Bishop Wooden Preaches // "Lord Touch Me One More Time"

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[Music] father bless us now as we Minister the word of the Lord save this old s in Aries hail heal the sick that are in our midst men the brokenhearted strengthen the weak opened the eyes of the blind be glorified O God and I miss today may the word of the Lord sink deep in us and may we do no damage but preach that which is sound doctrine and gospel in Jesus name Amen or touch me one more time or do it again Lord I really like to do it again you better but you'll see why as we study the word of the Lord together today the Lord on July the fourth after visiting my mother and as I for mentioned earlier was the best 4th of July ever it wasn't the best because of fireworks I'm not I'm not a power techniques personally I like to see the professionals but I don't play with firecrackers you know I don't think I've done anything like that since I was 12 when I was a child I thought as a child understood as a child I believed like a child but when I became a man I put away childish things and I'm not gonna be holding anything they can blow up in my hand blow all the fingers off just to get a laugh amen so but I'm free I'm presuppose them it's easier for me to enjoy July the 4th celebrations because I am a proud American a man before I am a hyphenated American I'm an American I never forget one day I was speaking to a quorum of lawyers and judges and I learned later that I was the first minister of any color to be invited to speak to these lawyers and judges and I was introduced to them as a African American minister and I said to them I if I am a an African American minister then if you're gonna hyphenate me let's - eight everybody so we got some Irish Americans in here some British Americans so forth and so on and I said to them I'm an American I happened to be of African descent I was born here I love this nation well America has problems well I love you you have problems I have problems a person that have to be perfect place don't have to be perfect for you to love it say well what about our history the history of slavery my question is what about well we had slavery yes and we ended it we ended it so with some of the Christians on slave but but all of the abolitionists who ended slavery were Christians and they were motivated by Christianity so it's not fair to highlight a negative now it's wrong to pretend that it didn't exist but it's not fair to highlight a negative as though the thing still is still taking place we in disable let me tell you the blood more Americans died to end slavery then Americans die to end any war on earth the only war well we lost more casualties then the Revolutionary War is the war on the unborn that's the only war that have taken more American lives than the civil war on both sides black and white freedmen and slaves died to bring to a close what is called America's original sin and we who are the descendants of those slaves you have to admit all who have desire to do so and we're willing to overcome obstacles and work hard and do whatever was necessary we've come a long way and you shouldn't let anybody tell you that you have it you can't you can't go down and drive up in your corporate job and say nothing is changed you can't go to your air-conditioned houses praise the Lord diving in your air-conditioned car walk into any restaurant you can afford to walk in and sit down and be served by the descendants in many cases of slave owners and say nothing has changed you can't do that you can't do that the Lord is blessing us we're in one of the strongest economies ever somebody said oh they be yeah but some people are having to work two and three jobs to make ends meet that accounts for 5% of the working public five percent of working two jobs or more to make ends meet most people are being blessed to make ends meet and to thrive with one job a man and you I tell you what say well we struggling we can't make it had nobody told the malls nobody has has spoken to the vacation destination places where ever you go that we are struggling oh my bad the Presidential Suite struggling okay Dicky we can't make it amen but with me that day special let me get back to this is because I spent the day with my mother and me and Gabriel Tom his wife Sherry he's just we we had a ball and after the visit I was driving home I had my wife in the car with me and my wife had been down with me earlier to see my mother but at that time she was at her aunts because her mom and we've been praying for and thank God she's home now my wife mother went into the hospital and God touched that pretty lady and raised her and she's home and we celebrate that was quite a week last week and we stick together we pray for each other we do what we have to do we've learned to be force multipliers we can quickly make two of us what like is four or six or eight whatever has to be done we make it happen by the grace of the Almighty and it touched me to see my wife's mother better praise the Lord God is good he's a mighty good God through God and an ever lasting king a man and so she was there and so we were all in the car we had the grandchildren there's such a joy and while driving back everybody had dozed off the Lord placed his message Amen praise the Lord this story came to my heart and prophet days you know it was like I couldn't shake it so I knew this got to be God and this is what he wants me to preach sayings I don't know from Sunday to Sunday what I'm going to preach it's not my job to know it's my job to listen God knows a man and so he put this on my heart and this particular story in scripture is told this particular one only in the book of Mark all right while it is true that doing Jesus's earthly ministry Jesus healed in the Gospels there is an account of Jesus healing at least seven blind men during his earthly ministry and I say at least seven because there were times