Stealing resources and destroying the natives in Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Deep Rock Galactic Survivor a game that lets me relive my British roots of pilfering others resources and destroying the natives also thanks Developers for the key to this beta version so I can make my editor very jealous he is absolutely obsessed with deep rock Galactic aren't you yes all right so we start off falling from the sky in this mining drill and becoming oh look it looks like a face I've just noticed that never saw that before right so this is us and you'll see there's aliens that attack us every so often they drop little XP things so you can walk into those and get them these rocks we can dig through those they don't give us anything but the ones down here can you see there's a bit of red in there that is a resource that we can get that is Nitra you see that's going into the top left up there there's also gold you can get and they allow us to buy upgrades at the end of each stage but for now because we've got loads of XP we get to level up so do we go with six armor for increased resistance I think we do our other choices are just two common ones reload speed and fire rate for that weapon but I reckon yeah we'll go armor and we'll keep digging this Nitra out nice and then we'll head up here and take out morani so you level up again so the upgrades generally they're either for everything or just a specific weapon because that has the weapon icon which is the weapon we have down here our deep core gk2 level one I'll probably take one of those but it's worth a nice thing we can get up to six weapons and we'll shoot them all at the same time over here for now a 25 weapon damage is good to me oh that one has a health bar so you need to take that out you'll see I just collected the mushroom in the top right we have like these little quests they give us extra XP and resources and stuff so we want to be doing those all right is it worth going for mining speed or should I just stick with making my weapon better even though it's rare I think I might just go 15 damage is a lot you'll see I'm not shooting now that's because our guns have to reload uh that bar at the bottom under the gun that's like the ammu it's when it gets there it's now reloading so that is something we will need to upgrade in order to shoot quicker oh but for now we get to pick between a new weapon so you can see these two on the left they do electrical damage now electrical sort of arcs through enemies so it's sort of like an area of effect almost uh this kinetic one that's what my weapon is now so it's just like normal bullets uh this shoots in four directions though so it could be useful however I think I'm gonna go for the middle one because that alternates between acid and electrical arrows uh guessing it's like a big crossbow or something either way it sounds cool but yeah top right we've got these quests so I'm gonna head around and I'm gonna start looking for some of those mushrooms by the way these resources you'll see one once I've mine that through you see that's a jazz and there's quite a few resources that you don't actually use like in the game you use them between rounds uh so any that don't snack up there the golden Nitra uh just ignore but now basically over here that red one that gives us health so my Health's pretty good you can see 131 out of 145 so I'll probably leave those for now what we've got here 10 damage fire rate or I feel like the game really wants to give me a bit of mining speed read maybe I will do that could come in handy because later on in the game once the Swarms get bigger we will want to like mine sort of our way out maybe we'll sort of get pinned in we'll have to try and Escape by mining uh well and we may just want to make sort of like death traps for all these beasts but yeah for now I'm just gonna wander around ah shoot it looking for some more mushrooms and leveling up let's take 10 damage that is on all weapons by the way because there's no symbol of the gun up there so definitely take that there's some gold over this week so I'll have some of that you can see a mushroom in the bottom left oh boy oh boy that was close that was supposed to grab the mushroom ah there's an elite Smasher so that's sort of the end boss of every stage you can see we're on stage one of five uh once we do that we'll have to get back to our ship so it's worth trying to complete the other objectives which is get like mushroom because look all those resources all that gold we've leveled up and got a load of resource uh what do I take it I might go with the six percent XP game that sounds pretty good so yeah in a way I'm gonna be trying to keep that spider alive just so I can like level up and least in these early rounds because oh look up here there's the magnet hang on once I pick this upgrade I'll go with three armor that grabs all the XP everywhere on the map oh and then this upgrade I get to upgrade Bosco which is my little drone you