IELTS Live - Speaking Interview Part 3 - One Extra Band Score

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from the Balkans here in Europe hi Alex hi Shay hi Joe L just want shake nice to see people in the class hiya schref get to see our members here as well in this class we are looking at speaking part 3 we're going to talk about how to pick up those extra band scores hi Karolina wave back at you hi Lydia I've been doing fantastic thank you this part 3 is continuing from our part 2 cue card that we just covered 30 minutes ago so for those of you who saw that class that's fantastic make sure to remember to connect information to part 2 and again that's why you need to do really well in part 2 so you can make connections for your part three answers this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS success visit us there join our Premium Package use the code r4 tyj and you'll get a 20% discount on checkout for general islands check us out at G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm again on both of these websites we have loads and loads of great materials for you this is our academic website here this is our general IELTS website here you can click those big red buttons to join the Premium Package and since this is a speaking class I will show you where you can practice your speaking with other students for free so let me just quickly show you that I'm going to jump into our my student account here at the top and now I'm in my my student account and in my my student account you can access this for free if you're using the demo version of the course you see this a student partner speaking button you can click on that and then accept the terms and once you do that we are going to be in the user interface and in the user interface you will find other IELTS students who are looking to practice their speaking just like with whatsapp or with Skype so here we can see there's Stefan that's in here there's Mert that's in here part there's usually several students Lydia Mohammed Kieran so there's definitely students hanging out in here waiting for others to join in connect with them and then practice their speaking so you can do that and of course they're speaking questions that you can access by clicking on these topics as well so make sure to check that out ok all right and that's free for you to use so you can do that for free the way to get a free account without getting access to all of the materials is to click the green button and when you click that green button you can access the speaking with other students ok there's no strings attached that's absolutely for you to use for freight shaykh says that's me I'm using it and I'm there all right so a cool ok everyone so that's a little preamble today we will have this speaking part 3 class and then live classes continue on Wednesdays Wednesday to Saturday are the live classes ok alright let's get into it so and this is a speaking class so please make sure to speak repeat as much as possible ok speak and repeat what you hear me say make sure to pay attention to Corrections in the chat as well let's get right into it let's just warm up let's answer a couple of these questions so part two was about a place that is good to meet people okay so keep that in mind so part two was a place that's good to meet people and our answer there was the gym okay so keep that in mind when we're answering these these questions here we go students so again the examiner says okay that's the end of part 2 now we will continue with part three for part three I will ask you more questions related to the topic of part two let's talk about some social places and social practices okay first question what are common places where people can socialize with others okay so you only hear that first question what are common places where people can socialize with others Becton says in my opinion the most popular places where individuals can converse with each other our restaurants public parks and gyms as I just mentioned as people mostly go there with their friends and family members to meet with others yeah very good Beck John okay let's see some other answers and of course remember students in part two where we came up with two or three ideas for our part to answer another reason that that's really good to do in the one-minute because it will become useful for your part three so keep that in mind okay keep this little tip in your head so another reason to come up with two to three possible answers for part two cue card is those will be useful for part three okay doesn't mind you alright some more answers coming up let's have a look just Paul Singh says well there are a lot of places where people meet each other like fairs religious places marriages birthday parties and many more I just Paul not bad but remember that a marriage and a birthday party is not a place it's an event okay so you have to speak really clearly in your IELTS speaking you have to speak professionally and accurately okay we tend to make a lot of mistakes in our everyday conversation and you have to practice not making those mistakes in the IELTS exam okay senator Ronnie says these days common places that are used for people to hang out or social media like Twitter and Facebook yeah virtual places are okay sunny I definitely would broaden my scope to physical places as well at least mentioning coffee shops schools okay in the game on says there are several destinations where people can meet new faces like at university restaurants parts but the best place that I said earlier is the fitness center like Gold's Gym very good in a game very good on a nice connection there okay Lydia says foreign language class and foreign language institutions is one of the most common places and has a major impact where people can communicate with each other from different nationalities okay Lydia that's good maybe throw in an example Lydia in that case because you're being quite specific now students when you see the word places you definitely want to mention at least a few places okay so not just one so even though Lydia foreign language institutions is one type of place I highly recommend throwing in at least a couple more okay I've said this before I'm gonna make a note of it so when the question is asking a plural make sure to list at least a few different places like two or three minimum okay so here we go here's my answer there are several places both online and in the real world where people can converse with one another about a variety of topics for the virtual world these places include Facebook and forums and in the real world