when he literally healed multitudes of people and there were blind people among those crimes Matthew's Gospel chapter 15 verse 29 through 31 says and Jesus departed from thence and came nigh unto the Sea of Galilee and went up into a mountain and sat down there and great multitudes came unto him having with them the that were lame blind dumb maimed and many others and cast them down at Jesus feet and He healed them in so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb speak and the main to be holy and the lame to walk and the blind to see when they saw it they glorified the God of Israel that's Matthew's Gospel chapter 15 verse 29 through 31 Luke's Gospel chapter 7 and verse 21 says and in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues and of evil spirits and unto many that were blind he gave sight a man Jesus was called Luke tells us to give among other things to preach the gospel to the poor but also to give sight to the blind he opened blinded eyes so there's no telling we can't we can't put a number on the number of the we can't give a number to the blind people that Jesus gave sight to so among the things that makes this text unique is and that makes this healing unique is that it was not an instantaneous healing follow me on this this healing occurred gradually this reminds me of what Jesus said to his disciples in the Great Commission after his resurrection and just before his ascension among other things jesus said in Mark's Gospel chapter 16 verse 18 the last clause Jesus says they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover recover comes from two greek words when combined literally means to hold or to take possession of good a man to get your good G ood back we would lay hands on the sick and they would get their good back and the good in this case was health and we've seen God hallelujah we prayed and seeing sick people recover we've seen miracles of healings which are instantaneous but we've seen people over time praise the Lord recover we're watching sister Roberts recover I looked at her today I said I can tell you doing better praise the Lord she's fella she's fatter God is blessing her there's a recovery going on a man believed in God to bless my mother to recover Andre Barrios as mama isn't recovering praise the Lord getting their good back prays alone and thank God that God blesses us to recover in other areas when do you remember a zig lagged David as the law says shall a person and the Lord said you shall pursue and this says and you shall recover oh well the Bible is something in there a man so in our text this was not a instantaneous healing the cure or the miracle was not an instantaneous one but the man recovered now before I go further bad would be just a few minutes I want to say something that we'll all need to understand about the Bible and about the God of the Bible and about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and you got to hear this the right way or you'll miss what I'm saying and you'll leave the void of understanding and you try may try to explain it to somebody and you'll explain it the wrong way let me tell you this the Bible tells us all that we need to know about the God of the Bible everything you need to know about the God of the Bible the Bible tells us when it comes to serving him when it comes to how to get to heaven when it comes to how to live here on this earth when it comes to how to touch him how to worship him a man how to please him the Bible tells us all of these things but the bible does not tell us oh that is to be known about God it simply tells us all we need to know but it tell us all that there is to be told about him and the Bible tells us that it doesn't tell us all that is to be known about God Romans chapter 8 verse 18 and 19 says for the raft of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness who by their righteousness suppressed the truth there are men who because of their own unrighteousness they suppress the truth of God look at this because that which may be known of God is manifested in them that is what can be known about God is evident among them it didn't say all that there is to know about God is evident but that which may be known he led us he lets us know all that we need to know about him and all that we need to know about him he tells us in the scripture as one ploy want you to get second point is this the Bible tells us of the wonderful things that Jesus did when he walked this earth during his earthly ministry but it doesn't tell us all that Jesus did when he walked the earth matter of fact the Bible tells us this in John's Gospel chapter 21 and verse 25 it says and there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written every one I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written in that amazing he walked there for 33 years he practices ministry if only three years and yet if they recorded everything that he did the world itself could not contain the volumes that should be written when it comes to what Jesus did in just three years of ministry what a mighty God we serve also you find in John's Gospel chapter 20 verse 30 through 31 it says and many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book but these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you might have life through his name John acknowledges that he had to be selectively choosing from the vast amount of material about Jesus but but he put enough in there for us to believe glory to God and that in believing we might have life through his name but there is coming a day when we will know fully and we will understand perfectly first Corinthians 13 and 12 cents for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as I am known God no new Paul god no new Paul that God knows all of us he knows us completely the Bible speaks of a day when we will know God just as God knows us John said this in first John three and two says beloved now are we the sons of