IELTS Speaking Mock Test With Expert Guidance

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everyone Chris here from IELTS advantage com hope that you're all doing well and we have a pretty unusual lesson for you today and I used to do this with students when I taught in classes when I taught face to face and when I used to teach at the British Council and but I haven't done this in a while so I was thinking over the weekend what would be the best thing to do this week in terms of live video and what we decided to do was this a IELTS speaking test demo and so I used to do this in the classroom and what I would do is I would do a role reversal with the students so I would get the students to ask me speaking questions like it's like real questions as if it was a real test and I'd answer them to the best of my ability and the reason what we do that is not so you can copy my answers so I'm copying answers and the speaking test is not a good idea because the examiner will spot it and they could give you AB and zero but they'll also ask you more difficult questions questions you're not expecting and they'll judge you and on how you deal with those rather than how you dealt with questions that you memorized so the main reason we're going to do this is so that you can spot some things that you didn't expect or you find unusual or maybe conflict with how you think the speaking test should be done like as many of you the main reasons why you're not doing so well on the speaking test and it could be these things fluency pronunciation grammar and vocabulary and but it could also be that you have misconceptions about what to do on test day and so these the answers that I'll give you will act as a model and you'll be able to compare that model with how you think they should be answered so feel free to comment and tell me you know anything that you find unusual or you disagree with or you know feel free to criticize me in any way because if you do that I'll be able to chat with you see what you think about it and we'll be able to get to a point where we'll be able to help you with your preparation with your speak test and this should take about 45 minutes actually and we did this on Facebook and we run at a time and so what we're going to do is I'm going to do part one then I'm going to explain some things that and you might not be aware of or by part one then we'll do part two again an explanation of part two and then we'll do part three so that should take us about thirty minutes to go through through that and then we'll talk about fluency and coherence pronunciation grammar and vocabulary why these are the four marking criteria the four things that you need to be worried about and these are the four things that the examiners will be thinking about and so you should be aware of these and you should be thinking about what the examiners want so you can give it to them and that's really what we want to be doing on exam day and so let me check is everything working okay and everything we're ready to go okay so I have my assistant with me he is going to act as the examiner and he's going to ask me questions and I will answer them in to the best of my ability as if I was doing and the test so will we get started yep so let's talk about your home time what kind of place is it so my home town is a little place called Dundrum kind of dawn and it's a tiny little village and it's beautiful though where we live is right beside the sea and that's right it's beside a place called Dundrum Bay so the sea water comes in each day and so you can you can see the sea is beautiful but it's it's a bay so there's no waves so it looks kind of like a lake and but the the sea comes in and each day and then on top of that we have the mountains so it's one of the only places in the world where you can look out your window and see the sea on the mountains all in the same place so it's a beautiful little village to live in what's the most interesting part the most interesting part is the Nature Reserve and so on the edge of the village if you walk about five minutes down the street there's only one straight in the whole whole village if you walk down the street for about five minutes and you cutting across a bridge it'll take you over the bridge and into a nature reserve so it's protected by the government solders and birds and fish and wild animals there the forest and and there are sand dunes beside there so you can walk right down to the beach and you're kind of surrounded by nature so that's that's the thing that people visit the village for so and not many people come to Dundrum but when they do it's to go to the and to the Nature Reserve what kind of jobs to people do that and I'd say the number one industry here is agriculture and so at the moment we're surrounded by cars and sheep but horses and so think most of the farmers around here and deal with livestock so that's probably the number one job but for people who aren't farmers a lot of people commute into Belfast so Belfast is about 30 miles away takes about one hour and Belfast says it's a it's a capital city of Northern Ireland so it has many jobs government Commerce IT jobs there's a lot of jobs and call centres there so people you know drive there each day or get the bus there each day would you say it's a good place to live it's a great place to bring up children and it's a boring place if you're a teenager or you're in your 20s so there's no many places and to socialise there's no like not many places for young people to have a good time and but it's a great place to bring up young children and because we're we're in the middle of the countryside and Beach is quite close by the mountains are close by and we also have some of the best schools in the country right on our doorstep so it's a great place to live let's talk about accomodation tell me what the kind of accommodation you live in so I live in quite a big house of four-bedroom house and it's on the edge of the village where where I'm from and yeah it's a it's