Spending $10,000,000 On The Ultimate Glider

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so what I need to do today is launch myself out of a cannon repeatedly hoping to hit coins in the sky and every time I do that I'm gonna earn a little bit of money depending on what happened so as funny as it would be to this face plant him again and again just like this we've got better ways to earn money in case it wasn't clear it wants us to go this way because the game is all about gliders which you step onto her back and actually help us not face plant and die but that's nothing we haven't been through before so now when we're in the sky we can actually steer and therefore it's steer into things we want to hit or not want to hit we'll try a big purple Loop which is actually a boost that looks like a big stack of fifty dollars and a single glider makes a world of difference we're going so much further I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for here but I'm just going to gather money because I'm greedy like that and we face planted but that flight alone was 200 a second ago we were making seven but the next glider is still 1500 so if I was a large pile of money I don't know I'd be over here maybe there's a few big stacks of coins that's going to be an easy hundred dollars between those two there's probably proper glidings Attitude how to go further like they're often isn't in these games but I already forget basically as long as I don't smashed into a tree instantly I'm considering everything a success we don't get any money for going through the big arch and by the end of that blade another 266 dollars I'm not entirely sure but I think it says new upgrades in the Canon store which I think are over here this is called the cart Cannon 250 and it does look a lot bigger okay we're just pretty much gonna Point Straight Ahead here no frills and yep that worked we're way up in the sky and we use the purple thing to give us a little boost so we're gonna see if we can hit another one looks like we're running out of steam we won't be able to hit that one so what we're gonna do is crash into these two for an easy couple hundred dollars and we hit a tree 369 dollars so the money's going up the quickest way to do this is probably to fly into whatever's in this Castle I didn't realize it was glowing before so we're gonna Dive Right into whatever that thing is looks to be a giant treasure chest ooh 400 for hitting that a liquid tells me press space to boost I don't have any boost yet it's lying to me but that was worth one thousand twenty four dollars which means we get the dragonfly 5x10 speed 7 out of 10 handling 510 aerodynamics I could care less about the handling I'm going to crash using no matter what happens the castle bonus takes time to respond I haven't hit one of those blue things yet so for now I'm going to go through a purple because that's going to give me a boost we're going to try and hit this blue 10 of whatever those are the new glider looks pretty good I don't know if it actually is that good though we're going to take another 10 blue things the handling feels pretty good though I don't get very exciting with it because I'm a bad flyer we'll go ahead and park ourselves here under the tree for now that was only 500 but that's still 500 more than I had I've sort of realized it with all these boosts I'm getting from the circles I should take them up because the higher I am the further I can glide like if I sit like this I'm pretty sure I can maintain this course for a long time because I'm not losing speed I'm just very gently gliding forward like an angel and we're gonna fly right into this ring just barely yep got it do we think coins out here are worth more nope still just 100 but I most definitely want to try and get over this castle wall it's gonna be close perfect right over it four hundred dollars we're going to try and Scoot just over that we'll take another coin if we can and I think we might be seeing the edge of the map in this direction there is a hundred dollars and we're just going to try and milk this for all weekend we're going to do the up and down technique that's when your mom likes so much I've expanded right about there but that's got to be worth a lot of money 1249. now that I've clearly mastered this game I put double coin earnings just simply because I deserve it really but that just means we'll get our upgrades even quicker or at least I will it's all the same to you guys you don't have to watch all the boring Parts the best way to earn money this is probably this is probably two things like this where you're taking very risky Maneuvers and touching some of those low coins it is just really quick and easy to do that instead of just waiting for you to slowly run out of steam and face plant into the ground at some point like that was way quicker way less far and we've doubled our coins but that would have been eight hundred dollars otherwise that was super quick what's also going to be super quick is this ballistic Canon that not only takes us from a three to a five of power but if two to a three times coin multiplier the castle over here is ready to go again Dad pushed me over the line water for us I