Idiot VS Troll Level

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what do we got mad mansion of misdirection also I love your mean just use big brain in mind I that's all oh I don't like that clear rate at all oh I don't like that clear rate at all all right all right I'm gonna guess the gimmick now all the arrows are incorrect the first one is going to be directly incorrect then it's just gonna be random yeah okay okay okay okay okay first of all you always save that oh I'm so lost oh my god oh wow wow did I don't understand half the things that just happened okay feel it out feel it out feel it out spin jump oh thank you thank you jack sorry I'm dumb that's our out can ever get every go what do we got here you laughed at me but quite frankly I don't know why I see why I don't understand but the right the donuts people are saying whoa it's that really the case I know what it does right now donut strategy is my best option gotta bring out the Krispy Kremes gotta bring out the glazed okay huh is Jill scary me scaring me come on okay okay I think I got it I think I got it okay okay okay go go go these laughing in chat okay all right okay okay okay got him got him I knew now that I knew that would work okay okay okay all right all right all right okay yep yep yep okay okay I hate you Goldie nothing but pain all right oh you dog you liar you deceitful piece of concrete go join the sidewalk so I can step on you for all your life um when Mario is so thick and just takes out the fish before it can do anything hello Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta and Mario's like rump there look at that thing it protrudes no wonder would kill a fish taking this one easy [Music] you tried you tried you tried look I know what I want what just happened but okay I don't trust that I'll trust that for a link back oh yeah you got me with the double bait you got me with the double bait you made me cautious on the arrows before betraying my trust you cruel monster I have a go dad there you were me right now losing is gonna be both of us and me and me please kill me it's not even that hard [Music] I'm literally not moving how long is this level Goldie level with me person to person how long is this level I reached the object limit whoa whoa I definitely saw 69 in those blocks on saying nice why why why why why actually why I don't understand what's happened why can I not why can I not well what what what what I am considering registering Goldie for therapy let me assess the situation if this gamer comes flying by though haha I saw some yellow there what part of this level looks good that platform right there it looks delightful [Music] how do you do you take a crap in the motors of this thing Goldie whoa whoa whoa what are you what are you was that I'm supposed to ride that guy I think give up on this level you're not gonna beat this that's what they said about middle school that's why I dropped out of middle school what's the last thing I want to do right now let's go maybe maybe I'm not trusting anything what's happening I can't die what have you done to me I can't die there we go I hate that okay of course of course of course all right all right okay that's like yeah I know there's a yellow kid I know I know completing with the only good actual child I was well aware he was going to do that freaked me out let's go don't run don't run it's tempting to run what can kill me right now what could kill me that's death that's surefire death to upload a stage you have to get the checkpoint you're not fooling anyone anymore Goldie okay I'm gonna run it alright alright alright [Music] SiC [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's like how far is she thinking ahead I have to like we're now at the level where I don't know if it's real or not [Music] do don't give me Who I am getting hit with like I'm Lu I'm going rock five times a row and she's just going paper every single time like she's not mixing it up I'm horrified she did it first time she actually just did it again I'm so mad I just threw rock again and she just kept throwing paper I don't know who to trust anymore run and jump chat that's what she wants you to think there's no way you can beat this level by just running and jumping my god yep yep wait oh hey you okay hold on hold on some people would give up right about now some people would give up others would very cautiously walk towards this checkpoint okay the B keeps running and running that one's pointed to the side this one isn't yeah yeah oh I am so cautious it's gonna be down it's gonna be down it's gonna be down yep yep yep yep yep yeah I knew it I knew it nope okay assess this assess this is there any other way it can be proceeded other than by hitting that one I'm suspicious of that guy up there dude I'm freaking out man you're thinking oh you're thinking we're going this one alright okay okay okay all right okay doesn't pick a path it's a quiz Oh get out of here get out of here the entire area is compromised that area is compromised State oh wait what button the other ones okay and that one's level what what what ah yep yep yep yep yeah yeah [Music] don't toss all those pigs and I got it speaking out I know I didn't do I know I didn't do it get out of here get out of here think you think she would put a celebratory level and then have it actually be the correct thing and of course you have to kill her with munchies it was God forsaken enemy in this game the hitbox have actually hopes left bicep because he has a large left bicep what do you want from me we're not messing okay I knew it I knew it with 100% certainty scoop go go go go go go that's her backup that's a backup haha but when we jump I see okay so by jumping it makes everything fall it was a real side that was just that was a real one right there let you guys gonna felt that one that one was real brutal and discordant read it you legit need it you sang I legit needed I need therapy I would eat a riddle I need some damn therapy an ibuprofen a goddamn burger [Music] that was a new one that was a new one that was a new one that was a new one that's cute but I haven't died like that yet you're coming with me stop shaking like that you're giving