IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Perfect Introduction

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hi students welcome to today's live isles class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful central europe welcome jai neil welcome to our members this is a member's chat class everybody is welcome to watch we are focusing on tasks to writing especially on how to write a perfect introduction uh this was a question that was submitted to us by one of our students that we're looking at today it's kind of a trickier question so it'll be good to work through it as usual this class is brought to you by for academic ielts success check us out there for the general out visit us at just a second my camera decided to take a snooze but no worries we'll get you back all right there we go so for general ielts visit us at g ielts help dot com on both of our websites we have lots and lots of information to help you improve and get a better band score on your next alex exam of course we have professional writing editing and speaking services as well so you can submit your task 1 task 2 essays hi patricio hi rashika hello ola and salute to you as well chubby good to have you in the class students our websites look like this this is the academic one here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join our premium ielts package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access to our website to our apps you can use it anywhere anytime on your tablet on your phone so it's a worthy investment it's a small small price to pay for uh improving on the test which is very expensive this is with the green background same idea the big red button uh to join the premium package for a one-time payment lifetime access we are a british council ielts registration center and we are uh trained british council agents as well so um actually uh an interesting bit of news for today uh so today we have this task two class and then a reading class uh tomorrow no classes because tomorrow i'm sitting my ielts exam and an official computer-based academic ielts exam here in budapest i will be doing my speaking exam at 10 20 in the morning and then from 1 pm till 4 pm i will be doing the listening reading and writing sections and i'll have my official score so hopefully some other people that are watching will be sitting the exam with me as well and i will of course give you feedback so we believe in knowing the true experience of our students when we develop our materials when we build our strategies thank you patricio uh yeah chubby tomorrow is my test yeah thank you rajvir and of course i will share my marks and experience once i have it um if anybody has questions about the exam or our products or english send me an email adrian ae help dot com all right so with that bit of administrative news aside we will have class on saturday by the way so i don't take rests so even after the exam the next day uh we will have more classes that's when we'll finish this task too and we'll do speaking part two okay um so here we have our uh task to question let me just get this a little bit bigger all right there we go um yeah janil it's on the same day for my speaking and for the rest of it it's all in one day i registered nice and early gives me a chance to do it all in the same day so it's good for me that i don't have to split it up on different days however danielle i do suggest students that if you have the chance to do your speaking on a different day than you're listening reading and writing so it is actually a little bit better it's better strategy to separate it on different days if possible all right okay so here is our writing task 2 question of the day again this was submitted by one of our students and we're going for that ultimate perfect introduction for the task two uh you can start your writing with either task i always suggest starting with task one and then going to task two okay task two is worth more so if you are going to make some mistakes getting the hang getting into the writing do it with task one not with task two okay so task two let's read this and let's start so ielts task two writing you should spend about 40 minutes on this task should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education or is it the responsibility of the government of poorer nations to look after their citizens that's a valid question i think it's a question that many governments and many people ask around the world all right so let's take a logical and critical approach to this question what is our first step what should we do first so we've read the question carefully read it twice if you have to it's a good idea to do two readings of it pretty i see that you're a gold level member now with your avatar that's awesome okay rajvir says paraphrasing yeah janil agrees right we've got to paraphrase it because we want to make sure that we have a clear idea about the question we start thinking about some vocabulary some ideas so let's do that now um so let's um let's paraphrase this question meaning that we're using our own words we're keeping all of the important information intact uh and we're not losing any important information okay good paraphrasing retains accurate information that's important and this is not your introduction i'm going to talk about that a little bit today because i'm seeing some very low writing marks often with students so okay um so should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poor nations i'm going to do a complete paraphrase of this idea rather than going word by word so okay so what are we really talking about here we're talking about rich in core nations or nations with high gdp versus low gdp gdp is gross domestic product right um their revenue so is it to be expected that richer countries allocate their revenue to countries