a detached house and so there's not many other houses around it and there are a few other farms and our closest neighbors or but I don't know but 3040 meters away and so yeah that's the type of house we live in how long have you lived there we've lived here for about two two and a half years so before that we lived in Vietnam it's my wife is from Vietnam and we decided to move back here but we were uncertain about whether we would move back to Vietnam or stay here so I wanted my wife to be happy here and so we moved here and we settled here she loves it and so and I think we'll be here for a long time what do you like about living there the main thing I like about the house is the amount of space we have and so there are three levels to the house and there's the main living level and then you go up the stairs and there's the kind of sleeping level where the bedrooms are and then in the basement that's kind of my working level and so there's the office down there it also has a separate building in the grounds of where where it is and that used to be a garage but we converted it into offices so it's great to be able to run out of the house by five meters from my front door to my office so no commute for me let's talk about art did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child not at all and I really hated art when I was a child and probably because I'm terrible at it and I think that when you aren't very good at something you're not really going to put much effort into studying at em so my art teacher absolutely hated me because I never did my homework and yeah nice probably the worst art student in my school do you ever draw or paint pictures no and no because as I said I don't really have a talent for for art but since I've had my little boy obviously and children love to draw so what we do is I take him into my office here and I give him markers for the whiteboard and he basically tells me what to draw so he's he's not very critical because he's three years old so he tells me to draw you know a helicopter or he's really into Power Rangers so I draw that on the board and he he attempts to do it also and that's basically all the drawing I do when was the last time he went in our car or exhibition and there are no art galleries where we live and I'm not really into art em so I haven't been the one recently but the last time was when we visited London and so myself and my wife and my little boy we visited London we were staying in a hotel beside the Victoria & Albert Museum so we decided to go in there and I was actually amazed that the how much I enjoyed being surrounded by beautiful paintings because as I've already mentioned I'm not really into art but it was actually a pleasurable experience but my little boy being he was 2 years old at the time didn't really enjoy the art so we had to leave pretty quickly what kind of pictures do you like having in your home um we don't have any art in our home and because we rent our home and we probably when we buy a home we'll have more time and more money to spend on curating the the the furnishings and the different pieces of art and in the home but at the moment it's really just family photos and not many photos with me but lots of photos of my wife my baby the only photos of me are from my wedding day because my wife insists on having them up but I don't really like looking at myself but she knows that's the end of part one ok so and part one when I normally do that with students and there are a few things so I normally tell my students note down anything you find unusual or that you disagree with or that you do differently and so for part one many students say that my answers are too short and so this comes from I think many students memorize excuse me memorize answers very and they memorize very very long answers so you know for some students you say tell me about your hometown and I'll talk for five minutes and they'll tell you everything about your home time so for me I just it was two or three sentences and all of the answers that I gave for part one were about two or three sentences because it's just normal everyday you know small talk for part one you're just easing into the test you don't need to give really really long answers and the examiner also has to ask you a range of different questions and and it simply just won't have time if you give really long answers and they'll actually stop you at times and if the examiner stops you many people become flustered and that affects their fluency and they can get really stressed out so for part one you know don't count words or kind sentences or anything like that but really just answer the question and add a little bit more detail so it's really answer the question and then add detail or add an explanation or you could add a story just a short personal story or an example to help you develop it but you'll see in a moment there's a big difference between part 1 and part 3 and other thing that a lot of people comment on is they say you're very relaxed or you're informal so again this comes from a misconception about what the speaking test is they are not testing your ability to speak in a really really formal academic way they're testing your ability to speak to normal human beings so if you were speaking to a friend or a colleague or a teacher imagine you're meeting new colleagues on the first day at work or you're meeting a new teacher or new classmates on the first day of a new class you're not going to speak to them in a really really really relaxed way but you're also not going to say hello my name is Chris I am from you know speaking in a very robotic academic overly formal way and so if you're also if you're really stressed out and you're you're not relaxed it's actually going to affect your fluency it can also affect your grammar and vocabulary because if you're really tense you're going to be making more mistakes I am so do you feel free to speak to the examiner like they are a real human being and some examiner's like examiner's the