they are cafes schools and as I had just mentioned the local gym all right so there's my answer repeat after me so here we go what are some places where people can socialize with others there are several places both online and in the real world where people can converse with one another about a variety of topics for the virtual world these places include Facebook's and Facebook and forums and in reality they are cafe schools and as I just mentioned the local gym okay so several places notice the you of both and so it's okay if you think about you know the virtual realm but definitely think about the real world as well so physical locations okay and then comes the follow-up question which of these is the best to meet a new friend okay which of these is the best to meet a new friend give me a nice full sentence answer for this so of course you have these follow-up questions in part 3 that are aiming to get more detail more language more comprehension from you and I saw my camera just fell asleep there so I'll get you back okay so if nothing comes to mind right away it's okay to buy time by saying that's a little bit tricky I have to think about that for a minute and then think about it for a couple seconds and then come up with your answer it doesn't have to be the perfect answer it just has to be clear and comprehensible okay so let's see what you come up with muskan Nisha says I think there are some places which are really the best for meeting a new friend like academies where students study together gyms where people do exercise together and some parts and cafes okay mooska dye it's not a bad answer but I think you're jumping around to too many places it's best to focus on just one and explain it really clearly so if you believe that University is a great place to meet new friends then that's great that's a good answer go into detail so you said where they study together yeah and then explain that give an example so when you have a couple of students in the same biology major and they're working on projects together they're bound to get to know each other intimate and have a long lasting friendship okay so get into it miss gun give detail all right Alex Joseph says I think a restaurant is the most suitable place to meet a fresh face as people are probably happy with their favorite food Alex you're kind of off topic there we're not talking about meaning a fresh face we're talking about meeting a new friend so the subject here is the friend not just a fresh face so you're not going to get points for that answer at least not as many as you could your answers have to be specific okay Lima and posh Ollie says I think gyms and recreational places are great to make new friends because their people have a lot in common which they can discuss okay Lima nice answer Leeman don't use the word you you will have okay students do not use you in your speaking answers this is a very common mistake it's common practice in everyday language to use you but it's not good practice in professional or exam situations so really important tip pay attention to this as much as possible when you're practicing for your speaking interview and also for your professional or academic speech okay do not use the word you in your speaking responses okay I'll tell you why so when people use you they often do this incorrectly as they are not actually talking about their listener also when candidates use you they often get into repetition and a lower level of communication okay so once more I know that it's common to use the word you in every language in everyday communication because we try to grab and hold the attention of our listener by saying you you you you all really you're talking about me everything is about me great but really it's not so when you use you you're avoiding very important nouns and you're restricting your communication so don't do that okay don't use you alright a lot of people do it and it's not good practice okay so mmm-hmm I think the best place or instead of best say number one place to meet a new friend is in university as students especially in the same majors have common interests our cohorts and cohorts and therefore have much in common which they can talk about in order to build a long-term friendship I have at least half a dozen friends from my university days okay all right so that was a good answer I'm using a little bit of what some of you said there and notice a few important points so I'm answering I'm giving an explanation and I'm giving a smooth example you're always thinking about these three elements so answer explain example okay make it clear repeat after me which of these is the best place to meet a new friend I think the number-one place to meet a new friend is in university as students especially in the same majors have common interests or Co hurts and therefore have much in common which they can talk about in order to build a long-term friendship I have at least half a dozen friends from my university days okay much in common is a nice expression cohurt means people of the same age group so people who are the same age as you they are considered your cohorts their cohorts okay so again answer explain example and of course notice that nice little half a dozen it's again expression at the same time as an expression it's also quantitative language so it means at least six good friends from university okay focusing on one which of these is the best to meet a new friend so focusing on one place okay Catherine Perry era says as I mentioned before parts can be a nice place to meet up I just hang out with my friends near a part known as Sally part ok Catherine it sounds like you're talking about where is a good place to meet with your friends but here it's where is the best to meet a new friend ok this means like to get a new friend ok in this question right so make sure the question is clear if you answer off-topic you're losing marks ok if you understood this question differently like where is the best place to meet up with a new friend that might be arguable but again you have to say that very clearly so whenever I meet with a new friend I'd like to go to a restaurant with them where there is a neutral space where we have some food we're calm we can focus on conversation okay that would be okay too and acceptable you have to be very clear all right khyber says socializing face to face has become rare over the last few decades due to the advancement of technology such as devices and smartphones I'm not sure which question you're answering there khyber but it's definitely not this one I think it's the next one you're jumping