God and it does not get up here it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is until then we learn we study and we we accept the Scriptures as they are written what is my point in this little excursion what's the point bishop in telling us that Bible tells us that which may be known of God but it doesn't tell us everything that there is to be known of God why why point out that the Scriptures is that the writers were selective with what they wrote about what Jesus did in just three years of ministry praise the Lord since he did so much that the earth could not contain the volumes what it was is the point of this the point is that when we read the Bible we have to be careful when we try to answer questions that God doesn't answer or we try to speculate or we put differences on things if we bring conjecture in well to argue conjecture as conjecture if we speculate we should argue speculation as speculation because we serve a God who is not he does not know us to explain everything to us he's not going to explain everything to you somebody came to that conclusion and I heard him when they picked up the pen and wrote a song and said we'll understand it better by and so we got to know how to deal with God and know that he's God and we're not and he will tell us what we need to know the Bible likens the Word of God as a laptop feet and a light to our pathway now at the time when David wrote that they didn't have flashlights they'd have lights on smartphones they'd have flood lamps that can shine way in the distance that candles and the light foolish I'm just one step ahead and they knew darkness unlike us because we really don't know darkness we after we have to go through a lot of effort to get in darkness because they're street lights everywhere lights on the television lights on this lights on that I go through a routine trying to block all the lights in our bedroom so that when I go to sleep I like to be in darkness and it's still hard to obtain complete darkness because Pam went and bought some phones that as soon as you put the phone on the charger the thing lights up so it's a green light and I'm saying Lord I can't you know you just you just can't get dark yes yes you sleep better in the dark and it's better for you and in a cool place all your body repairs itself better it goes into deeper sleep and all that let me get back to this I'm not a medical doctor but I you know maybe one day I'll play one on TV so now again this healing is different another difference is that it contains for the only time that I've read in Scripture a question concerning the healing after Jesus had laid hands on the man in Hillman you know when he told the man to take up his bed and walk to take your bed and walk he'd never acted man can you all a man said to the man stretch forth thy hand after withered hands stretched forth I had the man stretch for Jesus and say can't you stretch for he said no he said stretch it for but after he laid hands on this man he asked the man can you see anything and we know that our Lord is omnipotent he knows everything and yet he acts this question remember now I'm telling you the Bible tells us what we need to know praise Allah so we're gonna we're gonna study the scriptures are you with me you're hanging in there with me hanging out with me praise the Lord now let's look at our text and let's let us ask the Lord to do it again for us the Bible teaches that he cometh to Beth's area now the word means the house of fish and this little village was on the north eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee a man and and actually actually as the jordan river entered into the Sea of Galilee you know Jordan comes down empties into the Sea of Galilee and then from the Sea of Galilee goes down and empties into the Dead Sea am i right at the top of the Sea of Galilee in that region that was Beth Sevilla that was crazy that was Capernaum those cities there was within 10 to 20 miles of each other and this city was a city that was a headquarters of Jesus they follow me so he's in Beth city and this city was also noted because it was the hometown of Philip Andrew and Peter read John's Gospel chapter 1 verse 44 you see that it was their hometown and Luke because Jesus one of Jesus previous visits to Bethsaida in Luke 9 and 10 says and the apostles when they were returned told him all that they had done and he took them and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida while Jesus was there the Bible says they were not told who they are apparently the residents bring a blind man unto Him I think it's safe to presume that they were friends of the blind men they brought this blind man to Jesus and when they brought him to Jesus they didn't just bring him to Jesus but they brought him to Jesus they were they were men on a mission they brought him to Jesus if you started this you see that the tone was quite vmn they were matter of fact it was energetic the Bible says they besought him that he would touch him otherwise when they brought the man to Jesus today I'm not gonna say that they were impolite but they were not Sydney it was kind of dynamic what was going on here what's a static these guys brought the man who said touch and touch him though you need to touch him touch him touch him we brought him to you that you might touch him touch him are you with me that is apply yourself to lay your hands on him Jesus touch him and I like what Butler said about their requests because although their requests was genuine that was something wrong with it that's why I said naming his message touched me one more time but I I kind of like bless me one more time a little better for for that was something slightly off-center with their approach and perhaps we've made the same mistake I don't know only time will tell but the plea although it was furthering and although it was a good plea I certainly would have wanted them to make this kind of plea for me but for