IELTS Speaking New Difficult Questions

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hi there it's asiya and for today's video i've prepared some of the most difficult questions that students reported in ielts speaking part 1 in 2020 i'm gonna give you sample answers those are around 8.5 and some vocabulary to help you improve your answers just one word of warning don't learn my answers by heart because you'll be penalized for memorized answers but feel free to use any vocabulary or phrases okay let's get started the first topic is hair and i have a number of questions do you often go to a hairdresser or barber a hairdresser is for ladies and a barber is for men i have three options so everyone could find the one that suits them i could say i try to go there as rarely as i can usually i ask for a short haircut and then i wait for half a year before booking another visit or another option is i'm trying to grow my hair at the moment so i don't want to cut it but i usually book a blow dry before important events a blow dry is when a hairdresser dries your hair and makes it look nice someone could say i like to keep my hair neat so i have a cut every month a haircut is also a cut and the next question is how long have you had the same haircut for a couple of years i guess in the past i used to wear my hair long and i would style it up or down but then one day i decided that a bob would look more stylish here are a few expressions for you to wear your hair long or short or to have long or short hair to wear your hair up is like that or down do you want to change your hair color in the future i wouldn't do anything drastic but i guess i would dye it a shade lighter in summer and then back to dark brown in winter to dye your hair means to change its color and you can say to dye your hair blonde or to dye your hair dark brown if dyeing your hair is completely alien to you you could say i believe that people are born with a hair color that suits them best so i would never dye my hair pens or pencils do you prefer writing with a pen or pencil neither people complain that my handwriting is almost eligible so i prefer to type handwriting is a good word and eligible means it's hard to read i personally could say i find it easy and quicker to use a pen and that's what i use whenever i need to write something by hand but in most cases i type so to write something by hand or to type how often do you buy pens or pencils to be honest i don't remember when i bought stationery last but at home i have a full box of pens and pencils from different conferences and events stationery is pens pencils paper everything for writing what would you do if someone gave you a pen as a gift if it's a nice pen i would definitely keep it and i would carry it with my notebook and my handbag for in case i need to write something down in english it's very common to say to write something down as a phrasal verb it seems quite a few people were asked questions about their voice here they are do you like your voice the first time i heard it on a recording i didn't because it sounded so different to how i hurt myself but gradually i've got used to it to get used to something is a good phrase does anyone in your family has the same voice as you people say that my voice is very much like my mom's and also we talk in a similar way so whenever i visit her and pick up the phone everyone thinks it's her and to pick up the phone means to answer the phone has your voice changed over time i don't think that my voice has become any different more my manner of using it in the past i used to speak in a more high pitched voice but i try not to do it anymore a high-pitched voice is when you speak like that and a low pitched voice is like that i hope you can hear the difference and i guess the answer to this question for men would be different and you could say my voice broke when i was 14 and in a matter of months it became much deeper and lower when a boy's voice transforms into a man's voice in english we say the voice breaks another common topic today is water sports so here are a few that are easier to talk about swimming snorkeling diving or scuba diving and kayaking here is the first question do you like water spots i'm fond of swimming and all kinds of water activities but in reality i don't often have a chance to do more than swimming at my gym because i live in england and seas here are pretty cold sometimes if you just answer the question your answer will be very short and you should add some extra information to expand it for example in the answer i've just given i answered if i like water spots and then i added how often i do them i have a separate video about how to expand your answers in part one it will be linked below the next question is what water sport would you like to try i'd love to try scuba diving i was lucky enough to go on holiday to tropical islands a couple of times and i tried snorkeling there it was an absolutely mind-blowing experience and i'd love to learn how to scuba dive and the next question is why and don't be surprised sometimes you say something and the examiner just asks you the same thing again don't get confused it's just because it's on the list of their questions so try to expand on your answer i could say i find the underwater world so fascinating but when snorkeling i could only see a fraction of what's underneath if i had some proper breathing equipment i could see so much more and sometimes there is even a question about what equipment you need for this water sport so i'm gonna give you some vocabulary for snorkeling you need a mask you need a snorkel that's the pipe you use for breathing and fins that's what you put on your feet and for scuba diving on top of that you also need a wetsuit that will keep you warm and breathing equipment and the next topic is cakes before we start i want to say that if you want to learn how to meet each requirement in ielts speaking and get many more questions for practice questions from recent exams feel free to check out my ultimate guide to ielts speaking i'm gonna link it in the description box below okay the first question about cakes is do you like eating cakes i'm a sweet tooth and i love cakes tarts and all the things they sell in patisseries but i try to be reasonable and only eat them occasionally a sweet tooth is someone who likes sweet stuff cakes tots are just different kinds of cakes and patisseries are shops that sell them what are your favorite cakes this question is plural so i can give several kinds of cakes i could say i love fruit tarts because they're not too sweet and don't contain much cream i'm not a fan of cream i've also tried japanese cakes a couple of times and those were really nice subtle and sophisticated do you know how to bake a cake yourself i cook regularly but i don't bake much i can make a couple of things such as an apple pie or a lemon crumble but i'm afraid i would have to follow a recipe for anything else so an apple pie and a lemon crumble are indeed two cakes i love most and to follow a recipe is a good phrase to know the next topic is running and that's not something i like talking about and i will show you how you can answer questions when you don't have much to say in nia speaking as long as you keep on talking it's all right so here is the first question do you like running definitely not i enjoy many different kinds of physical activities but running is not one of them and i particularly hate jogging jogging is when you run at the slow speed to exercise when was the last time you ran about a week ago i needed to catch a bus in the countryside but my train was late so i saw the bus already at the bus stop when i was like 100 meters away and i ran like crazy to catch it the bus driver was very nice and waited for me have you taken part in any running competitions oh gosh definitely not that's not something i'm compelled to do i believe that people should find a way to exercise which they actually enjoy in ielts speaking you don't have to provide good ideas as long as you keep on talking it's fine let's talk about holidays do you like to go on one long holiday or several short ones i believe everyone should have one long holiday a year i mean a full week and two weekends to have enough time to fully disconnect from work or studies and to feel really relaxed and reinvigorated and the rest of the time just having long weekends is enough a long weekend is saturday sunday and either monday or friday when you have like three days away when you go on holiday do you prefer to visit cities or to go to the beach it's really hard to say i like both but it was if i was forced to choose i guess i would say that i prefer to feel connected to the nature and to either go to the seaside or simply escape to the countryside you can talk about several types of holiday city breaks beach holidays and escapes to the countryside tell me about the best holiday trip you've had it must be my honeymoon we went to hawaii visited three islands one with dolphins and totos flew in the helicopter ate amazing food it was just absolutely incredible it sounds good right but it wouldn't get a high score in ielts writing do you know why because i simply mention things in order to tell you more in just a couple of sentences naturally we often do it but in ielts speaking you need to develop your ideas let me try again it must be my honeymoon we went to hawaii and one day we took a helicopter tour have you seen the jurassic world movie with all the jungles and waterfalls and absolutely incredible landscapes that was the location where the movie was actually shot and it looks even better in reality and we flew over this island in the helicopter with our doors open and somewhere here the examiner would interrupt me because my answer is just getting too long but it's not a problem at all and i haven't told you much about the holiday just about one small part of it and it's not a problem either and if you want to learn how to meet each requirement in ielts speaking and get more questions and topics for your practice check out my ultimate guide to ielts speaking and you will get it all in one pdf guide thank you for watching me today good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 229,098
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya
Id: zMRYtzYyXt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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