may have noticed do I give him Rockets or do I give him electrical done I think electrical because the arcing between enemies is actually really useful I've upgraded again I think three percent XP gain watch out for those explodey spiders they're a little bit scary and then just wander around trying to find some more resources I can mine I know there is some in the bottom left oh look bottom right there's some down here so this is one that we use between rounds I don't really need that I need to focus on the gold over there so yeah give me gold give me gold that's what I'm talking about and is what I'm talking about all right the slasher is coming we keep leveling up let's give ourselves 10 damage and then oh I can see some gold up that way so if I sneak through here grab that mushroom well I might sneak all the way around actually I can see loads of resources up top oh and there's resources down here okay so we'll come around grab all this gold I've played quite a few rounds of this by the way and this is definitely what you want to do you want to early on try and get as many resources as you can before you kill the boss oh there's a there's a magnet there's a magnet grab the magnet so I'm gonna love us up again yes it has now you can re-roll these which could be worth doing or do I just keep going for armor armor is actually really good you see bottom right I've already got 13 armor but yeah I need to hold on to my God so I'm not gonna re-roll I don't think we'll head over this way try and get that Nitra can I get round right nice nice get it get it get it okay good that spider's nearly dead I don't want to kill it I don't want to kill it okay let's go get this gold okay we just killed the spider that's fine we'll come over this way because we've leveled up because all the XP so reckon six percent reload speed on all weapons we then get to pick an artifact from this Supply pod that just dropped down so this one increase your critical chance by 0.5 for every Nitro you have her go tip bullets increase your Damage Done by one percent for every five gold you have well that's quite good now but I'm about to spend loser gold or this one knocked back and slow nearby enemies when you take damage oh every 30 seconds yeah okay I'm gonna go that the Frozen shield belt then I'll just try and pick up these pink orbs and you can see I've got a timer I've got to try and get back to the drop ship before that time runs out otherwise it's game over firstly we get to pick a weapon so you got a kinetic pistol a plasma rifle or electrical Boomerang thing I'm gonna go with the plasma and you'll see what plasma does it has bouncy bullets so can you see the pink bullets they're bouncing all over the place they bounce off all the walls yeah for now I've only got a few seconds to get into this ship and then we are going to the next stage let's get out of there so before the next stage I get to upgrade um and these are all random I can re-roll for five gold you can see they either cost Nitra or gold I've got 105 and 45 of each and we've got a couple of epics which is quite unusual we've been very lucky so 35 damage that's on our plasma rifle for 24. I think we definitely take that and do I do mining speed I feel like mining speed is actually quite good yeah I saw it let's do it we've got mining speed and then 25 fire rate on my main gun then I may re-roll for five just because they can oh yeah look at that 15 damage for all weapons for 4C gold yes please so now we're on stage two we crash down in another mine uh these are all procedure journalists by the way I think they're different every single time but uh this one in the top right kill 300 aliens and collect six flowers so let's go find the flowers first uh five cent damage for all weapons sounds good to me all right there's another flower up here so I'll take that I might come over this way as well that is Health there as you can see I've now got full health again 145. oh there's two there probably worth remembering that I'm gonna mine this gold here I can see there's a flower up that way so we've grabbed that gold let's head up oh God oh God there's loads of enemies there's loads of enemies I might dig through here just so I can sneak around grab the flower right we're good we're good and let's dig up this way man there's enemies everywhere I don't like these spitty touristy ones are quite annoying they're spitting like green slime at me we split green slime somewhere else your knobs anyway filled with lots of XP that's quite handy we've just leveled up oh and we've got an epic and a legendary 50 fire rate for the plasma I think we gotta go for that so we should be shooting a lot more plasma now oh yeah and we'll come up here grab a load of gold you see the top left by the way that's a mini map that sort of shows you like a bit of the layout so I can see like the yellow that's like the edge of the map and stuff the lighter colors their resources and like the white blobs or like the flowers and