them to presume how Christ should heal the man wasn't good so they didn't say healing that's they're touching so where they meet healing no they said touch it now what they won't it was for him to be healed what was the point they put more faith in the metha then in the master because the truth is the master don't have to touch you to heal me two minutes hands we try to tell God how to do it and we're not told we're not given to tell God hi you can ask you if you could make your request and say what Lord I want you to heal me Lord I want you to make me whole God I want you to save my child God I want you to fix this but it is not given to us to tell the Lord how to do because if we knew all that we could just do it there they said touching they they presumed Butler says they presume to dictate to Christ how to heal the man asking for healing is one thing but dictating the method is another some of us only look for God in the mailbox the Lord can bless you in more ways and sending a check through the mail he knows how to get your blessing to you God can send your blessing through a vagabond God can send your blessing through a paper bag rolling on the ground don't limit the Lord Amen and telling him how tell him how to do just ask him for what you want and keep your faith in the master some of you you don't mean the harm but when you calm and I I may say now the Lord hadn't led me to lay hands on anyone and and but I'm gonna pray in this God's gonna do it through this prayer and we pray and we do we discipline everybody go back to their seat there's always one or two who insist on a certain method but we had already prayed the prayer now I'll accommodate you but you put more faith in the method then you are the master let God do it in any way that he chooses to do it for he knows how to deliver praise the Lord don't try to tie his hands and tell him how to do it because sometimes the Lord will bless you in a conventional way but then there are other times the Lord will bless you and unconventional way you don't see it coming that's because in many cases it's not time yet they tried to tell Jesus how to do touch him touch him touch him touch it touch him low and you know what Jesus did the Bible says in verse 23 and he took the blind man Bible he he touched and guess what the man was still blind he touched him grab him bow to him in now touch he touched him he touched him and and and then he touched him and grabbed him by the hand and the Bible says that Jesus did something else that was different it says and led him out of time let him out of time now praise the Lord let him out of town to have a branch earch why did Jesus lead him out of time why this method why this unconventional way of dealing with this man I hadn't read what Jesus led somebody out of town to heal them before the believer says this our Lord is sovereign and is not obligated to account to us for his actions that was a valid reason for everything he did even though we might not perceive it every case of healing is different as is every case of conversion some gain remarkable spiritual insight as soon as they are converted others see dimly at first then later in a into full assurance of salvation so he has a way why doesn't it sound all the time explain the way one man opined and said that it could have been that it was an atmospheric problem remember that was an atmospheric problem when Jesus went to his hometown he went to Nazareth the Bible says in Mark's Gospel chapter 6 verse 5 through 6 and he could not there do mighty works say that he laid his hands on a few sick folk and healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief and he went round about the villages teaching so it could have been that the atmosphere in Bethsaida was not conducive for healing it could have been the spiritual condition of the blind man that's what it could have been his condition so you know that it could have been that Jesus said to him walk with me feel my love feel my power let your faith grow because remember now the blind man did not ask for healing his friends brought him to Jesus his friends did all the talking I'd like the thing had it been me I would have said something since I'm the one standing there blind everybody else saying healing touch them touching touch I would have joined in and said touch me Lord since the rear everybody else was and yet this man said nothing it could be that he didn't have faith to be healed and Jesus needed to cozy up with him a little bit have walked with him for some reason not given the man was not ready for instant healing are you praying for me or perhaps this too was done for us perhaps Jesus grabbed him by the hand and took him out of town first remember John twenty and thirty one date Saul says but these are written that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ Oh as Paul puts it in first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 11 says now all things all these things happened unto them for examples that they were written for our admonition so it could be that Jesus did this knowing that years later we would need healing and that the Lord would take us through a gradual process and the last bit of speculation which which might be dead on it is that the problem could be the problem wasn't the man nor was it his friends it could be the problem was the time because I've been healed him he told him not to go back in that time and after he healed him he told him not to tell anybody in the time that he had healed them why what was the problem with the town the town had a problem and some of us have the same problem that the town had so I was a walking talking living breathing best ideas we had the same problem God had the same problem with us as he had with that town Bible says in Matthew's Gospel chapter 11 chapter 11 verse 20 through 21 then began he took breathe the cities where in his mouth mighty works were done because they repented not and he