uh or allocate some revenue i should say instead of their revenue it's a good idea to review and revise your paraphrasing okay some is a bit more accurate here so is it to be expected that richer countries allocate some of their revenue to countries with low gdp and give aid such as food and pedagogy pedagogy is another way to say education or is it the responsibility of local authorities to provide for their own population in poor nations okay so there is my paraphrase and um this is what i have to decide on and i have to write at least 250 words uh chaby says are rich societies obligated to give um developing countries aid in order to help them with such matters as education and food chaby good start watch your spelling okay and low-level countries doesn't make sense in fact it's very incorrect politically so careful uh mahmoud says rich societies should participate should not participate mahmoud you need another word there so uh rich societies should um disperse their wealth among uh poorer nations for nutrition and training okay for such purposes as nutrition and training okay yeah that's good not participate their richness that doesn't make sense okay so careful this is exactly why you're paraphrasing because you want to make sure that you have clarity and that also means clarity in your language using in your grammar okay all right so rajvir says uh is it good that rich countries provide financial support for underprivileged nations by providing food and education and other services or is it the obligation of the incumbent authorities of poorer nations to provide such services to their citizens a beautiful paraphrasing regime very nice i can tell that you've really uh improved and you're really practicing yeah financial support is very good paraphrasing okay so sharing wealth definitely is financial support that's a very valuable collocation to use in this essay good rajveer os says must rich countries support uh countries with uh weaker economies through financial aid for food and education or should authorities in these developing countries um pay attention to support their own communities support and develop uh oh it's very good os you're also making some nice improvements in your language use good job a couple of slight corrections there but yeah nice start must rich countries uh support weaker economies or countries with weaker economies it's a tricky one right how do you express that clearly and accurately countries with weaker economies countries with low gdp or low revenue okay danielle says ought to rich countries uh we don't actually start sentences with ought to rich countries jainal so it doesn't work exactly the same as should yeah it's tricky because you think that ought to is always a synonym of should but not in the question form so good try genial but no cigar it does not work that way okay so must is better os is using must-rich countries you can do that but you can't use ought to okay so must rich countries uh need to provide some of their revenue for poor nations by helping such sectors like medicine health food and education or is it the responsibility of the authorities of poor countries to assist their residents very nice uh janelle so the start is a little bit awkward but the um the rest of it is really good all right now janil careful with adding in your own information so medical health is not in there food nutrition is okay but health is not in there so careful not to mix your own information okay all right so now uh we've got the right idea um what's the next step what do i do after i paraphrase so i did some paraphrasing what are we talking about so always ask the question what's the topic and when you identify the topic what am i to discuss in my essay that's the question and that will equal your topic what is your topic and what are you to discuss in your essay what are you focusing on um if we want to be even more specific what subject okay so that's the topic what subject am i to discuss in my essay and yeah that's the topic janelle you're right and then comes the controlling idea what specifically about this subject am i to discuss okay and that is the uh controlling idea so what are we really talking about um oh it says development of weak economies yeah kyber very good aid to poor countries not just aid but specifically all right rashik i see your paraphrase the start is a little bit off so well uh healed is awkward so well to do rashika well-to-do countries should distribute their wealth to destitute nations or is it the accountability of authorities of poor countries to look after their inhibited inhabitants destitute countries is a bit awkward destitute means um that it's not livable um but not quite in that sense in a more extreme sense okay so a nice try rashika but careful with those paraphrasings okay okay um kyber says aid for poor countries yeah yeah um yeah kybra okay this was requested by you yeah i remember somebody requested this not so long ago okay so it is aid for poor countries yeah that's what we're talking about here we're talking about assistance for the citizens of poor countries right everybody agrees that that's basically what we're talking about is assistance for poor nations citizens what what subject am i to discuss aid or assistance or help um for uh poor nations citizens okay when you're thinking about these questions always think of the original question right and then what's the controlling idea so what specifically am i discussing about this what's the controlling idea and you want to really pay attention to get both of these correct i think that the two main reasons why many students with a high level english are getting low band scores on the writing section it seems to be the most common section that high level students get a low band score on is because a they're not clearly responding to the