IELTS Live - Listening Section - Part 1 and 2 Strategy and Practice

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and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful hungry I hope everybody is having a healthy safe and productive week so far good to see many students in the class hi Aneesh hi Massa hi n kit is Lam for all sake bows sheet OG Dean nice to see our members Michael fan regular students flower son welcome everyone this class is an IELTS listening section focusing on part 1 & 2 practice this lesson is presented by AE help calm for academic IELTS do visit us there and for general Isles check us out at G IELTS help calm on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials for you including original practice exams fully interactive courses we have help for your speaking and writing as well there's live speaking practice with other students that's absolutely free our academic website looks like this with the blue background we'll use this in just a moment for the listening audio click that big red button to join us there for the general outs it's the green background click that big red button to join us there hi shiny ma al khali d thank you for sending those pretty flowers I appreciate it students if you have questions let me know what's on your mind send me an email Adrian at AE again you can get our books from Amazon as well the exam books you can search for a helps academic IELTS and G helps general IELTS today we shall do this listening part 1 & 2 tomorrow we will start a task 2 with members and of course we'll finish listening parts 3 & 4 tomorrow so try to be in both today's and tomorrow's class so you can get the full list section now students we will start with listening section part one this is coming out of our first exam and test book number one students a couple of changes I know IELTS is on hold in a lot of places because of the coronavirus but from what I hear the outs exams will start back in most places around the world in June that's the plan so beginning of June and they're going to have a lot of makeup exams as well a couple of important points for the listening section here when we developed this exam book there was an example at the beginning of the listening section you don't have that example anymore so we're going to remove those from our exams so don't expect that okay also they're not going to refer to page numbers just question numbers and they're not going to call them section one section two but they're going to call them part one part two for clarity not big changes but just be aware of these okay alright everyone so get your headsets ready hopefully you have a headset if not that's okay make sure your volume is up volume is definitely up on my side so we're going to hop over to our website here the academic log into our student account and then in your student account you have loads of fantastic materials including computer based exams paper exams videos over a hundred hours of HD video lessons and these audio CDs that's what I'm looking for and in the audio CDs this is going to be listening cd1 track one students don't write your answers into the chat okay write it on a separate piece of paper give everybody a fair chance to answer the questions on their own okay so we'll go over the answers together after alright so here we go students with the listening section I hope everybody is ready this recording is copyrighted by to think ones Solutions Inc and world ESL tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work the recordings will be played only once the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section one listening section one you will hear a conversation between two men as one of the men registers for a football league first you have some time to look at questions one to five you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played hello there I'd like to register for the autumn men's football league all right in what town will you be playing I'd like to play in Chester but I'd be willing to travel to Liverpool if I had to the man says he wants to play in Chester so B has been indicated for you now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five hello there I'd like to register for the autumn men's football league all right in what town will you be playing I'd like to play in Chester bye be willing to travel to Liverpool if I had to well we have two spots left open on the team in Chester and five spots open on the team in the Liverpool there's a very good chance you would have to try out for the team in Chester are you a good player I consider myself a good player yes I have been to a number of the autumn men's league games in the past just a sec spectator I'm sure I would have no trouble fitting in okay good so we will register you for Chester then I just need to get some information from you starting with your position we're on the field do you prefer to play I'm a midfielder although really I can play anywhere aside from goalkeeper oh I forgot to ask your name right I guess that's important my name is Steve Tramel would you mind spelling Tramel for me certainly Tomales belt TR a mm e double L right now I need your home address including your postcode I live in Chester of course at four or five to King George Avenue the postcode is M s 8 6 8 p 4m s 8 6 8 people yes that's right and your date of birth sir the 8th of September 1986 ok now I need your phone just a mobile number will do I don't have a mobile phone right now unfortunately I can't give you my girlfriend's number instead that would be alright I suppose good her number is three to nine six three three two seven zero fine I think that's all the information I need to gather from you do you have any questions yes I do have a couple first when does the season start the season starts on the 28th of September although your first game is later I think let me check the schedule yes your first game is October the 1st in Liverpool let me make a copy of the schedule for you thank you could you also tell me how long each game is each game has two halves forty minutes each half so the game is 80 minutes long that's a little shorter than the other leagues I've played in games are usually 90 minutes yes our spring and summer leagues and 90 minute games but our autumn league has only 80 minute games I think it has something to do with the poor weather you now have some time to look at questions six to ten now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten okay can you tell me how