ahead try not to jump ahead students try to kind of keep with it I'll get to different responses at different times so here is the next question that Kaiba was already answering okay and the question is has socializing face-to-face become more or less common than in the past and why now you can give me a nice answer for that one okay all right just ball says I think there is a huge decline from the past face to face conversation due to the development of technology people have busy schedules and they meet on technical platforms I just bought one important correction this is present perfect has socializing face-to-face become more or less common than in the past has become so you want to use present perfect in your answer okay again this is something that in everyday conversation we don't necessarily pay attention to but on the IELTS exam in order to get your grammatical range marks full you have to pay attention to reflecting the various types of grammar presented in the questions okay muskan says in my opinion socializing face-to-face has become less common than in the past because of busy schedules and on the other hand technology helps people to meet with our friends yeah I would say in addition mousse con it's not quite a contrast the technology helping us is more of an addition rather than contrast okay all right Karolina says I think one of the biggest changes for this is the Internet a couple of decades ago people almost always met face to face however these days many people will meet online through social media yeah and Karolina just a little bit of an adjustment you can make that into a present perfect so I think one of the biggest changes has been the internet okay has been just throw has been in there Karolina and you're showing present perfect to the examiner and they can give you a little bit more on your grammar range points okay it's not enough to just use present perfect once in your speaking you need to get that in there a couple of times at least okay so this is my next tip here students is you must pay attention to reflect the grammar of questions such as present perfect continuous also known as progressive or conditional in order to increase your score for what's called grammatical range okay that's actually one of the criteria that they're marking you on okay this is a bit different than in real life where we do not necessarily do this okay so the IELTS interview is not the same as a real-life conversation even though people will have you believe that even some teachers and examiner's will have you believe that but it's not true okay it's misleading in the IELTS you have to be a better communicator than in your everyday conversations and you have to avoid the common practices that we have in everyday conversation where we say you in a lot of our answers where we don't need to or we don't really care about the grammar we're just naturally using whatever comes to mind in the IELTS you have to care about your grammar okay so really important okay so yes I think well I certainly would argue that in-person communication has become much less frequent than a couple decades prior mostly due to the advancement of technology people these days are either preoccupied by the distractions of digital media on their phones tablets and computers and even when they do get into a discussion it is often through virtual rather than physical means using Skype or whatsapp to name a couple okay alright so there's my answer again detail answer explanation all right obviously lots of grammar grammatical range I'm pushing you to be a higher level to use better English so if you're catching some new words here fantastic write them down okay here we go one more time the question has socializing face-to-face become more or less common than in the past why well certainly I would argue that in-person communication has become much less frequent than a couple of decades prior mostly due to the advancement of technology people these days are either preoccupied by the distraction of digital media on their phones tablets computers and even when they do get into discussion it is often through virtual rather than physical means using Skype or whatsapp and I would probably change that too or makes a little bit sense either or okay all right Turk Barry says I strongly believe that face-to-face interactions have been reduced as much of it has been replaced with the advancement of Technology and due to the increasing competition in the commercial world has forced the global reach ok Turk I think the end you're kind of getting lost there but one point I really like Turk about your answer is you're showing the present perfect twice so Turk says face-to-face interactions have been reduced and have been replaced by technology it's very good strategy Turk and I've said this in previous classes that practice not just reflecting the grammar once but even twice so that your examiner even if they miss by some chance they usually don't but by some chance if they miss your first present perfect the second present perfect like this candidate just used present perfect twice that's great okay so all right here we go with a follow-up question what can society do to encourage young people to socialize with each other face to face give me a nice answer for that one okay all right roshni kun Tay says hmm communities through social events such as dance competitive programs for youngsters can help them to socialize more as well as spreading awareness about the value of relationship with people in the neighborhood very good roshni I like it I really like the start of your answer yeah so organizing community events and then you give a couple of nice examples of that that's fantastic good job roshni good job okay all right Beck John says Society can come up with new activities such as cleaning around the neighborhood at least once a week so that people can have conversation with each other while benefiting their surroundings another one is to construct public facilities such as benches where individuals can sit and converse with one another very good back John yeah don't forget about the gym as well students so going to the gym building gyms making them free for the public to encourage fitness and interaction interpersonal communication Lydia says virtual interactions have decreased dramatically through social medias lack of emotion it's rare to emerge in rear dispositions and shapes mmm Lydia I'm not sure where you're going with that so careful okay don't overcomplicate it's good to test your English in these live classes for sure but in the official exam be really careful