I Worked At Japan's Biggest Airport (And Failed)

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country K I'm pretty pretty damn good at stacking shelves how do I mess this up this video is sponsored by in a retail anime deck I'm actually at Narita Airport right now at terminal 2 this is the anime road as you can see all your favorite anime shows there we have attack on Titan sword on a line detective cone even galleon everything you've got if you're a weap which let's be honest if you're watching my channel you probably are you have to come here it is arguably the best airport experience I've ever had well I'm not just saying that because I'm a weeb okay a little bit a little bit I am but there is amazing stuff to do there's a huge maid cafe over there there's an easy Kyle and there's an anime store here with tons of anime figures so if you're catching a flight from the Rita Airport it's at terminal 2 on floor two it's real easy to find if you're departing you'll be on the third floor just calm down and if you're arriving just go up one floor it's huge you can't miss it there's a giant Gundams outside they look so cool it's beautiful and today we're gonna be joining the staff here at Narita anime deck first of all we will be joining the maid cafe and making some on your rice and some latte art which I'm not experienced in I worked in McDonald's once does that count that's the same thing right totally and then we're gonna be joining the shop as some staff and stacking some shelves and talking to some customers and hopefully selling some goods I'm not very good at selling things so we'll see how that goes and then to celebrate after all our hard work we're gonna be going to the easycap down there eating some amazing food and drinking some good drink I'm so excited for that part that's my favorite part I think I haven't even done it yet but that's gonna be my favorite part so we're gonna be joining the maid cafe right now I have my outfit in my bag in the back so he's going to change but I don't know if the costume is gonna fit me I bought it last night and I haven't tried it on so please pray for me but anyway let's go through the main oh yeah they make a fake maid cafe that's fine I got it do I look amazing it's embarrassing let's go and meet the maids let's do it hi well it's like the opposite to my YouTube comments we're scared joy need like a maid named is that like a thing do they have made names I mean come on the return on us say my name I'm fluid let's go get our own you rice oh wow oh my god there's more on your right I was born to do this oh it's like a heart shape that's so cute I'll corner all my students through my katakana normally let alone with the ketchup no I forgot it's like hacking a safe when do I get the job then this part of the interview oh my back just ripped look how clean my collar is we did a comparison to get a side-by-side so normally when you go to your maid cafe in Japan they will do a little song and dance that are ritual to make your food taste better using their kawaii magic so that's what all amazing made is gonna do today what's good about it okay okay more and more it's like an anime you're a school not it boy boy soon I get it stress levels 9000 okay can I just freestyle I offer like a few designs I want to test out do you like video game mmm okay okay I forgot what the body proportions are but I'm just gonna do it there yeah it's Sonic thankfully sick do you think I would be a good mate no lie like lying live life okay so now they're gonna show us how to actually draw on the latter then I'm gonna attempt to do it hopefully I'll do just as good as the Omni right I was pretty good not like to my own horn though or our chakra fourth so the maid is gonna show me how to do it cuz I'm really messes up mmm rabbits hi so chunky rabbit BAM that's pretty good okay I am NOT trying to do that but I'm gonna show that I'm not religious but I'm gonna pray for this you're shaking I know I'm shaking because I'm nervous like I said it feels like I'm diffusing a bomb that it's already pretty bad that I'm not gonna lie it looks like that rabbit is at a rough night why you laughing at me it looks like - seen some things my friend kxi like mmm oh the chocolate sauce is good which one pour it all in you know this is what it's like in Europe you just chill with coffee and uh in a maid outfit in middle of yours like imagine I'm in like Venice right now no no I just oh why not I was thirsty what okay fine fine I actually really enjoyed that coffee I kind of wanna drink the rest of it so I just drink the other one so now that I've done the latte art and now that I've done the ami rice we're gonna find out if I got the job and if I can stay here honestly YouTube's kind of been rough lately so I'm hoping right let's find out oh man no way that's bad right by some other people oh oh I gotta give the batch away okay just just a little bit just a little bit just a second eat the food [Music] it was really cold I think I get the last laugh because I've made this chair really sweaty so I win let's go I'm gonna do my magical girl transformation there or I go back to normal normal everyday life to no one's surprise I do do well as a maid maybe it was because they were intimidated by how cute I was in comparison to them I don't know you know I feel like I'm getting at conspiracies out there but anyway now I'm gonna try and work as a shop clerk I am not the best of doing it's a shop and stuff I've never worked in retail or anything so I'm hoping this goes well although let's be honest it's me I'm probably gonna mess something up wanna catch monsters but if I'm gonna work here I need to get familiar with my surroundings so let's have a look around the anime narrator deck and see what we're working with I know exactly where I want to go first I saw something earlier when I was here just for a second we have pokemon mario plushies the works it's all fine but come look here look look what we have here it's the best section see this this is the cultural section as far as I'm concerned we have all of the JoJo's wow there's so many figures we have like been my hero academia oh look at the RAM I've always wanted this one for ages I feel like I can't do my job properly when all this stuff is here you know I feel like I'm getting distract super as well they even have anime alcohol so if you want to find out what all your favorite anime boys taste like alcoholic there you go these love life t-shirts Wow put them in the trash that's what I say there's a huge Evangelion section it's just so cool what the hell I'm like totally fanboy the video is totally off track right now his crane games actually in the store oh my god this Gacha machines I don't even know this stuff was here this is crazy it's like a mini arcade I'm supposed to be working right now but I saw the crane and I want to do it no no no I didn't mean I fail how can I work here where all I want to do is spend all my money I feel like I would make no money because I'm at the end of the shift I just thought what but it's so cool and over here is a map of Japan with a gigantic list of tons of anime and you can find out where they're set in Japan and funny enough if you go to the exact location where this map says they'll be a stand similar to this one in the Rita Airport though your card on the