said and woe unto thee to the Grayson woe unto the best idea for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in tyre and zidon they would have long ago repented in sackcloth and ashes it could be that Jesus by this point was determined that he was not going to perform another miracle in the town of Bethsaida for he had performed many miracles and they still wouldn't get right the Lord is not gonna keep tryin to prove to you that he's gone God is not gonna keep trying to prove to me that he's God he's not gonna keep showing us mercy on top of mercy making a way on top of a way healing on top of healing and what he gets back is still more unbelief more disobedience more dragging our feet back home our time there comes a time when you have to believe God and the Lord says I have shown you another that was my point last Sunday with their sister Hurst I've shown you enough don't you sand and cry I've shown you enough to believe me give me a chance you've seen me heal the sick you've seen me work miracles in your life you've seen me touch your children you've seen me raise you up and preach it to you now you've seen me turn things around I performed enough miracles for you to believe me and not what he said about Israel said 40 years have I shown praising our God said I swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest for I had given them enough miracles I have performed enough in their presence for them to believe me some of us have been saved too long to be so faithfulness some of us have been washed in the blood too long to have to believe God I knew every trial what do you mean college student going to college and backsliding after years of having invested in you years of teaching you the scripture years of telling you what God can do what do you mean grown man in leaving your family you come you've come up in this church and you've been taught that marriage is right and that you're supposed to be responsible for your family and you have to see in that God will bless you if you're responsible and you still leave you walk out and leave your wife and children what do you mean you've seen too much you've been exposed to too much to behave in such a childish manner that comes a time that comes a time when God says I'm not gonna work another miracle in their failure I'll heal you but I won't heal you here I'll deliver you but I won't deliver you here I read you up but don't you go back into that City and tell them because I've done enough for them somebody oughta shout something even even when the worst things in life can happen some of us have been saved too long to behave like workers I was never more proud of brother Giulio then I was at his daughter's home boy I looked at him when he finished I said that young man he's got it his daughter murdered his little girl gone his grandbaby fighting to live asked him to have words walked up with his Bible in his hand back straight and challenged every preacher in the place to stay heard you stood and began to set he said please remain still and then begin to declare the Council of the all-mighty God and challenge men to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ so that these gangs that they this violence can be broken and he spoke with power and authority and they went and took his seat I said now there's a man who's behaving like he's been taught something he's acting like he's seen the Lord move in difficult situations before let me tell you something best ADL we have seen God moving away well we ought to behave a little differently we know he's a healer and then when he chooses not to heal he's still gone when he chooses not to answer the way we want him to answer he still dog he's been too good for to us force to stick out our lips our Father failed to lift our hands or to call ourselves upset with God now the loud is good and worth it to be praised and I don't want the lord to not want to work a single not a miracle to get me to believe because God says God says that no point of me doing it there's no point in me doing it there's no point in me doing it because it won't believe well how do you know he won't believe how you go because of what I've already done jesus said this city won't believe I don't want them to know about it I'm gonna heal you but I don't want you to tell her and whatever you do don't you take your site itself back into that city don't you testify not not to them because it's a waste of time people don't like this kind of preaching but the preacher got to know that there's a difference between the weak and the willful praise the Lord praise the Lord I remember a preacher he's dead now he's gone but in his church at his church he pastored a church where the man came to his church in drag he didn't preach against it he didn't cried a lot against it they were welcome and that same preacher came to me and asked me he was pastor in Atlanta asked me if I would preach his Men's Conference I wouldn't waste my time there's no point in going there praise the Lord because they don't want the gospel because if they wanted to gospel they wouldn't be there how do you know maybe the Lord would have had one that was Beth's idea there's no point you got to know where the Holy Ghost is saying stand down because when people make a decision that they're just not gonna believe I got the Lord say shake the dust off your feet and go to the next city Jesus said I'm not going to work another miracle in that city so now if you want to be healed you better come with me I'll heal you but I but I got to I got to at least go outside the city limits I got to go outside the city limits I can heal you but I'm not healing you within the city limits or best sadya proper so they go outside of town and then to show them that it's not for them to tell Jesus how to heal you don't dictate the method Jesus says I'm gonna do something nobody asked me to do what am I gonna do I'm gonna spit in his face didn't nobody said spit