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shalom my name is julius and i'm a band nine achiever for the ielts speaking exam welcome to ielts dragon today let us study the recent cue cards for the months september to december that are available online just a disclaimer it's not 100 guaranteed that you're going to get one of these topics in your actual ielts speaking test but anyway let's just uh prepare because we never know what we're gonna get it's better to be hundred percent prepared for different kinds of topics than being selective of the topics that we're going to prepare without further ado let's begin the first cue card is about a person who solved a problem in a smart way who is this person now let's brainstorm some ideas think of one profession that deals with solving a problem or problems smartly it could be a scientist statistician mathematician a teacher or even a word leader then think of one example that best illustrates his cleverness in solving a problem let me give you an example but i won't use one of those professions i will use the idea which i have in my ebook or reviewer for example let's say i challenged my nephew to solve a rubik's cube and i didn't know that he knew some strategies on how to solve it quickly or smartly while i was watching him manipulating the rubik's cube i was very surprised because he's able to solve it in less than 30 seconds something like that just be creative just imagine things use your imagination to develop a better monologue the next cue card is about a time you were friendly to someone you didn't like well i think this topic is relatable because at some point in our lives we experienced this think of that person who was that person was it your boss your teacher your co-worker or maybe one of your in-laws what's the reason behind not liking that person what's the event if there was any event then why were you friendly well maybe you just wanted to act decently or professionally in front of that person or maybe you needed something from that person so that's why you needed to be friendly with that person so think of a reason or reasons in order for you to develop your monologue just use your imagination your creativity anyway uh for the word friendly some synonyms that we can use we have amiable and amicable next we have a businessman you admire so who is this businessman whom you give your admiration to and what type of business does this person have does he have a food business online business clothing business what is it state your reason or reasons it would be great if you can provide at least two reasons because that can definitely help you express yourself even more to the point of utilizing your two minute time given to you to develop your monologue possible reasons uh would be you admire this businessman because of his story like from rags to reaches or his charity or maybe his work ethic now if you want to talk about a famous businessman like jack ma or mark zuckerberg uh do your best to develop a monologue that's easy to understand some background information of any of these people can definitely help you express your self even more for example jack ma he was once an english teacher before he became a billionaire something like that so it's important to do a little research hi if you're busy and don't have enough time researching for ideas for each cue card i'd like to offer you my reviewer the things that you can see on my reviewer are the possible ideas that you can use for each cue card lexical resources for each topic explanations for the intermediate and advanced words that are naturally used the interactive sample monologues for each topic and the part 3 practice questions with answers the interactive sample monologue is designed to be student centered it is 90 complete and you need to add your 10 output to complete the story i designed it this way because i don't want you to just read the sample monologues i want you to take part and interact with the story so you will be trained on how to be creative in delivering your story in part two that will surely help you express your thoughts confidently and achieve your target band scores like students viranji sonali who got 7.5 regine claudius who got 7 and mikmik makabolus who also got 7. they all used my ebooks before taking the exam and successfully achieved their target band scores if you are interested in my reviewer just send me an email now let's continue our lesson next a time you waited for something special to happen well i find it easy because i think we have lots of experiences you know waiting for something special to happen in our lives in perhaps we waited for our ielts result well that is special because the result would actually dictate whether we could work abroad or we could get our residency visa or not something like that so that's special perhaps we waited for a big day like birthday or maybe wedding day or maybe anniversary something like that well i think this is a piece of cake so just to recall the time when you waited uh for that very special moment in your life and talk about your feelings or your reaction when uh when it arrived anyway some adverbs that we can use for this topic waiting we can use the expressions or we can use the adverbs impatiently like impatiently waiting breathlessly anxiously um what else and uneasily yeah choose any of those adverbs that you can use so that you can definitely get a good mark in the criterion lexical resource next a creative person whose work you admire first of all you need to understand what type of art does this person do what type of artist is he is he a visual artist like a painter sculptor or photographer or maybe he is a performing artist like actor singer dancer or a puppeteer now when you understand the type of art he does it's much easier for you to describe how creative this person is because you're just focusing on one particular art maybe it's a performing art or a visual art if i get this cue card i will surely talk about my favorite photography of vlogger peter mckenna i will surely talk about how he turned an ordinary uh photo into an extraordinary one he transformed a very mediocre photo into an extraordinary one so it's much easier for me to talk because i'm only focusing on one particular art and that is photography something like that it's much easier when you focus on the type of art this person is doing we have here a habit your friend has and you want to develop well basically we need to talk about a good habit because no one really wants to imitate a bad habit from someone in the first place right so think of a good habit that your friend has maybe a habit of reading a habit of exercising a habit of saving money or a habit of learning something new just choose one one is enough don't complicate things anyway some verbs that we can use for the word habit we have develop story to acquire make or form form a habit these verbs can definitely help you express your self even better before we continue let me congratulate the successful test takers mikmik makabulus she gonna ban seven and she used my ebooks or