Jaiden and I broke Mario Maker

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last year the most sadistic mario maker creator released an entire super world super rubber ross world given that i'm a little late to the party i thought i would tackle it with the twist let's see if i can break the world in two and co-op with none other than kaiser mario extraordinaire jaden animations look at look at our dancing we have 69 lives which makes sense that sounds about right nice ross just stressing me that this is not made for co-op so i'm very excited because it's either going to go much better oh it's up to you oh um all right tag team what's your plan interesting co-op's either going to make it much easier or way harder uh-huh up to you all right look i'm interested i think i despawned the thwomp which is good don't we need him no we don't oh okay teamwork makes the dream work you believed in me but not yourself good me too yeah okay well you did your best we came out oh that's this is fitting yeah we do this can you go in here um no with teamwork we probably could wait hold up ah well i okay wait hold up let me use your invincibility frames oh you're right oh there we go thrilling gameplay what expression is that foolishness blind ambition that was us when we were trying to get in the little hole my poor yoshi you really abandoned him i really don't know how long this is going to take us and that excites me and terrifies me me too mine [Music] feel proud of yourself now huh what happened can i can you stop that i'm gonna do that yeah are you having fun i'm not doing anything maybe teamwork isn't the easiest one for this one nice mushroom [ __ ] [Laughter] do you remember that go on no no no no [Laughter] [ __ ] that run looks so promising when we both made it on i like the front facing oh my god you almost don't do it no i'm saving us oh not you don't have any visibility oh wait i don't think i've made that sound before i've never heard that from you before what do you want from me oh it's a boss fight did you see me you did and you're doing great flying boom boom i see oh i did it i i squished them into the wall which counts oh oh i guess i can still die i'm okay okay do you trust it oh was that one ups yeah that wasn't that bad it wasn't mars pissed there you go i'm gonna move out of the way i'm i'm just oh did i need to oh it's gonna circle back around what the [ __ ] sorry i'm trying okay okay um no we got this we're covered what are you doing no we need it on right i don't know can you hit that oh oh that works it hits it oh well i think we did it we're already almost to the castle i can't imagine the difficulty getting much harder i can't belie i can't imagine anything being beyond this castle let's do what game grumps couldn't is that what we're going to go with oh yeah oh off to a bad start oh bricks god okay so soon boss but great job the god damn it is this a safe space i think so i think you've won yeah baby game honestly russ this is a castle it's supposed to be hard grumps couldn't beat it i'm dead oh oh thank god that was really majestic and now i'm blocked excuse me i'm not impressed i'm going to call ross need to ask him something hello hey ross what's going on um i'm playing your super world jaden's here yeah oh [ __ ] i'm sorry um not impressed so far yeah yeah i just finished world one feels kind of easy yeah it's pretty easy yeah do you mind if i put a sponsor in this video sure it today's video is brought to you by skillshare the online learning community that's helped millions discover their passions and take the next step in their creative journeys they have tons of classes on things like productivity fine art marketing and graphic design ranging in difficulty for anyone from beginners to full-blown masters most of the classes offered are under 60 minutes and every class is always 100 ad free and trust me i know how much you guys hate ads you guys don't hate this one right i recently found this class called finding fulfillment using pivots to power your creative career with author 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get through this with now you you get to that right stand right okay yeah you stand right there oh [ __ ] we have to be in the what's this pipe take us to nothing nothing okay well a lot of a lot of fireworks huh no you're doing great you're doing great you saved it by dying keep it up don't touch me [Music] why didn't you jump on it i don't i just froze [Music] this is close i'm glad i already booed the level why am i here that's such a good here i come the warning did not help at all oh this is it this is it here you can cross it that's why i thought [Laughter] well damn that was great teamwork oh water level that sounds fun oh my god oh my god did you see how close i was oh that's an interesting twice yeah i did okay and you're doing great that's like a little bullet hell it's so much easier when you're a frog i don't think i can yeah this is it's interesting to see your take on this i keep thinking my movement is also your movement not exactly well you killed them for me says you're helping in your own little special way whoa whoa whoa whoa we got pretty far oh my god what