I Won't Conform

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I will not for conformity is what the world is calling for conformity I want that to sink in conformity the left the media Hollywood the entertainment industry the sports industry and many mainline denominations and non-denominational churches all conforming to this world conformity Bible says be not conformed to this world that is to be outwardly shaped a molded conformity the word world here in our text literally means age the word is Eon referring to the present sinful age the world system that is now dominated by Satan you know Satan is the god of this world the Bible says in Romans and second Corinthians excuse me chapter 4 in verse 4 and whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them the god of this world is the devil a man the world is the age this present sinful age let me give you a good working definition of the word world world he'll represents the son of the demonic human philosophy of life the some of the demonic human philosophy of life of this life is the world the world is a floating mass of thoughts opinions Maxim's speculations hopes impulses aims and aspirations at any time current in the world it is a floating mass I want to repeat that of thoughts/opinions Maxim's speculations hopes impulses aims aspirations at any time current in the world and see the world changes and one of the reasons the work the world how such a problem has such a problem with Christianity is that to be a Christian Christians resists change it depends on what the change is all about are you with me see this is why we're told in no uncertain terms to love not this floating mass of thoughts impulses Maksim speculations aspirations it hopes that our current at anytime in the world second first John chapter 2 verse 15 says love not the world neither the things that are in the world If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him love of world precludes love of the father you can't love both to love this world is to not love God the Father to love God the Father is to not love the world and the Bible tells us for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh someone says someone says there's nothing in this world saying there's nothing to offer it's not true the world has everything to offer that your flesh craves it can't offer you anything for your soul that'll make you born again but the yearnings and the cravings of fallen human nature is in the world why do you think so many about athletes and entertainers and people who came up in church but as soon as they made it be why do you think they've forgotten Christ and turn their back on the church and begin to talk a language that you know that they weren't raised to speak they fell in love with the world all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh that is what the flesh longs for that's in the world want to be a movie star I want to be rich I want to be famous I wanna wanna be want to be on Good Morning America I want to be on The Today Show I want I want I want I want I want I want I want to win the Superbowl and I want to make the team all that is in the world anything that your fresh cream the world says a habit flee all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye the sinful things every sinful thing that is appealing to you peeling to your eyes is in the world they can't pass enough laws to stop pornography they can't pass you can't put enough things in place to block the things to keep us from doing things in the world that look good to us because the world appears appeals to you lust of the eyes and the pride of life that is the accomplishments in life that that we draw from the make us feel that we are someone in and of ourselves I have a degree I am somebody i built a shopping center I am somebody I work for a fortune 500 company I am somebody I own a fortune 500 company that makes me somebody the world human accomplishment so the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life the Bible says these things pride of life says these things are not of the Father but they are of the world but here's the kicker here and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever the world has a powerful Lord it has the ability to draw people Paul tells us in second Timothy chapter 10 section 2nd Timothy chapter 4 excuse me and in verse 10 it says for DeMuth has forsaken me why did Dimas desert the Apostle the Apostle says having loved this present world he loved the world he felt that what the world had to offer was more appealing to his eyes to his flesh and to his pride than the sufferings that Paul was going through at the time and he decided to forsake Paul if you read Colossians chapter 4 verse 14 Philemon verse 24 you will see where this demon was one of the honorable mentions of the Apostle Paul he was one of the men that that Paul would mention and say along with Aristarchus and others who Dimas salutes you mighty man of God this man of faith and power for soup the Apostle because he loved the world love of world is something that you have to pray against love of world is something that you have to resist because the devil is a master at luring people from the church to the world to this floating mass of thoughts opinions and Maxim's and speculations and hopes and impulses aims and aspirations that are current in the world I'm always I keep talking about it because it seems to come up every 30 days in the black community I'm always moved by these little speculations and demonic human philosophies that come up that seem to get the