IELTS Live - Reading Section - Answering Correctly

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vince and welcome to today's live isles class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of british columbia canada i hope everybody is having a good week staying healthy staying strong staying positive in this class everyone we are looking at an ielts reading section and we're going to discuss answering those questions correctly what strategies you need to follow to get the right answers within the given amount of time this is a members chat class everybody is of course welcome to watch there's lots of learning to be had we will have an all chat class coming up in 90 minutes for listening parts one and part two to become a member of our channel simply click the join button next to the subscribe button if you do not see that button then just send me an email to adrian and i will give you more information on how to become a member this lesson everyone is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g i e l t s help dot com that's general i'll quickly show you those websites while we wait for a few more of your fellow students to join in welcome arda our member i saw a couple more members joining in and welcome carolina our moderator good to have you all in this session this is our academic ielts website here at you can click that big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access it really doesn't cost very much money especially compared to the ielts exam so it's well worth it to check out these materials so that you can maximize your score we are a british council ielts test registration center and certified agents for general ielts it's the same idea it's the green background you can click this big red button to join us there again it's a one-time payment you get to use it until you pass your alex exam even beyond so it's a good investment you can download our apps academic ielts help and general alex help and you can link your apps to your web accounts also okay let's get into today's reading so here we go this reading is section three of a general ielts exam this is actually coming from our general ielts tests however it's important to note that reading section 3 of the general ielts is basically the same as the reading passages of the academic ielts it's one long passage about a page and two-thirds long about 700 words long followed by about 12 to 14 questions so for general aisle students it's good to do some academic ielts reading passages as well to challenge yourself for section three of the general ielts exam you're basically looking at the same kind of materials in the same level of difficulty hi ajmira hi rashika welcome andriy good to have you all on board so let's take a look at this passage i really like this one i like the content of this passage as well it's quite interesting i can make it a bit bigger for us so we can really read well okay um so here the first step members as i often say is just to look at the title the title is the brief concise summary of the topic and the main idea of the reading passage so it's very important to read it don't skip it some students try to save time by skipping the title that's a bad idea that does not save you time but that will lead to more difficulty with comprehension so to answer correctly read the title first and foremost and think about it so think about what that could mean okay all right so here we go members let's get into this music and technology are we really hearing the artist now pay careful attention when the title is a question mark that clearly means the author is not just answering this question but is really challenging you the reader to think about this so to think about this idea okay so music and technology what do you think that means music and technology so when you hear those two words together what what comes to mind okay so again you should take about a minute to a minute and a half looking at the title and the questions before you really get into reading the actual passage and in order to get a great mark in the reading section and i'm speaking about band seven eight nine marks you have to read the whole passage especially all of the passages in academic reading and reading uh section three in the general okay in the general ielts exam for section one two you can use skimming and scanning a bit more because they're very short passages so that will be a little bit more efficient but skimming scanning is not efficient searching for answers in the text is not efficient for section three of general isles okay all right so uh carolina says the studio artists recording andrei says technology helps to hear better and to create a beautiful voice yeah andre include those key words like to create a beautiful voice okay sami says maybe something about the developments in um the music industry okay so again um what do the words music and technology together so we have to think about that so again visualize so one way to do this really well is to think about your own experiences so think about when do you hear music together with technology okay what comes to mind um when you hear these uh first thing that comes to mind often for me when i hear these words together is edm anybody know what this acronym means edm so what does edm mean i'm sure some of you know it's a genre of music and we just shorten it to edm um and i like edm when i go running i listen to some edm to keep me going as well arda says it's electro i guess that's another way to say it arda in a short way it's uh electronic dance music yeah so when i think of electronic dance music right there we go nick hill says it's electronic dance music same with carolina good yeah when i think of electronic dance music i think of technology as technology creates new sounds manipulates the instruments and the voice of the singers or the artists okay so this is the kind of thinking that you want to develop when you hear or when you read words like uh music and technology in the title of a passage okay hopefully everybody sees that yeah members so you kind of see that so music and technology i think modern day i think okay well what comes to mind when i think about this electronic dance music well how does technology create or influence electronic dance music there's definitely a lot of original sounds the bass sound and electronic