on him Lord nobody said spit on him Lord Jesus said I'm gonna I'm gonna use unconventional method because I'm not gonna let you tie me up in a box some of us think we got God all figured out some of us think we can control God but I'm here to tell you nobody God but the God of the Bible and he is in charge and right when you think God's gonna move one way he'll move another way just as shows that he's the almighty all-wise Oh No God and I want to challenge somebody today who've been waiting for him and you can't see your way I want to challenge you to praise Him because he's got to jest why won't you when he gets ready for you to see your way he'll show you the way but in the meantime give him flowers [Music] didn't nobody say spit on him but Jesus spitting he spit on him can I get a witness he spit on his eyes hallelujah he says I'm coming with an unconventional method and the mean was not appalled because in New Testament times spit was considered to have medicinal properties so when he spit on him it was like applying medicine to the man thank you Jesus this is why today somebody oughta come to the Lord and tell him anyway you bless me I'll be satisfied however you choose to do it I'll just let you have your way after he spit on him then the Bible said and he laid his hands on him spit on him first then laid his hands on him and I feet touched him he looked at the man and said I got a question for you can you see anything and the man said yes I can see but I see mean walking past trees there's something here that I got today I gotta tell you about this tells me that this man was not suffering from congenial blindness because if he was born blind then he wouldn't have known what a tree looks like and he wouldn't have known what a man looks like but the fact that he knew that he wasn't seeing clearly he said Lord yes I can see but I can't see clearly now right there right there a praise or a go in there because I guarantee you and that was somebody here who was paralyzed and we pray for them and they got up and they took two steps or three steps and then let it get back in the chair everybody would shout because two steps or three steps are better than no steps that's a sign that our healing is taking place that's a sign that God is moving by his spirit do I have anybody here who will praise God even though you see me as trees hallelujah praise Him the part you can see something yeah good God Almighty set your neighbors innocent plays along because you can see something you cannot see it out but you can see it moving by spirits [Music] what'd the man say he says I can see let me tell how good god is Jesus Jesus the Lord is so good get good and good I gotta come up with something else I'm gonna find me in other words these are smart people in here get Ășnica the cyrus don't do it now but I need stronger words than good because we really really Jesus really Jesus Jesus could have walked away right there why because the healing process had already begun you saw me a few Sundays ago when my knee went out preaching good God Almighty me locked up couldn't hardly stand lean it on the podium but the next Sunday I could go a little further one Sunday I didn't want to come down but that a Saints were they needed well it was excruciating just step from here down there but I made it anyhow I let you live but I noticed one Sunday I could do this and I felt very little pain other words their healing was all this way Jesus could have waited and just let the man because the healing had already started the process was not over gotta tell somebody I'm in a processor the processor wasn't over but Jesus this [Music] [Music] because the he went on touched him the second time not because it was necessary for to go from blindness to seeing men like trees it's huge improvement as an athlete on the world on the road to recovery you recover in stages am I right about it there Kenny's done just heal overnight that blown shoulder Don heal overnight you recover in stages he was on his way Jesus just decided you know what it touched him again and the thing was completely he was he was restored and he saw clearly wherever you are today you're on your way hallelujah wherever you are wherever you are you're on your way you just gotta trust God just gotta trust him he'll he'll dictate the method he dictates the course hey man that's why I told you spend time I know you wonder why spend so much time on and share recover well some of you some of us when the Lord heals us he lets us go through a recovery some of us it's insert Aeneas God have healed me instantaneously many times and then there are other times when i'd apprec-- limp through it recover back at their back I'm so glad to be back at the UH at the clinic man I Oh up there working yesterday my knee didn't even bother me I felt so good I went home and washed to to cause got in the backyard worked out before I went to the clinic wash car but I felt so good to be feeling good and and back on back on the road row to recover god knows how to recover you but during my recovery I did I didn't I didn't withhold my praise I didn't I didn't backslide I didn't hand my responsibilities over to another I waited on the law wait on the Lord means to keep serving in the meantime wait on the Lord and be of good courage and he was strengthened Einhard cousin with what you're going through what you're done you're waiting on the law God's taking her through great sickness but the Lord is raising her he's a mighty god he's a mighty God and today's somebody is here today to say Lord I need you to touch me again I know you're able I know you can hallelujah and then there are those who say Lord you know what I learned something today hallelujah hallelujah I'm on my way praise the Lord if the Lord touches you today and speeds it up so be it and if he doesn't he's gone hallelujah and he's good wherever you are you won't prayer one to the altar I'm going to pray for you and