attention of our youth I still marvel why is it that it's so easy why is it easy to get you to disbelieve the Bible what is it about you why do things that go against the teachings of Christ what are these things appeal to you what makes these things interesting it's the world be careful of the world now we see a social political non-religious unholy alliance taking shape we see this happening it is the world and it's happening in the world we see homosexuals transgenders alternative lifestyle people many unsuspecting minorities Muslims and left-leaning black folk Hispanics and American Indians coming together to form a new majority if possible we're in the age of we're in the midst of a grievance society everybody has a grievance now this group is marching and they're striking and this group is marching and everybody everybody now is a victim and and and we're striking and and we're demanding things I still marvel that we live in a nation where you can be here illegally and March and demand certain things while waving the flag of the country that you illegally came for to come into this country and then they I'm very good seaman then we're crazy enough to goddamn March would that's the world in the world now wickedness is called a strength I'll never forget how President Obama and first lady Michelle applauded the young man basketball player is 7 feet tall engaged to a young lady for breaking off the engagement they he was applauded and called strength because he came out as a homosexual oh you get a call from the White House because you come out you drafted in the NFL didn't make the team couldn't couldn't play prays alone but we treated that lifestyle as a virtue that's the world want to help open your eyes here hey man these progressives tend to see themselves as people who believe in reform follow me now in changing society for what they call is better than keep in mind that definition of better leave the God of the Bible out there reforms aren't reforms toward scripture it's with their reforms away from Scripture there are socially liberal most of them favoring more the rights of women and homosexuals and minorities they believe in modernization and technological progress and this modernization or a better word is modernity this movement is is the theology in theology it is to accommodate traditional religious teachings to contemporary thought and especially to devalue supernatural elements that is to take what we've once always believed and make it fit or change it to go along with the contemporary Lauri's of society other words what was wrong yesterday is no longer wrong today that's what that's the one changing everything God of the Bible said that marriage is a union between a man and a law the left is said no everybody will for will to will for marital rights everybody any combination male and male or male and a female or female should be accommodated that is taking that's modernity they take they took what God's sake and turned it on its head that's the world I can't get a Amen in here a man and then they devalue supernatural elements you know you don't want a leading supernatural elements that the world tries to devalue that is the change that takes place when you get born again praise the Lord they devalue God's healing power devalue baptism in the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues the supernatural elements of what we believe see for the Saints to be supernatural is natural amen amen and is natural to be supernatural we know that the Lord is a healer we know that God is a way makeup we know that God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the dead we believe that Jesus was born of a virgin these are the supernatural elements of our faith we can't let go of those things praising all your you are trying to kill the supernatural or something or these sad songs we sing songs that have no power by the time you get up to preach that God the house is dead because we've allowed you to sleep because songs have no roots you don't like me but I know but you see you got to remember me but one watchman on this wall [Applause] and I don't share that I know what I'm talking you'll see it it all come out I've never been wrong on these things it all come out after a while and I'm gonna have a whole line of you lined up to say I want to apologize to the pet I'm gonna give you the mic this is a trick of Satan when the prizefighter gets ready to fight he listens or something to fire him up when the football team gets ready to play ball they listen to something to fire them up when the basketball team goes out to play these are your Chicago Bulls they go out listen to some that fires arm up now when we get ready [Music] this modernity it is a self conscious break with the pass and and it is a search for new forms of expression it's not the way we do it anymore people aren't doing it like this in a more passive now they don't do it like that anymore anymore a self-conscious way an intentional break with the past the new bad word is the word tradition all traditions now have been placed at the category of called old school which is a polite way of dismissing them oh yeah barber tells us that we're to move not the old landmarks Jeremiah says since Isis for the good old way see if you could find someone who will walk therein and the sad thing was in Jeremiah they couldn't find anybody who would walk in the good old way I'm gonna preach in just a moment but we see this new form of expression as we see dark churches new form of expression we've broken with the pass and and churches that are