IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Band 9 Level Finish

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here early morning on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a wonderful week and is looking forward to an excellent weekend hi jason lee hi cool in good to see students already in this class uh right now we are looking at an ielts task to writing uh and we're looking for that band nine level finish we started this task two essay yesterday and we're going to finish it today with the body paragraphs and the conclusion if you missed yesterday's class no worries we will review the introduction before getting into the rest of the writing welcome our moderator carolina hi amu welcome to our members in the academic english help channel while we wait for some more members and students this lesson is presented to you by that's uh as well as g that's general on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve your english and your communication skills so you can get those high band scores on your next exam this is our academic alex website here you can click this big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's well worth it it doesn't cost a lot our goal is to help as many students around the world as possible and we are helping thousands of students daily to improve their scores for the exam once you have a my student account you will have access to computer-based practice exams a full online academic course workbook study plans lesson videos over 100 hours of lesson videos for the general ielts it's this green background you can check us out there if you're learning for the general outs and click that big red button again one time payment for lifetime access welcome shaheed hi thomas hi andre fardios aboud good to see you in the class paulo nice to see you as well good to have everyone on board again we have apps which power our websites uh you can download academic ielts help and link it to and general ielts help and link it to from your app stores welcome medina all right if you have questions uh feel free to send us an email we're pretty good at getting back quickly to um inquiries and you can send an email to adrian at hi harwinder hi rashika all right everyone so we've got task 2 right now and then we'll have task 1 academic after that's going to be a process diagram so we did general task one and we're doing academic task one so you'll get a good idea of the difference between the two versions of the ielts exam and then tomorrow we'll have uh speaking part two and part three four everyone okay everyone so let's get into uh the writing lesson today um so this was the question that we started with yesterday at this time you should spend about 40 minutes on this task a lot of people who wanted to become professional athletes gave up this idea because of the fear of failure and parents pressure do you think that parents should support their children who want to do a career in sports uh support your point of view with relevant examples from your knowledge or experience so this is clearly asking for your opinion so it's a first person essay meaning that you're writing with the subjective voice of the author that's you so in this case you do need to include i believe in my opinion from my experience and this kind of first person perspective all right um so we went through the steps of planning yesterday and from that planning uh we were able to come up with our introductory paragraph again if you missed yesterday's lesson no worries the video is available on youtube so you can go back and check out how we did the planning later again remember to subscribe to the channel and set your notifications so you can really follow along with these lessons a good introductory paragraph that's at the band 789 level does have a hook does have a background and thesis we're communicating with lots of ielts examiners regularly and we know the reality of it and yes they do say that well for band eight band nine essays they are looking for a hook it is a standard part of english essay writing okay so um here is our hook here's our introductory paragraph i will read this nice and smooth and then we'll get right into the meat and heart of the essay welcome june hi bakrat welcome medina anita over in general english help all right so many children dream of becoming professional athletes in adulthood youth are often passionate about sports and want to practice and play regularly to gain fame and fortune through talent and hard work parental support is important for both financial and moral reasons i believe that mothers and fathers should encourage aspiring children to become professional athletes as as this leads to health and success okay good so um very importantly the thesis is the cornerstone of an essay okay if you're not sure about what a cornerstone is cornerstone uh we use this expression regularly um and it comes from um building a house or building a church let's say uh where you have a very big strong piece of stone and then on that stone the rest of the home is built okay almost looks like the door of the house but let's put a door there um that's maybe a little bit too big for a cornerstone but anyway that's the cornerstone of a house it's put into the corner of a building and again it's a word that we often use um kind of a synonym of foundation okay so if you have a weak cornerstone then the entire house will break and fall apart very quickly so you need a strong cornerstone to build a strong house just like you need a strong thesis statement to build a good essay okay it's extremely important uh not only for ielts but for your professional work in your academic studies as well to be able to write good thesis statements for argumentative essays all right okay so we have that in this case a good thesis will always give a clear idea to the reader of what your essay is going to discuss what kind of an argument or position you're going to take in that essay it will even show your reader the structure of your essay so here the first paragraph is clearly about the importance of supporting youth who want to be career athletes for health reasons okay so to be healthy individuals in life and it's clear for the reader that the second paragraph will focus on