happened look at you in your little onesie doing my absolute best christmas pajamas okay please please no no no fish oh my god do it do it just go oh oh teamwork makes the dream work yes excuse me you're getting clout checked this dude doesn't have a gold youtuber plaque all right fun little ghost house we could have got one-ups too i don't think we'll need them ghosts in a shell i get it it's a reference to what it's a reference why can those work on ghosts that's crazy that is crazy the impossible is possible i'm bringing him over so i can just blindly jump on him like that so it's like if both of us get to see the level in its entirety it's just a shock the perfect amount i like how we do that even though it's impossible for you to get beyond this part it's not okay you proved me wrong how oh should you go in there oh what we can probably choose this with invincibility we got 70 lives if we keep forgetting about okay well well now we have to cheat this is difficult yeah i don't know if like did we just pick the harder path we can go back oh that's true and we held the checkpoint oh [Music] i just pressed everything out of anger because i wanted to zoom in on [Music] damn if i hit one i was just gonna let go and bounce into it we got this we got this you did it i i took an unnecessary leap of faith keep going okay huge haha and then what invincibility flips you can do this you can so do this come on you got this you got this guy jump [Applause] like your nose camex miner and could be oh is that a pun i see oh oh you need the mushroom to get through here i see so keep keep it coming luigi don't get hit by those that seemed a little violent it's just so spicy see look infinite lives [Laughter] you believe in this [ __ ] oh there's a drop off here oh that's the gatekeeping level huh well we haven't had too much trouble yet the molehole [Applause] it didn't work those icicles are real sons of a [ __ ] is that real is that like how you say it sons of um no i just think it's funny too and clearly it is don't stand there look jaden i don't know what you want from me oh [ __ ] where did that mole come from the hole come on i mean come on now nice [Music] oh we go off in the cannon oh i see it that's cute ross you know what i do like the molehole the mole that was a pretty good one mainly because we cheesed it and mole hole mole hole wait check out this shell jump okay yeah show me the shell jump i made a whole video dedicated doing this one [Laughter] hold on run it back i'm so surprised at how little we have been able to cheese these levels me too i'm honestly a little mad ross is a genius no i think it's bad level design i should be able to choose it i should be able to do whatever i want i got trolled man you got got oh ross is gonna laugh at that one oh he's gonna react oh that was a moment of ross moment i'm getting that top okay i did what they call a shell jump yo do people make combo videos in mario maker like i don't see why not but do they have you seen one before we can make one let's do one with this level right here whoa whoa i'll escort you [Music] this is so much harder oh my god i don't think this is a combo video level no that's my biggest takeaway it really is we just haven't uh did the had any combos i'm just gonna go faster you should just avoid whoa oh god that was he deserves to be in the combo video because i'll be honest i'm not really paying attention for the missiles i'll pay attention to the missiles just scream do you guys okay yeah i'll be honest the scream got me close to just panicking but it worked hey it's me zelda we're both going down whoa i could have swore you see all the arrows that [ __ ] yeah all right do they want to slowly back down at the bottom we already went here right oh but maybe now the blocks are open i don't know oh oh we had to fall better wait that's perfect unless a decent it wasn't perfect it's and worse it is oh the switches turn the boulders coming out on and off wait so we aren't supposed to hit the sides so this is so doable as long as you don't miss a single arrow we just have to stand on the sides yeah yeah that's pretty much it one frame boom boom why me careful with the arrow oh oh we did it how come okay oh duster oh i was there honestly the coolest death i've ever seen that's going in the combo video for sure i sure hope it does i love spike big fan of spider he goes classic spike look out for spike the checkpoint oh there's a checkpoint there checkpoint well yeah can you oh you get one now oh yeah no no you did not help at all you you just made them so much more powerful where'd these all come from ah shoot you made him so much stronger there it is you missed he's gonna say no to the one way wait if you pop here again i need to hit the hit the hit the blue koopa oh oh oh oh wow oh huge spikes okay we just had to you had to jump on him one more time one more time and he's dead so i'm just going to try and survive oh i did it oh my god i need to move out of the way for me no okay all right and now we're just moving on to the the castle the castle are the little ninjas how many people are currently playing it or just i have no idea if i'm being honest okay so i don't think this