Band 9 IELTS Speaking Linking Words

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hi there it's asiya let's talk about your  ielts speaking exam today one of the things   ielts examiners check is if you connect your ideas  and make your answers easy to understand by using   linking words or discourse markers these  are words and phrases we use to indicate   what we're about to say such as i think to give  your opinion and also to add another point but   to say something that contrasts with what was  said before there is nothing wrong with them   the only problem is we tend to use these four  linkers in ielts speaking way too often another   common problem is inappropriate linking words it's  a speaking exam so you should use spoken english   and some of the linkers that look fantastic in a  formal writing essay will sound out of place here   examples of these are moreover nevertheless and  furthermore in this video i'd like to give you   some alternatives that you could easily use in  your speaking exam to sound natural and increase   your fluency and cohesion score okay let's get  started do you often say i think when i don't   control myself i tend to repeat these words a  bit too often there are a few expressions to   use instead i guess why do you think people often  eat at home rather than go out every night i guess   the main reason is that cooking at home  is much cheaper than going to a restaurant   you could say i reckon or i suppose i suppose  eating out every night is pretty time consuming   time consuming means it takes a lot  of time the next phrase is i'd say   i'd say means i would say but when you're  speaking it's more natural to use a contraction   has your hometown changed  much since you were a child   i'd say it's hard to recognize it these days  there are so many new high-rise buildings   shops and restaurants everywhere that i don't  think i would be able to guess which city i was in   if i didn't know when you're not really sure if  you're right or if something is true say as far   as i know do any flowers have a special meaning in  your country well as far as i know red roses mean   love while carnations are often the flowers of  choice for funerals and commemorations the phrase   as far as i know emphasizes that you may be  wrong and you're not insisting on your opinion   if you're sure about your answer say i'm  sure do you think leisure time is important   i'm sure it's very important from my experience  if i work long hours without having any rest i   get burned out before the week is over and also  we use these linking words to add another point   it's very natural to use them in your speech  but you should still know a few synonyms   how about these firstly secondly thirdly are  these good linking words for ielts speaking   the answer is no they are too formal instead  to give your first point say well first of all   here is a more serious question from part three  why do you think children should read books for   entertainment well first of all books read for  fun help children fall in love with reading   and people who are fond of reading are much more  likely to read educational books than those who   don't like reading at all to add another point you  could use besides what's more or on top of that   besides books read for fun can help children  learn more about human nature and their   own emotions and desires here is one more  linking phrase another thing is another thing   is children can learn new vocabulary when they  are reading for fun what about these additionally   furthermore moreover nevertheless they are all  very formal and i typically used in formal writing   such as ielts writing task 2. there are some  situations when you could use them in speaking   part 3 when you are discussing more serious  concepts but you should definitely avoid them   when answering simple questions about yourself in  part one the next overused linking word is but in   ielts speaking you're often required to contrast  two ideas or disagree with an idea and but   works in every situation but here are some more  interesting alternatives you could use instead   on the other hand do you think parents should  allow their children to use social media   well there are definitely some dangers associated  with social media such as cyber bullying or   violent content on the other hand forbidding  children from using instagram and tick tock when   everyone else uses them would be unreasonable too  i suppose parents should rather control how their   children use social media to make sure they  are safe another linker you could use instead   of bot is that said that said we cannot simply  forbid children to use instagram and tick tock   here the intonation is key if you simply  say that said we cannot simply forbid   children and so on the examiner may not even  understand you your voice must go up and then down   that said that said we cannot simply  forbid children to use instagram   you could also say yet or however what  is the best time to get up in the morning   i think it's best to get up with the sun around  six or seven am yet i rarely do it myself   actually as a matter of fact that's how you can  correct somebody in a polite way what subject   did you start at university as a matter of fact  i didn't go to university i went to work straight   after school and learned accounting by studying  for a professional qualification you can also use   actually and as a matter of fact to contrast  between what is true and what somebody believes   for example did you enjoy a holiday i thought  spending two weeks on the beach would be   relaxing and rejuvenating actually it was pretty  boring if you ask me i'd rather have gone hiking   in the mountains have a look at the last sentence  i'd rather have gone hiking i would rather have   done something else this means that today i think  what i did in the past was not the best decision   and i think i should have done something else i  hated the concert i'd rather have stayed at home   there are a number of other situations in ielts  speaking that may require appropriate linking   words such as giving your opinion or saying  if you agree or disagree or clarifying what   you've just said and you can find these and  other useful phrases for your test in this   video here thank you so much for watching me today  good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking, ielts speaking linking words, ielts linking words, ielts linking words for speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking band 9
Id: kj2md14T1nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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