things you want to collect uh ah loads of big old green boys yeah top left is a flower so let's just head around here grab that sticking to the edge of the map it is actually quite sketchy because you've only got like one way to escape but I do want to grab that flower I just need one more flower now and then we've completed that task oh there it is there it is we've got it and then we get to pick an upgrade so 35 Max HP could be useful there's an epic one 20 reload speed on all medium weapons only so if you look down the bottom that's a medium weapon because it says medium there that's a heavy and that's the medium so that only affects the two weapons with the arrows above would I be better off getting HP I think I might I'm gonna play it safe you've gone the HP route yeah the boss this time is that flying thing so we can't really hide behind walls because it can fly straight over a bit of a downside um right there's a magnet there so let's grab that so we can get all the experience and level up so 35 fire rate on my first gun or do I just do 12 on all of them I think all guns I feel like we're probably close to another gun as well oh look there's a Bosco new weapon deals Crow damage so cryo is another type and that will slow enemies down very useful we've leveled up again I think I'll do 25 damage on that weapon that's my heavy than most we're leveled up um I'm gonna smash through this wall I think just try and escape the hordes a bit more I can see there's some resource here so let's grab that cheeky bit of Nitra oh no dead ends dead ends dead ends gonna go back up out mine a bit more Nitra and then I'm gonna actually try and sneak out this way explodey spiders set them off they should set each other off but they haven't quite nice we've got supplies we've got to get back to our ship the everything's exploding as well all right so these two on the right they give us a small chance of finding Nitro or gold when we're mining like any Rock could be useful but if I want to survive longer perhaps this one the red sugar cube that increases our Max HP by five when we like get the the Red Blocks that give us health so I've gone with that we're just gonna try and get back to the ship now collecting all the XP we can on the weight we are being shout to that because time is running out we gotta go we've gotta go actually can I just quickly get my health from here no you don't have time get on get out oh that was so close that was so close I just wanted the extra health I'm not even sure if I got it or not anyway back in the shop oh I wasn't as kind to us this time although what could be worth doing changing the damage type of my machine gun to electrical because that means we'll be doing like Arc damage across everyone yeah I think I'm gonna do that yeah then a 10 damage increase of all my weapons sounds good I'll do a cheeky rewrote and oh no if I'd saved my night trip I could have had a 35 weapon damage increase for mud from plasma rifle don't have enough Nitro now anyway let's increase reload speed by 20 because then we're shooting more often that's gotta be good right I mean maybe I'll do another yeah I'll do another nine percent as well why not then we're on to stage three so what have we gotta do this time Q aliens collect the bloom so there's one of them I feel like to start with it's sort of most useful to try and leave all of the walls in place just so you don't give the enemies much chance to like find shortcuts to get you and stuff um but you still want to head around and trying to find like the edge of the map and stuff it's like up here you can see like where the edge is and then once I know how big the map is and stuff it's a bit easier to try and work out where I can and can't go there's a lot of enemies in front me thankfully look at the arc damage of my new machine gun ripping through everyone so we can run through here there is oh there's a flower optimal left should I cut through so many enemies look at the electricity though riffing for him and we've leveled up again I'm ignoring critical damage I think it levels up quite slow I'm not too sure it's worth doing I think 10 damage on the plasma that is bouncing all over the place then I'm just gonna head around this way the idea being get up here to the flower nice and then cut back and grab all that XP lovely because then we've leveled up and we've got a new weapon so do we go with the shotgun High Caliber piercing bullets that targets the highest HP enemy or do we stick with the electrical have we have we gone to the electrical route I think we may have done let's do the Thor bug taser so we should be pretty good at clearing the crowd now um oh and look 10 damage to all electrical weapons that is three of our weapons if you can see on the bottom so definitely take that all right then we just got to try and find some more flowers and then I might go in here and try and grab this health as well right we've unlocked the the boss and annoyingly I still got two more