RARE FIND Leaves Detectorist TICKLED | FIRST We've EVER SEEN! | PlugMaster Ford

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and boy is happy happy kids right this is one of the coolest finds that I've seen him for [Music] well hello guys welcome I am Jeff plug master Ford this is Missouri Mike I'm pointing the wrong way this is Chris Nelson show me dirt on YouTube we were hunting a house that was a starter home for a house that's down the road which is a historic house built in 1854 which we are working on hopefully getting permission folks I want to welcome you to my channel if you're not subscribed and you feel like subscribing I would appreciate that give it a like at the end of this video if you enjoyed yourself but we are gonna go dig some holes and hopefully find some treasure well there's not a whole lot of targets here I did have a 78 signal here it was just off the corner a little bit it was a good signal so I went ahead and cut the plug lighter and I got something staring at me right there you guys see it right here don't know what it is could be junk oh it's gonna be what is it gonna be it's gonna be I believe a war one or World War two huh it could be a flattened Civil War button too which is possible like I said the house the main house is 1854 built I cannot tell on that till I get it cleaned up and I'll need to get two hands on it so let me do that real quick okay I got her cleaned up real quick with a brush and you see it's a either World War 1 or World War 2 great seal button so we'll take it we'll moved around to the backyard right in the clothes line which not a super old clothesline but check this out guys I busted another grease seal button this one's in better shape missing the shank on the back but definitely in better shape so like it well we moved on from the last permission hi buddy that's a beautiful pitbull right - and super cool are you my buddy yeah anyway I dug a clad diamond which is the first coin for me we've already hit that one permission I didn't even dig a coin had a good signal here and I just popped it out of the side well and check it out guys it's a silver bracelet it was right back in here so it's about five inches oh yeah check that out check that out that is gorgeous gonna be a sterling don't know how old but this house that we're hunting not in the best shape but it is 1848 built so that's fantastic right there in the middle it says sterling you guys see that right there in the middle so little turquoise you gotta love it well we are dealing with some electrical interference here I think Chris is having trouble with the 80 max as well but I did have a 67 68 signal and that's what it is so another key to the key collection it's growing old Chris and Mike and myself moved on and we're hunting this 1870s built unit right here not a lot of targets but I did just get this and I have no clue what it is it looks like a rabbit rabbits ears you see it maybe it's an eagle I don't know no idea what that it looks like a rabbit to me what do you guys think rabbit or just some odd piece of metal that happens to look like a rabbit it's got a hole right there in the ear so Elmer Fudd likely shot at him he was fast enough to make it to here well we were on their last permission because we got to do a show tonight so we're cutting our night short Mikey just busted the Indian over there but he was winning the weady race until now he had Chris and I down one to nothing and now we were tied it's a reddish ones from guessing 40s it looks like it says 40 something on there so anyway we'll take it ties us oh yeah game on Missouri Mike two to one far as I can tell whoo-hoo well I just worked around the side of the house and check this out I was shocked because it was so shallow but it's an Indian Wow that caught me off guard huh a little crunchy you guys see the date on it can't tell them you zoom in a little bit we can get it to focus you know that's the problem with this phone well I guess no we're not gonna do it we're playing hardball today there we go hmm all I gotta do is beat Mikey as far as age goes so I see an 8 there I don't know what that is but I'm gonna get back to hunting it's starting to rain now well Mike and I are out oh nothing Mike I'm just recording a super-duper find he knows since I didn't call him over that it's a wheat penny this is a new day a new start so if you've watched some footage before this this starts a new day and a new weedy King championship and as of right now I'm up one to nothing oh he says no big deal to him but he just said you'd think we'd find some wheats here I can't tell what it is probably a 40's maybe you guys can see if i zoom in a little bit if we can get her to focus all right there's what we wanted to focus on I still can't see it maybe you guys can but anyway I'm up one to nothing woman the house that we're hunting is a 1900s bill house sitting in an old part of town and this is always a good sign now there's been a lot of clad we've dug quite a bit of cloud I've dug that one wheat penny but you always like this as a sign because it usually means they have not hit if someone has hit it they've not hit it very good that was probably about 5 inches I would guess nice harmonica Reed so we always look for that when we're hunting these places because the person won't leave a big piece of brass like that it just sounds too good so high hopes for some silver out of here maybe an Indian we'll see I hadn't filled everyone in on the last yard but Oh Mikey taking a three to one lead on me we D wise it's now three to two with this one I don't know the year but it's a green one so that is a good sign there could be some really old stuff here in this old house it looks like a forties model though yeah green and all oh well we'll take it still counts kind of working towards the backyard here big open there's not a whole lot of signals up there's a lot of ironist ooh got a doggy not happy with me anyway I had an 84 85 signal I just flipped the plug and that's what I see right there now it's probably a token is what I'm guessing just from looking at it but yeah that's light shell president coin game mr. president that is cool who's that look like to you let's play the game who is it can you tell yeah all right no clue I'm gonna say Taft I still have no clue I can't read it says 19 1869 to 