success so the same idea supporting students will lead to success alright so body paragraph one body paragraph two all right um let's get into the essay so let's start writing this first body paragraph what do we start our first body paragraph with so body paragraphs have very clear structure just like the introduction um what is the first part of a body paragraph let's see if some of our newer students can answer this question i'm sure some of our older students will have a clear idea okay so again this is standard uh english essay writing and it's expected that professionals and academics in western society especially uk australia canada have a absolute clear idea on how to write this type of essay okay so what's our first sentence okay body paragraph has several components uh the first sentence for the body paragraph is the topic sentence and then after the topic sentence you'll have your supporting points now um i like to be a little bit clear on what those supporting points are uh supporting points are explanations and examples okay that's what supports your argument or your essay all right okay um so in this case the idea is parent support is good because it leads to healthy individuals okay all right so let's put together that topic sentence yeah so bakrat very nice so bakrat says it's topic explanation example and then you'll have a connecting sentence as well that's not always necessary as long as you have good information the information will connect your ideas among paragraphs um but for the ielts you can include that connecting concluding sentence we're going to do that today okay all right so let's write our topic sentence now our topic sentence is a deeper definition of um our first point and in this case our first point is uh parental support for career athletes to be healthy individuals okay so what does it mean to be healthy when somebody is aspiring to be a career athlete give me this topic sentence i'm going to do the same and then we'll compare and see if you come up with a similar kind of idea so all right um so there is my topic uh sentence and um i'm giving a little bit more detail right so health can be described usually from two uh different uh uh components if you will uh one is mental health so thinking well staying positive being happy and also of course physical health so good fitness levels staying in shape avoiding obesity being overweight being physically strong right so that is my topic uh sentence okay so now i have to explain what i mean by this right and again you want to continuously visualize and imagine the situation so you want to imagine parents who have a small five six-year-old child they put their child into let's say football and then they take their child to practice regularly during the week they buy them their clothing their cleats they give them that support to play professional sports and then you see that child grow and develop and become better and better um and have success in that sport uh play that sport regularly instead of sitting at home and playing video games or wasting time and think about um two scenarios one where the child succeeds and becomes a professional athlete also think about another perspective where the child doesn't become a professional athlete maybe they're not talented enough and so they don't become a professional footballer is it bad for their health uh that they didn't become professional are they going to quit playing sports um in adulthood so think about both of those perspective i would say that if i'm thinking about this clearly whether or not that child earns a living and gains that fame and fortune through sport they're still going to have great benefit from having that experience of their parents supporting them to play sports throughout their lives does everybody agree with that so does everybody see how that is okay i think the chat might be stuck for our academic students so let's try to refresh that okay all right um so again uh i'm sure that many of you are like while adrian obviously that child's going to benefit from playing sports throughout their lives so uh how would we start this sentence okay now i see the chat's moving nicely okay so how would we express that explanation so your explanation the better it is the better your essay that that it's going to be so parents who support their children to participate in sports help their offspring to be fit both physically and mentally throughout life okay all right um so give me a nice sentence that explains this situation i'm going to do the same okay so we're both writing here i know all of you are listening carefully and for some of you the english is challenging and the lesson is moving quickly but regardless when you have an idea when you have an idea for the sentences we're discussing just write it down and put it into the chat so that i can give you feedback okay so okay um so there's kind of look at that i'm just looking up at the at the chat and i'm looking at june and june is writing almost verbatim what i'm writing at the same time that's by the way always a good sign that you have the right ideas and you're putting together some good writing when you're writing is very similar to that of the teachers or to that of some other classmates okay so here's mine whether or not a child eventually becomes a career athlete it is undeniable that a childhood filled with the joy of success in sports and the regular exercise that it entails i'm missing an it here this is why review is very important it entails uh does lead to uh stronger body and mind okay so here i'm making that clear for my reader where they go hey yeah wait a second even if they don't necessarily become a professional footballer it doesn't mean life ends for them and they still get a lot of benefit okay june writes whether an athlete can become famous and wealthy or not he or she is able to own good health and fitness through years of physical training which benefits uh their whole life exactly june so junior very very similar to what i've just written excuse me and uh that's great that's solid writing okay harwinder says during playtime uh children develop good cardio ability and stamina that leads to a fit uh body which is home to a healthy mind okay uh harwinder don't use expressions