dance music that's very different right than uh traditional classical music and of course the voice of the singers you often hear it being manipulated as well andre says yeah absolutely okay so hopefully when you read a title like this um then these thoughts come to mind quickly and of course you have to be calm and confident in the reading section of the aisles for your brain to function well to come up with these ideas so just stay focused breathe be yourself and let your mind do the work okay are we really hearing the artist that's the second part of um this question and of course uh now that i've thought about edm i can say well not really right so i actually answer this question okay before i begin reading it when the title asks a question it's a good idea to answer that question okay definitely try to answer it okay so in this case uh the answer would be uh no uh often the artist's voice is not really there's it is being manipulated to sound different or sound better for the listener okay so again um we want to come up with these ideas quickly okay you read the title you visualize you think about this and this should be happening in a matter of seconds the ielts exam not just the academic but even the general is testing your ability to think in english not just use english to think in english it is an english proficiency exam not an esl exam okay keep that in mind all right so we've got an idea of the title we're visualizing maybe we're a singer we're making some electronic dance music ourselves a lot of people can do that now at home with their computers and then we look at the questions okay so our first set of questions is a matching content to the passage so which paragraph contains the following information all right as soon as you see this kind of question you should realize that skimming and scanning will not work why members why why would you realize right away that when you see this kind of a question which paragraph contains the following information simply put skimming scanning will not work for you to finish this passage on time and to get correct answers why okay so and you should be reminded of this okay and then it says here to note by the way you may use any letter more than once which means some of these statements uh will possibly come from the same paragraph as another yeah so nick hill says well the reason why it won't work is because these statements are going to be paraphrased and they're not going to be in the same sequence as the passage or in the same order yeah absolutely nick hill so for all i know this first um question 28 an example of an imperfect artist could be coming from near the end of the passage so if i'm trying to skim for let's say the words imperfect artist number one i might not even see these words because the passage can use different words for this idea and i might have to skim read most of the passage if not all of it to even find this answer so that would take even um somebody who's a very quick reader possibly minutes to do you can't spend minutes on one question okay so nikhil is absolutely right okay you cannot skim or scan for these and so what you want to do with these is you want to review them before the passage read over them quickly and at home you want to paraphrase them okay you want to see them in different ways in your mind so for example an example of an imperfect artist you might paraphrase with something like um a case of a singer who is flawed okay to have a flaw means that you're no perfect or you're not perfect um so to be flawed okay so a case of a singer who is flawed okay who doesn't sing in a and with a perfect voice all right at home when you're doing this type of question in fact when you're doing just about any question for the ielts reading paraphrase with pen and paper or of course on your computer right in the official exam you don't have time for that so you have to train your mind and you have to paraphrase mentally in your mind as you're doing that okay um let's try a couple of these members so the usage of tone correction software for the aesthetic experience so try to paraphrase this as best as you can and if you don't know words like aesthetic okay at home use a dictionary use a thesaurus find a different word so you learn these words while you're studying okay you can paraphrase with synonyms you can paraphrase with grammar you can paraphrase with expressions you can paraphrase by giving a definition of a word okay sammy says a possibility of an improper musician improper would not be a good paraphrase for imperfect that has a different meaning sammy but it's a good try okay all right nick hill says utilizing the auto correction technology for creating a beautiful voice okay yeah so using auto correction tech i'm not going to keep writing technology tech to create a beautiful voice yeah hopefully that all got on screen there yeah okay uh andre says doing a lot of work to sound perfect yeah um those work okay so again your paraphrasing here doesn't have to be a hundred percent you want to have about ninety percent accuracy if possible uh when you're doing this at home all right and it will definitely improve your overall english to do this kind of uh paraphrasing as well uh sami says the utilization of sound modification technology for an attractive vocal sound not attracting vocal attractive yeah attractive and beautiful those are good paraphrases sammy not attracting but attractive okay those are little bit different words very good okay um eliminating mistakes is the goal of humanity give me a paraphrase for that one so eliminating mistakes is the goal of humanity okay very good so far i'm very impressed with the paraphrasing students keep that going okay rashika says you the utilizing of sound creation applications to produce beautiful sounds uh rashika instead of appliances i would use the word applications but you're close okay all right arda um removing failure is the target of human beings yeah so removing failure is the target of uh human beings instead of yeah human beings instead of humanity um but you can even say man sometimes we paraphrase it as man so removing uh flaws or removing uh failure not fails but failure okay uh is the target of man and uh when we say man in this context we don't mean men like males but we mean all of humanity okay so it refers to men and wo men as