same as everybody else some of them are really friendly some of them aren't friendly even if you get an examiner who's not overly friendly and doesn't put you at ease try and speak to them like they're a friend or a colleague or a teacher or something like that and I know a lot of you come from cultures where teachers are revered and you speak to them in a very reverential way and don't have to do that you don't have to call them sir or anything like that all right so and that's pretty much it let me know in the comments if there was anything else you find strange or unusual you have me for about one hour so I'll look at the comments is there anything so far me see what Pasha allowed for that in a minute generally in which tense we can speak while we're giving speaking to ok so think about that so you're asking which tense should be speaking which tense should you use in any situation it will depend on what you're talking about so if they're asking you about the past you're gonna you're going to talk in a paw stance if you're talking as they ask you about the present you're going to use the present tense if they ask you about the future you're going to be using future structures totally depends on the situation and stop treating the exam like it is something that you can you know use a cookie cutter approach with um a lot of you are memorizing questions or you're thinking okay I have to use this tense and then this tense and then this tense relax it's not like that again speak to the examiner how you would speak to someone normally okay so now we're going to do part two and we're going to show you a cue card and so we're going to show you a cue card it comes from Cambridge 12 official Cambridge practice test and I'm gonna have one minute to look at it I'll look at it for one minute and then I will speak for up to two minutes okay so that's how we look about alright so now I'm going to answer this question as if I was in the real test alright so I'm gonna talk about a time I visited my father at work my father was a chef he was head chef a local hotel where we grew up so we grew up in a place called New Castle County dine and in New Castle County 9 there's a magnificent resort hotel called the sleeved honored hotel it's quite a famous place because it's attached to Royal County darn Golf Club which is one of like the best golf clubs in the world so it's quite a famous hotel and he was head chef there so he was in charge of all the other chefs and I don't know why I visited them there that day because I was only like 6 or 7 years old I think my mom was busy and I just finished school and no one else could look after me so I can had to go under him and out his work so but it was quite intimidating to go in there because it was a really serious high-pressure environment and the chefs were some of the best chefs in the country they were really dedicated to their job they were all real perfectionist so I was a 6 or 7 year old to walk into that environment was really intimidating but it was actually quite surprising because as soon as they saw this little boy once you throw a little boy into the situation is there any situation like that kind of calm down everyone had a smile on their face and everyone was happy to see you know the boss's son and the other thing I remember but that was my dad had ie and like a glass office so he would sit in the office with me and he'd get me a bowl of ice cream and we'd be able to look out at the kitchen and watch think about 20 or 30 chefs all working away and they could have been doing like dinner for a you know three or four hundred people it was an amazing thing to watch and it also makes me want to bring my own son and to my to my workplace because I hope that one day he'll be able to look back and you know with fond memories think about how his dad brought him to work in the same way that I can that's the day man it's up okay alright so part two and the main thing students mention when I do that is talks about the bullet points so what a lot of you do is you use the bullet points as a crutch rather than a tool so you should use the bullet points they're important they're there to help you but a lot of you use them in a way that hinders you so what a lot of you do is you look at the first bullet point and talk and look at the second bullet point then talk then look at the third bullet point and then talk and that's going to affect your fluency and coherence and it's not the most natural way to speak think about when you were a child and you were at school and the teacher asked you or another student to read from the book it's a completely different style of speaking to be looking down and reading as opposed to how I answered the question which was just using the bullet points as reference but not relying on them and the other thing that a lot of students comment on is you didn't mention one of the bullet points or you didn't use them in order you don't have to as long as you are mentioning the main topic at the top of the cue card you're fine you can add extra bullet point you can add extra topics as long as they're related to that you can skip out bullet points you can use them in different orders do whatever makes it easy for you to talk about that topic so if you are if you look at the four bullet points and you're like okay great I can just follow these no problem at all do that but if you look at them and you're like I don't like that one I can't I can't really talk about that one or you think what happens to most students is they run out of things to say so they'll do a bullet point number one then both two then both three then put four and it'll be like one minute gone what else do you do so during that one minute preparation think about extra things that you could talk about and related to that topic so for me the last point that I made was about my son on about hi I hope that in the future he will be able to look back in the same way that I did and you know how have nice memories but about his dad the way