like fit as a fiddle it's awkward it feels like you're forcing that idiom into the writing and it's a bit awkward okay so don't put that in there rashika writes parents can help their children to improve their athletic abilities by participating in activities for good mental and physical health rashika it's not bad it does read a bit redundant to the topic sentence and introduction amu writes whether a child becomes a professional athlete or not it is good for a child to participate in sports as it gives pleasure and acts as stress relief apart from this it keeps an individual fit yeah notice students how sometimes you have some word form mistakes so stress reliever is a bit awkward it's stress relief okay so the common uh collocation that you're looking for there is stress relief okay so use that in the future okay all right and rashika it's not athlete's abilities it's athletic ability okay so that's the the collocation there all right so keep that in mind uh word form is tricky and that's where practice uh makes perfect you just have to practice it often when you're writing uh adjective nouns um just really focus on making sure that you have the correct adjective form of uh the word okay so focus on that all right um so far so good okay um and now uh we want to add an example so a real world example okay and this is where you want to create your personal experience all right so include something from the real world something that's you um you want to make it believable visible this is where you can include some more quantitative uh information as well so let's uh let's give an example for this okay so let's give an example of a child maybe it's your brother a sister a friend who played football they played regularly maybe they didn't become a professional athlete but hey even though they wanted to be but they are very fit and happy adults uh because of this okay all right um so here we go um oh as you think of your example i'll give you a head start notice my use of words here so undeniable so meaning that it cannot be argued okay and another word is entails uh entails means that it involves okay all right okay uh so here we go uh let's um let's put an example here i'm going to do this you do the same and then we'll compare and see what you have okay all right so keep it up students you're doing a great job okay all right so my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer and even though he didn't or did not let's not use collocations it's an academic essay especially so even though he did not achieve this his parents took him to practice uh four times each week for a dozen years or so and today he is um exceptionally healthy and leads a happy life with two children and as a physician okay so there is uh my example so my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer comma because it's the idea here and even though he did not achieve this so he didn't become a career athlete his parents took him to practice four times each week for a dozen years or so and today he is exceptionally healthy and needs a happy life with two children as a physician okay so i have a pretty good sentence here now again when you're practicing at home you can always review and make it better and for those high band scores like band-aid and band 9 we're looking for really good flow of information so uh with this example i can actually organize these parts a little bit better so i have my friend john let's call that part one wanted to become a professional footballer let's call that part two and even though he didn't achieve this let's call that part three these are all separate ideas that are connected um his parents took him to practice four times a week for a dozen years or so let's call that part four um and today sorry he is exceptionally healthy and leads a happy life with two children as a physician let's call that part five so we have one two three four five now reading this i think that i can have a little bit of better order of information here um what do you think i should do so one two three four five it looks okay it reads okay i would say this is a band eight um if i want that to read as a band nine i need to reorganize that a little bit how do you think so uh what should be the sequence of these elements of these numbers here does anybody have an idea what part i should reorganize okay how would you order this to be a little bit clearer so again when you're reviewing your essay at home and even during the aisle it's especially the computer-based it's easier to make these kinds of fixes you can even cut and paste in the computer-based exam so you can order the information better i think there personally i think there's a better way to order this information um anybody know what that is so how can i order uh this uh this information a little bit better i'm just curious if anybody's picking up on that while you think about that i'll read a little bit more of uh people's writing so farduous abode says whether or not children can gain more experience for instance my daughter loves riding a horse um two times each week and enjoys it and this helps her to do uh fantastic work at school okay uh farduous that's the right uh idea uh careful with your grammar bachrat writes the participation in sports activities parents who support and help their children to be fit both muscular and physiologically whether or not a child eventually becomes a career athlete not only taking part in curriculum provide happiness but also make them stronger for another task in athletics bakra you have a lot of ideas there and they sound good but your grammar needs a lot of improvement it's making your sentences incoherent so you really want to review the grammar and how that all fits together okay amu writes for instance a recent survey was conducted among um elderly people in two categories one consisted of those who played sports during their leisure time and another group of people consisted of those who never played even a single game throughout their career the results have revealed that the first group of people are still fit and healthy whereas others are suffering from various illnesses amu i kind of find that example a little bit off topic it reads to me amu like you studied a template from a class or