How to Plan & Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2

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let's now look at the IELTS speaking part - and the individual long turn and in this section of the IELTS speaking test you have one minute to take some notes and then you have two minutes for the speaking so what we're going to talk about at the first stage here is to think about the notes what sort of notes are we going to take this is the sort of card you will get so you receive this card from the speaking examiner and straightaway you need to think how am I going to answer this question so you would say okay CD we're talking about a city and you would like to visit so those are a couple of the really important words there you should say where it is of course yes so how where you should talk about how you you know about it and also what you would like to do there and here's a little extra part that some people miss out altogether but it's very important that you get this final little part of the answer here and it's asking you explain why you would like to visit this part of the world okay so this is what we need to do we need to quickly analyze the question like we do in other parts of the the speaking test so if that's my first part and I've actually got some examples here so I've got an example which says around New York so you should say where it is so I've written in my answer north east coast of the USA notice I've put some abbreviations there how you know about it TV movies news what you would like to do there well I'd like to visit the Empire State Building Central Park Shopping Broadway stage show explain why you would like to visit this part of the world well it's exciting and it's famous and in some ways you could say it's the world headquarters so these are the types of notes that you want to take you want to take these notes as quickly as you can like I said you've got one minute to make your notes and just make sure that you are answering the four stages so the first stage that part that part that part and that part and it's always good if you can try and keep it balanced so if you've got two minutes to talk then this part here where is it you could talk for that around thirty seconds how you know about it again thirty seconds what you would like to do there thirty seconds and explain why you would like to visit that part of the world again if you can talk for thirty seconds that would be quite a balanced answer and it helps you to keep organized and know what you're up to all right so let's have an example look at the example that we have here and here is the example answer the city I would like to visit is New York New York is located in the northeast of the United States of America in the state which is also called New York it is situated on the main island of Manhattan and is surrounded by other areas such as Long Island Brooklyn and so on so again that's the first part of the speaking prompt because I've never actually been there most of what I know about New York comes from popular culture including magazines television and movies in particular it's common to hear stories that come from New York on the television news because it is the headquarters of the United Nations and so many celebrities live there there are always there always seemed to be stories coming from New York about some big announcement or fashion event so that's the second part that I've answered if I could travel to New York I'd like to visit the Empire State Building because it's one of the most famous skyscrapers in the world and it provides spectacular views over the city I'd also like to take a walk through Central Park and go shopping in the famous department stores that's the third part and here we go it's asked why so I'm gonna give my reason I suppose the main reason for visiting New York is because it's an exciting city they say it is the city that never sleeps and if I had the opportunity to visit New York I'm sure I wouldn't get much sleep either as I would be keen to explore as much other city as I could so I've answered all four parts I've aimed for about 30 seconds and I've given a nice fluent answer notice as well that I've got these little phrases the city I would like to visit is in particular because if I could I'd so we have those types of linking phrases which which link the whole answer together in terms of the notes that I took you can see that I've got my notes here in bold so in New York where it's located magazines television movies Empire State Building Central Park shopping and it's the exciting city and a few other little bits and pieces there so a really fluent answer approximately eight point five or nine and importantly fills that the two minutes so we're not wasting any time at all or we're not going under the time
Channel: ClickStudies TV
Views: 71,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, ielts speaking task 2, taking notes for IELTS, IELTS in 21 Days, IELTS ClickStudies,
Id: Af84dYlpYec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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