well okay so you can use it in that sense so removing failure is the target of man okay man refers to all humans you see it in humanity as well right so a lot of people think that man only refers to men as the male gender but it's not completely true okay the root word of humanity is man so man woman all human beings okay nick hill says eradicating errors is the priority of humans okay or the main priority of humans that's another nice way to paraphrase uh akshay says reducing mistakes is the motto of human beings yeah that works as well akshay so saying that it's the motto meaning the prime goal yeah that works okay sami says removing flaws is the main aim for individuals that works as well okay so beautiful you can see uh members that there are lots of ways to paraphrase and i challenge you to paraphrase in different ways um as much as possible so when you really get deep into your english studies you can actually go through these two or three times and paraphrase them different ways each time so paraphrase them in in different ways each time okay all right so that's your goal that's what you want to do that's what you need to practice before you sit your exam number 31 a key moral difference is the usage of tone correction software let's just go with these now so i don't want to paraphrase all of them because then we're going to take too much time we won't get to reading um so a sports analogy an example from athletics okay lack of clarity about what a concert goer is really hearing a misunderstanding about what the audience in the concert is really listening to the origins of tone correction software the beginnings of music technology applications okay so you want to kind of go through them like that in the actual official exam you want to have quick paraphrasing in your head very nice thumbs up to all of you members you're doing a great job today really are and i don't give out compliments when they're not deserved so you can give yourself a pat on the back you're doing great all right so now we get to our next set of questions and in this case uh right away we can see that they're multiple choice um it says questions 35 to 37 so we've got three questions here you have to choose a b c or d so you've got four options one will be correct three will be wrong again you realize okay well skimming and scanning is not going to be effective for this either there's too much content there i have to read i have to understand i have to choose the correct answer okay so by this point in this passage you should have a lot of clarity that this is not a passage where skimming and scanning is going to help you and it will be really frustrating to run out of time okay so don't do that all right mo heat still paraphrasing fantastic eradicating faults is the main aim of man very good all right um so here for multiple choice uh we just focus on the question itself okay we do not focus on the choices and the reason for that is because we don't know which answer is correct and reading these answers is wasting time because three of them are wrong and it's also creating confusion because three of them are wrong right yeah so so we only focus on the question um so we see the question and of course it's in question form you have the question mark right so what you're doing for these at home is your again paraphrasing uh on paper in the exam you're doing this in your head and you're changing the question to a statement okay because the passage isn't going to give you a question it's not going to ask you oh what does tone correction software do you will not see this in the passage okay you will see an answer to this in the passage so you have to figure out what the answer is going to read as okay so paraphrase it and paraphrase it in a statement form okay so how could you paraphrase this into a statement form what does tone correction software do paraphrase it and make it into a statement instead of a question so nick hill says the function of music modification software is yeah or applications or programs right instead of applications by the way everyone it's kind of a more modern term um not so long ago a few years back uh before mobile phones got super super popular people actually used software and programs more those three words are almost perfect synonyms so software program and application okay application is popular these days because of mobiles we say apps all the time to mean applications but back in the day traditionally we called applications programs and software okay so keep that in mind so nick hill says the function of music of music um [Music] modification oops modification programs r dot dot dot right absolutely uh akshay says the main use of tone correction software is to yeah absolutely so that's what you're doing okay so you're changing this question into a statement and then thinking about what that could be that already gets your mind moving around the answer to focus on that okay this is happening quickly so this whole uh reading the title thinking about it critically visualizing it reviewing the questions it shouldn't take you more than about three maybe four minutes uh before you actually read the passage okay so here we have another one how did rudimentary usages of the software differ from modern ones okay so uh the original use of the software was different from the modern application by all right so again i'm paraphrasing here you should try the same so try to paraphrase in your head quickly okay carolina says the program that corrects the voice makes absolutely that works very well carolina good good very good okay and then 37 is how do artists like t-pain and cher use the software so the artist t-pain and cher uses auto-correction or voice correction software too okay good all right we've got those uh let's keep going obviously we're going to have a few more questions because there are 40 questions for every reading section so here we have questions 38 to 40 and these are a true false not given true false not given questions don't read them before the passage they're confusing you have no idea whether they're true or false or not given so there's no use to read them before the passage they're not going to help you understand the passage because they could be off topic they could make you even more confused so just leave them until the end of the passage in the computer-based