IELTS Speaking Band 8 Test With EXPERT Feedback

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hey Chris here from Al's Vantage so about three weeks ago we released a video showing a real student Rashmi from India doing a mock IELTS speaking test with me and in three weeks it has nearly four hundred thousand views so obviously you guys love this type of interaction and the comments were that you loved to see how I was able to help a student in real time and help them improve their speaking so what we decided to do was bring Rashmi back into our office and do a brand new series of videos with her and what we did was we split it into part 1 part 2 part 3 so we're going to have three videos and each part at the beginning I'm going to give Rashmi advice and feedback on how to do her best in each part so you guys can watch that and learn from it yourselves then see Rashmi performance and then I'm going to give her feedback on her performance talk about her pronunciation of grammar or vocabulary and her fluency and coherence I'm without further ado here it is okay Rashmi so what we're gonna do first is I'm gonna give you some advice on how to perform to your best in part one alright okay so we're gonna talk about part one itself first some strategies some techniques and then we're going to talk about the four marking criteria so pronunciation fluency and coherence grammatical range and accuracy we'll just call that grammar and lexical resource we'll just call that vocabulary okay alright so part one the best way to describe part one is just normal everyday small talk type questions they're all questions about you so you can't get them wrong don't try and think of like impressive ideas or anything like that but just think of it as having a normal conversation with somebody and let's say you and I were colleagues or classmates or something like that and I was getting to know you so I'm asking things about your hometown where you live your interests your hobbies just normal getting to know you questions does that make sense yes yeah so like we talked about before one of the things that students do in this part is give very very short answers so for example where are you from Mumbai or what's your job data analyst and in a normal conversation that would be fine but because you're in an English test the examiner needs enough data enough information to judge your fluency or pronunciation your grammar and your vocabulary so try and develop your answers a little bit more an easy way to do that for part one is just answer the question and then add a little bit more detail and so you could give an explanation or an example or a little bit more detail so let me give you an example if somebody asked me um what's your job I wouldn't say teacher I would say I'm a teacher and I specialize in teaching IELTS primarily I do it online I have a company you know a little bit more information that will also allow you to develop more complex sentences as if you say things like hello my name is Chris that's a very simple sentence but if you add a little bit more detail or an explanation or an example it makes the sentence a little bit more complex and for someone like you who is aiming for they the bond dates the bond mines that's what you would need to do and so any questions about part one no well good okay I think the the main criticism last time for part one was just shorter answers so trying and the other thing is not too long either and I know that's frustrating advice like not too short not too long and the thing is if you you the examiner has to ask you a range of different questions and they only have four or five minutes to do that so if you talk and talk and talk and talk the examiner will keep stopping you and then often students can feel like oh what did I do I'm doing something wrong and they'll get stressed out and that can affect their fluency so I don't like to give students like number sentences or number of words so just follow the rule on to the questions a little bit more detail you know two or three sentences maximum and if you're going over like four or five sentences probably too much but don't but don't be thinking counting words or counting number of sentences or anything like that okay so for fluency last time your fluency was great there was a few mm Zand ahhs and likes and unfill is like that but good fluency is not about never mmm or you know none of those little audible pauses if you listen to the greatest speakers of all time they all pause and have little audible pauses and that is not what good fluency is about good fluency is just speaking at a normal pace without a non-natural number of pauses or hesitations and you do pause and hesitate but naturally like everybody else when I'm speaking when when anybody in the world is speaking you pause because you need to you need to think and so your fluency no big no big problems their coherence you do answer the questions but sometimes they're a little bit too short especially for part one we've already talked about that for pronunciation your intonation your sentence stress your connected speech is already really good and your clarity is also good one thing though you're you're shy girl I know you're a little bit timid sometimes when people not that there's anything wrong with being shy you know I was shy when I was your age too and people who are shy tend to speak on a low level the volume it can be a little bit low they don't enunciate their words as clearly so you could improve your pronunciation by pretend you're speaking to me you know when I'm standing