IELTS Speaking band 7+ |New Sample Test with subtitles |IELTS FIGHTER

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come in please I have a seat please good morning how are you I'm good how are you I'm fine thank you so as you know this is the speaking part of the International English Language Testing system today which is taking place on 25th September my name is David what should I call you you can call me Jenny okay nice to meet you Jenny could I see your passport please of course there yeah yeah thank you okay and let's start now in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself what is the most popular mean of transportation in your hometown I would say motorbikes without a doubt almost everyone in my country travels by motorbike so I do believe that there are convenience and reasonable price account for why they are so popular moreover there is a wide variety of choices in terms of size color and quality available for everyone it's driving to work popular in your country despite of the high expense of the cars themselves are in gasoline a lot of people prefer driving and I think because driving it's more comfortable no matter whether what it's like with such polluted and noisy surroundings do you prefer public transport or private transport I think I'd prefer public transport it's much more inexpensive and well accommodated with soft chairs and the air-conditioner also it can contain a large number of people so it helps ease the intensity of traffic jams during the peak hours and reduce the green house gas emissions caused by vehicles okay now let's talk about accommodation do you live in a house or in an apartment well I'll have been living in a house with my family for the past twenty four years and I think it might be five or like six years more I would start making my own life and move out I would try my best to have an independent place where I can suit myself and avoid all the troubles and sharing a room or flat with others what do you usually do in your house or your apartment well definitely I spent some me time there I do whatever I want to like listening to music reading watching movies and dancing all by myself so like sometimes I also spending time writing it is the most quality time to reflect myself and plan for the future now let's take about social media what kinds of social media do you like to use apparently there's a lot of social media platform nowadays like Instagram Skype Twitter or snapchat to name but a few but that's for me I spend most of my time using Facebook because it is friendly and with the users and multifunctional it's like more than a half of the world's population or using Facebook so I I can't be updated with what's happening all around the world is it easy to find real friends on social media yeah definitely everybody is using social networks even kit so I don't think any difficulties in finding a on those platforms however there are many cyber criminals leverage that fact like scammers or fraudsters and you have to be very careful not to fall into the trap you know and they might hack your account for private information and even money now I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like to you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you will have one minute time to take some notes and prepare do you understand yes okay so here is your paper and a pencil and this is your topic I would like you to describe the film that you would like to share with your friends okay one minute starts now all right the minute is over please stop taking notes and now you're going to have two minutes to describe a film that you would like to share with your friends starting now yeah this topic is so interesting because I'm really into movies I would recommend my friends to go for a try with one of the greatest films ever made that is the blindside I watched it years ago so when when when I was home alone and looking for some movies to kill time after dinner so it was on HBO the film the film was made based on the book The Blind Side evolution of the game by Michael Lewis the fly sight it's about Michael Oher who has been foster care with different family due to hit some other truck addition he runs away every time he is placed in a new house and then he was and then he was found 18 left over first by lie lion-o soon adopt him and help him become a good football player so efforts at first Michael runs away from the delight and family as he always used to do however its Lions effort to bring him back and give him love that changes his mind so he develops a strong love for a family and improves himself for better I've always preferred films with family love and sentimental moments and the place I has them all okay is there anything else you would like to say watching the movie and knowing about the story makes me feel that I am so lucky that I have my own family who always support me the theme was the theme also deliver a message that parent parental education play a crucial role in the development of a child so I do believe that those factors will help the film's make a strong impression on my friend well I could do to me okay thank you and now I will take the cue card back and we will move to part three we've been talking about a film that you would like to share with your friend and now I would like to ask you some questions regarding this what is the difference between young people's and old people's movie favorites and why I think youngsters and older people may have some different taste in film but not by much I believe young adults are more into movies with lots of excitement or supernatural factors such as science fiction thriller superhero or comedy some of the most popular films nowadays like Game of Thrones The Avengers or Harry Potter all fall under these categories meanwhile older generations tend to value films that have certain meanings or messages rather than just visual effects themselves do you think movies reflect what happens in reality of society well as far as I've known many films have been inspired from real-life materials which is absolutely an endless source of inspiration for writers and movies makers they they're sometimes based on actual events and added some fictional factors for more excitement and lots of social aspects have been expected on like political issues crimes violence and so on so despite being exaggerated sometimes or not this shows somehow reflect current situation in reality such as the greatest films all of the time Titanic do you think people will change their preference in movies as they get older I supposed that is likely to happen since most things change over a course of time and so does our taste in movies this may result from the changes in our perceptions of life and surrounding as we grow into maturity for instance when you're a kid cartoon cartoons are other colorful and energetic TV shows such as Tom and Jerry and Barbie were your favorite however during your teenage years you preferred chicks flicks like Twilight or a mean girl since you adore it happy ending if if these are nescience adulthood will surely change your appetite in films okay thank you is this the end of the speaking test thank you for taking the test Jenny and have a nice day thank you David have a nice day thank you [Music]
Channel: IELTS Fighter
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Keywords: ielts fighter, học ielts, speaking ielts, học ielts online, ielts speaking band 7, ielts speaking test samples band 7, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test samples with subtitles, ielts speaking test samples band 7 with subtitles, ielts speaking test samples with subtiles, ielts speaking part 1 band 7, ielts speaking part 2 band 7, ielts speaking part 3 band 7, bài thi ielts speaking band 7, bài mẫu ielts speaking band 7, ielts speaking
Id: utYogQX3KcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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