question and b their essay is not well structured according to a college or university level essay okay while you think about the controlling idea i'm just going to make a note of that so note the two main reasons that many high level english ielts candidates score poorly on the writing section is because a they do not clearly and specifically address the question and b they do not write a an expository and persuasive essay according to a college level standard okay so this is what we're really working on so that we can improve this and make our essays into a college level standard english in this case task two persuasive essay okay all right uh kyber i think you had the right topic here so the controlling idea um kyber says says who is responsible for uh the aid um it's a bit more specific than that khyber um yeah so kashirsha says is it the role of authorities and developed or well-to-do countries or the nation itself right yeah gineal very nice so daniel's keeping it a little bit simpler and more elegant so is it the responsibility of the rich or poor country's government or government if it's plural for countries gino okay so the controlling idea yeah is is it the sole responsibility of poor countries governments or is it also the responsibility of um of wealthier nations okay so that's the controlling idea you have to be careful with the controlling idea and you have to be specific so the question is asking is it the sole responsibility right um the question does not say that it cannot be a shared responsibility in this case and logic dictates that it can be okay so you need to be clever you need to think outside the box and pay attention to this right so the second option does not state that it is just the responsibility of a wealthy country but rather that it is a shared responsibility okay does everybody get that so everybody sees that clearly that option a is the poor country is completely responsible for itself uh no external or outside intervention or aid is required option b obviously is that the wealthier country gives assistance while the poor country also does what they can to progress that's a very important idea to to get here okay in this question it's not the poor country and then the poor country doesn't do anything um but the wealthy country um takes care of the the population all right okay so it's very important that's why you have to be accurate on the controlling idea okay so good so now we have the right ideas and now we need to ask some clever questions before we begin writing about this so what's the first question i want you to kind of focus on the questions here asking the right questions is really important so what do you think is the first accurate question that i have to ask from myself here in this planning phase so that i really can write that top level introduction that college level or university level introduction um chubby not why at this point i'm not asking myself why okay so yeah rajvir very good what does it mean to provide assistance to poor nations yeah so okay what does that actually mean or let's be more specific what does it mean to provide aid to the citizens of poorer nations okay um good writing starts with good questions and the more you can do that the better it will be welcome back abeel or nice of you to join make sure to send me an email later so i can hook you up with those exclusive videos and get right in there start answering the questions that i'm asking okay um we're just dealing with the topic here not the controlling idea first and it's very important to just deal with the topic here first so what does it mean to provide aid to the citizens of poor nations does that mean for you what do you because obviously that will have some different meanings for uh different people yeah great uphill welcome to the group okay make sure to follow the schedule the schedule is on our youtube community posts it's also on our instagram profiles so we usually have classes at this time for members on thursday friday and saturday okay but uphill no class tomorrow because i'm doing the alts exam so the next one will be saturday uh kyber says to avoid citizens to immigrate um i don't think so kyber i mean immigration doesn't necessarily have to do uh with the support that people receive so to live happy in their own country um too abstract kyber to to qualitative mahmoud says emphasis on humanity chaby says okay donating food and medical equipment with along with money to support health and education systems in weak economies okay that's a better answer chaby so that's a more usable answer okay it's a more useful answer okay janelle says give financial support to improve poor countries citizens is that really it though i mean does financial aid actually do much so i don't know about that patricio says to provide economic support reducing taxes i think that's a bit awkward i think you have to keep your thoughts simpler patricio otherwise you will have a really difficult time to create a clear idea for your reader okay yeah so rajvir says it's the process of helping underprivileged citizens of poor nations by providing food education and other uh sustenance sustenance needs okay so i would write something like this um all right this is how i would uh phrase it i'm sure there are different ways and different people might phrase this differently but for me when i visualize this i would say improving the quality of life so that's my qualitative right i mean it's in the word quality quality of life qualitative so improving the quality of life for impoverished citizens impoverished meaning poor it's a more technical word uh citizens in poor countries by providing basic needs right so at least they have to have the you know the shelter the clothing the food of course and then education we're talking about literacy and basic mathematics uh