is a co-op level i think we can make it work we've made it work in all the other levels barely whoa you got it back though yeah you can't slow down have you heard that if like you actually were to fall into a volcano that you'd be dead before you hit it with the lava because it's too hot that makes sense i never thought about it never had any like volcano related fears personally it's such a panic feeling when you land on it why'd i say it like a kindergarten damn invincibility oh nice [Music] that was close and by luigi yeah i said no we did this together [Laughter] and now we're in the desert look at these guys i fired and i missed i can't relate to this level because i never miss [Music] whatever cheese we did it ggs how is this supposed to wait oh oh my god oh you could have popped me oh you're [Music] [Applause] take that ross watch and weep do you think our cheese was harder than the original implementation probably release the kitchen kraken sorry we can choose this one yes we can and by that you get infinite lives is what you're saying i'm trying so hard not to step on you there whoa whoa oh you're going to piss me off somebody thought i was going to meet you wow yeah wait teamwork watch this [Music] oh i get it no you know what that's fair i deserve that this is shockingly uncheeseable i i hate follow missions in any video game he put wind in it too ross this level sucks i'll say it i'll say it too oh stay orbit airborne jump ah if you jump right there yeah oh yes yes we can oh my god here wait wait let me i frame through him i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah ah i'm sure ross is looking at us thinking they wasted so much time but look at that world record right there honestly though insane honestly paper level pyramid of page i've tried this one did you have fun no i didn't but i also didn't have a friend i got impatient what am i supposed to be patient for because i'm just not going to yay yeah what's this oh doesn't look good whoa go whoa oh you're right sorry okay well i'm safe right i totally forgot that i had to schmoove oh okay he's coming whoa okay okay okay okay it's a little stressful but i think we're this is the best co-op i think this is this level was made for co-op oh we go down i think we go down but i'll i'll be alive too well you got the key oh oh oh oh oh oh oh quick time oh i'm coming oh this is your life going whoa oh yeah do we need it did we need it how does this work i think we did need it oh kind of fun level to cheese honestly it's still like it's just a different type of level suddenly yeah which is kind of cool yeah god no careful now go now run on that that's what you do okay and i'm coming i'm coming oh okay wait for me what happened to that ball excuse me the most panicked [Music] oh yeah let's do it don't mind me that's it that's it right that has to be the left that has to be it no shot open up again bye luigi i wanted to see the pyramid 15 minutes the ss updog what are cat dogs pronouns hymns he's thank you that's a good one this is just a conventional convention yeah this just looks like a oh what's nice is you get infinite lives if i'm just chilling right here yeah all right i got it this time you did it so co-op is actively breaking this level co-op is getting progressively easier yeah i think the the first levels were just so standard i'm just gonna try and die and warp to you yeah oh oh i don't trust myself that's fair i didn't really either wow only me whoa oh careful careful oh i didn't know that's how that works insane jump scare careful oh my god you're gonna still die okay well that was real we need the key whoa the chain shop still live oh oh my god where do we go oh the key we can't wait can't we split can't we like do this oh my god i thought we were just stuck imagine if it got under that block oh my god which i do think that was possible first oh absolutely with me here anything is possible oh and it's not over huh keep running are we just blowing it up oh it's just a cutscene oh nice world five and now yeah we're five that's a halfway point yeah probably maybe yeah you can only have eight levels right yeah but one of the next take us like 17 hours well metaphorically we're halfway yeah theoretically spiritually emotionally medically oh it's just like those those games i guess it's just like a little mini game maybe i i do like how contrary to like his other levels it's okay if we get hit yeah most of them are uh i'm gonna say not very forgiving okay you got one like one more oh excuse me yeah sorry i'm sorry i'm in your way yay i'll bounce you up friend [Music] ew he's so he's so hunched thanks for the boost any time i get it oh my god [Music] nice numbers nerd all right i won't count [Laughter] so i i i really just try to like launch you i thought i was doing it incredible come alive we did it it's so funny it's so passive aggressive goodbye [Laughter] [Music] giant man oh giant man giant man there he is we are inside the giant man oh gross ew oh i was expecting liquid [Music] oh no i'm out of it yeah i wanted the shell oh wait we cheesed it i don't know what we were supposed to do but we did what the oh did you get the shell no you do where is this