devoid of the cross or if they are if there is a cross you can't tell it's a call it's sorry sorry it's so enshrined in some design you got to look at it like you're looking at a Picasso or what was that art call that's right you gotta stand there all day oh I see it now something's wrong with that something's wrong with that we've taken the church on the cross out and and we're in the Laodicean age full expression because we've lost the spirit of apathy has taken over and that explains the new casual approach to God the new casual approach it's a pathetic because see when people are doing something that's important alone they don't approach it casually we this new casual laid-back approach to God we come to the house of God looking like we're on our way to the beach we're not hungry for the Lord we're not hungry for a move we're not hungry for delivers not a hunger for a breakthrough the Bible says in the Laodicean age men will say because I am rich and increased with Goods and here it is have need of nothing apathy Laidback oh man no sense of urgency I'm look I'm cool every they laid back that's what we're seeing this is this is the modern move of the church and and for people to be on fire for the things of God it's almost now passe and a thing of the past one of our guests who were with us I think it was Wednesday Thursday night the preacher said to me as demand of God preached and and God was moving on to alter and young people were getting saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and the Lord was breaking through the preacher said to me I haven't seen this in a long time I want you to come to our church it's rare nowadays to see a move of God and in many times saying the move of God that we experience we assume that you can find a move of God any and everywhere but people are now outlawing moves of God there there are churches who say that all that calling on Jesus and clapping your hands and getting excited they will not just say this is not a part of our culture we do not allow that here this is not the way we do oh my oh my but God's been too good to me for me to not to clap my hands he's brought me from too far for me not to get excited about it he's healed me he's lifted me he's kept me he's never left me if I'm gonna lift my voice I'm gonna lift my voice for him oh I will lift my voice not at all if I'm gonna clap my hands I'm clapping my hands for him oh I won't clap my hands at all if I'm gonna dress up I'm gonna dress for him oh I will dress not at all for he is my God he's my king and he's my lord somebody shout I won't conform hmm in our churches and some cases well-meaning but in most cases misguided pastors in an attempt to remain relevant have just become plain old worldly trying to be relevant we've become worldly and a bomb a word bomb that has been placed in our lexicon in our nomenclature a word bomb that has shaken us and I'm telling you you more than we even realized is the word that was the ambiguous word that was introduced a call change change is a beautiful word if it's wrapped it has to be in context change from one and change to whom what am I going you see just change without any direction it's not good see the gospel preacher who preaches change now has changed his nomenclature for Jesus didn't call us to preach change Jesus called us to preach deliverance there's a difference between change and delivery now deliverance is a change but it's a certain kind of change see people are dying now because they they are taking drugs that are killing them so you can change from cocaine to help ease your habit you take up smoking that's changed but you go from one vice to another vice you can change from hard drugs to hard liquor you've just gone from one vice to another vice Jesus didn't offer us change from one face to another Bible teaches that that the captives went free and blind eyes came open you see there is a sudden kind of change that the God of the Bible gives us a man when we talked change with our emphasis on from whom to what we are changing we and then we don't we don't talk about who we leave in and who we're going to and that is not good and let me tell you something what is one of the major hallmarks of the God of the Bible I'm almost through preaching but one of his major hallmarks is his unchangeable Ness oh yeah the essence of the God of the Bible is his exist since you remember in Exodus chapter 3 verse 14 Moses warned to know whom shall I say sit Pharaoh who do I tell he says tell him I am that I am that I that is I am he who always is God identified himself by his existence we served the god of necessary existence that means the God of the Bible cannot not exist he exists he is eternal a meaning no term meaning time time has no bearing on him he made time that's why I I often say that God is good I don't say God is good all the time that's to limit God's goodness God was good before he made time and he'll be good when time shall be no more he's just good over an eternity he'll still be good thorry to God when when when when the wind that that long day God will still be good we serve a God who cannot not be a man because if he could disappear and not exist that means he would be limited because to be limited is not to be but we serve a God who has always been and shall always be he can't change praise the Lord any details because everything is wrapped up in his existence the Hebrew writer said in Hebrews 11 and 6 well without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe number one that God is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him