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hi there it's asiya and today let's practise answering some of the most difficult questions in ielts reading true false not given and yes no not given this type of questions can be found in every ielts reading test and the difficulty of those questions depends on where you find them those in the first section are the easiest and in the last the third section are the most difficult and the difficulty of our practice questions will rise just like in the real test this video is purely about practicing but i've done my research into true false not given questions and everything i've learned about how those questions are built and how to solve them you can find in my other video linked in the description and now let's get started let's begin with some true false not given questions that you could find in the first section of the test could you please count how many you answer correctly today and post it in comments i wanna know what your level is and how you're doing before you read any questions during your test you should read the text title it will give you the idea what's it all about our title is alexander henderson so you know it's all about a man with true false not given questions you should read the first question then find this bit of the text where the answer lies and then try to figure out what the actual answer is okay let's have a look at the first question henderson really visited the area around press estate when he was younger so we know that the whole text is about henderson but i see some keywords press estate that's the name of the place and these words will help us find the sentence where the answer lies i found it for you the family often stayed at press castle you see there is a match the large mansion on the northern edge of the property and alexander spent much of his childhood in the area playing on the beach near imus or fishing in the streams nearby if you want to think about what the answer is yourself please pause the video now and we continue so this is a long sentence but not all parts of it are relevant we see that here there is a location of the castle we don't need that and you clearly see that that part that i just crossed out was added to the sentence because there is a comma here and comma there so we don't need that and then we read that he spent much of his childhood in the area and then here we have the description of what he was doing again we don't have anything like that in the sentence so we just cross it out and now we have much less left now we should compare each part of the question and the sentence to check if the meaning is the same so he worried that he rarely visited the area around press estate you see not the press state itself but the area around it when he was younger in the text we read that alexander spent much time in his childhood in the area so we see that the area matches the area here so actually even the word is repeated and then when he was younger of his childhood these are synonyms but the question says that he rarely visited rarely means not often occasionally but we read that he spent much of his childhood so what's the answer the answer is false our second question is henderson pursued a business career because it was what his family wanted what are the key words here i would say visa a business career so that's what we'll be looking for and i found this sentence although he never liked the prospect of a business career he stayed with it to please his family and i see a direct match a business career probably that's because these questions are coming from the first section of the test the easiest section let's read the question again he pursued a business career and here we read that he didn't like it but he stayed with it so pursued and stayed with it the meaning is the same so why because it was what his family wanted so family wanted it and here we read that he stayed with it to please his family so the meaning is the same right the answer is true henderson and norman were surprised by the results of their 1865 experiment what are the keywords the first one is norman it's a surname surnames are always keywords and 1865 the date that's how we find where the answer is i found it he or henderson became a personal friend and colleague of the canadian photographer william norman that's a match the two men so these are the two men we're looking for cooperated on experiments with magnesium flesh as a source of artificial light in 1865. okay this same time period let's read the question again they were surprised by the results of the 1865 experiment experiment here and they cooperated on experiments yes the same date same experiments so here we see that they were surprised by the results and here worried that they cooperated so cooperated just worked together what else do we know experiments with magnesium flares as a source of artificial light there is nothing about results and nothing about their reaction so this beat is actually just irrelevant so that's everything we know because the next sentence is already talking about a different thing they belong to the same societies so what's the answer were they surprised the answer is not given we don't know i think it's time to move on to more difficult questions you would find in section 2. but before we do that i want to say that when you practice answering ielts reading questions i really recommend using official practice tests because those tests are written by the same people who create exam papers so the difficulty is the same and questions are built the same way several practice tests are available for free including a full computer-based test which looks exactly like the real thing and they are linked in my ielts study plan in the video description box below okay the title of our next text is why zoos are good and questions are true false not given let's dive in there are some species in zoos which can no longer be found in the wild so we are looking for species in zoos yes this question is from the second section so it's more demanding in terms of vocabulary and these species or these animals in zeus they can no longer be found in the wild so they are only in zoos and i found a similar sentence a good number of species only exist in captivity with many of these living in zoos okay so species in captivity they've been captured by humans they are not free and many of these are in zoos so yes that's a sentence and they can no longer be found in the wild yes they are only in captivity you see the meaning is the same and the question is talking about some species and the text is talking about a good number so i would say the meaning is very very close and the answer is true zeus have always excelled at transmitting information about animals to the public yes in the second section questions are already getting more difficult so we need to read more to find the answer first of all what are the key words in the question what is it about i would say it's about transmitting information about animals or giving information about animals to the public let's read there is the education that can take place in zoos through signs talks and presentations which directly communicate information to visitors about the animals they are seeing and their place in the world do you see the match communicate information it means the same as transmit information to visitors or to the public and about the animals so there is an exact match now let's have a look at the question again zeus have always excelled at giving information to excel means to be good at and have always excelled that's the present perfect tense it means they're good now and they were good in the past they have always excelled now let's read our text so we know that zeus communicate information to visitors yes about animals they are