I do that's not listed in the bullet points you don't have to do that and you can add other things you must talk about the thing at the top and but you know and don't don't allow them to hinder you and use them as a crutch rather than a tool so any questions about that me see let me see so one question about part two was what should I do if I don't understand the cue card and that is something that a lot of people worry about but you don't have to worry about it excuse me most people who worry about that have are looking at fake cue cards so there's lots of websites out there are lots of IELTS websites and if you look at real cue cards so you go to the IELTS official website IDP websites British council website Cambridge English website use any of the Cambridge official books and look at the cue cards they're about normal everyday things like a time you visited a friend or family member about their workplace most people should be able to answer that if you see a cue card and you're just like what have no idea what that is and it's probably a fake question or a misreported question and it is highly highly highly unlikely that in the real test you're going to get something that you've no idea but however if that happens you have two choices you can either say nothing or you can make it up it is not a honesty test you can add extra details in that are not true the examiner is not going to say to you at the end you know it did that really happen um so you should avoid that as much as you can because making things up might affect your fluency but if you have a choice between saying nothing I'm just adding in a little bit of extra detail and do that a lot of my students do that and they do that with no problem at all and some students just don't like that at all and because they don't feel comfortable either lying or em making stuff up but see yourself as an actor or an actress if an actor or an actress is saying things that are not true they're just acting and you know you're not going to get into trouble for it and but most of the time you should just tell real stories tell the truth because it will help you okay let's move on to part three so let's discuss different kinds of workplaces what things make an office comfortable to work in okay so I think if we think about why we go to the office and why we work we go to work all right so I think anything that makes your job easier and/or makes you the tasks easier to do makes the place that you work or your office more comfortable and for me I think that means being able to find stuff easily so I think that an office or where you work should be tidy but number one it should be organized and so in my office where I work we have a lot of IT equipment and electronic goods or electronic and cameras and camcorders and DSLR cameras and laptops and things like that and I'm one of the things that we do is we keep everything organized so that if we need like a khichdi mi lead or a battery or a charger or anything like that we keep them in places where it's easy to access and easy to find because if you are going around your office and you can't find anything you're going to get stressed out you're going to get frustrated and that's not a great way to spend your time at work you want to be as calm and as productive as possible and not wasting time running around trying to find things so yeah organization would make it as comfortable as possible do you agree that the building people work in is more important than the colleagues they work with and I think there's two sides to that I think some people and some companies really value the place where they work and they think that it's really important so they'd like it to be in a great location where it's easy to get to or they might like it and it might like it be in a place like in the center of a city where there's lots of bars and restaurants and shops and things like that or they might like a building that's very prestigious and luxurious and looks great for example I used to be a lawyer in the city of London and a lot of the the law firms will invest in very prestigious addresses and by very very expensive or rent very expensive properties because they know that attracts the right implement really believe that and because I think it doesn't matter if you're sitting in a beautiful office in a great location in the centre of London or San Francisco if you're working with a terrible team those are the people that will either make your life very easy at work and enjoyable and you'll look forward to going to work or detest your job and so I recently hired someone and where I work I work out of my garage it's not the most beautiful place but we do have a great team we hopefully have a good boss who looks after their thirst and looks after his staff and makes it a nice environment to work in and so I think yet the team is better your colleagues are more important so let's discuss the importance of work what would life be like if people didn't have to work and that's an interesting question at the moment because this is a debate that is is happening at the moment because of AI so they think that a I will replace many many different jobs so much like the Industrial Revolution replaced many manual jobs and AI might cause many white-collar workers to lose their jobs and so people are starting to think about the future and starting to think about what will happen when 80% of the population doesn't have a job on one hand I would say that will be a positive thing because people will be able to spend time with their families and also spend time on their passions so for a lot of people they would love to spend more time working out or spending time in nature or playing a musical instrument or painting whatever they're into but it's very difficult to get paid for that so will probably lead to a happier population however I think for many people the main thing in their life is their work and if you don't have a job you don't have a purpose so there's no it's no surprise why many