flowers to find there's one there which is quite useful so we'll grab that one oh there's the other one nice so that has a load of gold for us and then you can see it's a bit dangerous to try and not kill the boss I'm gonna try to because I want to mine some of this golden stuff if I can get more upgrades and things that is good but uh that boss has long arms people are now saved by a level up so five damage for all my weapons or 35 fire rate on my machine gun I think maybe that since it's got the electrical 35 is a huge increase right so I'm trying to not actually kill the spider but the big one this health bars is going down like anything I want to try and find some resource oh no it looks like we took him out we took him out already so the stage is nearly done it's because the exploders are like exploding everyone all right 15 damage for all weapons yes please how am I going to get through them exploders oh there's so many enemies right they're just gonna have to run three we got the supply drop two epic artifacts plus 30 critical damage plus a hundred percent critical damage but minus 30 normal damage oh if I'd gone any sort of critical until now that would actually be worth doing but I think I'm better off doing this one the BLT plus 70 Max HP plus two percent life regen yeah regening Health gonna be very useful and oh I can get lucky not like that not like that uh luck increases the chance to roll higher Rarities so yeah we'll take that and then we'll just pick up all the experience we can whoa quick quick quick quick quick all right am I in am I in I'm not sure if I'm in I think I'm in that's probably as close as you can get um what upgrade you want to go for here oh epic extra rations plus 50 Max HP I'm already on 280. I'm gonna do it though 40 gold or up to 330 now then I might re-roll and try and get something oh didn't pay off I'm gonna say something decent to spend my Nitro on I'm gonna re-roll again it's just not happening I may as well do one more re-roll there we go what have we got there 35 damage for the plasma yeah we'll take that and then we're on to stage four now just so you know I paid a lot of this I've never got past round four so we'll see how this goes I'm feeling quite powerful at the moment I'm not gonna lie and I'm still gonna try and get like these bits of gold and stuff just on the off chance that I do survive I'll be able to upgrade next time ah that flying thing is after me anyway boss go level up shall we give you I'm gonna give you a rocket launcher why not so I can see there's an edge of a map down here so I don't want to go down that way I do want to go left if I can there's a lot of enemies the actual Quest this time is to collect a special sort of resource so we'll have to see where that appears from if anywhere I'm gonna cut through under here and just head this way right let's let's grab some health as well because that will increase our HP by five all that we need more HP right now yeah let's try and find this resource it's not down here that is the dead end as well I'm getting out of there that is danger zone like clear a path there we go thank you guys I was me talking to all my weapons I got some gold here to get rid of and that is very nice I might thin the herd out a little bit because yeah oh there is a lot of XP coming there's that one with a health bar that drops little pink things that are worth loads yeah and we've just leveled up uh 15 fire rate for you yeah why not I'll tell you what the electric is actually ripping through everyone I'm quite glad I went that route so this is awesome I'm just standing here every once in a while just step forward to get the the XP oh flying one you're quite annoying it is down it is down and we've leveled up again 30 pickup radius could be good but probably better trying to stay on top of damage so 15 that's from a plasma rifle and yeah down these little alleys my plasmas are just bouncing off everything look at the enemies they're like they've nearly gone oh no oh no we've we've summoned the elite I might actually take move speed this time six percent just so I can potentially outrun it a bit quicker because there's this flying one there maybe add some more armor as well yeah oh we got a magnet to get all the XP we got a new weapon again so shotgun's going to be really good for taking out bosses cryo is going to be really good at crowd control because it will slow them down I'm not sure what it's better to go why can't you decide anything Matt I'm rubbish that decision I'm going with the shotgun I think shotgun would be more useful because like there's lots of these big old green boys as well yeah oh my goodness look at all those spiders right explodies right we've got some supply drops yeah a chance of finding gold I guess we've got to try and get back there's all this XP to grab but we're just gonna have to get back now because oh man where do I have to go oh I don't have time I don't have time okay it's just there's just that let's just