seeing and their place in the world so we don't need that this was the area where zeus used to be lacking okay and like to lack something means you don't have something you're bad at something and used to be means that in the past they were bad but now they're good so they have not always been good and that is direct contradiction and that means the answer is false question number six this statement is studying animals in zoos is less stressful for the animals than studying them in the wild what are the key words here what is this statement about i would say it's about studying animals in zoos that's what we'll be looking for and i found this sentence being able to undertake research in animals in zeus where there is less risk and fewer variables means real changes can be affected on wild populations and i see this research on animals in zoos so if you study animals or you do research on animals the meaning is the same and we are looking for the statement so studying animals in zoos is less stressful for the animals so it's less stressful then studying them in the wild so animals will be less upset less disturbed if they are studied in the zoo and let's read the text being able to undertake research in animals in zoos where there is less risk we see this less risk and fewer variables now let's compare the meaning studying animals in zoos is less stressful for the animals so animals will be less upset but this sentence says that studying animals there is less risk so perhaps there is less risk of an animal dying or a researcher getting injured but we don't know anything about stress is the meaning the same no it's not what about fewer variables so variables are things that change are something like diet or whether that can happen in the nature and in the zoo it's all the same every day so again it has nothing to do with stress so is this statement that we have is it true or false we can't say the answer is not given okay are you ready to try the most difficult questions those you would find in the third section these are typically yes no not given questions and in order to find an answer to one question you need to read two or sometimes even three sentences and the passage itself is more difficult too so most likely you will not be able to understand everything the key lies in concentrating on things that you're looking for and disregarding the rest okay the title is motivational factors and the hospitality industry or in simple language what motivates people working in hotels and restaurants here is our question question number seven this is a yes no not given question the statement is one reason for high staff turnover in the hospitality industry is poor morale what are the key words what are we looking for i would say we're looking for high staff turnover and turnover means that people don't work for the same company for a long time they often leave that's what we're looking for let's read high employee turnover yep that's the match that's how we know that the answer is here let's read it all high employee turnover has been a recurring problem throughout the hospitality industry among the many cited reasons are low compensation inadequate benefits poor working conditions and compromised employee morale and attitudes okay let's have a look at the question again we're looking for a reason for high staff turnover for one reason and it says that one reason is a poor morale it actually doesn't mean that it's the only reason it just means that it's one of the reasons and here we read among the many cited reasons yes all low compensation is it the same as pulmonary no inadequate benefits again no poor working conditions no compromised employee morale actually we see the same word morale here and morale here it means we need to compare the adjective poor and here we have compromised do they have the same meaning i would say yes and in this case what's the answer the answer is yes question number eight staff should be allowed to choose when they take breaks during the working day what are the key words here what is this about i would say it's about taking breaks taking some time off work to have a bit of rest that's what we're looking for and yes in the third section you often need to read quite a lot just to locate your answer here it is theory has recommended several actions that can be adopted at the organizational level to retain good staff as well as assist in balancing work and family life those particularly appropriate to the hospitality industry include allowing adequate breaks breaks that's a match during the working day staff functions that involve families and providing health and well-being opportunities okay let's go back to our statement it says that staff should be allowed to choose when they take breaks so employees should be able to decide when they have their time of work during the day so those actions should include allowing adequate breaks so i see a match here staff should be allowed and here allowing adequate breaks so if breaks are adequate it means they're long enough what about choosing when to take those breaks there is nothing about it in the text right not given question number nine an improvement in working conditions in job security makes staff satisfied with their jobs what are the key words here so i would say we should look for working conditions and job security but also we should look for what makes staff or people satisfied and it's a third section so we need to read quite a lot but look for the keywords herzberg 1966 proposes that people have two major types of needs the first being extrinsic motivation factors relating to the context in which work is performed rather than the work itself do you see anything like not really these include working conditions and job security bingo we have our match let's read on when these factors are unfavorable job dissatisfaction marries out so satisfied or dissatisfied significantly though just fulfilling these needs does not result in satisfaction again but only in the reduction of dissatisfaction okay let's have a look at our statement again an improvement in working conditions and job security an improvement means that working conditions and job security will get better and that would make staff satisfied or happy with their job so let's look for that these include working conditions and job security yeah when these factors are unfavorable job dissatisfaction may result but unfavorable is actually bad we're looking for an improvement so no that's not it significantly though just fulfilling these needs does not result in satisfaction and actually here look fulfilling these needs means that these needs will be met and that is an improvement in working conditions yes the same meaning does not result in satisfaction does not and our statement says that it would make staff happy or satisfied so we see a direct contradiction right and that means that the answer is no done i've shown you nine questions how many could you answer correctly please tell me in comments to find links to all the free official practice tests download the ielts study plan and to learn everything i've discovered about this type of question after analyzing all the tests published in the last three years watch this video thank you for being with me today good luck with your preparation and your exam
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 121,275
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, fasttrack ielts, ietls reading, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts reading practice test with answers, ielts reading structure, ielts reading, ielts reading strategies and techniques, ielts reading practice, ielts reading yes no not given tips, ielts true false not given practice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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