The Secret to English Fluency - The IELTS Fluency Formula

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hi guys its Keith from IELTS speaking success here to give you the skills and confidence you need for the IELTS speaking test and today I want to share with you the fluency formula I want to show you three easy steps to speaking fluently just like this let's get straight into it [Music] so today I'm gonna share with you the fluency formula this is a technique that I have learnt and developed well I don't know if it's mine actually but I've developed it over the years and used it to speak the languages I speak fairly fluently and to help my students as well and it is so simple the fluency formula so without beating around the bush here it is one repeat to substitute 3 make it true it doesn't get any easier now I'll explain to you exactly how this works but first we need to understand something called chunks right now what a chunks chunk of bread chunk of language chunk is a piece of something so a piece of language we can have lots of kinds of chunks ok we can have collocations grammatical patterns idioms functions phrasal verbs all of these can be chunks two or three words usually put together as a chunk of language and this is the secret to language learning it really is but it's so simple so let's take grammatical patterns instead of learning I plus am plus going plus to infinitive we learn the chunk I'm going to I'm going to easy you should have you should have listened to me you should have I'd rather I'd rather not go so instead of thinking of grammar we think of chunks I'm going to you should have I'd rather and there are hundreds of chunks we can also have chunks which are fillers and these are very common in conversational English thing is right well you know oh by the way and when we learn these we don't learn by plus the plus way we just learned the chunk by the way and to really learn this effectively I think you have to focus on the listening to the sound by the way by the way don't think of by the way three words think of the sound by the way by the way by the way the more you say it the more it sounds like one sound and that is what the chunk is all about we also have phrasal verbs can be chunks let's put it off you link it all together right let's put it off listen up I get up at 6 o'clock sometimes I get up at 7 o'clock I get up right is one sound I get up that's your chunk it's a phrasal verb and it's a chunk I get up so we're going to look at taking the chunks and putting them into the fluency formula so the fluency formula as you remember has three parts number one is that's right repeat so we take an example so here's a grammatical chunk right I want to I want to I want to go to Paris so the chunk is I want to we can make it meaningful in this example go to Paris now to repeat this it doesn't really work if you're just reading it off a piece of paper because then you miss so much what you really need is to be listening a lot and to find listening or audio models so if you're listening to a podcast or a YouTube video or one of my model answers there's lots of those and lots of nice examples you can pick out a chunk that you want to practice maybe it's a chunk you don't feel confident with or a chunk you're not very fluent with this is a very simple right but when you listen you can pick up things around pronunciation and I think there are three things I recommend one is the connected speech so pick up pick up the connected speech I want to want to connects right I want to I want to connected speech number one number two pick up the stress the word stress I want to go to Paris I want to go to Paris did did I want to go to Paris you'll notice that the weak forms of 2 is 2 & 2 again is to the weak forms come before the stress so it's not I want to go to Paris it's I want to go to Paris I want to go to Paris so notice the stress so number 1 notice the connected speech number 2 notice the stress and number 3 is notice the intonation or the rhythm if you like a dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee I want to go to Parris Island didn't it in I want to go to Paris I know we don't speak like that but what we do actually I mean when we practicing it's useful to pick up button and learn this kind of intonation and and rhythm so that is repeating I I know I've made it sound a bit complicated with all the pronunciation but it's just repeat I want to go to Paris try and again and again brilliant so just repeat it until the cows come home though just repeat it three or four times is enough that is the first step and what is happening here is it's a bit like going down the gym it's all muscle work you're training your muscles in your mouth in your jaw and your lips to produce the English sounds probably a lot of the sounds in your mother tongue are different and they use different muscles so this is a bit like going down the gym right I want to go to Paris I want to go to Paris you're practicing the weights and the barbell great number one is repeating part part Stage two of the fluency formula copyright Keith O'Hare mm-hmm no it's not really share this with the world Stage two is correct substitute substitute so I want to go to Paris substitute go to Paris for another place I want to go to Manchester I want to go to London I want to go to Australia I want to go to New York have a go and again and again the secret is the practice practice now what's happening here is not only is it muscle practice but you're starting to engage the brain a little bit just a little bit and you're building flexibility I want to go to Paris I want to go to London it's great practice and you'll notice you're actually also practicing lots of place names cities or countries this is stage 2 substitution for example I want to go to London I want to go to the cinema I want to go home that's all we're doing substitute and repeat ok if possible try not to read this because you don't want to be reading aloud that is not going to help you because surprise surprise when you go down the shop or the pub and speak to your friends you don't have your scripts written in front of you it has to be up here okay so avoid reading that substitution number three stage three of the fluency formula is very good well done Stage three is make it true make it true here takes it a step further so not only are we working the muscles not only are we building flexibility but we are now engaging the brain by thinking about what is true for me I want to go to Paris really do you really want to go to Paris or somewhere else what is true for you oh I don't want to go to Paris at all I want to go to Sydney make it true for you so you create sentences that are true for you if we went back before - I want to go to London maybe not I want to go to Sydney I want to go to Africa the cinema mmm I want to go to the theatre and so here we make it true maybe I want to go to Paris I want to go to the cinema I want to go out actually I don't want to go to Paris so here you could be even changing the grammatical chunk if you want but making it true so we bring it all together we've got muscle practise flexibility and here engaging the brain so we're thinking and these three steps can be done in probably under a minute with any chunk but it is a great start and found to build your fluency of course you need to go the next step and get down the pub or the shop or the into the street and practicing with people so you're reacting but you've built up this great base for your fluency and it all sits around chunks right chunks like I want to show you three easy steps to speaking fluently just like this just like this I want to show you three easy steps to speaking fluently just like this that's how we build fluency that is the fluency formula don't just sit there get out there start practicing it's better to do five minutes every day rather than one hour once a week do a little bit every day and you will see your fluency really picking up for the chunks go and look at some sample answers go and find some audio and pick out the chunks you want to work on remember don't read listen that's it the fluency formula have fun thank you very much oh if you enjoyed this video if you found it useful share it with a friend subscribe here and why not leave a comment I mean do you want to go to Paris where do you really want to give me a comment even those writing it's a good start and that's it I look forward to seeing you again soon thank you very much [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 259,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking tips for band 9, english speaking, english speaking video, english speaking tips, english speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking success, IELTS Keith, speak English fluently, Fluency Formula, IELTS Fluency, how to speak english fluently, how to speak english fluently and confidently, english fluency practice, english fluency Keith, fluency ielts speaking success, fluency in ielts speaking, ielts fluency and coherence
Id: iDbenVOzqhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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