people who are unemployed and get depressed and have you know mental illnesses related to depression because they feel that they don't have a use and so I think that there needs to be a balance I think there needs to be a balance between people having a job and people being able to pursue their passions so it's an interesting question and some one that I don't think I have a a what answer would I say a definitive answer at the moment for why do some people become workaholics and that's a good question because I am a workaholic and people become addicted to many different things for different reasons I think that human beings are a little bit too complex to have one answer to that question for example if people become alcoholics or drug addicts it's often because they have past trauma in their life and they want to block out the pain in somewhere they want to forget what happened in the past and but overall that's a very you know obviously if you're drinking or taking drugs all day and that's a negative thing and very bad things will happen your your life will go down the tubes pretty quickly if that if that's what you do and but work is different because if you work all the time not all the time but work I'd say I work 12 to 15 hours a day and I work seven days a week it's pretty positive thing and really good things happen when you do that much work or especially when you are doing good work or you're doing work that you enjoy and so if you asked my wife or my son I'm a workaholic great definitely agree with you and but I don't agree with that because well the reason why I'm a workaholic is because I'm trying to achieve something amazing I'm trying to I have very very very ambitious goals and I think that it's impossible to achieve something great without putting in the work and I can't think of any examples of anyone who's ever achieved anything great without really dedicating themselves to that goal and putting in the hard work and so I think people become workaholics because they have big goals and they want to achieve those goals and they're very determined to achieve those goals but I don't like it I don't think it's a negative thing all right so and that was part three and the way that I like to talk about part three is to show the differences between part 1 and part 3 so if we look at a part 1 part 1 is normal everyday questions about you you and so questions like about your job about where he live about your hometown and maybe about your likes and dislikes your hobbies things like that and questions that you would ask someone if like for example when you first met them to get to know them normal everyday chitchat questions the big difference between part 1 and part 3 they're more abstract ideas so where as part 1 is really just answering questions about you part 3 you can talk about you like I did I talked about M my experience to help me answer the question but it's more about a discussion of ideas and the best way that I can describe part 3 is and think about an academic - si think about the main body and how you would develop your ideas the most important thing for part three I think is idea development so think about how I did that and what I would do is I would show one side or show one idea and then try and develop that by explaining that idea and I would use stories and I would use examples so I would answer the question but I would be developing the answer so um for example if the question about what makes a workaholic why do some people become workaholics if I just said and because they have ambitious goals that's my idea that's why I think that but you that's not enough you have to fully develop that and you can also show the other side of it you don't have to but I think that's a good way to think about it answering the question explaining your your answer why you think that or why other people would think that because it's remember it's a discussion of ideas it's not all just what you think you might be discussing what other people think I'm using examples so they could be examples from that don't involve you or they could be examples like personal stories like I used that story about my job and how much I work which is true actually I do work seven days a week most days about twelve to fifteen hours and it's fine to do that it's fine to add in your own ideas and so that's the biggest differences there let's have a look at some questions on again what you should be think don't don't be afraid to disagree with me on anything or or because that's where we'll get the truth then that's where we will learn lessons and if you say like why did you do it that way or why not this way why not that way and we'll do that that way and so let me see any more questions and so far said yes I thought you had to address each and every bullet point yeah I mean that's that's one of the main reasons why people don't do so well and for speaking part two and it's because they stick rigidly to the bullet points and they run at a time cussing what manam ik you had for part two and so as in what I did was I just there are many different techniques for part two and one thing that you should avoid is having like a rigid structure or strategy for part two because some question like some questions a structure or a strategy will it will be great for those types of questions for that question I had a story in my mind a real story that I could just tell and they always lead to the most fluent answers because you're just recalling things like you would if you are chatting to friends or at a party and talking about yeah I used to go and visit my dad at work and in a very very fluent way other questions you could think about past present future a description how you felt about it all these different things but don't stick to that rigidly because if I did that with my answer like past present future for example and it wouldn't have been as fluent because I'm okay what do I think of it the past ok present alright I don't really have anything they said okay future and