with clarity and accuracy okay all right pachoo Yadav says society can do much to encourage young people to socialize with each other by establishing recreation centres arranging cleanup campaigns and other activities that bring them together for a common goal moreover they can be involved in educational activities about the awareness of anti-social activities like video games okay yeah very nice answer I gave a little bit more their putt shoe but it was great okay the Aish Iman says I think they should be tied up with jobs to know about the responsibilities and to broaden their horizons one way to encourage the is through schools and colleges nosh you have the right direction add some more clarity okay why are you saying that so what's the logic behind what you're saying it's unclear from that all right guitar saying says societies can organize various cultural meats like dance and song in public parks building gyms where people can interact with each other while staying healthy yeah very good guitar I added a bit more to what you wrote there to make it a little bit better okay ours says to encourage young people to interact with each other in person the government should impose some kind of social policy that encourages the involvements of these youngsters for instance in art and music yeah ours are very nice I think you had an example coming up there but you got cut off not enough space which is fine really nice are is this you're actually saying like let's actually force policy you know if it's at an unhealthy point in society then we need to force the change yeah very good I like these answers okay all right so communities can inspire youth to real interpersonal relationships by organizing and funding a variety of social events like dance sports competition and other fun games they can bring teenagers and kids together to share in common goals and joys in my neighborhood there is an annual cultural festival which does just that okay all right so kind of drawing on some of your answers and giving the explanation and the example okay repeat after me what can society do to encourage young people to socialize with others face to face communities can inspire youth to real interpersonal relationships by organizing and funding a variety of social events like dance sports competitions and other fun games they can bring teenagers and kids together to share in common goals and joys in my neighborhood there's an annual cultural festival which does just that okay all right here we go with the next question some people think that pubs and dance clubs are good places to socialize while others feel the opposite why is there this difference all right so now we're getting into it we had this idea come up for part two as well pubs and dance clubs so some people think that pubs and dance clubs are good places to socialize while others feel the opposite why is there this difference okay let's see what you come up with Sinise irani says dance clubs and pubs are used for socializing but they are not the best places because most of the people who play who visit them tend to act different than usual they choose to dress up yes any I think your honor on the right track very clever thinking yeah people aren't really their true self at pubs and dance clubs absolutely it's a presented self Beck John says the reason for this distinction is the presence of alcohol which makes people rent thereby losing the importance of communication beg to a nice use of the word rent I like the answer it's creative okay and it's a great argument all right let's see what else comes up here I'm curious if your answers jiwon coerce says well in my view it's only due to the mentality of people some of the conversations think that it will reduce the moral values in their children but it's not the same for all okay Jiwon I think you're getting a bit philosophical you have to be careful with getting philosophical in the IELTS interview that could really lower your score if your listener can't quite understand what you're intending to say so be careful with that okay all right just ball Singh says well every person has a different perspective perception according to my point of view there's differences due to the level of education less educated people think it's not good to meet friends in pubs and also philosophical okay some questions students can be a little bit provocative in the IELTS and you have to be careful not to get personally involved again it's not a real conversation you're not actually there to convince the examiner of your ideas so be really careful and choose the easy answer okay all right so just winter sings has won the differentiation between these options is because of the objective opinion subjective opinion that some people think it's against their tradition and culture and people could get lost in ancient societal terms when getting a lot of philosophical answers here students and it's a little bit tricky to figure out exactly what you're referring to so here's another point to get more band marks and not lose marks okay so you must not get into personal philosophical opinion at any point in the interview you may be asked a question that either provokes or excites you calm yourself and give the most popular basic answer without getting emotional okay so maybe you own a pub maybe you love going to the pub with your friends and you hate people when they say pub is just for drunks and losers what so yeah different people have different opinions around this different cultures as well the IELTS and not the place to have that debate especially because the examiner they're not gonna debate they're just gonna kind of nod their head and write their notes and write their marks so your goal is not to express your true beliefs your goal is to give an answer that's clear easy to comprehend and get you good band scores then you can go to the pub after or not and have the debate with people there guess what the examiner asked me the examiner said some people think pubs are terrible places to socialize and then have it out and really get into it okay over a nice cup of cold hail all right so the reason for such a debate is likely because of the involvement of alcohol which can lead to poor behavior as well as it can be quite unhealthy furthermore and this was very clever I can't remember who said it but it was really clever furthermore when people go to pubs and dance clubs they get all dolled up and act different from their usual selves they project an identity that they think others will favor all right so for these reasons it may not be the best place to have quality