for not only survival but also for development and growth right so that they can develop and become self-sufficient right okay so that's really what it means to provide uh aid to citizens okay this is very important in kyber this is why you want to make sure you get this because this is going to be your background your definition of terms right so everybody realizes that's why this is an important question and answer because in your introduction this becomes the information for your definition of the background you have to remember that with a hundred students answering this question different students will have a different definition of what this means to give food to poor nations some people will say it's basically giving them a bag of rice some people will say it's giving them vitamins and nutritious meals that also have protein like chicken so we have different definitions some people will say education is basic primary school middle school high school literacy some people will say it should include college university education so different definitions different concepts has to be clear okay like pre-t is saying right now giving scholarships to students that's okay pre-t as long as you are including that in your definition okay of your introduction that's why now going back to this introduction right so i told you why um uh people aren't and candidates aren't getting high band scores in their writing section uh there's a lot of really bad ideas about the introduction so some bad ideas about the introduction of a band 9 essay is that it has to be short okay um i don't know where anybody got that idea but there is no such rule in writing that an introductory paragraph must be short okay uh your introductory paragraph could be longer than a body paragraph if you're introducing a complex topic it could very easily be longer than a body paragraph okay so it doesn't have to be short okay so it's more important that it's clear right okay um so what's the next question what's the next question so the first question about the topic now is correct what does it mean to provide aid to citizens of poor countries uh sure improving the quality let's go quickly here students you do have to think quickly in the exam so quality of life for improvised citizens and poor countries by providing basic needs such as nutrition and literacy for both survival and development what's the no uphill paraphrasing uh is not necessarily a good introduction okay again that's low level so uh that's another tip appeal and it's for you and everybody else who's watching okay so simply paraphrasing the task to question is not a good strategy for high band scores uh just paraphrasing the question is junior or i would say like this middle school uh level essay writing okay so that doesn't do much so you don't just paraphrase uh uphill the only reason that you should paraphrase when you're planning is so that you have a clear idea of the question okay you'll see in a second here that the introduction is much more all right kyber says why is it important to help impoverished citizens of poor countries very good kyber so simple to the point that's the right question um yet rajvir same thing see roger is uh asking why uh does assistance for impoverished citizens of poor uh nations why is assistance for impoverished citizens of poor nations required mahmoud we don't have that question yet mahmoud that's for the controlling idea why should rich countries aid poor people who live in poor countries okay all right so we're still actually just on the topic which is aid who is aiding but it's just aiding poor countries right so why is it necessary to aid the citizens of poor nations what can you answer this for me so why is that important why why do it right it might seem logical but then give me that logical answer so why why should we aid or why should anyone look to aid the citizens of poor countries okay abile says growth is only possible when um the poor countries are also strong yeah mahmoud uh uh good point yeah you don't want to be confused between the controlling idea and the topic the topic here is simply aiding citizens of poor countries the controlling idea is is it just the responsibility of the poor country's government or should wealthy countries be also responsible and share this responsibility right so why why do we want to aid the citizens of poor countries okay what comes to mind for me when i critically think about this and visualize it um so it is uh humanitarian as well as beneficial for all people to aid so it's humanitarian it's the right thing to do of course right so we don't want other humans to suffer it's ethically the right choice and arguably it's also beneficial for every person on the planet when we have satisfaction health and happiness in every country among all people so the utopic society right you can even think about that so utopic means like the perfect um the perfect kind of happy society okay all right um so now another really good question of course i'm sure everybody will come up with this one is how can poor citizens be aided okay so uh what do you think is the best way to um aid poor citizens so what's the number one what's the best way and uh please don't say give them money because that generally is not it's actually a proven fact that just giving money is usually not an effective way so think outside the box espec when money is given to people of poor countries it's usually wasted it also raises the entire economic structure of the planet so that money becomes devalued so just giving money is actually a very poor solution so think beyond that natalie says give work uh giving jobs yeah okay um that's think about the question think about the original question so work is okay but in order to work what do you need to have so you can't just start working i can't become a