1877 so if you know your presidents let me get it cleaned off real quick oops see if we can zoom in and tell what it is did you focus there ulysses s grant alright so if you yes grant you in send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I'll send one back to you moving I made my way to the back and again not a lot of signals not sure if it's been hit the dirt and most places kind of looks like fill but had a good deep signal right now and I just popped this out from six inches and it's a wheat scent I don't know if Mikey's dug any or not so we'll act like he hasn't right now and we'll say that it's tied until I find out more he's probably found some but I can only dream I'm gonna be weedy King today I don't know what I have to do to win maybe tape a wheat penny to the bottom of his coil that would keep him from pie to him he'll ground balance on it and won't find a thing yeah I'm on it all right moved a couple feet got another hit another deep one and I'm gonna say it's four to three now no matter what he's got so I'm winning I didn't have to take the wheat penny to his coil yet whoo we are hunting an 1856 built house on a road trip today not super far from us there's you a good look at it and I have dug nothing but trash so far until now I had trouble it was up underneath these roots right here I've been digging for a while but check it out guys got an Indian so I am tickled with that over here out of the way I have not looked at a date yet to see if it has one I'd have to put a little squirty on it rub it to my shorts real quick if that will help I can't tell not seeing much come out right now it's got a date wrong side let me clean it up real quick and I'll come right back okay I got it all cleaned up and there's you look at it eighteen eighty seven beautiful Indian right there we'll probably leave that one with the home on it you know anytime we hunt these yards and a lot of these historic yards have maples and that's what we're dealing with here but maples throw the most awful root system and they're shallow so everything's a bit of work to dig out I apologize for the noise I'm right on a brick street and that adds to some noise but I had a good signal here this one rang up about 78 79 I cleaned it off a little already it looks like it's a like a clip of some sort and then it would have another clip right there like into maybe garter hose or something I am Not sure that is a cool piece so that's beautiful I love that see if we can get some more Oh Missouri Mike is on the coal today when she check out this doggie right here that's a rescue dog that is a big dog and Mike he got himself a little silver rosey yeah about five inches yeah that dog still don't like you it likes me though yeah good job buddy well ladies and gentlemen this caught me off guard the number was good but it was really tight I thought it would be too small I've dug some roofing tax and things like that and I thought it was going to be another one I stuck my ledge in it just popped up and as you can see it was standing on end so I'm not sure what I have here Oh murk I can re see the Mercury dime right there hit it with the patented Mars re/max QWERTY squirt see if we can get you a date real quick kind not are super old when it wasn't very deep zoom in real quick and what do we have 1927 I can't tell on a mint mark but yeah that's cool fine I love it we have now changed towns and houses of course happen this unit built in 1895 he's got a huge yard we'll be here the rest a day it's getting on three thirty now Mikey's already dug an Indian just right over there I haven't dug much I had a signal here I just popped it out she's lived here since 84 and it hasn't been hunted in the time that she has lived here so we've got some high hopes but I got a GM key and dug a GM key in a long time hopefully it gets better I haven't been showing you much because I haven't dug much this is about it I dug a lid to probably an aspirin container but I have just scored something really cool I don't know if it's real or if it's a toy I popped it up and went huh thankfully mosquitoes weren't out okay see what it is right there you can't really tell right here cuz I buried it check it out that is a little derringer and I own one that is very similar to that and it feels like this one could be real it's probably not he's got some design on it don't know what it says I mean that is a heavy duty cocked and loaded ready to go so that is really really cool I would guess it being a red and pink handle that is probably not real but I don't know got a makers mark of some sort right here h-huh I'm not gonna pull the trigger I know you guys want me to pull it Jeff pull it no not going to not till I get it cleaned up mm-hmm that is awesome love it we'll all be just telling my Kevin Doug a nickel in like three hunts he's been digging nickels and I got a signal here that was a nickel signal but I've had a lot of them that were close to nickel signals this one on my machine will hit 29 30 sometimes 31 I'll my keys machine they had a little bit higher little you there guys I got a nickel don't know anything about it except that I haven't dug your nickel in a long time and I'm hoping it's a goodness but it's not it's a Jefferson hey at least it's a nickel there you go in the broad scheme of metal detecting this find really isn't that important thing time to dig some treasures Mikey going into this yard had me down three to nothing on weeks he hasn't dug any more I don't believe he's dug an Indian but I just got a week and I'm not sure I think it might be a 40s but you can see right there definitely a wheat cent so I'm on the board finally I'll see what we can do Oh boys and girls about three steps later I'm on the board again another wheat cent so now it's three to two and I'm feeling much better I don't want to lose but three to two loss is way better than three to nothing but a four to three wins even better mhm well they get the possum and boy is happy happy kid this is one of the coolest finds that I've seen him pull he didn't leave a racing stripe on it like usual either must have been really deep that wasn't that bad why not now check out this Tootsie toy guys boom how cool is that I'm calling it at it see it could be a Jim he's cleaned it out a little bit now I always tell people don't unpack the wheels in