conversation okay others would say this is subjective and different for each person all right there we go so both sides of the coin okay repeat after me here we go some people think that pubs and dance clubs are good places to socialize while others feel the opposite why is there this difference the reason for such a debate is likely because of the involvement of alcohol which can lead to poor behavior as well as it can be quite unhealthy furthermore when people go to pubs and dance clubs they get all dolled up and act differently from their usual selves they project an identity that they think others will favor so for these reasons it may not be the best place to have quality conversation others would say this is subjective and different for each person or each patron okay cool so nice descriptive clear looking at both sides of the coin I don't know if I could come up with an answer that level right away but of course here I haven't because I'm drawing on your opinions okay all right now you're doing a good job the examiners feeling confident the examiner realizes hey this guy or this girl can talk they're not using uuugh they're reflecting the grammar of the question they are visualizing they're connecting to their part to answers so let me ask them a couple more questions just to make sure that they're absolutely AB and 9 and then the examiner will say let's talk about meeting new people what are good ways to start a conversation with a new acquaintance ok give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so what are good ways to start a conversation with a new acquaintance anybody have a nice answer for that one just ball says well it varies from person to person whether the person is from the same country or a foreigner for foreigners I would firstly recommend to know the name and after that introduce himself to cultural traditions oh just ball two philosophical just keep it simple okay um simplify simplify it it's very philosophical don't use that it depends okay but it's a great example and thank you for sharing just Paul because a lot of students do that okay Turk says can we say they might not project appropriate identity that could attract quality conversation yeah Turk you could say that for the previous I know what you're asking bet John says the most obvious method to strike up conversation is to talk about the weather firstly since it's a common topic for all people and quite interesting yeah Bek John very good Kevin police has a clever approach to kick off a conversation with a stranger is to give that person a genuine compliment like telling a guy that he is suave and a girl that she looks ravishing this can create positive first impressions and others are more interested in getting to know you in person yeah very good Kevin very nice yeah complimenting someone is a great way to strike up a conversation just bossing says well it varies from person to person whether the concept the person is the same country okay just Paul we already looked at that again don't say it varies instead give just a good piece of information that's clear and easy to understand so we can give a lot of good bands course for it so one of the most common ways for people to ignite conversation is to talk about the weather however an even better approach especially if someone is looking for that special person in life is to find the conversation piece that the person has like a unique shirt an expensive watch or a new hairstyle it's best to ask a question rather than talk about oneself alright so there's my response here and this is giving you a little bit of psychology and if there are some viewers out there who are still single and looking for that special someone here's a little bit about relationship psychology everybody has a conversation piece we all have something like a necklace that we inherited from Grandma special earring we usually have something on our persons that we like others to notice okay this is a common human trait to have something on us that we like other people to notice so if you can find that what's called a conversation piece on the other person recognize it and say hey what a beautiful necklace where did you get that oh I inherited this from my grandmother she was a lovely woman then you are on the right track to meet a new friend so that's a little bit of wisdom from my own background from my psychology studies okay so can you give examples yes sure like noticing a unique antique necklace on a woman that she inherited from her grandmother and asking hey where did you get that beautiful necklace it looks really old okay alright so that's a little bit of a tip there for you above and beyond okay everyone so repeat after me what are good ways to start a conversation with a new acquaintance one of the most common ways for people to ignite a conversation is to talk about the weather however an even better approach especially if someone is looking for that special person in life is to find the conversation piece that the person has like a unique shirt an expensive watch or a new hairstyle it's best to ask the question rather than talk about oneself can you give an example yeah sure like noticing a unique antique necklace on a woman that she has inherited from her grandmother and asking hey where did you get that beautiful necklace it looks really old alright students that's it for today I'm going to close on that positive note go out there meet new people it's one of the greatest parts of being human as socially interacting I hope that you enjoyed today's lesson there was a lot of really good conversation back and forth and if you'd like to continue doing that you can of course go to our websites AE help comm for academic IELTS Chi outs helped I'll calm for general outs and you'll find some other students and speaking partners for the IELTS there and questions and topics you're very welcome Alice sure you're welcome Turk jainneil great job everyone bye for now I will be back next week on Wednesday continuing these live classes at the same time Wednesday we'll start off with speaking part one for those of you who are writing exams this weekend I wish you the best of luck I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a grade score signing out from Buddha I'm Adrian
Channel: GeneralEnglishHelp
Views: 714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, English examination, high band, band 9, conversation, English, speaking practice, dialogue, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, easy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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