wall and a stamp here and there will be 88 of these all across Japan with your favorite animes we have The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya we have hand shakers I don't really like and shakers I don't know who does love life sunshine 5 centimeters per second sergeant frog I had no idea where any of these were based but now I do so if you want to go around Japan and go and live your weeaboo dreams you can so apparently some shelves need stacking now I don't want to brag but I'm pretty pretty damn good at stacking shelves okay I can do that ok the price okay I put the price first okay wait how does this yes wait how does this go in this is home I don't have navel is that right am i doing this right I don't know I guess I know what I can do if youtube falls through right oh god I've had hidden it I should put it here right oh no no oh no he's looking he's looking I'm just gonna okay I don't know what did she hurt to go to go to that how do I mess this up okay I know I should oh okay okay oh did I miss it oh I sabotage myself he told me I have to do it again but do it right because apparently it wasn't good enough start the timer easy I can't mess this up did you do this I don't think you did yeah you did this I should have memorized the pattern before I took them all out I think it's good but um yes we got a raise now all right so now that I've done the stacking the shelves correctly I speed round at time it I'm gonna be drawing the labels now for the shelves let's go make these labels I have my my what I'm gonna copy here I don't know how good this is going to be I haven't done a chore at his face before this is already I think incorrect but we're just gonna go with it I've just had thanks that's not an eye is it if actually hideous what do you think if Araki ever watches this I'm so sorry for what I've done to your boy they he deserves better than this a white kilt all right so now I gotta go ask my boss [ __ ] him if I piss on this which are either than see my masterpiece go in the [ __ ] go in the Sabu charity I think we're doing an okay job so far I mean other than the fact that I spent like half an hour just staring at all the figures before I did anything maybe that wasn't so good but everything else is good and he left a my brooch or anything will be manning the register right now and hopefully there'll be some customers who will talk to you and I won't mess up that'll be fun I hope I don't mess up I don't know what any of this does how do i how do I get the money from them this is the scanner oh he's customer okay hi hi hello oh yes Wow English yeah okay Wester oh whoa okay cool cool cool good taste good taste am I allowed to judge that that purchases while I'm doing the job is that allowed no okay fake grundle are you into fake granddaughter Wow the Goucher game wow you must have no money okay let me put this in a bag for you I don't know if there's an order to stacking it I'm just gonna stack it I didn't drop it I didn't really drop it here you go thank you so much thank you so much thank you I think that went well all right nice nice first customer we nailed it what that I might have forgot to get money can we go on a hike and go and chase I can go and shake it what yes I lost my job again meline because I forgot to take the money like an idiot it's the one thing I have to do is take the money and I can but overall I think the customer really liked it I think the customer liked it obviously I mean she was getting it for free so of course you like that but I think if you asked her she'd said in good I'm John with walking I want to eat let's go to the either kaya in the no.2 anime deck where you can get all this glorious food and this tons of food here so I need to choose what I want to order what I want to eat tomato and kimchi salad potato salad Marsh it looks also healthy it's all pretty reasonably priced as well so you can pick four of the items that we just saw you get a main two side dishes salad rice and a soup for 1,200 yen which is pretty cheap actually you can drink alcohol hell yeah Bunny's wrong ah mmm full fit but I know what I don't potato it's going to be a little healthy shouldn't Wow pretty anime voice oh it's Evangelion do you see that wow it's like a model exact like one for one that's crazy so you can eat your food while enjoying the even galleon city there you seen that look at it it's so cool in case you couldn't tell this is all staged and fade I mean the bad acting is pretty obvious in terms of that but yeah so we actually just found that customer in the store and they recognized who I was and I asked them if they play along and they said yes so shout out yes sir very kind of you thank you but yeah the food that's gonna be real I can't wait to eat that I've been noticing a reoccurring theme with me and Japan and failing at everything that I do but at least I try you know are you seeing how good this looks Kahn Mesa misses I really think that if I had maybe like another hour at the maid cafe I'd be better than the maids I don't want to say that I can do that job better than them but okay it feels really strange meeting and having like five people just watch you eat I think so I feel like I'm leaning toward you'd like if you were ever gonna be poisoned it's when like eight people are staring at you eating a bite right like I imagined at the Last Supper right this is like what Jesus always felt right I'm not Jesus is this how it feels for death ler inmates to eat their last meal just being stared at by a chappie I'm as well easy at all I'm gonna eat it all I just decided I'm gonna eat it all thank you to Narita anime deck for sponsoring this video and allowing me to come here today and experience this really cool part of Narita Airport you know normally when you go to an airport it's it's a really mundane and I really like tiresome experience and you hate it but honestly next time I come to Narita Airport I'm pretty excited to come back and eat some good food and shop for some figures and maybe even go to the maid cafe and hopefully they don't recognize and we can tell you to go away immediately and on screen right now somewhere I don't know where there should be a bar code and if you actually screenshot this video and come to the Narita anime Jack you can use that bar code to redeem one free soft drink before the end of May in the user kaya not the maid cafe so if you come here just show a picture of my face looking awkward with the bar code and you'll get yourself a free soft drink so I guess if you come here soon do that so thank you my beautiful weeds for watching my dumb escapades and watching me fail at doing every single job possible dressing up as a maid cafe and being fired twice if you did enjoy the video please don't forget to leave a like comment subscribe all that fun stuff that you have to do otherwise these anime boys behind me will be very angry of you so I'll see you guys soon bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 626,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Anime, Narita Anime Deck, Maid Cafe, Maid, Anime Maid, Maid Cafe Anime, CDawg, CDawgVA, Airport, Japan Airport, Anime Japan, Japanese, Anime store in japan, Narita Anime, Anime Deck
Id: vhpIzvcY7GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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