아이엘츠 스피킹 Band 7 한국인 모의시험 (피드백 포함) IELTS Speaking [edm아이엘츠]

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okay so could you tell me your full name please um my name is [Music] could you spell that for me please um h a y u n and k w n okay very good and do you like your name um yes because i think it's easy to pronunciate so yeah i like i love i love my name yeah and are you working or are you a student at the moment um i'm a student because i applied for my master's degree and then i got an offer so i have to study hard english to get a high score in ielts test okay good and what is the masters in masters in yeah um what do you mean uh which field which field ah okay um i'm going to study management and i want to specialize human research and marketing because i think it is interesting and what do you do when you have some free time i'm kind of active person so i like doing sports such as wakeboarding and snowboarding and otherwise i take a stroll with my mom because she loves she loves it okay very good and now we're going to talk about your hometown so could you tell me the name of your hometown please okay i lived in kimpu which is located on the outskirts of seoul it takes only 30 minutes from the capital city and kimbo is very peaceful i think yeah anything you dislike about your hometown um actually um as i said previously my city is located in the outskirts of seoul so um every day i have to um struggle with traffic so i think the this is the only thing that i dislike yeah okay very good very good and what kind of facilities are there in your hometown um yeah of course there are many vexillators such as cinema hospital and supermarkets and so on and also these days i like going to cafe because it is good to concentrate on my study okay very good very good so now we're going to talk about public holidays so how many public holidays are there in your country okay um i'm not sure but i think there are around 30 days per year in korea the big there are two big ones um korean thanksgiving day and new year's day yeah and do you think people need more public holidays um i don't think so because i lived in germany for 10 years and i felt that korea in korea there are enough public holidays but people don't have many very much or many um paid holidays so i think they they don't need to um extend um the public holidays okay good and which holiday is your favorite um yes my favorite one is um korean thanksgiving day because i'm foodie so i like eating many food and my mother always want to teach me um how to cook various foods so i enjoy it a lot okay okay very good very good okay so that will do us for the first part of the test so now let's move on to part two yeah okay thank you okay so now i'm going to give you this question a pen okay so yeah you now have one minute to read the question and you can take down some notes on the paper too so you can begin okay and that is one minute for the note taking okay so could you describe a foreign celebrity that you would like to meet okay since i was 13 i have dreamed of being a politician in korea so today i'm going to talk about uh president of the u.s as you might know barack obama is the former president of the u.s and it's about five years ago i attended his um speech and it was really informative um at the time he explained about his um achievements and he looked very charismatic for example um um how could he reduce unemployment rates after a financial crisis in the u.s how could he finish the world in the iraq as well as that he improves the health welfare of the u.s so it was really impressive and moreover as i said previously um i have dreamed of being a politician in korea and in my opinion he is the most successful politician who i have ever met and that's why i want to meet him in the future and i looked up to him a lot [Music] um okay um um [Music] when i when i was in his speech um he explained also about his own private life and okay okay thank you thank you okay so your two minutes are up very good perfect perfect so what was the speech about um it was about just his achievements when he was the former president of the u.s and yeah he explained a lot of things how could he um achieved many things when he was the president okay okay good right so let's move on to the third part of the test now okay okay so yeah in keeping with the topic of famous people so how can people become famous these days um i think there are um these days there are various ways to be famous for example many children want to be youtube star and on the streets in korea there are many people to do their own concert and also many people um even if someone have talents in dance or singing then it is um easy to be a famous i think okay okay good good and what do you think are some of the disadvantages of being a famous person um i think um the famous people like of their privacy um for example if even though they just want to have a dinner or lunch in a restaurant many people might want want to be i want to take picture of them together so they can enjoy their normal life and yeah i think this is the biggest um disadvantages of being famous okay good and do you think famous people have a responsibility to be friendly to their fans um yes of course because it is obvious that the fans love love this famous person and also um so that's why they can make profits and they can be keep um be famous and even though they just make small mistakes on televisions or um some public places um even they if they if a famous person have has a lot of fun then i think it is hard to be be disliked by many people i think okay right very good very good um and what influences can famous people have on society in society okay yeah well these days um the governments want to alter other ties doing election by advertising the famous people for example in the u.s i heard that um one famous singer i i can't remember his name exactly but um um the rate of doing um election was really a role but the u.s use a public sciences the this problem by using a famous singer so i think it is the positive influence in the society yeah and how do you think celebrities influence teenagers teenagers um yes i think youngsters always want to follow them so if they do um like commit screening then it is there are many plus high possibility to uh mimic children to follow their behavior so um yeah i think it depends on the behavior of the famous people okay good and why can some celebrities stay famous for a really long time and others don't okay okay when it comes to um the famous the famous singer or actor for a long time i think they keep their activities or um they're um [Music] they're i think they always try to show their talents to the public and also um these days many famous people donate to society so that's why they can be famous for a long time when it comes to the other people who are not famous maybe they commit maybe they commit um criminals such as taking drugs and so on so that's why they cannot be famous or popular for a long time okay okay perfect all right that's the end of the test thank you okay thank you thank you okay so yeah after finishing the speaking test with the candidates the score is a 7.0 okay so as we know the speaking test is graded under four parts grammar fluency pronunciation and lexical ability let's start with fluency i think the student produced a quite high level of fluency throughout some instances of hesitation in possibly part three but i think as normal there's some thinking time because everyone is like that everyone needs time to think about their answers on occasion so i think for fluency level was quite high moving on to the grammar point as well grammar throughout was pretty high again there was some instances of like mistakes with possibly like prepositions some prepositions were dropped like a specialized in or go to so there's a few instances of that but overall there was a quite a good range and uh quite accurate for the most part uh going on to pronunciation then yeah there were a few words that were not quite perfect but generally everything was easy to understand for a 7.0 it doesn't have to be completely perfect there can be some instances of words with little odd pronunciation but that's fine again and yeah going on to lexical ability the vocabulary quite a good range at the same time there's some like nice words like charismatic and you know even some like kind of collocations these days i'm a foodie things like that so these are good as well in the test using some modern words that are quite popular at the moment so yeah i think overall it's a good test and yeah deservedly 7.0
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 523,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDM아이엘츠, ielts speaking feedback, 아이엘츠 학원, ielts, 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠 스피킹, 아이엘츠 시험, 아이엘츠 자료, 아이엘츠 실전, 아이엘츠 모의고사, ielts speaking, 이디엠아이엘츠, ielts speaking test, ielts writing test, ielts speaking korean, ielts speaking mock test 2019, ielts speaking mock test 2018, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 3, 아이엘츠 스피킹 답안, ielts speaking band 7 sample, ielts speaking band 7, ielts speaking korean band 7, 아이엘츠 스피킹 7.0, 아이엘츠 스피킹 7.5, 아이엘츠 스피킹 6.5, 아이엘츠 스피킹 7 수준
Id: Xz0scl3ozAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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