think we hit 90 speed there at launch how to continually torture this idiot with a glider and when I start running out of steam I just go like this and smash his head into the ground I don't have time to wait 3 500 for a single run which brings us to the boost three thousand dollars for the first booster five out of ten so it's higher quality than all of my videos okay we're gonna buy ourselves directly backwards but now we have some boost to work with when we need a little pick-me-up we can use it the red thing is new I've never seen that before we're gonna go ahead and touch it and 25 percent speed I don't know what that meant we got a free boost out of that we're gonna head for that castle over there but I'm gonna try something risky I'm gonna edit this booster over here then go over to the castle okay we're gonna use a little bit of our boost now just to get us there there's also another red thing here I want to touch this one and see what it does we're going 60 70. I don't really know what that does probably something good and obvious but I'm too busy flying to see or care okay we're gonna use a little bit of boost just to make sure we get through the castle unscathed that was an easy six hundred dollars look at all the treasures sitting here we can swoop through this we're going to be a millionaire after this run gonna use a little bit of boost and we're at a boost and I missed everything there because I was trying to grab it all being greedy there appears to be a wall in the way and some probably very cold water I'm gonna grab a few of those 25 oh that puts my Boost back so in theory as long as I'm grabbing those I can fly around by the power of boost I feel like that sort of as game breaking potential like there's enough of those around because I can just fly around and grab things for like 10 hours if I wanted to then again maybe the Boost is gonna run out quicker than I thought I'm already on fumes come on we can do it just touch it then we're gonna space bar nope that was 6 500 for a single run so it's time for the rotor glider that's a seven and eight out of ten coming from this which is the five and seven much better we're gonna go this way again and we know any good glider has a built-in helicopter okay that actually sent me really fast we're still going 120. this glider is quick so I assume our boost will pair nicely with that and we're probably gonna make a lot of money I similar went exactly the same direction as before just very carefully gotta cruise around we'll grab some more boost we'll boost into the extra boost then we'll grab some more boost over here we really go through that pretty quickly I'm gonna need to upgrade that okay running out of boosting you need to get through this look at all the big coins out there so let's pretend I did another say one and a half launches and now we can afford the better booster that takes us from a five to an 8 on both thrust and capacity so that's over a 50 increase I feel like I mostly just have to be better about managing myself when I first launched because we go up to speed 130 there so if we use that momentum wisely we'll go places as far as this new Boost is concerned yeah it really sends me going quickly window fast we can go we got up to 170 we started redlining I mostly just want to make it out to the edge actually boost goes a lot further we can use a lot of that that really gets us going this one's going to be a little bit dangerous but we got it and we're gonna boost through that one because there's no point picking it up unless we're low on Boost anyway now we've entered the money zone so if I get to start to actually pick some of this up we're gonna boost into the extra boost and that's going to keep us right on full I just need to focus because it's really hard to grab all this I'm getting really greedy I've just realized that the first time I may be supposed to go over the wall but I'm having too much fun collecting money so for right now I don't care well I've definitely confirmed that I can just endlessly go around like this I can just pick a boost and use it when I need it and grab the big circles if I want to but for now I could just flag just off these things and if I do start to run a little low like I am right now I just gotta head for one of these that'll give me another natural boost and I pick up that in my Boost is three chord is full again then I can pick up this one and dive into a bunch more money because my Boost is 90 full but also I need to see what's over this wall now so we might have gotten off the map yep okay nothing over there but that had to be worth a few bucks fifteen thousand dollars which is definitely enough for the laser cannon it's got 8 out of 10 power but a four times coin multiplier next is a pine tree so not only is this gonna give us a lot more launching power uh up to almost 200 but we're gonna earn a lot more money as we go but if we don't hit a tree of a thousand miles an hour I did still get over three hundred dollars that failed around so that's kind of funny I can just sacrifice him at high speeds with 300 anytime I want and I definitely feel like the more I upgrade my stuff the more like stuff's appearing out here there's