a little bit further across the room and speak from your diaphragm not from inside so a lot of people speak from inside their mouth and whereas people who enunciate very well speak from their their diaphragm their stomach if you try and don't shout out but pronunciation is really good for you so you don't I'm just just a little tweak it's not nothing no big deal grammar your grammar is incredibly accurate and very very accurate a nice wide range and I think that by extending and developing your answers a little bit you will add complexity to your sentences as well so we don't need to worry about that your vocabulary is also very very good and however I think to push on to the next level during your preparation like this is preparation this is not the real test you could try and take a few more chances not trying to use like fancy vocabulary but the best way to improve your vocabulary I think is to think of more topic specific words so if we were talking about data analysis there are certain words that we would use and such as you tell me some some words that you know more about data analysis than I do analytics AI artificial intelligence you would only use those words really when you're talking about that topic so when we're talking about these topics try and think of some topic specific words but be careful you it can also affect your fluency if you're trying to think of big words so you're like I want to think of this word and then it affects your fluency like so only if it comes naturally you don't want to be sitting there thinking hmm what big word will I use and but I think try and improve it a little bit is that saying good yeah good do you want to start yes okay so first Rashmi do you work or do you study oh I study I'm studying at Queen's University and I'm studying a master's in marketing and majoring in marketing analytics excellent why did you choose that degree oh I chose to study analytics because I'm interested in big data and big data is becoming very popular these days a lot of companies I have now started to look at their dog data I'm down data which means like data which collected but that they have not done anything about it it just lying around in the database so now companies are starting to use that data to analyze it and look at trends past and future trends which is false in in the predictive analytics category so I'm very much interested in looking at both the behavior of data and the consumer behavior which the data tells you so analytics lets me study that and look at the data in terms of how you can manage your customers better so I want to learn it's because of that is there anything that you would like to study in the future I would like to study Python programming language I'm currently studying that and I would like to master it because it lets you create and develop your own programs because these days the data analytics software is very expensive so it's it gives you much more power to control your own dashboards and you can create it on your own so I want to learn Python programming because of that now let's talk about your home time what kind of place is your home time oh I come from a very small city in India it's in western northwestern region it's called Baroda and it's a princely state we still have a king who lives in a palace so there are lots of palaces throughout the city and it's called the cultural capital of my state because there are a lot of like reading and exhibition arts and culture is very much promoted there and what's the most interesting part of your hometown I would say the palaces there are a lot of palaces throughout the city and they're like really beautiful in the past only the King was allowed to be there but now it's open to the public so we can go around and see all those palaces and there are lots of museums and it's 1,800 years of history so it's really great and also we have a river which flows through the city and it's very famous for having a lot of crocodiles in it and it was featured on National Geographic so because it's the largest river in a city with most number of crocodiles in it so that's customer attraction I would say and what jobs do people do in your home time well like I said my city is very small so most of the people have small businesses there are business owners and the students there they don't they don't really have too many opportunities so they go out either out of the city or they go out a product to study or to do to look for an occupation but in my city there are not too many opportunities sadly but there we have like some big companies like pharmaceuticals and we have chemical industries so those type of jobs mean bit you have yes and now let's talk about colors what's your favorite color mm-hmm I don't really have a favorite color it's like depends on my mood but I am told that I'm most of the time I tend to wear white or black that's what I'm told but I don't really think of a color when I go to buy clothes I just play pick anything I don't think I have a favorite color no and are there any colors that you dislike I dislike red it's because I had a traumatic experience once so that color scares me better than that denim colors that I dislike and are there any colors in your country that have a special meaning yes but India is a secular country but most of us are Hindus so orange is a color of my religion so you you'd see orange flags on temples so orange is very prominent but the Muslims they are in minority but they're there there are a lot of Muslims in my country so they have the green flags so whenever there