the Bible says this about the unchangeableness of the God of the Bible Psalms 102 verse 25 through 27 they Clause says of old hats thou laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the works of their hands they shall perish but thou shall endure he all of them shall wax old like a garment and as a vesture shalt thou change them you would change the foundations of the earth and the works of your hands like people change clothes hallelujah he says and they shall be changed verse 27 of that song they call says but thou art the same the God of the Bible doesn't age the God of the Bible remains that sounds 102 and then the B Clause of verse 27 says and thy years shall have no end also Malachi chapter 3 and verse 6 the Lord says I am THE LORD thy God I change if not then I heard the Hebrew writer said in Hebrews 13 and 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever James got in the fray in James 1 and 17 and said every good and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness neither is there any shadow of turning we serve a God who is changeless hallelujah and we serve a god who saddled our life see the devil want to get you in a constant state of change in a constant state of moving going here going there up up up routing doing this doing that no no no we serve for God he doesn't keep you on the move we serve a God who settles you Bible says in 1st Peter 5 in 10 but thou God of all Greece who have called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after that you have suffered a while make you perfect establish strengthen and settle you see our God brings peace to our life he gets rid of the chaos he gets rid of the God of the Bible doesn't keep you in a state of constant flux in a state of constant change but he saddles you my god I'm like the songwriter who said my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus their own Christ the solid rock [Music] is sinking saying somebody say Amen oh my god what a mighty God we serve his truth to the preachers here preachers who are listening the truth of the gospel the truth of Christianity the truth of the God of the Bible is a timeless truth Bible says our sons one hundred and verse five for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generation it didn't say that his truth changes from generation to generation didn't say that his truth changes based on who's in the White House then say the roost his truth changed just because a man may be Clare that what God said is no longer truth but the truth of God indoors from one generation to another some of you won't say man right there because you conformed to the world but that's God to forgive you that's God now to give you strength to stand your ground God give me power not to give in I think that's what you like down a little bit praise the Lord hey Manny we will praise a lot this truth hallelujah is from one generation to the other when God said that holiness was right is right in my mother's day that is right today Bible said follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord and I heard Paul say I beseech you therefore brethren what is the word therefore relating to what is therefore therefore well if you go back to Romans chapter 11 when you start with verse 33 the Apostle Paul gives an amazing doxology he says oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God and he says it with an exclamation point he says how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out he says who have known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor oh who had first given to him and it shall not be recompense unto him for in him for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory forever and ever amen since everything is for him and everything is to him and he made everything and nobody counseled him and nobody advised him and whatever we do for him it will be recompense many times over he's wiser than we are he's glorious and you'll never be able to just see him coming them because his ways the way he does things are past finding out have you ever been in a situation and you didn't see how you were gonna how it was gonna work out but somehow the Lord stepped in and made a way for you have you ever been down for the count and didn't know how you were gonna get out of that hallelujah and the Lord came in and blessed you if you know what I'm talking about lift your hands and say we serve a God whose ways is pathfinding up see some of us have limited our deliverance to the mailbox so we go to the mailbox looking for God to bless us we've limited God to our mother so we call mama say mama can you help me out on him we've limited God's hands to friend but Saints I'm here to tell you take the limit off the Lord tell God anyway you bless me I'll be satisfied I'll just wait and just wait on you and when the Lord gets ready he may use the Ravens he may use a dog he may use the mailman but he knows somebody say yeah God who's always finding out thank you Jesus thank you Jesus somebody tell him thank you I beseech you brethren Gentile and Jew all of you look at your neighbors that this includes me by the mercies of God that you present your bodies now your body not just your mind I didn't get a man there but your body where you go how you live what you do with it who you have sex with god almighty what's your dance to what you put in it what you put on it you can set your body not a dead sacrifice not a ram or gold but you present your body a living sacrifice I wish I had a brain surgeon somebody say holy and acceptable unto God I wonder today how many of