an ielts book it's not really your own thinking and it fits awkwardly into this essay where it's asking if parents should support their children to become career athletes so amu try to be more original okay that's my feedback there for you all right okay um so uh here um i would say that one is okay okay uh two is okay um i would switch three and four all right um and i would also make a small adjustment this is a tricky one um i would switch that to uh here okay and then it would read like a band 9. so i'm always challenging some of our students who have that higher english ability to pick apart and critique my writing as well so this would read better as my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer and he practiced four times each week for a dozen years or so even though he did not achieve this um his parents uh uh okay sorry uh even though he did not achieve this today he is exceptionally healthy and leads a happy life as a physician with two children and that will read better so you can always improve there is no such concept as the perfect author or as the perfect writing even the best writing can be improved and that's why it's so challenging to get a band 9 in the writing section of the ielts because writing can always be better okay so um here we go and you can always critique your writing so here i'm using this point so i can kind of emphasize for you uh the importance of reviewing revising and always working on making your written communication more effective okay all right so watch this okay so if i take this part here my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer okay and i'll cut that out and i'll put it in here his parents took him to practice uh four times and here i'll need a connection okay so my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer therefore his parents took him to practice four times each week for a dozen years or so and even though he did not achieve his goal no pun intended right goal football uh even though he did not uh achieve his goal uh today he is exceptionally healthy and leads a happy life as a physician with two children can everybody see that the order of information is better now it's more logical okay does everybody see that so amu bakrat fargus plus education okay pilot mishab everybody see that uh this is a long sentence notice that there's lots of comma use here okay it is one continuous idea if you're not confident that you can use punctuation and commas effectively enough to put together a sentence like this in english then break it into two sentences okay so be very careful with wrong punctuation and run on sentences all right sometimes i see that right so again my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer therefore his parents took him to participate four times each week for a dozen years or so and eventually uh and uh or so and even though he did not achieve this goal hit this goal today he is exceptionally healthy and leads a happy life as a physician with two children okay so there now i have a grammatically correct logically sound uh sentence okay uh rashika writes in my country eighty percent of professional athletes have become successful in their careers through the help of their parents without them it is more difficult for children i got this information from a biography i'm not sure what you mean by that last sentence rashika the i got this information from biography that's a little bit uh strange for me okay all right so now uh i need that connecting concluding sentence and my connecting concluding sentence should always reflect the main topic in controlling idea in some way directly or indirectly sometimes you can use the example to create your connecting and concluding sentence okay that gives it a lot of cohesion so your essay will be very very connected uh when you combine the uh example into your connecting or concluding sentence so here i'm going to do that okay and don't overthink it so here this is what i'm going to write clearly all right so here we go uh clearly john may not have become such a successful individual without the support of his parents to play football and become the best version of himself all right so now it sounds to me like i have a good paragraph i'm going to review it one more time at home keep reviewing so review after each sentence review the paragraph okay i'm in the ielts you might not have that much time to review after each sentence but definitely review after you have finished writing a paragraph okay so here i'm going to review my full paragraph and just make sure that it is the way i want it to be parents who support their children to participate in sports help their offspring to be fit both physically and mentally throughout life whether or not a child eventually becomes a career athlete it is undeniable that a childhood filled with the joy of success in sports and the regular exercise that it entails does lead to a stronger body and mind my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer therefore his parents took him to practice four times each week for a dozen years or so and even though he did not achieve this goal today he is exceptionally healthy and leads a happy life as a physician with two children clearly john may not have become such a successful individual without the support of his parents to play football and become the best version of himself now i'm going to be a little bit uh careful here and change this to healthy okay why did i do that why did i change that last word from uh successful to healthy anybody have an idea and i think maybe uh youtube's um a little bit slower today on the latency because it seems to me like some of our members uh responses are coming a little bit late so uh while you think about that there is a very logical reason why change successful to healthy okay um can anybody tell me why i changed the word successful to healthy in this last sentence it's an important fix actually uh while you think about that i'll read what bakrat wrote so bakra writes the gold medalist of tokyo olympics niraj chopra reveals how much he was encouraged or he had been or he has been bakrat right because um uh present perfect means it started in the past it continues until now and goes into the future so bakrat i'm sure