exam that's very very easy to do because they're drop down so you don't click on them okay and the paper-based exam you just have to ignore reading them or looking at them okay cool so at this point we can now go back and read the passage okay when we're reading the passage we become a part of the passage we focus on the information we all want really good ielts scores so we have to be interested even if music is not our forte if it's not our main hobby that's totally fine in the ielts exam you have to be the musician you have to be interested in music you are now a singer songwriter composer okay so you become a part of this passage okay so let's begin reading uh everybody is good to go you're all ready to read yes i see a thumbs up from andre um and read with me here students so let's read together okay don't just listen to me read because then all you're doing is a listening exercise which is okay we'll be doing listening uh in the next class but you should be reading okay all right there we go everybody's like yeah i'm good to read okay so let's do it let's read together okay here we go so the pursuit of perfection is one of the driving forces behind humanity but is perfection really the right goal can perfection even be a bad thing some music critics think so through the use of software that automatically corrects incorrect notes today's musical artists are no longer giving us a real version of their voice we hear the idealized or perfect version of their voice driven by the quest for perfection it seems we may have lost some of the soul and humanity of previous musical eras okay good so that's about the speed that you want to read you don't need to read faster than that in the ielts okay if you can read that fast you are doing a great job please don't read super fast because if you read super fast but you have no idea what you're reading there's no point in reading okay the goal of reading is to understand what you're reading it's not to look at all the letters and words okay all right so when you read a paragraph you should think and train yourself to think about what this paragraph is saying so what is the main idea of this paragraph okay so um what is this paragraph about okay so in your words if i ask you after reading this paragraph what is it about what would you tell me what is this paragraph about okay so paragraph a uh andre says it's losing the original sound okay yeah i think that's part of it anybody else what do you think what would be the best most complete clear answer for this okay so practice this at home this is very important practice for reading comprehension and you can practice this in partners read the same passage after each paragraph answer this question compare it and see if your answers match okay maybe members in our discord group we can do this kind of exercise for reading where everybody reads the same passage and writes a list of what the paragraph is about for each of those paragraphs and then you can compare it and debate and argue who's got the best answer okay it's a good idea so check that out and try it in the discourse group we can set that up okay all right um akshay says the paragraph is about a big difference between uh music in the past and nowadays arda says singers don't use their real voice anymore carolina says modern music is missing the originality of the artist fud hill says music doesn't have to be perfect okay i would say pursuing perfection in music uh maybe the wrong goal okay so it's about the pursuit of perfection and specifically in music it may be the wrong goal okay that's that would be uh my summary of this okay so pursuing perfection especially in music may be the wrong goal right that's how i would do it right d barack i haven't read your response yet in the chat but looking at it it's looking way too long okay when you answer the question what is this paragraph about you should not have to use more than about eight to ten words to summarize it okay uh nick hill i love it so look at how nice and clear nick hill um responds to this nikhil says uh perfection is not always necessary for music okay very good i like it nikhil i honestly think that yours is even more concise than mine okay perfection is not always necessary in music that's a brilliant simple beautiful into the point nikhil very good okay so that's what you want to do after each paragraph and by doing that that will really help you to answer those first uh questions okay all right okay so let's keep going here we go um music from 50 years ago okay again read with me let's start one more time music from 50 years ago even by the greatest singers is riddled with small errors flat notes poorly matched harmonies and other imperfections give the work a certain human quality but in the 1990s computer software was developed that could correct these small imperfections it would take a flat note and raise its pitch to where it was supposed to be likewise a sharp note was lowered to its appropriate pitch in its early years this automatic tuning software was rather rudimentary and resulted in an artificial and electric sounding tone it was very obvious to the listener that they were hearing an edited human voice and soon however the software was developed to the point a song could be corrected and the audience would not know okay so here i would say um this paragraph is about the early days of uh sound correction software okay early days of sound correction software uh okay so let's keep going um we want to get to the questions uh for sure so i'm just gonna keep going but again i challenge you to do this what is this paragraph about for each paragraph at home when you're doing these studies okay when you're working on your reading comprehension c some artists use the tone correction software itself for aesthetic value that is to say they believe the resulting sound of rudimentary and electronic sound and corrections is aesthetically pleasing most music critics do not have a problem with this type of music cher the original artist to use correction software successfully used it in this fashion the american hip hip-hop artist t-pain is notorious for using the software for this aesthetic effect okay so this paragraph is about using um voice correction software for aesthetic effects so for making the music sound different or more beautiful but without um hiding the