Band 6.5 IELTS Speaking Test | BARC T

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okay pavil let's begin the practice test sure sir how many people are there in your immediate family so including me there are four people in my family uh both of my parents and my elder brother awesome who do you get on best within your family uh I would say with my elder brother as we spend most of the time together and also we are living away from our family together uh so I would say my elder brother so what do you do together with your family we actually don't get that much time together with our family but uh whenever we go on vacations to our home we spend uh we used to visit places and also go to restaurants to spend some quality time together and also we gossip a lot uh before or after the dinner and whenever we get time is Family important to you and why uh yes family is very important to me uh because they are the one who you can rely on no matter what happens they will support you uh emotionally or financially uh whatever you need so uh they are very important to me do you do housework at home uh I have to do uh every sorts of housework that can be imaginable for uh for a person yes I would say yes okay and what kind of housework do you often do uh basically everything uh starting from uh washing clothes to making bed and also from uh cleaning house to making meal every sorts of things did you do housework when you were a child uh unfortunately no my mother didn't let me do anything but I used to do uh small things but not uh mentionable okay so this is the end of part one let's begin to part two i' would like you to talk about the most useful household appliance that you have and you should say what it is how it works how life would be without it and you need to explain why it is so important to you okay this is your Q Cod uh you can take notes if you wish a paper thank you sir yeah so from now we have one minute thank you sir yes I'm good to go sir ready yes would you like to start uh yes please so uh today uh I'm going to talk about the most uh important or useful Appliance lenses uh that is a refrigerator refrigerator is also commonly known as fridge that is used to keep your Foods freshness and uh it's uh basically uh works with a combination of insulation a compressor a condens uh coils and also with uh coolant or that removes heat from the surface or from the food it actually works like uh the cool air inside the sorry the hot air inside the fridge uh goes uh comes into contact with the surface and gets cooler and uh this process continues until the desire temperature is reached and maintained and uh it uh is very important to uh keep the food fresh and I would say uh life would be drastically different uh without it as uh refrigerator keeps your perishable items like dairy products fruits and vegetable fresh and that does resulting uh not going to groceries shops frequently and hence less expense uh for food items so it's uh very important and uh for me uh specifically as I am a bachelor and I live from the expenses that my father sends me so uh it's uh it's very uh it would be very difficult for me to uh be uh spend that much money without using the refrigerator and uh I usually use the uh fridge for my U for the preservation of my meal preparation for uh instance I prepare the spices or the uh vegetables uh and also the uh meat that I will cook afterwards I keep them in the frider uh so it doesn't rot and um keeps fresh and also it's a very healthy habit it uh allows you to have the freshcious food and nutritious food whenever you want and also you can preserve co uh drinks and also snaks so okay okay thank you very much uh may I have the Q card theer and the pencil thank you very much yes let's move on to part three and I have several questions in this part MH what kinds of machines are used for housework in modern homes in your country so it was not common uh at least two decades ago to see Advanced Technologies or Advanced Home Appliances to be used in households but it's uh now very common to see every sorts of uh home appliances that we can that we can see on over the Internet or over the media from uh starting from the washing machine to microwave oven refrigerator and also uh the every sorts of thing basically are very common in my country okay how have these machines benefited people so uh it reduced the time that people used to spend on their household Works uh that's the most benefit benefited thing that uh helped uh people in country are there any negative effects of using them uh I wouldn't say there are that much negative effects because uh it reduces time and also uh makes life easier but I would say there are some as we used to see uh when we we were child the spices were grinded by hands and nowadays it is used uh the used by uh the spices are grind using the grinder or the mixer uh The Taste is not that much authentic right now but it was back then it was very delicious do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future uh as technology is advancing in a rapid pace so it would be I wouldn't be very surprised to see uh the future home equipped with the Advanced Home Appliances so I it will be very common to see uh future homes to pre-built with the appliances that we can imagine right now right let's move on to technology do you think people rely too much on technology uh I I think uh people uh do rely on uh technology too much as uh it makes them uh makes the works easier and makes their life easier so it's very common to see people using technology too much do you think men and women view technology differently uh I think uh they view of Technology differently as I have read an article about it before that says that woms are more uh unlikely to use uh internet or technology that much as the men's do so they view I think uh technology differently they see this as a complex thing to use okay finally let's talk about the impact of technology on employment how have developments in technology affected employment in your country so it uh made the employe employers or employees life easier as they can use technology to uh do different sorts of things uh more quickly than ever before they uh suppose they used to spend uh you making the marksheet or any sorts of uh data they used to do it manually but they now can use the Excel or any other sorts of uh applications on computer to do that so it makes the it made their life easier my last question to you is some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays do you agree or disagree with this statement uh to some extent it's true but I wouldn't fully agree on that because uh as it it made the employees life bit difficult because they can do more work than ever before than they used to do before uh as things are things got very easier to do the workload is more uh than they used to uh do but uh I wouldn't say it uh is very it's it's a very bad thing uh it it's it's not it's not stressful uh it's productivity I see uh I see that way thank you very much pav thank you for joining us thanks a lot thank you wel
Channel: BARC TV
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Keywords: ielts speaking real test, ielts speaking test, ielts, ielts speaking band 4, ielts speaking 2, 6.5 real test, Mock Test of Speaking, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, essential english, IELTS Test, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS test 2024, ielts speaking, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking test in bangladesh, ielts 6.5 speaking
Id: ovVH5EiOCfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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