grab this health nice okay we actually completed it I've never got this far before so stage four is done onwards to stage five we go and annoyingly yeah because I rip through that boss I didn't actually get like I didn't get enough resource I can't really upgrade anything I guess I should probably re-roll because I'll still have 29 left so I should be able to afford a rare yeah that's a good one that is a good one 25 damage increase for my electrical acid and fire which I think I've only got electrical at the moment but still 20 damage increase yes please so final stage we're dropping in we've got to destroy cocoons so there is one that's quite easy ah they've got bosses inside them run away run away is it worth guessing these like Up 3D materials I'm not actually sure loads of enemies loads of enemies where did they all come from run run run okay we're in a bit of an Alleyway we should be able to take down one of the bosses yeah there it goes there it goes so loads of XP in there which means you gotta level up do I go with yeah let's go with armor I feel like if I'm strong then I'm less likely to die nah I never knew that I never knew that all right I should probably go find another cocoon as well there's loads of resource on this level I don't know if it's going to be useful because I don't know what happens after this level but Nitro and gold you can only use like whilst you're playing oh wow oh look at all the enemies on the left I need to go I need to go burst another cocoon I'm gonna have to go I'm gonna have to go left oh so many enemies this was a mistake this was a mistake I'm gonna get pinned in this is why I don't like going to the edge of the map Right Round Here leg it legit legit legit legit oh boy oh boy cut through this week okay there's another cocoon let's get it opened Come On Pop Pop I thought they're all going to be flying but they're not okay I could uh I could really use some help right now our game oh ask and it will deliver so there's there's a health we'll grab that there's another one up there as well and look up here is where all the XP is and not only that there's a magnet so we're going to be leveling up big time so 25 fire rate yeah sounds good to me shotgun 15 fire rate or 10 damage I'm guessing fire rate's probably better and then ah change my Bosco to cryo that should flow down some of the enemies I've just leveled off again as well 10 on my electrical damage yeah sounds good I'm gonna open this this egg as well that is another boss oh no the dreadnoughts out oh I didn't realize that I thought I'd have to kill three of them first okay well we gotta try and take out these two so I'll just slowly work my way around the level oh boy there's the Dreadnought oh boy oh boy oh man why is it so fast right it's jumping it's jumping okay so when it jumps I can sort of Dodge it a bit oh man oh man it's really on me wait ready jump there you go I go left I mean right oh boy well I don't like it jumping it's terrifying yeah cause the trouble is if I stay too far away it like jumps and sort of ends up like next to me like jump jump there you go oh uh run through your head oh this is the part of the level I don't want to be stuck on I gotta try and head down it's right on my butt it's right on my butt it's health is actually going down in quite a big way though and ow ow ow it's on me it's on me I need to anticipate the jump more it's gonna jump it's gonna jump I'm gonna go up oh there's so many enemies there's so many enemies might pop through this way oh we're in trouble we are actually in trouble no no no no it's after me no no no no no run okay there's some health and grab some health I don't think it helped run up here there's another piece everywhere I got so little Health this is really bad oh no it's on my butt again it's on my butt again run no I couldn't do it I couldn't do it Mission failed but that's as close as I've got so far oh wow look at my acid and electrical damage 1.1 million of each blimey and yeah looking at this it looks like my plasma did the most damage I mean almost in terms of DPS it definitely did yeah in case you're wondering what happened with all those resources I picked up like the pineapples and cactuses and stuff this is what I get to spend them on they're like for permanent upgrades so increase when Max HP yes please so yeah the more you play the better you're gonna become but yeah I got so close at the end editor are you proud or did I do Deep Rock Galactic I'm proud I'm proud of you you know that I hope you do by the way I had fun I hope you guys did too but now I'll say peace love and massive beards bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 174,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deep rock galactic survivor, deep rock galactic survivor gameplay, deep rock galactic survivor steam, deep rock galactic, rce, real civil engineer
Id: J6oKiGpMpmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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