then it just it's a difficult way of doing things I think the best thing to do in part 2 is to give yourself as much flexibility as possible why I said how I describe it to my students is how there's many tools in your toolkit as possible and try and speak in a natural way hi Chris what do you think of PPF method will work in section too hard again okay so that I've just answered that question sometimes that works sometimes it doesn't you don't want to stick rigidly to a structure and it might work for some students but I don't think it works overall I think it's kind of like if you give a builder hammer a saw and a chisel and you just say okay build a house with those three things you could do it but it'd be very very difficult but if he had an array of tools to work with it but obviously would be much much easier for them to build the house so know how to initiate the answer in Section three and just just on spoop so nearly when like you fell over and just answer the question and so what I did was I either just directly answered the question or sometimes for part three what I did was I said like that's it that's interesting or that's a difficult question by saying wow that's a difficult question he don't get any extra marks or anything like that and what it does is it just gives you some time to think about your ideas as I said it's important that you develop your ideas for part three so it's important that you pick ideas that you can talk about and what what will lead to a very incoherent answer is if you just start talking and try and think of the ideas as you go along and that normally leads to a loss of coherence James is it - point to you as an examinee if you ask the examiner to repeat the question no you're allowed to do that so you're allowed to do two things and you're allowed to say can you repeat the question please because sometimes you just don't understand the question think of real life in real life would you ever not ask someone to repeat the question if you didn't understand them don't do it for every question like some students you know what's your name and they say can you repeat the question and don't do that for every question but if you genuinely need the examiner to repeat the question do that you can also ask them what a word means and so for example Justin asked me what makes or one of the main reasons why someone is let me see the question question was why do some people become alcohol alcoholic workaholics I don't know why I always say alcoholics that might be a Freudian slip might be so I in that situation if I didn't understand the word workaholic I could say to the examiner what does workaholic mean or can you explain what that means don't say you know what does that word mean in that word mean and that word and just keep doing it that way but you know use those two things to help you ardent and so know what should be the length of answers in Section three don't worry about number of words or number of sentences really because what you'll be doing is you'll be thinking about number of sentences rather than answering the question which will lead to your you lowering your fluency and develop your answer some answers will be longer than others and explain why you think that or why other people think that use examples use stories to help you develop those answers and think about it that way rather than a number of sentences Sarabjit some questions like how can children help their parents in household works what would be a decent answer so there is no like one answer or one or number of ideas that if you use those answers or use those ideas that the examiner is going to be like tick you get high score and there are hundreds of different answers to a question that could get about nine the the difference between the marking criteria for writing and the marking criteria for speaking is you'll notice there's no task achievement or no task response there are no marks for content it's not really about what you say it's about how you say it no I that doesn't mean that you can just talk about anything like if they ask you what you did last weekend and you start talking about what you had for breakfast that might get you in trouble um but you're not coherent you have to answer the question but the content really doesn't matter its are you fluent how's your pronunciation how's your grammar how is your vocabulary why marking IELTS exam different from examiner to the other it's not your performance is different the examiners are using objective criteria and they've been trained all of them been trained in exactly the same way does that mean that if you go and do a test on a Saturday and do a test on the Sunday are you going to get the same score you should but it's not guaranteed because it's like if Barcelona play Real Madrid this week and then play them again next week is the score are going to be exactly the same no because it's about we're humans but performance sometimes you might do really really well sometimes you might not do well don't blame the examiners get better like people who blame other people for their problems they never get better were people who are like okay it was my fault it was my performance those are the people that are going to be successful why while giving answers do they need to connect with each other no no doesn't need to ok so let me talk a little bit about this all right so let's start with vocabulary so one of the things that a lot of students will comment and when they watch this video will be like you didn't use high level vocabulary you do not need to use a long list of academic or high level words you need to use words that allow you to discuss that topic so there what there weren't any times where I was like I really don't know what to say because I don't have enough vocabulary and there's no point in you using vocabulary that you don't know how to use you should always be improving your vocabulary especially your active vocabulary but don't try and use idioms that you don't know how to use