reviewers before taking the exam well done mcmick and congratulations for making your american dream a reality next jean maria ben seven she's my former student from hong kong we had six sessions before she took the exam and she got a band 7. we also have bubur ergeshev anurikkar aiza marie maria katrina viola congratulations for getting a band seven and for 7.5 we have sherpa nawang and mark dc i'm so happy that my ebooks and my videos helped you achieve your target band score congratulations and best of luck as you move on to the next chapter in your life congratulations we have here a famous athlete you know well i think there are so many such as michael phelps for swimming tom daley for diving usain bolt for track and field simone biles for gymnastics and yona kim for figure skating i think this topic is really timely because we just finished the tokyo olympics i'm pretty sure you heard some interesting news about some olympians so you can use that in your monologue because they will help you express yourself even more especially if you knew that particular news for example for gymnastics we have simon biles so simone biles shocked the olympic world when she decided to back out because she wanted to focus on her mental health so that is a very interesting idea that you can add in your monologue if you want to talk about her and then that idea can be connected to the world situation right now we are currently in a pandemic and a lot of us are having issues of our mental health so you can talk about that like simone biles inspired you or inspired other people to prioritize their mental health because that's a very very important something like that so in that way you'll be able to talk even more because one particular idea is connected to uh the world situation right now something like that so just use your creativity to develop your story next an exciting book that you enjoyed reading well my best advice that i can give you is if you aren't into reading and let's say you don't have any time to read because you're busy then just make up a story related to your profession because you will definitely have a lot of things to say because that's basically your profession for example if you're a nurse just make up a story about a book on the reproductive system this is just an example you found it exciting because you completely understood how life formed and then you can include your acquired knowledge from your nursing school and your work experiences like working in a hospital helping mothers deliver their babies something like that you will never run out of ideas because you have a lot of experiences and you have a lot of knowledge about that certain topic so that's much easier to develop creating that kind of story a book on reproductive system so it's not really difficult if you relate to a certain topic or especially if you relate that particular topic to your profession simple we have here a cafe that you like to visit well what are the possible reasons why we like a certain cafe well mainly because of the food and beverages but how can we add more ideas to develop a story well you can talk about the theme of that cafe maybe the cafe is a rustic themed cafe or maybe it's a cat cafe talk about the design and the price uh and even the baristas like maybe the baristas are really accommodating that you enjoy talking with them so i believe that's enough for you to develop a story about a cafe that you really like to visit and some adjectives that you can use when talking about a cafe we have local cozy roadside excellent outdoor indoor nearby you can say italian cafe and even like french cafe i think those adjectives are enough another cue card is a time you got up early so when was the last time you got up early what's the event well maybe you can talk about your ielts exam day you needed to wake wake up or get up early because you didn't want to be late you wanted to avoid traffic because let's say um you need to travel for an hour or two to get to the venue of the exam that will be a very realistic answer that can definitely help you express yourself confidently anyway so some adverbs that we can use for the word early we have extremely fairly really very little and even surprisingly try to use some of those adverbs those can help you let's move on to the next cue card and it's about a difficult decision that you once made well what are those possible difficult decisions we have working abroad living alone getting married having an interracial relationship or marriage ending a relationship and even completely cutting ties with a toxic family member or friend so those are some examples of difficult uh decisions now some adjectives that we can use for the word decision we have important crucial life-changing major difficult tough sensible rational voice so try using some of those adjectives when talking about your decision let's continue to the next cue card and it's about a foreign person who is interesting let's consider his characteristics why do we say he is interesting maybe because he is skillful knowledgeable uh intelligent uh what else uh entertaining uh funny or being a con conversationalist so these are some examples of characteristics that we can include in our monologue for example let's say this foreign person is interesting because he can speak your your native language your local language you know we easily get amazed to when a foreigner can speak our own language we we are surprised and at the same time we love to communicate with a person because you know he can definitely speak our own language so that can be a great answer try to compose a monologue or a story out of that idea you can do it [Music] next a good service you receive well i find it's easy because every now and then we experience this maybe you can talk about your experience at a restaurant or at a hotel and describe how good the service was maybe the food was great maybe the staff the waiter or the waitresses were friendly to you accommodating and they're very knowledgeable something like that and some adjectives that you can use instead of using good like good service you can use the word satisfactory or maybe you can say excellent or maybe best or maybe you can say superior so these adjectives can definitely help you for sure the next cue card is about a place you visited on vacation well this is related to the previous cue card and you know this is easy because we have a lot of experiences visiting some places during our holidays i just want you to think out of the box or think creatively i don't want you to just give a very mediocre story or monologue just describing the place or what you did in that place so think creatively so that you can develop more ideas for example maybe you can talk about uh this place or that place was very memorable for you because you met someone special in your life or maybe by visiting that place you realized how privileged you are because you're able to afford visiting that place something like that if you think creatively you'll be able to develop a great monologue because you can provide more ideas anyway so