me anxiety I do anyway with every being with every pixel of my gray matter with every little essent whoever every squishy little tendril that connects my brain together I knew that that was going to kill me yet my fingers were like all with all the power that we have left in our muscles we are going to hold left with a great ferocity no Mario why are you slide but you are in Luigi get down from that high ladder you'll know you'll never be Luigi status we are fairies don't the dun dun dun dun there's no way there's no way it's the door there's no way that's okay okay that's exactly what I expected now exactly expected it's exactly I expected it's an even worse form of suffering you wanted this yet you wanted this are you happy are you proud of yourselves are you ecstatic are you deleted are you ready I didn't trust chat for a gosh darn second but I know they wouldn't shut up unless I checked out that door I swear if this didn't say exit course right down here chat would think that this is how you got through the level frankly if the chat box if the chat box on YouTube didn't say say something dot dot thought slow mode is on they wouldn't know where to type in order to put their chat in the chat box man to say I'm having fun with this wait like the end of the day you know I'm raging by the same time you don't know this is fun I'm actually feeling pain but it's like you know fun pain you know like when you're being bullied by your older brother and it really hurts but you feel accepted because he's interacting with you you know it's like that I'll look at this chord oh look at this board I look at this board you posted so much in this dialogue okay all right so that really wasn't a hint you just told me the answer here we go it was this room here Wow stop bashing me against the wall and then the very last block a key is acquired now all you have to do is make it there oh we allies hold on a minute I hate you I still hate you I still hate your goalie I still hate you golly yikes yikes please please please God please please I've been nice I've been good help me this isn't even me trying to be funny for commentary let me in ah God he was gonna have one day I don't have the key what what why well I it's a bomb it was a bomb it was a bomb I understand it now my brain is compiling the information so fast up computer couldn't even keep track of it no it sucks this isn't even the end of the level every attempt takes five minutes to get to don't know why why why why why why why why five minutes start the timer a new video dudududu go over here activate this run up the thing grab this so look out for the little bugger go right on through guess what you go for the door you're full weight on through you think it's the bad but it's good now we're only halfway there a just go big jump you go big jump you go big jump you go big jump but then it's a bait you go up with another big jump you go right on over here you slide right on in those DMS you're just gonna hang out here for a hot second just slam your face against the wall like you're pretty much doing IRL is just an allegory for one of those it's gonna life imitates art kind of thing you know every time Mario slams its now into that into that wall I want to slam my face through my debts don't worry it's just another part of the process ladies and gentlemen you're gonna step on this real fast jump on over this guy but you could just die it ain't your single point and cause the whole thing to restart alright give it up for 555 everybody we're running back for that key on day number 57 trying to get that gun dang G I've died of both of those guys real fast you know just to get just make them happy a little boring life you know I mean look look look look these guys haven't had any action that's it better bat bat bat bat boom [Music] something needs to change there we go I just needed something else let's go baby this is the first step the toughest talents in persona 5 we gotta make it through this grueling difficult play one way or another let's get it done here it comes the opportunity is available head right up here this part right here land on this short hop guess what don't mess up here it's simple as heck activate this blog if you so desire but you don't even need to jump jump jump jump fake out jump slider right on in there [Music] Mario is slamming a space into a wall the light will change places all I need today ready block block I don't even know how I did that jump careful now careful now we have the key we have the treasure the pallets and myself is having a breakdown but the bomb explode hopefully you will let's go let's go let him through let him through I don't know what this does brings us over here the final jump [Music] don't go yet I have a bad feeling about it I feel I have a feeling it's gonna be a troll blog but we're still doing the job anyway the treasure has been stolen you sinner of mischievousness while your art may be beautiful your level design is cruel The Phantom plumbers have taken upon ourselves to steal your heart and change your wicked ways Oh multiplayer verse is not na now this is music this is music to my ears baby no no no not that one that was the level no no why that one why was that the level why was that the one walk in and I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the one I walk right into you and so I'm walking and I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the one that punches a hole through you I would walk 500 more just to beat on down your door so I could punch you and throw you through a window where did my life go my life go my life with my life with my life with my life let go ah got ages I would play 500 levels and I would play five straight more just to ignore this level and never have to play it anymore where did my life go oh wait my life go my life my life where my life where live life go
Channel: Failboat
Views: 959,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Maker 2, Failboat, Idiot, Troll, Level, Course, Troll level, Mario Maker, Funny Stuff Happens, Help Me, Experience, Goldi, hard
Id: C-GQxq0q8a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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