i feel like if it's a human body has to end in a [ __ ] joke right and [ __ ] goes down i don't know how the human body works i think we're poop now oh that's funny ross [Music] [Applause] oh the toilet oh that was that was that was this is definitely a hard co-op level we've had this coming for a while now yeah we're having fun for a little bit and we knew that had to stop yeah whoa dancing no wait is it i think we're still alive whoa whoa i'll bounce you my friend i guess i won't whoa oh okay whoa wait how did i get over there i don't know oh you must have like hit that top one and slid in that's evil ross damn dude that's just i'm glad we are cheesing your [ __ ] you know what no you lost me there beethoven's bullet symphony um look at someone like what he's trying to say ludwig von koopa is it ludwig or ludwig i think it's i don't know i love this guy just because he he has a bullet hell he's also got squid game symbols yo oh my god oh well whoa how did that work uh wait i'm just gonna die i don't think that we can do this no no no no no no no no let's just let's just see what happens here oh double cloud oh i see i think wait you can probably bounce me i can probably just jump on his head oh huge wait we can do that i want mario i choose mario [Music] oh my god i gotta i don't you guys whoa okay i was just scared i got it awesome yeah that world was that was a fun world yeah i like that world only easier than the other ones yeah but i feel like we cheesed a lot i wonder if he was like i want a little like before the storm yeah okay world six ice it's mine i did not contest that at all you fought with yourself and lost oh well i i don't that that does not feel right for me i feel fair well damn that's a crazy no cheating system actually yeah very smart oh oh insane you were struggling that was this like i should play soccer oh my god you ever scored on your own team oh do you think we can still do this no oh my god oh my god wait wait hold on we can still do it this is so much harder but we might just do it yeah just jump onto them oh okay i'll go down okay oh oh my god [Laughter] i thought it just touching the the on and off switches that would trigger it the time we did oh my god i mean 11 minutes sure meltdown mountain [Music] he was barreling he ran with such passion okay l huge l careful don't need it yeah watch out for it that's the scariest part of the run careful just give me kick come on okay that was like we did not have much time left well i shot oh i saw him try to beat this this looks rough oh nevermind i i don't think that's how the little level was supposed to go careful careful jaden cameron watch out jade watch out easy frosty serious furious that's a lot ross all right you ready yeah all right okay you're doing great i don't know how to drive the car i learned something nice oh now we know i only got enough time oh yes see that's not that bad just hard when there's a luigi in your way well we took care of it thank god cursed cavern all right just made a little harder than it had to be why is there so much music going on i don't know oh you can get through it surely this has a mushroom yeah that's kind of nope this is a pretty unforgiving level why would there be a reset when you they're in a mushroom yeah oversight on this level i'll give it a boo can you do it again i wish i will make so many fake accounts and boo this mario maker level it say if i had to pick an adjective for this level it would not be fun uh when he crouches oh my god when he crouches he puts his crotch in the snow yeah i'm gonna kill myself here all up to you oh no oh this is we can reset here though but i got there okay nice wait and now let me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa if i jump there [Music] oh they're nice oh okay careful careful careful you too luigi oh my god he's his essence terrified no luigi that was it that was it that was it oh there you have to like hit up in the air we all get stuck sometimes and then get pelted by snowballs and then he dies such is life oh [ __ ] oh okay oh you did it the level's done the level's done the level is done i'm scared i'm scared i'm going i'm going for it i'm going for it oh it's over yes that's not for you no wendy's frosty fortress wendy's frosty fortress like the restaurant wait hold on hold on hold on get me i tried oh yeah i oh [ __ ] you got this yo no what do i do with that snowball i i think it's just there for decor oh it messed me up ross we're gonna see ross and we're gonna have a bulleted list of complaints and he's going to have to answer every single one of them otherwise we're not friends anymore and i'm sitting up straight now no reclamation there's no fun on my side of the recording it's like i feel like mario himself is ready and capable [Music] uh-huh and whenever he does something a second time he always waits until his third time because that's when peak mario comes out that was a trick preparation [ __ ] his final of mario's trick which is his fifth life [Laughter] and then mario's goaded all right go huge yeah you never want to see fifth wife mario oh huge i'm gonna die now okay bye-bye get it please no don't okay let's we both made it check now