us are doing what is acceptable that is well pleasing unto God with our bodies holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service it's your logical worship see we think that this is worship we think that sense of slow song all day that's worship we think losing our emotion is worship but sure worship is lifestyle it's how you live this way you go it's how you pay your bills it's how you maintain your give it power to worship you ride say I can't get any help in here today you don't like me but I'm telling you the truth and I heard him he said it's your reasonable worship and here's my clothes here and be not conformed to this world hallelujah don't let the world shape you don't let the world know you y'all please stop trying to sing like Beyonce and brandy and menage in the world oh my lord tear those so-called Christian rappers stop trying to be Snoop Dog's jay-z's and all the rest of them that's just being molded by the world there's a battle model there's a better model at the close favor machine side all the day somebody praise the Lord raisin for the claws raise and boys power raise and boy is unknown and how many know he's good how many know he's good let me see you praise him like the use of reason let me see it happen thank you Jesus but a lot is good the Lord is wonderful [Applause] somebody gonna break the mold [Music] wait the moon break the moon break the moon break out of it tell the well I'm not gonna be like you want me to be I refuse to be a hip hop preacher I refuse to be a preacher I'm on my way to a club that devil is a liar I refuse I refuse yeah everybody who feel like I feel if you're here yeah the devil won't conform walking for I just want to hear the whole of these people praise the Lord I woke informed [Applause] watch me let me kill my image but prophetess Janet's law was preaching at Victoria's place shots of God in Christ I went to here one night and while she was preaching that was a young lady there and the young lady came up and she gave an offering and the prophetess said to the young lady she said young lady you got on the right dress but for the wrong place said because that dress that's for the club that ain't for the house of God it was so tight that it looked like she was melted and poured in it it showed every love every bump every swerve every curve good God Almighty and she told it's the right dress but the wrong house I wanna know today who was say Lord let me put on the right outfit for the right house I can't get it it happen here but you know I'm telling the truth wow it's trying to make us and they're trying to mold us but I want to hear some defiant people I want you to push back him push against the world happy warriors push against a while remember sir push against the wall Saints push against the world hey how do you do it how do you do it how do you do it let me show you something there let me let me with one thing here and I'm almost done that brother Kenneth West said something that I really like he said stop assuming an outward expression which is patterned after this world an expression that does not come from nor is it representative of what you are as a regenerated child of God thank you Jesus y'all to look like you've been regenerated Wow Wow assume a look Oh an expression that made you look like you hadn't been saved yet what is this what is this that got it married one of those Kardashian girls it's a Kanye West you know everybody that marries them go crazy so I don't know what I don't know maybe it's something maybe something in the water but they missed the brother up and a Kanye West said to somebody one time I'm not gonna smile for you so the the world the world is to keep a solemn look but let me tell you something when you get say [Music] see when the Lord lays his hand on when when you've been born again I wish I had some dad folk in here say yeah yeah [Music] Wow how do you renew your man be not come form to this world but be transformed transform is to be changed we'll see ya direction with that direction with it from one place to another place how you changed by the renewing of your mind how do you do that you know I start with the believer come to judge come to judge come to church come to church come to church come to church have church have church have church have church same thing see in case you're forgetting it let me tell you again let me say case you for forgetting let me tell you again oh my in case the devil came and told you that the doer you're right back that church Oh Moltar no I'll think about alternative every Sunday here we come walk it in everything walk it in walk it into the church every first it's the third son walking - here come the password you come to pass here's what you knew you'll get the Word of God all you got to do is just listen and if if some strange had come up in my mind maybe Ryan wins it by the time pastor got through on Sunday I let that thing go because my mind was renewed again my mind was renovated again all of a sudden are you compare that a bond that with Bible study Bible study you're in the word you're in the word all when you're drafted into the NFL you know they they they they really I like sports they really praise those players who learn to play book oh they they talk about the ones who studied day and night sometimes ever they go in at 6 a.m. and they don't leave till midnight learning learning watching plays watching please read the play book over and over and over until it becomes second nature until they become second nature we bring our Bibles on Sunday we open them on Sunday