voice of the author okay all right um let's keep going uh andre yeah we're going to answer now that's why we're reading so we can get to the questions and answers so here we go so why is it okay for artists like cher and t-pain to use the software but wrong for others the answer is that cher and t-pain are not trying to deceive anyone they are not presenting their songs as the product of their voices alone other artists however do present automatically corrected songs as their own this is morally problematic since they are intentionally deceiving their audience it is this deception that is one of two major points against the usage of this software okay so what is this paragraph about it's about two different ways to use auto correction software one is okay the other is morally wrong because it tricks the listener you're being tricked into thinking you're hearing the artist but you're not the second point against using the software is that it actually has the opposite effect to that intended rather than reaching perfection it has gone too far and become robotic one can compare analogously to a game of football people watching football and other sports love to see great players play and perform incredible athletic feats we love greatness but we do not desire perfection nobody wants to watch a football game played with perfect football playing robots the idea is absurd because it removes the humanity of the sport and so it is with music in making a song sound perfect the singer is turned into something of a robot devoid of all musical soul the small imperfections are what give great songs their individual character mick jagger of the rolling stones for example is notoriously prone to off key notes but this is part of who he is as a singer and what makes him great an automatically corrected mic jagger would the critics say be inferior to the real thing okay so what is this paragraph about it's the second point against auto correction software and music which is it makes music actually less desirable so we don't like it as much we like mistakes as humans okay it makes the songs and the singers sound original okay uh f we have no way of knowing which artists use the software and which ones do not unfortunately this software can now be used instantaneously and as such can be used in live performances the next time you attend a concert you might wonder to yourself if you are really hearing the artist or if you're actually hearing [Music] a kind of robot furthermore you may lament the fact that if the artist is indeed using the software you may be missing out on what might be an incredibly soulful if imperfect human voice so the conclusion says that in modern times we can correct um songs and singers in real time and this might actually be a bad development right it might be taking away from what would otherwise be a much better concert okay so now we have these paragraphs in our head we've gone through them a b c d e f so there were six um paragraphs if we don't remember the exact uh sequence or the exact place that's okay as long as we have most of these kind of main ideas okay um so let's go uh to this one here number 28 an example of an imperfect artist so this is a who right and uh you shouldn't take too much time on this now that you've read the passage and as long as you understood about 80 90 you should be good to go so who was the example of the imperfect artist that sounds great one of the most famous uh rock and roll singers of all time nichol says that's e okay nikhil i think you're right which means that it's coming in paragraph five right this is why we don't skim and scan okay uh who was it i i can never spell i think i can spell his name but yeah so who was it he shares the abbreviation of his name with another very famous pop singer yeah very good for deal fidel says it was mick jagger a very famous mick jagger right there's that whole piece about mick jagger being really off-key uh when he's singing but that's what makes his performances in his song so incredible right so mick jagger yeah not share carolina not cher um okay rolling stones rolling stones if you if you're not familiar with the rolling stones check it out i mean they're like the father of rock and roll music some would say rock and roll music bands okay and they're still alive and still doing music which is absolutely incredible okay so and yeah i believe you're right nikhil i believe that was e i remember it was very close to the end because i know that it's mick jagger it's very easy for me to look for his name if i have to check that okay i'm pretty sure it was e as well okay uh there it is mick jagger of the rolling stones okay so e it is and again when you do it in the right way you'll come up with answers very quickly okay so that's e we move on number 29 the usage of tone correction software for the aesthetic experience okay so again i remember that it mentioned two different artists that use this tone correction software to make the music kind of sound more attractive but not really hiding their voice carolina says i think that's c um so that was cher and t-pain right sharon t-pain were the examples that were given there and uh look at all of you saying c or d yeah i remember it was c or d it was the first point um or the early point so c or d and i remember it was sharon t pain excuse me so here's share c share uh using it for aesthetic value okay so i'm confident that it's c i put in the answer and then i move on okay very good um number 30 eliminating mistakes is the goal of humanity that should be a quick easy one you should not have to search for this if you're searching or if you're skimming and scanning for this type of question in the ielts exam when you're doing a passage like this you are in trouble okay that should be that this question should take you about two seconds to answer okay so number 30 eliminating mistakes is the goal of humanity which one was that so carolina says e nick hill says e as well i disagree think about the passage think about if you're the author and you're writing this passage it's definitely not e okay you're kind of thinking right but in the wrong way okay you're thinking um towards the the yeah sammy a be confident very good yeah that's how the passage starts right it says uh in the introduction it says people want to eliminate mistakes but that's not always