checkpoint boss yeah what up see this level [Music] we're a team we are a team oh throw snowballs at wendy whoa she like frame one of me oh my god holy [ __ ] mercy whoa actual mercy whoa i got her though just stay alive stay alive mario's coming through oh huge damn foolish i'm gonna go down with the ship on that one oh i didn't die whoa okay do not get good everything's okay that's so it we can still die here i'm just saying i don't think so yeah it's not impossible is what i'm trying to say that's fair goomba snowman world seven don't you have a level in here yeah it's the baby easy one really why'd you make a baby easy i don't know oh i don't even have an answer i wanted to make it [ __ ] and ross like that's not fun and i was like fun is not fun anymore ross you've changed oh danny yeah and this level is a train train i get it oh this bounces up you guys both whoa that was like a mario party mini game and we lost yeah oh you wanna iframe through yeah through all of this that sounds great it's just like i see what's on my screen and i just don't have time for it i'm gonna die now i got boxes comic that did nothing well it's good game so much squid game i love references in my game happy music yeah that was an easy little that was a fun little thing a breath of fresh air might i say best level so far you know what dan i think you got a real future in mario maker yeah i'm gonna i'll give that a like from me i made this one well let's see what it's let's see these things can explore it you can do this level and i will not interfere unless i do i don't think i remember everything here we'll see we'll see crazy checkpoint actually yeah that was really generous hard level what can i say i just think this is cool that the ball does that it does do that cool oh this was the first time i i i ever did anything with ross actually oh and look at us now acquaintances i just realized something huh we can probably choose the absolute hell out of this in co-op just come here because all you have to do is get this ball to touch the question block and i feel like i frame luigi can just run down there i'm steel ball get it mine well ah you knew the troll i forgot about it i've just pardoned by mario maker i've seen it all yeah you know what i'll say it i was there for that level kind of sucks i think it deserves a boo right right compared to steam train dan i don't know how i could ever top that it's yeah it's pales in comparison i'll never be him i've already accepted it all right that's that's really good to hear sounds healthy man who's the frog a friend hops and dreams mario mario frog i like red frog a lot [Music] it's hard mine i don't think you deserved it i'm just putting that out there no i do deserve it [Music] frog mario we've been through a lot and none of it has been fun it's like purgatory because we're not losing any lives it's like mcdonald's it's what okay i think that is how it works too right double back middle right oh i thought that was middle oh one off one yeah i got this i so guys you still got this double back yeah go middle double back again stay still stay perfectly still be cool be cool go in go in the door yeah we did it together oh sleeping frog ew i don't think you're going the right direction maybe you know what maybe you can save this you you got big plans here we don't you'll never know where secrets are being hidden coin trail checkpoint it's been a thousand oh my god i forgot those are in the game hello we've been dealing with clear conditions yeah oh well interesting uh-oh that's unfortunate actually i got a great idea okay okay watch this watch this is so you're gonna jump out of my arms onto the on the koopa you got spin jump out of my arms okay oh my god holy [ __ ] what a co-op moment how we did it together look away luigi champion's over here one more level and then it's the hard levels which sound fun but it sounds like a co-op moment lemmy's bouncy buzzkill i forgot gravity what's your immediate ranking of this level f don't say luigi it's not worth it never is that hurts i feel like little brother [Laughter] i thought it this entire run good job luigi luigi moment you know what this is awesome imagine if there wasn't a checkpoint oh my god can we die in this boss fight is it survival it might just be survival but nothing can hurt us uh what is that remember it bounces you in there oh true oh my god you're right yeah yeah this boss fight you just stay on the side yeah just like squish through everything yeah are you doing okay yeah i'm still a little brother alive i'm still just maulding but silently over oh my god oh no oh insane wall jump careful luigi oh huh [Music] [Applause] did we touch it did we i thought we touched oh okay [Laughter] all right well it's only two levels required oh the dry bones is a level oh okay companion oh not one of these this was ross's whole shtick in mario maker one this is you need this spring to finish the level it's like aren't we at each other's springs wait yeah wait oh my god yeah i think we're gonna break this level actually this is this is finally our time to shine not only do we get double the springs we get double the people i'm the spring guy that's just unfortunate