Must-know Tips for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

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hi there it's asiya and in this video i'd  like to share with you my top tips for ielts   academic writing task 1 which i hope will help you  write better answers and achieve a higher score   before we begin i just wanted to check if you've  seen my new step-by-step ielts writing tutorial   where you can write your task 1 and task 2 answers  together with me in this class i'll teach you the   fundamentals of ielts writing and show you how to  write high scoring answers step by step all the   details are in the video description and now let's  get started my first tip is avoid providing too   many details in your report to explain what  i mean let me show you a task here it is   the charts below show the average consumption  of three nutrients by adults in the uk   all these nutrients may be unhealthy if eaten  too much and then we see three pie charts sodium   saturated fat and added sugar on each chart  we can see what proportion of this nutrient   people consume with each meal breakfast  lunch dinner snacks for example sodium   people eat 13 of sodium with breakfast  28 with lunch 42 with dinner and so on   so what i'm doing now is i'm providing every  detail i'm describing every number doing that   in your report is wrong it will limit your  score the task is to summarize the information   so let me give you an example to  illustrate my point this is a bad example   a typical breakfast contains 13 of the daily  intake of sodium 16 of saturated fat and 16 of   added sugar what i did here is i described  every number i could find on those childs   this is a bad idea what you should do instead  is find the key trends differences or stages   when you look at your data you need to analyze  them and explain what they mean what stands behind   the data so if we continue talking about our  breakfast a much better example would be this   a typical breakfast is the lightest meal  of the day which contains between 13 and 16   of each nutrient so here i used the same data  but i analyzed them i explained what they mean   the breakfast is the lightest meal of the day  and then i supported my description with figures   which contains between 13 and 16 of each  nutrient so i provided just enough detail   to support my statement but not more and here  is my next tip support your description with   figures just like in our previous example there  is a statement and then some figures to support it   here is another example out of all the meals  dinner contains the largest proportions of sodium   and saturated fat 42 and 39 of daily intake  respectively again i'm not just saying dinner   contains 42 of sodium because that means nothing  i say that it contains the highest proportion   which is much more meaningful and then i support  my statement with the exact number and the word   respectively means that numbers come in the same  order as things were mentioned so 42 is sodium   and 39 and saturated fat it's a really useful  word for task one okay the next tip is describe   data correctly it's very easy to make a simple  mistake of reporting the wrong number but you   lose marks for that so be careful next write an  overview i know the task doesn't say that you   must write an overview but you must an  overview is a very short summary of the main   things you've learned from the task you just need  to write one or two sentences without any details   without any numbers so here is the overview for  this task overall the first two meals of the day   eaten by adults in the uk are relatively balanced  and healthy whereas dinner contains the most   sodium and saturated fat most of  the added sugar is in snack foods   you see even without seeing those charts  we can already say what this task was about   so this is the overview and by the way foods  it's not a mistake when you talk about different   kinds of food you can say foods and if you'd  like to see the full sample answer for this task   i will link the video in the description use  the correct tense that's my next tip it's very   easy to report the information in the wrong  tense because you have so many things to think   about but that's a significant mistake so pay  attention to that let's have a look at some tasks   so in the task with pie charts we don't have any  dates so everything is in the present and we use   mainly the present simple tense breakfast contains  people eat and so on now this one a bar chart   here we have three time periods 2003 2006 and  2013. so here everything is in the past and   you need to use the past tenses to present the  information finally we have two maps a sleep   town center now so that's the present the present  tense and plant development so that's about the   future there are actually two ways to talk about  a plant development you can say the plant proposes   the construction of a circular road so we use  the present simple tense to talk about the future   and another one a new shopping center will  be built so that's the future simple tense   will be built is the passive voice we don't  know who's gonna build it it's not important   it will be built by someone so in your report  it's best to use a combination of both tenses next   have at least two body paragraphs in your report  if you have two maps in your task it's quite   logical to think that you will have two body  paragraphs but even if you have one big chart   or a diagram you still need to have at  least two body paragraphs you may have three   next don't write a conclusion you don't  need it in your task one you need it in task   two in task one writing a conclusion is a waste of  time so spend this time on writing a good overview   and don't give your opinion you can analyze the  data but you shouldn't say what you personally   think about it so here are some examples of things  you should not say in task 1. people should reduce   their consumption of sugar and saturated fat in  the task we've learned that consuming too much fat   or sugar isn't healthy but this is a  recommendation so it's not about the data   don't give recommendations next after the  proposed development the park will be too   small so who decides if it's too small or not  you do so again it's a judgment don't do that   report it neutrally the park will become  smaller in size here is another one   the proposed plan has a number of drawbacks again  it's you deciding what is a benefit and what is a   drawback so don't include phrases like that in  your task 1 report you should also study good   quality examples one of the reasons why task 1 is  so difficult is because we're not used to dealing   with this sort of information in english so you  should get used to it when i moved to london a   friend of mine recommended the financial times  this is a newspaper where you can find a lot   of articles describing data at first reading it  was such a challenge not only words but the style   but with time it got easier and it  definitely helped me improve my english   you can also go to the office for national  statistics on their website they have a lot   of charts and short articles describing them and  the language is concise and to the point it's   wonderful highly recommended my next tip is for  those who take a paper-based exam in task 1 you   must write more than 150 words this requirement is  for everyone but if you take a computer-based test   you will see how many words you've written at the  bottom of the screen if you take a paper-based   test there is no information like that but you  don't have time to count words during your exam   that's why you should write your practice answers  on the official answer sheets with time you will   know how long your answer should be to reach the  minimum word count and that will save you time   next prepare for all types of tasks in task  1 you may get charts tables maps or diagrams   it seems that charts and tables are most popular  most common these days but you should definitely   prepare for all types of tasks because from time  to time students get one of their rare types   next learn task 1 vocabulary we've already  discussed that you need specific words to   describe your charts maps and diagrams so learning  them will really help you with this task you can   find those words yourself read articles and learn  new words from them i also have a ready-made guide   it's a paid product but you can download a preview  for free i will link it in just a few seconds   just let me remind you about my new step-by-step  ielts writing tutorial where you can write your   band 7 plus answers with me step by step and get  one step closer to passing your ielts writing   test i will link it in the description and now you  can download the free preview of task 1 vocabulary   right here thank you so much for watching me today  good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 146,734
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts academic writing task 1, ielts academic writing, ielts academic writing tips, ielts academic task 1 vocabulary, how to write academic task 1 in ielts, ielts writing tips and tricks, ielts writing strategy, ielts academic writing task 1 tips and tricks
Id: Cl851yZjGu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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