some adjectives that you can use for the word vacation we have unforgettable lovely spectacular breathtaking or one-of-a-kind try using some of these adjectives all right we have here an activity that you usually do that wastes your time well the easiest answer that we can give here is to talk about how we waste our time on social media you know this is one of the common problems that young people have nowadays i'm pretty sure you have plenty of ideas just talk about that and you'll be fine maybe you can add some ideas like by wasting your time on social media it greatly affects your studies or your work or maybe you experience some mental health issues because of spending so much time on social media like you feel insecure about yourself or maybe you experience um insomnia because you just waste your time on social media you don't go to bed early something like that just be more creative anyway some expressions about time that you can probably use we have time flies what else time is gold or time is money and we can also say like it's high time like it's high time to stop wasting my time on social media because it doesn't add value to my life maybe you can use some of those expressions [Music] next we have a thing on which you spent more than you expected so what are those possible things maybe a computer a laptop a smartphone clothes shoes or maybe you bought an old house thinking that you'd be able to save money but later on you spent a lot of money because of its renovation or maybe you bought a second-hand car again you're thinking that you could save money but later on you spent more money on its maintenance so get ideas from those examples the next cue card is about a person who impressed you the most in your primary school days who is that person recall those times when you are still a primary schooler now if i get this cue card i'll just make up a story so i'll be able to express my creativity i don't want to give a very ordinary story because that will not help me utilize my english communication skills more for example let's say i'll talk about our school bus driver i was very impressed by his kindness he is extremely generous and loving to his children back then and he never got tired of helping uh me carry my bag every time i got off the school bus and then one day he told me that he intentionally worked as a school bus driver because he wanted to be with children and there's a very special reason for that he wanted to work with children because he he he wanted to relive the wonderful memories he had with his late son so his son died at a very young age because of let's say because of cancer and the only way for him to relive the wonderful memories he once had with his late son was to be with children something like that yeah so i think that's enough i can just extend that story by explaining more about the valuable lessons i i have i have learned from that experience [Music] next a skill that was difficult for you to learn what are those difficult skills maybe what learning a foreign language driving cooking or what what do you think now if i get this cue card i'll just simply talk about the time when i was learning how to drive a manual car i can simply describe my difficulties of learning how to operate a manual car for example i was so confused how to use the clutch and the gas pedal simultaneously my car got stole in the middle of the road and let's say my teacher got impatient with me because i couldn't simply understand what he's teaching me yeah however because of my persistence i was able to develop my driving skills more i didn't give up because i wanted to really learn what my teacher taught me now i really think that this topic is easy because you know at some point in our lives we actually learned how to develop a certain skill that's really difficult so think about that particular skill that you learned in the past which you considered difficulty and create a story out of it [Music] next a time you felt proud of a family member who is that family member your brother your sister or your parents state the reasons why you felt proud maybe what maybe he got a job promotion maybe he bought a housing lot at a very young age or maybe you can simply talk about your parents you can describe their sacrifices just for you to have a comfortable life or maybe you're proud of your mom or maybe your dad for raising you to be a good person i'm sure you have an interesting story to share [Music] let's move on to the next cue card and it's all about a difficult thing that you did well this topic is simply related to the previous cue card which we studied earlier about a skill that was difficult to learn so earlier i talked about my experience of learning how to drive a manual car so if i get this topic i can just recycle the idea about learning how to drive a manual car for this topic so it's very important to prepare different kinds of topics because you can surely recycle those ideas that you've prepared so prepare a lot of ideas and make sure you're you're familiar with different kinds of topics so you can just recycle the ideas which you've prepared the next cue card is about a time you moved to a new home or school so what's the reason why did you move to a new home or school well if you had an experience of moving to a new home or school when you were a child then that's probably because of your parents work maybe your dad was assigned to a different branch or maybe your family bought a new house or perhaps you can simply talk about your current situation like you moved to a new home because you wanted to live on your own you didn't want to live with your parents anymore you wanted to be independent you wanted to understand uh the life of an adult yeah i think that's going to be a very interesting story if you can come up with more ideas of that anyway some synonyms for the word move we have relocate or transfer so maybe you can use any of these words my ebooks or reviewers are currently on sale so if you're interested just send me an email i'll give you samples first so you can decide whether you need my ebooks or not anyway thank you so much for watching this video if you want to support me just give me a like or subscribe to this channel i'll be posting videos related to ielts speaking thank you and don't forget to watch the videos that appear on your screen right now they can surely help you until next time have a lovely day bye [Music]
Channel: ieltsDragon
Views: 16,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts recent cue cards september to december 2021, recent cue cards ielts speaking, ielts solved a problem in a smart way, ielts you were friendly to someone you didn't like, ielts businessman you admire, ielts time you waited for something special, ielts creative person whose work you admire, ielts a habit your friend has, ielts a famous athlete, ielts an exciting book, ielts a cafe you like to visit, ielts an interesting foreign person, ielts a good service you received
Id: OqAeTkzpgYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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