the Lord is gonna do it hallelujah glory to God oh I need you to do this for me Lord do this for me coming to him as unto a faithful creator seeing touching my mother in stages sometimes God operates like that huh sometimes death is that way wait how do you hallelujah you know what he won't do he won't give me any explanation he just said trust me trust me the Lord has seen that good me is taking so long God said that's that's that's what it seemed to you but ain't the way it seemed to me and when I determined that it's too long he says I'll bring you out oh lord please no touch me one more time do it again Lord whatever method you choose I don't want to god I'm not gonna tie your hands however you choose to do this Lord however you choose to do and when you choose I Love You Lord I'm gonna trust you hallelujah we know what happened to the man when the people are best Savior didn't get the word because some was implied in the text the man went left I won't know went back and told him I've been scared while I'm telling that I lost my sight again they've had to run up roll up on me and see me somewhere are you that guy well I can't deny that yeah well why didn't you come back cause Jesus told me not to everything the Lord does for you is not for you to tail a man and then he chooses who you tell cuz some people their heart is so hard if you tell them it won't move them no way you you never went ever had God do something for you and you wouldn't told someone and it robbed you of your joy their response took your joy from you you expect them to be happy for you how'd it go up there hallelujah you expected them to be happy for you but they were so unhappy and what the Lord did for you you hated that you told and then you went and found someone who knew how to rejoice with you and the Holy Ghost told you when you would tell before you talk don't tell no I just got to tell you don't tell now you don't have any joke what a mighty God we serve dear Lord we come to the altar we come before you right now hallelujah Jesus Oh Lord we we've learned some things today your word is right you're guarded we're not hallelujah Lord hallelujah Jesus you are a great healer you are the healer you're the master hallelujah you're the master we come to put our faith in the master in the master in the master whatever the effort whatever the method we put our faith in the master master he'll master deliver oh great master whatever you choose to do we're gonna wait on you Lord we're gonna praise you Lord every step of the way every step of the way with our healing with our deliverance with our maturity with our growth hallelujah with our advancements our achievements whatever you say Lord in the name of Jesus we give you praise for it right now and we give your glory but while we are in you and Jesus we just put faith in you we put our trust in you in the name of Jesus in the name of you choose to join just praise you in it will give you glory now because we know you know what you're doing your mighty God your true God and they have a lesson King and we give you praise we give your cloyce shake up above we're sure terrible so we give your glory yes Lord yes Pavone on the altar on the altar climb to him climb to it he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it he's moving at his own pace he's a moving by his spirit he's doing it right now doors opening sickness it's drying up diseases are trying up healings are taking place yes Lord yes Lord we thank you for every bit every little bit a little bit thank you thank you I may not have 20/20 vision but I thank you for the vision I have I may not be able to run like a triathlete but I thank you for the steps are taken I may not be able to preach like Paul but I thank you but what you bless me to do I may not be able to have money like someone else well that's thank you but what I have janus janus janus wicked Lauren wait airplane yeah [Music] but the next few seconds on the outer praising you can go receive from him receive from it receive receive from him we see from him don't tell him how to do it just let him do it [Music] don't tell him how to do it let him do do not do it this thing is not about me it's about him [Music] [Music] no Rita God or it's a God a God Jesus hallelujah Jesus I believe in a day I believe me today I've seen you here before see you deliver before I've seen your work miracles before I've seen you answer prayer before I've seen you do it I've seen you doing [Music] room [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus do it again lo do it again hallelujah hallelujah for the next few days those who are waiting on the Lord everybody won't do this but those of whom the Lord have impressed it upon will do it people actually how how are you doing you'll say to them the Lord is making it happen for me it's happening what's happening what I've been waiting for is it happening it's happening it's happening it's happening everybody won't remember that and don't worry if you don't but for those whom the Lord will just put it in your spirit you may even remind me I mean hey you don't happening from it's happening the processes have already started see Jesus could have left that man like he wasn't because he would he would have only gotten better command it's a long way from seeing nothing to see him man unclear you blind you take that what one man complain one day for he lost his shoes he kept complaining until he saw a man who had no feet he stopped complaining lift your hands and just praise him I'm through I've said all that naught would have me to say I preached all that he would have me to preach today hallelujah give you the word of the Lord I've given you something to believe something's up [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 1,821
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: XsFzfd4pbaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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