is a festival or Hindu festival you'll see people wearing orange and waving orange flags and when there is a Muslim festival we would see like people in processions carrying green flags and very Green well done okay so that was me how did you feel was that different from the one that you did last week oh I can't judge for myself I gotcha I'm a teacher I should just tell you in the comments no well well let's talk about the differences the main difference was you developed your answers much much more and so that would have helped your coherence would have helped your fluency would have helped you your grammatical range as well so you did a you did a really really good job there and there was only one where you you talked quite a bit quite a long time and but you only did it for one one one answer and the examiner would probably only stop you if you did that for every single answer because they need to ask you a range of different questions and so you did really really well in terms of coherence you answered every question and everything that you said was related to the question so you had a very very good job grammar again extremely accurate and wide-ranging I used a range of different tenses and structures and and your your sentences were more complex that time because you're adding in more clauses because you were adding in more detail and explanations and examples and just elaborating a lot more on the answers and in terms of vocabulary either you did an excellent job I think that you used even more topic-specific vocabulary and you tried to push yourself a lot more and again the most important thing is accuracy and your vocabulary is extremely accurate so you did a very very good job there with pronunciation again the intonation was great the sentence stress connected speech already good I could understand a hundred percent of what you were saying and you did try and enunciate a lot more the people watching might say I didn't hear this or hear that because it's the microphone and because of the signed and they're less watching on their little iPhone or whatever and but in the studio here I can understand everything that you're saying which is great and one of the things that was brought up in the comments before was that you have a tendency to say like which is and there's a lot of different ways that you can use the word like the primary way that you use the word like is to use for examples and so when you're writing an essay you would write for example for instance that's a more formal academic way and/or such as but when you're speaking if you listen to how people from this part of the world and say give examples instead of saying for example they'll say like and which is totally normal it's not a you're not using it as a filler you're using it to exemplify things to use it as an example so that was totally fine and one of the questions you I asked you about a color that you disliked and you said red and you were talking about an emotional thing as something traumatic that happened to you so anyone watching I've had this happen to me and in hit during the test where someone you ask a question that is quite innocent and the person thinks of some horrible event that happened in the past and then they start to think about that event and they start to get very nervous and stressed out and emotional and that can affect the performance so anybody watching I would avoid talking about traumatic things like I've yeah it's it's totally natural it just pops into your mind and like the very first lesson I ever taught I asked this lady about her family and she was a I didn't know but she was a refugee and her whole family had died uh oh my god you know you just and she kind of fell apart and she cuz obviously it was a traumatic thing for to talk about so if this happens in if you're watching this video avoid emotional traumatic things and in it because it can put you off you know but you did an excellent job very any questions about part one intonation okay so intonation is the tone of your voice so we convey meaning when we're speaking English we convey meaning through words through facial expressions but also the tone so a good example would be if I came home late and I said hi honey to my wife how are you and she said fine fine like with the rising intonation that means she's fine but if my wife said fine with a darn word in tonight that means it's not fine or if I were four student came into the classroom and they were late and I said please sit down please said I'm so going up and then down that would mean that I'm totally fine and it's a polite way to ask him to sit down but if I said please sit done please sit done sounds very serious so because it's just there's just a falling intonation and but you have very natural intonation it's it's very difficult to learn and for a non-native English speaker so you're doing a good job with that [Music]
Channel: IELTS Advantage
Views: 235,471
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS Advantage, Chris Pell,, IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Band 8 | Mock Test With Expert Feedback, IELTS Speaking Part 1, Band 8, Mock Test With Expert Feedback, IELTS Speaking Band 8, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Speaking Test, How to pass the IELTS speaking test, IELTS Speaking Feedback, IELTS Speaking Advice, IELTS Examiner, IELTS Exam, IELTS Course, ielts speaking test, ielts test, speaking test, cue card, grammar
Id: 8aafXYh_gHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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