you can see that present perfect will be a much better grammar form so the gold medalist of tokyo olympics niraj chopra reveals how much he has been encouraged by his parents to participate in state level sports which has benefited him to win the trophy in the javelin throw okay good um carolina says because you're talking about health uh yes um that's right carolina from one perspective also let's not forget my second point okay so if i jump back to the introduction my first body paragraph focuses on health and my second one focuses on success okay so i have to be careful not to mix these together in my body paragraphs my body paragraphs need to be focused so i don't want my first body paragraph to include too much about the idea of success otherwise i'm going to get stuck for body paragraph 2 and i'm going to end up repeating the same concept right so i have to actively separate out these two points of my thesis in my body paragraphs i have to be very very careful about that okay okay so body paragraph two follows the same concept it's going to be a paragraph on success okay and again make sure it's different than your first body paragraph if you have redundancy if your essay is repetitive definitely your band score will be lower especially at the higher band scores in the aisles like 789 all right so that's why first paragraph is health second body paragraph is success again topic sentence here about uh success okay so i'm going to start this you do the same write your topic sentence and then we will compare okay so okay um so there is my topic sentence regular participation in sports enables individuals to develop the skills necessary for success in other domains of life and leads to an overall higher quality of living okay um what do you mean by that right so here comes the explanation you have to explain this so don't think that your reader knows this you have to explain this concept okay so go ahead uh members and students over in our general english help channel as well uh start writing this paragraph and then we'll compare okay all right um so all right um so regular participation in sports enables individuals to develop the skills necessary for success in other domains of life and leads to an overall higher quality of living playing sports teaches youth about teamwork winning and losing and the importance of investing time and effort in order to persevere persevere means to continue and to achieve and to come out on top now here is an expression it's not an overly complex idiom it means uh to reach uh the goal that a person has okay so to come out on top it means to be the best all right um and then now what i want to do here is include my example and if i can then i want to use the same example or so the same example idea as body one okay again that will create a lot of cohesion connection strong connection among my ideas okay june writes becoming an excellent athlete brings considerable fame and fortune to individuals and leads to a better uh life quality yeah and june you can do that so you can make the argument that hey somebody can become a career athlete and of course that will bring them a lot of money and fame and fortune harwinder writes hard work and dedication helps to reveal the latent ability of individuals this leads to better performance in sports which entails success okay harwinder that works depending on what you write next uh bach right to develop skills and experience by taking part in sports um facilitates a way of living in society luxuriously okay uh june in contemporary era both developed and developing countries are awarding their outstanding athletes with profits significantly higher than the average pay such as engineers teachers and doctors also to promote health and fitness uh in the public national authorities tend to help their best athletes become popular nationwide all right june not bad i think you're going a little too far down the rabbit hole so you're you have to be careful not to really get lost in um your concept but i think you have a good idea there okay so here we go arguably okay so if we go back to my friend john that's who i discussed as my example in the first body paragraph i can use him here because arguably skills that john learns playing sports he can apply to his studies to become doctors so arguably my friend john applied the same strategies that he acquired during his football years to push through the competitive and challenging career path of becoming a doctor his sports experience has helped him to become a better communicator and to look past difficulties okay now here i'm not going i mean if i really wanted to i could simply do a connecting concluding sentence like again this would have been um impossible without parental support for uh sports okay so i can do that as the connect and concluding sentence but it doesn't it's not absolutely necessary because now i have my conclusion coming up and the conclusion um basically we'll conclude the second body paragraph as well so in the ielts essay the connecting concluding sentence is much more important for the first body paragraph than the second one simply because there you want to make that connection but you don't really need a connecting concluding sentence for the second body paragraph if you have your conclusion after it's almost awkward i would say because why would you connect conclude when you dedicate a whole paragraph uh to this concept okay so in conclusion now your concluding paragraph and so as you get into it and in the ielts they really like to see this kind of beginning in conclusion so that's the only place where i recommend using a template and actually writing these two words in conclusion okay uh it's kind of like in high school if you go to high school in canada you will find that almost every essay starts within conclusion and then when you get to university it's a big surprise for many students that professors are like stop writing in conclusion i know it's your conclusion so they change strategy but um but in the ielts it's more like high school right in conclusion okay so the conclusion should have your points restated your argument highlighted and then a take home message okay so it should have these three parts and i'm going to show you how to put that