words that you someone gave you a band 9 list of words there's no such thing so what I would say with vocabulary is only use words that you know how to use and that help you answer the question and same with grammar grammar use the grammar that is required for you to answer the question the worst thing you can do is like answering a question and thinking have I used the past tense yet or have I used the present perfect like just answer the question normally the the range of structures will look after themselves and focus on accuracy all right don't try and use memorized sentences or memorize phrases and getting them wrong and it's obvious what you're doing and you're lowering your score by doing that pronunciation then for most students the number one thing they need to be concerned about is can the examiner understand what I'm saying more about clarity than anything else if you're hoping to get like a band-aid or a bond 9 you need to work on higher level pronunciation features such as intonation word stress sentence stress connected speech but for many of you it will all be about clarity can the examiner understand what I'm saying and coherence did you actually answer the question did you stick to what the question is but does your question make sense did you develop your answers and that's important fluency did you speak without pausing and hesitation some pausing and hesitation is totally natural it's impossible to never pause and hesitate in a whole test you have to think sometimes especially if you're learning a language you're not going to have access to you know instant instant access to all the correct grammar and vocabulary you will pause and hesitate sometimes but it's about avoiding that as much as you can and all right any more questions let me have a look thank you does eye contact with the examiner matter a lot no eye contact doesn't matter hand gestures don't matter what you're wearing doesn't matter what matters is fluency coherence pronunciation grammar and vocabulary if a teacher is telling you that hand gestures or eye contact or something like that matters ask them to explain where that fits into the official marking criteria because it doesn't and focus on what matters and forget about everything else and that's going to help you and get the score you need I need to use high level vocabulary just talked about that use high level vocabulary if you can use high level vocabulary but most of you can't do that it's like going to a gym and saying okay I can only lift 50 kilograms can I lift a hundred and fifty kilograms if you're trying to use lift 150 kilograms when you can normally only lift 50 you're gonna drop it on your head and kill yourself so the same thing with vocabulary and grammar if you're trying to use vocabulary and grammar that you don't know how to use you're gonna mess up your whole thing and a lot of you do that is it important to maintain proper and perfect pronunciation to get a buying a buying 8ab and a name to get a band-aid the examiner must understand every word you say so to get a band-aid for pronunciation there's never a time where the examiner is like what did they say I don't quite understand that so clarity it has to be at a hundred percent also you have to be quite comfortable using intonation sentence stress word stress connected speech all of those things you need to be quite comfortable not at the level of a native English speaker but nearly there and to get a band-aid James Paju does accent matter yes and no it doesn't matter if you don't have a British accent or you don't have an American accent I don't have a British accent I don't have an American accent but if you if I was to do the test hopefully I did quite well when it came to pronunciation um the only time that accent matters is when your accent is so strong that it causes interference accent interference is when your accent is really really really strong and it's it stops you forming a clear English signs and but for most of you your accent isn't a problem clarity is a problem so I have one student in my VIP course who's from India and he has the clearest pronunciation ever like he could speak on the rig on the radio and we were talking about that the other day I was like you could you could get a job on a radio it's so clear and easy to understand but he has an Indian accent so he didn't try and change his accent to become you know speak more British or anything like that you shouldn't try and do that you should be proud of where you're from in your own accent and then try to do it that way when is your next session Wednesday same time 1:00 p.m. and how long should answer be already answer that all right guys so hopefully that helped you and thank you very much if you need anything go to IELTS advantage comm you'll find a lot more help there il2 advantage column slash speaking or just go to IELTS advantage Google IELTS advantage and you'll find it if you enjoyed this video please subscribe and that will mean that you will get a notification next time we do this and if you liked the video hit the like button comment below let me know what you thought of the lesson ask any questions I do go in and answer as many questions as I can and thank you very much guys it was a pleasure teaching you bye bye
Channel: IELTS Advantage
Views: 75,026
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Keywords: ielts, ielts speaking, Speaking, Mock test, IELTS expert, IELTS Advantage, Chris Pell, Part 1, Part 2, vocabulary, lesson, grammar, practice, international english language testing system, teacher, english grammar, pronunciation, accent, english, learn english, lessons, esl, anglais, english lesson, english speaking, speaking english, examples ielts speaking section, ielts description, english lessons, speak english, IELTS Speaking Mock Test With Expert Guidance, mock IELTS test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 33sec (2973 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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