we don't put them again to the next Sunday then when we when the preacher do preacher ain't paying attention you're looking off somewhere in la-la land no wonder the devil's getting through our minds because we're not allowing the renovation the process to take place pray pray pray pray pray we pray together we pray at home you pray you pray on a regular basis you pray you talk to God you talk to God anything you do on a regular basis over and over and over that thing gets in your head is that all that junk that's in your head you think everybody's against you you think everybody's talking about you you think everybody's mad at you that's because your mind has been renewed because you don't come they get it renewed then you sit with somebody who's just as dead as you are and both of you going to hell together but if that's where you want to go go with your bachelor but I'm going with Jesus just the same I won't conform anybody can be a whole master anybody can play Church it doesn't take intelligence to do that anybody can slip and dip don't take you're telling us to do that but you renew your mind but what you feed yourself oh I know and over and over but be renewed over see in your mind that you may have access not prove as though prove to someone else prove literally have access that you may discern so you study and you pray and you seek God to where you now you're able to recognize right be able to recognize right some of you you can't some of you kids you know I don't understand you you see you can't recognize right because you're not committed enough again you don't have parents who gonna tell you okay boys okay what's true what spirit you struggling with whatever the devil trying to do if you keep that word before you and keep the word before you and keep the word before you and come to church and pray and get off that phone and keep the word before you and just if you have to steal away keep that word before you my god that thing that thing you will arrest that thing you will arrest it now who understands this some of y'all won't say Amen but who understands this the media Hollywood the left that's what our opponents do they say they constantly in every commercial i watch the i watch the commercial are they to advertise a new birth control thing what was that thing they show some pretty girl whoa so she but here's what they do see the patrick wooden is watching they make sure when she hugs her boyfriend they make sure you know it's her boyfriend because when she hug to show both hands no rings so she's not married and she sees wonder did I forget that take the field dad take the field now take my pin so they're pushing fornication then then they go to all of the side effects that could happen to penis and then in my mind I finish the commercial if they talked about all the side effects they could called isn't called that and then there's one other alternative oh here's my landing or you could just live holy Leona you ain't had to remember whether that's your boat appeal get a read behold at all or you could just you could just live holy the world knows how to Oh the Progressive Insurance the main people that's talking on the progressive insurance commercial the ones who you know to get all the couples and they're talking about you know not out leaving you money the homosexual couple do all the talking how did this happen the homosexual the home of the couple that shouldn't even be a couple does article why do you think that is they are reinforcing that stuff the world knows if you keep it before people eyes keep it before and keep it before keep it before that will renew your mind your body that stuff because all your listen to some of you closeted people who ingest all that wicked hip-hop and stuff like that you ain't it you eat you ain't fooling nobody that's why you can't get delivered that's why you can't get free that's why you can't get right you ha what you ingest you are what your habits say you are you will think what you keep before you so you renovate your mind ain't no magic thing in a magic thing it's action that's why so few minds get renovated no past I want you to pray for Eagle put it all on me it's all my child pray for me let's see the only one where you lift your hands right pray for me that I get my mind renewed you got to work on your own man [Music] you know what I'm trying to do I'm trying to keep you from being lost let me tell you something what my time's up I'm doing I'm doing good today but let me tell you something I told him today in 8 o'clock class a side of God I said no I won't give her a teacher now ah if you if you're thinking at all it'll make you do right there just you know what you just thought yeah so you know what I quit I'm just gonna live home Jeremiah 15 the gap between Jeremiah 15 Jeremiah 14 shouldn't even exist Jeremiah 14 told me Jeremiah pray want to produce pray a fact that a man could pray to get God to forgive Judah God responds in chapter 15 it tells Jeremiah if Moses and Samuel asked me to forgive these people I wouldn't do it you know why God said they went too far I've been I've been trying to tell him I've been trying to they went too far he says and and cast them out of my sight whoa I never read God said God said cast about get him away from me and that's how they said they said to Jeremiah said well where would we go if the Lord says that God said now they're gonna ask you when I tell them cast him out of myself well they're gonna God said tell those who appointed to death go die tell those who appoint to the sword go get cut tell those who appoint