many players on each team and I mean on the whole team not just the players on the pitch usually there are five additional players to the eleven on the pitch so there are sixteen players on each roster we generally find that to be the perfect number it allows for a few players to miss a game but still allows lots of playing time for each player yes playing time is what I was worried about I don't want to pay my money and then sit on the sidelines the whole season are there minimum playing time requirements yes each player must play a minimum of half a game so you are guaranteed at least forty minutes of playing time per game wonderful that puts my mind at ease could you tell me what facility we player in Chester that information is on the schedule along with the addresses of all the other facilities in the league here's your schedule thank you oh good it states we play two streets from my flat how convenient that is very lucky do you have any more questions no I think that's it oh wait how much does it cost to register it's going to be a hundred and twenty-five pounds for the season including all fees how would you like to pay I'll be paying cash right would you like a receipt if you find that it doesn't work out time wise you can always bring the receipt back that is the end of section one you will now have half a minute to check your answers and always check your answers students in that half minute to make sure that you didn't make any silly simple mistakes or mess up question numbers okay let's go through the answers first and then we'll talk a little bit of strategy so again it's tiny bit easier than the real exam in this case because you have the example so you have a little bit of extra time of course the example was where would the man like to play football and the answer was Chester now let's go through the questions one to ten and then we'll discuss each one in a little bit more detail where I will give you some strategies as well to help number one how many football matches has the man played in the league ten zero forty or fifty a B or C Nazir says I think the answer is B Joginder Co or Gries and yeah he says zero so it's in this league right League means this group of teams so the correct answer there was be alright use the capital letter B in your answer sheet okay number two what position does the man play that's writer can he was a spectator what position does the man play a midfield be goalkeeper or C striker he says it very clearly he says okay I'm aa although I can play anything else aside from goalkeeper so really he could be a striker or a midfielder but he does say he's a midfielder so he says I'm a midfielder although I could play any position aside from goal keep so the best answer because in the IELTS you have to give always the best answer the best answer is a ok so B and a he said aside from goalkeeper which means that he does not play goalkeeper okay says I'm a midfielder all right let's keep going so this is a very typical listening part one type of questions where you have to take some information about name address birthday postal code and so on so what is the name of this person his first name is Stephen and what's his family name his family name pooja says his Tramel Elena says tremor Tramell is correct t are any spells it he spells it so he says tra mm e double l okay so tra mm e double L all capital okay all lowercase letter not okay the first letter has to be capital okay the address is 452 Kings George Avenue that's where he lives and then the man asks for his postcode and this is repeated so what is his postcode he gives this postcode of the man says it back usually for postcodes they do this in the IELTS okay so it's M s 8 6 8 P 4 very good ms 8 6 8 p 4 you don't need to worry about the spacing it doesn't matter I do recommend writing capital letters not small letters but capital letters for this in your answer sheet so it's M s 8 6 8 P 4 okay that's the correct answer so Tramel ms 8 6 8 P 4 be careful listening for the difference between the letter M and n okay so m and n all right now here you had to do again a little bit of a multiple choice it's matching the time with the correct event the event is Stevens first match when is it the 30th of September 28th 3rd of October or the 1st of October a B C or D yeah very good at D bonus question when does the season start ABC or D so when does the actual season start the man says yes the season starts on this day but your first match is a little bit later it's on October 1st when does this season start a B C or D anybody catch that one for the bonus question Charlie says it's B the season starts on the 28th of September that is correct yeah so good for those of you who got that that's active listening so always challenge yourself especially in part one and to students it's really good practice to challenge yourself especially for part one and two to hear even more information and when you're studying IELTS in a classroom or together then ask each other questions beyond the questions on the sheet then buddy catch that yeah thumbs up so if you're learning IELTS with partners or together do the listening sure answer the questions on the sheet and then challenge each other to see if you can catch more information you can even kind of make a game of it to see who's better okay that makes sense so just like what I asked you when does this season start okay all right here we go then you had a table to complete okay now be always really careful with the instructions no more than two words when you see this it's a good chance that at least one answer will be two words thank you Ron Ghana for answering that okay um Lea gets an autumn league the game length 80 minutes and the players on the roster how many pairs on the Ross 16 very good okay and what's the minimum playing time what's the minimum playing time so for this all you need is the number 16 that's good for number seven it's a little bit more tricky what's the minimum playing time for each player yeah it's 40 minutes exactly so here you needed to huang lei and ewan careful with it Elena Gihon be really careful here you needed 40 what 40 minutes okay you can use the abbreviation it doesn't have to be capital but you need both words if you only write 40 40 what 40 hours 40 seconds be a really long game 40 hours so you needed 40 if you do the abbreviation and it has to be 40 min like that okay you still need the s because it's plural if you write 40 min so students who are writing 40 min you might get that