IELTS Speaking Band 9 VOCABULARY | Agreeing – Disagreeing

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hi there it's Asiya in IELTS speaking you're often asked if you agree or disagree with something and saying yes I do or yes I agree no I don't is just such a basic way to do so what's more English learners may sound rude when they give their opinion without realizing it for this video I've prepared a variety of English phrases that will help you express your opinion in the natural and polite way the sponsor of today's video is Cambly an online learning platform that allows you to practice your English with native speakers at any time of the day or night it's a great place to improve your IELTS speaking and listening skills and I have a special discount for you in the description and now let's get started before I give you all the phrases let me explain why you may sound rude without even knowing it in English people don't speak directly if you just say you're wrong I completely disagree with what you're saying you will sound impolite to say the least so I'm gonna give you phrases that will help you to soften your language and make it sound more natural and we're gonna split them into three categories disagree neither agree nor disagree and agree and here are phrases you can use to disagree with start with phrases you can use to strongly disagree and then go to phrases you can use when you disagree to some extent the first phrase is actually I would say the exact opposite for instance do you think in the future people will live longer I actually I would say the exact opposite taking into account all the environmental issues were facing today and so on you could also say I see a point but I must admit I completely disagree with it oh I see what you're saying but I must disagree for example children spent most of their time at school so schools should be entirely responsible for children's education and not their parents do you agree I see your point but I must admit that I completely disagree with it you could also say that's not the way I see it and then you explain how you see it so all those phrases will help you to say that you strongly disagree next I'd be inclined to disagree inclined means liking or wanting to do something I'm inclined to trust him oh and look lazy and just don't feel inclined to start it today and you can say I'm inclined to disagree or I'm inclined to agree both work I think I would probably have to say no this one is usually used when you're applying to a suggestion are you coming to the party tonight I think I would probably have to say no it means you're definitely not coming I'd say that's not always true or I'm afraid that's not always the case do you think children follow the example of their parents I would say that's not always the case and you should adapt those phrases to match what you want to say because if you said I'm afraid that's not always the case it means you think the children should always follow the example of their parents but perhaps sometimes they shouldn't and in this case it's better to say I would say or I think that's not always a case next I'm not so sure about it you can use it when someone is saying something that you think is not factually true there are over 10 billion people in this world I'm not so sure about it I think we're not 8 yet you can also use it when someone is proposing something outrageous for instance let's go hiking at night and meet the sunrise on the top of that mountain I'm not so sure about it I agree up to a point but it means you agree only to some extent but mainly you disagree you could also say of course there is sound truth in all this but only up to a point I don't entirely agree with you or with your opinion entirely means completely if you don't entirely agree it means you disagree there are some other phrases you might have heard such as no way or you're out of your mind those are very strong and very informal don't use them in IELTS speaking and the phrase you are wrong is just so impolite don't use it either each phrase has its own subtleties and you should learn how to use them before your exam I think Cambly is a great place to practice your speaking skills with a native speaker you can choose a teacher you like or book lessons with different teachers and get used to different accents you can suggest your own topics or take their IELTS speaking lessons or even a mock speaking test lessons start from just 15 minutes a day twice a week and you can take them at any time that suits you I get asked about why we don't provide individual tuition ourselves well we will never be able to offer it at Cambly's prices and I have a special discount for you as well all the information and links are in the description box below please check them out now what can you say when you're not sure if you agree or disagree the first phrase is actually I think it depends on the situation concrete person or whatever it depends on it's how to say on the one hand and on the other hand would it change your job in the future it's hard to say on the one hand I'd like to find a job that pays more but the other hand I enjoy what I'm doing at the moment next I agree that but I think oh I don't think that and usually we say what we agree with first and then what we disagree with for instance do you think it's important to find a high paying job well I agree that the job should pay the bills but I think having a rewarding career gives more satisfaction in the long run now I'm going to show you some phrases you can use to agree starting from murder and go into stronger phrases you can say to some extent yes would you say you're a calm person to some extent yes I usually don't fly off the handle at the slightest thing I require something a little bit more serious and to fly oh the handle means to react in a really angry way so ideally you shouldn't fly off the handle at all I suppose so and I guess so these are very common phrases I'm inclined to agree with you we studied I'm inclined to disagree and now you can say I'm inclined to agree I think you're right oh that's a good point those phrases are really universal you can use them in many situations instead of just saying yes you can say absolutely definitely exactly all those phrases already show that you agree but when you strongly agree you can go even further and say I couldn't agree more or that's so true or I have no doubt about it you can also say that's exactly how I feel or I feel exactly the same way these two are more about your feelings rather than some factual information and be careful with these phrases they are really strong and you should choose where you can use them if you're asked about something really mundane like do you think it's better to get up early and you say that's exactly how I feel it's so true that's a bit of an overkill you know sometimes you just want to express your opinion and you could say if you ask me or quite frankly or just frankly I must admit or to be honest for instance quite frankly the very thought of it terrifies me or to be honest I'm not into arts and I don't even have a favorite painter if you get questions about arts and that's how you feel don't be embarrassed to share it all these phrases the last four phrases show that you're about to review something that you're going to be open and honest you can find all the phrases from today's lesson in the description along with the links to Cambly you know what the idioms are really handy in the speaking test thank you for watching me today good luck with your preparation and your exam
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 106,882
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking tips
Id: _IGWXTrRkbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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