the right idea especially not in music right so a is the right answer for 30 absolutely okay that shouldn't you should not have to think about that okay that should be in your head remember we said that right so it's in um when we when we did our paraphrasing here pursuing perfection especially music may be the wrong goal right so that's the paragraph that deals with that concept okay all right um let's keep moving along a key moral difference in the usage of tone correction software so here for 31 i remember that the moral difference is cher and t-pain use auto-correction software to make the sam sound different but they don't hide it they don't trick you into thinking um that it's their voice if you want an example of that listen to the song by share which is titled do you believe in life after love do you believe in life after love and you will hear exactly what this question is uh talking about here okay but some people they actually use this correction software to hide their original voice right so there's a paragraph that talks directly about that now i remember that c was about sharon t pain so a good logical approach would be to go back to c and see if it's maybe that one so it says see some artists use tone correction software for aesthetic value okay um so it's talking about that aesthetic value let's see what happens next so d why is it okay for artists like sharon t pain but wrong for others okay so right for some but wrong for others that's your moral dilemma so arda sammy rashika are thinking ahead of me very good you know you're on the right path when you're thinking ahead of the instructor and that's exactly what you're doing arda and sami and rashika so very very good um yeah so uh d it is okay all right um a sports analogy so um it's a comparison for sports i remember this one um what was the sports analogy so carolina nikhil rashika what was the sports analogy that was given to us uh by this author which makes you really think about the goal of perfection where the author was like well nobody would really want to watch this um maybe we watch one game but that would be about it i think i think one game everybody would be kind of like okay that's interesting but two games yeah not so much um yeah football carolina's going with the north american approach soccer yep same idea so football soccer the robots playing football right it's the pursuit of perfection um right and which paragraph was that the robots playing football was kind of later on in the passage i believe um so yeah sammy says robotic football absolutely um or for those of you in india you might want to think of a robotic cricket where everybody's playing the perfect qriket game that'd be kind of weird um so that's coming later on okay uh here we go e right so e is talking about um the uh football playing robots that's the same one that talks about mick jagger right so here's that double use of the same uh paragraph okay so the sports analogy is e okay uh number 33 lack of clarity about what a concert goer is really hearing i think this one should be pretty quick this is kind of like number 30. um you should not have to go back for this to understand it and to answer it so number 33 lack of clarity about what a concert goer is really hearing what is that one yeah very good sammy f carolina f d baroque f very good sammy says whatever the last paragraph was f yeah sammy if you can't remember the number of paragraphs just look back at the top of the question i know you can see it here but it's a to f right so you know that the last paragraph is f all right um absolutely that's the conclusion yeah ideally uh you're not um you're not searching for the introduction and the conclusion for these types of questions because you really shouldn't know what the introduction is about and what the conclusion is about if you don't clearly understand what the introduction is about you're kind of in trouble okay all right um number 34 the origins of tone correction software i remember it was something in the 1990s right i remember so this was a pretty clear date there in the 1990s um carolina says number 34 is b fad hill agrees yeah okay cool so that's how you do those questions now i'm not going to rush through the multiple choice and the true false not given questions right now we'll look at how to solve those kinds of questions in a class maybe later this week or next week okay however i do challenge you to answer those questions and send them to me by email so send your answers to me members by email we'll also post the correct answers into our discord chat as well so that you can go over them but maybe before we do that try to solve them in discord yourselves so help each other okay with these some of you know a little bit more about these than others so you can even teach each other okay it's a it's a great way to improve teaching is an excellent approach to learning okay um so 35 36 37 multiple choice do those on your own and then these three true false not given questions do those on your own you have them there you can come back look at the end of the video to find them again okay so carolina's really good helping out in the discord group as well so maybe she can yeah exactly carolee now one teaches to learn that's a beautiful saying i'll use that in the future okay cool so that's it for today's reading there's a lot of content that i gave you there was quite a heavy quick class you can also send your answers to me adrian and i'll send you back the answer key for those questions okay so that's it for now but i will be back in 30 minutes uh roughly with uh another class where everybody will be able to join the chat that will be true fall or sorry that would be true false not again no that will be a listening uh section so we're going to do listening parts one and part two from one of our exams so come back for that it's always good to listen to practice even if you've heard or have done these exams before it's good to go over them again and just get more insight more clarity so hopefully you'll come back and join me in about 30 minutes i'm adrienne i'm signing out from beautiful victoria here in canada for now and hopefully i'll see you soon bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: Rb5K_VwkGzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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