wrong okay there's a very very good chance that they're gonna mark that wrong because you need that s okay for abbreviations when it's a an abbreviation of a plural make sure to add that s Michael fen you can't say half of the game because it's two words no more than two words so if you write half of the game although it seems correct it's four words Michael fans you'll get it wrong okay so it's got to be 40 mins or 40 minutes be really careful with instructions and be careful with what information is given and not given in the question bonus question another bonus bonus question times students bonus question time usually football matches are 90 minutes why are these matches 80 minutes why are they 10 minutes shorter than the usual this is the kind of fun bonus questions you can ask each other see who catches this information or visualizes this information yeah very good I think that's what you meant Bhoomi as well and Charlie due to bad weather yeah because it's in the autumn autumn is in the fall season right it's Rainier usually in England especially so it's something to do with the bad weather is what they think yeah okay that's why they're usually shorter games okay good good yeah some of you are really paying attention fantastic all right visualize and go beyond what's being asked okay great I'm liking it all right question number 8 the correct letter again multiple-choice why does the man say that he's lucky a he's able to find a team to play on B there's a minimum playing time requirement or C the playing field is close to where he lives she Rosie Dean says I think that's C they talked something about it's yeah close to Rea lives C is correct another bonus question how far quantitative language right anybody catch that so if this is where the man lives this is his apartment building where's the actual where's the actual field how far is it yeah very good a lot of you got it it's two blocks two blocks streets almost two blocks is more accurate it's two blocks from my house good for you alright for those of you that got two blocks usually two blocks is the same as two streets but sometimes it can actually be just one Street and two blocks of large buildings okay so yeah it's kind of a confusing one but two blocks and two streets isn't necessarily always the same careful okay um here we go number nine number ten no more than two words for each answer what is the cost of the Football League how much is it of course it's not free administration setting it all up they probably got some jerseys it's probably somebody organizing it 125 pounds that's right there's no indication of the money here or the currency so you should indicate a hundred and twenty-five pounds students use the symbol it's easier okay then writing the word it's faster make sure you include it right away so that you remember to put that into your answer sheet okay now if you don't have the symbol especially in the computer exam then of course you're going to have to write pounds but please do one or the other but not both okay all right okay uh question number ten how does the man pay for their registration fee hopefully you caught that it was fairly simple how does he pay cash it is he's paying cash absolutely good job nicely done students all right students how much how many did you get correct out of ten what was your raw score there so what did you get out of ten how did you fare what did you get out of ten for part one and this okay Iza Tilo says ten out of ten nicely done run beer ten good enough neat eight not bad Charlie ten Nikita nine doing good all right and that's what you should get students okay so here is a little tip a couple of points for listening section one okay so all right I should say listening part one I'm going to give you a few tips here okay so listening part one tip one you should you must aim to get eight from ten or more correct as the next parts will be much more difficult okay so you need to get that at least okay tip number two for part one do not rush often the answers are given twice okay so be patient and follow the audio all right now a little bit of multiple choice question strategy make sure to paraphrase keywords and change questions to statements okay show you what I mean by that so we had quite a few multiple-choice questions here I think we had five or six altogether so here it says how many football matches has the man played in the league and then we see this word match coming up several times now we're talking about football and we're talking about football matches so as soon as you see this word match you should definitely be thinking okay what's another way to say that how do we hear this word in the audio what's the word used by the speakers in many cases instead of the word match okay Charlie sends his game that's right okay so absolutely game game okay now you see that this is a question how many football matches has the man played in the league you need to change this okay into a statement so for example I have played in X number of games okay now he's even more fancy he says I've actually never played in any of these games I've just watched them as a spectator okay only as a spectator all right what position does the man play I can play in any position okay or location on the field so change the multiple choice questions to statements okay because you're not going to hear a question you know as the answer so you need to listen for the sentence it's that clear so listen for the sentences practice changing questions into statements and practice paraphrasing key words that appear over and over again in the topic of the audio okay it's really important Ron veer says yeah that makes sense which is good all right yeah roll Bhoomi four position would be a nice paraphrase as well practice that paraphrasing absolutely okay student sounds like you know you have the right idea here again in part one they will often repeat names and spellings so be patient okay and when the multiple-choice questions the answers turn into sentences like this it becomes even more difficult so make sure that you're not just stuck staring at the choices but you're listening for the answer I feel lucky because oh I'm so lucky that okay so listen for the answer don't stare at the choices okay so do not just stare at multiple choice options but rather listen for the answer this is especially true when the choices are sentences okay well when it's a few numbers it's okay but when there are long sentences that becomes much more difficult especially