oh luigi [Laughter] [Music] why would you say do you want to go i don't know and then go oh that's weird oh that's weird oh i did it i did it you did it oh god i need to get out of here luigi not interrupt me what if you hit the piece i i hard clicked left after i saw that this something doesn't look i feel like they got co-opt i've just been sitting in the corner and i've been saying oh and oh my god it just fell oh took care of the big one please come here i'm trying i'm trying wait the spring oh i just jumped off you know that works too we didn't even need it all right just another little level this one's not that bad you are the monster we get to kill yoshi this is the yoshi one i'll gladly kill this guy that's fine now watching me to cruel fate oh holy [ __ ] insane oh my gosh that's what i'm saying wait wait you got it yes we have three lives left let's uh no okay oh you know what perfect we're fine we're so fine so at this point i think we can like discuss do you think co-op made this easier at all because i i i don't i i don't think so no i think like it's so much harder the ratio of what made it easier to harder is surprisingly not as fun as you think we were we were being like oh we're gonna like choose his whole world and ross was like oh i'm so excited to see this because like i didn't design this for two players so i can't he sure didn't oh my god oh you're yoshi now whoa whoa whoa oh i'm gonna stay on this the whole thing okay don't use your flutter remember because you got it you gotta flutter under the thing true as long as i just hit it yeah this is springs this is springs no go oh oh okay is that like a boss is that a checkpoint checkpoint oh oh [ __ ] you go well actually oh crazy oh guilty oh yeah this is what i saw is like i win oh oh okay well i mean i kind of did all the work but yeah okay did you no apparently not no and the monster yeah oh no oh it's megalovania oh yeah now we're fighting yoshi after everything we did oh that shoots well okay i feel like we can co-op this i wonder if that's better because we can like at least invincibility yeah oh oh i'm dead more players definitely makes this one easier yeah hi joe hello so we are trying to beat this level and it's kind of hard but it looks very cheesable with more people okay okay so i i'm the trump card you're doing great oh he got me they got me oh all up to you toad all right this is what i was here for you did it don't you did it look at you that's why they brought me in from the minor leagues man oh we need that we need that key i would like it's not it's not done yet oh my god there's a little oh my god that's what we brought up we're just going to goddamn door oh wait what what if we walk through that door and there's not a checkpoint uh we just win the third one first try yep or drive over to ross's house and have a few choice words oh it's gonna happen all right i have a genius new mario maker level idea yeah we make a level that's just ross's ip address [Laughter] oh it's just still alive because this is where it happens this is what happens oh my god just go to the door let's be careful to not you know oh yeah you want to stay separated a little bit yeah oh oh luigi get to the door they gave it to luigi i got it perfectly and luigi has it again oh my god checkpoint yes and seven lives and that hurts luigi checkpoint that hurts now actually yeah seven lives is scary oh i've seen this one on stream this is rough oh oh they shoot things so we have seven lives guys oh my god all right you know what just caught we got a co-op and we gotta do it hard why do we let her be the one how about we can do this yeah why are we choosing to die see this one feels mighty co-operable i like this one this one this one's fun i like this this one's actually well-made you finally learned what fun was out it looks like he instantly forgets though oh oh we're fine i've never been more confident in myself on that one fine guys just split up one of us will be correct all right i i think when i start jumping up higher like we're all good i'm just killing myself sooner you know sure so that way yeah that way i respawn quicker i think that's the strat whoa i hate ross oh we can't just stop just stop just stuck oh oh why why would he do this this is not a co-op one why would ross do this i'm gonna wait because there's two that drop after oh [ __ ] all right okay so we can't do that oh no no no no save just tap it in you got this oh my god the end is near oh honestly no okay let's just pop whenever we uh don't don't don't oh that's it that's it luigi has the key no no all right anymore oh and watch out for the saw blades above oh fire honestly this one's pretty tame because the fire cannot pierce multiple people see it stops at you yeah so we're not going to all die to a fireball we can all however die to individuals yeah oh not having no one that's scary but i think there are five oh my god you're such a gambler at heart i i've never not gained it in your life dude oh my god oh oh oh come on go go go go go go go go go go [Laughter] please and that's the end is that it is that it oh wait wait it's a joke it's a joke it's just gags oh look at these funny gags oh my gosh i