a lot more boost recharges and money lying around than there used to be aren't valid is hallucinating from all the coffee and staring at this game for the past little bit either way I'm having a good time I can't even imagine with the next glider is like though this one already sends me this endlessly like I can just go like this forever there's something very therapeutic about this gliding around collecting stuff in the sky but then again I do find it equally fun to drive up real high and then straight down into the ground but no fast we can make him go we hit the ground at 198 he went right through the map and for torturing I'm like that we got 24 Grand so it's definitely time for a check glider 15 000. next one's a paper airplane we made so much money on that we can also buy the next Canon 10 out of 10 power 5 times coin multiplier yeah this looks like it makes a whole lot more sense now okay we're gonna give it a launch that's wow we have to take 250 there that was insanely passed we had a thousand dollars just for that and we're getting 250 dollars I think maybe even double that because of our thing this one's actually so fast it's like actually a little bit hard to control I feel like a fighter jet now but we could definitely cruise around the level much quicker this is going to be so efficient for making money beginner Cruise right past the castle we're going to swoop down and grab some coins we're going to top up our boost we're gonna miss everything we're aiming for I feel like this glider is just really really efficient with all things it just carries its speed and maneuverability so well that I feel like I hardly even have to try anymore like I feel like I don't even use my Boost but in saying that let's use some of it to see how fast we can go so straight up into the sky and then straight down going for a new speed record there is 263 36 grand for that one which is more than enough for the try booster 10 out of 10 thrust 10 out of 10 capacity oh where'd my Cannon go I started hitting the button so I didn't notice it came all the way up here here's what we're gonna do this time I'm going to just go straight to this guy wow you can go really really high if you just put all the Boost straight up right from the beginning and then I want to see how fast we can go this way 277 seems about as fast as we can conceivably go so to launch him straight up into the sky then straight down went to his head at a thousand miles an hour 750 dollars okay but let's try one for real just to see exactly how well this boost works for us I mean the glider itself is so good at this point I hardly need the Boost anymore but I'll still use it because there's just a lot of coins over here for us to grab and I'm greedy okay we're gonna boost right through that and then we're gonna grab that for a thousand dollars cruise over here get a boost upgrade wow this thing's fast I think I might have figured out a way to go a little bit quicker so if we use this to try and oh okay we're just gonna fall that's fine too I don't know why I'm just okay we go up I want to do some boost on the way down because I think that would give us more speed so let's try this up as quick as we can we use about half our boost and point it straight down then when we hit Max Speed we're gonna boost again yeah there we go 330. look at the size of that guy he's enormous is that his skin how do they he's eating other people he's so big so once you purchase everything we can send fifty thousand dollars to go to the next World so let's pretend I did that once or twice and make the money we needed that would bring us to a new place with even new gliders and cannons and boosts and everything we need well since I have a bit of spare money Arctic glider look at all the money in the sky look at all the boosts everywhere okay we're going to do this aim indiscriminately that way and hopefully this works cell can use a bit of a boost I feel like the gliders don't work as well here because it's a new wow yeah the Boost and stuff we don't have a lot of that it's better to be worth a lot of money then oh I said that time rate history said that's got to be worth a lot come on we gotta go that way get me through the Boost touch it come on we can do it does that count that counts okay we're getting results down a little bit past the spikes really well what's in this big chest I was looking off the screen but you guys probably saw how much that was we're getting 200 for a single coin at this point the Boost runs out in like an instant too that's worth 500 now long story short I bet we've made a lot of money that little Adventure was worth only 8 100. why would I not go back to the last World and make more money there do we need a better Canon 25 000 yeah yeah let's pretend I did the launch four more times and we bought the better Canon and the frosty booster for 50 000. things are expensive here I mean I guess there is a lot of money to be had out there okay we're gonna do a little better here the Boost and everything the glider everything's feeling better already much better I feel like we can still use more boost but using the little bit we have is actually going to work very well for address we're