uh together in a nice smooth coherent cohesive way all right okay um so in conclusion okay so i'm paraphrasing here as much as possible i don't want to just repeat my introduction i don't want to repeat my body paragraphs in conclusion parental support for children who desire to pursue careers in sports leads to a high quality of life both physically and spiritually okay so physically meaning health and spiritually here meaning uh success all right instead of spiritually i like the word better socially okay so uh being uh successful in society so you have a better quality of life both physically and socially social quality of life is arguably equatable to success in life okay so i'm gonna go with that one instead again continually revise and review your sentences rethink them as you're going through them okay all right okay so therefore i'm strongly in favor of caregivers to provide the energy time and finances to children who express affinity towards becoming pro athletes okay so again lots of paraphrasing here and of course that's important for those high band essays because you want to show lexical resource notice how i use the word strongly here to emphasize the argument of my essay and then my take home message okay and this is basically what my essay is saying so in the end whether or not the child achieves this goal does not matter as they do benefit greatly either way i'm just like i explained with my friend john right okay so there's my full essay and now ideally i want to read the whole essay to make sure that it makes sense okay so students always read the whole essay so that it makes sense so here we go from the top and you should actually start by reading the question okay and when you're practicing at home these are the right steps to improving the overall quality of your writing okay so a lot of people who wanted to become professional athletes gave up this idea because of the fear of failure and parents pressure do not do you think that parents should support their children who want to do a career in sports okay let's go from the top so many children dream of becoming professional athletes in adulthood youth are often passionate about a sport and want to participate and play regularly to gain fame and fortune through talent and hard work parental support is important for both financial and moral reasons i believe that mothers and fathers should encourage aspiring children to become professional athletes as this leads to health and success parents who support their children to participate in sports help their offspring to be fit both physically and mentally throughout life whether or not a child eventually becomes a career athlete it is undeniable that a childhood filled with the joy of success in sports and the regular exercise that it entails does lead to stronger body and mind uh my friend john wanted to become a professional footballer therefore his parents took him to participate four times each week for a dozen years or so and eventually though he did not achieve this and even though he did not achieve this goal today he is exceptionally healthy and needs a happy life as a physician with two children clearly john may not have become such a healthy individual without the support of his parents to play football and become the best version of himself regular participation in sports enables individuals to develop the skills necessary for success in other domains of life and leads to an overall higher quality of living i want to connect this maybe a little bit better so i'll go further more okay so furthermore regular participation sports enables individuals to develop the skills necessary for success in other domains of life and leads to an overall higher quality of living playing sports teaches youth about teamwork winning and losing and the importance of investing time and effort in order to persevere and come out on top arguably my friend john applied the same strategies that he acquired during his football years to push through the competitive and challenging career path of becoming a doctor his sports experience has helped him to become a better communicator and to look past difficulties again this would have been impossible without parental support for sports in conclusion parental support for children who desire to pursue careers in sports leads to a higher quality of life both physically and socially therefore i'm strongly in favor of caregivers to provide the energy time and finances to children who express affinity towards becoming pro athletes in the end whether or not a child achieves this goal does not matter as they do benefit greatly either way that's my take-home message okay the essay is good i'm quite happy with it i would probably do a little bit of thesaurus checking for synonyms for support i find the word support is a bit redundant in my essay so again i can always make it better but overall i'm satisfied alright okay so that's it everyone that's what a great essay looks like that's how you have to put it together and i know the class was pretty quick to get this done um so if it was a bit fast for you just go back and check this video later it will be on our channel make sure to subscribe to our channel check for notifications so that you know uh when these live classes are happening andre i'm glad that you enjoyed this lesson you're very very welcome okay uh medina natalie um i hope to see you in the next class uh persevere natalie means uh to uh come out on top it means to keep going and not give up okay keep going not give up persevere all right okay everyone make sure to check us out at for academic ielts for general outs lots more help there for you again our general ielts website looks like this you can click this big red button to join our premium package and then you'll have access to computer-based outs practice exams full online course and lots lots more i will be back shortly in 30 minutes with academic ielts task 1 writing i'm adrienne i'm signing out for now but i will be back soon bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies, task 2 ielts writing general
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 13sec (3673 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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