in parts two three and four all right everyone so without further ado let's take a crack at part two again you're not going to see section two you're going to see part two so again my audio is maxed out turn up the volume if it's quiet for you use a headset if you have the and don't put your students do not put your answers into the chat we will go through the answers like this one after be nice to everybody else if you put wrong answers into the chat it will just confuse your peers so don't do that okay focus on the audio write down your answers and then we'll share them after everybody's good yeah awesome okay so here we go everyone with part two again this audio is coming from our website ayyy help calm here we go section two take some time to look at questions 11 to 16 listing section two you will hear a radio presenter interviewing a woman about the infamous ship Titanic first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16 now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16 good afternoon to all our listeners and welcome back to history now a weekly program that reflects on subjects of historical influence today we are going to speak with dr. Andrea Smithson an historian at the University of Glasgow good afternoon Andrea good afternoon Peter what are you going to talk about today Andrea are we talking about one of the most catastrophic events in maritime history the sinking of the Titanic I can't wait for you to begin thanks Peter the Titanic was an enormous ship the makers called it unsinkable from end to end it measured approximately the length of three football pitches it had the capacity to carry over 3,500 passengers as well as the over 800 people on the crew of the ship despite its massive size and impressive capacity the Titanic was able to cruise at a speed of 40 knots this was in large part due to the 59 thousand horsepower engine just how much is fifty nine thousand HP well in literal terms it's like being pulled by fifty nine thousand horses more realistically it's the equivalent power of 500 cars on the maiden voyage that left Southampton England on the 10th of April 1912 there were 1343 passengers and 885 crew members there were three different classes of tickets for those aboard the Titanic a third-class ticket was the lowest level tickets at the time it cost between three and eight pounds a second-class ticket cost about twelve pounds a first-class ticket cost anywhere from thirty pounds all the way up to eight hundred and seventy pounds in today's money eight hundred and seventy pounds is over twenty thousand pounds you may be wondering what the people in the first class were paying for they had luxurious rooms on the highest decks delicious meals for breakfast lunch and dinner as well as the finest entertainment money could buy on the other hand those in third castes slept in cramped rooms which were quite plain and small and did not have access to the fine restaurants and entertainment on the upper decks of the ship now I'd like to tell you about a few lesser-known facts about the Titanic although there were four large funnels or smokestacks on the Titanic only three of them were functional one of the funnels was put there just to make the ship look even bigger and more impressive the ship carried over 70 tons of food for the passengers including over 40,000 eggs you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20 now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20 on the night of the 14th of April 1912 on her maiden voyage the Titanic his nice burg about three hours later early morning the next day the ship sank the reasons for the sinking are numerous first the watertight doors which was supposed to keep water out didn't work properly second the night of the 14th of April was incredibly calm on the water icebergs are easily spotted when there are waves crashing against them on this night there were no waves the strength of the metal in the Titanic was not as it should have been the metal became brittle in the freezing cold and was easily broken by the iceberg another big factor was the inability of the Titanic to turn quickly once the lookouts had spotted the iceberg the captain ordered the ship turned but it was too late if the ship had been able to turn faster it would have missed the iceberg one of the biggest tragedies about the sinking was that there were not enough lifeboats for everyone on the ship in addition to this many of the lifeboats left the sinking vessel with less than half of the people they were designed to carry for example the first lifeboat off the Titanic left with only 27 of their allotted 65 passengers this unfortunate occurrence can be attributed to panic on the part of the passengers and crew one can only imagine the sheer terror onboard the ship but early morning 1523 out of the 2,228 passengers and crew perished that morning most died from the near freezing temperature of the Atlantic Ocean others drowned after being trapped in the lower decks 705 people lived to tell their story most of them women and children who were put on the lifeboats before the grown men were because of this 94% of the first-class passenger women and children were saved while only 14% of the third class passenger men survived overall 60% of the first class occupants survived while only 25% of the third class ticket holders lived in the aftermath of this tragedy that is the end of section 2 you will now have half a minute to check your answers well again students in that 1/2 minute check your answers don't be looking at the next section I'm just gonna stop the audio on the website and we'll go back and do this together from question 11 our right students so let's go back to question 11 what was the overall capacity of the Titanic meaning how many people was the Titanic able to carry all together was it a 800 B 3500 or C 4300 very good for all of you answering see ya the correct answer is C it was 800 crew and 3,500 passengers which equals 4300 overall capacity overall means total okay the IELTS sometimes you have to do some simple math okay IELTS is more than just recognizing words and catching sentences you have to do a bit of thinking so C was the correct answer there all right what was the cost of a third-class ticket 32 through eight hundred and seventy pounds one to two pounds three to eight eight pounds a B or C what was it yeah was C again so here it's C and C again three to eight pounds thirty to 870 that was first-class tickets obviously first-class very expensive for