it to famine they better get happy being hungry and tell those who are appointed to captivity that they're going into captivity they went too far now after the Lord I've shown you mercy and God I've talked to you and sent the word to you and and and and reached out to you back home our time there come a time [Music] when you got to get right oh oh they out there running when the law gets ready to save them the law to bring them in oh so it's that God's not ready is that the problem oh that's why he's robbing banks God ain't ready for him enough to stop yet well that's why it going from man to man and girl the girl the problem is gone God's not ready so if that's the if that's the case what we're preaching fall what all you've got a quasi inning I've got all this money invested in equipment y'all gettin ready to give them a whole lot of money you're offering the tithe if the issue is that God's not ready no I warn you that the Lord renew your mind don't conform we're holding this church friend of mine friend of mine was telling me cuz you know we got all these smart guys in the body of Christ now so many smart ones what's amazing to me Oh everybody's smart I think I'm just gonna stare dumb preacher the dumb logic makes more sense to me God saying the other day everywhere you see the word Christian we ought to remove the word Christian and replace the word Christian with the word believer because they were believers we're not Christians tell you and says you know Christian was a term of was a derogative term Christian was it was meant as a term of derision but the definition was still the same Christian never met murderer Christian never meant killer Christian never meant rapist Christian never meant child molester Christian the definition of war never changed meant tag like Christ it was only a term of derision because people who did love Christ call them Christians now if you love Christ and they call you Christian that is bank while the Christians embrace the word because they were oh oh Christ like yeah well we you know what we gonna go from calling this movement the way to Christianity because yeah you're right yeah you're right now I think I think Christian is better if you got that if you got to choose now and you don't have to well if you got to choose whether you gonna be called a Christian or believe I'd rather be called the question why because the word believer is ambiguous it depends on who's using it if I'm a Muslim it means I believe in Allah if I'm a Buddhist Buddha has my god if me Satanists and I'm a believer then Said's my man but if you're a Christian [Applause] [Music] when you say Christian it can only mean one one movement one way Jesus Christ hallelujah and then I heard the Bible say Peter said if any man suffer as being a what a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf I'm glad today that I am a Christian I'm glad that I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb I believe in Jesus I believe in Jesus and I will not conform I will not conform I will not conform you know what I'm gonna do I want to shave everything that leans lends itself to my conformity to the world you want to stay in my life want to stay together encouraged me to stay on the road but if you if you stop pulling me the wrong way nice knowing you cuz I can't conform I got to stay over here I got to stay over here who today won't conform to this work I mean to to conform to this world now you got to believe in transgenderism what man walking around call herself a woman a man who think that he can mutilate his body and become a woman you want me to believe that oh the devil is a liar you look at this here we are we're we're in that wearing the clothes well listen the credit card companies they get ready to announce it they give it announce that you do have to sign you know you sign it with your finger there's everything now is on the the chip that's on the car even just put the chip in the car with the chip you know everybody car got a chip on it they're just a few innovations away see cuz they got to sell it to you so they can't do it fast because they know if they do it quickly there'd be a revolt with the people because the people were recognizing we saw but we NAT slow the masses are unwashed but some are washed enough to sound the alarm so you know what you do you know what you do you on your way to getting them to accept the mark the chip in their hand or their forehead put it on the car but you need a signature with the car ok let's do away with the signature in time they're gonna do away with the car the technology is in place not to do away with the car well where do you put it you put it and yeah you put it in here now the Bible speaks today see technology technology is jaw now beginning to catch up with the bye john saw it a long time ago now to just not catch you know with what was my point we're close to the coming of jesus don't you get this close and then here you are you didn't slam the whole ocean got past the breakers made it through the reef dad the shore right there are you gonna try no no I'm not conforming everybody who wants prayer to victory site I'm not talking home but to victoriously stand your ground for Jesus stand your ground as a believer thanks God this gird up the loins of your mind that's God to strengthen your mind come to the altar [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 5,513
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Id: e4O2Lnm439s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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