pharmacist if i don't have the yeah rashika says give educational support so education and training is absolutely fundamental it's arguably fundamental by the way there's a very good proverb that comes to mind when i think about this question i wonder if anybody else knows this proverb i think it exists in many languages it has something to do with fish does anybody know what i'm talking about so provide yeah education and training for employment food for strength right it's hard to work on an empty stomach all right yeah very good chubby so chaby says teach me how to fish and don't give me a fish exactly right that's the that's a very good proverb so uh when you're thinking about these ass task two questions it's a really good idea to think about these wisdoms that we learn and that are common to most cultures and languages and societies and i think this is one of those proverbs that we hear in just about every language around the world is teach a person how to fish and they'll never be hungry uh give them a fish and they will only eat for a day right so it's very very true and this is uh a point case for that proverb right the idea is to teach people how to fish not just to give them a fish that's not an efficient solution right so think about those proverbs right so think about the universal wisdoms when you contemplate um ideas for ielts writing and it's also the same for all speaking okay so ex yeah not just give them a fish right okay that's the age-old saying all right so os says send experts to countries yeah oh it's exactly so that could be um that could be it all right now i think logically many of us at this point would realize that yeah it's probably not a bad idea for a wealthier country to give aid to a poor country i'm pretty sure that 9 out of 10 of us would all agree that you know wealthier countries should also should also contribute so in this case we need to ask an important question so if we're all in agreement okay let's just all be on the same side here that wealthier countries should contribute uh to um the development of poor nations citizens then what's the right question to ask what's the next question because i think many of us will realize that that's definitely the easier side to take here what's the question to ask here okay what's the right question this is a very important question and you need to identify this uh natalie it's not who must do it because we know that it's both wealthy countries and local governments right so so why so what's what's the right question here there's two important questions that i have spinning in my head before i come up with this thesis statement um chubby we know so we're going one step ahead here so we know that it should be shared okay um local governments for sure should also provide this support the question i'm thinking about here is why should wealthy nations also share in this responsibility now keep in mind students that we could write a book about this but we only have about 300 words so we have to make it 300 really good words okay if we want to ban nine we have to make it 300 really good words so my first question is why should wealthy nations also share in the responsibility of helping the citizens of poor countries what's the answer to that so what is the answer to that and keep it simple don't overthink it and don't think negatives think positives always think positives in your arguments okay i know that's tricky sometimes but in canadian culture and education this is a big part of it is think positives okay so why should uh wealthy nations share this responsibility so chaby says out of kindness and feeling the right thing um yeah it's hard to write about that chaby i wouldn't take that approach i would um it's humane is okay but i would actually um think of something here that's a little bit more quantitative so think positives and i'll and think something that's measurable yeah i know we all want to be kind and happy and do the right thing and it's important deep down in our hearts of course that's good but here we're academic we want to be a little bit more factual we want to be a little bit more plausible something that's more convincing that can be implemented unfortunately the world doesn't respond to emotions all that much there we go uphill very nice uphill great happy to have your brain on board so abhil says together we can achieve more progress that's it abhil i agree so faster progress that would be it that's what i would choose for my answer and i'm sure many of you are realizing that this is becoming one of my thesis points okay so okay um so for all of you who said um kyber yeah again that's that's not the so it will be useful for the rich countries as well yes but it's not that's secondary you always want to think primary kyber and the primary is that it leads to faster and more efficient progress does everybody see that this point will be fairly easy to write a body paragraph on and will be very clear for the reader it's an easy argument to make and it's a very valid argument to make okay so you really want to identify these kinds of points to write a much faster and better essay okay so when you have the help of the wealthier country it should lead arguably some people might say that's not the case it depends on how they give the help but it should lead to faster progress okay all right um and what's the next question that i need to ask think about the original question okay since i'm a little bit short on time i'm gonna give it to you here so why should local so why should local governments also be responsible okay so here's the next question why should local governments be also responsible okay think about this one so now we know that okay yes wealthy countries should contribute to help speed up progress make it more efficient and of course local authorities also have to be