just going to slowly got to work our way up to cruising elevation that is a thousand dollars for that was that a special one or is that because it might create a Canon I think it was glowing weird because it was next to the circle to get a pretty nice view from way up here there's still enough boosters around that I can mostly until I screw my view up but you really can pretty much go endlessly on this one I did pick up quite a few coins and I was mostly screwing around still made 20 grand so I think we've earned ourselves a frozen plier for 175 000. Pleasant even better Canon 15 times earnings well why stop there we spent all the money we might as well spend the rest of it 550 000. this cannon just looks better so look at all the boosts over there what is that thing I never noticed that before okay that might be an updraft thing or the Boost is actually really strong now it took us uphill at 140 and now we have a nice view of the entire world we're definitely going to go over that chest and get some money out of that every corner grab now that's where 600 all by itself that's 7 500 to that chest fifteen hundred dollars every time we pick up one of their coin stacks and we picked those up a lot can make a fortune just flying around picking those up in the next 10 minutes especially when you get to the Outer Perimeter where there's the big mode we can just fly in circles around here making like ten thousand dollars every 10 seconds look at it all I feel like the air is just made of money up here but with this new booster and stuff let's just see how fast we can glide to the ground a little bit of boost there actually not that quick but like three minutes of gliding around 115 Grand so it's perhaps time to escalate gingerbread glider and the next Cannon it's only a 5 out of 10 for 500 Grand didn't realize how expensive these get and the last booster is also 900 000 but that really really makes a difference that's crazy though almost a million dollars for a single booster but I'm pretty sure because of that one we can basically fly forever especially with a new glider it's going to be Mega efficient and just quick like we're already over here at the next Treasure Chest that's an easy 10 grand at this point and we use a little glider in booster we can just kind of boost and pick up a new uh booster within a few seconds and then we're back to full Boost yeah this one's really strong we can stay like at the upper level of coins all we want and just grab whatever we want and it only takes five of these coins let's just get 10 grand that's it and we can do that super quick so I'm saying that let's boost ourselves straight into the water because we've got money to spend even that was 123 000 I literally just guided around for a couple of seconds because I want this spider thing Arctic dragonfly 60 Grand you know what the next one's actually 10 out of 10. let's just skip straight over the Arctic spider to the turbine and while we're at it the climate cannon that sounds like something I'd love to play with 750 000. oh big chilling is one million wherever we're going to get a million dollars from to be honest it really wouldn't have taken that long to save up for that at this rate but we know in the big cannon okay so let's go for a little Adventure in this direction we're gonna launch and we launched almost 300 at our Max this is a fun looking glider this is like a rocket ship this isn't even a glider anymore and it's really quite fast wow we can zoom around the level and use very little boost to do it look at this thing this is crazy I think I could fly way above the level and just hang out up here and swoop down and whatever I want and the coins are going to be worth a lot I have them paying attention 3000 dollars per coin stack even basic coins are twelve hundred dollars so it would still take almost a thousand basic coins to be able to afford the Canon at this spot but if you just fly around and make them all stack up and get the better things it wouldn't actually take that long especially you can grab these once in a while 15 grand just from flying over it okay so let's bring yourself up nice and high and let's see how fast this thing can go Max Speed and give it a bit of boost there's 330 344. even that was 81 Grand 81 Grand to do hardly anything I noticed all my gliders got downgraded when entered into the second world so I'm wondering if the gliders in a second world are a lot better than they were in this world therefore we'll get an extra speed boost so let's go ahead and launch and I think they're still capped out at about the same as the old ones I don't really remember the speed of the old ones but I know they would max out around 300 anyway yeah the rewards and stuff are still all old so let's just see let's go up nice and high and come down to the ground with some ample speed to see if we can get over 333 nope gonna be the same alright well we hit the max level glider and killed this guy a bunch of times the end thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 208,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EcESUVu2qYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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