a third-class ticket so C&C now questions 13 to 15 this was a multiple multi choice question notice how I gave you more time to review this so that's my first tip is spend more time reviewing this type of question especially because it's worth three marks so when a questions worth three marks pay more attention to it okay McNew says I love those three choice questions yeah we sure all do the order doesn't matter so what were the benefits of a first-class ticket be luxurious rooms that make sense of course okay see great entertainment yeah if you're gonna be paying that much money you're probably going to have some musicians and some great entertainment okay and the last one was d high-quality meals so of course they're going to serve better food for people paying more money okay so B C and D were the correct answers the order doesn't matter you just have to get them correct all right now this was a kind of matching the picture okay which of the following is the best representation of the Titanic we have a weather you there you have five smokestacks B you have one two three four smokestacks or C where you have three smokestacks yeah the correct one was being bonus question one of the four smokestacks didn't actually work so why did they add it so maybe this first one here it's not really working but it's still there why did they add it why put in the smokestack that's not working what was the crazy logic for that so there were four funnels but one was not actually functional why was it there Charlie said says yet to make the ship look big to make it look bigger impress the passengers absolutely instead of the smokestack what should have they put their double bonus so double bonus instead of this by listening carefully to the audio double bonus time and this is the kind of game that you can play when you're studying active listening double bonus time what should have the engineers put there instead of that smokestack raheem says extra lifeboats yeah I agree Raheem I wonder if anybody else got that putting in extra lifeboats yeah there weren't enough lifeboats for all the passengers so they should have put extra lifeboats in there instead of that giant smokestack that served no purpose at all I guess people thought a little bit differently back then than they do today maybe maybe not okay yeah that's right Shimon people were a bit more eccentric back then in some ways than today in some ways maybe not all right here we had a flow chart we had to fill these in so it was extremely calm night there were no something that crashed against the iceberg what's the answer there Charlie sent says waves that's right waves students waves are countable so you need the S it's not just wave its waves uh weird that waves are countable because there's so many of them it doesn't really make sense but yeah I guess you can count like one wave to wave three waves four waves five waves so waves all right number eighteen the watertight something failed so the Titanic hit the iceberg there no waves it hit the iceberg the watertight something failed the watertight doors again it's a plural students plurals matter caso Rahim Mirsad ah if you write door instead of doors you will lose the mark okay many something left the ship half fall based on my previous questions you'll probably get that so number 19 it's one word just one word Karthik correct Pooja correct students remember this it's good to know lifeboats one word okay it's kind of a tricky one I don't think then well they might give it to you if you write two words but in fact it's one word here lifeboats and it's many so it has to be plural pay attention to many 1523 people died that's a lot of people most from the freezing cold temperatures of the what what was really cold that people died from yeah the Atlantic Ocean let's see who knows about the history of the Titanic in more detail what was the country that they were in so where were they close to which country were they beside so which country's ocean did they sink in anybody know that nope not England not America not the US they went from the UK Canada they were near the province of Newfoundland definitely not Brazil Shido Jaden the water's pretty warm there okay so they were next to Canada Canada that's why it was so cold they were near Newfoundland Newfoundland they were going to New York so the Titanic was sailing from London to New York and they were going across the Atlantic towards Newfoundland and then a little bit south to New York because of course New York is just south of the Canadian border all right students so what did you get out of twenty so what did you get on that section there how was your score for both part one and two what did you get out of twenty their rotten beer nine out of ten on that eight out of ten Shido GT and 20 out of 20 Charlie said nicely done students between Part one and two so try to keep this in mind so here's another tip for today okay so between Part one and two your total score ideally is sixteen or more you can get a high band a score in the listening okay definitely students lose more in parts three and four okay so if you lose four five in part one and two those students usually lose 10 out of 20 on parts three and four so be careful with that okay so you don't want to lose more than four maximum five that's really stretching it for part one and two okay so pay attention to that if you're losing more than four or five there then you definitely need to be more careful okay all right total there are 40 questions molo desh mola des des B is asking you how many questions are there in the listening there's 10 in each part there's four parts so it's 40 total okay all right students again remember to get all of our practice exams strategies HD videos of course this is a live class so you're not getting HD or not there yet in the world of internet but to get our HD videos with no advertising and all of our structured material for academic IELTS AE help calm join our Premium Package there GL it's helped calm for general tomorrow I will be back with this same listening exam to finish part three in part four so if you want to finish this full listening exam come back to more at the same time for parts three and four if you can't wait come join the Premium Package and check it out there with all the other exams much love to all of you take care work hard study hard stay safe wash your hands love you lots bye from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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