the field Mikey doesn't know me very much he hasn't been around me long enough to know that you never unpacked the wheels in the field Mike okay too late that's cool you're what oh good gracious here he goes with gold five bucks says it's plated silver you goofball how does found that over there yeah man you got a heck of a side of you that might be aluminum it's pretty why didn't you enjoy your yard over there and Mikey just informed me that he found a flattened wheat penny and I did confirm it is so he's up for two two now I'll see what we can do it may look like I'm in the jungles of Belize but I'm not like to be but I'm not maybe soon anyway had a 7880 signal which check this out guys this was my target not really exciting I know half of something but look what else was in the hole with it guys a complete little bottle Oh looks like maybe a chip off the top there I don't know if it says anything on it I don't know what kind of bottle it is whatsoever seeing it for the first time with you probably not super old but it's cool just the same always like when you find the bonus finds and that's a bonus whoo-hoo well I have really really sorry wiped that off of it really been wanting to get an Indian Head Penny now I know you guys are saying hey Jeff you already got one earlier on that is true but I gave it to the homeowner the 1887 I left with the homeowner he didn't want that suspender which I was gonna give to him he wanted the Indian so I gave it to him thought I had me an Indian here but I didn't still pretty cool though you didn't know what that is a tarantula tarantula no that is an oil lamp top and that one might be reusable that would be pretty cool might have a patent date right here on the end it's gonna be really hard to see with my eyes they're stars I see stars I see stars yeah better every day oh no it does have some writing or something on there so anyway I will clean that up but I like stuff like that that's cool I just may be back here in a little hot zone took a couple steps I mean if that this giant snake jumped out at me look at him look at that snake get out of here you're crazy knucklehead Oh oops I accidentally got him a little but check out what I found out here 78 signal does have riding on it can't tell if as riding so what we put on my britches real quick no it's just gonna be a design so I don't know if that would be like a hairpiece or miniature coffee coaster hey could be you never know could have been some hobbits live in here oh all right might he's been drubbing me Hemi down eight to two we moved to the lot next door the lady there just recently acquired it and it's been dosed burned and owes but I got a nice greeny bad news is it's a 40-something I mean that's not necessarily bad news if I needed it but when they're green like that I want them to be older I'll take it though I've got a lot of work to do I'm down five right now yeah well if you guys would take just one second take a deep breath through your nose smells like a comeback doesn't it yeah there we go folks now I'm down for I'll take it hey Mike you dougie any weights over here Oh Willie down three now I got in a little wad here he's gonna pucker up I'm telling you I love it well normally I hate to dig the red ones but not today baby not today mikey is puckered up he went on the other side of that tree trying to get in front of my line but I got him down he knows it coming at him so Mikey comes inside owes me and digs my Indian a second ago 1892 he's got like four Indians on the day is that right Mike for Indians he's got four Indians I thought I was digging what I would have almost wagered was a silver dime but it's not it's pretty cool it's pretty deep of course it doesn't matter here it's been dosed so we just don't know what it's gonna be bit that one will clean up nice my kids will repurpose that and hopefully she will fly again never know it's getting on in the day and Mikey just stepped in and that's where I find on all the weeds he just absolutely booted me out of there so hateful I'm so wore out I had what I thought could have been an Indian got down to it a lot of gravel down here but I finally got down to it you see right there I don't know what it is it's got a little silver plate to it it's got some riding underneath I stopped rubbing on it because I want to clean it up proper when I get home but if it turns out to be anything I will put a picture right down in here that was hard to do guys because I didn't know where my camera lens was [Music] well hey guys hope you enjoyed this week's episode if you did give it a like and if you're not subscribed and you feel the urge to subscribe hit the button as you can see I'm out in the Hayfield checking on the hay between Rangers just to see what kind of crop we're gonna get for old cattle anyway back to metal detecting because I know cows probably bore you unless you're eating them and then they're really good metal detecting you guys see me swinging the nope no macro amphibio and also have the simplex as well if you're looking to get in one of those machines I can sure help you get one at a reduced price but not just any of yo not just simplex any machine you're interested in I hear there's a new one out I can get you in on that one as well any machine any metal detecting related gear let me know shoot me an email plug master Ford at gmail.com and I will get you hooked up now here's another thing those of you that have allowed me to help you get a machine I want to see some of your finds shoot me an email of one of your greatest finds with your new machine that I helped you get into and I'm gonna feature some of them on this channel during a weekly episode so get out there and find some good stuff get a hold of me and I'll hope you get the good stuff I'll catch you next week [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PlugMaster Ford
Views: 16,562
Rating: 4.9505301 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, plugmaster ford, silver, relics, finds, found, rare, key date, buried treasure, gold, coin, old coins, youtube, detector, discovered, discovery, funny, outdoors, hiking, nature, door knocking, permissions, tootsietoy, one of a kind, rare toys, tickled, awesome finds
Id: y2FoW3d379o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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