can't believe it well thanks for joining joe yeah i never want to talk to ross or you guys ever again joe's gone and we got one last level surely no more after that well we got the little mushroom house rubber rush i guess we just gotta beat him what how did that not get him that was calc oh my god wait i got him i'm second time you got him well all right can you stay alive that's my really really you could have stood perfectly i wanted to stand on the cannon [Music] okay cool awesome nice see this is easy this is a co-op moment yeah it's always a mushroom whoa whoa oh yeah this just whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i remember this oh you're not living that yeah hey joe yeah will you help us with mario maker again yeah sure awesome and he's back are you ready joe it just clicked what you guys asked me to actually do yeah wait until you see this one oh oh shayla oh yo crazy insane insane oh my god watch out for the holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god that was like oh my god we did it ever oh joe is there one more do we get a check check point please no wait this one's easy i'm sorry guys this damage is the boss oh oh oh my god careful actually let's farm shelmets oh oh oh don't do it i don't think shelters are worth it i think there's so much worth it it's a free hit [Music] how are you feeling no he's definitely going to give us a one-up here that's this is what he's done i don't care wow so cool what up we cannot farm what ups they were popping out the pipe ah dead with the shellmet okay got him oh yeah all right now wendy oh [ __ ] what a [ __ ] jump idiot she fell for it all right i'm gonna go down oh oh yeah don't go oh well okay so i don't think he thought that level three honestly i'm fine with this what how how did we fight for our goddamn lives for those first three levels and now we're playing a children's game all right he can't even kill us oh he's dead oh we didn't expect baby bowser i oh god how do we do it oh we can bounce each other up on to hit him just like that okay oh you have a mushroom perfect wow all right get it careful oh i almost hit him oh watch out for bombs oh nice actually no i'm going to stay up here because i'm scared of something happening and we did oh oh it's not wait why not wait wait wait wait wait wait wait they won't come in for we we just let you guys go on first it's like a goomba right oh i'm stuck all thanks to you joe oh i have the helmet and everything too do you just want to stay for the last level i i can sure you've made it this far i can't believe i'm about to beat rubble ross world in like 30 minutes total i thought that was the last level it might be whoa who would have seen that one coming if what if we have to fight bowser i want to hit ross oh look it's bowser it was a chase thing bootleg all right oh wait i'm coming yeah all right whoa yeah careful all right we're coming i'm whoa okay oh oh my god it's okay all right so that was a bit of a co-op moment bowser can't hear bowser can't hit you there oh insane save so it's just you do we need that red thing i did that was bad game design okay i didn't know that was there oh careful that's fine yeah just go through it so far oh watch out there you go oh yeah i'm making what we would call risky plays i like it when we co-op this level hard i think it's funny when we really don't do any impressive platforming we just wait for someone to invincibility through the impressive part yeah that's what mario maker's about it's what it's all about well i'll stay alive that little bastard has killed us all so many times well you guys are both dead i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm over here huh just keep going holy [ __ ] a checkpoint what are we going up here so now we fight bowser the eight coins were optional oh okay i see i see so you just don't want to die there is it a survival no uh those red missiles will hit bowser oh oh oh stay right there now we can't die oh like i can push you so oh wait what jumps he just jumping oh oh that's good that's good oh this run looks pro oh [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm so sorry it's okay it happens and luigi's alive oh no just stay back i'm coming i'm coming i i don't have the pressure it's okay okay okay we get to chill now yeah we are he's got like so many hits jump spin yeah that sucks oh no you're fine jane jumping is so much worse in this scenario i like hearing you're fine instant mashing don't tell me cool be cool wait go just go oh mario is that that's it that's the end and we did it [Music] yes joe did it oh my god i did it all on my own thank you guys for coming to my super ross world playthrough well jaden and i were just happy to be part of it yeah i'm glad you guys could come along for it uh what was your least favorite part when we started it but this this is my favorite part so far
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 5,545,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario maker, jaiden, jaiden animations, super mario maker, super mario maker 2, smm2, mm2
Id: Ul-HLS5nAz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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