that what is that it's like the dangliest bridge you've ever seen we've also got oh man this shows how little how little trust you actually need I'll tell you what I might have to go back and do a bit of a bit of trimming if that is the case yeah look how small these trusses are okay we can go cheaper first let's just have a look at the highest budget in case it doesn't go well oh wow someone built around every single vehicle in trust oh and it was Nifty of course it was of course it was Nifty okay what have we got here cheeky little jump there don't really know why that was a jump there this one they did supports down to the building as well I guess similar to nifties but I thought nifties actually went around the vehicles car struggled to get up that but all good now then we've got this which is a single huge Arch screws in the building in the middle it does struggle to to make it up though I will say that but yeah let's go cheaper let's just bring all these up a little bit and I can probably bring this to the left yeah that's a lot cheaper if I can get away with that oh dear that went red did you see how red that went oh I think these can come down quite a lot I don't want to push it too far I mean if I wanted to make this cheaper I would bring down the entire Road probably doesn't need to go that high but the road is adding strength and I wonder as well if I get rid of that muscle there I won't have the stability but I can do a piece up there that's cheaper right 24 Grand 78 or it was 24 Grand yeah 600 that's like so much cheaper oh is it strong enough though it's looking pretty yellow down there oh it's good it's good and we do similar on this side we do have that node that I can probably if I bring it down and connect that to I'm quite worried about that piece oh it's yellow it is yellow down there is it okay no it's okay it is brilliant I wonder then do I need that because technically that could be okay oh
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 279,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: 4278Fz_skwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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