highly responsible for providing for their own citizens why aside from it's their job of course okay uh priti says improve global economy maybe abhil says the basic thing less corruption from the local government not really okay that's a little bit again think from the positive appeal so instead of less corruption you would have better society okay so think positive side gineal that's again a little bit off track people giving their valuable votes okay um think about it if it if it's just the wealthier country that's um dealing with the education then that creates an issue so they have information about yeah i agree but i would again keep it uh okay so mahmoud good mahmood says to have a stable and strong society yeah exactly so why should local governments also be responsible to um create an independent and strong society okay so we can explain how and why in the explanation part but arguably local governments need to be responsible so that you have an independent and strong society you don't want to have a society that's completely dependent on foreign aid because if that foreign aid removes itself then problems uh appear and that can happen like right now with um this pandemic a lot of the wealthier countries are having their own issues so they're not able to give aid to the poor countries and now people in those poor countries are in a lot more trouble if they're not independent so local governments must work towards independence an independently strong economy does that make sense so the word here is independence okay that's what you're looking for all right and once i have all of this information okay and i'm doing this quickly i i think that um you know in the class it took us uh like 40 minutes to get here but in the real aisles this is really only taking me about four or five minutes so when you're trained to ask the right questions and give the right answers then it happens and kyber i know you keep asking like how do i do that well it just takes a lot of practice and training and visualization and then you will get there okay so once i have this i can now put together my thesis statement and my thesis statement here it's third person because there's no question about my opinion and it is kind of objective right so um it is both the responsibility of wealthier nations as well as local governments of poor countries to aid their citizens the former is needed for faster progress and the latter for strong independence okay so here is my thesis statement coming out of all of that planning and um you can of course come up with this very very quickly when you have taken the right steps so thesis it is both the responsibility of wealthier nations as well as local governments of poor countries to aid their citizens the former is needed for faster progress and the latter for strong independence notice the parallel grammar faster progress strong independence okay not just independence all right okay now i can build my introduction at the university level okay so hook background thesis okay and instead of rushing through this i'm going to give you this for homework so and we'll go over it on saturday in detail okay so hook background and thesis i have my thesis i just wrote it okay those are the three elements of your introduction if you're new to this and it's not a hundred percent clear don't worry we will do it together on saturday as well and then we'll get into the body paragraphs and the conclusion okay but for those of you who already know what you're doing uh please do this for homework so that you can share it with us on saturday and then we can look through it together okay the thesis we already have so you don't have to worry about that you can practice writing your own thesis just make sure it's synonymous with the thesis that i've just written okay all right and that's what you need okay that's what's expected by a professor in an english literature class in uh in university or you could have this question in a human geography class or in a sociology class or in a political science class for example so this is how you would formulate your introduction all right okay yeah abhil i'm sure you're a little bit confused right now but don't worry check out some of the videos on the youtube channel and today tomorrow about writing and writing task 2. a lot of it will become clear uphill just remember this isn't my method it's not the ielts method it's the standard persuasive essay structure in english literature and of course in many other academic spheres and languages as well so we're not reinventing the wheel here we're just simply following the exact steps for an introductory paragraph that you would learn in middle school high school and first year college in an english class okay and that's not just paraphrase the question sometimes there is no question you create the information okay all right okay everyone so come back in 30 minutes 35 minutes and we will be looking at a reading passage together i will go through it with you go through some questions with you and we will further develop our english literature literacy and critical thinking strategies for the reading section so you're welcome everybody i can see there's lots of members in this class which is fantastic i always love having you here with me hopefully i will catch all of you in about half an hour until then take a break get a glass of water hydrate and i'll see you soon bye for now oh and do remember to get all of our videos and uh it's a one-time payment for lifetime access it's definitely worth joining us at for academic ielts and for general outs see you soon you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: AAn02bgkacw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 33sec (3213 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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